The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
We are now caught up on all sites where this story appears so expect updates approx. every 2 weeks but Chapter 25 will be ready early next week
Bandaged Hearts
The Great Hall fell silent as Lord Malfoy strode in nonchalantly.
As he walked up to the front, his progress was suddenly halted when he noticed the murderous look on Severus' face. He then went on to smile at Hermione but that had faltered before it even made it to his lips as he was met by an equally murderous look.
Lucius opened his mouth to speak but Severus suddenly said, "Ladies and gentleman, my sincerest apologies, but I must speak to Lord Malfoy on an urgent matter. I suggest we adjourn this meeting for, shall we say, one hour?"
Severus then leaned down to whisper something in Minerva's ear. She nodded and whispered back, "I'll see to it and tell him from me that I am disgusted with his behaviour," and glared at Lucius with such ferocity that he visibly recoiled.
Lucius was puzzled by the level of animosity and a sense of panic hit him as Severus looked at him directly and menacingly hissed, "Lord!"
Frozen to the spot, Lucius watched as Severus whispered in Hermione's ear. She stood and walked towards the teacher's entrance with him. Standing in the doorway, Severus looked at him and jerked his head impatiently, clearly wanting him to hurry up.
As soon as Lucius stepped into the corridor the door slammed behind him. He waited for Severus' sneering voice, but instead was attacked by Hermione, who was suddenly overcome with a sense of relief and elation that he was alright as well as sheer anger at his arrogance and absence.
She couldn't help but jump into his all too willing arms and hugged him as if her life depended on it. Severus may have felt a pang of jealousy but he felt the same as she did. He just wasn't as demonstrative as Hermione and he certainly wasn't going to fling himself at Lucius.
"I'm going away more often if this is the kind of welcome home I get from you, my darling," Lucius said, hugging her back. He had missed both of them but he missed his hugs from Hermione more. He still knew they were only platonic and would be even more so now but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy them. "How are yo..."
"Shut up you fucking bastard," Hermione railed at him and then in a relieved tone she said, "Oh I'm so glad you're safe, you selfish arsehole," and then poking him hard in the chest she screamed at him, "We've been so worried about you, you inconsiderate prick," and then she gave him a quick peck on the lips before slapping his face hard. "And that's for upsetting Draco"
Still reeling from this, Lucius suddenly felt a wand at his throat and Severus growled in his ear, "Where were we the first and only time I ever let you kiss me and what were you wearing?"
Lucius looked at him incredulously. "You know where we were. Why the..."
"Just answer me," Severus growled as Hermione looked at the two wizards completely shocked.
"Your 19th birthday, The Three Broomsticks, you'd just come back from Italy and Evan dared me and Narcissa to swap clothes . Then I was to come out and give you a birthday kiss. Narcissa dragged me into the ladies, we swapped clothes and she did my make up. It was a lovely midnight blue velvet affair. Then I snogged you...tongues and all," he said smirking playfully at Hermione before shrugging Severus off as he withdrew his wand.
"I had to check that you are who you say you are," Severus explained, the menace from earlier still present in his voice.
"Now will one of you tell me what the fuck is going on? Because frankly I'm a little confused. She attacks me and you're as jumpy as hell. What's happened? What's wrong with Draco?" Lucius asked. "'Mione?"
"Not here, Lucius," she said, shaking her head and walked towards Severus office.
"My office...I need a drink," Severus muttered as he also strode off.
"First sensible thing I've heard you say since I arrived," Lucius huffed and followed them, still none the wiser.
As Severus threw open his office door, he walked over to his drinks cabinet, summoned three glasses and whilst pouring two firewhiskies and a brandy, barked at Lucius, "Sit down and shut up. Do not speak until we've finished saying what we need to say."
He was about to hand Hermione her drink when Lucius snarled at him, "Who do you think you are telling me to..."
"Lucius, shut up," Hermione snapped at him. "Don't you realise we've all been going out of our minds with worry because of you?"
Anxiously, Lucius asked "Angel, what did you mean about Draco? Is he well?"
"Well at least you asked the right question first, unlike your wife," Severus sighed deeply as he sat down at his desk.
Lucius growled. "What the hell? Is she back?"
Severus nodded.
"Well let me think...we didn't know where you were and we could get hold of Narcissa. Draco discovered you weren't doing what you told us you were doing and everything bubbled over on Tuesday night. He's suffered an emotional breakdown, Lucius. He hasn't been himself for months as you're probably aware and this discovery - he feared the worst you know - tipped him over the edge. It's shameful that he's reached this stage without any of us realising how distressed he really is," Severus snarled.
"How did he find out?" Lucius asked stunned.
"Your business associate contacted him," Hermione offered quietly.
"Oh shit," Lucius spat, exhaling forcefully.
Severus snorted. "Oh shit indeed! So where the fuck were you?"
Lucius inhaled deeply. "Paris"
"Business, pleasure, illegal or immoral?" Severus asked.
"Most definitely pleasure. But also immoral and Merlin knows I wish it wasn't," Lucius distractedly told him.
Hermione huffed. "So she's married then?"
Lucius just nodded.
Severus looked bemused. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Did you tell me how you felt about Hermione?" Lucius retorted.
Severus ran his hand over his face. "No, because I had to keep her safe."
"And so do I. Have you found out if you two are soul bonded yet?" Lucius asked urgently.
"Yes we are," Hermione softly told him.
Lucius looked at the ground. "I thought so," he whispered, before continuing. "I met her a few years ago. It was only fleeting but we both knew there was something, or at least there could be something between us. We met a few times after that and well I would have eventually taken her as my official mistress or even left Narcissa for her but then I ended up in Azkaban and then I discovered she was to marry.
