A World Not Fit To Live In | By : snowblind12 & Lissa Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 78552 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: These characters and the Harry Potter world belong to J K Rowling and her publishers. I make nothing from this story and I own none of it. It is based off the work of JK Rowling. |
Chapter Twenty-Six
BETA love: RaynePeonix2
The doors of the dining room crashing open caused all five people around the table to jump with surprise. The dinner had barely started, Lucius had just called for starters. The evening had already been much more subdued with Draco present, but the sudden arrival of Lord Voldemort dimmed the mood all the more.
“My Lord!” Lucius exclaimed as he rose to his feet before giving a shallow bow as the other four people at the table also stood. “Welcome. Will you be joining us for dinner?”
“Yes, actually,” Voldemort sneered, crossing the room with robes billowing behind him.
There was commotion as Lucius called for Bilby to reset the table and the seating was rearranged. When everyone was settled in, Voldemort now at the head of the table, Lucius signaled for the starters. The smoked duck breast with wheat berry salad and verbena cream sat untouched by all parties for a few moments before Voldemort spoke.
“Please, let us eat,” he gestured to their plates. Draco started his meal with no more prompting, but the other four were more hesitant as they picked up their cutlery. Voldemort, as usual, only sipped on his glass of wine. The meal moved to a roasted oxtail broth with chorizo sausage before the caprese salad with a balsamic dressing was served. Only when the main dish – a citrus-maple glazed Scottish salmon with black rice, savory cabbage, and a coconut-lime cream sauce was served, did Voldemort start talking.
“Gentlemen,” he began. “I have spent many hours over the last couple of weeks trying to figure out just who to pair the powerful Miss Granger with.” Lucius dared to dart a glance at the girl to his left and therefore saw her face literally drain of all color, even her lips went white.
“I have many, many options as numerous of my followers tested powerfully. She – however – tested more powerfully then any of my followers save you – ” here he turned to Severus “ – and Lucius, yours and Miss Grangers globes were stunningly similar in color, but I daresay hers may be just a shade darker.”
Lucius wanted to smirk but kept his face smooth and impassive. He had done that on purpose, not sure if it would work. He had held just a bit of his power back. He couldn’t be certain, of course, without holding the second globe directly next to his first but he had hoped. Turns out hoping wasn’t always fruitless. He couldn’t help but to think Dolohov’s MPS spell was a bit flawed since he could manipulate his result; even if it was just a small amount. The true miracle of the whole thing was that Lucius had gotten away with switching out Hermione’s results. If the Dark Lord were enlightened to her true magical strength? He couldn’t help but to breathe a small sigh of relief.
“Draco, of course, tested well. High potency. Other high potency Death Eaters include Rowle, Nott Sr., Dolohov, and Rabastan Lestrange. All have expressed interest in breeding with Potter’s Mudblood.”
Hermione flinched beside him, and Lucius carefully moved his hand to her thigh, trying to keep her calm. He was surprised when she covered his hand with her own and squeezed tightly.
“I’m sure whatever you decide will be perfect, My Lord,” Lucius said calmly.
“I think…well, if I’m being completely honest…Severus, I think you would be the best match with Miss Granger.”
Across the table, Ginny Weasley’s mouth fell open in horror. A pang of dread slid like ice through his chest. If he hadn’t been employing such fierce Occlumency at the moment, Lucius was sure his face would mirror the redhead’s. Furthermore, Snape’s lips tightened imperceptibly. He knew his friend shared his thoughts. Next to him, Hermione whimpered.
Voldemort burst into laughter at Ginny’s expression, startling the table at large with the exception of Draco, who was twirling his wine glass by the stem a gleeful expression on his face. Lucius followed his son’s line of sight to see the Weasley girls’ eyes were filled with tears. Hold yourself together, young lady! he thought desperately. We will get this figured out.
No one had had the chance to speak when Voldemort suddenly drummed his long, pointed nails on the table. “It appears your slave has actual feelings for you, Severus. And perhaps…no.” A perceptible look of revulsion crossed his snake like face. “No, that surely wouldn’t do. We don’t want a Mudblood in such a prominent and prestigious place of honor. The Headmaster’s wife? A Mudblood? How our people would talk! No.” There was a momentary pause where Draco chuckled lightly before the despot continued, “Severus?”
“My Lord?”
