A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159377 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
Hey guys, been almost a month, oops. This chapter was hard to write but I got there in the end. Just a quick response to a review I got from Sheogorath – it was Barty Crouch Sr. body in the DADA office, not Fudge, went back and triple checked for typos but nope was always Crouch Sr.
Anyway thanks to my reviewers the lovely Cullengal101, higashi, staar, ChaosLady, badaxx17, jules3677, Jan, Sheogorath and delia cerrano.
On with the chapter!
Chapter Twenty-Three
“I know you don’t care for surprises,” the Dark Lord said quietly. Severus inclined his head in acknowledgement of the statement. “I couldn’t resist.”
Severus stood silently. They were in the drawing room of Riddle Manor. The Dark Lord had his back to him, staring into the flames before him. The room was only lit by the fireplace casting the room into heavy shadows. The Dark Lord was taller after his rebirth, while before his downfall Severus had stood a good three inches taller now Severus was several inches shorter. He had seen the Dark Lord numerous times since his rebirth but he would never quite get used to the pale taught skin, slit like nostrils and blood red eyes. Severus had signed up for this cause because a beautiful man told him it was a good idea and another one had told him prettier lies.
Severus studied his form carefully, he appeared relaxed but Severus knew he never was. He was always poised to strike; even now he stood straight and tall. He was uncomfortable with his back to people but he was trying to seem at ease to lure those around him into relaxing. Severus could never be that stupid and the Dark Lord knew it, Wormtail did not. He was setting up a tea service on the table beside a large wing backed chair.
The Dark Lord was hissing to the large snake coiled up on the floor in front of the firing warming herself. The snake hissed back at him before coiling tighter, going to sleep. The Dark Lord turned from her with a sigh.
“She’s mad at me,” he said. He stared at Severus to see what the man made of the thought but Severus simply stared back. Severus had nothing to say, he was no expert on snakes or their sulking habit and the man knew that very well.
“My grandfather,” Severus said and the Dark Lord tilted his head slightly.
“I’m not a monster. He didn’t suffer,”
“I hope you aren’t expecting my thanks,” Severus said and the Dark Lord shook his head.
“No, just your understanding.”
“I do understand,”
“I knew you would. You’re like me in so many ways. Both descended from noble pureblood lines but cursed with filthy Muggle fathers and idiotic mothers who fell for them. You understand my cause. You understand what it takes, what is required for this to succeed. I feel the others while enthusiastic don’t quite realise how dedicated they should be.”
“Yes My Lord,”
“How’s the wife?” the Dark Lord asked with a small smirk.
“How did he handle the eventful day?”
“Quite well. He thinks you were after Karkaroff,”
“What a very astute guess, I suppose the old fool didn’t permit him to open my gift?”
“He opened his own yes but he did not know what was in the other boxes,” Severus said “I recognised the ring he received and Dumbledore assumed it was for Pettigrew not Prince.”
“Hmm, that was an idea but Wormtail only has so many fingers left,” the Dark Lord said with a smirk at the short man who kept his head down hurriedly preparing their tea with shaky hands, one of them a dull silver.
“I did want Potter to get that message; he needs to know that lots of people will be dying simply for even associating with him.”
“I think his death will be enough of a message. Besides at the rate the Ministry is going I’m sure they’ll tear him down before you get the chance to,” Severus said and the Dark Lord frowned.
“I know you care for him,”
“I also care for potions and perfectly aged scotch,” Severus said and the Dark Lord smiled.
“Don’t worry, you may keep him for a while longer, he is surprisingly useful,”
“Well perhaps if you ever need to come back to life once more he would be useful to have around,” Severus said and the Dark Lord laughed.
“Perhaps,” he said turning slowly. Wormtail was done with the tea so the Dark Lord headed over to serve himself a cup. A long thin hand was waved in invitation to Severus to help himself.
“No thank you,” Severus declined. The Dark Lord smirked and sat down in the wing backed chair.
“You’re so very persuasive Severus,” the Dark Lord said quietly as he stirred some sugar into his tea.
“You’ve this way with words, so elegant. Do you think he loves you?” he asked as he took a delicate sip.
“Potter?” Severus asked
“Yes, do you think he loves you?”
