Muggle Things | By : RavieSnake Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 54578 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the concepts or characters from it. I make no money from the writing of this story. |
Gabrielle Delacour set a steaming cup of ginger tea down on the kitchen table.
“Thank you,” Ginny acknowledged, leaning forward with a hand over her rounded middle. She took the cup and, after the tiniest of sips, made a face and set it back down. “Still a bit warm.”
“Oui,” Gabrielle agreed, setting aside her own cuppa as she took the seat across from her not yet sister-in-law.
“Um…so, how’s the weather in France?” Ginny asked after they’d sat through a minute of awkward silence.
Gabrielle gave a delicate shrug. “Eet ees lovely. Dry. Sunny.”
“Must be nice,” Ginny muttered with a side-eye out her kitchen window at the overcast sky. “I imagine Ron loves it?”
“He ees working most days,” the blonde replied blandly.
The ticking of the kitchen clock echoed around the room in the silence that settled over them again. They each shifted in their seats, glancing from cooling cups of tea to the walls to the dreary scene beyond the windows before their eyes met again and they exchanged thin smiles.
“Zee uh…zee baby ees doing well?” Gabrielle finally asked politely with a nod to Ginny’s belly.
“He’s kicking the shit out of me,” she answered with an exaggerated wince.
Gabrielle laughed at that. The muffled sound of men shouting interrupted her tinkling laughter. Ginny turned to look over her shoulder in the direction of the noise and sighed.
“He has no right to be this upset,” she said with a shake of her head.
“He feels betrayed,” Gabrielle said quietly. Ginny turned back to meet her gaze.
“None of us were particularly pleased with how we were informed, but you don’t see me or Harry throwing tantrums,” she said.
Gabrielle made her own sigh as she furrowed her brow toward the sound of Harry and Ron arguing. “Ronald ees very sensitive.”
Ginny snorted and picked up her cup. “He needs to get over himself,” she said before taking another small sip. She made a face again and set the tea down. “It’s gone cold.”
“This feels…ugh…why is this so greasy?” Draco complained as he scowled down at the white goop slathered over his palms.
Hermione smiled as she stepped up to him and began rubbing in the missed splotches of sunscreen on his face. “You won’t even notice it once it’s soaked in,” she said.
Draco made a rude noise. “I think this will be a one-time experience,” he said, scrunching his nose while Hermione rubbed his cheeks. “Suntime potions are far better than this. One sip and you’re protected all day.”
“I don’t disagree,” Hermione empathized, “however, as I’ve not got any potions at hand, this is the best we’ve got.”
“Can’t I just wear the hat?” he asked, wiping the remaining lotion in his hands over his forearms when Hermione stepped back again.
She opened the plastic carrier bag of items they’d already purchased from one of the park’s shops, including the sunscreen, and reached in to pull out a baseball cap with the park’s name embroidered on it. She handed it to him. “This won’t protect your neck, arms, or legs,” she reminded him as he took it.
Draco considered the hat in his hands a moment and then fit it to his head. “How do I look?”
Hermione discretely shrunk the bag and stowed it, then adjusted her sunglasses on her nose and squinted up at him as he tugged self-consciously at the cap’s bill. “Like a Yank tourist,” she said.
He smirked and then took a stance like a cowboy in a Western with one hand to his hip and the other to tip his hat. “Why, thank you ma’am,” he said in an American drawl.
Hermione giggled at him. “You’ve been watching too many of my American films.”
“One can never watch too many American films,” he said, straightening to his normal posture and offering out his arm to her. Hermione laughed and tucked her arm through his in the relatively quiet siding they’d stopped in to ready themselves for their day in the park.
“Are you ready then?” she smiled encouragingly.
He shrugged. “Let’s do this.”
She simply nodded and then led him out into the walking throngs of other patrons. Draco clung closer to her side.
“Do not let go of me,” he said seriously, his eyes darting anxiously at the multitude of Muggles surrounding them.
Hermione glanced sideways at him. “Why are you so nervous? You were around plenty of Muggles at that party and when we went shopping.”
Draco shrunk against her side as he was bumped by a passing person. “There weren’t nearly this many,” he said. The sound of delighted and terrified screams suddenly filled the air as the car of a ride raced along somewhere nearby. “And even the party wasn’t nearly as loud,” he added with a grimace.
