Wrong time, right place | By : Suziesu74 Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 83639 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter and make no money/profit from my stories....though i wish i could. Reviews always welcome. |
Thank you for the reviews... they spur me on..so let me know what you think;)
Happy holidays!
Warnings- angst, rape, suicide, miscarriage and domestic violence. I apologise in advance if this upsets anyone. I don’t write this kind of stuff easily and do not enter into this subject matter frivolously.
Other warnings … m/m sex, m/m/f double penetration
The words hit Harry like a punch to the gut and he stumbled back, sitting on the ground with a thud. Meeting Amelia’s gaze and he saw the resolute knowledge in her unusual blue eyes.
“How?” Harry mumbled, the others all turning to look at her as she answered.
“Voldemort knew everything,” she looked at Severus for confirmation, the potion master with fathomless black eyes nodded his agreement, “They knew where we were tonight and why.” Harry let out a sigh at the realization that she was right, one of their trusted members was a spy for the Dark Lord.
Saul knelt beside Amelia, his face unreadable as he whispered something to her, she lifted her gaze to look past Harry, turning his head to see the dawn’s rays beginning to appear over the horizon.
“We need to get inside before the sunrise,” Remus and Lucius helped her to her feet and Harry noticed for the first time the injuries to her arms, long bleeding welts adorned her pale skin. Holding in his reaction to the faint marks he also noticed across both of her wrists. “We’ll talk when we get to the castle.” she avoided Lucius’ and Remus’ gaze as they apparated.
Harry felt strong arms encircling him, leaning into the familiar and comforting grip of Severus as he whisked them back to Lucius’ chambers. The mood sombre and quiet, Amelia stood by the fire, her gaze downcast and filled with desolation. Lucius stood beside Remus, both men watching her with concerned and intrigued eyes. Saul was the first to break to silence, Draco holding his hand as he spoke in quiet tones.
“Is it true?” he asked, his hazel eyes seeming to implore her to deny what Alexander had said in the clearing. Harry almost heard the room take a breath and hold it while waiting for her to reply, her quiet voice was emotionless when she answered.
“Yes, all of its true.” Lucius’ eyes filled with despair, Remus on the other hand walked over to the vampire, scooping her up into his arms. The heartfelt sigh that spilled from Amelia made Harry’s ache for her, she clung to the werewolf as he murmured into her hair, placing tiny kisses along her brow, Harry caught some of the words.
“That’s the past, that’s not you anymore,” he tilted her chin up and brushed his lips against hers in a tender gesture and a single tear fell down her cheek, “I can feel it in my heart that you’re sorry for the things you did, You don’t have to explain anything to us.”
“He’s right,” Lucius added with an understanding tone, his eyes flitted to Severus for a brief moment before he continued, “We’ve all done things we’re not proud of.”
“I want to tell you,” Amelia whispered, she closed her eyes and took a calming breath, “How do we do the bowl thing?”
“A pensieve?” Harry’s voice surprised at her suggestion, heart racing with trepidation at what they might see, Amelia nodded.
Lucius pulled out his wand and touched it to her brow gently, she offered him a smile and he leaned to place a kiss to her smiling lips.
“Concentrate on a memory,” he whispered before deepening the kiss for a moment, Harry found himself unable to tear away from the display, soft lapping sounds echoing in the room as they kissed. Blue swirling mist emerged from her, wrapping around Lucius’ wand, he broke away from the kiss and poured the mist into the viewing bowl.
Amelia stood, pale and filled with reluctance, lifting a hand to stop everyone, her voice trembled slightly as she addressed them.
“You’re going to see things I haven’t told anyone before,” she cleared her throat and Saul approached, she held him at arm’s length with a gesture, “It all started in 1195, I lived in a small village outside of Prague with my parents and 4 brothers.” she looked at everyone, her face distressed.
“You’ve never told me any of this?” Saul’s tone was accusing and hurt, she reached to touch his cheek, trying to sooth him.
“I know, my past is something that I never talk about,” she walked to the fire and stared at the flames. Harry surmised it was a way of not looking at anyone’s reactions, “A new Lord took over the large empty castle just on the outskirts of our village. You have to understand you worked for the gentry when the opportunity presented itself.”
“You worked at the castle?” Harry asked, intrigued by the idea of this proud woman ever bowing down to anyone.
“My entire family moved into the castle to work for him, My mother took over as a cook and I was a chambermaid.”
“Alexander was the new lord?” Severus’ deep voice echoed in the silent chamber, Amelia nodded.
“He took a likening to me and asked my parents if he could court me,” she smiled, a small twisted grin and Harry had the feeling that this was not going to be a happy story, “They agreed, in fact they’d sold me to him for a handsome dowry.”
“WHAT!” Draco shouted at the barbaric notion. Harry echoed the blonds’ sentiment and found the whole thing unbelievable. Severus was the one to offer an explanation, his tone reflecting his own distaste at the tradition.
“It was over eight hundred years ago, it was common place for family’s to receive a payment when they arranged a marriage, I would assume that your parents were pleased that a wealthy man was interested in their only daughter?”
“Ecstatic, my family were poor, Draco, I couldn’t even read or write,” she paused and let out a sigh, “I thought my life would change, Alexander was handsome and charming, always the perfect gentlemen.”
“Until you married him?” Remus’ soft voice was tempered with apprehension.
“The marriage night, I was fourteen and a virgin,” her eyes brimmed with tears, “He raped me and beat me until I lost consciousness for resisting him.” The room stood stunned at her words, Saul let go of Draco’ hand to lift it to his mouth in shock. Lucius and Remus immediately at her side, Lucius embracing her from the front and Remus from behind, engulfing her in a gentle hug. Harry saw the look that passed between Severus and Lucius, their gaze fixed on each other with matching looks of sympathy, more than capable of putting themselves in her place.
“Why didn’t you leave?” Saul murmured, Amelia met his incredulous gaze.
“I tried, he’d always find me, bring me home and the beatings would be worse.” Remus ran a hand down her back and Harry heard him whisper to her.
“Whip marks?” his amber eyes tearing up as she nodded against Lucius’ chest.