“How do you feel about the Weasley girl? I have the need to reward you. You have been a marvelous asset to my cause for many, many years. Your bonding potion is a thing of beauty. Alas, you are only a Half-blood –”
And so are you, you disgusting bastard! Lucius felt his anger rise and fought to keep his composure and his Occlumency shields in place.
“– and blood traitor though she is, Miss Weasley is a Pureblood who tested well magically.”
“I mean no disrespect, My Lord, but I thought the marriages were only for those of Pureblood and Mudblood descent.” Snape’s voice was void of all emotion, though Lucius knew the man must be terrified. He knew very well that his friend never meant to marry and definitely had no intention of being a father.
“Ah yes, but you see, Severus, you tested more powerfully then anyone with the exception of myself.” The room was silent as that fact was absorbed. “You must understand – your offspring will be very powerful magically. I expect my next generation of Death Eaters to be…spectacular. You will not be the only Death Eater matched to breed with a non-Mudblood.”
“I understand, My Lord,” Snape said.
“Good. Wed her soon. Today. Impregnate her immediately.” The commands were succinct and left no room for argument. Lucius watched Ginny’s face pale as much as Hermione’s did, causing her freckles to stand out in sharp relief.
“Yes, My Lord,” Snape said.
“Good. Back to marrying off Miss Granger. Do you have thoughts, gentlemen?”
“My Lord, if I may –” Draco began before Voldemort waved a hand at him.
“I know of the sadistic pleasure you would gain marrying the girl – but I need you to focus. Who would be the best magical companion for her? Who would result in the most magically powerful children?”
Underneath the table, Hermione’s grip on Lucius’ hands tightened to the point that she was almost crushing his hand. She had started trembling.
“Dolohov would be good for her,” Lucius answered in a cool tone. “You know how desperately boring I find the girl, my Lord. Her temper can be an issue, but I think our passionate Russian would appreciate her fire.” He saw Hermione turn to face him in his peripherals. He knew she must be surprised, but he had to play his part.
“Hmm…very good point, Lucius. Draco?” Voldemort chuckled at the scowl on Draco’s face. “Come now, Draco. You wish to continue to please me, yes?”
“I know my uncle wants the Mudblood desperately,” Draco said somewhat petulantly.
“That’s the spirit!” Voldemort chortled at his own joke before his face instantly smoothed and his lipless mouth pulled into a frown. “However…Bast is a bit…crazy. And Dolohov…well, I wasn’t planning on giving him a wife. He kills women more often than not. I don’t know if his lack of patience and her temper would be the best mix…
“No…I think it’s probably best she stays in the care of one of you. Let’s keep the Malfoy magic where it deserves to be: the front of the pack.” Voldemort’s eyes rested on the stoic face of Lucius and the gleeful expression of Draco’s. “I see I have pleased you, Draco. Thoughts on who it should be to marry her?”
Hermione’s fingernails were leaving crescent shaped indents on his skin and she was shaking so uncontrollably that her curls were quivering. “My Lord?” Lucius said in a quiet voice.
“Yes Lucius.”
“I will marry the Mudblood.”
Voldemort sat back in his chair, eyes wide with wonder. “And why, Lucius, would you offer to do such a thing?”
“So my son is free to marry Miss Parkinson and keep our line Pure.” He forced himself to continue to breathe evenly in order to not let on that he was full of panic. He hoped his reason was believable.
“My Lord, you’ve already said that’s not necessary,” Draco burst in. “I can get a few Half-bloods out of our little Mudblood whore here, and then we can put her out of her misery. After that, I would be free to marry Pansy and sire my heir.”
Tears splashed down Hermione’s face and it took every ounce of strength inside him not pull her into his arms. He knew she was utterly terrified.
“It is, of course, My Lords decision,” he said confidently. “I only hoped that my grandchildren would be Pureblood.”
“How fun! Severus!” Voldemort turned towards the Headmaster. “They’re fighting over the Mudblood.”
“No My Lord,” Lucius said. “That is not it –”
“Be quiet, Lucius,” Voldemort snapped. “What are your thoughts, Severus?”
“I think she must be quite the fuck, to have two powerful, Pureblood men fighting over her,” Snape answered baldly. Voldemort threw back his head with his mirth.
“Well said, dear Severus!” The snake-man leaned back in his chair. “Perhaps a little healthy competition?” Dread pooled in Lucius’ belly.
“What do you have in mind, My Lord?” Draco sat forward in his chair, his eyes gleaming excitedly.
“How about…whomever knocks her up gets to marry her?”
