A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159377 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
Hello lovely readers, a thank you to my lovely reviewers Harriverse, Severus1snape, starr, snape_lust, ChaosLady, moodysavage, kat, tami lane, Sablesilverrain (300th review whooooo), misssy, pooh, MulattoRose, delia_cerrano, GabrielleR, stephie, tsuudama and DhampirParadox (of course I said hi to my mum for you haha).
Now on with the reading, go on now read, read.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Harry sat at the bottom of the stairs in Grimmauld Place. Dumbledore was arguing with Sirius in the next room about kicking the Weasley’s out. Harry could only hear what Sirius was saying because he was shouting. Dumbledore would reply calmly which seemed to make Sirius madder.
Today was the day of Harry’s trial. Snape was coming by to pick him up and take him to the ministry. Until then Harry decided to wait near the door so they could just go. Harry sighed softly as he rested his head on his bent knees. It had been absolutely wonderful having Sirius all to himself the past week and a half. They talked about anything and everything. He found out things he didn’t think were terribly important but made him feel grateful to know like that Sirius loved all green vegetables but hated all green fruit. The man could do whiskey shots with no hands and won a lot of money off strangers in pubs from pool tournaments. He was a brilliant poker player but couldn’t get his head around chess; he liked to read non-fiction preferring facts over fiction and hated cooking with a passion. He was a good artist but often did have a lot of inspiration so he would sketch the fruit that sat in a bowl on the kitchen counter. He was awfully mean to his house elf Kreacher so Harry made the effort to be nice, Hermione’s voice chastising him in his head when he was a bit short with the rude elf. The poor old elf had gone round the bend with no one to talk to since Mrs Black’s death and had taken to muttering insults under his breath thinking no one could hear him.
Sirius’ shouting set off the portrait of Mrs Black in the entrance hall. She was as terrible as Sirius described her and her awful portrait stuck to the wall was usually hidden by curtains but loud noises set her off. She was screeching about all the filthy blood traitors in her house.
“FILTH IN MY HOUSE!” she wailed. Harry rolled his eyes and stood up to head to the hall and silence her by pulling the curtains over her face.
“Cease woman! No one cares for your insignificant opinions,”
Harry recognised that voice and peered around the wall to find Snape glaring at the portrait.
“Severus Snape, are you here to clear my house of the blood traitors?”
“Well if I was you’ve just blown my cover so thank you,” Snape said and tugged the curtain shut over the portrait.
“Hi,” Harry said softly.
Snape raised an eyebrow.
“Er yeah, yeah,” Harry said.
“Good, we’ll go then,”
“Oh I should-” Harry waved his hand in the direction of the stairs to the basement kitchen where Sirius’ angry yells could be heard.
“Ah,” Snape said and headed past Harry to stand at the top of the stairs.
“BLACK!” Snape called down. Harry heard Sirius fall silent. “I am taking your godson away to do pleasurable, unspeakable things to him; I shall return him in relatively the same condition he left.”
“WHAT?” Sirius snapped, he started stomping up the stairs.
“You’re so mean,” Harry said as Snape took hold of his arm and hurried him out the door.
They made it to the street and Harry gave a small wave back at number twelve to reassure Sirius he was okay.
Snape pulled him close and Harry immediately relaxed against him. There was the awful sensation of being squeezed before he was breathing free again. Harry stepped back from Snape breathing deeply. Harry decided he hated all forms of magical transportation.
“Nervous?” Snape asked and Harry gave a slight nod.
“To be honest I haven’t had a chance to really think about it but now that we’re going to it I’m starting to panic.”
“You haven’t committed a crime, remember that.” Snape said and Harry nodded.
“Er... did you – did you have a trial?”
“For... you know,” Harry said and Snape raised his eyebrows. Harry let it drop and glanced around where they were. They were standing down a side alleyway next to some trash bins over flowing with rubbish. Up ahead was a busy Muggle street with people rushing off to work with umbrellas to shield them from the summer rain.
Harry let Snape lead the way, easily keeping pace with the man after nearly a year of practise.
They took the visitors entrance today as they hadn’t used the floo network and Snape wasn’t an employee and therefore couldn’t Apparate directly inside. The visitor’s entrance was an ‘out of order’ red telephone booth. Snape picked up the receiver and punched in the numbers with Harry watching curiously. A cool soothing female began to speak, welcoming them to the Ministry of Magic and asking them to state their business.
