Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
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Shiloe looked up from his book, startled. “Um, Rowena? You have a… Bond.” He said, pointing to the (invisible to everyone else) strand of golden magic that led through the door, into the common room.
“Oh, do I? Shiloe must be out, then. Let’s end this lesson for today. I missed my other beloved. Shall we?” She asked, leading the way back to the common room. Shiloe came back out and watched as Rowena walked up to Helga and kissed her, passionately. “I missed you, Lo.” She said softly. The female Shiloe smiled serenely at Rowena. “And I, you. Come, sit. Rick and I were just discussing what the four of us should do in his room tonight. I must say, he has some novel ideas.” Sirius groaned. “Do I HAVE to listen to this?! I’m probably not getting any tonight, and I’m HORNY!” Shiloe snorted and sat next to Sirius. “Well, if you hadn’t been such an insufferable arse earlier, I’d be more than happy to-“ Shiloe was interrupted by… Shiloe the elder… Walking up to him and laying a hand on his arm. “You must go.” She gestured through a door that had just appeared in the wall. “An anchor awaits you. I will tell the others when they arrive that you will not be long.”Shiloe nodded. “Alright, then.” He said, heading for the door.He was hidden in an alcove when he emerged, neither man noticing their new guest. It was in Dumbledore’s office.“-sanctuary.” He heard Lucius say, as he felt the bond connect. Expecting it made quite the difference, he realized, hardly even noticing it this time.“Very well.” Dumbledore spoke. “We could use another set of eyes in Voldemort’s camp, when he returns, as I’m certain he will.” Lucius stiffened, at both the name and the implication of the statement, Shiloe suspected. “I’m afraid I cannot return; neither to the Dark Lord nor to my own home, at the moment. Narcissa will surely tell the Dark Lord of my change of heart at her first opportunity. I have divorced her.” He said. “Until the Dark Lord is defeated for the last time, or at least until she is otherwise occupied, even the manor is not safe for me. She can still get through the wards as long as Draco is underage, since she is his mother, and blood recognizes blood. She will no doubt have called upon her sister by now, to await my return so that they may kill me themselves.”Dumbledore sighed, steepling his fingers. “I see. So you have told her of your decision to defy Voldemort?” Lucius dropped his eyes to his lap, and from his hiding place, Shiloe could see the man’s jaw clench and unclench a few times before he spoke again. “I have. Nothing will change my decision on the matter, but I was unable to convince her to join me in this. Divorce was my only option. My law Wizard had informed me that in a case such as this, I was able to divorce her quietly, and without her consent, as she is a danger to me now.” “May I ask, Mr. Malfoy,” Dumbledore paused as Lucius raised his head again, “What exactly made you decide to do this?” Lucius shook his head. “You are free to ask, of course, but that matter is between my son and me until he decides that he is ready for the world to know. However, he HAS told me, almost in as many words, that he is no longer at odds with Mr. Potter’s views, and may adopt them as his own, in time. As I am sure you can imagine, I have no desire to meet my only heir on opposite sides of the battlefield. I can only say that, if my son chooses to fight for your side, I will stand by him and support him, even in battle. I have intelligence that suggests that the Dark Lord may be returning sooner, rather than later. Peter Pettigrew, a Death Eater, has informed me that he is searching for our, now only his, Lord. I refuse to fight my son. I cannot do that.” He said firmly. Dumbledore nodded. “I understand how you feel, and I have seen too many children forced to kill their own parents or be killed themselves. It does my heart good to see a parent choose to follow their child rather than fight them. Your sense of family is highly admirable, Lucius.” Dumbledore smiled at him benignly. Lucius sniffed. “It is simply a matter of preserving the family line. I could not bear to be the reason the Malfoy line was struck from Wizardkind forever. We are one of the few truly Pureblood lines left.” He said.Shiloe smirked. He was more familiar with this man than the one that would follow his son away from Voldemort. Sanctimonia Vincet Semper(1), and all that rot. Dumbledore just hummed. “I suppose I can let you stay here. I will give you rooms in the dungeons for your personal use. You must take care not to leave them, however. You may let Draco know where you are, and Severus as well, but no one else.”Shiloe was outraged at hearing this. How could Dumbledore keep Lucius in the dungeons, not allowed to go outside, or even have a window to let in the sunlight?! He certainly hadn’t been about to put Harry in the dungeons, Shiloe knew. The fact that he was willing to do this to Lucius when he surely had at least one other room more suited for human use outraged Shiloe. ‘Well, that settles it.’ Shiloe thought. He stepped out, still concealed under his cloak, and raised Ducen. ‘Ducen.’*Yes, Master?*‘I want you to pull all the power I can spare without tiring for this next spell. Dumbledore is formidable, but this MUST NOT FAIL.’ He told the wand.*I hear and obey, Master. Cast whenever you are ready.* Shiloe drew a deep breath. “Obliviate!” He shouted, then grabbed Lucius’ hand as the Headmaster slumped forward, eyes dazed. “You fell asleep at your desk, you idiotic man.” Shiloe snapped at Dumbledore, pulling Lucius toward the door he had come through. “Go, GO! I’ll explain in a second.” He hissed, opening the door and shoving Lucius through in front of him. Draco jumped up as Lucius stumbled into the room. “FATHER!” He rushed over to embrace the dazed and bewildered man, and Lucius embraced him with a look of utter disbelief. “Draco? Where are we?” Lucius looked around at the assembled anchors, all of whom were looking at him in shock. All but Severus were in attendance.Shiloe pulled the cloak off, walking to stand in front of Lucius. “My chambers. I heard your conversation with Dumbledore.” He said, flashing the man a smirk. Lucius frowned. “Mr. Potter? What is the meaning of this?!” He asked imperiously.“I am not letting that vile man cloister you in the dungeons without sunlight and human company. Once you are able to safely return to one of your homes, you can ask for sanctuary again. I know that you will need his support after the war, after all.” Shiloe said.Draco turned tear-filled eyes to Shiloe, and then hugged him tightly, as well. “Thank you, Shiloe. Thank you.” He whispered, pulling away just far enough to kiss him as well. Shiloe smiled when Draco let him go. “You’re welcome. My, that was quite the delightful thank you.” He said happily.Lucius looked at him in shock. “Merlin, save us all.” He whispered. “Our one hope is lost. You’re Shiloe.” Shiloe rolled his eyes. “Harry Potter is still in here.” He said, tapping his temple. “He’s just currently indisposed, that’s all.” He fixed his eyes on Lucius. “You are one of my anchors.” Lucius sneered. “How could I be? You would have manifested during the summer, if I’m remembering correctly. We would not have been compatible in the least.” “Indeed.” Shiloe agreed. “But the anchor bond appeared just last Wednesday morning.” He added.Lucius sighed. “This is lovely.” He said sarcastically.Draco frowned. “Father, you got a divorce from Mother, right? But why would you do that?” He asked. Lucius sighed. “Your mother is too fond of the Dark Lord. She has refused to leave him. She will likely be after me for my desertion.” Draco’s eyes widened. “You were…?” Lucius sighed. “Yes, Draco. I was. It is something I no longer feel pride in, however.” “Are you the reason Severus was?” Draco asked in a small voice. “Another thing I am not proud of.” He confirmed. Draco shook his head. “Would you have made me join, too?” He whispered. Lucius closed his eyes in pain. “I’m not sure. I very well may have, if ordered to.” He said in a strained voice. Draco backed up a few paces, a tear finally escaping as he shook his head in mute denial. Blaise and Neville rushed over to comfort him. Shiloe sighed. “Take him to Rowena’s rooms, please.” He told the two teens. They nodded and began leading him away.Lucius sighed and walked over to take a seat in an armchair, his posture slumped, looking defeated. Shiloe got out a glass and poured Lucius a generous glass of Scotch from the cabinet in the common room, handing it to the man with a sad smile. “He will need time to come to terms with it, but thank you for telling him the truth. It is something he needs to know.” Lucius nodded and accepted the drink, taking a few sips as he sat, lost in thought. Cedric walked over to take Blaise’s usual spot on the couch, pulling Shiloe onto his lap. “You look really tense.” He explained, kneading Shiloe’s shoulders. Shiloe chuckled, relaxing under the touch. “Well, I just had to rescue my anchor from a fate worse than death. Really,” He said, looking over at Lucius. “Can you imagine locking all that beauty in the dungeons? It should be illegal.” He spat. Sirius raised an eyebrow at Shiloe. “Just how many anchors do you have?” He asked.