Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 291248 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
Halloween Part 1
Day of Defilement
The next day or so passed quickly. After her nap with Harriet, Hermione had spent the rest of the afternoon and evening reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to her, and was thrilled that she loved every bit of it. Harriet had been more than eager to roleplay with Hermione as Susan and Lucy after that, who were diddling each other and eating Turkish Dellight while watching the White Witch torment their caged “brothers” as played by Ron and Draco Malfoy.
Then the following day, after receiving a reply from the Tonkses that they would be delighted to come over for Halloween, Hermione and Harriet had watched a bit more cleaning, this time of a rather grim, filthy looking upstairs drawing room.
It was easily as fascinating as the “Altar Room,” but a lot less horrifying, with dirty stained tapestries hanging on the walls, a very dusty carpet, and ugly moss-green curtains. Remus began by banishing something called a Boggart which had been in a locked mahogany, roll-top writing desk.
That had been a bit scary at first as it had turned into Snape immediately upon spotting Hermione. But then it turned into a full moon when Remus had stepped in front it, and after he shouted, “Riddukulus,” at the Boggart, it turned into a punctured balloon which rapidly deflated then vanished when he and Sirius both laughed at it.
“Remember that spell, and don’t forget to laugh at it,” Remus told Harriet and Hermione, who both had their stolen wands at the ready to stun any magical household pests which might come their way.
Then it was spraying the curtains to remove the swarms of Doxies buzzing around (Kreacher carried bucket loads of immobilised Doxies away and released them into the tiny little patch of overgrown garden behind Number Twelve). Harry and Hermione stood well back while the Doxy infestation was removed, as they were known for venomous bites which raised nasty boils according to Sirius.
“Besides,” he said to them both, “the Doxycide can make you really woozy, and I doubt the masks will stay on your faces...”
Next, the glass-fronted cabinets by the mantelpiece were emptied of rusty daggers, talons and claws, spindly golden artifacts which tried to scuttle away like insects, and an assortment of tarnished silver boxes inscribed with Latin phrases. One of the magical snuff-boxes gave Sirius a sharp bite, but fortunately he was wearing protective gloves.
The purge of Dark artifacts and pest removal continued apace as Kreacher eagerly chipped in, and eventually they got to the faded and stained tapestries on the wall. The one which caught Harriet’s attention looked ancient and worn; large words of curly writing woven with gold thread crossed the top of the tapestry.
“The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black,” Harriet murmured, looking slightly awed, “Is that your family tree?”
“Yes,” Sirius sighed, pointing at several black burn marks, “I was right there, but Mum blasted me off when I ran away from home - I was about sixteen - stayed with your dad and his parents. ... That’s Andromeda there - Mum blasted her off when she married Ted Tonks...”
“HARRIET!” Hermione squealed as she peered closely at the tapestry. “You’re related to the Blacks too...”
“I am?”
“Look, right there, Charlus Potter and Dorea Black - there’s a line going down to another scorch mark, and the date of birth by the burn looks just about the right year for your father possibly.”
“Are... are those my grandparents?” Harriet asked, her voice quavering slightly.
Sirius flushed uncomfortably, “Charlus would have been your grand-uncle, actually - he was the brother of your grandfather, Fleamont Potter. ... Charlus and Dorea were sort of ostracised by the Blacks and the Potters when they got married. It wasn’t actually all that bad on the Potter side of things - Charlus and Dorea still visited with your grandparents at Christmas and some other holidays - they were all alright with things - but I could tell that relations were strained with your great-grandparents on the Potter side...”
“But who was that then?” said Harriet, pointing at the burn mark.
“Your father’s cousin - they were quite close when they were young apparently. His name was Harry too...” said Sirius, his voice hoarse. “He was killed by Death Eaters the year the war officially broke out. He would have been in the same year at Hogwarts as me and your father - I never met him.”
“Oh!” said Harriet sadly. Hermione curled an arm around Harriet’s waist and drew her close, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Harriet cheered up throughout the rest of the day though, much to Hermione’s relief. Soon enough it was over, and they were cuddled up in bed again. To distract them both from their anxiety at meeting the Tonks family the next day. Hermione began reading aloud from another book she was sure Harriet would like: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
“Augustus Gloop,” Harriet chortled before dozing off, “He reminds me of my cousin, Dudley...”
Hermione set the book on their nightstand and stroked Harriet’s messy black hair after the younger girl had fallen asleep. She bit her lip and her brow crinkled as it all hit her again, the turmoil of the last two months crashing through her like a tidal wave. Hermione wondered if Harriet had made the right decision in telling Sirius to invite the Tonkses over for Halloween.
They had only barely begun to settle into their new life at Number Twelve after what still seemed like a year of Horror at Hogwarts, and Hermione wasn’t sure that either of them were really quite ready to meet new people just yet. Hermione had long given up hope of returning to any semblance of her old life or seeing her parents again, and Harriet was clearly glad that her own old life was consigned to memory and bad dreams.
