The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Severus' rather romantic notion of holding his witch all night seemed to have backfired on him slightly. He woke up with a cricked neck, a dead arm and generally felt stiff...and not in the pleasurable sense. Yet as he looked down at Hermione, still fast asleep in his arms, he found his complaints paling into insignificance. And now he truly was stiff.
There was a sudden tapping at the window. Severus silently swore profusely as his moment of romantic, pain filled bliss had been interrupted, but was then rather amused when Leo jumped up onto the bed and snuggled into the small gap between his and Hermione's legs, seeking protection.
"What's the matter with you? It's only an owl, you silly cat," he said, reaching forward slightly to stroke Leo's ear. But as Severus mused it was easy to forget that for all his kneazle swagger, he was still nothing more than a kitten and it was certainly a very insistent owl.
Severus was about to deal with the bird when Hermione stirred at hearing the owl's familiar screech, and mumbled through a yawn, "What's Andronicus doing here?"
"No wonder Leo's so scared," Severus sniggered as he extricated himself from their tangle of limbs.
Andronicus was Lucius' Eagle owl, and was fierce enough to make Obsidian think twice about taking him on. But upon thinking twice, Severus realised that Obsidian usually managed to best the huge owl. A situation usually reflected what happened between their owners. Except Severus never thought twice.
He opened the window to allow the bird in, which landed imperiously next to Hermione. Poor Leo cowered, trying to burrow underneath her legs.
"What does Lucius want? Oh, I forgot you have a date this morning," Severus teased as he picked Leo up and put him in the living room away from Andronicus' intense stare.
Hermione was a little put out by that comment and snarked playfully, "Don't you trust me then?"
"Oh, I trust you both implicitly," Severus said as he walked into the bathroom. Hermione heard him turn on the shower before he appeared at the door again. "I trust you to behave yourself and him to turn into some horny teenager who's taken a double dose of lust potion. But I also trust him not to act on it because he trusts me to relieve him of his manhood and ram it down his throat should he ever be foolish enough to try."
"You two and your mutual understandings," Hermione giggled as he disappeared back into the bathroom.
She was further amused by the note:
What time do you want me?
Will your beloved be joining us or will I have you all to myself?
And finally shall I bring breakfast and what would you like?
Your willing, penitent slave,
PS: Draco is well and says he and Adrian will see you around 8pm tomorrow. Where's my invitation?
"Lucius is my willing, penitent slave seemingly and Draco's obviously told him about Adrian," she called out to Severus as she sauntered into the bathroom.
Severus opened one eye as he finished rinsing his hair and teased, "So I shouldn't be surprised if I come down to the lab and he's suspended from the ceiling and you're flogging him then?"
Hermione gasped at his comment and felt slightly unsettled. She went to speak and then suddenly realised that she was getting wet. Somehow, Severus had managed to pull her into the shower with him.
"Time to christen our new shower, don't you think?" he purred as he licked the shell of her ear. He trailed heated kisses down the side of her neck to her shoulder, gently nipping at her soft flesh whilst his hands skimmed the over the curvature of his breasts and hips, before cupping her deliciously pert buttocks and lifting her up the wall until she was slightly higher than himself.
She wrapped her legs around his body, whilst her arms wrapped around his neck. Hermione then pushed her fingers into his hair as his lips crashed hungrily against hers. She could feel the tension in her abdomen coiling as his mouth travelling down the underside of her chin and down her throat, her soft moans driving him on towards her breasts. Moving back slightly, Severus shifted her body to give himself more room to lave and suck her pebbled nipples. She loved it when he sucked and tugged on the hard buds, causing them to stand even prouder and more sensitive.
Severus moved upright, watching Hermione's face, watching her bite and worry her bottom lip in anticipation as she ground herself against him to feel his erection against her bum. The soft pleading expression on her face as she began to lose herself during their lovemaking never failed to take his breath away. He just wanted to bury himself inside her, feel her warmth around him, feel her orgasm over him.
She wanted him inside her too, but the angle she was at allowed streams of hot water to caress her nether lips and the sensation, whilst new to her, was amazing. As her breath hitched, Severus looked down to see the source of her pleasure and raised her backside up slightly to allow the water more direct access. The lip biting became more intense and the sudden gasp that emanated from her as he slid a finger in whilst the water continued dancing on her clit made him smile. Severus was positive that this newfound pleasure was going to lead to a very interesting conversation over the weekend. All he could think as she begged for his cock-which he naturally obliged her with-was let the adventures begin.
As Severus wrapped a warm fluffy towel around her and kissed her neck, Hermione asked "Sev, you know what you said about finding Lucius suspended from the ceiling and me..." she trailed off, swallowing hard. She knew Severus had been joking but she wondered if that meant he was into that sort of thing.
"Please don't tell me you were thinking about him whilst we were in the shower," Severus teased as he wrapped a towel around his waist before preparing to shave.
"Don't be stupid...I can't think of anything when we're having sex," she giggled.
"Good to know," he said smugly before adding, "and before you get yourself into a panic, adventurous I may be but no, I'm not into that. Lucius is, though. It was just when you said he called himself your slave that it sprung to mind. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."
"Have you tried it though?"
"No," he stated emphatically.
Hermione looked at him suspiciously.
"Never," he growled. "Lucius tried to explain it all to me once and by the time he'd finished...well I still didn't get it. But there are certain practices that can be taken from it, I suppose," he said thoughtfully.
"Like what?" Hermione prodded, her interest now quite thoroughly peaked.
"Do you mind? I'm shaving."
"I'm just interested, that's all," she told him, fascinated by his sudden reluctance to discuss the subject.
Severus huffed. "We'll talk about it when I've not got a blade next to my throat, if you don't mind. The excitement might be too much for me. Besides," he paused, turning to her and arching an eyebrow, "I'm surprised you haven't already raided the libraries for books on the subject. Is my insufferable know-it-all losing her touch?"
"Not at all...sir," Hermione purred which sent a jolt straight to Severus' groin. She tried not to giggle as Severus exclaimed "oh fuck" as he nicked his skin slightly.