“Do you want to leave?” Hermione asked him sincerely. He shook his head.
“No…just…just don’t let go of me.”
“I’ve got you,” she said reassuringly with a squeeze to his arm. He gave her a crooked smile in response and squeezed back. “So,” Hermione went on cheerily, “what would you like to try first?”
Draco immediately looked over to the towering pillar of track that had caught his eye the moment they’d arrived at the park. Hermione followed his gaze and grimaced.
“That one?” she asked. “You’re sure?”
“That one,” he confirmed eagerly.
"Okay," she shrugged one shoulder, "if that's what you want to start with..."
Draco looked sideways at her as she tugged him in the direction of the correct path. "Should I not?"
"I just thought you might want to work your way up to that. That particular ride seems rather intense," she replied.
"Wait," Draco said, squinting suspiciously, "what do you mean 'seems' intense? Haven't you been on it before?"
Hermione shook her head. "Not...not exactly, no. I haven't been on any of the rides actually."
Draco halted them in their tracks causing several people behind them to crash into them.
"Sorry! Sorry!" Hermione blurted out to them as the Muggles grumbled and parted around them. Draco didn't bother acknowledging them as he stared at Hermione. She finally looked up at him.
"What?" she asked timidly.
"I thought you said you'd been here before," he said accusingly. "You said you came here with Weasley and Potter."
"We did come here," she asserted.
"Then how is it that you've never ridden anything here?"
Hermione shrugged again. "Ron and Harry went on everything together.”
Draco's eyes began to narrow angrily until Hermione rushed on. "Before you get all huffy on my behalf, they didn't exclude me," she said. "In fact, they tried all day to convince me to join them, but I chose not to. I had plenty of fun as a spectator safely on the ground."
"I thought you said you weren't afraid of heights," Draco said, one brow ticking upward.
Hermione's stance became defensive. "I'm not."
"Then what's the problem?" he pressed. She relaxed her posture and turned a suddenly troubled expression to the ground. Draco lifted her chin with his hand. "What?"
Hermione took a deep breath. "I'm afraid I'll scream," she said.
Draco looked confused at that. "Isn't that the point of these rides?" he asked, glancing around at the other attractions. "They're supposed to thrill you to the point of screaming?"
"Thus, why I won't go on them," she said.
"I don't understand," he said.
Hermione slipped her arm back through his and restarted them on their short journey to the ride he'd chosen. "I didn't want to ruin their fun. And I don't want to ruin yours either."
"You're still not making sense, Hermione," Draco said with an edge of irritation. "Just tell me why you don't want to scre..."
The words died in his throat and his arm tensed over hers. She smiled sadly when it was apparent that he'd figured it out.
"My thrilled scream sounds the same as my pained scream," she explained anyway.
"I doubt that," Draco said quietly. He trained his eyes pensively on the track tower ahead of them as they walked. "But, I suppose we'll find out for sure soon enough."
Hermione looked over at him. "I really don't think that's a good -"
"You're going on this ride with me," he interrupted in a tone that left no room for argument.
Hermione didn't argue and simply bit her lip as she directed her gaze back up to the ride as well.
"What is it with this damn cat?" Ron Weasley glowered down at the little grey ball of fluff that was crouched a few feet away growling at him. "The orange one never did this."
"Crookshanks was only half kneazle. Odin is full kneazle; they're much more protective of their owners," Harry reminded him. Ron glanced up at his friend.
"I didn't do anything to Hermione," he said. He looked back at Odin. "I didn't do anything!" he snapped at the animal.
Odin arched his back and hissed and Ron rolled his eyes.
"You seemed a bit out of control when I was talking to her," Harry noted. "He probably thought you were going to yell at her."
"Well, he'd be right about that," Ron said. "What the hell was she thinking?"
Harry sighed from where he sat in his living room. "You lost any right to be mad when you broke it off with her, mate."
Ron frowned at him. "She's still my friend! And she's still yours too! How are you not upset about this?"
Harry started to shrug and Ron pushed himself up angrily from the sofa.
"How could she not even invite us? I mean, Gin made her maid-of-honor in your wedding. She couldn't return the bloody favor? Couldn't even TELL us!?" he gestured wildly with his hands.
"They didn't have a ceremony," Harry explained for the fifth time. "They used some sort of enchantment."
