No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Many thanks to by beta; Pittwitch. Even if she is planning a revenge on me. : )
Chapter 26 Wolfsbane
“Well I don’t know him. Do you know anyone called Malfoy?”
“Lucius Malfoy, here’s a picture of him, look.”
Severus snatched the parchment from her and his eyes widened when he saw Lucius’ likeness and his name written beneath.
“I don’t believe this. We have to show this to Albus straight away.”
She barley had time to arc her wand and clean up as he grabbed her hand and raced up the steps and through the door.
“Hurry, open the door to Hogwarts.”
She pulled the door open into the main entrance and was once more pulled at speed, this time towards the stone gargoyle.
“Sever … Arhh.”
She sprawled onto the floor, only the Potion Master’s grip on her hand preventing her from landing too heavily on the stone flags. He stopped and pulled her to her feet, ready to start running again. She yanked him back hard.
“Will you stop pulling me about like that? It hurts and I nearly broke my neck. What’s the big hurry?”
Severus turned and looked at her. “I am sorry. It was not my intention to hurt you. I cannot explain to you here. But we must see Albus.”
“Alright, but no more pulling. Come on we’ll go this way.”
She opened the door that normally led to a broom cupboard and instead it opened up just outside Albus’ office door. She knocked and Albus called
“Hello you two. I’m afraid I’ve just woken up. Is it something important?”
“Yes Albus. It is something very important. You had best sit down.”
As soon as they were seated in front of the fire Severus dropped the bombshell on Albus. “I have the identity of the sender, Albus.”
Sky looked at Severus with her mouth open. ‘HE has the identity. I was the one who bloody well got it.’
“It was Lucius.”
“Lucius Malfoy?”
“Unless you know of any other Lucius Malfoy, yes. Look, I even have his likeness on here.”
He passed the parchment to the Headmaster while Sky looked at him disbelievingly.
“Huh.” She muttered under her breath. “Of course I had nothing to do with it.”
“What?” Severus gave her the merest of glances when he heard her voice something but did not wait for her to reply.
“Why would he do this Albus? You know as well as I what he is like, what he is.”
“Indeed it is very strange, Severus. Are you sure about this? Could there have been a mistake?”
Sky opened her mouth to say ‘No there was no mistake’ but Severus spoke up before she could.
“There is no mistake, Albus. It was him. I am certain of it. What I do not understand is why he would do such a thing.”
“Quite. I too am at a loss.”
Sky had enough and jumped to her feet.
“Will someone please tell me what the problem is? Who is this Malfoy bloke? And just to set the record straight, Albus. I was the one who found out who sent the damned letter. I was the one who got his image and neither of you will tell me what‘s so flaming well special about him.”
The Potions Master raised his eyes to see a pair of dark blue angry eyes looking down at him. He could swear her nostrils were flaring. If she got any madder, he thought steam might come out of her ears. He cleared his throat and tried to look unfazed, but he was feeling a bit wary of her anger.
“Yes well if you sit down and try to calm yourself I shall tell you.”
She reddened but not with embarrassment. Sky was fuming. She’d been dragged up steps and along corridors, almost fell on her face, and had to sit listening as Severus took the credit for HER spells work and she still didn’t know what was going on. Then he had the cheek to tell her to calm down.
So she sat and folded her arms with a huff and all three of them jumped at the sound of various instruments going zing, pop and twang as her magical energy went out of control. Albus’ array of unusual instruments began to fall apart as Sky’s anger vented itself. Severus’ eyes were wild as he looked round the room, watching springs, cogs and pieces of glass snap out of there holdings and go flying across the room.
“Sky,” he said softly. “Sky please, you have to calm down before one of us gets hurt or you wreck the office.”
He ducked quickly as a lump of brass flew passed his head. But her eyes had a glazed appearance and she didn’t hear him. He took hold of one of her hands and stroked the back with his thumb. His other hand he placed at the back of her head, gently massaging her scalp and hoping it would relax her enough to calm her. Slowly things stopped pinging and zinging and fell to the floor as his fingers worked at her scalp and he whispered nonsense to her until finally it stopped and she looked at him, her eyes clear.
“Are you alright?” He asked her.
“Yes. Why? What happened in here?” She noticed pieces of debris all round the room.
“You got a little out of sorts. It was my fault. I am sorry.”
“I got what? You mean I did this?”
