Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
first, no I'm not withholding chapters from you for getting reviews. I have a real live and a hard job with long shifts and this story isn't the only thing I write on.
Second, I'm very glad you all liked Dorothea because I'm sure you will hate her after this chapter. Remember she has only the best for the clan in mind.
Characters: Fenrir, Hermione, Severus, Ages, Dorothea, Amaris, Draco...
Pairings: Ages/Severus, Nick/Neville
Warnings: Drama, domination fuck of two wolves
Chapter 27 – The Revolution
“Maybe we should start,” Ages offered and went over to the two naked boys. After he had patted both of their heads affectionately, he gestured Darius to start his speech.
Hermione turned on Severus’ lap so she could watch Neville and Draco, leaning against Severus’ chest. She grabbed for Severus' hands that lay lifeless beside him and pulled them around her until he responded, pulling her tight. With a sigh, she snuggled in his embrace.
“She is playing you like an instrument, head beta,” Dorothea teased Severus, but he only tightened his grip on Hermione and lightly bit her on her shoulder.
Hermione was surprised, but then relaxed into the bite. She felt that Severus needed this dominating to bear Dorothea's mocking.
Hermione didn't know when it had happened, but the seven Splinters already stood naked to her left when she looked for them. This time, the red-haired guy was hard and already looked as if he wanted to jump Draco.
Draco looked as if he needed more willpower not to eagerly bounce up and down in anticipation of what would come. His eyes never left the ones of the red-haired man.
After Darius repeated his speech from yesterday, he addressed Nick. “You will be the first but—” Darius lifted his hand to stop Nick from going over to Draco. “You will not be allowed to choose. You will take Neville.”
“What?” Draco protested and stomped his feet. “That's not fair.”
Ages stepped over to Draco and gave him a swat on his naked bum, and then he called for Igor to take care of Draco.
Hermione had feared Igor would punish Draco, but when she saw him kissing Draco and pulling him onto one of the other couches, she was relieved.
Neville looked nervously at the red haired man who came over to him. “It will be all right, sub,” Nick said gently and caressed Neville's cheek.
“Ne... Neville.”
“Neville.” Nick smiled at him, cupped the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss until Neville relaxed. Not letting go of his mouth, Nick guided Neville over to the bed and gently pushed him down. Then he let his hands wander all over Neville while he kissed him sensually.
Neville was still very shy concerning public sex, and being with someone of a lower level made it even harder for him. The older men and higher levels knew exactly how to make him feel safe and forget his surroundings, but the lower levels often were too inexperienced for it. Nick obviously had trained hard with Draco because he managed to distract Neville quite well.
“I want you to close your eyes, Neville. Can you do this for me?” Nick asked.
The sub nodded and obeyed. After spreading lube all over his hands, Nick grabbed Neville's hard member before it could go soft from Neville's fear. With a few experienced placements and sleight of hand, Nick had Neville spread out in front of him. With one hand he slowly pumped Neville's erection, and with the other he prodded Neville's pucker until it gave room for one finger to slip in.
Neville stiffened, but Nick leaned over him and whispered against his lips. “Perfect. So perfect.” Then he started to kiss Neville again and managed to work a second finger into Neville. “Turn around,” he commanded when he finally let go of Neville's mouth.
Neville obeyed and turned around. Nick grabbed him by his hips and positioned him on all fours. Then he pressed Neville's upper body down and spread his legs with his knees. After a few more fast pumps with his hand on Neville's cock, Nick positioned himself at Neville's entrance and slowly pushed in. He didn't find much resistance, so he quickly started fucking Neville senseless.
Hermione felt turned on and squirmed on Severus' lap.
“Stop it, pup. It's hard enough when you radiate pheromones, which can surely be smelled outside in the yard. Rubbing on me is not a good idea,” Severus protested.
Hermione groaned with frustration. She had the feeling she had already secreted a wet spot onto Severus' trousers with her juice, and this time even she could smell her own arousal. After a while Hermione couldn't stand it anymore. The burning in her center was too prominent, and she looked around. Shocked, she realized that all eyes were on her and many had their hands in their trousers.
Dorothea chuckled softly beside her, but Hermione needed release, and Severus didn't want to give it to her. She could scent this, so she didn't want to waste time. She couldn't risk missing the blond boys turn.
“Need some help here, head beta?” Yorik leaned over the couch.
“Oh, please, yes. She is giving me blue balls, but nothing in the world will let me have her while one of the Eldest is sitting beside me.” Severus easily lifted Hermione over his head and into Yorik's arms.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, head beta. You demand of the youngsters to perform in front of me, but aren't able to do so yourself? What a bad role model,” Dorothea mocked Severus.
Severus tried to stay calm and breathe deeply. “If I had to, I could perform in front of you, but I would prefer to not do it.”
