Rise of the Cannonites | By : KusanoSaku Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 12651 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or it's characters. I am just having fun with them and I don't make money that way. |
Title: Rise of the Cannonites
Pairings: GideonxArthur, BreccxGeorge, ViktorxCharlie and BillxFleur ect.
Summary: a spin off story of 'I did not Sleep with that wizard!' focusing on the Weasley-Prewett family. Tracks the family's rise to fame or is it infamy?
A/N: Warnings for angst and characters who chose to bottle shame- bully or taunt mothers who cannot or chose not to breastfeed. Such behaviour is cruel and breastfeeding should be regarded as a woman's choice unless they are unable to nurse due to any number of medical reasons.
Chapter 23
Honestly, Lavender had never really spoken to Mal Prewett…
Wasn’t that understandable? They were in different years and houses after all.
It was humbling that a witch she had never met would provide milk for Gwen…
She ached every time she saw a bearer breast feeding, regardless of gender.
Such a simple thing and she couldn’t do it, Lavender had always considered herself as having no flaws but she had a bonded who despised her, hated their daughter and now she couldn’t even nurse. After having heard all her life that as a witch having a child and nursing was a great honour, Lavender’s inability to nurse felt like a shame upon her family.
While she was grateful, Lavender wasn’t so prideful that she would starve Gwen rather than allow her to drink another bearer’s milk.
Lavender worried that having to provide for her Gwen, Michael’s Mishel and Mal’s own Gwynna would be too much for the surprisingly generous witch.
Purebloods preferred to nurse for around three years unless the babe weaned itself early, the bare minimum was six months but surprisingly, the more muggle a bearer was the less time they nursed.
Lavender’s mother had lost two babies between Lavender and her brother Sorrel, a Sage Passion and a Celendine Prudent. Sage was because of a blood type complication, Lavender’s mother’s body had miscarried because their blood types were incompatible. Celendine was a seeming anomaly because there had been nothing wrong before. Lavender had been delivered by Andromeda Tonks because she was on duty when her mother arrived in the Maternity/Paternity ward in labour but was not her mother's primary healer.
Luckily for her mother Pauline, she hadn’t be forced to deliver Sage or Celendine. Lavender couldn’t imagine a worse possibility then having to deliver a baby that wasn’t alive…
Lavender wished she could talk to her mother, but she’d passed away last year. It wasn’t something she’d really told anyone other than Pavarti.
Despite spending much of the summer at her home, Ron never asked after her mother.
Lavender felt all the more alone without a mum, she didn’t know what she’d do without Pavarti.
She probably should see the mind healer that Professor Flitwick hired more often, but she was worried about the shame if other students found out. It was horrible enough that Ron had berated her in the Great Hall leading Pavarti and Dean to defend her. Despite Ron exposing himself as a jerk, there were students who gossiped that his behaviour must be because she wasn’t a good wife.
Lavender would be a good wife to Ron if he showed he wanted her, but she couldn’t abandon Gwen no matter how much she loved him.
Lavender tried to be as small as possible in class, the looks she got in history when she offered Gwen a bottle made her feel all the more embarrassed.
“She must be desperate to get her figure back. Seriously, why isn’t she nursing?” Ravenclaw Mandy Brocklehurst asked her seatmate.
Lavender’s eyes filled with tears as she crouched over Gwen.
“That is none of your business Mandy!” Pavarti snapped. “Don’t you think she would if she could? Look at her, I think she’s suffering enough without witches wagging their tongues just to be malicious. You have no right to comment about her parenting, she’s doing her best.”
“Then why is she separated from her bonded?” Zacharias sneered. “Can’t handle her marital duties because she’s tending that brat?”
“Ron is a selfish immature jerk,” Harry piped up. “It’s a pity he sired a child at all, albeit indirectly. I wish he was a better person for Lavender’s sake but he’s not, with Dean around I doubt that Gwen will lack a decent wizard to look up to. If you want to bully someone for being a bad parent or a bad bondmate, why don’t you bother Ron. I think it’s wonderful that Ron’s adopted sister is helping Lavender and Michael.”