"Ohh..." Ron replied sarcastically, "so I suppose that makes it all hunky-dory. Let me just marry the ferret with a pretty little spell and to hell with my best friends!"
Harry puffed out an exhausted breath. "I'm sure she didn't do it to slight us. She must have had her reasons. Have you ever known Hermione to do anything without thinking it through?"
"Malfoy!?" Ron lamented loudly. "There is NO way she thought that shit through."
"They looked good together," Harry opined with another shrug.
Ron's face turned a darker shade of pink. "Looked goo - are you fucking with me?"
“It was jarring at first…but after you watch them together…he even calls her ‘princess’.”
“Fucking mental, this whole thing,” Ron glowered.
“You’re just pissed that it’s Malfoy. If it were anyone else that she’d eloped with you wouldn’t even be here,” Harry said surely.
“No…It’s not only because it’s Malfoy,” Ron insisted, running his hands through his hair. “I couldn’t care less. I wouldn’t care if she was humping Goyle.”
Harry raised a disbelieving brow at that and Ron scowled lightly.
“I mean it,” he went on. “Yeah, sure, I hate the fucker, but if Malfoy makes her happy, then fine, I’ll learn to deal with the git. But I just…”
Ron plopped back down onto the sofa with a heavy puff. He shook his head, “I feel like I don’t know her at all anymore. She doesn’t write. She doesn’t call. She doesn’t tell us she’s getting married… It’s like we don’t exist to her anymore.”
“She speaks to me almost every day,” Harry said. Ron glared at him.
“Only because you’re here with her,” he said.
Harry nodded. “Exactly.”
Ron huffed as he leaned back. “What…so, now it’s my fault because I moved?”
“Well,” Harry asked, “do you write her? Do you ever just call her?”
“That’s…that’s just completely off the point!” Ron stuttered.
Harry shook his head lightly. “You left, Ron. You left her. Did you really expected her to keep in touch?”
Ron blinked back at him and then bent forward and put his head in his hands. “I don’t know what I expected.”
“She’s moved on,” Harry said after considering him for a moment. “Whatever her reasons, she’s decided to marry Malfoy and if you’re really as worried as you say about remaining friends with her, then I’d suggest NOT yelling at her the first time you speak to her in months.”
Ron lowered his hands and turned a defeated look to the floor. “I miss her…” he whispered.
Harry nodded. “She missed you too.”
Ron looked up at that. “She really happy with him?” he asked quietly with a sulky pout.
“She showed him how to have Muggle sex last night,” Harry shrugged. “I’d say yes.”
“Oh, come on!” Ron pulled a revolted face. “Really!? Did you just need to tell me that?”
Harry laughed. “If I have to live with the horrific scene that that idea’s conjured in my head then you do too.”
Ron slumped back again and shook his head. An amiable quiet fell between them then and they simply sat staring off at the walls. The soft murmur of women’s voices drifted into the room from where Ginny and Gabrielle were in the kitchen.
“You know what this means, don’t you?” Ron finally said.
Harry looked at him. “What?”
“He’s going to be at all of our functions. Christmas. Parties…We’re going to have to be nice to him.”
Harry looked a bit green at that realization. “I think I fancy a drink,” he said, pushing up from his chair. “Firewhiskey alright with you?”
Ron smirked. “I don’t know why it took you so long to offer.”
“You weren’t joking about the queues,” Draco noted as he attempted to make himself comfortable against one of the hard railings flanking the queue path up to the ride. He quickly gave up and crossed his arms stiffly. “This is ridiculous.”
“So you’ve said,” Hermione frowned at him, “ten times.”
“Well, it is,” he snapped. “We’re expected to wait an entire hour for a ride that lasts a minute?”
“It’s more like a ten second ride,” she said. Draco groaned and Hermione rubbed his back. “We all have to wait our turn.”
Draco merely rolled his eyes.
“Here,” Hermione said, reaching into her back pocket. She pulled out a park pamphlet and thrust it out at him. “Read this to keep yourself occupied.”
He took it and cocked an eyebrow at her. “Is reading always your solution to everything?”
Hermione didn’t bother answering that and focused her attention on the back of the person waiting in front of her. Draco pursed his lips and then scowled down at the paper in his hand. He gave it a quick once over and then stuffed it into his own pocket.
“You know what?” he announced suddenly. “I think I’ve had enough of this. Come on,” he said, grabbing Hermione’s hand.