Suddenly, Lucius hand was free as Hermione raised both of her own to cover her face as a sob broke out of her.
“Oh my, my,” Voldemort soothed, reaching to pet Hermione’s head. The girl flinched away and sunk as deeply into her chair as she could as Lucius’ stomach clenched with anger. “Did we upset you, pet?”
“Answer the Dark Lord truthfully, Mudblood,” Draco commanded.
“Yes sir.” Hermione’s voice was muffled behind her hands.
“I would apologize, my dear,” Voldemort said in an acidic tone of voice, “but I really would not mean it. I need your children, you see. I wish to grow my army.”
Hermione did not uncover her face and she did not respond, she just continued to cry.
“Now that a final decision has been made, I’m pleased to inform you that I will marry the other of you to a Pureblood witch that has a strong ancestry of the Sight in her family.”
He sighed dramatically, like they were supposed to take that as a compliment and had disappointed him. “I will take my leave. However – Lucius,” here Voldemort paused before a knowing look was passed between his son and the megalomaniac. “I have a mission for you. You will come and see me in the morning, before sunrise, to receive your orders. Pack to be gone for at least a week.” Everyone heard Hermione’s whimper of panic, but no one acknowledged it.
“Yes, My Lord.” Lucius responded as Draco chuckled darkly.
Voldemort nodded and stood, causing the occupants of the table to stand as well – even Hermione, who’s eyes were puffy as she continued to sniffle. When Voldemort was gone, the room was deathly silent.
“Well…” Draco started. “I’m going to get a good night’s sleep. I have a witch to impregnate tomorrow.” He stood and tossed his napkin down. “Be prepared Granger – I have plans for you.” He left the room without saying goodnight to anyone.
At this point, Hermione was sobbing full force. Lucius looked around the room and cursed when he found Abraxas lurking in the frame near the sideboard. He slid his hand onto her thigh again and squeezed gently.
“Lucius,” Severus said quietly. “Miss Weasley and I are going to take our leave – we apparently have a bonding to attend to.”
Lucius locked eyes with his friend and silently communicated his sympathy. Severus looked away, his gaze falling on Ginny who was twisting a napkin in her lap. “Come,” he told Ginny.
Lucius felt it in his soul when Ginny looked up at Severus with large, dark eyes brimming with tears. “Hey,” the man murmured to her so quietly Lucius was sure the portraits could not hear, “it’s going to be okay. I will take care of you – I swear.” His body language belied his kind words as he pulled Ginny to her feet a little roughly before taking one of her elbows in a firm grasp.
“Goodnight, Lucius.”
“Goodnight, Severus.”
“Hermione,” Lucius was trying his best to keep his horror under control. “Hermione, you need to calm down.”
Unbeknownst to Hermione, she was hyperventilating herself into a right state. Was she having a panic attack? She didn’t know. She felt like she was suffocating, though. She ripped at her gown to pull the tight material away from her neck. The choker-style halter tore easily, and she fumbled with the side zipper to loosen the tight bodice. The moment the fabric separated, she burst into gasping sobs. She clawed at her hair as if she were completely certifiable while her dress slipped to her waist, showing off a strapless brassier.
“This isn’t happening!” she panted. “This isn’t happening.” Lucius watched her with wide, grief-filled eyes. Her break down was a combination of stunning and heartbreaking.
Then she whirled on him. “It has to be you!” she exclaimed as she grasped the front of his robes. Crazed golden eyes locked to grey. “It has to be you! I cannot – I cannot marry…I cannot marry Dra – Oh my god! I cannot have a baby with Draco! Lucius, it has to be you! It has to be you or you must kill me. I can’t!” She broke again into inconsolable tears.
The moment she declared that she wanted him to kill her, Lucius snapped. He pulled her firmly into his chest. Hermione’s arms instantly locked around him; her short nails dug painfully into the planes of muscles that were tight with stress in his back. She continued to ramble. Asking him how this could be happening. Begging him to fix it. Questioning him as to what they were going to do if he was going to be sent away the very next day. Everything inside him screamed for him to take her and run – but they would be found. He bore the Mark.
Lucius continued to hold her to him tightly, using one hand to smooth her hair while the other made random patterns over the bare skin of her back. Finally, when she had been quiet for a long minute, he spoke what he knew the only alternative to be. “There is nothing I can do but help you escape, Hermione. I can figure out how to get you and your mother out of here. It will be dangerous, but I am willing to do it.”