“Severus Snape here to escort my husband Harry Potter to his disciplinary hearing,” Snape said. Two badges came down from the phone where the coins usually did. Snape handed Harry his badge before pinning his own to the front of his robes.
“Visitors are reminded that they must hand over their wands for inspection at the security desk. Thank you and have a pleasant day.”
The phone booth shuddered and then lowered down like a lift. The day disappeared as they slipped underground. There were several moments of complete and utter darkness before they were lowered into the Ministry of Magic Atrium. The atrium was just how Harry remembered it. A large room with over a hundred fireplaces lining the walls, the flames occasionally sparking a bright green as someone floo’d in. The peacock blue ceiling was as magnificent as ever with swirling green leaves across it but Harry’s eye was drawn to the large golden fountain at the other end of the room. The statue of Magical Brethren was the fountains feature with a witch, a wizard, a Centaur, a House-Elf and a Goblin all spouting water into the small pool below them.
Snape led the way much like he had the last time and Harry was happy to hurry along after them. They stopped in front of the security desk letting the man inspect their wands before they were hurrying off to the lifts. Snape was punching the button angrily when a man behind them cleared his throat. Snape and Harry turned to find Lucius Malfoy standing behind them, a pale brow arched in amusement.
“Lower that eyebrow or I will throw him against this wall and kiss him within an inch of his life,” Snape ordered. Mr Malfoy’s face slid into a blank mask and he stared at Snape pointedly.
“Thank you,” Snape said and Mr Malfoy nodded his head.
“What brings you to the Ministry today? I thought you liked to spend your summers as far from other people as geographically possible,”
“Ordinarily yes but Harry has his trial today,” Snape said
“Trial? I had heard a little rumour,” Mr Malfoy said looking Harry up and down with pale grey eyes before looking back at Snape.
“Surely it is just a small meeting before the disciplinary board,”
“Not for Harry Potter, he will be in Courtroom Ten,”
“Courtroom Ten? For underage magic charges!?” Mr Malfoy asked.
“Yes, I know,”
“Hmm, well someone is in trouble. I suppose you should work out who they’re trying to punish before you dig a hole for yourself. Do you need representation?” Mr Malfoy asked.
“I don’t think so for today but later on I might like to ruffle their feathers a little. After all they have caused my spouse some undue stress,” Snape said and patted Harry’s stomach. Harry frowned at him in confusion but Mr Malfoy seemed to understand.
“Of course my friend, just send me an owl,” Mr Malfoy said and waved them into the lift that had arrived as they had been talking.
Harry got one pointed look and knew he had to shut up for right now but he wasn’t happy about it. He glared at Snape who ignored him and simply watched the numbers indicating the floors dip lower and lower. By the time they reached their floor, “The Department of Mysteries”, the lift was completely empty. Snape stepped into the dimly lit hallway and turned right, Harry following.
“What’s courtroom ten?” Harry asked.
“It’s where I had my trial,” Snape said and Harry raised his eyebrows. “The courtrooms down here are for full criminal trials before the Wizengamot. Usually it’s for the worst of the worst; apparently your underage magic is on par with numerous Death Eater crimes in their eyes.”
“And what were you and Mr Malfoy talking about?”
“He’s a lawyer,”
“Of course he is, slimy git,” Harry muttered and Snape just stared at him.
“Do you trust me?” Snape asked and Harry rolled his eyes. This question was usually followed by something he wouldn’t like.
‘Yes,” Harry sighed.
“Don’t talk unless asked a direct question, can you do that?”
“Fine,” Harry said shortly.
Snape looked down at his watch and walked faster, Harry rushing to keep up. They arrived at a set of double doors and Snape shoved them open with a bang. He swept forward his cloak swishing from the momentum.
Harry hurried after him to stand by his side. Harry looked around the large stone room at the empty benches that rose on either side of him. There were candles on the wall but they didn’t seem to generate enough light. Harry noticed dozens of people straight before him but due to the bad lighting he couldn’t make out most of their faces.
“Barely on time,” a man’s voice stated, he didn’t sound pleased.
Harry remembered Snape’s rule, speak when spoken to so he didn’t bother to defend himself.