“I told my parents and my brothers decided to beat him,” Harry longed to her that they had succeeded but had the feeling that they hadn’t, Amelia let out a single sob, “He killed them, all of them even my little nine year old brother Sergei, to prove a point he said!” she shook her head trying to dispel the images.
“So I stayed.. Putting up with the beatings and the sex,” she lifted her teary eyes to look at Lucius, turning her head to include Remus in her gaze, “Until I fell in love with a stable hand.”
“He found out?” Severus asked with trepidation.
“I got pregnant,” Lucius gasped, Saul let out a low moan of despair.
“I thought I could pass the pregnancy off as his until we could get away,” she looked distraught at the memory, “I didn’t know that he was already a vampire, he disappeared every morning and returned at night, I knew better than to ask questions.”
“Vampire can’t have children.” Draco burst out, Amelia nodded and Saul looked at her with sorrow.
“We’d been married for over two years by then, I’d never considered why I hadn’t become pregnant before that,” a wistful look flared in her eyes for a second, remembering something that was wonderful, “Ivan loved me and I loved him, the child was a blessing from God.”
“You don’t believe in God.” Saul’s asked.
“I did, once before… before everything that happened,” her jaw set with determination, Lucius stroked her cheek, her lips trembling as she struggled not to cry, “Someone saw us, Alexander was incensed and killed Ivan, I thought that he would kill me.. I was wrong.” she paled further at the memories brought to the surface by the question, her voice tiny in the room, “ I can’t talk anymore, you’ll have to watch it without me.” her voice suddenly so lost and small, Harry looked at her and realized how young she had been when she was turned.
The men approached the pensieve, all of them unsure about what lay in the bowl for them, Lucius held her in his arms, whispering to her.
“I don’t need to see,” he kissed her lightly on the mouth, “I don’t want to leave you.”
“If you’re going to be with me as my consort you need to know everything about me.” she gave him a tiny smile and pushed him towards the others.
The mist surrounded them as they fell into the ether between past and present. Images flashed across their eyes, cries of pain and laughing echoed loudly making Harry shiver at the malice in the amused tones.
A lavish bedroom greeted them as they emerged, the scene before them anything but beautiful. Shivering with pain, face streaked with blood and tears was Amelia, she had drawn herself into a tight ball in the corner of the room.
Alexander paced back and forth, face thunderous and hands coated in vivid red blood. Harry grasped Severus’ hand and moaned at the spreading pool of blood that was coming from Amelia’s small body.
“No.” Remus’ tone was so sad that Harry felt his eyes tear up.
“Baby.” Amelia croaked out, the pain making her voice tremor and hitch as waves of agony coursed through her body.
“It’s gone.” Alexander waved his hand as if it wasn’t important, Amelia clutched her abdomen, rocking back and forth. Hushed words spilled from her lips, the men moved closer, Lucius looked at the male vampire with pure hatred.
“God, please help me.. Save my baby.. Or just let me die.” Remus knelt by the girl, reaching out to touch her and his distress was written all over his face as his hand passed through her. A scream erupted from her mouth as the pain crested, blood gushing hotly onto the floor below her. Alexander turned to look at her, his eyes narrowed as he took in the sight of the pooling blood and reached down to swoop her up in his arms, ignoring the cries of pain that spilled from her bleeding lips. Placing her almost gently on the bed, looming over her as she writhed in agony, a sly smile on his face while he stroked her cheek in a tender gesture, the marks littering her body belied any tenderness he was bestowing on her.
“Shhh, it will be over soon.” he crooned, her brow glistening with exertion, her teeth gritted and she tried to stop the screams emerging from her mouth.
“You really should know better by now… you’re mine.” he smiled at her and leaned to place a kiss to her moaning mouth, she flinched away from him, whimpering with fear..
“Hush now.. You know I hate having to remind you, but you gave me no choice,” his smile widened and Harry had never hated anyone as much as he hated him at that moment, “It’s all your fault.. Why can’t you just be a good wife?” he waited for her to reply, incapable of speaking, she groaned with pain. This appeared to annoy him and the smile fell from his face, a swift slap echoed in the room and the men gasped at the vivid handprint that bloomed on her cheek.
“Little bitch!” Alexander spat, saliva dotted her flushed skin. He jumped up from the bed and stalked from the room, his parting words made Harry shiver.
“You’ll always be mine.. I’ll let you rest for a while.” the door slammed shut with a loud crash and Amelia let out a scream of anguish. Eyes glazed with pain, she frantically tried to get up from the bed, the pain forcing her to stay. She whimpered at the sight of her blood soaking the sheets below her and Harry saw the light go out of her eyes. Her spirit finally crushed, devoid of emotion she reached to the small hand mirror by the bed, slamming it against the wooden post. Shards of glass glittered over her, shining in the torchlight and Remus let out an anguished gasp. The men stood powerless while she picked up a vicious looking shard and sliced through both of her delicate wrists, her face showing no reaction to the pain. A small, triumphant smile graced her pale features and she lay back as the blood ran from her body.
Lucius paled, Amelia closed her eyes and the blood bloomed vibrant on the sheets. Her face becoming paler and her breath shallow, small little hitches of air drifting through the room. Saul watched with stunned eyes, the life-force gradually draining from the fragile girl, Harry struck by how beautiful and full of fragility she was in her last moments.
“NO!” a roar filled the room, Alexander stood there viewing the tableau before him with a look of stunned fury on his face. The vampire astounded at the act of will from the beaten girl, the small serene smile still gracing her deathly white features. Crossing the room in two strides, lifting the dying girl up into his arms, a small breathy gasp escaping then silence. Tilting her head back and plunging his fangs into the smooth skin, her eyes fluttered open for a moment and a tiny whimper echoed in the room. Alexander’s mouth stained red when he pulled away. Amelia’s breathing almost non existent, the vampire lifted his wrist to his mouth and slashed it open with a fang. Blood rained over her face, the pale skin quickly covered with the bright red fluid.
“DRINK!” he ordered, her lips stayed stubbornly shut. Alexander wrapped his fingers around her throat and her lips gasped open, blood pouring past her lips. Harry saw the convulsive swallowing of her torn throat, her eyes fluttering as the blood raced though her veins.