“I never thought I'd see her again and then at the final battle...I was looking for Draco and I saw her. I honestly didn't expect her to be there. She immediately came over to me, smiled and told me I looked awful. The next thing I knew we were kissing. We both knew it was wrong so don't ask me why we did it.
“We were just drawn to each other but at the same time we both knew it was hopeless. We were both married. I knew I could end up in Azkaban again and I told her nothing could ever happen between us.
"But something inside me wanted to prove to her that I wasn't the man everyone believed me to be, so I turned myself in in the vain hope that one day I may be worthy of her. That was the last time I saw her until Sunday. I owled her on Saturday night. Again, I don't know why. I thought she'd tell me to fuck off but she replied immediately and agreed to meet."
"And?" Severus asked.
"We've consummated our bond; I can feel her but I can't be with her," he said throwing his head back and running his hand slowly down over his face. "Can you feel each other; like you're under each other's skin?"
Hermione smiled and touched his arm. "Yes," she said softly.
"Oh gods, I've made such a mistake," Lucius said disconsolately, and Hermione then saw something she never thought she would see...Lucius had tears in his eyes.
She went to comfort him but Severus stopped her. Instead he walked over to him and he put his arm around Lucius' shoulders.
Hermione found it heartbreaking to see Lucius break down and cling onto Severus but somehow he managed to whisper just what Lucius needed to hear to console him, and after several minutes the blonde suddenly flicked his head back and blinking the tears away, he sniffed and his body stiffened to its usual posture. Taking a deep breath he said, "Forgive me, Hermione, I..."
"Don't...I know how I'd feel if I couldn't be with Sev's ok," she said gently as she smiled softly at Severus. The intensity of his eyes showed Hermione he felt the same way.
Lucius smiled ruefully. If he was jealous before that Severus had Hermione and Hermione had Severus, he could now add to the list that he was jealous of the fact they had the kind of relationship he should be having but couldn't.
He swallowed hard and superciliously added, "Now, how is my son, and what is that board meeting all about?"
"Have you not been home yet?" Hermione asked.
"No. I was informed this meeting would be taking place so I came directly," Lucius responded.
Severus just rolled his eyes before explaining the events of the last few days whilst pacing the room. Lucius sat there with a look of disbelief on his face.
"I concur," Lucius said finally. "This does sound like Yaxley but he'll have back up. Crabbe would have the most to gain after Vincent's death but Goyle and Nott are more likely candidates, especially given the events of yesterday. All of them had ideas above their station. And as for the breakout, we really don't need those bastards on the loose.
"But what I find strange is Shacklebolt succumbing to an Imperius so easily. First day of Auror training you learn to block an Imperius," Lucius stated with a degree of authority on the matter.
"Just after Voldemort's disappearance, Lucius fancied becoming an Auror," Severus explained derisively. "I spent a week ensuring his potions knowledge was up to scratch; then he changed his mind."
"Fancied becoming an Auror or just fancied himself?" Hermione teased.
Lucius looked mortified. "You cheeky witch. I am wounded. But then again how can I not fancy myself...I'm simply..."
"A prick,' Severus interjected. "But I agree with you, there is something unnerving about Shacklebolt falling under it so easily."
"Pius ended up under it," Hermione said, sounding absent-minded.
"Yes, but Pius was never an Auror and it took four people plus the killing of his wife to break him enough to put him under. With Kingsley's training you would have hoped he put up a fight," Lucius drawled.
Hermione looked between the two wizards. Severus was deep in thought and Lucius, with an eyebrow arched and his distinctive Malfoy mien, was observing him intently. A thinking Severus was indeed a sight to behold.
Hermione tried to say something useful. "We've all been caught off guard though with this. I'm sure that's what happened to Kings..."
"Whatever happened to constant vigilance 'Mione?" Severus asked with a calmness that belied his true emotions. "The man was a senior Auror; not some fresh faced trainee. There's something rather incongruous about all of this and I wish I could work out why."
"I know we would have been naïve to assume there wouldn't be a backlash but what worries me is that Rookwood hasn't confirmed who the leader is yet. And Pius will be asking all the right questions. I can't believe Gus just wandered in here Polyjuiced as that tart off his own back!" Lucius said incredulously.
Part of the reason Draco was never forthcoming to his father about his relationships was because Lucius was inherently protective of his son, his family name and their fortune. Anyone who deigned to set their sights on the younger Malfoy were often subjected to less than complimentary epithets.
"Will anyone be good enough for Draco?" Hermione giggled.
Lucius snorted. "I doubt it but tell me, and I am ashamed to even ask this but is Draco actually seeing anyone at the moment? I know he goes out a fair bit and until recently I had assumed that you, my darling, were the object of his affections. He's always been a little secretive about his liaisons...he takes after me in that regard!"
Lucius looked a little uncomfortable at this admission regarding his lack of knowledge about his son's love life and was not made to feel any better as he noticed Hermione's furtive glance towards Severus. At least he knew he was asking the right people.
Severus sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. He wasn't betraying Draco if he said he was seeing someone. Lucius already suspected...he just wouldn't give any details. Calmly he said, "He is seeing someone but it's up to him to tell you who."
"Ah! He believes I won't approve always protected him more than was necessary, Severus," Lucius smirked.
"I have always taken my role as his godfather very seriously," Severus drawled.
Lucius laughed. "You take everything least you're smiling more now though," he conceded, looking knowingly at Hermione, who blushed slightly.
Hermione looked at Lucius and said pensively, "He did say yesterday that Narcissa was going to meet them on Saturday. Perhaps you could as well? Show Draco that although you and Narcissa are no longer together you're always going to be there for him because that's one of the things he's worried about. He thinks he's let you all down and you don't love him like you used to."
"What? That's absurd," Lucius exclaimed.