“You did. Though it was unintentional. Sometimes when a magical person is over emotional their power can get a bit out of control. That is what happened to you. It is quite common and I am surprised has it not happened to you before now?”
“No. Never.” Sky arced her wand and added a flick. Within seconds, the room was tidied and the instruments repaired. “Albus I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to …”
“Don’t concern yourself. It was nothing that could not be fixed. Besides, you are not the first to lose control like that and you will not be the last. Now, you wished to know about Lord Malfoy.”
“Lord Malfoy? What’s a Lord? And why all the fuss about him?”
“Severus can explain the title at a later date. The thing is that Lucius Malfoy is one of Voldemort’s higher ranking Deatheaters. That is why we are so concerned as to why he would give us your whereabouts. As to why, we have yet to discover. But one thing is for sure. Lucius cannot be trusted. So we shall have to tread very carefully. Draco is in his final year at Hogwarts, so I am sure that the Malfoy’s know of your presence here.”
“Who’s Draco?”
“He is Lucius’ son.” Severus told her. “He started Hogwarts at the same time as Potter.”
“Potter. He’s the one who was supposed to finish off Voldemort isn’t he? Where is he now?”
“He is here. In his seventh year.”
“So now what do we do? I don’t suppose it really matters anymore who sent the letter. Effy and Shannon told me everything I need to know.”
“That is as may be, but the fact that he has gone behind the Dark Lord’s back is very disturbing.”
“Well we could ask him I suppose.”
“Sky, one does not just up and ask a Malfoy to explain his actions.”
“Why not? He’s only the same as us. Do you know where he lives? We can go and see him.”
Albus leaned forward in his chair. “That would not be advisable Sky. Besides, I dare say that he will soon be using his influence as a member of our Board of School Governors to pay a visit sometime during the next week or two. Let’s wait for him to make the first move.”
Sky shrugged her shoulders and stood. “Fine. But let me know when he’s coming. I want to talk to him.” She walked to the door. “Are you two coming for lunch or not?”
Both men followed like a pair of lapdogs, neither prepared to explain what kind of man Lucius Malfoy was. They walked through Albus’ office door and emerged through the teachers’ entrance to the Great Hall.
“Oh I do love this ability of hers, Severus. I wish I could do the same. It would save me a lot of leg work.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” Severus muttered as he headed to his seat. Once they were seated, Sky asked Severus where Draco was seated.
“Slytherin table, halfway down. Platinum blonde hair and a nose stuck so far up his …”
“I get your meaning.” She told him.
Sky carried on eating for a while before letting her gaze travel casually in his direction. She was surprised to see Draco Malfoy already staring at her with a look of extreme hostility. The rest of the week was uneventful. Sky sat in on some more potion lessons, including one that included Draco and Harry Potter. The two boys didn’t seem to like each other and Draco seemed to like her even less.
By Friday morning, Severus had become wise to her tricks and was not best pleased to discover that she was secretly helping some of the students.
“How do you expect them to learn for themselves if you keep doing their work for them?” He growled. “And I do not appreciate your interference with my decision on who to deduct points from and who I award them to. From now on, you are banned from my classroom.”
“Please Severus, I won’t do it again. I won’t have anything to do if I don’t come to class with you.”
“Can you make the Wolfsbane potion?”
“Of course I can, why?”
“Because we need some more. You can be in charge of that. We need a fresh supply each month for … an acquaintance.”
“Really, you know a werewolf? Who is it? Can I meet him or her? I’ve never met a werewolf.”
“Why would anyone want to meet a werewolf? Are you mad?”
“No I’m not. I’m just … curious. Maybe I can improve the potion. But I’d need to know a bit more about him or her first. Is it a him or a her?”
“Him. And the Wolfsbane cannot be improved on. I have already done so.” And meeting him would serve no purpose. You do not need to meet anyone. You are fine here.”
Severus did not want her to meet Remus Lupin, or any other male for that matter. He was happy keeping her here where he could jeep an eye on her and she was away from prying eyes, particularly male prying eyes. He had a very possessive nature and did not like to share what he considered to be his. And as far as Severus was concerned, Sky belonged to him. But Sky didn’t know this and she wanted to get out of Hogwarts for a while. She’d listened to the students chattering since she arrived and begun to realise that there was life outside of this place, outside of the wall. She wanted to experience some of it.
“Fine. Have you got anything planned for the weekend? You don’t do classes then do you?”