“You’re mine and now you’ll always be mine.” the conviction in his voice struck Harry, shocked at the realization that Alexander would never let her go and even after eight hundred years he was still obsessed with her.
Amelia spluttered, eyes slowly opening and her face reflected the despair she felt, Saul moved to her then stopped, knowing he could do nothing to help her.
“Never be yours.” she whispered, her voice broken and anguished. Alexander pressed an unwelcome kiss to her bloody lips and laughed when she struggled to move away.
“Oh my love, I have all eternity to show you that always be mine.”
Amelia sat by the fire when they emerged from the memory, all of them disorientated and silent. Lucius instantly ran to her side and embraced her, his face tear streaked, Remus quickly followed him, kneeling at her feet and resting his head in her lap. Harry looked at Severus, the potion master was pensive and pale, Harry reached down to entwine their fingers and dark eyes lit up at the gesture.
The floo flared to life and Dumbledore emerged, his face grim. His twinkling eyes saddened by the display that greeted him, Lucius looked at the old wizard who nodded his head, Harry’s heart dropped at the words.
“I think that Amelia may be right, one of the order is a spy.”
“What can we do!” Severus asked, his face tired and Harry couldn’t suppress the yawn he felt, lethargy running through his body from the lack of sleep.
“I have a plan,” Amelia’s offered, her face determined and resolute, “But I need to rest for a while first.” Harry noticed for the first time since the ritual how pale and drawn she looked, dark circles under her eyes and her skin looked translucent.
“You need to feed!” Sauk shouted, concern on his face. Amelia smiled and shook her head, trying to stand only to stumble into Lucius’ waiting arms. The blond pushed her face to his neck, titling it to the side to allow her to drink from him.
“Take what you need.” he insisted and Harry could hear fear and a hint of excitement in the man’s words.
“The dark mark.” Draco mentioned, Harry looked at Lucius’ arm , stunned at the smooth unmarred skin that now graced his forearm, the mark gone.
“The dark magic is gone, I can feel it.” Lucius smiled as he spoke, the relief evident on the man’s face, Amelia pulled away from his neck.
“It would probably be better of we did this with you lying down,” Harry giggled at the blush that appeared on Draco’s face, “You might experience some side effects.”
“She could kill him!” Draco shouted, worry marring his features, Saul turned to regard him with understanding eyes. Lifting a smoothing hand to caress his cheek slightly, Draco let out a low moan and Harry felt the sexual tension rise between the pair.
“Draco, we don’t have to kill to feed,” he pressed a small kiss to the blonds’ mouth, “Some people are more than happy to offer their services.” Severus let out an amused huff, his eyes bright as he stared at the vampires, Harry heard him whisper a hushed legilimans under his breath. Unable to resist, Harry followed his lead, plunging into Saul’s mind.
The music in the club loud, Harry could feel the thud of the drums like a foreign heartbeat reverberating through his chest, Severus gave him an incredulous look and Harry shrugged.
“Well, you get to look, so why can’t I?” Severus hitched an eyebrow and Harry laughed at his expression. Both men’s eye drawn to the entrance of the two vampires, Amelia wearing a elegant black Victorian dress, Saul matching her style with a fitted Victorian jacket. The people in the bar staring with lust and envy, Harry noted that the patriots of the bar were dressed in a similar fashion, stunned when he took in the painted pale face and fangs of the inhabitants of the club.
“A vampire club?” Harry asked, Severus smiled.
“Pretend vampires, playacting muggles.” he shook his head with disbelief.
The large tattooed bouncer obviously enquiring for the vampire’s ages, Amelia unable to suppress a laugh at the irony, a sweet smile on her face as she handed him a fake id, Saul’s eyes filled with mirth as he produced his own card. The bouncer looked at the two, huffing his acceptance and waving them through into the bar.
“Absinthe, two please.” Amelia voice was soft but easily heard over the music, the female bartender, decked out in leather with wild blue hair, eyed with appreciation and Amelia gave a wolfish grin as she accepted the strange green drink.
“On the house,” the bartender reached across to stroke Amelia’ s hand in a provocative way, “You two can bite me anytime.” the blue haired girl offered, Amelia flashed her fangs, eyes flaring with desire.
“I might hold you to that.” she said with a wink, handing the other drink to Saul.
“People like to be bitten?” Harry murmured and Severus’ eyes sparked with a flash of fire, Harry felt himself harden at the sight.
“I wouldn’t mind you biting me.” Severus whispered huskily in Harry’s ear, the pair watching Amelia and Saul approach the dance floor. The crowd following the pair with avid eyes, Harry could appreciate the beauty of the ethereal vampires, Amelia, pale and fragile looking, Saul, aristocratic and powerful.
Amelia paid no attention to the longing looks they received, her eyes drawn to the smiling bartender, the smile widening as she walked over from the bar. Holding out her hand to the girl, pulling her to them and suddenly they were dancing. Hands wandering over the blue haired beauty, Saul against her back and Amelia at her front, fingers dancing along her hips as they moved together.
Harry found himself caught up in the atmosphere, his eyes taking in the sight of people moving sensually against each other to the music, Sighing as Severus came up behind him, embracing him and pushing his erection into Harry’s back.
“My name’s Lucy,” the bartender breathed out, Saul pulled her into a heated kiss, gasping when she pulled away, “I’ve just finished my shift, want to come back to mine?” Amelia smiled.
The memory changed, the club blending and morphing into a small candle lit bedroom. Grunts and gasps of pleasure assaulting Harry’s ears and he moved back to rub against Severus’ hard shaft.
Lucy lay naked on the bed, Saul between her thighs, his thrusts deep and slow. Her breathy moans filling the room, Amelia lay on her side, watching the display, her hand caressing Lucy’s ample breasts before moving down, the pitch changing as Amelia deftly rubbed the moaning girl’s clitoris in time with Saul’s movements. Lapping delicately at the girl’s slender neck, Harry noticed that Lucy’s pupils dilated further, realising that it was caused not only by desire but something else.
“There’s something in her saliva?” he indicated to Severus, the flushed man snapping out of his lust filled thoughts, looked at the responses of the girl writhing on the bed.
