Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Rowena stared at Godric in shock. “He may very well kill you for this, if he can find a way.” She said softly, warningly.
“Oh, come on! It’s all in good fun!” Sirius protested, defending their actions. “Besides, I already had Cedric go to Hogsmeade with some money, and he was able to buy the Firewhiskey and Butterbeer and a few other drinks, so there’s no reason NOT to do it!”“Do what, exactly?” Shiloe asked coldly, stepping out into the room, toweling off his damp hair. “And why would I kill Godric? No, wait, forget I asked THAT. What did he do THIS time?” Shiloe corrected himself.Salazar chuckled. “I daresay you’ll find out in three, two, o-“ He was cut off by a knock at the door, and sighed. “And I didn’t even get to finish.”Shiloe glared at Godric and went to open the door. He was assailed by several people’s emotions, and clung to his shields for dear life as they trembled, but thankfully, held.He gazed out at the smiling faces of several of Harry’s friends. Neville, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George.“We heard Sirius is willing to provide booze and snacks if we provide you a chance to work on your shielding, mate!” Fred said, grinning.Shiloe sighed, stepping aside. “Fine, come on in.”“Gee, no need to sound so very EAGER about it all.” George added, stepping into the room.Ginny smiled at him. “Hey.” She said softly. Shiloe knew she had hoped to be an anchor, but thankfully she seemed to have gotten over the fact that she wasn’t.“Hey, yourself.” Shiloe said carefully, still not quite sure what to make of the three Weasleys not in his year. He had bonded—tentatively—with Ron over Divination homework, but he had yet to get to know any of the others very well.He shut the door behind the group and saw Sirius flick his wand. A table laden with alcohol and snacks of all kinds appeared against one wall, and Ron, Fred and George made a beeline for it.Hermione smiled and shook her head fondly, while Ginny just snorted, used to the love of food most of her brothers seemed to share.“So,” Shiloe said softly, turning to face Sirius. “You’re dead meat, buddy.” He warned, and Sirius paled.Shiloe smirked, and then walked up to him, leaning over the man. “Your ass is MINE tonight. Understand?” He said so softly only Sirius would hear.The man sighed, nodding.Shiloe chuckled, and then headed over to look over the snacks. Were those éclairs he had seen? If so, he just MIGHT be persuaded to go easy on Sirius after all.After picking out a few snacks of his own, he sat on the couch, the twins quickly taking the seats on either side of him, effectively trapping him there.Shiloe felt their emotions: Giddiness and recklessness, disregard for rules they considered too constricting. He clenched his hands in his lap, mentally reaching for Neville’s emotions as he felt his shields vibrate.He stopped himself before he could make the connection to his anchor’s emotions, though, and instead concentrated on his shields, building them up firmly and holding them by himself.Ginny came over and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” She asked softly.Shiloe gritted his teeth, eyes still closed, and replied: “I should be, just as soon as you all stop TOUCHING me!” He snarled, his eyes flying open.Ginny dropped her hand with a soft gasp and the twins leapt up as if they had been burned, apologizing in unison.“It’s fine. I’m just not used to all this.” Shiloe said, his voice strained. “Physical contact makes it ten times harder to hold my shields against a person. And I’m having a hard time holding them as it is. The extra pressure… I didn’t mean to shout, but it’s a bit overwhelming.” He said by way of apology.Ginny nodded thoughtfully. “Maybe you need to get used to casual touch, then. People are going to slap you on the back, or brush against you in the halls, there’s no avoiding that here. You don’t want to have an episode in the middle of the corridor, do you?”Shiloe sighed, shaking his head, impressed that she had realized that before he had. “No, I can’t let the whole school know that… Harry wouldn’t want it, either. I have to protect him, as well as myself and my anchors.”“Speaking of the anchors, mate,” George said, eyeing him.Fred grinned. “Could you tell us who they are?” He finished.Shiloe narrowed his eyes at them. “That’s Pack business. Prove I can trust you, and you’ll find out. But I’m not telling you yet. Only one of you is even close to earning that right.” He said, NOT flicking his glace at Ron.Ron grinned at him, for once unable to find words.Hermione pursed her lips jealously. “What about me?”