"Perhaps, but that's how he feels. Personally I am unsure if this relationship will last but you owe it to him to be accepting of his choice of partner, Lucius. You have to be more supportive of him," Severus cut in, leaning against his desk and folding his arms.
Lucius became huffy. "I can but try. Now is there anything else I should know?"
Severus chuckled. "Pius is having lunch with your wife."
"Got fed up with her toy-boy, did she? Well if Pius can handle her, he can have her."
"Oh, actually can I ask you something Lucius?" Hermione piped up.
"Of course you can, my darling, and then I have a question for you."
Hermione stifled a giggle. "I can't wait! But can I have a look at your Dark Mark?"
"What sort of question is that?" Lucius asked incredulously.
"I just want to see if the same happened to yours when you consummated your soul bond as happened to Sev's. It'll help my research," she said liltingly.
"Yours has faded too?" Lucius questioned Severus.
Lucius pushed up his coat sleeve and undid the shirt cuff of his left arm. He showed Hermione the mark and was amazed when she touched it lightly. In all the years they'd been married, Narcissa had never touched his mark.
"Yours is a bit darker than Sev's still but it's definitely faded," Hermione said thoughtfully.
"Lucius has had his mark 5 years longer than me, remember?" Severus said.
"Interesting point. I'll get Draco to work that out for me. Of course, that is assuming the same magic was used in your marks. Fancy having breakfast with me tomorrow in the lab?" Hermione asked Lucius.
Lucius smiled cheekily. "I would be honoured. Now my question to you, my dear, is would you mind if I have a quick word with Severus alone?"
Hermione smiled affectionately at the fact Lucius had asked so formally. "Of course not. I'll head back down to the Great Hall. Hopefully I won't get cornered by Millicent's mother!"
Once Hermione had left, Lucius slumped in his chair and looked tentatively at Severus, who was still leaning against his desk. "She never ceases to amaze me."
"She is...words fail me quite often when it comes to Hermione. I've asked her to move in with me," Severus said with a calm countenance.
"Quick work, my friend. And judging by the lack of brooding I assume she said yes," Lucius chuckled.
Severus looked quite smug. "Yes, thankfully, and if her parents were here they couldn't complain because I asked her after eleven days; her father asked her mother after two."
Lucius smirked. "Well I'm thrilled for both of you"
"And when can I be equally as thrilled for you, Lucy?"
"I doubt you'll ever be able to be thrilled for me. I should never have asked her to go to Paris with me. No one will ever match up to her. I've consigned my future to meaningless, unsatisfying encounters," Lucius said, leaning forward with his head in his hands.
"Who is she and was it worth it?" Severus asked gently.
"Sev, you know I trust you but I can't afford to even mention her name to you," he said regretfully. "And yes, despite everything, it was worth it. If you had to live the rest of your life without Hermione would you be happier knowing that you had shared your bed with her; that you'd felt that bond between you at least once or would you rather not have been with her at all? At least I have that to cling on to."
Severus had never seen Lucius look so dejected. He'd been broken in Azkaban but this was different. "Will you be seeing her again? Can't you take her as your mistress?"
"No. She deserves better than to be my mistress. We have agreed not to meet again alone. There may be occasions when our paths will cross but..." Lucius sighed, trying to fight back his tears, and covered his eyes with his hand before pinching the bridge of his nose. He was resigned to a life without the woman he wanted to be with more than anything and the reality of the situation was only just beginning to dawn on him.
Severus was unsure that anything he said would be enough to offer hope or comfort to his friend and simply stated, "We're always here for you, Lucius."
Lucius gave him a wry smile before standing and summoning the Malfoy mask. If he had been a woman he'd have asked if his mascara had run but he simply queried with an overly elaborate hand gesture, "Do I look like I've just had something in my eye?"
"You look stunning, dear," Severus teased.
"Why thank you, darling. Now shall we go and impose some authority on the rabble?" Lucius asked imperiously as he walked out of Severus' office.
The dark wizard pushed himself upright and away from his desk, arms still folded, simply smirking and shaking his head. It was good to have the infuriating bastard back.
The slam of the teachers entrance door rang out across the Great Hall and silence fell over the board members who were waiting for their meeting to reconvene. The blond wizard smirked at the impact their entrance had caused, whereas the black-haired wizard couldn't care less.
Harry had been talking to Minerva and Filius whilst Hermione had been deep in conversation with Neville and Professor Slughorn, when Severus came over and put his hand on her shoulder before whispering in her ear. She simply nodded and Lucius called for everyone to be seated.
This time, Lord Malfoy addressed the meeting and Hermione noted the more relaxed demeanour of her partner as he now seemed to be referring to himself. Just because he could handle a crowd effortlessly didn't mean Severus felt comfortable doing so...unless of course it was a group of students in which case he was at his snarky best.
"Once again, ladies and gentlemen, I must apologise for my late arrival today and my absence on Monday. The Headmaster has enlightened me with regards to certain events thus far and I believe, Madam Bulstrode, you had some query regarding the appointment of Mr. Potter, Mr. Longbottom, and Miss Granger as Assistant Professors. I really can't think why you should have any questions. It is the most logical course of action and the school will be gaining three fine additions to the staff.
"However, allow us to further indulge you. I believe Mr. Potter and Mr. Longbottom have already given an excellent account of themselves and so I would ask Miss Granger to do the same," Lucius drawled. There was an air of annoyed menace in his voice which made Millicent's mother shudder slightly as she stood to address Hermione.
Severus looked at Hermione and thought to her, give her hell.
"Well, what I would like to know is can she actually do potions or is she only being put forward because of her relationship with the Headmaster?" Mrs. Bulstrode asked haughtily.
There was a general ripple of indignation from the top table at the suggestion that Hermione might not be good at potions.