“I think its some sort of aphrodisiac.” Severus explained, both of them moaning at the sight of Amelia sinking her fangs into the keening girl, Saul’s thrusts sped up as her back arched, the screams spilling from her were not of pain but pleasure. Saul smiled and rode out her convulsions of climax, leaning down to lick at the other side of her neck before plunging his own fangs into the tender flesh. His thrusts never slowing as she came again, her legs wrapped tightly around him. Face blissful and serene, the vampire withdrew their fangs and Saul surrendered to his own release, hips jerking erratically while he emptied himself inside the sleepy woman. Lucy sighed as he pulled from her, eyes closed and she turned to wrap herself in the blankets, sleeping peacefully.
“You can get out of my memories now.” Saul’s eyes were smiling as he addressed Harry and Severus, both of them blushed furiously at being caught.
“Sorry.” Harry couldn’t meet the amused vampire’s eyes, his cock was still hard and he desperately wanted to touch Severus. The dark eyed potion master’s face reflected the same sentiment, Dumbledore cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry to say that Harry, Severus and Draco you must carry on your normal routines for today,” his eyes twinkled and Harry huffed at the man, his cock aching in the confines of his trousers, “We can’t not allow anyone to think that they’re any problems, sorry, classes as normal.”
Draco let out an undignified huff, his eyes fixed on the dark haired vampire, Harry got the impression that he had been planning something similar to himself.
“Pepper up potions then?” Severus’ eyes looked as disappointed as Harry felt, he reached to stroke the man’s hand and nodded.
Dumbledore offered Saul, a room in the dungeons to stay in during the day, Draco gracefully offered to show the vampire where it was, a devious smile on his face as they left the room. Harry surmised that Draco figured they had some time before the start of the day, he looked at the clock, his heart sinking at the time, less an hour until breakfast and the normal day would begin.
“Come on, lets get you a potion.” Severus squeezed his hand and led him to leave, Remus pulling him into a hug, Harry wearily returned it while trying not to yawn too loudly.
“Thank you for helping Lucius, I never had the time to say it earlier.” Harry tightened the hug, the werewolf smiling as they broke apart.
“I couldn’t see you hurt again.” Harry’s voice hushed, his words meant just for him. Remus’ amber eyes brimmed with thankful tears, his voice trembling as he answered.
“Thank you, I’m glad that Severus makes you happy, you deserve to be happy.” Harry hugged the man, sighing with relief, glad that Remus truly accepted his relationship with Severus.
Amelia watched the emotional display with tired eyes, Lucius held her in his arms, she snuggled against his chest, breathing in his scent and revelling in the heat emitted from his body. Remus shook Severus’ hand and the potion master blushed with surprise at the kind words from the wolf, she smiled with fondness at the amber eyed man always wearing his heart on his sleeve. Dumbledore smiled at the men, offering his goodbyes and retreating into the floo. Severus and Harry still holding hands left, the tiredness apparent in their heavy steps as they exited the room.
“You need to feed,” Remus’ eyes were shining with concern and a touch of excitement, Amelia reversed the positions, Lucius now reclining on the chair, she sat back on his knees, “Do you want me to leave?”
“Wolf boy, we’re part of your pack now, stay and watch.” the seductive tone in her voice made both men shiver with anticipation. Amelia ran her tongue along the pulse point in Lucius’ neck, the blonds’ hips bucked up involuntary.
“Oh fuck!” he moaned, the tone breathy and lusty.
Amelia’s eyes flashed a faint yellow as she traced the vein, the blood rising to the surface under her ministrations, Remus could almost see the throb of blood under Lucius’ pale skin. The firelight reflected off her elongated fangs, scoring lightly over the raised blood vessel , Lucius groaned, his cock hard and straining in his trousers. Lifting her head slightly, desire on her face as she plunged her fangs into Lucius. The blond letting out a climatic scream, his hips pushing up and Amelia bucked down, meeting his thrusts. Holding his head, her fingers weaving through the silky strands, lapping and sucking from the flowing wound. Remus could smell the heady scent of sex in the air, the blonds’ climax hitting its peak as he whimpered steadily, his body shaking as he poured his release into his trousers.
Draco stood nervously in the doorway, Saul looking around the bedchamber of the room he had been given by Dumbledore. Hazel eyes fixed on the young blond , he beckoned for the blond to join him, scooping the trembling teen into his arms before lifting and dropping him onto the bed. Draco gasped his surprise, the gasp becoming a moan as the vampire climbed up and lay on top of him, Draco automatically spreading his thighs to allow the man between them.
“Oh.” Draco moaned as the position allowed them to rub their hardening cocks alongside each others, Saul pressed a tiny kiss to Draco’s lips before becoming more forceful, his tongue lapping and begging entrance. Draco parted his lips, the vampires agile tongue dominating the kiss, mapping and exploring every part of his mouth, humming his appreciation of the taste of the blond. Heart pounding loudly in his chest and pulse racing, Draco pulled from the kiss long enough to murmur a spell. The cool air in the room felt heavenly against his heated skin, their unrestrained cocks rubbing sensually against each other, Draco thought he could feel every ridge and vein on the smooth shaft of the vampire above him.
“Draco, Draco, Draco,” Saul muttered reverently, chanting his name and Draco moaned at the sexual undertone in his voice, “My Draco.”
The blonds’ cock began to drip at the words, hot pre-come spilling onto his stomach, the vampire running a finger through the pearly white essence and bringing it up to his lips, Draco almost came at the sight of the hazel eyed man sucking it off his finger.
“Please..fuck me!” Draco pleaded, the vampire’s eye burned with lust and Draco surmised he could feel the temperature in the room increase, rutting frantically against Saul’s turgid length. Desperately, he crushed their lips together, the kiss furious and filled with passion. Saul’s fingers traced around the base of Draco’s cock, teasing the base before slowly and delicately following the vein underneath the throbbing member.
“Not yet, My Draco.” Saul whispered, Draco’s disappointed sigh becoming a heart felt gasp of bliss as the vampire engulfed his cock with his cool mouth.