Hermione wanted this new life after Hogwarts to work for the both of them, and she wished they’d had at least a few weeks to truly feel safe and secure in it before adding in uncertain elements. She sighed, telling herself that she was being selfish. Harriet was clearly just as nervous as Hermione was about meeting the Tonkses, but it was only natural that she was curious to meet them given their familial connections to her.
Hermione gave Harriet a kiss on the forehead and snuggled closer, wrapping her arm around Harriet’s middle. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of Harriet’s gentle breathing; before she knew it, Hermione was fast asleep.
When Mum called her down for breakfast, Ginny Weasley carefully peeked around the doorjamb. Mum set the plate of bacon and eggs on the table and sighed when she spotted Ginny’s anxious features.
“It’s okay sweetie - your brother’s not here. He’s had his bread and milk already and I sent him to do his outside chores and his hour with the Gnomes.”
Ginny let out a sigh of relief and sat down to eat her breakfast. She was halfway through her poached eggs on toast and her bacon when she paused and frowned.
“Mum, are you going to make Fred and George and Percy come home and be naked too?”
Mum gave Ginny a sympathetic smile and set her cup of tea on the kitchen table.
“Probably,” she said. “Though I’m not sure if it will do Fred and George much good. I expect Ron is right - they’ll more than likely just treat it all as one big joke. I’m not sure what more your father and I could do though, without stooping to the sort of revolting things they have most likely been getting up to.”
“This is Fred and George’s fourth year,” said Ginny, her skin crawling at the thought which had just popped into her mind. “Do you think they’ve been being mean to slave-girls at Hogwarts the last three years then?”
Mum looked a bit shocked, as if that thought was new to her as well.
“Oh! Er... I expect so,” she admitted ruefully. “I never would have thought it of any of them, but with Dumbledore and the professors and all the other students treating it as all perfectly normal, I suppose it was all too easy for them to forget what your father and I taught them.”
“Then Ron’s right,” said Ginny, feeling angrier and angrier at the thought of Fred and George peeing and sperming in girls’ mouths for the last three years, and she wondered if he and George had done anything as horrible as Ron had done with Scabbers to that Hermione Granger girl, “Maybe you should turn them both into girls for a month. And maybe you should make them pee in each other’s mouths, and... and make them stick things inside each other - big things... and make them live in a cage...”
“Ginny!” Mum gasped, a horrified expression on her face. “We couldn’t possibly.... That would be very, very wrong! ... It’s bad enough just making Ron run around with no clothes on, but at least he’s getting the message without coming to any real harm...”
“So what? They would deserve it!” said Ginny, jutting out her jaw defiantly. “Ron was only mean for a couple of months, and he’s already feeling sorry - I think. ... But if Fred and George have been being horrid to girls for the last three years, it’s going to be a lot harder to make them feel sorry for what they’ve done. ... I guess Percy too - he’s been there four years and he’s a prefect now!”
“Yes, well, whether they deserve it or not, it would still be very wrong!” Mum snapped. “Your father and I will just have to think of something else...”
“Back before things changed, what they did would be against the law, wouldn’t it?” Ginny retorted.
“Well, yes...”
“And then they’d be thrown in Azkaban with horrible Dementors for years and years and years, right?” Ginny fixed her mother with a determined glare.
“That... that’s true,” said Mum, her voice faltering.
“And now they can just do as they like, and if they don’t care enough about being naked to stop being horrible to girls at school they’ll just get away with it! ... And then one day, when they grow up and have their own money, they’ll probably buy their own muggleborn slave-girls and be nasty to them!”
“Well, now, that... that’s not very likely,” said Mum, looking very flustered, her cheeks reddening.
“Why not?” Ginny demanded furiously. “You know that Fred and George are eventually going to make loads of money at something - that’s what they care about most - money - and they’re really smart even though they do joke around a lot. ... They’ll be able to buy loads and loads of slave-girls and do whatever they like to them, maybe even make them eat their own poop...”
“That’s enough!” said Mum sharply, looking a bit green now. “You’ve made your point! I don’t know what your father and I are going to do, but I’ll raise your concerns - our concerns - and I’ll let him know what you think ought to be done...”
“You will?” said Ginny, feeling a bit surprised, having thought that Mum would have a bit more of a shout and then send her to her room.
“Yes, I will,” said Mum, scowling. “I won’t pretend that I’m not disgusted that you’re even thinking about doing such godawful things to your brothers, but I can’t really blame you under the circumstances. ... If they weren’t my boys, and if I was a muggle mother and you were my muggleborn daughter that they were doing those horrible things to...”
Mum paused a moment, looking deeply disturbed.
“...Well, all I can say is that I’d probably want to do a LOT worse to them than what you’re coming up with,” she went on after the moment passed. “So, yes, you deserve to have your views on this heard and your father and I will discuss all of our options. ... Now go on, finish your breakfast and then we’ll get this place decorated for Halloween.”