Hermione looked at him in surprise. “What do you mean you – Draco! No!” she scolded him when he began to tug her along and pushed past the people waiting ahead of them. “Cutting will get us kicked out!”
Draco glanced back at her with a devious smirk. “Not today,” he said. He smiled at a woman that was glaring at him and whispered, “Confundus.”
The Muggle woman’s angry expression softened at once and returned to one of boredom as she turned back to face front with seemingly no care about the fact that she’d just been shoved out of the way. Draco smiled widely in triumph and then pulled at Hermione as he began forcing his way through the queue.
“Draco!” Hermione hissed at him urgently. “Draco! Stop. We’re going to get in trouble.”
“Confundus. Pardon us. Confundus. Confundus to you. And to you too. Sorry, coming through. Confundus,” Draco continued on, ignoring Hermione’s pleas. The other people parted and moved aside easily at his efforts.
“This is so wrong,” Hermoine said uncomfortably, sidestepping around a heavyset man that was taking up most of the path’s space.
Draco glanced back at her. “What do you mean? This is working splendidly. Confundus. If we stayed and waited back there we wouldn’t have time to go on everything today. Confundus. I’m not letting you spend any more money on me, so coming back tomorrow is out. Confundus. Excuse us. Confundus.”
“You certainly seem to have overcome your weariness of Muggle crowds in a hurry,” Hermione observed, trying to keep up as he barreled through the waiting.
“Crowds in general,” Draco corrected, “Confundus. And the faster we get through them the faster we get away from them. Confundus.”
“I suppose,” Hermione agreed.
“Now, this is interesting,” Draco commented when they came to a part where the line led them onto a metal bridge that made it appear like they were over a city. “Is there a purpose to all of this, uh, dramatic imagery? Confundus.”
“The décor is supposed to add to the whole effect of the ride. If we were actually moving through at the expected pace, it might mean more,” Hermione chided him. Draco simply hummed and then kept on with his whispered Confundus Charms.
They finally reached a set of stairs and a park staff worker positioned at the top caught sight of them weaving their way past the other patrons toward him.
“Oi! What’s this?” the man called out to them. “You can’t jump ahead like that! Hey!”
Hermione hesitated, but Draco kept his grip tight on her hand as he trudged up the steps. “Confundus, my good man,” he said cheerfully. The man blinked stupidly for a second and then refocused his eyes on Draco and Hermione stopped before him.
“Were…were you two here a moment ago?” he asked uncertainly.
Draco smiled wide. “Yup. May we proceed?”
“Uh…” the worker checked his watch. “Uh……”
“We’re supposed to wait here until the car is ready,” Hermione whispered to Draco while the worker tried to remember what he was supposed to do.
“Yeah,” the man said, overhearing her, “yeah…that.”
Draco shrugged and finally let go of Hermione’s hand to cross his arms. “So long as we’re next,” he said.
“You’re next,” the worker said.
“Oh, well, would you look at that,” Draco said pleasantly down to Hermione at his side, “we’re next. And we only had to wait…” He leaned over and eyed the worker’s watch. “Three minutes.”
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Hermione whispered reproachfully.
Draco bounced lightly on the balls of his feet. “Relax. We’re not going to get in trouble. No one’s going to remember us cutting.”
“There might be other wizards and witches here,” she said with a furtive glance around. “You can’t just go casting charms against Muggles; you know better than that.”
“I never used my wand,” he hushed back to her. “And no one’s the wiser. I didn’t harm anyone and I didn’t break the Statute of Secrecy. We’re fine.”
Hermione still looked uncomfortable but didn’t have time to say anything more as the park worker began ushering them and a group of others behind them into a new queuing area that led to the ride’s car.
“Whoa,” Draco said in pleased awe as they stepped onto the loading platform.
Hermione lifted her sunglasses from her face and slid them up to rest on top of her head and looked around at the theatrically lit tunnel. “Oh, gods…”
Draco’s eyes slid rapidly over everything in his line of vision. “This is going to be awesome.”
“This was a terrible idea,” she whimpered.
Draco snapped his attention to her and furrowed his brow at the sight of the blood draining from her face. “Don’t be worried about screaming,” he said with a squeeze to her hand, “it’ll be fine.”
Hermione inhaled a steadying breath as she nodded at his assertion and then allowed him to help her step into the rollercoaster car as the other park guests got in as well.