"And that's why I didn't want to talk about it now, you minx!" he groused as he cast a healing spell on the cut. "Now go and reply to your slave."
"Will you be joining us for breakfast? Lucius is buying," Hermione said as she went to get quill and parchment. Andronicus' eyes stared daggers at her, seemingly unamused at being kept waiting.
"I won't be able to join you for breakfast. More of the staff arrived last night so I should be on hand. But let me know when you are ready to administer the spell, I don't want you doing dark magic on your own. And besides, I have rather a lot to do today before we go to The Burrow and then I whisk you off for the night."
"What?" Hermione exclaimed, spinning around to look at him.
"We're going away straight from seeing Molly and Arthur so you'd better pack a bag so it can be sent on ahead," Severus said nonchalantly as he pulled out the clothes he was going to wear from the wardrobe.
Still reeling from the news of him taking her away, she asked in a slightly dazed tone, "What clothes shall I take?"
"I wouldn't worry about clothes if I were you," he said lasciviously. "But we might go for a wander around the estate so something suitable for that I suppose. We're not going out for dinner, though, so don't worry about that."
"Oh," Hermione said quietly. Somehow she felt quite disappointed they weren't going out for dinner. They had only been out to dinner alone once and she'd rather enjoyed it for all sorts of reasons.
Severus detected the disappointment in her voice and said, "As I have been frequently reminded that I have not cooked for you or even made you a cup of tea, I have decided to rectify the situation. I hope that meets with your approval."
"Really?" Hermione said excitedly as she walked over and wrapped her arms around him. "But will Mrs Hopkins be alright with you messing around in her kitchen?" she asked, having one last feel of his chest before he did up his shirt.
"Who said we were going to Cheshire?" he whispered against her ear and smirked at the surprised expression on her face. As he braced himself for the barrage of questions that were about to come his way, he thought of all the surprises he had lined up for her birthday weekend and realised he had a few things to pick up.
"I had to apologise to my son yesterday," Lucius drawled as he placed a bag containing Hermione's requested cherry danish and coffee on the work bench of Severus' private lab.
"I should hope so," Hermione snarked as she took her first bite of the delicious looking pastry.
"Yes, yes, but in particular I had to apologise for calling him a wimp when he whined on about you punching him. That slap really stung," Lucius informed her bashfully.
"I'd apologise myself but you deserved it," Hermione said as she bit into a cherry before adding "Where did you get this from? It's delicious."
Lucius smiled. "A little Muggle bakery near Diagon Alley. And you're right, I did deserve it! Anyway, where do you want me, darling?"
"Just sit down there and behave," she said pointing at one of the stools by the bench and then flicking her wrist to turn the flames down on all the cauldrons she had on the go. Severus had passed his brewing duties for the infirmary onto her so she was currently brewing a month's worth of Pepper Up potion.
"I'm sure I can manage one of those," he muttered as he absentmindedly flicked through Hermione's notes. "This looks very formal," he said as he pulled out a sheet of parchment with the current date on and a list of questions for him to answer.
Hermione finished her danish and took a slug of coffee before saying, "It helps to focus me," and started to worry her bottom lip.
Lucius sighed. "Do you have to?"
"Bite your lip like that. I am but a man, you know." She knew he was trying to get a rise out of her.
"It helps me concentrate," she smirked.
"I bet that does it for Severus," Lucius purred, looking at her suggestively.
"You see, this is why I have to do things formally with you, you infuriating man," Hermione growled. "Anyway, as my willing slave you will sit there and shut up until spoken to."
It was too early to put up with Lucius' puerile comments and as much as she loved spending time with him, she wanted to do more research with the Sorting Hat, before going to The Burrow, especially as it had been on the verge of telling her something very interesting the other day. But it clammed up when Dumbledore came and sat back in his portrait.
"I apologise Mistress. What would you like to know?" Lucius asked earnestly.
Hermione had to try and expel the mental imagery Severus had planted earlier as she asked "On which date did you take the Dark Mark?"
"18th June 1973."
"Your 18th birthday?"
"Yes, only two have taken the mark before their 18th birthday. You sleep with one and shop with the other," Lucius said, trying to look serious.
"Of course, he was 17 because..." she trailed off.
"Because what?"
"Oh nothing. Just something Lily said in a letter she wrote to him on his 18th birthday," she dismissed, looking to move on to the next question.
Lucius looked puzzled. "He never mentioned receiving such a letter."
"He didn't. Harry found them at Godric's Hollow and gave them to him last night," Hermione replied, desperate to change the subject.
"Yes, well Severus was identified early as a powerful ally by Voldemort, but being stubborn a number of inducements were required to bring him into the fold," Lucius calmly told her.
"I don't want to know," Hermione stated emphatically.
"Oh, they weren't sinister. He was merely offered opportunities that any exceptionally gifted half-blood from a poor and abusive background would otherwise have been denied without Voldemort's patronage."
"Such as?" Hermione asked pensively.
"His talents ensured he was offered a place amongst the very best and powerful in our society. Although, I confess I was the only one genuinely interested in him personally and not his usefulness. He was told he was valuable and yes we used his righteous hatred of his father to corrupt him. Well, Voldemort did.
"He was so seductive Hermione. He was grotesque when he returned but he was magnificent before. He twisted Severus around his little finger by offering to sponsor his apprenticeship and allow him into Inner Circle meetings. He was 17 and Voldemort knew he wanted him as one of his generals as it were. And by telling Severus he belonged, he fell like a stone into something that neither of us should have been involved in."
Hermione snorted. "What was your excuse?"
"Severus wasn't the only one with a bastard for a father. Shall we carry on?" Lucius asked, looking rather uncomfortable.
But Hermione was lost in thought. She knew Severus hated his father; she knew his father was abusive but he'd never tell her any more than that.
She was mulling over the scenarios when Lucius grabbed the parchment in her hand. "Look, I shouldn't have brought it up. Severus should be telling you this."
"He has...well sort of, but not all of it," Hermione mused.
"He'll tell you but it won't be pleasant. I would have vials of calming and dreamless sleep on hand for both of you when he tells you," Lucius said, putting his hand on hers and squeezing it gently.