Snape nodded to the lone chair in the middle of the floor. Harry stepped forward and sat down mindful of the chairs surrounding it. They didn’t move and wrap around him like Harry had seen them do to the Lestrange’s in Dumbledore’s Pensive when he’d been snooping last year.
Harry looked up at the men and women before him keeping his head high. He hadn’t done anything wrong, it was self defence. They were trying to scare him with a full criminal trial and he wouldn’t let them. The witches and wizards were all dressed in the same robes of plum; on their breasts was an embroidered ‘W’ in red. At the very front and centre sat Cornelius Fudge the Minister of Magic.
Fudge made sure they were all ready before he began to speak, a scribe diligently taking notes down the row. Harry recognised him as Ron’s older brother Percy and gave the young man a dark look.
He introduced three key members of Harry’s interrogation team before he got interrupted by a new voice.
“Witnesses for the defence, Severus Tobias Snape and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.” Harry turned to find Dumbledore striding into the room wearing shimmering bright blue robes that matched his eyes. His eyes weren’t twinkling today as he stared down the Wizengamot one person at a time. It took him well over five minutes to make his way through each and every person opposite him because he didn’t look away until the other person had.
Fudge glared at him as this went on and read out the charges against Harry.
“How do you plead?” Fudge finished.
“Not guilty,” Snape said and Fudge raised an eyebrow at him.
“Not guilty?” Fudge repeated sceptically.
“You are Harry James Potter of Number Four, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey?”
“Yes,” Harry said.
“And you received our warning three years ago about underage magic?”
“And yet you produced a patronus in full view of a Muggle?”
“I did,” Snape interrupted before Harry could answer.
“You did?” Fudge snapped.
“You cast the Patronus charm in front of a Muggle?” Fudge snapped.
“There was a Dementor,”
“A Dementor?”
“This will take a lot longer if you insist on repeating everything I say,” Snape replied.
“A Dementor in Little Whinging?” a woman gasped.
“You don’t believe me?” Snape asked.
“Well no,”
“I will submit to Veritaserum if you so wish,”
“You are an Occlumens aren’t you?” another woman asked
“And a Potions Master?”
“Then surely you know that a skilled Occlumens can circumvent the effects of Veritaserum, why offer?”
“To demonstrate good character,” Snape replied silkily. “Would you like a memory strand instead of the night in question?”
“You’re a Legilimens too aren’t you?”
“Then you could have tampered with the memory,”
“I suppose you will then have to simply take my word.”
“There can’t have been a Dementor in Little Whinging!”
“I have my Mastery in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Occlumency, Charms and Legilimency I am more than qualified to recognise and identify a Dementor,”
“That’s not what-”
“Your underage trace is flawed. It does not recognise who cast the spells only that spells were cast near someone underage. The two times Mr Potter has apparently used magic were cause by a House-Elf named Dobby and then by myself,”
“Well then we shall test Mr Potter’s wand, the last charm he should have cast will be a charm at school,”
“Unless the last charm he cast as school was the Patronus Charm,”
“That’s a fifth year spell; Mr Potter has only recently finished his fourth year.”
“Mr Potter has been able to produce a corporeal patronus since he was thirteen.”
“What?” several voices called together.
“Mr Potter can produce a full patronus?” a woman asked. Snape looked to Harry indicating he could speak.
“Yes,” Harry said politely.
“It takes a form? It’s not just mist?”
“Er... no it’s a stag. It’s always a stag,” Harry said
“That’s most impressive,” the woman said sitting back in her seat.
“So you know the charm? Well enough to produce it in front of the Muggle?”
“But he didn’t,” Snape said, “I did,”
“You produced the patronus?”
“Mine is corporeal as well,” Snape said softly looking at the woman who had been so interested in Harry’s patronus.
“There are not many Deatheaters who can produce a patronus.” a voice from the back called scathingly.
“Just the one,” Snape replied casually as if he were talking about nothing more serious then the weather.
“A Deatheater?! How can you-”
“We are not here to discuss the mistakes of my youth. I have been cleared of all charges on that front. We are here to talk about the ridiculous charges against my husband. That apparently warrants a full criminal trial!”
“Well that’s not-”
“I think my husband has suffered enough at the hands of the magical world! Having a madman come after him and murder his parent’s right before his very eyes. When the Dementors are around he is forced to relive that experience with their screams rattling in his head. Then he goes to a school that is supposed to be safe and get attacked by these Dementors. The whole reason he had to learn the patronus charm in the first place!”
