Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Shiloe locked and silenced the door, then turned an intent gaze on Blaise. “You’re sure about this?” He asked one last time.
“Yes.” Blaise answered easily. “But I… Um…” He flushed.Shiloe chuckled, taking his hand. “Don’t worry, I know. I’ll take good care of you.” He said, after briefly watching Blaise try to find a way to reveal that he was a submissive. Shiloe could tell, and he was more than happy to give Blaise what he needed. Blaise smiled in relief and nodded. Shiloe led him to the bed and made Blaise sit, then knelt between his knees. He gently removed the teen’s tie, smiling as his fingers brushed against Blaise’s neck. “You’re trembling.” He murmured, amusement lacing his voice. “Well, wouldn’t you be?!” He asked, his voice more embarrassed than angry. Shiloe leaned up to kiss him as he began undoing the buttons on his shirt. He broke the kiss and leaned back to part the shirt, dipping a finger into Blaise’s naval, making him gasp. “I never said that it wasn’t to be expected. I think it’s cute. And you know I’ll never tell a soul. It’s okay to let me see if you’re nervous about this. At least this way I know to go slow, right?” He assured his anchor, pushing the shirt off him. Blaise shrugged. “I guess.” He conceded, clearing his throat nervously when Shiloe crawled over him, pushing him back into the bed and removing his belt. “I’m going to make love to you.” Shiloe whispered against his lips as he dropped the belt onto the floor beside the bed. “You’re important to me, not some random, faceless fuck. Shiloe don’t DO casual sex, and besides, you can FEEL the truth of what I’m saying. Just relax and trust me to make this good for you. I’m not going to laugh at you, I’m not going to hurt you, and I’ll still respect you in the morning.” He finished, the muggle joke lost on Blaise. Blaise reached between their bodies, undoing his trousers in the small space Shiloe had maintained between them. He closed his eyes, unable to meet Shiloe’s gaze as he pushed his trousers to the floor. Shiloe hummed in appreciation. “Get onto the pillows. I’m not going to have your first time be hanging over the side of the bed, although we may need to try that position sometime. You look delicious like that.” He chuckled when Blaise scrambled onto the bed properly. “Much better.” He purred, pulling off his tie and nearly losing a few of his shirt buttons in his haste to get out of the offending item of clothing. “How-” Blaise stopped to clear his throat after it cracked embarrassingly. “Um, how bad does it hurt? The first time?” Shiloe chuckled. “You’ll hardly notice it, I promise.” He told the werewolf, leaning down to bite on a nipple, gently, but with some force. All werewolves were more fully satisfied if there was a bit of pain mixed in with their sex, after all, and Shiloe knew this instinctively.Blaise gasped at the sting, but his hands found Shiloe’s shoulders, and the squeeze he gave them was reassuring, as was the soft moan he uttered that Shiloe nearly missed, enthralled with Blaise’s dark-skinned body as he was. Shiloe ran his hands reverently over Blaise’s pectoral muscles, mapping them as he marveled over how different Blaise’s body was to his other anchors. Neville was tanned from working outside, gaining muscle and losing his baby fat rapidly as he grew upward, while Draco was slim, and had a much more compact frame and a paler skin tone than Neville, attesting to his life of leisure and comfort, in which he rarely had to venture outside if he didn’t want to. Severus was surprisingly fit under his robes, but very pale since he spent most of his time hidden away from any form of sunlight. Shiloe hummed contentedly as he finished exploring Blaise’s torso with his hands, before he bent and promptly followed the same path with his lips, teeth and tongue. Blaise was unable to contain his small noises of pleasure, his hands clenching spasmodically on Shiloe’s shoulders every time he found a particularly sensitive spot.