“You’ll wanna take that off, mate,” a friendly voice advised Draco the moment he settled himself into his rigid seat. He and Hermione both looked to their left to the man in the spot next to Draco. He smiled at them.
“I’m sorry, what?” Hermione asked him politely.
The man nodded to Draco’s cap. “You keep that on when this starts and you won’t be keepin’ it, know what I mean?”
Draco immediately reached up and took off the hat. “Right,” he said, tucking it securely into his belt, “uh, thank you.”
“Ay, no worries,” said the man. “Lost meself a hat on one of these once. Not a mistake ya make twice.”
“Have you been on this before?” Hermione asked him, snagging her sunglasses off of her head as well to stow them.
The man grinned. “First timers?”
Draco and Hermione both nodded and he chuckled. “Get ready for the ride o’ your lives,” he said.
“Always looking for a good ride,” Draco quipped. Hermione shook her head at him.
“Not at four and a half g’s you’re not,” she said, gripping a hand anxiously to the safety bar that had lowered over their laps.
Draco raised his brow in question. “G’s?”
“G-force,” she replied, her breaths starting to quicken as a park worker made a final pass to ensure everyone was secured, “most people black out at 5.” She closed her eyes tight.
Noticing her anxiety, Draco reached over and entwined their fingers again. “I’ve got you,” he said with a squeeze. She opened her eyes and squeezed back and then reflexively tightened her hold when the lights in the tunnel suddenly went out to plunge them into total darkness.
“I’ve got you,” he repeated. “Don’t worry. This is going to be – holy fuuuuuuck!!!” he shouted as the car abruptly accelerated to propel them rapidly down the track at full speed. His hand remained locked tight with Hermione’s as she indeed screamed beside him.
They shot down the dark tunnel, bombarded with the near deafening, echoing sounds of shifting metal, screams and wind until the car exited with a WHOOSH into the light of day. The sudden, intense explosion of sun caused Hermione to open her eyes.
“HOLY SHIT!” she screamed at the sight of nothing but sky as the car travelled straight up the vertical tower.
“YES!” Draco screamed back. “WOOOO!”
The car sped on up the track until its forward momentum stalled out and, for half a second, remained suspended over a hundred meters in the air.
Draco yelled out an incoherent stream of whoops and expletives just before the car began to plummet them backwards down the tower. Hermione could only respond with another scream as they continued their freefall, both of their eyes slammed shut against the sudden, extreme g-force.
The car careened down the track back to the tunnel where it reentered and then gradually slowed as it connected with the opposing force of the magnetic braking system. Cheers and whoops erupted from the ride’s passengers as they then coasted into the loading station and finally came to a complete stop.
Draco’s chest heaved, a look of complete euphoria on his face as he glanced over at Hermione. Her hair was a complete mess of tangled tendrils and her eyes were still closed. He once more squeezed their linked hands and she turned her head and cracked open her lids to look at him.
“Are you alright?” he asked her. Hermione nodded as she breathed heavily.
“I ought to be asking you that,” she panted with a small laugh. Draco laughed back and brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.
“I’ve never been better,” he grinned.
The safety bar covering their laps released, forcing them to let go of each other and they pushed up to stand on shaky legs and step out of the car as the other passengers did the same around them. Draco immediately regrasped Hermione’s hand the moment they were back on the platform and they followed the giggling, jovial, adrenaline-hyper crowd out of the ride complex back into the bright sunlight of the park.
They walked briskly to a nearby building and stopped beside it.
“I can’t believe I did that,” Hermione said in quiet awe, a hand to her forehead. “I actually went on a rollercoaster…”
Draco simply stared at her, his eyes lingering over her insanely puffed-out hair and flushed complexion.
"Are there any crazy Muggle laws in Australia about kissing in public?" he asked.
Hermione’s brow knitted in confusion at the non-sequitur. "Uh…not that I know of, wh - umpf!"
Her inquiry was cut short by Draco pulling her into himself and placing his mouth urgently over hers. Hermione returned the gesture at once, slipping her hands over his back as he tucked his into her wild hair.
They kissed feverishly, their bodies swaying, hands gripping, indulging in the pleasurable spike of adrenaline still coursing in their veins until they heard the loud sound of a throat being cleared.