“Did not want them there! The Ministry controls the Dementors and you insisted they be there for Harry’s safety. He spent the entire year huddled in the castle as far from the Dementors as possible to drown out the sound of his parents dying again and again in his ears!” Snape said glaring. “After term finished we were heading home and decided to have a dinner with Harry’s Aunt and Uncle. We were then attacked by Dementors in a little Muggle town! It’s preposterous! It’s outrageous! It has traumatised my poor husband and the entire ordeal has... it has... cost us the life of our child.”
There were gasps and one woman at the back even gave a squeal of horror. Harry stared up at Snape trying not to look as shocked as everyone else.
“Instead of dragging him in here and forcing him to relive the night again and again you should be investigating what two Dementors were doing so far from their station and leave us both to mourn in peace.”
“I think... I think we have enough evidence.”
“Yes,” Fudge said quietly looking at Harry who tried to give the man his most devastated and defeated expression. He was supposed to have lost a baby after all. “Yes, those who vote to convict?”
Three people raised their hands. Three. Fudge looked like he wanted to but he kept staring at Harry who stared right back at him.
“Those who vote to dismiss all charges?” Fudge asked. Everyone else’s hands shot up; there was a woman up the back who actually stood up so her hand could be seen. She was the one who had let out that sob when Snape had said he lost a baby.
“Very well,” Fudge muttered.
Snape had Harry up and marching out the door before they’d even been dismissed.
They got into the hallway and as the door closed behind them Harry spun hissing like a hellcat.
Dumbledore seemed to disappear off to the side to give them a little privacy.
“I can’t believe you!” Harry hissed at Snape, glaring up at him. “I knew you would lie but honestly! To pretend I had a miscarriage! How awful! I think that woman at the back has actually had a real miscarriage and you trivialised it by saying I had one. It’s disgusting! You’re disgusting,”
“Well now you don’t have to take my potion anymore, we can fend off Fudge’s stupid ‘marriage’ meetings by claiming you’re still recovering, we have also ‘consummated’ the marriage so we’ll stop being harassed and you are not being expelled and having your wand snapped. I think my tiny little lie has solved all of our problems and now the Ministry will leave us alone so that we may just be.”
“Maybe I don’t want to just ‘be’ okay!” Harry snapped. “Maybe I’m really angry and hurt that you go and do all these things without consulting me. You – you left me! You left me alone with the Dursley’s for a week and then dragged me to your awful house and then dragged me again to – to that other place and left me there. I hate that you don’t tell me anything. I hate that you can just get up and go whenever you bloody well feel like it because you’re the adult and I’m just the kid. That’s how you see us don’t you? You don’t see me as an equal; you certainly don’t treat me like one.”
“Are you going to cry about it?” Snape asked scathingly and Harry glared.
“Someone,” Harry said pointedly, “Has suggested that we have some space. That I date people my age and just be a normal teenager,”
“You’re Harry Potter, there’s nothing normal about you,” Snape said and turned heading toward the lifts. Harry sighed and turned, Dumbledore stepped forward and Harry gave the man a small smile.
“No one said it was easy,” Dumbledore said.
“No one said it was this hard,” Harry replied.
“You don’t see it but Severus has changed so much thanks to you. In saying that there are also some parts of him that won’t change, he is who he is after all,”
“So he’ll always be an arse?” Harry asked and Dumbledore chuckled not even chastising him for the language.
“Yes,” Dumbledore said simply, “For all the knowledge Severus has there are still some areas he is lacking. He is sometimes as lost as you are in this relationship.”
Harry nodded knowing the man was right, as always, and with a quick goodbye hurried off to meet Snape at the lifts.
Snape didn’t speak; he just escorted him back to Grimmauld Place quickly and quietly.
Harry let the man lead him inside but before Harry could head off upstairs his arm was grabbed softly. Harry turned and raised his eyebrows.
“Do you want to see other people?” Snape asked quietly and Harry frowned. They were standing right next to Mrs Black’s portrait so they had to whisper.
“No, no I don’t – I don’t know actually. I like you, I really like you in fact I may even – uh I might even go beyond really liking if you know what I mean,” Harry stopped and took hold of Snape’s hand in his own. “I just can’t be in a relationship with you if all you’re going to do is push me to the side and tell me I’m too young.”