“I love how responsive you are.” Shiloe murmured, pulling Blaise’s Y-fronts off and taking his cock deep into his throat in one motion. Blaise cursed, his fingernails digging into Shiloe’s shoulders as his hips shot off the bed. Shiloe pulled back quickly, coughing and wiping at his watering eyes. “Right, warn you first, got it.” He said wryly, and Blaise chuckled. “Sorry. That felt really good, though!” Blaise told him enthusiastically. “I think we’ll start slow and work back up to that.” Shiloe decided, wrapping his hand firmly around the base of Blaise’s cock, his eyebrows raising as he noted just how long the black Italian really was. “Damn. Impressive.” He said approvingly before he took the part his hand couldn’t cover into his mouth, keeping Blaise from choking him again. Blaise moaned when he felt Shiloe’s lubed finger tracing careful circles around his entrance. He raised his legs, placing his feet flat against the bed and spreading his legs wide, his posture a blatant invitation. Shiloe accepted eagerly, slipping his finger in slowly, watching Blaise’s face intently. He smiled when Blaise’s eyes fluttered shut and he tilted his head back, panting softly, the occasional whimper slipping through his parted lips. He slid the finger in and out a few times, then removed it and lubed it up again, along with another finger, before slipping both into the panting werewolf. Blaise let out a soft whine at the slight burn, feeling the wolf within him stir. It was pleased at finally being with its mate, and was even more pleased at the submissive posture, but it needed things to progress more quickly than they had been thus far. “Sweet Merlin.” Shiloe breathed when Blaise’s control snapped and he began twisting his hips and rocking them, trying to force Shiloe’s fingers to fuck him properly. Shiloe chuckled after a few moments and pulled them free, lubing three quickly as Blaise moaned needfully. “Shiloe, hurry!” He begged. Shiloe slid his three fingers into Blaise’s body roughly. “Is that what you wanted, Love?” He asked. Blaise moaned and Shiloe chuckled wickedly as his eyes rolled back in his head. “Apparently.” Shiloe decided, crooking his fingers and wriggling them a bit, smiling when they brushed against Blaise’s sweet spot. “Holy fucking Merlin, what was that?!” Blaise asked, as his body convulsed in pleasure. Shiloe chuckled. “The secret to good anal sex: Your prostate. Trust me, Sirius will be willing to tell you all about it any time you’d like.” He finished dryly.“Mm, think I know enough, thanks. I already know that it’s brilliant.” Blaise informed him, pulling Shiloe back to his face for a kiss. “I want you to make love to me now.” He whispered, and Shiloe could barely see the nervousness in his eyes, nearly smothered by lust, but he knew it was still there. Shiloe grabbed Ducen and lubed himself and cast a quick contraception charm, dropping the wand on the floor next to the bed in retaliation when he began making lewd remarks. “Bloody wand.” He huffed, guiding Blaise’s legs around his waist. “Alright, deep breath, hold it.” He watched as Blaise did so, then carefully pushed forward. “Exhale, slowly.” He said as he sank forward into that tight heat. Blaise tilted his head back as his exhalation turned into a slight whine. Shiloe could hear the wolf’s plea within the sound, and he pushed forward the rest of the way, sheathing himself within the werewolf with one smooth thrust. Blaise cried out, his arms and legs wrapping tightly around Shiloe, holding him still, buried deep inside his body. He moaned softly, his inner muscles undulating around Shiloe’s length. “Better?” Shiloe panted with a smirk. Blaise nodded, whimpering when Shiloe withdrew minutely only to push forward again. “Merlin, you’re so tight. So hot.” Shiloe whispered, every thrust seeming to bury him deeper in Blaise’s body than the one before. Blaise reared up and kissed Shiloe with so much intensity that it left the teen slightly breathless. Shiloe kissed him back just as fervently, grabbing Blaise’s legs behind his knees and hooking them over his arms to give himself a better angle with which to thrust into his anchor. Blaise shouted in pleasure when Shiloe slid in deeply, pressing himself as far into the dark-skinned werewolf as he could, then stilling. Blaise opened slightly hazy eyes and looked up at him in confusion. Shiloe was looking down at him with a pensive expression. “What?” Blaise asked breathily, his skin purpling slightly with the blush that heated his cheeks at his tone of voice. Shiloe chuckled. “I just realized that I WANT to see you swell with my child someday—not yet, of course—but…” He sighed. “Can you carry a child?” He asked softly. Blaise sighed, dropping his eyes to Shiloe’s hands, which were caressing his sides tenderly. “I don’t know.” He answered. “Probably not.” He admitted finally. Shiloe hummed sadly, then smiled. “Well, I’ll just have to make sure that if you can’t, I DO. That will involve discussing it with Harry, THOROUGHLY, first, of course. Now, where was I?” “Directly against my prostate, last time I checked.” Blaise teased, clenching