“Well, aside from the seven of you, there are three more bonds. I can still acquire two more, though, if I should meet someone whose magical core harmonizes with my core well enough.” He said with a smile. Sirius rolled his eyes. “Great.” He drawled. Shiloe chuckled darkly. “Isn’t it, though?” He tried to cast tempus, then frowned at Ducen. “What the-”*Master, my apologies, but I cannot let you cast anything more at the present time. It would harm your magical core to pull any more magic out.*“Oh. Well, shite.” He looked at Cedric. “Can you cast tempus for me?” Sirius stiffened. “What’s going on?” He asked tensely. Shiloe sighed. “I can’t cast without harming my core. I used too much energy Obliviating Dumbledore.” He muttered.Neville looked shocked. “You Obliviated DUMBLEDORE?!” He asked.Shiloe raised an eyebrow at him. “I didn’t have much of a choice. I can’t let him know who all of my anchors are, can I?” He asked sarcastically. “He already knows of two. Besides, I don’t like the Old Man, you know that.”Neville flushed. “Well, yeah, but… Obliviated?” He asked again.“Yes, I thought we had established that.” Shiloe said irritably. “I owe you my thanks for that. I have no wish to be locked away in the dampness and darkness of Hogwarts’ dungeons, for all that I am used to them.” Lucius murmured. Shiloe gritted his teeth. “He HAD other rooms available, I know that for a fact. He was just being spiteful.” He snarled.Lucius sighed. “No, he was merely being cautious. I cannot fault him for that. I would probably do the same, were the situations reversed.” He said.“It’s not right. He shouldn’t do that. Not only is it inhumane, it’s unethical, as well. The man needs to learn that Slytherins are deserving of his reputedly insurmountable goodwill, just as much as the other houses are.” Shiloe spat. “Either way, we DO need to decide a few things. For one, where are we going to put you when I go back into dormancy?” He asked.“Put him in my Saferoom.” Helga suggested, her voice vacant once again. “So long as he keeps the doors locked, Harry cannot get in. He will be safe there. He will need a house-elf to stay with him if he wishes to use the services of one, though.” She said from her portrait, distantly. “The stars are dancing tonight.” She finished, and Shiloe rolled his eyes at the odd declaration. “Alright, so we can use the Saferoom. She’s right, it is ideal. And you’ll have to stay in there while Harry is in control, I’m sorry.” Lucius waved a negligent hand. “It’s fine, I have survived worse than a few weeks’ captivity before.” He said breezily.Shiloe smirked. “You will be able to access a clearing in the forbidden forest, at least, to get some fresh air and a bit of sunshine.” Lucius smiled. “That will be nice, I must admit.” *****Shiloe hesitated at the door of the Saferoom. Lucius looked at him, one expectant brow raised. “Was there anything else you wanted tonight?” He asked. “Before I leave…” Shiloe kicked at the ground, then raised his head. He was strangely intimidated by Lucius, but had no idea WHY. Maybe it was the air of confidence the man exuded, so similar to Shiloe’s own. “Um, could we seal the bond? Severus is also an anchor, but he is ignoring me for the time being, and I need an anchor with dark arts history to balance things out. Too much light or unaligned power coming into me will make me unable to cast any dark magic whatsoever, and I will need that ability when the Dark Lord returns.” He explained. Lucius inclined his head. “And how do we seal the bond, exactly?” He asked, his deep, smooth voice making Shiloe shiver. “I need a kiss. Just one, but if you offer me a few extra, I won’t deny them.” He finished cheekily. Lucius chuckled. “ONE kiss, then. I will need time before I lie with you. I know you need it, but it is strange for me to contemplate sex with someone the same age as my own son is.” Shiloe smiled and wrapped his arms around Lucius’ neck, standing on tiptoe to reach. “I understand that. I can wait.” He assured the man, then brushed his lips against the older wizard’s. Lucius grabbed Shiloe by the waist, pulling him tight against him and deepening the kiss slightly. Shiloe sighed into the kiss, drawing a deep breath when Lucius released him. “Well, that was… VERY nice.” He said with a grin. “Goodnight, then.” Lucius’ chuckle followed him, and before the door shut behind Lucius, Shiloe caught the whispered “sleep tight.” He smiled happily, heading into Salazar’s room. “And now,” He said to Sirius, who was sitting on the bed in his boxers. “Time to deal with YOU.” He whispered. Sirius paled.(1)Means “Purity Always Conquers.” This is the Malfoy Family Motto.
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