“Lavender is an excellent mother, you’re disrupting the lesson Mandy.” Dean said sharply.
Professor Fontaine Fortescue sighed, “Since you are so interested in the subject of spousal rights and equality, we will take a break from the assigned period of history. We know of course that female entailed inheritance and titles date back to the founder’s time with Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff being among the first. The Bones and the Burbages are also female dominated lines. Now, Sire’s rights are a controversial topic. Legally, a sire regardless of gender is responsible to provide for their offspring and the children’s bearer.”
“What does that mean exactly?” Vince Crabbe asked curiously.
“It means that they are required to provide a residence and have income to afford necessities like food and clothing. In some cases, this means that you have to be able to afford to purchase a house elf. Eventually, there will be schooling expenses including books, supplies and tuition.” Professor Fontaine continued
“I thought Hogwarts was free…” Justin Abbott nee Finch-Fletchley frowned.
“For Muggleborns, that is true. You receive a scholarship that covers your tuition, books and supplies. There is a series of taxes that are paid to the different schools in Britain that covers that as well as the staff’s salaries. Some of the wealthier families also make donations that cover scholarships for a set number of students to write off on their own taxes. Those who inherit large sums pay an estate tax, while those with jobs pay taxes as well as taxes paid by their employers.”
“About marital and spousal rights…” Dean prompted.
“Yes, a sire is responsible for providing for both their offspring and the bearer as I was saying. Unless, the conception wasn’t consensual.”
“How does that not have anything to do with why we’re all bonded?” Ernie McMillian scowled.
“Neither of you consented that’s true, however a child was conceived and it was impossible for many of you to inherit if said child was born while you were unbonded. You might not care now, but how would you feel if you turned seventeen and were told that you had lost your Trust vault? There are those among you who have titles in the family, you could lose your eligibility to inherit if you had a child born when you were unbonded. If you don’t suit as a couple, it is possible that you would be allowed to separate or have your bonding severed at a later date.”
Lavender flinched, she might have fallen for the worst wizard in her year but she still wished that he had feelings for her. Despite knowing that it was likely her father, brother, Pavarti, Dean and mind healer’s belief that she would be better off if her bonding ended.
“Some of us really should consider that.” Zacharias sniggered.
“That is between the couples and their families.” Professor Fontaine chided. “Now, your rights as a sire can be revoked.”
Dean frowned, “How?”
“If you were proved to have abused your bonded; forcing them to bond against their will, siring children on them without their consent, mistreating your heirs or withholding monies to pay for food and other necessities. Losing your sire’s rights is an equal shame to having your name taken when you are disowned. You have to have done something horrendous to warrant either, disowning usually just means you lose your trust vault and any possible inheritance as well as contact with members of the main line.”
“Has that happened to anyone recently?”
“I remember that Sirius Black’s mother threatened to go that far but she wasn’t Lord Black, rather she was only the consort and such a declaration was beyond the scope of her authority.” Professor Fontaine shrugged.
Lavender still felt embarrassed and shamed about her inability to nurse, it was awful enough that her relationship with Ron was gossiped over.
Michael wasn’t especially close to Lavender despite being related by bonding.
He had heard that Lavender couldn’t nurse and it upset him greatly that she was being shamed for something that wasn’t her fault.
Pavarti had taken to jumping to Lavender’s defence like a lioness for her cubs despite being best friends.
Michael would have complained about how they were treating the unlucky Gryffindor witch but because he wasn’t a bearer, it didn’t feel like his place.
The lesson was of course temporarily derailed for a discussion on sire’s rights, due to his own farce of a bonding, Michael was a single parent. Michael and his parents firmly believed that Ginny had tried to end her pregnancy with that fall. Seamus, a relative by bonding as well had made it no secret that he held Ginny responsible for Colin’s physical injuries.