“Are you serious?” Shiloe asked her flatly. “IF I’m ever going to learn to like you at ALL, it’s going to take time. Unlike Harry, if I were sorted, I’d make Slytherin. Or, possibly Ravenclaw, but I doubt it. I don’t like know-it-alls, and you are very nearly just that. I’m also not that fond of Muggles, so that would probably cause friction between us until I trusted you enough to give you my reasoning. Give me some time, and we will see what happens. Until then, don’t be too jealous. This isn’t some exclusive club I don’t want you to join. It’s a matter of trust only.” Shiloe explained, keeping his voice flat and toneless, in an attempt to avoid sounding rude or caustic.Hermione pressed her lips together and swallowed, but nodded once. “I understand.” She said, and if there was a tiny waver in her voice, Shiloe chose to ignore it and spare her dignity.“Well, Ms. Weasley.” Shiloe said, turning to Ginny. “Exactly how do you suggest we fix my little problem?”Neville walked over. “We could have all the others take turns touching you while I stand close by. If your shields break, I can help you rebuild them quickly so we can keep going.” He ventured.“Brilliant, Nev!” Ron enthused, slapping the flushed teen on the back heartily. “Yeah, but Mione and Ginny should probably wait for their turns, they look like they might hug you. That might be a bit much.”Shiloe turned his eyes on the two girls in horror. “You’re not really going to HUG me, are you?”Hermione grinned. “Well, NOW I am.” She declared gleefully.“Sure, since you asked so nicely.” Ginny agreed.“Noo.” Shiloe moaned.*****Shiloe sat on the couch sandwiched in between Neville and Sirius, trembling slightly.He had been patted, hugged, grasped and rubbed so much that his head was throbbing and he was tempted to go to Severus and beg for a pain potion.“Dammit, I hurt.” He whined.Hermione frowned. “Well, if you hadn’t been so stubborn before, you wouldn’t be having his problem now. It’s your own fault that you haven’t been working on the shields.”“Oh, shove it.” Shiloe snarled at her.“That wasn’t very nice.” Said the girl who was coming out of Salazar Slytherin’s rooms—THROUGH the door.Shiloe sighed, hanging his head. “Sorry.” He groaned.Helga Hufflepuff walked over to him and laid a hand on his forehead, then sighed. “Look at me.” She said firmly, her voice no longer as detached as it normally was.Shiloe looked up, and felt her probing his mind. He realized that it had never been Helga that had known Legilimency, and he eagerly let her in.Shiloe met Shiloe, and together, the two Shiloe quickly built up the mental shields, the elder female showing the younger teen how to build them up securely and pointing out the most common places for them to crack, and warning him to check them frequently, for they were far from foolproof. Then, she withdrew, and both found themselves back in their respective bodies again.Shiloe inclined his head to the elder, respectfully. “Thank you.” He said solemnly.Helga—or rather, HER Shiloe—smiled, laying a hand on his shoulder. “You’re very welcome. I’ll take my leave, now.” She said, sweeping a gaze over the others, and Shiloe could almost hear her thoughts.‘Outsiders. Retreat as soon as possible, but do not arouse suspicion.’He watched her walk back through Salazar’s door, and wished he could take Sirius and Neville and follow her.Safety lay behind those closed doors. Safety and the privacy to be himself with his anchors. To let them know how much they meant to him, how comfortable he was around them. So unlike he felt right now, surrounded by Weasleys and one bushy-haired Muggleborn.‘I want to go back to bed.’ Shiloe thought wearily.*****“And then?”Shiloe huffed. “Umm… Three beetle eyes?” He guessed, not sure if it was three or thirteen in that step.Rowena fixed him with a stare that would have done Severus proud. “Were you asking me, or telling me?” She pressed.“Telling.” Shiloe decided.Rowena’s lips thinned. “Congratulations, Shiloe. You just made a bomb.” She replied thinly.Shiloe chuckled. “Ah. So, thirteen, then.”Rowena sighed. “NO, actually. Three drops of lily-of-the-valley extract, REALLY, it’s a SIMPLE potion.” She sighed, exasperated.Shiloe groaned, laying his head on the tabletop. “Then let me BREW it already!”“Not until you have it memorized! The timing is too precise to rely on a book! The instructions MUST be in your head! Now, start over.”Shiloe sighed heavily, and raised his head. “I prepare the cauldron over coals, adding enough water to just cover the bottom. I add three rose petals, stirring five times deasil(1), then I add one drop of Flobberworm mucus. When it turns pink, I add the Lacewing Flies, five of them, one at a time…”(1): There is only one correct spelling for this word: Deasil. "Deosil" is a misspelling of unknown origin. It means clockwise.
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