Severus was about to fly at the infuriating witch but Hermione immediately sensed his anger. I'll deal with her, Sev, she thought to him and seeing the glint in her eye, he knew Mrs. Bulstrode was going to be put in her place one way or another.
Hermione stood, walked in front of the top table and leaned against it. Her voice was calm and clear but there was a devilish playfulness that only those who knew her well could detect. Harry looked over at Severus who just arched an eyebrow and gave an imperceptible smirk. They both knew the floor of the Great Hall was about to be wiped.
"Well, to address your major concern, which really shouldn't be your concern at all, as the Headmaster pointed out earlier, my appointment for next year has already been approved by the board. But circumstances have changed and I have been approached to take on the role a year earlier.
"The original decision happened before I started seeing Professor Snape. The suggestion to create the assistant professorships was Professor McGonagall's.
"I also accepted my apprenticeship before I started seeing the Headmaster, ergo my decision to pursue a career in Potions was made before our relationship started.
"I will admit my love of potions was nurtured by the fact that I was taught by one of our most respected Potions masters and I can do nothing but hope that my students will be as inspired by me as I was by Professor Snape."
Still trying to trip her up, Millicent's mother asked, "What if you and the Headmaster part company? How will that affect the students?"
Hermione chuckled mirthlessly. "That is a rather banal question and I won't answer it because it has no bearing on my suitability for this role."
"I assume you are sleeping together. What sort of example..."
Lucius put his hand on Severus' arm as he saw him twitch. He realised someone else was in danger of having a wand at their throat and diffused the situation by standing suddenly and addressing the gathering. "My dear Madam Bulstrode, I am not sure what you are trying to achieve by this line of questioning but I can assure you it is highly inappropriate. As head of the board of governors I must direct the board that only questions pertaining to professional considerations may be asked.
"MissGranger, please continue to inform the board of why you are the best candidate for this position," Lucius said graciously.
"Thank you, my lord. I was brewing Polyjuice in my second year..." She paused slightly as she knew the irony of who she was talking to was not lost on Harry, who tried to suppress a giggle. It was also not lost on Severus but he was too angry to even consider seeing the humorous side of it.
She continued, "I have been able to brew all manner of challenging potions..."
"I can attest to that," Professor Slughorn chimed in. The room seemed to rumble in approval at this.
"Thank you, professor," Hermione said, inclining her head to him.
"And I have created several of my own. One of which has been hailed as a key factor in saving the Headmaster's life and once I start my apprenticeship I will be able to present this to the potions patent board formally, as they have already expressed an interested in it"
Lucius looked at Severus and muttered, "May I just remind you that you are a lucky bastard to have her?"
"If it pleases you to remind me of something I am already acutely aware, go ahead and waste your breath," Severus snarked whilst keeping his facial expression as impenetrable as ever. He then made it apparent that Lucius should concentrate on Hermione.
"But research is different from teaching. How would you prevent a serious accident happening during class?" Mrs Bulstrode blustered, realising that the will of the room was rapidly turning against her.
The bitch is clutching at straws now! Hermione heard Severus thinking to her.
Hermione smiled sweetly and thought back, time for some theatrics!
"Well, Professor Snape once said to me that an exploding cauldron is like observing a rain cloud burst in the could, if you were close enough and quick enough, shield the earth from the rain," and as she said this the ceiling in the Great Hall began to darken and cloud over. An air of disquiet filled the room. Without taking her eyes off the woman, who was currently the bane of her life, Hermione moved the biggest cloud until it hovered above the offending female. A bit of thunder and lightning was added for good measure.
"You see when a cauldron explodes it is important to cast a shield at the last possible moment to allow the power of the blast to dissipate as much as possible for the shield to hold. If you would care to look up..."
The older witch looked up in horror and there was a collective gasp as the deluge occurred. She braced herself for a soaking but it never came. Hermione cast the shield with only two inches to spare and continued. "As you can see I am quite capable of protecting my students as well as teaching them."
Millicent's mother sat down, still in shock as Hermione charmed the stormy sky into bright sunshine.
"And yes, accidents do happen but we have a rigorous protocol in place should one occur or if we have a student with a proclivity for exploding cauldrons." Hermione stole a quick glance at Neville who just threw her a disapproving look and mouthed oh ha ha!
She was about to continue but Lucius interrupted. "I think we've heard enough to know that we would be stupid to let Hermione go and teach at Beauxbaton or Durmstrang or worse lose her to the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. You will of course be asked to renew your wand oath with regard Severus and Hermione's relationship. I therefore suggest that we approve the appointment of Mr. Potter, Mr. Longbottom, and Miss Granger to the staff with immediate effect in the time honoured way. All those in favour..."
A sea of hands shot up and Lucius drawled, "Let the record stand that as Head of the Board of Governors, I formally welcome Professors Potter, Longbottom, and Granger to the staff. Headmaster, anything to add?"
"Staff meeting 11am on Monday. Don't be late!" Severus snarked.
"And on that joyous note there will be a senior board meeting in London next Thursday morning and we shall see the rest of you on October 30th. Madam Bulstrode, may I have a quick word?" Lucius' tone was deeply menacing.
Severus waited until most of the attendees had gone before going to greet his three new professors. They were all talking to Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout.
"Ah Severus," Minerva chimed happily. "What a wonderful day this is! I am so proud of these three," she effused.
"As am I," Severus drawled.
"Headmaster," Harry said quietly, "I've brought those things I was telling you about from Godric's Hollow. Ginny's down in Hogsmeade so I'll just go get them from her and I can either leave them with Hermione or drop them into your office."
"Do you and Ginny have plans tonight?" Severus asked almost dismissively.
Almost as casually Harry answered, "I don't think so."
Looking down at the floor Severus muttered, "Stay for dinner then."
Harry was shocked. "That would be great. I'll go and get Ginny now," and asking Neville if he had to leave straight away, told him where he was going and said that Ginny would love to see him if he could stay for a bit longer.