“Don't be disappointed when I say what a pity, because I don't think you could give a better show than those Splinters over there.”
Oh, that was a low blow, and Hermione could hear Severus’ fingernails ripping the couch.
“Don't worry about him; by now he should be used to it,” Yorik whispered in her ear.
While Yorik helped her out of her knickers, Hermione saw Ages stepping over to Severus and Dorothea. He shoved Severus unceremoniously over and sat down between Dorothea and Severus.
“Spoil sport,” Dorothea chuckled. “He has learned to control himself a bit better lately.”
“I'm glad you see improvement in my beta's behavior.” Ages had replied in a way which implied he didn't see any improvement at all. Severus shifted nervously away from Ages, but Ages grabbed his neck. “If I need to, I will do it right here, Severus.”
Hermione had lost her appetite for sex and stopped Yorik's hand.
“And there you managed to spoil poor Yorik's fun as well, Ages. Tsk, tsk, tsk. It's a wonder you dominants get the subs to open their legs for you at all.”
Hermione thought they opened their legs quite easily, but still, Dorothea's words made her feel as if she had the upper hand again.
“Pup, I'm sure you will be all horny again if your head alpha takes his beta right here, won't you?” Dorothea asked teasingly.
Merlin, Hermione couldn't stop from feeling a wave of hot energy go through her body from just the thought of it. Her sex was dripping, and she could hear the dominants around her taking deep breaths so as to not come in their trousers by the sheer amount of pheromones she was sending out.
Severus’ heart almost stopped from smelling Hermione's reaction to Dorothea’s teasing. Oh no, this wasn't good.
His attempt to get away from his alpha was again prevented by the heavy hand on his neck. “I prefer my domination fucks to be exactly for what they are meant; domination and showing the one in question where he belongs, and not to be a sort of entertainment, Dorothea. If the pup wishes for a private performance of pleasure sex, I think we will be able to arrange this.”
Oh no, oh no, oh no, this day was definitely the most horrible day of his whole life. Of that, Severus was sure. “I'm sorry, Eldest,” he said through clenched teeth and got a reassuring squeeze from the hand on his neck.
Dorothea just chuckled. “Trying to rescue your sorry arse, cub? That won't work. Never in my life have I seen a sub react to any sexual offer as much as the pup just reacted to seeing you and your alpha together. Nothing will get that idea out of her mind, and most certainly not out of his head, as you most certainly already know from sitting so close to him and his scent.”
Severus was sure she was the devil himself. This woman had made his life here a living hell since he had become head beta. He didn't understand it. All of the Eldest treated him as if he wasn't worthy of being head beta, and they provoked him all the time. To all the others, they always seemed to praise him and tell them that he was the best beta ever. It made no sense. They tried to make Ages punish him whenever possible. Only the fact that Ages had his own will and didn't listen much to them spared him a lot of pain. This time, Severus wasn't so sure. Ages was very, very close to fucking him right here; he could smell that. Hermione's hormones had made him horny and he still could scent Ages’ anger at the fact that he hadn't controlled himself while speaking with the Eldest. Severus prayed to whatever deity was listening that Ages wouldn't rip his clothes off and take him right in front of the whole warrior group. He would never survive the embarrassment.
“He needs to learn to bow to you in every way, head alpha. And he needs to learn that this isn't a weakness,” Dorothea said sternly.
Okay, now was the time to run or pull your wand out and cast a nice Avada Kedava. Option number one was countered by a very forceful push of Ages’ hand on his neck, and option number two failed when his wand was flying out of his hand, made a curve around Ages and flew into Dorothea's hand. Cold sweat was forming on Severus' body, and he had started to breathe fast.
Hermione felt the majority of the dominants stiffen and move backwards a bit. Severus’ panic almost overwhelmed her. In one swift move Hermione was over the couch again, not caring that she hadn't her knickers on. She jumped on Ages' lap, facing him and cupping his cheeks in her hands. “Please let him go, head alpha.” She used her puppy dog look on him, even though it never worked.
“That was absolutely dangerous, pup, and you are in big trouble now,” Ages said sternly and emphasized each word.
“I don't care. You can punish me to calm down again, but please let Se... the head beta go. Please, please, please.” She emphasized each word with a kiss to another place on Ages' face.
Ages swatted her bum hard. “Back to Yorik, pup. This instant.”
“Just do it, Hermione,” Severus said miserably. Hermione knew it was a bad sign that he was calling her by her first name.
“He is fighting his wolf. Your beta, the second in command, is fighting his wolf, head alpha,” Dorothea stated.
“I will solve this problem, Eldest, but my way,” Ages said with a power that cooled the temperature in the lounge a few degrees. “Yorik, take her off me!” Ages growled, but Hermione knew when Ages was free of her, he would hurt Severus, so she threw herself against Ages’ chest and hooked her arms around his body, determined to not let go.