Ginny ate the rest of her eggs and bacon quietly, still astonished that Mum was actually taking her opinion seriously. After breakfast, while she helped her mother carve some pumpkins and make streamers, the rain began pelting down even harder, making the windows rattle. Mum glanced at Ginny hesitantly.
“Do you think Ron’s had enough outside for today?”
Ginny gnawed her lip pensively, then she nodded. “Yes - just for today though, because it’s Halloween.”
Mum gave her a little knowing smile.
“Very well, then. Be a dear and go fetch him please. You don’t have to look at him too closely.”
“Okay Mum.”
Ginny jumped down from her stool and threw on her anorak before darting out into the freezing downpour. She ran across the muddy yard towards the garden, splashing through the puddles. When she arrived at the hedges, flowerbeds, and vegetable patches she gasped in horror. Gnomes were swarming all over her very muddy brother, doing... things to him.
For a moment Ginny stood there half in shock, feeling torn as the rain dripped from the hood of her coat. Part of her thought she should just leave well enough alone as part of Ron’s punishment, but another part of her knew that Ron was already feeling really sorry for what he’d done, and the part of her that was Ron’s sister suddenly burst into action.
“Get off him!” she shrieked, kicking out at the nearest gnome and sending it flying over the hedge.
She grabbed the one that was humping Ron’s mouth and hurled it after the other one. Ginny kicked and hit and knocked aside a dozen more and the Gnomes all scattered, diving into their Gnome holes or hiding behind the shrubbery.
“Ron,” she gasped, crouching beside her disheveled brother, ignoring his nakedness, “are you alright? Have they been doing this to you every day?”
“Yeah,” he muttered miserably after spitting some Gnome semen into the muddy puddle nearest his head, in answer to both questions.
“Why didn’t you tell Mum or Dad? I’m sure they would have put a stop to it.”
“Because I deserve it,” said Ron earnestly as he sat up properly. “As horrible as it is, it’s nothing compared to what Harriet and Hermione Granger had to deal with! I mean, it’s gross, and humiliating, but at least the Gnome willies are tiny. It doesn’t really hurt.”
Ginny peered at Ron sympathetically. “You really are sorry for how horrible you were, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” Ron nodded, “but I still deserve my punishment. You won’t tell Mum and Dad what the Gnomes are doing, will you?”
Ginny swallowed, torn. Ron looked so forlorn that she wanted to make him feel better, but when she thought about how disgusting he had been, she couldn’t help but think he was right to continue doing his penance. But as she considered her options, an idea began to form.
“Tell me more about what Fred and George did to Harriet and Hermione,” she said.
“Why? What does that have to do with this?”
“I’m still thinking about whether I should tell Mum and Dad about the Gnomes,” said Ginny. “But I want to know more about Fred and George - and Percy too. Did they do anything else to Harriet and Hermione? Or did they tell you things about what they did to other girls in previous years?”
“Er...” Ron looked a bit reluctant to be more of a tattletale than he already had been.
“Go on, tell me!” Ginny demanded.
Ron sighed. “Alright. They didn’t do anything else to Harriet and Hermione than what I already told you and Mum and Dad. ... But Fred and George told me loads of stuff they did to Recep... to girls in previous years. And they were planning on doing it to Harriet and Hermione whenever they got a turn with them.”
“They... they did stuff sort of like what I did. They had made their penises bigger and had sex with them in front of loads of other people - and they stuck all sorts of things in the girls’... erm... their...”
“Yeah,” said Ron, his ears turning red, “and in their bums too. They stuck in things like broom handles and beater bat handles and all sorts of things - some of them really big. They told me about a time they put about ten snitches inside one girl’s vagina and ten in her bum too.”
“You told us Fred peed in their mouths. Did they tell you about anything else gross?” Ginny gave Ron a meaningful look.
Ron flushed guiltily, as if whatever they had done, he had been thinking of doing too.
“They.... they said it was really funny to make the girls eat their own dung,” he said in a small voice. “Most people think it’s too icky to watch, so they didn’t do it very often though, they said.”
“I knew it!” said Ginny, her features burning with fury. “What about Percy? What did he get up to?”
“Not much really, according to Fred and George,” said Ron. “They said he was boring and that mostly he just made the girls suck him off whenever they, er... did the Gryffindor table at mealtimes. ... So, is that enough then? Are you going to tell Mum and Dad about the Gnomes?”
“I think you should tell them what the Gnomes are doing to you,” said Ginny fiercely, “You should tell them how it makes you really understand how Harriet and Hermione felt, and you should tell them everything you just told me.”
“But why?” moaned Ron, looking stricken.
“Because Fred and George deserve to be punished even worse than you do, but I need your help to convince Mum and Dad.”
Ten minutes later after washing himself thoroughly in the rain, Ron meekly followed Ginny back to the house. Mum looked a bit puzzled and suspicious when they both entered the kitchen.
“What took you two so long?” she asked, tossing Ron a fluffy white towel so that he could dry off.