Minerva nudged Hermione at Severus' attempt at being sociable. "Well Severus, I must say I am impressed with your charm offensive," Minerva teased.
"Yes I'd give you an E for that," Hermione giggled.
"Only an E?" Severus replied, looking put out. "Any chance of an extra credit assignment tonight, Professor Granger?" he purred.
Minerva pretended to look shocked. "I do hope that isn't a euphemism, Severus."
"I can assure you it is," he said before asking, "Would you like to have dinner with us as well?"
"Careful, Severus, if you carry on being this nice there won't be any need for extra credit assignments," Hermione teased him.
Severus scoffed. "Trust me, there will be!"
Minerva touched Severus on the arm. "Thank you for the invitation, dear, but alas I can't. I'm off out with Septima tonight...seemingly there may be a wizard in her life. I couldn't possibly forego the gossip,"
"Indeed you cannot," Professor Sprout said, almost bursting with excitement. "I, myself, am off to a Herbology shindig in London. I shall be late...I do not expect you to wait up for me," she said, wandering off to have a quick word with Neville, who was now talking to Professor Slughorn and strangely enough Lucius.
Minerva sighed. "I can't think of anything more boring than a room full of herbologists,"
"I can," Severus said, "Most potions conventions are sleep inducing. Luckily I won't have to endure them on my own anymore."
Hermione blushed as his eyes bored into her.
"Now if you will excuse me, I must go and rescue Mr. Longbottom from certain boredom or shock that Lucius is actually talking to him," Severus said knowingly.
Hermione and Minerva continued talking as Severus approached the three wizards.
"Ah, Headmaster," Professor Slughorn said cheerfully. "Wonderful to know that our specialty is going to be in such good hands for the foreseeable future."
"I think Severus is fully aware of how good those hands are," Lucius said before looking around, trying to appear innocent.
This was lost on Horace but Neville tried not to laugh. Severus just looked at Lucius and snarled. "Why don't you do something useful? Go and see your son."
Lucius realised he had overstepped the mark and said "I was just on my way. I think Minerva may hex me if I go and say goodbye to Hermione so give her kiss for me and I'll see you in the morning. That is, if Narcissa and I haven't killed each other!"
"Until tomorrow," Severus drawled before adding, "Lucius, give my regards to Draco."
Lucius nodded and swept out of the Great Hall as Professor Slughorn remarked, "It's such a shame about Lucius and Narcissa, don't you think Severus?"
"Well, sometimes these things happen for a reason," Severus distractedly answered as he watched his friend's retreat.
"Yes, I suppose so, dear boy, I suppose so," Slughorn stated reflectively as he ambled off in a world of his own.
Neville was still talking to Severus when he was suddenly accosted by a mass of red hair.
"Nev, it's so good to see you! It's been ages," Ginny trilled as Neville struggled not to fall backwards when she threw herself at him.
"It's good to see you too," Neville croaked out, hoping Ginny would soon loosen her grip.
Severus tried not to laugh at the look on Neville's face and said "As touching as this is, I must take my leave. Some of us have a school to run. If you will excuse me," and with that he turned and walked over to Hermione, whispered something in her ear and then they both walked out of the teacher's entrance.
"What's the betting he's got her shoved up against that door, snogging her face off?" Ginny asked Neville and Harry.
"I'm not sure I want to think about that," Neville shuddered, turning a delightful shade of pink.
"Well, you can ask her," Harry said as Hermione came back into the room and walked over to them.
Ginny giggled. "Nice snog?"
"Yes, thank you," Hermione said nonchalantly and then continued, "Can you stay for dinner as well Nev?"
"I can't. Gran's expecting me but I'm coming on Saturday night," Neville told her, rubbing his side where Ginny had squeezed him so hard.
"Brilliant! We can catch up then," Ginny said excitedly.
Neville nodded. "Well I best be going," before adding incredulously, "can you believe we're professors? Actually you just assaulted a professor, Miss Weasley. Can I take points yet?"
They all laughed as Ginny protested. "You wouldn't dare."
"Better still give her detention, Nev," Harry teased.
"Oh, sod off, the lot of you," Ginny huffed.
"Dear me, she's just insulted three professors!" Neville quipped.
Hermione chuckled. "Careful Neville. You appear to be channelling your inner Snape."
"So these are your famous rooms?" Harry said approvingly as he walked into Hermione's living room.
"Well, not for much longer," Hermione said nonchalantly before giggling as Ginny froze, waiting for her friend to enlighten them. "They'll be integrated with Sev's soon."
Ginny's mouth fell open. "Hermione Jean Granger, are you two moving in together?" she asked excitedly.
Hermione just nodded and said "I'm just going to find haven't met him yet."
Harry looked perplexed as Ginny continued to squeal with excitement.
"Who's Leo?" Harry asked as Hermione left the living room.
Leo wasn't in what was her bedroom and neither was he in theirs. She eventually found him curled up on Severus' desk chair in the study. She picked him up and muttered, "You know, sometimes I think you love him more than me," but then Leo nuzzled into her neck before starting to purr softly. "Oh alright, I love you too."
As she walked back into her living room Hermione said, "Harry, Ginny, meet Leo," and suddenly Leo was in his element as Ginny began to fuss over by him.
"Harry, can we get one?" Ginny asked as she put the bag she was holding on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa, cuddling Hermione's familiar.
Harry grunted non-committally and then noticed Hermione looking at the bag suspiciously.
"Is that what I think it is?" she asked him.
He nodded. "Are you ok with this?" he asked.
"Yes. I think so. She was your Mum and she was special to him. I just find it strange that she bought him presents when they weren't talking to each other," Hermione said quietly, sitting down in one of the armchairs, not once taking her eyes off the bag.