“My Lord I do not wish for this to be taken the wrong way but your new eyes can see yes?” Severus asked and the Dark Lord laughed.
“They work fine thank you. Do you believe Potter is as shallow as his father?”
“Shame. I feel if anyone could... persuade him to the ‘dark side’,” he said curling his fingers into quotation marks, “it would be you.”
“Would you like me to... persuade him?”
“Well, I am all for keeping my friends close and my enemies closer. I wouldn’t object.”
He had lost his beautiful face but not the ability to tell his pretty lies.
“Thank you my Lord.”
Severus stood waiting for the slight flick from the man’s hand to signal he was dismissed. He left as quickly and silently as he’d arrived.
Potter had waited up for him. Those large green eyes sparkled in relief.
“Hey,” Potter said. He looked exhausted. He was sitting up in the large bed; he was so petite the bed seemed to almost swallow him even as he sat upon it. It had been a very long day so Severus didn’t hesitate to climb into the bed beside him. The boy was part leech; it surely came from his awful father. Severus found himself with an armful of Harry Potter, squirming against him to get comfortable.
“If you’re quite done?”
“Sorry, I’m good now. What did he say?”
“Get out!”
“He didn’t say that.”
Severus leant over and shut the boy up in his favourite way. He kissed him firmly and the half-leech half-boy immediately wrapped around him with a happy moan. If only I could do this in class, Severus thought dryly.
The rest of the year passed in a very odd blur for Harry. Things stood out so sharply he couldn’t believe he remembered things so clearly. Other things were like staring into a murky pond of running colours and distorted sounds.
He remembered the breakfast after the third task clearly. There were lots of tears on the faces of students young and old. Hermione sat with her face turned down in a frown, Ron holding her hand tightly. Harry sat on her other side with a hand of support on her shoulder. Dumbledore had stood before them and spoken about how important it was for them all to unite against their common enemy. He was asking at a time when things couldn’t be more divided. Cedric Diggory sat alone at one end of the Hufflepuff table while the rest of his house had opted to stand rather than sit anywhere near him.
As Dumbledore translated his words first into French and then Bulgarian for their international visitors Fleur stood up. She walked slowly and carefully over to the Hufflepuff table and sat down beside Cedric. She held out a hand and Cedric took hold of it tightly. She turned to Dumbledore, listening intently as he spoke. Hermione’s frown deepened and she stood as well. Harry and Ron were right there beside her, letting her lead the way. She went to the Hufflepuff table and sat on Cedric’s other side with Ron and Harry sitting opposite them.
The students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons left that evening. Fleur had given Harry a very tight hug and a caress on the cheek, and then she was gone.
Then there was the blurring of classes, tears and sadness. Distrustful stares and glares. The halls were silent.
Cedric was arrested later in the week in the Great Hall. Snape had wisely held Harry in place as Ministry Auror’s stormed in and hand cuffed him. Professor Sprout followed the group out of the hall and Professor McGonagall hurried off to contact the Diggory’s.
Classes shifted past quickly. All too soon Harry was sitting on the lid of Hermione’s trunk trying to force it closed over all the books stacked inside. Hermione sat beside him trying to add more weight but it still wouldn’t close despite Ron’s tugging at the clasps. The way they were trying to jam the damn thing closed Harry wouldn’t be surprised if it exploded all over the common room.
“I wish we could use magic at home,” Hermione sighed, “Then I could just shrink the books here and un-shrink them at home.”
“I’d like to use magic at home too but I’d do it to mess with Dudley,” Harry said
“You won’t have to see him this summer will you?” Ron asked and Harry shrugged.
“I don’t know, Snape hasn’t said anything,” Harry said
“I could use an extension charm,” Hermione said suddenly. Harry and Ron stared at her with their eyebrows raised. She had spent the past few weeks in a world of her own, just sort of drifting, not really processing information properly. Ron had been taking notes for her in all their classes which had physically pained him to do but he insisted on doing it.
“I just don’t want her future wrecked because of something terrible that happened, she’d never be able to move on,” Ron had said when Harry asked him what he was doing one Charms class after spotting the notebook.