She tensed in his grasp before very slowly pulling back from him. “Wh-what?”
“I will help you escape.” His eyes roamed over her face, taking in expression as it went from surprise, to wonder, to elation before flickering and darkening as a frown pulled at her lips.
“No,” she answered.
“No?” It was his turn to be shocked. “What do you mean, ‘no’?”
“I won’t leave you here to die for me.” It was a statement of fact, one that brooked no argument. It wasn’t the beginning of a quarrel; she wasn’t trying to bait him. She was simply telling him that she would not go. It filled him with such a warmth that he felt on fire. Moisture gather in his eyes as she continued so softly, he had to lean in to hear the words. He was fascinated by the pink tinge that was rising to her cheeks. “I care about you too much.”
Lucius’ heart clenched, and nothing could have prevented him from pulling the girl snugly back into his arms. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head while he spoke. “Severus sent me a potion that will void your weekly birth control after the graduation party. We had our suspicions. You will take it now, followed by a fertility potion – we will be intimate tonight, and again before I leave in the morning. Then all we can do is hope for the best, princess.”
He felt her nod against him and then, after a few more moments of just holding her, he took her hand in his and led her into the bathroom. Silently, he handed her first the contraceptive reversal, then the fertility potion. She downed them in turn before fixing him with large, terrified eyes. “Lucius, I don’t want to bring a child into this madness,” she whispered, tears distorting her voice.
“I know, Hermione,” he answered in as soothing of a tone as possible. “I know.” He reached out and took the vials from her fingers and gently lay them on the counter before framing her face with both his hands. He tipped her chin up and bent to gently press a kiss to her lips. They tasted of her tears. His mouth moved to one cheek as he continued to whisper. “Let us not think about what we are attempting to do tonight, pet,” he implored her while letting his hands trail down her arms and encircle her upper back. He plucked at the clasp of her bra, undoing it with practiced ease while trailing a hot tongue down the length of her jaw before suckling at the pulse point in her neck. “Let us just focus on each other…on pleasure.”
His lips moved lower before capturing one nipple in his mouth, drawing it into the hot, silky cavern. She gave a whimpered moan of consent and her hands came up to tangle in his hair and use it as leverage to arch against him. “Yes!” It was a mixed exaltation of passion and agreement.
He did not warn her before sweeping her up into his arms bridal style and returning them to the bedroom. He glanced around at the portraits. When he found his father leering at them, blood began to boil in his veins. “I respectfully request privacy from the portraits of Malfoy Manor this night,” Lucius stated through clenched teeth. He could tell that Hermione was watching him, but did not meet her gaze.
Instead, he watched as two other portrait’s occupants vacated the room, but Abraxas Malfoy stayed put. There was a sadistic gleam in the man’s eyes, and Lucius could not help the pounding of his heart. He and his father had never gotten along, not when the man had instilled such fear. Even in death “Father.”
Hermione jumped in his arms at the sound of the unfamiliar voice and Lucius crossed the room to set her on the bed. She sat on the edge and turned her luminous eyes to the portrait.
“I asked you to leave,” Lucius said, trying to keep his voice neutral.
“I’m telling you no.” Abraxas challenged, Lucius’ eyes narrowed.
“I will force you to leave.” The portrait’s eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Lucius,” Hermione whispered. Immediately, his attention returned to the half-naked witch in his bed. “Ignore him. You do realize that what is happening – you being sent away? – it’s most likely from his reports. Don’t allow him to hurt us further.”
He stared at her with mild surprise. She was probably right; his father’s reports had likely caused Voldemort to be suspicious of Lucius’ care of Hermione. It was obvious to both of them that Lucius being sent away was punishment. Voldemort wanted to reduce his chance of impregnating Hermione. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. His forehead settled against hers and he closed his eyes as her hands moved to smooth over his cheekbones.
“It’s not your fault. Let’s just focus on each other,” she returned is words to him just before angling her head and pressing her mouth lightly to the corner of his lips. “Let’s just be together.”
Was he trembling? Or was she? He didn’t know. The emotion in the room had changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. From hysterical and anguished to this sweet, peaceful … love. He shifted and caught her lips in a chaste, sweet kiss.
He would ignore his father’s portrait. He wouldn’t let him put a damper on his affections for the young woman in his arms. He wouldn’t let Abraxas stop him from protecting Hermione to the best of his ability. Right now that protection called for him to put a babe in her belly – and he would try his damnedest.
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