As Ginny’s bonded, her actions shamed him but what could he do? Severing their bonding would only shame his family all the more. Gwen could have been conceived without the Lilithean given how he had been sexually involved with Ginny at the time.
Michael felt a great guilt for saddling Mishel with an embarrassment of a bearer. Since the time that Terry had come to force him to rest, his best friend had come to spend their mutual free time studying and sharing care for his daughter.
Mishel had taken to Terry easily and although his baby development books said it was too soon, Mishel always smiled when she saw Terry.
Some nights, Terry even slept over. Michael was honestly grateful for the help and couldn’t bring himself to make Terry leave. It would be so easy just to dump Mishel on his mother but he couldn’t take the easy way out. He truly loved his daughter but a part of him saw his single fatherhood as a sort of penance for his sexual indiscretions with Ginny.
Sometimes, Michael wondered if Terry came entirely because it was his idea or if his mother Gwen had put the idea in his ear that Michael needed help.
Whichever it was, Michael was grateful…
Terry was a good friend…
It was a bit lonely being the only parent out of his circle of friends; his brother Stephen as well as their friends Terry Bott and Anthony Goldstein weren’t parents. In fact, the only Ravenclaws in his year that shared these classes were Su and Padma Li as well as Mandy who just tried to shame poor Lavender about not nursing.
It was Lavender’s body, shouldn’t nursing be a choice? Pavarti’s comment about Lavender nursing if she could, made Michael harbour the opinion that Ron’s mistreatment was likely a contributing factor.
Michael considered his bonding to Ginny a form of penance, he disliked her and after her attempt at a miscarriage, any affection he may have had because of their daughter was lost. It wasn’t his place but he thought that a gentle person like Lavender deserved better.
Mal had her Gwynna not long ago and thanks to a special diet from Andromeda seemed to be balancing essentially nursing three infant witches approximately the same age.
Giselle teased Gwynna about her milk sisters Mishel and Gwen but didn’t have an issue with it. Mal was only adopted and while Ron and Ginny despised her, Mal wasn’t about to let their girls starve.
Mal had no intention of physically nursing Lavender, she would have offered but the heartbroken look the older witch had when she bottle-fed her daughter had stayed that.
Mal didn’t offer it to Michael either, the Ravenclaw seemed insecure enough being saddled with Ginny as a wife. Giving anyone fodder to claim that he couldn’t raise a daughter on his own seemed unnecessarily cruel.
She fully planned to invite Mishel, Gwen and Parisa for playdates when the girls were older but she was very careful about how she handled her connections with Lavender and Michael.
How long Mal could feasibly nurse all three girls was debatable, if she at least got them through the most crucial six-month period she would be happy. While nursing for at least a year was the best option, Mal was willing to provide milk for Gwen and Mishel as long as it was needed or she had it to spare.
Greg was jealous of her always having Gwynna, when their daughter was feeding more than an hour apart then they could take turns like Luna and Neville did. Mal wanted Gwynna to have an emotional bond to her dad of course but she felt calmed by having their daughter where she only had to turn her head to nurse.
Greg wanted a stronger bond with their children than either of them had with their birth parents and that made Mal rather pleased.
Lucius seemed to be taking Draco’s childhood friends under his wings, filling in as a grandfather. In a sense, it was similar to Adrian and Blaise’s own little family, Adrian’s godparents had taken on the role. Blaise’s parents were dead, Adrian’s father was ill and his mother was boycotting their relationship due to her disapproval of Blaise.
Mal was lucky to have her adopted fathers who treated her with respect; they had showed up when she went into labour and Gideon even helped deliver Gwynna. It seemed to be something the former Ravenclaw enjoyed since he had helped with Colin, George and herself.
Having the Headmaster as their teacher was interesting, he was quite knowledgeable and a true credit to Ravenclaw. Mal hadn’t realized that he had been a former international duelling champion or that he had formerly taught duelling at Beauxbatons before taking up the post of Hogwarts’ Charms Master.