“Ron has something to tell you,” said Ginny, shooting a bossy look at her brother.
Katie Bell woke up early on Halloween morning, her bottom-hole and vagina still tender from the rather brutal shagging that Fred and George had given her yesterday afternoon. Like Malfoy, they had got permission from Dumbledore to use one of the Receptacles after classes.
They had taken turns on both holes and then followed up by roughly jamming two broomsticks inside her at once and assaulting her with them for a good fifteen minutes while saying horrible things like, “Now that’s the way a Receptacle is supposed to ride a broom, Katie. Maybe you’d have scored more goals if you’d done it properly,” and, “No wonder you were such a pathetic Chaser. You were a born to be a Receptacle - you should have been doing the team instead.”
Sophie had cried for Katie even harder than she had cried for herself after Draco had fucked her the day before that. Katie had been the one to comfort Sophie, reassuring her that she was just a bit sore (despite actually being in quite a bit of pain at the time) and that she had come to no real harm.
At the moment, Sophie was still asleep, her head and shoulders in Katie’s lap. Katie needed to pee but decided to wait as long as possible. It was Halloween, a full holiday at Hogwarts, and that meant “performances” by the Receptacles throughout the day; Katie didn’t have the heart to wake Sophie just yet.
Thankfully, as the clock ticked closer to six thirty, Sophie began to stir. Sophie blinked open her bleary eyes and Katie smiled wanly down at her.
“Morning sweetie,” she said.
“Hi Katie.”
The younger girl attempted to smile back, but only managed a grimace; she planted a little kiss on Katie’s abdomen and clumsily manoeuvred herself into a sitting position. It was still a real struggle for Sophie, who hadn’t quite worked out the best way to move herself around yet with her hands cuffed behind her back.
Katie hauled herself to her feet and peed in their bucket before helping Sophie up to relieve herself as well. While she peed, Sophie gawked at all the Halloween decorations that the House-Elves had set up while they had both been fast asleep; Katie was less impressed, having seen them the year before, some them in “action” so to speak.
There were a hundred grinning Jack-o’-Lanterns on the marble floor, and above, still asleep themselves, hanging from the beams across the vaulted Enchanted Ceiling (which was displaying the dark morning skies that accompanied the current rainstorm), were hundreds of bats. Several dozen Scarecows stood around the Hall alongside skeletons, and skulls of all shapes and sizes from all sorts of creatures sat next to carved pumpkins along the centre of the House tables.
Katie and Sophie had just finished peeing and then taking a drink from their bucket when the candles in the Jack o’ Lanterns and protruding from the skulls on the tables flared to life. That was apparently the cue for the bats to start fluttering. Sophie let out a little shriek when the skeletons started dancing.
“It’s okay, Sophie, they’re not really alive,” said Katie as the massive oak doors of the Great Hall swung open and students began filing in for breakfast.
That horrid Umbridge woman beamed at them both when she entered the Hall, looking positively gleeful. Katie grit her teeth and glared at her, knowing that Umbridge was looking forward to whatever vile things had been planned for her and Sophie.
It didn’t take long for the horrible Halloween to begin properly. Dejectedly, Sophie had her semen breakfast under the Gryffindor table that morning and Katie had hers under the Slytherin table.
Neville sighed when the Seventh Year Gryffindors monopolised the ex-Hufflepuff Receptacle, wondering if he should take a leaf from Fred and George’s book and ask Dumbledore for permission to make use of one of the Receptacles after classes one day. He was hesitant to do so, reluctant as he was put himself under a spotlight in the Great Hall where any number of students could watch and potentially mock him.
Returning his focus to his boiled eggs, toast, and bacon, Neville was nearly oblivious when Percy Weasley called out to the Sixth Years who were about to take charge of the Receptacle.
“Oi, you lot, you had your turn with a Receptacle last night at dinner,” said Percy sternly. “The First Years haven’t had a crack at the new ones yet. Pass the Receptacle along... go on then, get a move on.”
There were some grumblings, but Percy was a Prefect and the Sixth Years had little choice. Neville brightened up considerably but dipped a piece of toast into the runny yolk of his boiled egg, expecting Seamus or Dean to have a first go, only to find the naked little blonde haired girl being thrust between his knees by Seamus.
“Huh? What?”
“Go on mate,” said Seamus magnanimously, “you need it more than me or Dean.”
“Oh, thanks Seamus,” said Neville, feeling a thrill shoot through him as he dropped his toast on his plate. He shot Seamus a lop-sided grin and gingerly began to pull Sophie closer.
“Not like that, mate!” Seamus urged him. “You’re tryin’ t’build up your confidence, remember? Show it who’s boss, manly like.”
“Like this?” asked Neville, yanking Sophie’s hair and making her squeal.
“That’s more like it.”