Harry had smiled at him and let him carry on with his meticulous note taking sparing a glance for Hermione who was sitting in the row in front staring at her text book with that frown on her face.
Harry stared at his friend now who looked the same as she always did but at the same time so different.
“Sorry,” Hermione said apologising for her distraction and Harry shook his head.
“Do you know an extension charm?” Harry asked
“No, it’s a sixth year charm,” Hermione replied,
“Fred and George might know it,” Ron suggested and Hermione stared at him wide eyed.
“Sorry Ron, I’m not letting those two anywhere near my books,”
“How did you wind up with so many? I’m sure you didn’t bring all these from home,” Harry said
“Presents, mostly, and when my parents found out about Viktor they mailed my Austen collection. Reading them usually makes me feel better,”
“I’ll ask Snape to do the charm for you if you like,” Harry offered and Hermione smiled.
“That’d be great thanks; I’ll just unpack it,”
“Oh don’t worry about it, I’ll just unpack it and re-pack it in his rooms,”
“Harry, there’s not just books in there,” Hermione said and Harry stared at her. Hermione waited patiently for him to catch up. Harry’s eyes widened and his cheeks went pink making Hermione laugh.
“I don’t mind you boys catching a glimpse of my underwear in the trunk but I really don’t want them thrown about on Professor Snape’s floor,” she said and Harry nodded while Ron had a sudden over exaggerated coughing attack.
Hermione laughed again and unloaded some of the books onto the couch before heading off upstairs to the girls dorms.
“I didn’t look,” Harry said and Ron nodded
“Neither did I,”
“It’d be... weird,”
“Very weird,” Ron agreed.
Hermione came back downstairs with the empty trunk and handed it over to Harry with a small smile. She started to laugh again as she looked at them.
“What?” Ron asked defensively.
“Sorry, you have a sister, how can you be so uncomfortable at the mention of my underwear,”
“Ginny is – that’s – it’s not the same!” Ron said.
“Bra,” Hermione said tauntingly and Ron glared at her.
“Panties, hosiery,”
“I’m just going to go see Snape now,” Harry said and practically ran from the room.
He hurried into his rooms and found no Snape around so he decided to pack his own trunk. He’d emptied his drawers in Snape’s room and was in the process of stuffing his school books into his trunk when Snape walked in.
“What are you doing?”
“Packing,” Harry said frowning at him. The man always got mad at stupid questions but of course he was allowed to ask them.
“Why are you packing now? We don’t leave till the end of the week,”
“We what?” Harry asked.
“We don’t leave till the end of the week,” Snape repeated very slowly in that condescending tone that warned Harry he was two seconds away from being called an idiot.
“I don’t understand,” Harry said.
“I really don’t know how to simplify that.”
“I’m not going to the Dursley’s?”
“No,” Snape said and held up his left hand to point to his wedding ring. “What’s mine is yours,”
“I’m going to your house?” Harry asked unable to contain his excitement.
“I will honestly say I have never had the reaction when I told someone they’re coming home with me,” Snape muttered and Harry grinned.
“Do you have your own place?” Harry asked.
“I’m thirty-five of course I have my own place,” Snape said
“You’re thirty-five!?” Harry asked in shock and Snape raised his eyebrows. “You were thirty-four when we got married!”
“Yes unfortunately marriage doesn’t stop one from ageing,” Snape said
“No your birthday was sometime between then and now, why didn’t you tell me? When was it?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because then you’d ask me how old I was,”
“But I already know how old you are, extremely,” Harry said and Snape glared at him.
“Will we visit your family over the holidays?” Harry asked to change the subject but Snape’s scowl only deepened.
“My family is dead.”
“Tipple said there was some Prince’s left, your mother’s family,” Harry said quietly. Snape just stared at him. The books Harry had been holding smacked to the floor as he leapt up.
“The fingers. Voldemort wasn’t mad at Karkaroff! He was mad at you!”
“He insisted it wasn’t personal,” Snape said in fake shock, “I can’t believe the Dark Lord would lie like that.”
“This is not funny!”
“What do you want me to say Potter?”
“How are you not upset? How are you not furious? The day after he killed your family you walked right into his arms!” Harry said.
“Potter,” Snape said warningly and Harry glared at him.