Harry sat on the arm of the chair and put his arm around her. Ginny sat silently listening. No doubt her opinion would be voiced soon.
"I don't begrudge the way he felt about her. I guess I'm just a bit jealous that she knew him when he was younger and I didn't. But then that isn't anyone's fault; I wasn't even born when they were together. It's just hard sometimes knowing there will always be a part of his life that I can never fully understand. And the worst part is, even if I ask him about it, how do I know that he's telling me the whole story?" Hermione continued solemnly.
Harry gave her a squeeze and kissed the top of her head. "I don't think he would ever keep anything about Mum, and what happened between them, from you, 'Mione," he said honestly. "He's spent so long having to lie that I think he's quite grateful that he can now be open about everything. As for the presents, according to a few of the portraits at home, Mum told Sirius she felt badly for the way she refused to accept Severus' apology and wanted to make it up to him. She knew they'd never get back together because she was with Dad but Severus was her oldest friend and she wanted him back. It was around the time my grandparents died. Petunia was jealous of Mum's abilities and things were strained between them so he was the only link she had to home.
"You know, I saw Petunia and Dudley a few weeks ago and, I feel such an idiot for saying this, but," Harry chuckled to himself and continued. "She said something and her accent slipped. It dawned on me that my mum must have had a Mancunian accent. It just never occurred to me. I suppose that means Severus must have had one too."
"He still has sometimes," Hermione giggled but then she suddenly whipped her head round towards the bedroom door as she heard the familiar deep drawl in an unfamiliar northern accent.
"Yes, but I have to be either very drunk or swearing profusely," Severus said smirking.
Harry rolled his eyes as he saw Ginny sit up to give Severus her full attention as he came into the room and continued reverting to his usual accent, "To be honest, Lily didn't have a strong accent; certainly not as strong as mine. But then she was from the right side of the tracks...unlike myself!"
Hermione started to wonder how much of the conversation Severus had overheard. She hoped it wasn't too much and turned around as Leo jumped onto her lap.
"Have you spoken to the Missy or Winky about dinner?" Severus asked, changing the subject completely.
"No, we were waiting for you to finish with whatever interesting pile of paperwork you were staring at," Hermione snarked.
Severus narrowed his eyes, trying to fathom what was wrong with Hermione. He attempted to lighten the mood by joking. "Yes, well, when it didn't go away after an hour of staring at it, I decided to throw it in the bin. I find that a most effective way to deal with paperwork."
Harry smirked but Ginny was looking at Hermione intently before glaring at Severus, almost pleading with him to speak to Hermione.
"Actually I do apologise for being later than intended but Pius called me," Severus said before asking Hermione "Can I borrow you for a moment?"
Hermione nodded, got up and walked towards the bedroom.
Severus turned to Harry and Ginny and said, "Call Missy about dinner. I don't mind what we have and with the mood 'Mione's in, she's only going to pick at her food so get her to bring whatever you want."
He was about to turn to leave when Ginny asked "How much did you overhear, sir?"
"Enough," Severus said with a wry smile and then went to be with Hermione.
Severus found Hermione sitting at his desk in the study, playing absentmindedly with one of his quills.
"I've told Harry and Ginny to speak to Missy about dinner," Severus drawled as he leaned up against the doorframe.
"That's good," Hermione said without looking at him.
Severus continued trying to act as normally as possible. "Have you been in the library?"
"Which one?" Hermione mumbled.
"The one through that door," Severus answered, pointing to the door on the right hand wall.
"No," she replied, almost disinterested.
Severus ran his fingers through his hair and sighed deeply. The thought that perhaps asking her to move in wasn't such a good idea hit him but he dismissed it quickly. She was upset by whatever it was Harry had brought with him, but he'd be buggered if he was going to let her stew over it.
He walked over to her, grabbed her wrist and pulling her off the chair, dragged her into the library before slamming the door and spinning her round to face him.
"Look around," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "The libraries have combined. The books from yours are now in here and where your library was is now empty. It seems appropriate for us that the castle saw fit to combine our libraries first, don't you think?" he purred as he backed her up against a book case.
Severus put his hands on the shelf blocking Hermione in. "What's wrong sweetheart?" he asked as he nuzzled her neck.
"Did you hear much of our conversation?" Hermione asked quietly.
"Enough to know that I have to remind you that I can't help the fact that I'm older than you and you can't be part of my past, but you are my future and I promise to tell you whatever you want to know about Lily, Voldemort- anything you want to know. You've merely seen my war memories but you can see them all if you want."
"I don't need to do that," she said, undoing the top button of his frock coat. Severus arched an eyebrow as she moved to the next one.
"You do realise we have guests, darling?" he reminded as he kissed her hair.
"I know," she whispered as she stood on tip toe to kiss him before returning to her usual tone. "Will you talk to Harry about Lily? I think he'll want to at some point," she said quietly as she undid the second button.
Severus put his finger under her chin and lifted it so he could look in her eyes. "If he wants to talk about her, I'll talk to him about her as long as you're alright about it."
Hermione sighed deeply as she undid a third button. "Of course I'm alright about it," she muttered but Severus wasn't convinced.
"Sweetheart, if he asks me anything tonight, I will tell him, but it's up to you to decide whether you want to be there or not. I want you there. I want you to hear it from me; not from some portrait that spoke to Sirius after he spoke to James or Remus. I don't want you to hear the twisted version. But if you're going to sulk because I mention something that I did twenty odd years ago then I'll wait until you're not..."
"No, I want to stay," Hermione interrupted him, her tone showing that she felt as if she'd made an arse of herself earlier. "You're the only one who knows of her life here and I want to hear about her, too. I want to understand her," Hermione told Severus, wrapping an arm around him whilst undoing a fourth button with the other hand. "I want to know why you fell in love with her" she whispered.