Neville dragged Sophie closer by the hair, pulling her up so he could squeeze her breasts a bit and grope her pussy. He felt the familiar rush of giddiness which he hadn’t felt for a few weeks - not since the last time he’d had a chance to shag Harriet and Hermione when Snape was still teaching Potions - and seeing the cum already splattered on her face and hair simply added to the effect.
Once he was as hard as a rock, Neville shoved Sophie back down and unzipped himself, glad to see that the engorgement charm on his cock was still in effect. He’d been a bit worried about that. He roughly grasped the back of Sophie’s head, and for a moment, he hesitated when he saw the look in her teary eyes. But Seamus was right, Neville told himself. He had been far too gentle with Harriet and Hermione. It was time to be a man if he was ever to hope to be confident enough to be good at magic; besides, it was only a Receptacle.
Tossing aside the last vestiges of his compunction, Neville rubbed the bell-end of his dick on Sophie’s face and lips, and then he savagely drove his monstrous magically enhanced cock into her throat, ignoring her gagging and muffled cries.
He thrust away, plunging in and out of that unwilling, warm, wet sheath, until finally, the surge of pleasure took him by storm. Jets of sticky seed erupted from the tip of Neville’s cock, spurting down Sophie’s throat; then he pulled back and filled her mouth several times, watching her gulp down his protein elixir as if she were a calf suckling at its mother’s teat.
And for the coup de grâce, Neville pulled his knob from her mouth and fisted his shaft, pumping several more strong blasts of sperm all over her face. He made to put away his deflating penis when Ron’s older brother Fred called out to him.
“Oi, Neville! Not so fast - make it drink your piss! Go on - it’s hilarious!”
“And call it some rude names while you’re at it,” George added. “If you want to really put it in its place, you’ve got to lay it on thick.”
Neville goggled for a moment. Sure, he’d watched Harriet and Hermione drink pee - buckets of it in fact. But he’d never actually peed in their mouths.
“Open up again,” said Neville, grinning down at the miserable looking girl, “slut,” he added for good measure.
Gleefully, Neville released the urine from his bladder, enjoying the sensation of Sophie sucking his knob and slurping down the boiling pee spraying into her mouth and down her throat.
“That’s it you little... c-cunt! Drink up!” he said, mimicking some of the other guys, hoping he was doing it right.
Neville felt a swell of pride when Seamus slapped him on the shoulder and told him, “That’s it, mate! Now ye’ve got it! ... Knew we’d make a man outta you!”
Finished with her breakfast, Katie followed Hagrid on her hands and knees after he attached a leash to her collar. She didn’t need to see the apologetic look in his eyes to know that he felt bad about being a part of it all. Sophie had told her how he had only shagged her to save her from being raped by that gigantic three headed dog.
But today was Halloween, and Katie knew there was no being saved today.
Hagrid attached Katie’s and Sophie’s leashes to a pair of wooden posts in front of their cage so that they were facing each other. They looked into each other’s eyes, paying little attention when Dumbledore stood up and announced to the assembled students that the Halloween festivities were about to begin.
“Wh-what’s happening now?” Sophie whispered, her eyes wide with anxiety, semen dripping from her eyelashes.
“I’m not sure yet,” said Katie, “It’s a little bit different from last year. Just remember that it’ll all be over by dinner time and you’ll get through this.”
Sophie nodded dejectedly and let out a little sob, fresh tears mingling with the spunk on her cheeks. Katie felt a sudden surge of emotion, wishing there was more she could do or say to help the younger girl cope better.
Then it came to her - one thing she could think of to say that might help Sophie a bit. Katie still wasn’t entirely certain of what she felt, but in this moment, it felt true enough that she could say it and mean it.
“Hey,” she said, before she could chicken out, “and just remember I love you, okay! We’ll get through this together, Sophie.”
“Y-you do?” said Sophie, looking a bit bewildered.
“I do,” said Katie firmly.
Sophie gave her a wan little smile.
“I love you too, Katie,” she whispered, “I don’t know how I’d get through this without you.”
Their hushed, earnest vows were interrupted by a shuffling sound and a cheer went up from the crowd of students in the Great Hall. Katie looked up to see the line of magically animated scarecrows forming behind Sophie, and Sophie’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when she spied the line behind Katie.
Sophie screwed her eyes shut and Katie could just barely make out her repeating, “she loves me, she loves me,” under her breath.
And then Katie felt the first one on top of her, the coarse fabric of its shirt and the scratchy straw against her back; and she knew from looking at the scarecrows behind Sophie that the rough tip of the knobby thing prodding her pussy lips was the end of a dry corncob at least ten inches long, protruding from the open zipper in the scarecrow’s jeans.
Katie grit her teeth, letting out a hiss of pain when she felt the corncob burrowing all the way inside her with one sharp thrust, stretching the fleshy walls of her vagina around its bumpy shaft. The scarecrow jerked its loins again and again, plunging to her depths, brutally pillaging her vessel. She tried not to let Sophie’s shrieks get to her as the first pair of scarecrows raped them both for a good five minutes before retreating and allowing another pair to take their place.