"Now as for the rest of these questions," he said reading the questions himself, "I had a standard marking ceremony as did've seen his memory of that? The incantation was non-verbal but the mark was applied with his wand. It's characteristics are as for everyone I know; it burned and moved upon summons. It's never hurt at another's touch although it was not touched by any but myself until it had faded."
"When I checked Sev's the Protean charm varied from the one I used on the DA coins. Can I check yours?" Hermione asked.
"Of course," Lucius drawled as he removed his frock coat, leaving him with just his high collared cotton shirt and double breasted waistcoat which just emphasised the fact that his arse ran a very close second to Severus'. He undid his cuff buttons to reveal his mark.
Wandlessly, Hermione ran a number of detection spells to determine the Protean charm. The results, although similar to Severus', nonetheless differed. Lucius couldn't explain it. She would have to look at Draco's mark to see if they were all different. She was beginning to suspect they were and although the Protean element was not part of her research, she was nonetheless curious to understand why there was a difference.
"Are you ready for me to check the magical signature of your mark now?" Hermione asked quietly.
Lucius nodded as she contacted Severus. We're ready for you, Sev.
Can you give me ten minutes? I'm in London.
Had to pick up a couple of things and speak to Pius.
Everything alright?
No. I'll be there as soon as I can.
Hermione huffed and looked at Lucius with a pained expression. "He's in a bad mood."
"How delightful," Lucius sneered.
Severus stormed into the lab to monitor Hermione performing the dark magic necessary to determine the magical trace of Lucius' mark. Neither Lucius or Hermione noticed him put an envelope on the bench.
"She's good isn't she, Sev?" Lucius remarked as he watched his friend observing Hermione with pride.
"She is exceptionally controlled, which is of course necessary if one is to handle dark magic properly," Severus drawled.
After Hermione had finished she suddenly felt lightheaded. Luckily Lucius caught her before she ended up on her backside and set her down on the stool.
"Drink this," Severus ordered, handing her the vial of Invigoration draught he'd just summoned. "We need to build up your tolerances, Hermione. Perhaps you should revert to using your wand when you do dark magic. It's exhausting you doing it wandlessly."
"I'm alright," Hermione assured quietly.
Severus brushed a curl away from her face and gently replied, "I beg to differ."
Hermione sighed deeply. She was too tired to argue with him and he was right. This time, performing the incantation had not just exhausted her but left her feeling incredibly vulnerable.
Sensing her disquiet, Severus wrapped his arms around her and held her protectively. An act which Lucius took as his cue to leave.
"Right, well I must be off. I'm having lunch with my son and his boyfriend. Thankfully my wife will not be attending." Lucius seemed very disinterested in the situation.
"How did it go last night?" Severus asked blithely.
Lucius chuckled mirthlessly. "After a tempestuous discussion, Narcissa and I have agreed to avoid hostilities for Draco's sake but proceed in a civil manner towards divorce."
Hermione pulled back from Severus slightly. "And how do you feel about Adrian?"
"I have yet to meet the lad but Draco is bisexual as am I...I can't be anything other than alright about that. He knows he must marry a witch and produce an heir but that doesn't preclude a continued relationship with Adrian. However, after our discussion last night I've consented to a revision of our statutes to allow him to marry a half blood or Muggleborn witch if he so desires."
A realisation struck Hermione. Knowing that Lucius would never do anything which wouldn't also be in his own interests she asked, "Does that mean your soul mate is half blood or Muggleborn then?"
"Something like that," Lucius smirked. "Now 'Mione, my dear, I stupidly forgot to bring your birthday present with me so I will deliver it to you tomorrow evening when I keep Severus company whilst you are out with your friends."
"Don't think I don't want him there, Lucius." Hermione scoffed. "He's the one that doesn't want to go. I even sorted a private room so he could Apparate in and no one would see him."
Severus just huffed, picked up Hermione's research notes and began to read through them.
"Darling, he can't help being a miserable bastard." And then Lucius saw his opportunity. He leaned in and pecked Hermione on the cheek, "I'll get him there" and winked before bidding them both farewell.
Severus watched the door close. "Interesting. I would love to see the exact wording of those revisions. Of course, she could still be pureblood."
"Could be," Hermione conceded.
"Anyway, I have in my possession a letter for you." Severus picked up the envelope he'd placed on the bench and tapped her on the nose with it.
Hermione went to take it from him but he whipped it away from her. "If I was an owl, I would get a treat for delivering this," he teased.
"Do you like owl treats then?"
"No," he said, leaning down, "I was thinking more along the lines of this," he muttered before kissing her hungrily.
Hermione smiled against his lips as she tried to sneakily relieve him of the letter but Severus grabbed her wrist and playfully put her arm behind her back. "If you want me to give it to you Hermione, you have to ask nicely," he growled into her neck.
"Are we still talking about the letter or something else?"
"The letter of course. If I meant something much more enjoyable I would have told you to beg nicely," Severus chuckled wickedly before presenting the letter for her to take.
Hermione opened it and as she read, the colour drained from her. "I've been awarded The Order of Merlin, First Class."
"And it is richly deserved," Severus replied, openly smiling at his brave lioness.
Hermione was completely taken aback by the award. "But what I did..."
"You might not think it heroic but keeping Harry focused, sane and alive was, I would say, essential to the cause," Severus told her emphatically.
Hermione looked up at him and brushed a strand of hair from his cheek. "But what I did was nothing compared to what you had to do. They have honoured you as well, haven't they?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.
Severus snorted derisively. "Don't worry, I have been offered the same as you plus a special award for my long term efforts but I am undecided whether to accept either of them. I certainly don't want the special award. I don't want to be reminded of what I had to do. And the Order of Merlin is a great honour but people lost family because of my actions. It doesn't matter what side I fought for, the effect is still the same."
"They're not calling you the Dark Saviour for nothing, Severus. Fine, don't accept the special award but you must accept the Order of Merlin. Don't insult all those you saved by refusing it. And if you refuse it, I will refuse mine as well," Hermione said defiantly, crossing her arms across her chest.
"Are you sure you don't want to be Head of Slytherin?" Severus quipped as Hermione continued to glare at him.