“No, there are no classes at weekends. What did you have in mind?”
Severus was hoping for nothing but sex, sleep, sex, food and more sex.
“Nothing Severus. I just wondered. I’ll go start on the Wolfsbane.”
She trudged off to her lab and Severus went to teach his morning class of Ravenclaw/Hufflepeff fifth years. He set an essay for the students and sat at his desk, supposedly marking homework. But he was actually thinking about Sky. She looked defeated when she headed into the lab this morning, not that he felt any guilt about that. But he wanted her to be happy. After all, a happy Sky meant an even happier Severus. But he did not see what he could do about it. ‘Maybe he could take her to Diagon Alley tomorrow.’ They could stop at Fortescue’s and have a coffee, and then she could look round the shops while he had another coffee. He decided that was one of his better ideas. He would keep it a surprise until this evening.
Sky walked through Severus’ lab and entered her own. She didn’t know what his improvements on the Wolfsbane were and just prepared her own version of the potion. After she prepared the base and added the aconite and various other ingredients, she set it to simmer and headed into the wall to collect some mermaid fin, a Hawaiian spring bat liver and a bottle of Hemia Salicifola.
As an afterthought she picked up a root of Llex Paraguanensis then ran back up the steps and back into Hogwarts. Sky rough chopped the mermaid fin and added to the mix, turning up the heat. She then began pounding the Hemia into a thin liquid as she waited for the cauldron to come to the boil. As soon as it started to boil, she put out the flame and put a cooling charm on the muddy brown concoction. As it cooled, it turned a rich chocolate colour and she started stirring it slowly; three times anti clockwise and seven times clockwise. Then she dropped in the spring bat liver, covered it and placed it in her store cupboard. It needed to stand for two days before she could add the Llex. Then it would be ready for use by Sunday. If she could meet the werewolf she could find out what his tastes were and flavour the potion for him. It tasted foul otherwise and certain flavourings would have no adverse effects on it. It could be made sweet or savoury, depending on which the imbiber preferred.
Sky didn’t know what Severus’ version did, but hers would need to be taken once every three months. The potion would also keep for twelve months so she made enough for four doses. She only hoped it was up to his standards. If it wasn’t, he would probably throw a fit. After cleaning her workspace, she headed back to the study. The process had only taken a couple of hours and it was another two before classes ended.
Sky decided to take a walk outside. She rarely got to go outside when she lived in the wall, and when she did go out she was usually trying to avoid Severus. But that wasn’t necessary now, so she was free to do as she pleased.
The weather was warm so after changing into shorts and t-shirt she headed to the main entrance and through the massive doors that led outside. The sun was beating down as she made her way down the steps and she suddenly felt like running. So that’s exactly what she did. As she ran across the great expanse of lawn, past the greenhouses and the quidditch pitch, turned and headed toward the lake. By the time she reached it, she was out of breath but felt exhilarated. Conjuring up a blanket, she flopped down and called Effy. The elf was there in an instant.
“Hello miss. You cheeks is all flushed. Is you been running?”
“Yeah. I just had to get out of that castle for a bit Effy. I’ve never had a chance to run free like this before. But I’m all puffed out now. Do you mind getting me a drink and something to eat?”
“Effy is doing anything miss wants.”
“Well then call me Sky, not miss. Is that okay?”
“Is fine Mi …Sky. I be right back with your drink.”
Effy had a big grin across her face. The other elves didn’t get to use first names like Effy. The elf went and returned in an instant with a large glass of pumpkin juice and a cauldron cake.
“Here you is Sky. You eats this and you is feeling much better.”
“Thanks Effy.” She answered as the elf popped away.
She drank half the juice in one go and tucked into the cake. It was the first time she’d tried one of these and she really enjoyed the mix of sweet and savoury in her mouth. After polishing off the rest of the juice, she lay back on the blanket and stretched out, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth of the sun on her body. Half asleep, she remembered the song again that she’d dreamt of and then sung in the bath. Humming the tune to herself, she laid there, her arms tucked behind her head and feeling more relaxed then she ever felt before in her life. Starting to sing to herself she was about halfway through the first verse when a dark shadow fell across her face and chest, blocking the warmth and making her shiver. Rolling over quickly, wand in hand Sky pushed herself up to her knees and discovered she was not alone.”
Now you know who sent the letter.
Wonder what will happen now?
He He.
Please review.
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