They broke their lip lock and both looked up to see a park worker giving them an amused yet stern look.
“Sorry!” Hermione offered, slowly extracting her arms from around Draco’s torso. Draco lowered his hands as well and smirked at the man who shook his head with a chuckle and walked off.
“Well, that was fun,” Draco joked impishly.
Hermione took a step back to catch her breath. “I still can’t believe I did that.”
“It was incredible,” he remarked.
“I’m sorry I screamed,” she apologized.
Draco shook his head as reached up to futilely attempt to tuck several of her curls back behind her ears. “You were so very wrong about your screams sounding the same,” he said. “It’s not even close. That noise that just came out of you on that ride is one of the best things I’ve ever heard.”
Hermione’s lips turned up into a small smile. “Really?”
He nodded. “I rather think I’d like to hear it again…”
Hermione bit her lip and looked up at the impressive tower they’d just experienced and then back at him. “Shall we go again, then?” she asked, inclining her head in the direction of the ride’s entrance.
Draco’s mouth stretched into an enormous grin as his eyes sparkled deviously at her and he grabbed for her hand. “Ten galleons says I can get us through the queue in one minute!” he said gleefully and then took off running, Hermione sprinting to keep up beside him.
"Where's Mum?" Ron asked, his tumbler of whiskey halfway to his mouth. "I thought she was staying over to help out."
Harry swirled his own drink and then pressed the cold glass against his forehead with a groan.
"She's out with Dad," Ginny answered when Harry didn't. "We convinced her that I'll be able to hold-off on popping while she's gone."
Ron hummed at that and took a swig.
"She's going to be mad that you didn't tell her you were coming," Ginny added. "You know she's going to want to cook you something."
A soft yet disgruntled sound came from Gabrielle seated beside Ron on the sofa. The other three all turned their attention to her and she scowled lightly.
"Your muzzer's food ees too heavy," Gabrielle said haughtily. "I cook much better."
Ron smirked and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "Why do you think I fell in love with you?" he teased. She gave him a coy smile while Ginny rolled her eyes.
"Why do you sink Hermione fell een love with zat Malfoy?" Gabrielle asked Ron. He sat back and shrugged.
"Hell if I know," he said. "Harry?"
Harry absentmindedly rubbed a hand over Ginny's belly as he shook his head. "Beats me, mate. She said he’s funny?"
"Funny looking, maybe," Ron jibed, sipping again from his glass.
"He ees handsome," Gabrielle disagreed with a light shrug. "Perhaps she ees liking him for zis."
Ron spluttered on his drink. "Handsome?"
"Or zat he ees rich?"
"No," Harry said surely. "Hermione’s not like that.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Ron blurt out, setting down his tumbler and turning to face Gabrielle. “Handsome?”
“Et Hermione est très belle, non?” Gabrielle shrugged again. Ron simply blinked at her.
"I bet he’s good at snogging,” Ginny suggested casually only to grin wickedly at the way Harry coughed on his sip of whiskey.
“Probablement,” Gabrielle agreed with an impish smile of her own.
“You two are sick,” Harry said, wiping his chin. Ginny merely winked at him as Gabrielle giggled. Ron shook his head at all of them as he took up his drink again and sat back.
“When are they coming home, anyway,” he asked.
Harry swallowed the new mouthful of drink he’d just taken. He cringed lightly at the whiskey’s burn and then answered, “A week or so.”
“We should give zem a party when zey come,” Gabrielle suggested earnestly, “to celebrate zer marriage.”
Harry gave a noncommittal hum at that but said nothing else and a short silence fell over the small group until Ron abruptly turned to Gabrielle again.
“You really think Malfoy is handsome?” he asked her.
Gabrielle clucked her tongue and shook her head as she pushed a hand over his face. “Ne sois pas jaloux,” she laughed.
A/N: Hey ya'll!!! Thank you so much to DaFossil, southernshadow, GoblinKingDraco, GoodGirlsBadBoys, HG4eva, Josie, lovey_reader, AzraelOwl, T-W-O, Victoria, Goodstuff, Mrs Felton, and Drarmione for the reviews! Love!
If you’re interested in seeing the ride Draco and Hermione went on, I’d recommend looking-up The Tower of Terror at Dreamworld, but note that the direction the car travelled on the track was reversed in 2010.
“Ne sois pas jaloux.” = “Don’t be jealous.”
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