Remus bucked up hard, his cock slamming deep inside Amelia’s clenching body. The low, sweet moans spilling from her lips were like music to his ears, the smile on his face widening at the sight of a very naked and aroused Lucius behind her. Amelia’s eyes fluttered shut and the tempo of her husky gasps changed, Lucius smiled and Remus struggled to get his breath as he realised what the blond intended to do.
“YES!” Amelia shouted, turning her head and focusing her fiery eyes on the grinning man. Lucius muttered a lubrication spell and Remus moaned at the feel of the lubricant dripping from her pucker onto his balls. Holding his breath as the blond lined himself up behind her and slowly edged himself inside, the ring of muscle opening to allow him to slide deep without resistance.
Remus moaned at the sensation of the blonds’ cock against his own hard shaft through the thin barrier, Amelia pressed a kiss to his lips, sucking on the tip of his tongue.
“Move..I won’t break!” She ordered and both men complied instantly, Remus pulling out at the same time as Lucius, only to slide back in a fraction of a second before the grunting man. Amelia screamed with pleasure, her back arching and allowing them both to slide deeper inside her shaking body. The tremors of excitement evident in all three of them as they struggled to keep control of themselves, all overwhelmed by the myriad of sensations
The pepper up potion made Harry shiver and the smoke shot out of his ears, Severus gave him a smile as he swallowed his own. Standing in Severus’ office, the door to the classroom open showing the potion room that thankfully was still devoid of students. Breakfast was nearly over and Severus’ first class would begin in ten minutes.
“Can’t we just pretend we’re sick,” Harry begged, Severus pulled him into a hug and he sighed, “We could stay in bed all day.” He wiggled his eyebrow in a suggestive way and Severus guffawed, the potion master blushing at his own amusement.
“I love it when you laugh.” Harry kissed him, a brief peck of lips, Severus moaned and deepened the kiss. Harry allowed him to dominate for a moment before his body took over, turning and pressing the man against the door, closing it with his body. Muttering a silencing spell and heart racing at the flare of desire that flashed in Severus’ eyes. Harry broke the kiss and stepped back, Severus appearing bewildered for a moment, the frown turning into a look of anticipation as Harry lowered himself to his knees.
“I want you to sit in the classroom and remember my mouth around your cock.” Harry shocked at himself at his own words. Fingers deftly undoing Severus’ trousers, his cock sprang forth and Harry breathed in the musk of the man. Mouth salivating at the fluid decorating the tip, his tongue peeped out to lap at the spill. The loud thud of Severus’ head hitting the door alerting him to the potion master’s enjoyment. Twirling his tongue around the slit and drinking the flowing pre-come that poured steadily from the gasping man. Taking a breath, Harry edged forward the shaft sliding into his hot mouth, keeping his tongue always active as it licked around the smooth length.
“Harry… oh oh oh.” Severus lost the ability to speak as Harry swallowed around the engorged head, opening his throat to allow him to slide deeper. Pulling back, the vein beneath his tongue pulsing while he pressed tiny kisses along the dripping shaft, pursing his lips to place a kiss at the tip. Strong fingers gripped his head, Severus winding his fingertips through his hair and guiding Harry back down the length.
Spurred on by the deliciously decadent noises erupting from the potion master’ lips, Harry pushed further forward not stopping until his nose was pressed into the crisp curls at the base of Severus’ cock. Throat convulsing around the head of the hard shaft, Severus’ grip tightened and his moans increased. Heart racing, breath stuck in his chest, Harry held the position until the need to breathe became too much, pulling back and gasping. Fascinated by the line of saliva attached to Severus’ twitching cock, leaning to lick it away and sliding the tip of his tongue under the foreskin earning a buck of Severus’ hips and a muttered expletive.
“Come in my mouth!” Harry shouted, his voice husky from Severus being deep in his throat, Severus looked at him with wild black eyes, the fire in them making Harry moan with lust. Reaching down to free his own cock, the head slick already, the fluid easing his frantic strokes and he dived back to suck the bobbing cock in front of him.
Severus stopped breathing, his back arching as he erupted into Harry’s waiting mouth. Flooding his taste buds with warm salty come, Harry moaned around the mouthful, the taste encouraging his own climax to spring forth. His fingers clenched around his cock, ropey strings of come painting the floor beneath his feet, swallowing Severus’ release and lapping weakly at any spillage. His body shaking with the force of his climax. His gasping breaths matched by the flushed potion master.
“Fuck, that was fantastic.” Severus laughed at the shaky quality of his own voice, lifting Harry to his feet and into a sloppy kiss, murmuring his appreciation as he sucked the taste of himself from Harry’s tongue.
The sound of the classroom filling with students made them both freeze, Harry tucked himself back into his trousers, a smug and satisfied grin on his face while he watched Severus cast a quick scourgify on himself. Severus pushed Harry through the door, the fifth year students shocked to see Harry emerge from the professor’s office, hanging his head as though ashamed. Smile hidden, suppressing the laugh as he schooled his face into a look of self depreciation.
“I’m sorry Sir.. I hope that my apology was to your satisfaction.” Severus almost blushed for a second, a sneer appearing on his face but Harry saw the smile in his eyes.
“Sufficient for the moment, Mr Potter,” he gestured for Harry to leave his classroom, Harry walked to the door trying to look upset, “Oh Mr Potter, detention this evening.. To give you the proper tongue lashing that you deserve.” the rich tone washed over Harry, the promise of pleasure making him shudder with excitement.
“I understand Sir, I deserve whatever you give me.” lifting his eyes to meet Severus’ obsidian stare, the heat rising between them, the students mistaking the tension for ill suppressed anger began to mutter amongst themselves.
“Poor Harry,” one student whispered to another as Harry left, “I hope the professor doesn’t punish him too hard.” the other answered and Harry fled the room before he laughed out loud.
Draco bucked up, burying his rigid cock deep into Saul’s throat, the vampire moaning at the rough treatment. Questing fingers rubbed the smooth skin of his perineum, Draco groaned at the sensation of his prostate being stimulated from the outside, having heard about it but never experienced it.
“Bite me!” He screamed, shocked at himself for voicing his desire, hazel eyes lifted to regard him, his cock still inside the cool active mouth.