"For all the time I've known them, I've never actually been to The Burrow," Severus remarked as they walked up the short distance from their Apparition spot to the wards.
Hermione looked up at him. "No?"
Severus shook his head. "Apart from Order business, discussing academic concerns, of which there were many, and listening to Minerva's general prattling on about them, I haven't really had much to do with Arthur and Molly. Of course, Molly's reputation as the ultimate matriarch precedes her."
It was then Hermione noticed him imperceptibly shudder. "You're worried, aren't you?" she asked, slipping her hand into his.
"Is that wise?" Severus asked cautiously, trying to divert her question. However, he made no attempt to remove his hand; in fact he gave her hand an affectionate squeeze and smirked as she squeezed back. They walked in silence for a moment until he said, "I don't know if worried is the right word. I believe I am apprehensive."
"If you're apprehensive about Molly and Arthur imagine how you'll be if we ever find Mum and Dad," Hermione giggled until the reality of what she'd just said hit her.
Severus looked down at Hermione and saw the consternation on her face. Sensing that the wards were only a few feet away he stopped suddenly, not letting go of her hand and she catapulted back into him. With his free hand he pushed her hair away from her face, entwining his fingers in it. His eyes burned into hers as he solemnly stated, "I promise you, we will get them back. I will go through this with your parents and then I'll be nervous."
He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead, nose and lips before pulling her into his body, holding her until he felt her relax. Severus was not ignorant of the fact that Hermione had mentioned her parents a lot more recently and he was more determined than ever to get them back for her. She needed them in her life. He just hoped that after everything, they still wanted her in theirs.
"I love you, Sev," she mumbled into his chest.
"And I you," he said stroking her back; rocking her gently in his arms. "Now are you sure they've adjusted the wards?" He changed the subject, lightening the mood. "The last thing I need is to be flung back on my arse."
Hermione nodded. "I told Arthur I had some news and given the current situation you would be accompanying me. He told me I should feel very honoured to have The Dark Saviour as my personal bodyguard."
Severus smirked and offered her his arm. "I would say that you are, Miss Granger," he drawled before adding, "although I believe the honour of accompanying you is all mine."
"Smooth bastard."
"At your service, my love," he chuckled before his familiar mask descended.
The Weasley matriarch stood at the door with her arms wide open to greet her adopted daughter. "Hermione," she said, her voice lilting and welcoming.
Severus stood, keeping a respectable distance behind the pair, hands behind his back and an undetectable smile on his lips, as he observed Hermione being gratefully enveloped in Molly's warm embrace. He loved seeing her this happy and he suddenly felt, for the first time in his life, that he was on the brink of becoming part of something worthy. And it was all because of his remarkable, beautiful, courageous, funny, loving, loyal and downright sexy witch. Remember to pinch yourself, Sev, he thought to himself.
"Oh, it's so good to see you," Molly cooed before moving Hermione back to look at her and smiled. "You look very well. And you've put weight on. That's good. I've been so worried that you've not been eating but I suppose you have been well looked after at Hogwarts." Right then Hermione knew Molly was up to something.
"Yes. I have," Hermione said, blushing unintentionally. This did not go unnoticed.
"And I suppose we have you to thank for that, Headmaster," Molly said, acknowledging Severus.
Severus nodded courteously and drawled, "It has been my pleasure to ensure she is indeed well looked after."
Molly's expression changed to one of curiosity and Severus felt her eyes bore into him. Suddenly she looked back at Hermione and brushed her hair over her shoulder. "Yes, you look very well indeed...both of you."
Oh shit, she's onto us, Hermione thought to Severus.
Farewell, dear bollocks, he thought back and tried not to smirk as Hermione fought to stifle a giggle.
"Well come in, come in...Arthur," Molly called, "Hermione and Severus are here...tea?, she asked them before continuing "Ginny and Harry aren't here yet. And Bill and Fleur are coming over and George and his new girlfriend. Do you know Angelina? Oh of course you do. And Severus thank you for offering George the flying instructor's position...
Severus opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Molly who continued. "He's been so much better recently. Of course, that's probably because of Angelina...only told us yesterday. Been going on for weeks seemingly. He felt a bit bad because she used to be Fred's girl, but you can't help who you fall in love with now can you, Hermione, dear?"
Hermione just shook her head and swallowed hard. She stole a glance at Severus whose eyes were annoyingly amused.
As Molly's diatribe proceeded apace, Severus tried to channel his inner spy and keep an unreadable expression whilst attempting to listen to what Molly was saying; he was waiting for her to try and trip him up. But he was finding it harder to do so as he watched Hermione nervously playing with her hair and biting her lip. Could she get any more adorable...or sexy for that matter?
And then Molly moved to the dresser and picked up an envelope similar to the ones Hermione and Severus had received earlier that morning. It was addressed to Ron. "All I've ever asked of my boys is that they treat their lady friends well. Unfortunately not all my sons have heeded my advice," she said remorsefully.
"Ronald is treading a very fine line," Molly continued, tapping the envelope. "Bill said he's meeting with the Prophet again on Monday afternoon. We've told him he isn't to mention you, and that he should retract everything that he's said. He should certainly apologise at the very least. He's let us all down and if this letter is what I think it is...well, he hardly seems worthy of it."
"His actions during the war cannot be denied, Molly. Despite his unbecoming behaviour since, he deserves the award," Severus ground out before adding under his breath "Whether the class is appropriate is another matter." Hermione kicked him under the table but was surprised when Molly just smiled.
"And have you two received similar? Arthur and I have both been awarded second class honours for our continued support of the Order."
"Yes we got..."
'Mione, Severus snapped in her head.
"That is to say, I got my letter this morning and I've been awarded a first class honour and the headmaster informed me earlier that he has as well, plus he was offered a special award for his work as a spy. He's declining that one though," Hermione blurted out nervously.
"It must be nice to have a personal spokesman Severus," Molly teased.
"Well..." Severus was cut off again.
"Why are you turning down the special award?" Molly enquired. "The things you went one did more for the cause."
Severus went to respond again but Hermione huffed, "Oh yes, and they nearly sent him to Azkaban because they were so grateful. Honestly, the Ministry are so two faced."