“You are too young, far too young,” Snape said quietly and Harry sighed.
“Well then it’s not me it’s you. I’m happy to be with you, I like how snarky you are, I like how smart you are and sometimes you’re really funny which I didn’t expect at all. But I think we both have some learning to do before we can be together.”
There was silence. It was so loud in its quiet it almost hurt but Harry didn’t dare ruin it. He knew if Snape protested he would stay right by him. He couldn’t help but feel like he gave more then he got, he was a naturally more open person. He had to let Snape make the decision here, it had been his suggestion, Sirius’ really but he had to let Snape decide. Snape had to prove he cared about Harry being in his life. He had to fight for him. He had to be the one to say something.
“I won’t wait for you,” Snape said simply and Harry sighed. It wasn’t the answer he had wanted but it was an answer still the same. Harry smiled softly and nodded.
“So a little break, if at the end of the year you’re single and I am, we can try again okay?” Harry said “But, no matter what I hope you’ll keep your promise,”
“My promise?”
“If I run out of time that you’ll... you’ll be my first...” Harry trailed off awkwardly and Snape raised his eyebrows.
“I’ll keep my promise,” Snape said firmly.
“Good, cause you were my first everything I’d like to keep it going, my first kiss, my first date, my first marriage...”
“Your first divorce,” Snape said quietly and Harry shrugged.
“You work your stuff out and I’ll work out mine...” Harry said and Snape sighed. Harry leant up to place a chaste kiss on his lips.
“Bye Severus,” Harry said and Snape gave a small nod.
“Goodbye Harry,” he said and turned disappearing quickly out the front door. He shut the door just a little too loudly and Harry’s right ear was very suddenly ringing as Mrs Black screamed in rage.
“Oh piss off you old bat!” Sirius shouted at her hitting her portrait with a fork. She shrieked in outrage and Sirius quickly pulled the curtain shut over her face. She fell silent almost immediately and Sirius turned to Harry with a smile.
“Hey how did it go?” he asked and Harry sighed. He told Sirius the story letting the man take him to the kitchen and settle him down with some tea. He spoke about Snape too with a slight frown.
“I’m glad you didn’t break up about me, I mean I planted the idea and I’m sorry but you were right. The both of you need to work on your communication skills.”
“Oh please Sirius I know your dancing on the inside,” Harry said and Sirius shrugged.
“Guilty as charged. But I will hold my tongue because if you get back together all the awful things I said will ring in your head and you won’t love me the same,”
“I wouldn’t do that,”
“You say that but it’ll happen, happened with your dad and me.”
“Yeah, I was trying to be a good friend so when your dad would moan about your mum ignoring him and what not I’d tell him what a mean girl she was and how she was ugly and wasn’t worth his time or something. Then of course they started dating and I was happy for him but he kept reminding me about all the horrible things I’d said.”
“You did like my mum though right?”
“Oh yeah of course but she was a stubborn girl and she got it in her head that your dad was just some prankster, which he was, but she wouldn’t give him anything. Kept turning him down again and again,”
“How did they start going out?”
“I don’t know. It was our seventh year and he’d been asking her out every day for a few months and then just before Christmas instead of ‘no’ she said ‘okay’. James was halfway through throwing himself at her feet and begging when he realised she’d agreed. He picked her up and swung her round and promised her the whole world for their first date. She laughed and asked what they would do on a second date if he gave her the world on their first and he promised the solar system and the stars and the sun and moon. He meant it too. If Lily asked for it James damn well made sure she got it. It’s why they had you. James wanted to wait till he was a little older, late twenties or so but Lily was so ready to be a mum. She was like a mum to all of us anyway but I think she really wanted a baby. As soon as she asked James was right on board telling her all the time what a great mum she’d be, to make up for his less than stellar dad skills.” Harry smiled brightly. This had been his favourite part of the summer, learning little bits and pieces about his parents to put together in his mind.
The rest of Harry’s summer passed in much the same way. He and Sirius spoke a lot about his parents, about each other and all sorts of other things. The Order had their meetings which Harry was not allowed to attend but Sirius summed up for him afterward anyway. Harry awkwardly tried to hang around when Snape came for the meetings but tried to make it look like he wasn’t hanging around. Yes he knew logically they both had to work out exactly what they wanted before it could work but he still liked the man. He found himself missing him and resisting the urge to hug and kiss the man when he saw him was torture. It had become as natural as breathing so to go without actually pained him.