Harry knew the unspoken rule. They didn’t talk about him. It was like living with the Dursley’s with their all important rule, don’t ask questions.
Harry stepped over his books toward Snape who glared at him. Harry shrugged his shoulders a little and spoke quietly into the hanging silence.
“I just don’t understand how,” he said.
“You don’t need to understand,” Snape replied.
“We can’t talk about him, or what you do for him or anything like that. The least you can do is explain how you do it,” Harry said. He needed to know, he had to. All this not knowing was driving him crazy.
“Why? Do you really care for another horrible life lesson I learned the hard way?”
“Yes,” Harry said softly.
“Everyone dies; you make your peace with that when you sign up for the Deatheaters. Then it doesn’t hurt as much when their time comes,”
“But now you have no one, you’re the last of the last,” Harry said.
“Yes,” Snape said, “sometimes that’s a good thing.”
“I don’t want to be the last Potter,”
“You won’t be,” Snape said.
Harry laughed crouching down to resume his packing.
“Please, we both know how this ends. The best we can hope for is I manage to take him down with me,” Harry said and Snape stared at him. “Make your peace with that,”
“You’re not going to die,” Snape said firmly.
“What happened to ‘everybody dies’?” Harry muttered imitating Snape.
“Everyone but you, and I don’t sound like that,”
“Yeah you do,” Harry said tossing his books into his trunk carelessly.
An arm snaked around Harry’s waist and dragged him away from his packing. He rolled his eyes as he was tossed down on the bed letting Snape climb on top of him.
“I’m going to get too big to throw around like that soon,” Harry said
“Are you planning on getting fat?” Snape asked as he sat above Harry. Harry reared up trying to knock the man off him but Snape deftly caught his hands.
“Ugh!” Harry grunted in frustration trying to squirm out from beneath him.
“Are you quite finished?” Snape asked
“You quite finished being an arse?” Harry retorted and Snape raised an eyebrow. “You started this by dragging me up here and calling me fat!”
Snape let go of one of Harry’s hands to slowly lift up Harry’s shirt. Harry shifted under the ticklish touch watching the man’s pale hand push his shirt up and caress him at the same time.
“Hmm, definitely not fat,”
“Do you want me to stay in this bed or not?” Harry asked
“Then you have to stop talking, you’re terrible at this,” Harry said.
Snape frowned for a moment before leaning forward over Harry so he could speak directly into his ear.
“I think I’d like to strip you slowly. Carefully. Savouring every inch of your skin as it was revealed to me, comparing your lightly tanned arms to the rest of you, to see just how pale you are in the places no one gets to see. I’d enjoy it, kissing the parts of you no one else has touched. I would drink the salty sweet taste of your skin like a man dying of thirst. Not a single part of you will be untasted. Only after I have studied every single part of you, only when you are quivering with desire, when nothing but my name leaves your breathless lips only then can we really begin,” Snape whispered softly. Harry let out a very loud whimper. That hand on his stomach was stroking lightly, teasingly and Harry squirmed with another whimper. He clamped his mouth shut tight turning his head away from Snape’s heated breath but Snape wasn’t finished.
“I’d have to prepare you slowly. I don’t like to rush anyway; I’d want to take my time. I like to brew my own lubricant, so I can include little things to add a little edge. For you though I wouldn’t want you influenced by anything but me. I’d take you raw the first time if I could so you wouldn’t feel anything but me but I want you coming back for more and more. So we’d go slowly I’d start with just a finger. It would hurt a little at first but I would persuade your body to let me in. You would set the pace, only when you begged for it would I add another finger. Again it would be slow, in and out in and out stretching you carefully. When your body was taught, quivering in need, teetering on that brink, when I believed you sufficiently prepared despite your begging well then...” he trailed off and Harry gasped. He arched up into that gently stroking hand shaking his head. He was on that brink now just from some quietly whispered words. He wanted to go over that edge; he wanted Snape to push him over that brink. He needed it.
“Then?” Harry whispered his head turning back toward Snape. The man was pulling away despite Harry clinging to him. When had that happened?
“I thought I was bad at this,” Snape said. Harry gasped shaking his head.