"You could well be right there," a voice said from the doorway.
"Arthur," Hermione exclaimed as she rushed over and hugged him.
Arthur hugged her back and then placing his hands on the top of her arms, rested his forehead against hers. "Hello my dear...are you alright?" he asked softly.
"Couldn't be better," she blushed.
Arthur's eyes flicked quickly to Severus, who was watching them intently. He squeezed Hermione's hand before moving away and offered his hand in greeting. "Headmaster, how are you? You're looking very well. There must be something in the water up at Hogwarts. Are you taking good care of my little girl?"
"Of course he is. Look at her," Molly interrupted Severus again.
Will I ever get a word in edgeways? Severus asked in Hermione's head.
Only when she's finished playing with us. They both know.
I gathered. Let's just...
Not yet.
'Mione I refuse to be interr...
Severus not yet.
Severus only managed to say "Speaking of..." before they all heard-
"Hi, Mum, sorry we're late," Ginny's voice rang through the kitchen.
Oh for fuck's sake, Hermione heard in her head.
"Oh gods, you got here before us," Ginny continued, looking apologetic.
"It would appear so," Hermione snarked.
Harry tried not to giggle as Severus rolled his eyes.
"Well you're here now. Are you staying the night? I've just put the kettle on. I made your favourite cake, Harry, dear," Molly babbled on.
Harry's blush was immediate and Severus suddenly developed a cough as he tried not to laugh when Harry looked at him pleadingly to blast a hole into the ground for him to jump into. Instead, Severus simply greeted Harry and said "I trust you are well, Mr Potter."
"Oh I'm fine thank you, Headmaster" and then when he was sure Molly and Arthur were distracted enough mouthed "have you told them yet?" to which Severus gave him a look which indicated they were still unaware.
"Glad you could make it Harry, we only ever get cake when you come over ,son," Arthur said happily, slapping him on the back before smirking at Severus.
"Oh don't you tell your lies, Arthur Weasley," Molly blustered. "I admit I don't make as many cakes as I used to but that is for a very good reason," she knowingly added as she patted him on the stomach.
"So, Severus, you must be very pleased to have such talent on your staff now?" Arthur asked him nonchalantly as he watched Molly continue to fuss around the kitchen.
Arching an eyebrow Severus drawled, "Indeed I am," as his gaze briefly brushed over Hermione before asking "Can I offer any assistance, Molly?"
"Oh no dear, you just stay there. Hermione and Ginny can sort the cups and plates," Molly told him, looking at the girls and jerking her head towards the cupboard.
Ginny and Hermione just looked at each other as if to say oh we can, can we!
Harry sat down next to Severus and whispered "Nice move! I offered to help once...never had to lift a finger since."
"Mum, Harry's been awarded an Order of Merlin, First Class," Ginny piped up proudly, "and I got a third class. I suppose you got a first class as well 'Mione?"
"Yeah, and your brother as well," Hermione said ruefully.
"Oh joy!" Harry snarked. "Have you got to meet the presenting committee on Monday afternoon? I hope he's not there."
"So do I," Severus drawled. "I would prefer not to break up an incident."
"You've been awarded a first class as well?" Harry asked.
"As far as I am aware we four are the only ones who have," Severus stated contemplatively. "The majority of the Order and staff at Hogwarts have been awarded second class honours together with Mr Longbottom for his organisation of the resistance last year and his admirable sword work. The rest of Dumbledore's army have been offered third class awards. However, I believe that there are a number of posthumous awards as well but I do not know any more details, unfortunately."
The atmosphere in the kitchen became solemn as fallen friends were remembered, but this solemnity was interrupted suddenly with the arrival of George and Angelina.
"Mother dearest, we're here." George called as he walked into the kitchen and huffed, "Oh, and there was no need to make me my favourite cake, woman...oh silly me, Harry's here. You see darling," he said teasingly as he put his arm around Angelina's waist, "Harry wasn't just the Chosen One, he is the favoured one."
Hermione giggled and stole another glance at Severus who seemed more relaxed now that Harry was there.
"Oh, behave yourself George. Angelina dear, do sit down. Tea?" Molly asked as she got out another two cups.
"Yes, please, Mrs Weasley," Angelina nervously replied as she looked around the room. She expected everyone in the gathered throng to be there except for Severus.
"Good afternoon, Professor Snape," she said hesitantly. "Are you...recovered?"
"I am doing as well as can be expected, Miss Johnson," he answered politely. Hermione was puzzled by this comment but let it go until she could speak to him later.
"Actually, I'm glad you're here actually, Headmaster," George said as he tried to steal a piece a cake but unfortunately was not quick enough to avoid his mother's rap on the knuckles.
Severus simply raised an eyebrow to indicate that he was listening.
Hermione couldn't have felt happier as she looked at Severus. Scenes like this she hoped would become commonplace, and she wanted it more for him than for herself. She wanted him to begin living his life properly with her and finally showing people the man that he really was.
"Well first of all, do you need me to attend the staff meeting on Monday? Harry mentioned it this morning but I hadn't heard anything so I assumed not," George asked.
"No, it's just for the academic staff. I actually sent you an owl this morning, as I was unaware you would be here, informing you that I require your presence next Thursday afternoon," Severus drawled. However, this request had nothing to do with George's role as flying instructor, for if it did there was no reason for Pius, Lucius, Draco, Harry, and Adrian's presence to have been requested also.
"That's fine as I'll be in Hogsmeade anyway on Thursday because this morning we finalised a deal to buy out Zonko's and we're looking at their premises to see how we can extend them. I just thought out of courtesy you should know."
Severus' face fell. Zonko's products were bad enough but Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes were worse. The school would be overrun with pranksters now.
"I congratulate you on your is indeed a satisfying day when one's company expands, especially when you buy someone out," Severus said, smirking to himself as he recalled Lucius' face when he told him he wanted to buy his share of the business. "However, you know I must, as is customary, ban your products from the school premises?"
Hermione had found another comment to call Severus up on later. She knew he had a business but who he'd bought out and when was still a mystery to her.