He handled their core magic classes like Defence, Charms and Transfiguration with aplomb but the electives were usually done with packets unless they were welcome with the non-parents. Herbology was overseen by Professor Sprout for the practical lessons, usually on a Saturday. Without Ginny, lessons moved quicker but it was a bit sad to have lost Colin. He would hopefully recover soon but it was debatable whether or not he would return to their private lessons.
Seeing as how their year only had five affected out of eighty students, there were about twice that many in Fleur’s class.
Mal liked Fleur, the former Beauxbatons champion had showed up for all of the births of her nieces thus far.
The only boys expected in the Weasley-Prewett family were Colin’s Colm, Charlie’s Alexei and Bill’s Louis.
Each of the girls; her own Gwynna, Michael’s Mishel, Fred’s Clary as well George’s Nixie and Gail were close in age. However, Clary, Nixie and Gail would be a year ahead of her Gwynna.
Mal was almost certain that these unexpected pregnancies would bring them all closer, not just because they were in lessons outside of the non-parent students' classes but because they had similar concerns.
Going from having no friends to having Luna become a sort of sister was rather brilliant, Colin and Caterina were nice too but Luna was different.
There was also Maia who was Headmaster Filius’ granddaughter but the girl was more standoffish despite being in Mal and Caterina’s former dormitory.
It was funny that there were more Slytherins who ended up pregnant and no Hufflepuff’s from their year. Not that it mattered of course…
Mal was grateful that she finally had friends and a family, although she still didn’t feel any closer to Mark despite his being a Ravenclaw…
George still had awhile before he would be allowed to brew some of his potions because they had ingredients unsafe for nursing persons.
Not that he minded all that much, after all he had no intention of putting Nixie, Gail or Clary in danger of being ill.
As much as he and Brecc disliked that git Warrington, the former Slytherin Chaser wasn’t that awful as a stock boy.
Fred was spending more time with the Cannons leaving Verity to manage the shop floor, this would mean that they would need to hire a few more sales persons.
To seem open to equal ‘employment’, George had to seriously consider hiring a Hufflepuff or a few.
Brecc and Warrington were Slytherins, Fred and himself were Gryffindors while Verity was a former Ravenclaw.
Outside of Quidditch, George didn’t really care much about other persons’ Houses.
Squibs or werewolves wouldn’t be awful either, after all magic wasn’t exactly needed to sell…
Another gig for Dean, an ad for The Daily Prophet looking for applicants. One that made it very clear that squibs, werewolves and Hufflepuffs were welcome to apply.
This did not mean of course that Molly, Ginny or Ron would be hireable…
George did have standards after all. Warrington was under a three strikes warning, three fuck ups and he was out. George was really too busy between parenting and product creation to stalk Warrington waiting for him to screw up.
He’d leave that determination to Verity, making her the floor manager made sense after all…
If Lee wasn’t being such a jerk about his having bonded to Brecc or raising the girls with him, his ex-best friend would have been welcome due to his knowledge of the products. Lee was better off as the Cannon’s announcer, George realised that…
George wanted Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes to be a store that his girls would be proud of…
He didn’t really care who inherited the store as long as they loved pranks but he would prefer if it was a family shop no matter how many stores it ended up with.
Thanks to his girls; Brecc’s mother had come around to George being bonded to her son and sometimes she kept the girls at Little Ridge so she could watch them or dropped by to insist that she be allowed to borrow one.
George and Brecc insisted that Clary be granted the same attentions as Gail and Nixie or Abry and Enzo. So far, Marsail and Chad had been agreeable to that even if Fred was the instigator for Brecc’s disability but Clary wasn’t Fred any more than Abry and Enzo were their blood grandmothers.
At least, his girls would have grandparents in their lives. His own, Septimus and Cedrella were welcoming and seemed to approve of Brecc which made George happy.
He was upset that his friends Lee, Alicia and Angelina much less his own twin couldn’t even be polite to Brecc.
But at least he knew that not only would Clary be loved but also that they were still surrounded and supported by family.
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