Lots of people argued with Sirius Harry noticed. Harry could tell from what he overheard that most of the Order disapproved of him kicking Molly and the other Weasley’s out. Insisting it was in Harry’s own best interest that the Weasley’s come and stay. It had been what he’d been arguing about with Dumbledore the day of Harry’s trial. Harry was a little saddened. Of course he loved the Weasley’s and hoped one day Mrs Weasley and Sirius would get along as they were some of the most important people in his life. He was saddened though that every member of the Order had so little faith in Sirius as a guardian for Harry. He was a fifteen year old he could look after himself without constant adult supervision. Sirius understood that. Harry also knew if he did need help he could go and ask the man any question.
Harry would be going back to Hogwarts today. He was sat at the bottom of the stairs waiting for his special guard to show up to walk him to the train station. Sirius was sitting beside him sulking but trying to hide it. He didn’t want Harry to go and be trapped alone in this house until Christmas. Lupin would have visited Harry was sure but the poor man was still in prison.
The door opened and in limped Mad-Eye Moody, the real one. He glared down at Harry and Sirius with his one good eye and growled at them,
“We better go, we’re behind schedule.”
Harry stood up and grabbed hold of his trunk and Hedwig’s cage, his snowy owl happily dozing away inside.
Harry turned to Sirius and gave him a quick hug goodbye before following Moody out the door. He didn’t notice until Padfoot the shaggy black dog ran past him on the stairs that Sirius had followed them out.
“Are you mad?” Moody growled at the dog. “The boy is a big enough security risk without you coming along!”
Padfoot barked at him and jumped up and down a few times making him laugh.
“Oh lay off Moody, no one is going to look twice at a shaggy black dog,” a woman called.
Harry turned to see four people waiting on the footpath. He recognised them all from the Order but had never been formally introduced. The woman who had spoken appeared to be only a few years older than Harry. She was tall and slim with short spiky bubblegum-pink hair. She was dressed in ripped jeans and a Weird Sisters t-shirt. She introduced herself as Tonks holding out a pale hand for Harry to shake. The next woman was in her late forties with a slight frown permanently etched on her face and dark eyes with dark hair. She had a soft voice as she introduced herself as Emmeline Vance. The next two members of his guard were men, a young very tall very broad black man named Kingsley Shacklebolt and a short man named Dedalus Diggle who had a slightly squeaky voice and wore a shockingly violet top hat that toppled off his head more then it stayed on. Harry walked in between Tonks and Kingsley; Dedalus walked a few metres ahead with Emmeline a few meters behind and Moody across the road from them. He had a bowler hat pulled down over his magical eye so as not to alarm the Muggles they walked past but Harry noticed they stared down at his wooden leg.
Harry liked Tonks and Kingsley; they were both very funny and talkative. Moody kept glaring at them when they laughed showing his displeasure.
“I’m sure he thinks someone will kill us for laughing,” Tonks said
“Well they might,” Kingsley offered and Tonks rolled her eyes.
“They didn’t cover that in Auror training,” she laughed earning another dark look from Moody.
Harry asked a few quick questions about being an Auror which both Kingsley and Tonks happily answered for him.
All too soon they were heading through Platform 9¾ to where the scarlet steam engine awaited to take him back to Hogwarts. Harry immediately spotted the Weasley’s and once he was safely in their care his guard was dismissed although Moody stayed to keep an eye on Padfoot who was hopping around barking playfully at the various pets the students had.
Crookshanks, Hermione’s pet cat, was very eager to try and play with Padfoot and wound up knocking his basket over hissing in rage as his world was turned upside down. Hermione righted him and set him close to where Padfoot was so he would settle down.
The Weasley parents were looking very disapproving at Padfoot but hugged Harry tight.
“How was your summer dear?” Mrs Weasley asked kindly patting him on the arm.
“It was good, great actually. The start sucked but it really picked up toward the end.”
“I see you’ve been allowed to come back so your trial wasn’t a complete disaster then,” Hermione pointed out and Harry smiled,
“I’ll give you all the details on the train,” Harry said and Hermione’s face fell.
“Actually – Ron and I have been made Prefects,” she said. Harry blinked at her for a few moments.
“Oh er – well great, you both really earned it,” Harry said. Well Hermione certainly had, Harry thought.