Katie and Sophie gasped and panted and squealed as the assault continued for the next hour while students chatted and laughed, eating chocolates and sweets while watching the show. After they had each been shagged by a dozen scarecrows, Katie hoped that this part of the performance at least was over, but was horrified to see another dozen lining up behind Sophie.
Katie groaned when she felt the rough end of the first corncob pressing against her anus.
“Oh no! Oh no! Not there... No! Please! Not there!” Sophie sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I love you!” said Katie. “Just remember that I love you...”
Sophie nodded, and the vicious violation of their back-passages began.
For another hour it went on relentessly, tight, puckered sphincters stretched painfully wide around the thick shafts of the cobs plumbing their depths. It was even worse than having her bottom abused by a broom handle, Katie thought, in one of her moments of lucidity.
And then, mercifully, it was over. Sophie and Katie collapsed miserably, their sweaty fronts squashed against the marble floor, both panting heavily from exhaustion and pain. They heard clapping and cackling above them and looked up to see Professors Umbridge and Slughorn looming over them, Dumbledore at their side, his eyes twinkling merrily.
“Oh, bravo! Bravo!” said Umbridge. “That was quite a show, Dumbledore.”
“Yes, quite a show indeed, Dolores,” Slughorn agreed, his walrus moustache twitching mirthfully. “My goodness, my dear fellow,” said Slughorn to Dumbledore, “if I had known this was part of the package, I would have never retired and ceded my position to Severus at the end of the war.”
“Ah, well, it was a year and a half before we properly got the Receptacle programme at Hogwarts underway,” said Dumbledore. “In any case, this is just the first of the events planned for today. If you would each care to take a leash, I believe it is now time for the outdoor events.”
“In this weather?” said Umbridge, surprised.
“Oh, whatever the occasion, quidditch, tournaments, we never let weather get in the way at Hogwarts,” Dumbledore replied. “As you may recall from barely a week ago, the Shokushu event was conducted despite the early snowfall.”
“True enough,” Umbridge nodded, a sadistic smile on her face, “And it was all the more entertaining for it.”
Katie and Sophie crawled on hands and knees, meekly following Slughorn and Umbridge like obedient puppies when the professors led them by the leash while chatting to Dumbledore along the way. The pair of naked girls were hit by the blast of icy rain and sleet when the front doors of the castle were opened and they were led outside.
It was their first time outside while naked, and they both shivered, teeth chattering, their quickly drenched hair whipping in the wind as they crawled across the wet cobblestone of the courtyard and across the slushy, muddy lawn towards the quidditch pitch.
By the time they reached the pitch, Katie was already half frozen, covered in goosebumps, and her nipples were as stiff as little rocks, and Sophie wasn’t doing much better. The only good thing was that the rain had washed away the excess breakfast semen from her hair and face.
Professor Sprout was already waiting in her raincoat and standing next to a large wooden trellis covered in a thick viny plant with dark green leaves, looking a bit cross.
“Pomona, I hope you weren’t waiting long,” said the headmaster.
“I’ve been here long enough,” she snapped at Dumbledore, “The scarecrows took their sweet time with things. Anyway, this is it, the new Devil’s Snare hybrid.”
“Magnificent,” said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. “You have outdone yourself Pomona. Have you named it yet?”
“Thought I’d leave that up to you, seeing as you commissioned it.”
“Hmm... Yes indeed,” Dumbledore nodded and stroked his long soggy beard pensively, “You modified its behaviour with a non-magical plant did you not?”
Professor Sprout hesitated, then she sighed.
“Yes, a plant highly valued for its oil - very popular in the muggle world,” she said reluctantly. “Most well-known for a variety of oil called canola.”
“Indeed!” said Dumbledore with a wry expression, “The rapeseed plant! Quite fitting, don’t you think?”
Sprout glanced at Katie and Sophie then scowled at Dumbledore.
“I suppose,” she said stiffly.
“Then the most obvious name for this new variety of Devil’s Snare would appear to be self-evident,” said Dumbledore, “Rapevine it is! Well, let’s get on with things, shall we? Enough students seem to have arrived to get things started.”
Katie glanced up at the quidditch stands, shaking wet hair out of her eyes, and saw that the stands were indeed filling up with students who had gone back to their dorms for raincoats and umbrellas. She and Sophie were led to the trellis and their leashes were removed. Sophie shot a questioning look at her.
“Yeah,” said Katie with a sigh as she eyed the already excitedly wriggling vines, “we’re going to be violated by a bloody plant.”
No sooner had the words left her mouth, tendrils snaked around her and Sophie’s wrists and ankles, lifting them into the air and stretching their legs wide. Sophie bit her lip, knowing that the painful grip on her arms and legs by the woody, leafy vines was nothing compared to what was coming next.
“Aaaargh!” she couldn’t help yelling out when she felt the roughly textured vines penetrating both lower entrances, leaves and all. They forced their way in deeply, wriggling and twisting inside her vagina and rectum.