“Please..I want it.” Draco arched his back as Saul traced the ring of muscle guarding his virtue, spreading his thighs wider and trying to lure the vampire to take him. Saul relinquished his cock for a moment only to pepper kisses along the heated shaft. Draco’s moans were high and needy, Saul was circling the pucker, the tip of his fingers breaching the entrance slightly, tracing the edge of the smooth tunnel and kissing the head of Draco’s spitting length. Fangs elongated, Draco’s heart skipped a beat at the sight and Saul licked along the crease where his leg met his thigh, his tongue catching the edge of Draco’s aching balls. Nerve endings alight with a strange fire, the sheets beneath his skin caressing him as he moved, warm air drifting over his skin, Draco became hyper aware of every part of his body. Saul licked across his tingling balls and the contact nearly pushed him over the edge, disappointed when the vampire bypassed his cock to kiss inside his thigh.
“Draco.” Saul purred, his voice low and seductive. Draco looked deep into his eyes and saw the lust shining through, nodding his head and lying back on to the bed. A sharp sting on his thigh and then euphoria, his body alive with pleasure. Saul’s finger sliding inside his clenching body and Draco fell apart, spurting copiously over himself and Saul, the vampire lapping at the bite mark, his mouth stained with Draco’s blood. Saul pulled back, fisting his own cock and Draco’s climax addled mind cleared enough for him to reach up to push his hands away.
“In my mouth.” he managed to gasp out, the vampire immediately pressing his turgid cock to Draco’s lips. Saliva dripping from his eager lips, Draco sucked the vampire deep into his willing mouth. Saul moaned loudly and fought not to thrust too hard, Draco reached up to grab at Saul’s buttock pushing him deeper into his throat. Draco gurgled, eyes fluttering shut at the loss of breath but he held Saul firmly in place making it evident to the vampire that he wanted this. Elated when Saul stopped trying to pull away, his fingers sliding through Draco’s hair and caressing his scalp in a tender gesture.
“Draco.” the tremor in the vampire’s voice made Draco smile, pulling himself back off the vampire’s cock to take a breath before sliding back and blocking his own throat again with the turgid shaft, his own cock starting to fill again at the sensation. Swallowing around the obstruction pushed the vampire over the edge, come filling his mouth and pouring down his convulsing throat.
“My Draco.” Saul whispered, his voice full of awe.
Amelia lay sleeping between the two flushed men, the sweat cooling on their heated skin. Remus gave Lucius a sappy, sated look and the blond laughed, returning it with one of his own. Both sighed as they watched the pale beauty between them, her face serene as she slept. Remus found his eyes drawn to the pale scars that marked her back and Lucius’ eyes were staring at the scars marring her delicate wrist.
“I want to rip that bastard apart.” Remus stunned at the growl in his own voice, the girl bringing his inner wolf to the surface. Lucius nodded his agreement, unsurprised by the vehemence in the usually quiet man.
“She’s right, we’re a pack now,” Lucius leaned across to place a kiss to the corner of Remus’ mouth, amber eyes flared with lust again as they deepened the kiss. Lucius couldn’t hold in the yawn, Remus laughed at the sensation of the blond yawning into his mouth.
“Sleep, you’re exhausted,” Remus ordered, his eyes tired and weary as they lay down, immediately snuggling up to the vampire, a desire to protect her rushing through them.
Harry sat at the back of the potion classroom, tired and irritable. Ron and Hermione sat several rows in front, Harry avoided their concerned glances as he waited for the class to begin. Head down, his eyes staring at the text in his book until the words blurred into one, his mind drifting to the earlier incident in the forest.
Who’s the traitor.. How can it be one of the order?
“Harry?” Ron’s voice broke through his musings, lifting his eyes to stare at the red head, who appeared to be nervous.
“Ron, I’m too tired to argue with you.” Harry’s voice reflected the bone crushing exhaustion he felt, his desire was to climb into bed, preferable with Severus and sleep.
“I’m sorry.” Ron’s voice was sincere and his eyes brimmed with emotion. Harry’s heart lightened with relief, standing to pull Ron into a hug ignoring the incredulous looks from the other students.
“I’m sorry too, I know it must be hard to take all this in.” Ron nodded, the hug broke apart, the pair blushing at the sappy moment.
“Does he make you happy?” concerned coloured the red head’s voice, Harry smiled at him in a genuine way and his shoulder relaxed, the tension dissipated.
“Yes, he makes me really happy.” the person under discussion chose that moment to enter the room, robes flapping formidable behind him as he stalked past the pair. A quick meeting of Harry’s eyes, Severus’ eyes were full of love and then he was gone, Harry sighing at his advancing back.
“Merlin, you have got it bad.” Ron laughed and led Harry to join them near the front. Harry glanced at Draco who offered him a discreet smile, Harry noted the blond looked pale, hitching his eyebrow on a hunch and the blond blushed confirming his suspicions.
“Hey, Harry I heard you got a mouthful from Professor Snape today.” Neville whispered, leaning to them from his work bench, Draco laughed out loud. Harry felt his face flame at the words and he began to choke on his own saliva, Ron took in the laughter from the blond and Harry’s flushed, gasping face, the red head looking to see Snape’s reaction. The potion master flustered and refusing to meet anyone’s eyes, Ron blanched as he realised Neville’s innocent words were actually the truth, slamming his head on the table at the mental picture.
“What?” Neville asked, his face bewildered, Hermione took a moment to process what was happening gasped with surprise and squeaked.
“What’s the matter Potter, choking on the red head’s cock?” Pansy Parkinson whispered, her tone spiteful. Obviously, their earlier hug had given the Slytherin’s some fodder to bait them. Draco appeared devoid of emotion, looking down at his potion book and ignoring the ruckus laughter of his fellow Slytherins. Pansy nudged him with her elbow to encourage him to join in. A spark of annoyance flashed across his blue, grey eyes as he regarded the angry red head and Harry’s watched with interest, knowing that whatever he said would be for show.
“Yes, Potty..too much for you to handle,” he squared his shoulders, sneer on his face but Harry could see his heart wasn’t in it, “Which one is the bottom?” Pansy not wanting to be outdone laughed, wildly.