“We have to patrol the train so we won’t really have time to speak with you,”
“That’s okay; I’ll see you in the common room,”
“Yeah Snape and I are – taking a break. I’ll be moving back up to Gryffindor,”
“Well then we definitely need a good long talk,” Hermione said.
“You can sit with me and the other un-important non prefect people,” Ginny offered with a cheeky smile.
“We’ll be in a different more un-important compartment,” Fred said.
The Weasley children all quickly gave their parents a hug before Harry did the same and began to head toward the train. Padfoot stood on his hind legs putting his fore paws on Harry’s shoulders to give him a hug. Harry laughed and patted his back quickly. Padfoot was such a huge dog that on his hind legs he was slightly taller than Harry.
Harry got on the train and headed off with Ginny as Ron and Hermione headed off to their prefect duties. Fred and George hurried off to meet with their friend Lee Jordan while Harry and Ginny were left searching for an empty compartment.
“Oh we can sit here,” Ginny said pushing open the door. There was a girl with long elbow length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was reading a magazine upside down and had her wand tucked behind her ear for safe keeping. Harry raised his eyebrows at Ginny who smiled.
“Hi Luna,” Ginny said and the girl looked up.
“Hello,” she said softly. Her voice had a slight melodic tinkle to it, it was odd but soothing.
“Do you mind if we sit here?” Ginny asked and Luna shook her head.
“Harry this is Luna Lovegood, Luna this is Harry Potter,”
“I know,” Luna said and Ginny smiled hauling her trunk up onto the rack above their seats.
“Luna is in my year, Ravenclaw,” Ginny said, “People tend to think she’s odd, I say she’s just very spiritual.” Harry nodded in understanding. He wondered what Luna thought of being spoken about in such a way while sitting right there.
“Spiritual is a good word,” Luna said slowly and quietly. “I’ve never heard myself described quite like that.”
“Well how do you describe yourself?” Ginny asked sitting down beside her. Harry hauled his own trunk up on the racks and sat opposite Luna. Her face was puckered as she thought.
“Observant,” she concluded to Ginny’s question. Harry thought Luna was probably the least observant person he had met. Even as they spoke she looked like she was day dreaming, her eyes never quite leaving the magazine before her.
“Most people say kind or funny,” Ginny pointed out and Luna nodded.
“Most people are kind or funny. You’re very kind and funny,” Luna said making Ginny smile.
“You’re kind too Luna,” and Luna nodded.
“I suppose so,” she muttered.
Ginny gave Harry a look as if to say ‘told you’ Harry smiled at her in agreement. Harry and Ginny played a few rounds of Exploding Snap as Luna read quietly. It was a quiet uneventful trip to Hogwarts for Harry which was a first. Harry wondered if this was how every student usually felt getting off the Hogwarts express at Hogsmeade station. It was a strange feeling for Harry.
They headed up to the carriages that would take them up to the school. Harry stopped and frowned at the front of the carriage Ginny was climbing into. There was nothing there as usual but Harry couldn’t help but feel like there should be. He jumped when he felt someone take his hand. Luna was standing beside him holding his hand and giving him a small smile.
“Do you see anything?” she asked and he shook his head.
“Interesting,” she said and Harry frowned. She stepped forward taking Harry forward with her. She held up their joined hands and reached out before her. Harry jumped again as his hand touched something solid. It felt cold and slightly leathery. It was odd.
“They’re called Thestrals,” Luna said, “They can only be seen by those who had seen Death. You, who haven’t seen death, have been touched by it more times than most and in more significant ways, can sense them,” she had leant forward to see under his fringe to where his lightning bolt scar sat on his forehead.
Harry frowned continuing to pat the Thestral with Luna’s guiding hand. Death was so ingrained as a part of him that he could sense these odd creatures. Perhaps this year wasn’t going to be as ordinary as he had hoped.
Sorry no Hermione and Luna scenes, those are honestly some of my favourite parts in the books but I can’t do them justice!
Anyway this chapter went every wonky which way didn’t it? But now they’re at Hogwarts and Umbridge can start wreaking havoc with everyone and Snape can get jealous of Harry’s numerous suitors.
Also Happy Mother’s Day to my Aussie mama’s. I don’t know where else in the world celebrates the same day we do so tell me when you celebrate and what you got for your mum or what you are giving her and I hope you all have a nice day, Nina.
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