"Hermione, look at me," Severus said sternly.
Hermione's eyes snapped up to look up at him. His eyes were sparkling which was something she wasn't expecting. He ran his fingers through her hair and smirked.
"How many times do I have to say this? Whatever I felt for Lily turned to guilt. She was my best friend, and yes, I fell in love with her but I lost her over an insult. I shouldn't have said it but we all say things in the heat of the moment we don't mean. I didn't just walk up to her and say 'Oi, Mudblood'. I'd just been humiliated by her future husband and his lackeys and I lashed out. It was a mistake but it was one mistake too far and I felt her loss more than I ever thought possible.
"I've told you where I came from and she was like a bright star in the smoke filled wilderness that was Cokeworth. But that wasn't just because I loved her; it was because she was the only good and pure thing in my life. And she blinded me; Voldemort blinded me. But you don't blind me. You light up everything; everything makes sense because of and with you. I love you now more than I ever loved her and don't you forget that."
"I'm sorry," Hermione whimpered as she nuzzled back into him.
"Don't be sorry," he replied, pressing his lips to hers gently before wrapping her tightly in his arms. "Now I need to get changed. Are you going to finish what you started or shall I?" he asked as he looked down at his half undone frock coat.
Hermione giggled and undid the rest of the buttons before she purred, "Need a hand with anything else?" as she started to play with the fastening on his trousers.
Severus growled into her neck. "I'm sure I will later...maybe in the bath. The bathroom has changed as well, by the way. The shower looks like it will be fun,” he told her suggestively. “But in accordance with trying to be nice, you should really go and entertain our guests darling. I won't be long," he whispered, kissing her on the nose.
A short while later, Ginny gasped as Severus, wearing grey jeans and dark blue jumper, sat next to her on the sofa.
"Problem, Miss Weasley?"
"You're not wearing black!"
Dinner had been fairly relaxed but Severus noted that Hermione was still very quiet and picked at her food. He knew that in spite of their previous chat, it would still be awkward for her to hear him discuss Lily, but if Harry wanted to discuss his mother, then he would oblige.
They were now back in the living room and the conversation had moved from Ginny grilling Severus about how he'd asked Hermione to move in with him, onto house renovation. Harry believed himself quite the expert and Hermione explained the work Snape Manor needed. Harry laughed and regaled them with stories of his triumphs and disasters whilst renovating both Grimmauld Place and Godric's Hollow himself.
"Apart from being bloody hard work, I think the biggest downside is you end up eating crap food for weeks on end," Harry sighed. "I was glad when the kitchen was sorted. I was fed up with takeaways."
"Yes, because you eat really healthily now," Ginny snorted. "Honestly, he lives on fish finger sandwiches with..."
"Brown sauce," Severus interrupted.
"I swear you are a such a Legilimens!" Ginny huffed and then giggled as Severus laughed at her amusing turn of phrase.
"Not at all," Severus chuckled. "The more I hear about you, Harry, the more I realise you're definitely your mother's son. And as such I have to offer my sincerest apologies for judging a book by its cover."
Ginny looked confused but Severus clarified for her. "Harry looks like James..."
"Except the eyes of course," Harry scoffed.
Severus smirked. "Indeed"
"So Mum liked fish finger sandwiches as well?" Harry asked.
"She was rather partial and I made the first one she ever had," Severus chuckled softly.
"Really?" Harry was almost captivated.
"We'd been out playing and unsurprisingly for Cokeworth, it started to rain. I knew father was out and mother was working so I invited Lily back to mine. Your grandmother said she could come round but asked about lunch. I said we'd have it at my house. Petunia was peeved because she wasn't invited. Well, we were ten and my culinary skills hadn't yet extended beyond sandwiches, but I was tall enough to use the grill so I thought I'd impress her."
Hermione giggled at the endearing scene she was now picturing in her head and snuggled into Severus' side.
"Lily wasn't tall enough to use the grill so this really impressed her. I made fish finger sandwiches and got the ketchup out. You should've seen the look on her face. I wasn't sure if it was terror or horror! Seemingly she hated it but loved brown sauce. I hunted through the cupboards and found some. I've never seen anyone use so much!
"So every holiday after that, one of the first things she'd do was get me to make her a fish finger sandwich because I was better at making them than the house-elves!"
The next half hour descended into fits of laughter as Ginny asked Severus what the secret to the perfect fish finger was, and Hermione snarked that he still hadn't made her a cup of tea let alone cooked anything for her. Severus did promise to rectify that sooner rather than later, but whilst Harry had been actively participating in the conversation to begin with he started to become more withdrawn as he realised he needed to give Severus the presents from Lily.
He looked at the fire and swallowed hard as he picked up the bag on the coffee table and offered it to Severus. "These are for you," he said quietly.
Severus hesitated. He took the bag and recalled what he'd overheard Hermione say; why, when she wanted nothing to do with him, had Lily done this? He hadn't done it for her. So why had she bought him anything?
So it was with a certain amount of trepidation and back stroking from Hermione that Severus looked inside. He chuckled to himself as he recognised Lily's overly elaborate present wrapping skills.
He decided to open the cards first; he was curious to know her motivations for doing this. The first card was innocuous but a letter fell out which cut through Severus like a knife.
Dear Sev,
Happy 18th birthday.
I know we're not talking but I had to get you something.
Professor Dumbledore told me that you had passed on your condolences about Mum and Dad. Thank you, although would it have killed you to walk over and tell me yourself? I was there for you and Mum and Dad both really liked you. They were really upset when I told them we weren't talking anymore.
Professor Dumbledore also said you've taken the Dark Mark. I wonder if it hurt you to receive it as much as it hurt me to know that you've finally got it.