“Oh Potter, it must be Potter.”she yelled, giggling.
“Yes, Weasley does Dumbledore’s golden boy bend over for you?” Draco added, Pansy clapped her hands together with glee at Ron’s furious face.
“You fucking twat!” Ron screeched and dived for the blond, Harry intercepting him, restraining the kicking red head, whispering into his ear.
“He doesn’t mean it.” Ron seemed to deflate at the words, shoulders slumped and he reluctantly sat back down, glaring daggers at the others surrounding Draco.
“Coward.” Draco muttered and Harry turned on his heels, his face full of rage. Before he realised what he was doing, Harry had Draco by the shirt collar and Severus was pulling them apart.
“My office, NOW!” both boy’s jumped at his tone and scrambled to his office.
Head down, avoiding Severus’ eyes, Harry stood shaking with anger. Draco reached across to nudge him, earning a glare and the blond paled.
“I didn’t meant it,” Draco’s voice was small and apologetic, “You have to understand, they can’t suspect I’m not with them.”
Draco’s words struck a chord with Harry, the parallel with the position Severus was in made his heart skip a beat, both of them in danger if their true alliances were to be revealed. Taking a calming breath, his anger seeming infantile and stupid given to situation, Harry lifted his eyes to look at Draco.
“I know, I’m sorry.. Old habits die hard.” Both teens smiled at each other, a huff from the doorway informing them that Severus had been watching them.
“How touching, have you finished now?” Severus sounded severe, Harry looked into his dark eyes and relaxed when he saw the twinkling of amusement.
“Both of you need to keep control of yourselves,” Harry nodded, Draco apologised and then they both yawned, Severus quirked an eyebrow, “You’re excused from lessons today, go and get some sleep.. Not in your own dorms.. People will be suspicious.”
“Can I use your room?” Harry asked, the lure of a warm bed making him feeling even more tired.
“I suppose, Draco, do you have somewhere you can go,” seeing the blonds’ eyes light up , he added in a serious voice, “Not the vampires room, your father will not be happy.”
The blond huffed with indignation but the resigned look on his face told Harry that he would follow Severus’ orders. Draco left his office through another door, muttering about interfering Godfathers and minding their own business. Harry watched Severus smile, his eyes alight with mirth, unable to resist he pulled the potion master into his arms, a small tired kiss bestowed on the smiling man.
“Go and sleep.” Severus pressed a kiss to Harry’s brow, his lips brushing his scar. Harry allowed himself to led and put to bed. Falling into an exhausted sleep as soon as his head hit the warm pillow and he breathed in the familiar scent of Severus.
“Harry, wake up.” Harry heard Severus’ voice, a kiss placed on his lips awakening him. Opening his eyes to look into obsidian eyes, Harry smiled and pulled him into another kiss, sharing breath as they embraced passionately. Mumbling his reluctance to break apart as Severus began to pull away.
“Harry, we have a meeting,” Severus succumbed to the lure of Harry’s mouth for another moment, both men gasping as they pulled apart this time, “Dumbledore has called the order and Dumbledore’s army to the room of requirement.”
Harry’s tired body full alert now, Severus sounded concerned and Harry suspected that the traitor was about to be revealed. Casting a quick tempus, surprised that he had slept the day away and it was now early evening. Severus loomed over him, looking at him with desire and caring. Harry pulled him down on to the bed, wrapping his arms around the struggling man, shushing his protests at having to get to the meeting.
“They can wait for a minute, I want to hold you.” Harry tightened the embrace and Severus gave in, his body pressing into Harry’s as he relaxed. Harry sighed, revelling in the warmth from the man, his scent filling his lungs as he took a deep breath, breathing the essence of the man he loved into his body. Severus giggled as Harry sniffed his neck and then moaned as Harry lapped along his pulse point.
“Bite.” Severus breathed, Harry’s heart sped up at the request, nipping lightly at the vein under his tongue. Harry could feel the increase in Severus’ heart beat as the vein pulsed harder, running his canine teeth along the slender neck, Severus took a shaky breath in.
“Yes.” Harry groaned at the whispered word, his cock firming underneath the gasping man. Lapping harder at the vein, his teeth ready to bite when the flare of the floo echoed loudly in the bedchamber. Severus scrambled from the bed, face flushed with arousal and Harry saw the straining bulge in his trousers.
Dumbledore’s voice filled the room, the potion master going into the other room to talk to him as Harry dressed, hearing parts of the conversation, the last words making his mouth dry and his pulse race.
“It’s time to discover the truth.”
The room of requirement was buzzing with excitement and apprehension. Neville, Ron, Hermione and the others sitting on the floor, looking at the Order with awe. Remus stood talking to Dumbledore and avoiding Tonk‘s glares. Harry noticed that Saul and Amelia were not there yet, Dumbledore called everyone to attention and Harry walked over to join the others, shaking his head when they asked what was happening.
“As you are aware, Voldemort,” people gasped at his name, Dumbledore offered a soothing smile and continued, “Voldemort is amassing an army which now includes a vampire clan.”
Harry’s friend began talking amongst themselves, Hermione firing information about vampires. Harry shook his head, smiling at his friend telling them all about vampire habits and weaknesses. The door to the room opened, Amelia and Saul entered the room with flourish. Everyone stopped talking to take in the sight, Amelia stunning in tight black jeans, knee high biker boots and a English military jacket, Harry recognised the design from a first world war programme he had watched, filing it to memory to ask about it later. Saul dressed in completely in black, dragon hide trousers, boots and shirt. Draco following behind him, his eyes fixed on the vampire’s arse as he walked to them.
“May I introduce, Saul and Amelia Petrova.” Amelia smiled warmly at everyone, Harry noticed she was looking at the Order in particular.
“I’m here to show you hand to hand combat techniques.” Amelia offered, her smile revealing her fangs and Harry got the impression she was expecting trouble. Tonks huffed with annoyance, muttering about having received training already.
“I understand that Aurors would obviously the best of the best, but I thought we could share our knowledge to help them.” she indicated to Harry and his friends.
“They’re too young.” Mad Eye shouted, banging his cane on the floor.