"I am aware and I expect profits to soar on the basis of your decision, Headmaster," George quipped.
Severus' expression became much darker but his eyes were sparkling with a hint of joviality in his voice. "Be careful I do not peruse your entire product list and only restrict or ban a small number of items."
Angelina could sense George tense a little and chimed in with, "He's joking, George. Gods, you call yourself a prankster and yet you can't take a joke."
"It's hard to tell with him," George retorted as everyone began giggling.
Then without thinking, Hermione put her hand on Severus' and said, "His eyes were sparkling. They always sparkle when he's winding you up."
Severus looked down and she immediately realised what she had just done. She quickly removed her hand and whispered, "Sorry, Headmaster"
Hermione felt Severus huff in her head. Well done, darling...the only way you could make it more obvious now would be to say 'Oh, you should see his face when he cums.'
Don't be crude, Severus.
Well nothing. I'm sorry I can't lie through my teeth like you can.
I don't lie...I am economical with the truth. I told you we should tell them.
"Well, as you are in Hogsmeade anyway, George, shall we say The Hogshead, five o'clock?" Severus asked as he continued to argue with Hermione in his head.
"That would be great," George replied with a nod, his pride only slightly bashed.
Just then there was another call from the hallway and Bill wandered in, followed by Fleur. Hermione was always slightly jealous of Fleur. She usually managed to captivate any man within ten feet of her. In her mind Hermione chose the figure ten feet because that was how far she was away from Severus. However, on closer inspection she noticed that he was ignoring Fleur completely. She was overjoyed at this until she realised he could have just pulled his mask on tighter.
Ginny, on the other hand, did not like Fleur at all. There was something she didn't quite trust about her but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
"Hello dears, how are you?" Molly greeted them excitedly. "How was your trip, dear? Is your sister well?"
"She ees well, and my trip was good, merci," Fleur answered, nervously looking up at Bill.
"Look, as everyone who can be here is here..." he trailed off when he saw Severus.
"Professor Snape, what brings you here?" Bill asked, sounding confused.
Severus swallowed hard and responded, "I was merely escorting Miss Granger from the..."
"Oh, rubbish, Severus!" Molly exclaimed. "It's obvious you two came here to tell us you're together. I will demand details, of course, but it's so obvious that I'd even hazard a guess that you're soul mates?"
Both Hermione and Severus seemed to breathe a joint sigh of relief and relaxed immeasurably. "Yes we are," Hermione replied, blushing as Severus took her hand in his and lifted it to his lips.
"I thought so. Once you are more attuned to your bond you will be able to pick out other soul-bonded couples. You can't tell if an individual is soul-bonded unless their partner is nearby and thinks on them...which incidentally is what gave you two away. I couldn't tell when I was hugging Hermione when you first arrived, but Severus must have had a very nice thought about you because it fair knocked me for six!"
"So you're ok with this?" Hermione asked tentatively.
"Are you happy?" Molly asked seriously.
A wide smile graced her lips and turning to Severus she said emphatically, "I've never been happier."
"Then who are we to argue? And Severus is sensible enough to know that despite him probably being the most powerful wizard we know, I will hunt him down if he ever hurts you."
Severus smiled. "I would expect nothing less and I am grateful that Hermione has so many people concerned for her well being."
Arthur suddenly slapped Severus on the back. "A pint is in order next time you're in London," and then bending down to whisper conspiratorially in his ear Arthur added "it'll be nice to commiserate with another soul-bonded man."
"Arthur!" Molly and Hermione snorted in tandem.
"You see?"
"I do, but I wouldn't change it for the world," Severus stated calmly as Hermione chimed into his head stop creeping Snape!
I'm sorry. Am I losing my touch...Granger?
I hope not. I rather like it.
"Well done son, you always were a quick learner!" Arthur chuckled.
"I take it Ronald doesn't know?" Molly pointed out, and with that question came an implicit warning that should her youngest son not know that it was to remain that way.
"No, we are speaking to the press next Friday before the Ministry Ball which we will be attending together. Until then we are keeping it as quiet as possible," Severus said firmly, and everyone noted that his tone also carried a request that it should remain that way.
"Mind you, everyone we care about seems to know," Hermione said sitting on Severus' lap as all the seats seemed to be taken; an arrangement which pleased him immensely.
"I don't care about the board," Severus snorted.
"No, but they've taken wand oaths," Hermione told him. "I just want to keep this away from Ron until the press hears our side of the story. Sev's been through enough..."
"As have you," Severus interrupted, trying to deflect what he was sure would be one of her vehement and yet highly embarrassing defences of him.
Arthur looked at Molly and smiled before saying. "Well, I think you're doing the right thing. Ron hasn't been himself since the end of the war and frankly, although he's our son and we love him, he wasn't right for you and he's managed to prove that now. Seeing you together, you two seem far better suited but as Molly said, expect an interrogation."
"That is not what I said Arthur...I said I wanted all the details," Molly snapped.
"Same thing, dear! Now Bill, what news do you have?" Arthur asked as Molly's eyes bored into his.
Bill cleared his throat and with a beaming smile, placed his arm around his beautiful wife before putting his hand onto her stomach. "We're expecting. We had it confirmed this morning. We suspected last week but Fleur got a call from Gabrielle at the weekend to go and visit her before she goes back to school. Today was the first appointment we could get," he said excitedly, but Severus noted that Fleur did not seem to share his enthusiasm.
However, if Fleur seemed under or possibly overwhelmed, there was no denying the feelings of Molly on the subject. Hermione looked at Arthur, who was beaming away at his son and daughter-in-law but he was more restrained than his wife, who was squealing, hugging and kissing them both. He simply shook his son's hand and kissed his daughter-in-law's cheek before trying to avoid his wife's ecstatic screeches.
In fact, Hermione was most amused when Severus muttered to Harry "What's that clicking noise?"
Harry giggled. "She's probably just cast a charm to start the knitting needles off," before Ginny called for everyone's attention.
"Ummm, well I'm really pleased I'm going to have a little niece or nephew, but well, Harry and I have some news," she said blushing.
"You're not pregnant as well are you?" George huffed jokingly.
Ginny threw him a murderous glare and drew her wand.