his inner muscles around Shiloe. Shiloe gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, battling for control. He opened them again with a predatory grin. “Fine, if that’s how you want to play this.” He pulled all the way out and flipped Blaise over. “Hands and knees.” He ordered. Blaise scrambled onto all fours, throwing a smirk over his shoulder at Shiloe. “This is really hot.” He said approvingly.Shiloe chuckled. “Isn’t it?” He purred, then slammed back into Blaise, making him gasp and lay his head on the pillow, bracing himself for the pounding he knew he’d be receiving. Shiloe did not disappoint. He reached under Blaise and grabbed his cock, wrapping his hand around it and stroking firmly as he thrust into him over and over again, pleasure crashing over them both in waves. Blaise was close, so close, he could feel his release hovering just out of reach, but he needed something more to push him over the edge. What he needed, though, he had no idea. “Please!” He sobbed. “I can’t come, I NEED to come!” Shiloe chuckled darkly. He knew why Blaise couldn’t come, and he was fully prepared to give it to him, but first… “How badly do you need to come?” He asked, never pausing in his thrusts, making the words come out in clipped, staccato bursts. “MERLIN, I NEED it!” He shouted, his voice raising in pitch and volume. Shiloe leaned over his back and sank his teeth, fangs retracted, into Blaise’s shoulder.The teen emitted a very human howl, his come spilling over Shiloe’s furiously pumping hand. Shiloe brought the hand to his lips and licked it, the taste of Blaise’s essence driving him to his own peak. He wrapped his arms around Blaise, maneuvering them into the spooning position without slipping out of him. “Mm, that was great. We need to do that again sometime.” The drowsy werewolf said through a yawn. Shiloe chuckled. “Oh, we will. Of that, I have no doubts.” He pulled the blankets over them and kissed Blaise gently on the back of his neck. “Go to sleep.” He whispered. Blaise was already halfway there. *****Shiloe smiled, opening his eyes and looking at Rowena, who raised her eyes from the book she had been reading. “Yes?” She asked with an expectant smile.Shiloe smirked in satisfaction. “Eagle. Specifically, a black one with copper highlights.” He told her.Rowena nodded in approval. “That’s the Golden Eagle. Very good. A passionate and strong form, one that denotes a love of independence. We will begin brewing the potion next time. The base needs to sit for three days, after that, a preservation spell can be put on it until you have the two hours of uninterrupted time the rest of the potion will require.” “Sounds great.” Shiloe said, getting up from his seat on the floor. Finally, the meditation had worked, and he now had his Animagus form. He could picture it in his mind with ease. “In the meantime,” Rowena added, “You will be learning all you can about the Eagle as an Animagus form. If you know why that is your form, you will better understand your own strengths and weaknesses.” Shiloe nodded. “Alright. Will Harry have the same form as me?” He asked, suddenly curious. Rowena shrugged. “That’s highly unlikely, but possible, I suppose. I doubt it, though.” She said with a small smile. “He’s very different from you. He’s more trusting, more demonstrative, a bit naive… Dear Merlin, Harry’s YOUNGER than you are, isn’t he?” She realized with a sad smile, stroking Shiloe’s cheek caringly. Shiloe flushed and shrugged. “The incorporeal form I take when dormant, the one that Harry can feel, is the body of a sixteen-year-old, and I have the intellect to match it. Why?” “You’ve given up on a childhood for yourself, though you are still young enough to deserve some days of carefree happiness for yourself. And you’ve done it willingly, SELFLESSLY. We will do our best to ensure that you remain safe through this war. You and Harry will both make it through this alive and well.” Rowena vowed.“I hope you understand the magnitude of the task you’re signing up for.” Shiloe told her with a smirk. “Harry’s quite the trouble magnet.” Rowena sighed, shaking her head. “You grab a quick shower, young man. You let us worry about keeping Harry out of trouble. You only need to focus on learning all that you can. The more you know, the better. Voldemort could return at any time, and we still need to train Harry as well.” Shiloe winced. “Right. Yeah, I remember him. Slimy bastard that he is.” He muttered, as he headed toward Salazar’s room for a shower and a change of clothes.
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