“No, no very good,” he panted. Snape sat back and stared at him. Harry flopped back on the bed shifting restlessly. Ugh! He was hot and aroused and the cause of it wasn’t doing a thing to help him. It was like that stupid fake pregnancy potion that worked like an aphrodisiac. He had no control over himself and it hurt, he was wound up to tightly and couldn’t let go.
“Severus,” Harry sighed softly. He was rewarded as Snape shifted closer. Harry gasped in delight,
“Severus,” he repeated and Snape leant over him watching him carefully.
“I thought I would hate you saying my name but I find the narcissist in me is very pleased,” Snape said giving him a quick peck on the lips. Harry tried to follow him up to keep their lips connected but Snape gently pushed him down.
“I’m curious to know what my name sounds like spilling from your lips as you come,” Snape said moving his hand from Harry’s stomach a little lower. Harry stared him and licked his lips. He knew he was kind of noisy when he came, he tried to keep it down but he couldn’t help the squeaks and whines that came out. They were awfully embarrassing. He’d never tried to say anything before and he didn’t want to, it was too awkward.
Snape seemed to sense Harry’s hesitancy because he leant down again to capture his lips in a proper kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around the man’s shoulders moaning softly.
Snape pulled back and raised an eyebrow in a silent question. Harry sighed and let go of him falling back onto the bed biting his lip nervously. He tried to outweigh his embarrassment with his need to come. The need to come won and he gave a shaky nod. Snape smirked and leant down to resume their kiss. Harry happily let the man do as he wished. That hand was teasing his stomach again and he was shifting, trying to get it to move lower to where his hard cock was waiting. Snape’s mouth was at his neck, biting and licking softly and his hand moved lower to palm at Harry’s hardness. Harry gave a whimper of encouragement and then cringed hating how he sounded. Snape was so silent Harry felt like he was shouting compared to him.
That hand was stroking faster now and Harry rolled his head back shutting his eyes tightly. He was over thinking. He need to just feel. He pressed himself up against the hard body above him. His hands travelling up and down Snape’s strong lightly muscled back. Harry studied the contours of his back studying what twitched when he brushed over them. His hands traced the man’s ribs, feeling how they disappeared with each deep breath. He had been working so hard to distract himself that his orgasm hit him like a freight train.
“Se- Severus!” he shouted. His shout seemed to shatter the silence.
He received a bite on the neck for his efforts. He moaned loudly as Snape bit him and that rode him through his climax.
Snape sat back and he put his hands over his mouth refusing to make eye-contact. He was so loud. He hoped he hadn’t woken half the castle with that. They were in the dungeons, odds are the castle wouldn’t have heard but the Slytherin’s might have and that was so much worse.
Snape was back at his neck now, licking at the bite mark he’d made and Harry whimpered in pleasure. It was that damn spot that always got him going. He hoped Snape wasn’t gearing him up for more shouting.
“I was so loud,” Harry whispered not ever wanting to be that loud ever again.
“Yes, I think the bedroom may be the only place I appreciate that loud mouth of yours.”
Harry slapped the man’s arm to get him to pull back and he slipped out of the bed heading for the shower.
After his shower he came back out and found Snape sitting on the couch reading a book with Hermione’s trunk on the floor beside him.
“Do me a favour,” Harry said sitting on the arm rest of the couch.
“Hmm, no,” Snape said.
“It’s a tiny thing; can you do an expanding charm on Hermione’s trunk?”
“If she needs a bigger trunk she can buy one,”
“Please,” Harry begged,
“I don’t think you realise how persuasive I am,” Harry said
“You’re not at all persuasive,” Snape replied.
“But I am very annoying so until you do what I want prepare to be annoyed,” Harry said. Snape turned to say something but Harry leant forward and locked his arms around the man’s shoulders. Snape sighed irritably as Harry settled in for the long haul. Harry knew he was far more annoying then Snape was stubborn. He felt confident he could win this. Snape stood, pulled slightly off balance by Harry hanging off him.
“Really?” Snape asked and Harry simply smirked though the man couldn’t see it.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” Snape said
“Okay,” Harry replied casually.
Snape growled in frustration as Harry didn’t let go. He tried to pry Harry’s hands apart to get him off but Harry had a lot of practise. When his Uncle would try to drag him from his cupboard to beat him for something Harry clung to anything he could.