George looked panicked. "You know I was only joking, sis?"
"I know," she said smirking as she tapped her left hand to reveal her engagement ring.
Harry was frozen to his chair. The boy who killed Lord Voldemort was consumed with fear. Hermione kicked him and he clumsily stood up and went to stand by Ginny. Taking her hand he said "I know I should have probably asked your permission, Mr Weasley, but ummm, well, it kind of just happened. I asked Ginny to marry me and thankfully she said yes."
Harry could feel his cheeks burning and then felt himself being knocked off balance as Molly's embrace, with its accompanying squeal, hit him.
"Oh, let's see your ring, Ginny!" her mother exclaimed as she admired the emerald, which had once belonged to Lily.
Amongst the litany of excited comments, cooing, and the formative creation of plans, Arthur extended his hand to Harry and said "Welcome officially to the mad house. We'll have chat later," before giving his daughter an incredibly tight hug.
And then to the assembled room he continued, "Now are there any more revelations? Because frankly I need a very stiff drink. Gentlemen, will you join me in the smoking room...otherwise known as the shed? Ladies, commence planning and gossiping at your leisure."
Severus kissed Hermione on the cheek before whispering "We have to leave by six. I have a lot planned for tonight."
"Put her down Severus, I have a rather lovely scotch that you'll appreciate," Arthur said as he walked out of the kitchen.
It seems I have a date with a rather lovely scotch, Severus thought to her, smirking.
Hermione giggled. Far be it from me to keep you then, as she rose from his lap.
"Oh, Severus," Ginny called after him as he walked out of the kitchen talking to Arthur.
"Speak to your parents and if they agree, my office after the Prefects meeting on Tuesday," Severus said without breaking stride.
"How do you always know what I'm about to say?" Ginny huffed.
Severus just shrugged and carried on with the rest of the boys towards the sanctuary of Arthur's shed.
As Hermione watched Severus leave and Ginny slump back down into her chair, she suddenly felt Molly's gaze boring into her.
"So then, Hermione," the older witch began, "I want to know everything. I have to admit, seeing you with the headmaster was a bit of a shock but as Arthur said it's strange but you seem extremely well suited. But when did everything start between you and Severus and I want to know if anything happened before it should have? Because so help me if he laid a finger on you whilst you were underage or even under his care, I will have his head on a spike."
Hermione sighed deeply. She knew this would be the kind of reaction they'd start getting but she decided to meet it with a steady countenance.
"Honestly, there's nothing to really tell. My crush on him may have started in the third year but even when our soul bond initiated he kept away and nothing physically happened until two weeks ago. But," Hermione paused and smiled reflectively, "when we first kissed I knew I never wanted to kiss another man and by the time understand don't you Molly?"
Molly's stern, protective demeanour began to melt. She did understand and she engulfed Hermione in a tight embrace. "We share an imperfect gift Hermione. There are pitfalls but there is also so much joy. And to think after all he's been through he has a soul mate as lovely as you. If ever you want to discuss some of the more unusual aspects of your bond, Arthur and I are here for both of you. Being soul bonded is one of life's greatest mysteries and blessings but..."
Molly was suddenly interrupted by Fleur quickly rising and running off to the toilet/ Muffled noises soon followed. "Ah morning sickness...oh that reminds me. Please don't think this is too personal a question, but are you using a tailored contraceptive?"
"Mum you can't ask her that!" Ginny exclaimed.
Molly glared at her daughter, "You're next, young lady, so be quiet."
"Yes." Hermione's blush was growing deeper as Fleur came back into the room, looking sheepish.
"Oh my poor dear. Is my grandchild misbehaving already? I'll make you some ginger tea. That'll help," Molly said and began to prepare it for her. Fleur just smiled and quietly told hermerci as she sat back down.
Molly then continued, "I knew I could count on you and Severus to be sensible, because a slight downside to being soul bonded is the urge to have babies. No one told us about tailored methods until after the twins and by then we couldn't care less."
Hermione looked a little shocked and realised both of them had been mentioning or at least thinking about babies pretty much from day one. The warning was going to be well heeded.
Molly handed Fleur the cup of steeping ginger, who then asked "Would you mind if I sit outside with zis for a moment? I need some air."
"Not at all, dear. Go on, but wrap up warm," Molly said affectionately to her daughter-in-law. As Fleur left she sighed. "Poor thing looks awful. Babies are wonderful but a bad pregnancy is hell. I hope she feels better soon."
Ginny just snorted but then cowered as her mother rounded on her. "Just wait until it is your turn, young lady, which I hope won't be for quite some time. It's one thing to get engaged...and we all love Harry and we're thrilled for you...but don't you be thinking about getting married and having babies any time soon!"
"Severus said we could live together if you said it's OK, Mum" Ginny whimpered.
"Did he now?"
"He did say he would respect your wishes, Molly, if you said no," Hermione interrupted.
"Whilst I am grateful that Severus has asked them to seek our permission, what I want to know, Ginerva, is why you have already had this conversation with him. Because it implies you told him and Hermione about your engagement before you told us." Molly was not amused.
"I'm sorry Mum," Ginny said, brushing away an errant tear. "But with everything that's happened you seemed so down and angry that I was worried you'd get all overprotective and tell me I was too young. It was only when Severus pointed out that our news might cheer you up that we decided to tell you today."
Molly sighed and embraced her daughter before cooing, "You are young but it's fantastic news. I just want you to enjoy your lives a bit more before you have to worry about bills and babies. But we'll all sit down and have a lovely chat. Today is such a special day...I'm going to be a grandmother, my little girl is getting married, my son's business is doing well and Hermione's happy. What more can I ask for?"
From out of nowhere Angelina suddenly found her voice. "Just in case you're wondering, we're not looking at getting married or having babies any time soon, so no need to worry about us." And with that the gossiping commenced in earnest.
Whilst Molly held court in the kitchen, Arthur poured generous slugs of scotch for the assembled gathering in the shed.
As he handed Severus his glass he said genially, "So Severus..." Here we go...Severus thought to himself. "How long have you had feelings for our Hermione?"
"Had feelings for or acted on said feelings?" Severus asked cautiously.