Katie knew that if it weren’t for the special Impervius enchantment cast upon her and Sophie, they would both be more than a little scraped up inside. As the intensity of the ferocious assault by the gnarled, leafy appendages increased, Katie found her screams cut off when another vine - this one with a mercifully smooth, slippy surface - propelled itself into her mouth and down her throat.
She gagged and choked; despite its slippery, slimy surface, the vine fucking her throat was still leafy and it felt pretty horrible as it slid in and out. Katie wasn’t too out of it yet, and she was surprised to see the vines budding and blooming with mustard-yellow flowers. But she soon lost track of time while she and Sophie were raped in all of their burning orifices by the Rapevine as the rain continued to beat down upon them.
Katie and Sophie were already blibbering wrecks when they were being fastened to wooden tables by Professor Kettleburn, but they were lucid enough to be horrified when enormous adolescent troll penises invaded their channels at both ends. The ruthless defilement went on and on, and soon Katie’s and Sophie’s bellies were swollen with the seed of many trolls, copious amounts of semen drooling from every red, inflamed aperture.
If they had hoped for respite, there was none. Following the trolls, Katie found herself being violently shagged by Hagrid’s gigantic three headed dog, while his other dog, Fang, was fucking Sophie’s throat. Her abdomen distended as her raw sheath was mercilessly pummeled by the hound’s monstrous cock.
When it was all over, Katie and Sophie were hauled by their leashes, gasping and choking, unable to crawl properly, their limbs being as weak and shaky as they were, back to the Great Hall. Dripping with troll and dog semen which trailed behind them, they were dragged across the marble floor to their cage and shackled.
Wretchedly, despite being weak with exhaustion and in pain, they both began cleaning each other with their tongues, swallowing every drop of spunk they licked from each other’s bodies.
By the time they were finished with their own spermy dinner, they both felt too ill to be enticed by the delicious smells of the Halloween Feast; the spicy, succulent aroma of pumpkin and apple pies held no appeal.
Sophie had never felt so degraded and debased, so humiliated and defiled, and every part of her hurt, the inner walls of her pussy and bottom-hole worst of all as they throbbed and burned. She was too exhausted to cry; the only thing which had kept her going all day was knowing that Katie loved her. At least it was all over.
The sound of approaching footsteps on the marble floor caught Sophie’s attention. She was surprised, as she would have thought that everyone would be enjoying the Feast. Sophie looked up and her stomach lurched. It was that horrible Draco Malfoy boy.
“N-n-no,” she whimpered.
“What’s the matter, Cunt?” asked Draco, leering down at her. “Did you forget that I have a Halloween present for you?”
“N-no. I don’t want it,” Sophie moaned.
“Leave her alone,” snarled Katie.
“Don’t be an ungrateful bitch,” Draco said to Sophie, ignoring Katie, though he didn’t look all that concerned by Sophie’s alleged ingratitude. He reached inside his robes. “I brought you a pet - well, you’re the pet, so I suppose that would make Hydra your master.”
To Sophie’s terror, Draco held a three headed snake in his hand, emerald green with a silver diamond shape on each of its heads, and more silver diamonds running along its spine; it was over two and a half feet long and about an inch and a half in diameter.
Grinning, Draco set Hydra on the floor and it began slithering towards her. “Now that Scabbers the rat and his pet, Granger, are gone, I reckoned Hydra could take up permanent residence in a new Receptacle, and Dumbledore agreed.”
“You’re joking!” gasped Katie. “That thing? You can’t...”
“Did I say anything to you, slut?” snapped Draco. “Shut up! I’m making an introduction here.”
Sophie squirmed, but with the spreader bar between her ankles it was impossible to close her legs and the horrid three headed snake slithered between her thighs.
“Nooooo!” she moaned as the hissing serpent drew nearer to her vulva; then she let out a loud, “Nnnnghaaa!” as Hydra’s first head pushed between her labia and forced its way into her tightly clenched entrance.
The other two heads took advantage of the stretched opening and burrowed inside next to the first. Sophie’s breasts heaved in short rapid breaths as she felt the cool, sinewy body of the scaly serpent slipping further and further into her sore sheath. She peered in horrified fascination at the nearly two feet of snake left to go and wondered how it was all going to fit inside her.
But as it undulated, slithering in deeper, Sophie felt something give at the very back of her passage, and then she felt it coiling inside her womb. Her abdomen bulged and rippled slightly as it wriggled inside her.
The last two inches of tail flicked back and forth, and then it was out of sight and Sophie’s slit closed over. She moaned and groaned as the serpent twisted and coiled; its entire length was now in her womb.
But then Sophie felt the little aperture at the rear of her channel stretching around the three heads again. They slithered back through her fleshy passage and her slit opened once more. The heads protruded from her entrance, hissing, their forked tongues darting from their mouths.
Draco smirked at the serpent, ignoring Sophie now. “Enjoy your new home, Hydra! Hope it’s all snug and comfy for you in there.”