“Vampires are fast, we can evade hexes,” she crossed the room at an inhuman speed, her hand tapping Mad Eye on the forehead, he stumbled back stunned at her quickness, “We use hand to hand and weapons in battle, they need to know how to defend themselves.”
Amelia stalked into the middle of the room, Harry noticed for the first time that it was decked out like a sparring ring. Draco spluttered loudly, Neville looked shocked at the blond presence, then Lucius appeared in the doorway and all hell broke loose.
“DEATHEATER!” Neville screamed, his wand in hand as he fired a hex at the blond, Lucius dodging the hex easily. Harry shouted for everyone to stop, the room froze and Neville looked at him in disbelief as Harry explained that Lucius was on their side. Neville shook his head, not believing him and saw Amelia was right behind him, face angry and teeth shining in the light, he paled as he realised that he had dodged the wraith of a vampire, sitting down with a thud and lowering his eyes.
“May I continue?” Amelia enquired, Dumbledore nodded and the vampire walked to near Remus, Tonk's eyes following her steps, her face unreadable, “Attack me, wolf boy.”
Amber eyes regarded her with affection, he pulled his wand and followed her into the ring. The smile on Amelia’s face was lusty, Tonk’s face contorted with anger and Harry nudged Severus, the potion master’ eyes narrowing at the sight. Hexes flew across the room, the vampire moved with grace and poise dodging the spells without breaking a sweat, Remus laughed as she wrestled him to the floor. Harry felt the temperature in the room increase as she straddled the bucking werewolf, she looked around the room, her voice breathy.
“As you can see, hexes can be avoided,” she leaned down, her eyes fixed on Tonks as she pressed a kiss to Remus’ lips, “Thank you Wolf boy.” she jumped up and dusted herself off, Remus stood on shaky legs and Harry almost laughed as he caught the man adjusting himself, his arousal straining his trousers. Lucius walked up to the sandy haired man, shocking everyone as he pulled him into his arms, Remus smiled and kissed him.
Both of them staking their claim on Remus…Tonks will be pissed.
“Can I try?” Tonk’s voice echoed in the room, Amelia turned to smile at her.
“Of course.” she gestured for Tonks to join her and the tension increased in the room, Order members watching with trepidation and Harry’s friends with bewilderment.
“Oh, I get it.” Hermione whispered suddenly, her eyes wide at the implication of Remus, Amelia and Lucius, Harry smirked as she blushed.
“All three together?” Ron muttered, his face beet red and he shifted uncomfortable.
“Yep.” Harry answered, Severus let out a tiny laugh next to him at the reactions of his friends.
Eyes drawn back to the two women circling each other, blue eyes filled with fury fixed on unusual eyes, the women sizing up the competition, Harry’s money would have been on Amelia.
“So, you and Wolfie?” Amelia’s voice was sweet as she asked, Tonks nodded angrily.
“Not anymore though?” Tonks eyes narrowed at the question, Amelia hitched her eyebrow, everyone wearing matching stunned expressions at her next goading words, “Did you ever let him fuck you as a wolf?”
Hexes flew thick and fast, streaks of light dancing around the room, Amelia moved like a dancer, contorting her body to avoid the angry volley of spells. Remus shouting for them to stop, Tonks fired a stupefy at him that narrowly missed, Lucius pulled his wand to hex her. Amelia’ s eyes flared yellow and she stopped playing with the furious auror, flying across the room as hitting her in the face. Harry knew that she had pulled the force of the blow but it was still hard enough to split Tonk’s lip, Amelia stepped back staring at the line of blood that graced her knuckle, lifting it to her mouth and lapping up the spill. Her face changing, eyes flared with vehement rage as she turned to spit the blood out and everything seemed to stop for Harry.
“NO!” he shouted, his heart plummeted at the realization. Heart racing at the certain knowledge that somewhere on the auror was the dark mark. The vampire’s reaction and the implication took a moment for Remus to comprehend, betrayal all over his face and he seemed to sag.
“You!” Lucius spat, his grey eyes shining with barely contained fury. Tonks merely smiled, her wand raised and she laughed as she shouted.
“Your former Lord says goodbye,” the wand flicked and Harry screamed at the words that fell from her mouth, wand pointed at Lucius, “Avada Kedavra!”
Green light streaked across to the blond, he turned his head and closed his eyes. Opening them when nothing happened, Amelia bathed in the green glow as she stood in front of him taking the force of the spell.
“No!” he whimpered, her eyes fluttered shut and she slumped forward into his arms. Remus growled with despair, his voice almost howling with grief as he ran to them. Harry stood frozen to the spot, Severus let out a hitching breath, his dark eyes filled with distress.
Tonks quickly galvanised into action while the others stood in shock, pressing her hand to the broach on her lapel and whispering a word before disappearing.
Lucius held the vampire tightly in his arms, whispering for her to wake up, Harry’s heart breaking at the pleading in the man’s tone. Saul crossed the room, Draco pale and shaking behind him, the hazel eyed vampire pulling Amelia from Lucius’ frantic grip to lay her on the stone floor. Eyes shut, face pale and tranquil as she lay on the cold floor, Lucius began to sob. Remus stumbled to them, kneeling at the girl’s feet, his amber eyes filled with tears. Silence filled the room, despair in everyone’s hearts at the display in front of them, Lucius’ head on her lap , his tears falling freely.
“Fuck, that hurt.” the vampire croaked out, her voice strained. Lucius let out a choked sob and pulled the wincing vampire into his arms, Remus throwing himself against the girl.
“I thought you were dead,” Remus mumbled and peppered her face with kisses, she opened one eye, cringing from the light and rubbing her head, “You took a killing curse, how?”
Hand to her brow, Amelia tried to smile but it morphed into a wince, “Oww.. my head,” she kissed Remus and Lucius, “I’m already dead, how can a killing curse kill me?”
“You gave us quite a fright there, young lady.” Dumbledore smiled down to her, his eyes twinkling as he reached to help her up. Amelia took his hand, her back arched and she became rigid. Harry gasped at her black eyes, she gasped and dropped Dumbledore’s hand. The wizard taking a step back as her eyes returned to normal and she fixed him with a probing gaze.
“What the hell are Horcruxes?” she asked.
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