Arthur chuckled. "Actually I know the answer to the first one...when the bond initiated when she was 16 but the second one?"
"It was a little more complicated due to her time turner dalliance as she was in fact 15 when the bond initiated but apart from warning my snakes that she was off limits and watching over her, nothing happened until two weeks ago."
"When did you first notice her though?" George asked, winking.
Severus smirked as he looked at the floor. "The Yule Ball."
Harry giggled. "Who didn't notice her? Well, actually it took me a while. I was gawping at Cho but that's another story."
"Yeah, I was all for dumping my date when I saw her," George smirked. "Except she was with Krum so no one got a look in. I don't think she danced with anyone else. Oh gods, and did you see Ron's face? If he hadn't been such a twat and asked her to go with him..."
Severus grunted at the mention of Krum and Ron and Harry glared at George, warning him to shut up before asking, "So will you let her dance with anyone else at the Yule Ball this year, Severus?"
"I heard you were about to speak to Beauxbaton and Durmstrang about that," Arthur piped up. "You're causing quite a stir at the Ministry, Headmaster."
Severus looked pained. "So I am led to believe. It seems wherever I turn in that damned place I face brick walls."
Arthur considered this for a moment. "It's not just you, I can assure you! But I can see a Dumbledore/Fudge situation arising if you're not careful."
"As much as I wish to avoid such confrontation...I certainly don't want to be Minister of Magic...I refuse to back down when I know what I am proposing is right," Severus said firmly. "However I appreciate your counsel, Arthur."
"Think nothing of it. You're practically family now you're with 'Mione so whenever you require counsel, mine's a double," Arthur chuckled as he took a mouthful of his drink.
"And mine," George piped up. "Harry's is half a lager shandy because he's a lightweight."
"No I'm not," Harry snorted.
Bill, who had been remarkably quiet said, "So who was that Ron and I dragged out of the toilets after the Wimbourne, Puddlemere match after three pints?"
"No idea," Harry shrugged as his blush began to rise.
"Well, try not to fall over, there's a good chap," Arthur teased as he patted Harry on the back before turning his attention to his eldest son.
"So, Bill are you excited about the baby?"
"Yes and be honest, Dad, I don't know how I feel about it. I'm trying to be excited for Fleur but I'm worried about...well, you know?"
Severus considered this. "But Fenrir was not in wolf form when he scratched you and you've never transformed so I cannot see it being an issue."
"Just recently my wolfish urges have become stronger," Bill told him, looking concerned.
"How many weeks pregnant is your wife?" Severus asked.
"Ten weeks."
"There have been two full moons in that could be experiencing a heightened sense of protection. It would only be natural if your inner wolf was feeling more protective of its mate," Severus surmised.
Bill huffed. "You could be right but I know she's worried something might be passed on. She's been quite distant lately."
"She's pregnant," Arthur exclaimed. "Gods, when your mother was having you lot her emotions were all over the place. The only constant was that it was always my fault even when it wasn't!"
Bill smiled wryly. "And I thought it was bad enough once a month."
"I must be quite lucky then because Ginny's not too bad but Hermione!" Harry chuckled as Severus suddenly looked up. "Talk about walking on eggshells. We didn't really notice it at school but when we were on the run we only had to breath the wrong way and it set her off."
George nudged Bill as they all observed the flash of panic on Severus' face.
"Oh come on, Severus," Arthur said chirpily. "You've stood in front of Voldemort and lied to his face; you've faced all manner of tortures. I'm sure you can handle a hormonal Hermione."
Severus just arched an eyebrow and snarked "I would like to think so. I am, however, now not quite so sure."
Arthur patted Severus on the back "What you need is a shed, Severus."
"I've got my private lab." And then it dawned on him. "I had my own lab... she seems to be taking that over at the moment."
"Build her one of her own then," Arthur offered.
Severus nodded as he considered this. "That may be a very good idea," he said, chuckling lightly.
The rest of the conversation was relatively relaxed with Harry being the butt of the teasing. Severus even stopped snorting every time Ron was mentioned until eventually Arthur informed everyone that it was time to go and rescue the girls before his wife's incessant chatter caused their ears to bleed.
As they walked back towards the house, Arthur pulled Severus back. "Pius was furious after the Wizengamot yesterday. He was telling me about your Enforcement Protocol. An excellent idea I must say. Do you think you'll get it passed before the start of term?"
Severus sighed. "Hopefully. I saw Pius this morning and we formulated a response to their objections, which were frankly nonsensical."
Arthur nodded and grabbed Severus' arm again as they were about to enter the house. Speaking in a low, concerned voice he said "There is something not right at the Ministry. I thought it was teething problems but I'm not so sure. I can't put my finger on it."
"I completely agree. And I believe it starts at the top." Severus stated.
It was nearly six o'clock and Severus whispered in Hermione's ear that it was time to go. Just as they were about to leave Molly suddenly said "Oh I nearly forgot, Hermione dear...your birthday present."
"Oh you shouldn't have," Hermione sweetly told her as Arthur handed over the present and gave her a hug.
"We couldn't not get you anything. Now have a wonderful day tomorrow," Molly said warmly. "You make sure you spoil her, Severus."
"I intend to," he drawled before putting his arm around Hermione's waist.
"We'll bring your pressie tomorrow night," Ginny said teasingly and George chimed in with "I've got you a little something as well."
"Oh gods," Hermione giggled as she thought of all the possibilities.
Fleur then added, "I knew we had forgotten something, Bill. We will give our cadeaux to George tomorrow."
"Yeah, we won't be able to make it unfortunately, love," Bill said. "She needs to be in bed by 9 o'clock at the moment."
"I understand. You take good care of her Bill," Hermione said, putting her hand on his arm.
"I will if she'll let me," Bill smiled ruefully.
As the couple bid farewell and walked to the Apparition point, Hermione looked at Severus and smiled as she clung on to his arm. "Well, that wasn't too bad, was it?"
"All things considered, it could have been worse," Severus said smirking.
"So where are we going?" she asked, wrapping her arms around him.
"Wait and see," he said, kissing her forehead before Apparating them away.
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