I know you though. You're not like the rest of them. In fact, I had a dream the other night that you turn out alright in the end.
I know we'll never get back together but you were my best friend and I miss you.
I hope one day we can sort things out between us.
Lily x
Severus immediately handed it to Hermione after he'd read it. He didn't want to mull over of the words because he saw the two words indicating the person that had been behind this: Professor Dumbledore.
He quickly opened the second card. Again a letter dropped out.
Dear Sev,
Happy 21st birthday.
I hear from Professor Dumbledore that you've just become a Potions Master and you're taking over from Professor Slughorn. I can't believe you completed your apprenticeship and mastery so quickly. Well actually I can; you were always brilliant at Potions. I'm proud of you.
It was a shame you couldn't come to the wedding. James didn't want me to invite you but I told him that despite everything you are my oldest friend. I understand why you couldn't come, but was that the real reason?
Andromeda said, amongst other things, that Narcissa's had a little boy. Please tell me Lucius is the father...
Harry's almost 6 months now. I can't believe it! Being a mother is quite overwhelming. I can't tell anyone else that. I'm happy but you know me! I'm overanalysing everything and yes, I have got books out of the library. And you can stop smirking; I know you're smirking Severus!
I've been hearing some really awful things. I know I've no right but I'm worried about you. I still hold out hope that you'll see sense before this whole thing escalates but promise me, whatever you do, stay safe.
Lily x
Severus again handed the letter to Hermione who thought to him Dumbledore put her up to this didn't he? But why didn't she send them?
I don't know and I don't intend to dwell on it.
"What did she say?" Harry asked.
Severus indicated to Hermione to give the letters to Harry. The content of the letters passed over Harry's head because this was something his mother had sat down and written. Ginny put her arm around him as he poured over them and then asked, "So what did she buy you?"
Severus carefully opened the first gift. It was obviously an album and Severus smirked as he looked at the copy of Led Zeppelin IV. He chuckled to himself because this was the only album of theirs he didn't have. But the second one did upset him. It was a diary; Lily's diary from the beginning of the school holidays before their fifth year right up to the day he uttered that damnable word. There was a note inside which asked two simple questions:
Why did you have to spoil it, Sev? Why couldn't I forgive you?
Severus closed the diary and put it on the table. He had no intention of ever reading it. He wondered whether he should give it back to Harry but would talk it over with Hermione.
"If she hadn't died do you think you'd have been friends again?" Harry asked quietly as he looked up from rereading the letters.
"For a long time my answer would have been that I'd have hoped so, but now...I've had time to think and come to terms with the fact the answer is no. We split up, she married your father, and I'm sure we'd have grown apart. Although the boy she met all those years ago still exists...," he looked at Hermione and took her hand, "I was destined to be with someone else."
Harry smirked as his best friend blushed and cuddled up to Severus. He was glad she was so happy and he finally realised that Ron would never have been any good for her. He looked over at Ginny, smiling as he thought about how he happy he was with her before rolling his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose in embarrassment, as the love of his life suddenly blurted out "what did she mean by 'please tell me Lucius is the father?' Were you shagging Narcissa?"
As Harry and Ginny were about to leave with a promise that they would be at The Burrow before Severus and Hermione arrived, Severus took Harry aside and said, "If ever you want to talk about your mother, just let me know."
Harry was deeply touched by the offer. "I don't know what to say."
"There's nothing to say. Hermione pointed out that I'm the only person left alive who really knew her as a witch and a Muggle. That's quite a sad fact when you think about it."
"Well, thank you, and I'll probably take you up on the offer sometime," Harry said, smiling bashfully.
Severus put his hand on Harry's shoulder and said slyly, "Well, just let me know, and we'll make an escape down to Hogsmeade for a crafty pint."
Harry was flabbergasted. First Draco and now Severus offering to buy him a pint. What was the world coming to? "Sounds good to me," he smirked.
Hermione was already in bed reading when Severus came out of the bathroom. He slipped under the covers and lay on his side facing her; watching her. He gently ran his fingers over her arm and she immediately assumed he wanted to make love but as she went to put her book down, he stopped her.
"I just want to look at you," he said quietly.
"Don't you want to...?"
"Not at the moment," he whispered.
Hermione was bemused and put her book down anyway. She lay down on her side facing him and brushed his hair away from his face. She watched him as he transferred his attention to her other arm, gently caressing her shoulder before running his fingers back down her arm.
"Is something bothering you Sev?" she asked softly, surprised that he had made no attempt to kiss her or hold her. But despite this she could feel a strong emotional pull coming from deep within him. And she found herself just wanting to look back at him.
"No. Everything's fine. I just wanted to do this whilst you were awake this time," he said bashfully.
Hermione giggled sweetly. "What are you talking about?"
"I told you. I just want to look at you. I do it every night when you're asleep and I tell you things I can't say easily when you're awake," he said ruefully.
"And what do you tell me?" Hermione purred as she ran her fingers lightly over his hip. He squirmed as she hit a ticklish spot; a reaction she always relished.
He smiled softly and ran his thumb over her bottom lip before cupping her face in his hand. "I just say the things you already know I want to happen, but with all the detail that we haven't discussed yet. It's the only way I can stop myself from spoiling the surprise."
Hermione melted as she saw the flash of vulnerability sweep across his usually assured face. Severus might have been considered a sullen and often over confident bastard by most people, but now that she'd seen the real him, he would never be able to hide his insecurities from her. She even liked the fact that she knew he had them because it meant that she was the only one who could lay them to rest.
"Well, I can't wait for you to surprise me," she said, kissing his palm, her eyes never leaving his.
Severus' lips gently grazed hers in a simple act of acknowledgement. He didn't want anything more from her that night other than to just be there with him in their bed. He wrapped his witch up in his arms and had no intention of letting her go.
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