“This is incredibly immature,”
“Well you could just cast the spell and I’d let go,”
“Oh I’ll cast a spell,” Snape threatened and Harry laughed.
He tried again to pry Harry off but Harry didn’t budge.
Snape sighed and waved his wand at Hermione’s trunk. Harry let go and slid down the man’s back to the floor.
“Thank you,” Harry said and Snape just rolled his eyes. Harry leant up and rewarded the man with a soft kiss.
“I’ll see you later,” Harry said sweetly and headed back off upstairs to give Hermione back her trunk.
Harry had said his goodbyes to Ron and Hermione earlier in the week. It had been very odd to watch them get on the train without him. It was even stranger to wander through Hogwarts empty halls. He was used to sneaking around at night but during the day it was strange, this absence of sound. It was also odd to see Snape’s rooms slowly empty as Tipple moved boxes of the man’s things back to his home.
They would be travelling via floo to his house tonight. Harry was nervous but excited. He wondered if Snape would make him do chores all summer like the Dursley’s. He wondered what kind of house Snape would live in? Would it be all dark and dank like his quarters here or would it be light and airy?
Harry spent the day helping Tipple pack things away. Harry had been banned from touching the potions equipment though; Snape had seen him standing near a box of precious ingredients and nearly blown a fuse. The man insisted that Harry could make things explode on sight and he couldn’t take the risk with such rare materials. Harry rolled his eyes and made sure he stayed way across the room by the bookshelf.
When they had finished packing everything away and Tipple disappeared with the last of the boxes it was time to go.
“We have a stop to make first,” Snape said. Harry nodded stepping over to where the man waited by the fireplace.
“The Leaky Cauldron,” Snape called throwing floo powder into the flames. He stepped in and disappeared in a flash. Harry quickly followed his lead and came flying out at the Leaky Cauldron.
Snape deftly caught him and tilted him upright.
“Thanks,” Harry said dusting himself off.
The Leaky Cauldron was a dingy little pub with rooms for rent on the second floor. Harry had spent most of the summer before his third year at Hogwarts here. Behind the pub was a little bricked in area with trash cans, tapping the brick wall with your wand in a particular order it would reveal Diagon Alley.
Diagon Alley was a Wizarding shopping strip full of all sorts of wonderful stores like Quality Quidditch Supplies and Madame Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. Harry had gotten well acquainted with the street, its shops and a few of its owners that summer.
Snape was not heading for Diagon Alley though; he was heading out the other door to the Muggle world. It was then Harry realised the man wasn’t wearing his outer robe. He was dressed in his usual black pants white shirt and black coat with its eight million infuriating buttons. He would still look out of place in the Muggle world but not as much as he would have if he had kept the sweeping robe. Harry was dressed as he usually was in a t-shirt, jeans and scuffed tennis shoes so he would blend well.
Snape stepped out onto the crowded street and Harry followed closely behind not wanting to be swept away in the mid afternoon rush. Snape headed forward and held up his hand to hail a taxi.
A taxi picked them up only a few minutes later and Snape held the door open for Harry to slide in.
“Where to?” the driver asked.
“Surrey,” Snape said as he climbed into the car. Harry turned to him sharply but Snape ignored him shutting the door with a snap. The taxi pulled away from the pavement while Harry stared at Snape.
Surrey? Where the Dursley’s lived?
“What are you doing?” Harry hissed.
“Well surely there are a few things you need to collect from their home,”
“No, I don’t want anything from them. I don’t want to see them at all,” Harry said
“Fine, then we’ll go for me,”
“What could you possibly want from them?”
Snape’s face twisted into the frightening smirk he only wore when someone was in very big trouble. Harry had been on the receiving end of it a few times and didn’t fancy ever repeating the experience again.
“Revenge,” Snape purred.
Oh naughty Snape, tsk tsk. Sorry it took so long and that it’s so disjointed it’s like three different chapter parts smashed together because I re-wrote it eighty times and these were the best bits. I tried to keep them connected but sorry if it’s really jarring. Anyway I’m off to write some hilarious Snape-Dursley scenes. I hope they won’t take me a month to write, till next time, Nina.
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