The three heads nodded at Draco, and just for good measure, to show just how pleased they were with their new residence, each in turn curled around and sharply bit into Sophie’s pussy lips with their fangs, wrenching a shriek from her.
Susan and Hannah couldn’t eat a bite of the Feast, and both of them rubbed at their puffy, red eyes. They were all cried out for the moment, having wept more than once since the Scarecrows had ravaged Sophie and Katie Bell that morning.
“I can’t believe it!” Susan hissed as she watched Draco Malfoy’s snake go up inside Sophie. “It wasn’t enough that she was abused all today? He couldn’t let well enough alone?”
Susan felt a boiling rage now in the pit of her stomach and her cheeks burned with fury. She turned to Hannah and leaned in close to Hannah’s ear.
“I know we can’t do anything about the professors yet,” whispered Susan, “But we have to do something about Malfoy...”
Madam Pomfrey returned to the Great Hall after the Feast was over and all the students had gone back to their dormitories; the professors had also retired for the night. She was infuriated that the headmaster had declined to allow her to take the poor girls back to the infirmary for a few days of rest.
“I think not,” he had told her. “My generosity towards Harry Potter and his little friend was a gesture of gratitude for ridding us of Voldemort ten years ago, and he repayed it with naught but defiance...”
“But these girls - they don't deserve to be punished for what Potter did.”
“Perhaps not,” Dumbledore agreed. “Nonetheless, I think an example must be made, should any more Receptacles contemplate escape.”
Pomfrey fumed, and almost asked him if she could at least administer pain potions and calming draughts to the girls. Then she had decided not to bother asking Dumbledore., lest he explicitly deny her that small measure of kindness. It was better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
She cautiously cracked open one of the doors and saw that it was dark inside the Great Hall. Reassured that there was nobody to stop her, she lit her wand and strode towards the cage. One of the girls stirred and glared at her.
“What do you want?” snapped Katie Bell. “Haven’t you lot done enough to us today?”
“Yes! Beyond all boundaries of reason,” Pomfrey agreed as she moved to the rear of the cage.
Bell gave her a puzzled look and Sophie Roper whimpered as she approached, though that was likely due to the wriggling of the snake inside her judging by the rippling of her abdomen.
“Tip your head back and open your mouth,” said Pomfrey as she retrieved several vials from her robes.
“What’s that?” asked Bell.
“Pain Potions and Calming Draughts,” Pomfrey replied tersely. “I’m sorry! It’s the best I can do. The headmaster wouldn't allow me to take you back to the hospital wing.”
“Oh!” Astonishment crossed Bell’s features.
She hesitated then did as she was told. Pomfrey reached through the bars and tipped one vial and then the other into Bell's mouth. She watched until the girl’s eyes glazed over.
“That should last through the night and breakfast tomorrow,” said Pomfrey.
Bell nodded, looking slightly tearful. “Thank you!” she said quietly.
Pomfrey reached through the bars to dose Sophie Roper as well, but the girl tried to pull away. Pomfrey sighed; the reaction was understandable.
“It’s okay, Sophie,” Bell told Roper soothingly, “she’s trying to help us. It’ll make you feel better. I promise.”
Roper hesitated, then nodded. She leaned her head back against the bars and opened her mouth to receive the potions. When Roper’s eyes looked slightly glassy, Pomfrey was satisfied that they were having the proper effect.
Pomfrey rose from her crouching position and strode around the cage, her heels clicking on the marble floor, to have a good look at them both. Then she reached into her robes and retrieved two bottles, one light blue, and the other pink. Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Pomfrey knew she had no better options. She tipped the entire contents of both bottles into the tin pail full of urine.
“Depending on how much you drink, and how diluted the pain and calming potions become when you relieve yourselves, that should should last you a few days at least, perhaps more.”
She gave the grateful girls one last look, then stalked out of the Great Hall and closed the door behind her, leaving them in darkness once more.
Hermione yawned, blinking herself awake. It was Halloween. The muted light coming through the window suggested that it was raining in London this morning. At first, she felt a little tingle of happiness to have Harriet beside her, still in her arms, despite her nervousness at meeting the Tonkses.
Then Hermione remembered that Halloween was the day that Harriet’s parents had been killed. She gave Harriet a gentle kiss on her forehead when she felt Harriet stirring too.
“Good morning Harriet,” she murmured, giving her a wan little smile.
“Morning Hermione.” Harriet’s features looked oddly blank, as if she couldn’t decide what to feel.
“Here,” said Hermione, shifting around a bit so that her breast and nipple were in reach of Harriet’s mouth.
“Oh, er...” said Harriet, now looking slightly bewildered.
“Go on then. You look like you could use it today.”
Harriet gave Hermione a little half-smile, “I suppose I could at that,” and then she took Hermione’s nipple in her mouth and began to suck.
@ LadyEdgecombe: If you haven't read it yet, I edited the last chapter and answered your question there.
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