Turning her head to Dorothea's side, she howled, “Please leave him be!”
“I can't, pup. He is playing dangerous games with his wolf. We cannot let him do this.”
Hermione felt miserable. Now, she was not only worried because of Severus being hurt, but also because of Severus not doing well with his wolf.
“Stop telling her rubbish,” Severus said, no longer in control. He started to buck against Ages' grip and the head alpha had problems controlling him, as he feared hurting Hermione.
Hermione buried her face in Ages’ chest, scared. She heard Yorik curse, “Fuck,” and felt him move around the couch. She could imagine him jumping nervously around, not knowing how to approach the head alpha to get her off him.
It seemed that Fenrir, who had just stormed the lounge, had no such worries and quickly grabbed Hermione and forced her away from Ages. The moment she was off Ages, the head alpha started to change.
“No!” Hermione screamed. How could this all go so wrong? She couldn't breathe. She struggled for her life, or more aptly, for Severus’ life because she feared Ages would kill him. Suddenly, Fenrir's teeth sank into her shoulder and she went slack. Only Fenrir's strong arms were preventing her from slipping downward because she couldn't hold herself up anymore. She was able to breathe again, but she was still scared, watching in horror at how the black wolf and the big gray one with the white line on his back fought.
Of course the black one had no chance and soon was buried under the bigger gray one.
Fenrir let go of Hermione's neck, and she started to steady herself with his help. “Stay calm, pup. He will be okay.”
Okay? For Hermione, Severus looked far from okay. At the moment, he was giving a whimpering sound while his alpha pressed his cock inside of him. After a few seconds of changing between growling and whimpering, the black wolf bared his throat and only whimpered submissively.
The gray wolf took the offered throat in his fangs and held the black one down by it while he pushed in and out of him. It wasn't long and the gray wolf let go of the throat and howled his release. It was strange to see how everyone in the room instinctively bared their throats simply from hearing that howl. Even Fenrir jerked his head sideways. Only Dorothea sat thoughtfully on the couch and looked at the black wolf with watchful eyes. She still seemed to be worried, and Hermione wanted to know why. “Why did she do this?” Hermione asked Fenrir softly.
“Who knows what's going on in those Eldest's heads? All I know is that the head beta has definitely fought his alpha too long.”
Hermione looked worriedly over to Ages and Severus, who still were in their wolf forms. Ages was circling Severus, who lay motionless on the ground, beaten, obviously not willing to stand up or turn back. Hermione was sure they were talking in their minds, or at least Ages was talking. If Severus was replying Hermione couldn't say. She wanted to cuddle Severus and tell him everything would be all right, but Fenrir wouldn’t let her go.
“No, pup! You are already in enough trouble, and that over there isn't finished.”
Nervous glances were exchanged between the dominants, and then Hermione felt her heart stop because Roland changed into an enormous gray wolf with almost golden wisps of hair in his fur.
Ages’ eyes shot up and met those of Roland.
Roland bared his teeth and growled dangerously. At first, Hermione was unsure of why Roland would challenge Ages, but when she finally understood that he was going to challenge Severus, she started to scream and fight Fenrir with everything she had. She even bit him on his arms. Then, Fenrir did what Toric had done to her when she had been in a panic in the hall; he grabbed her by her neck and pressed down at the point where she would go totally slack and daft. She fought to regain her hearing and her senses back and finally succeeded. She could hear growling and snarling, but couldn't see anything because Fenrir had pushed her down. Then a whimper echoed through the room and Hermione's blood froze. She tried to sense Severus and was surprised when she was flooded with a feeling of proud satisfaction. So he wasn't the one who had whimpered!
“Let her go, you moron.” Hermione heard a voice call to her right and a clonk made sure that Fenrir had met the cane of Dorothea, most certainly on his head. Hermione was released and rolled down on the floor holding her neck. “Miller, bring her out!” the Eldest commanded.
Hermione couldn't move much, her limbs still numb and her neck one big bruise. She couldn't protest when she was lifted in Miller’s arms and was brought outside and over to the medical room.
She didn't say a word and Miller didn't attempt to talk to her. Only a tiny hiss escaped her when he injected something in her arm. Soon after the injection, blackness overcame her.
“Still too early, pup,” Fenrir grunted when she stirred.
“No, still Fenrir, pup. Now sleep,” Fenrir replied, half-asleep.
“No, I meant how is Severus?” Hermione asked and turned around to face Fenrir.
“He kicked Roland's arse and then he was his normal sarcastic, spiteful self.”
“Why hadn't he stood up when Ages had... finished?”
“Pup, I'm tired. A head beta challenge is a big deal and I need some sleep.”
“You weren't the one fighting, so answer my question, Fenrir. Why didn't he stand up?”
“Maybe because a big fleshy thing the size of a big branch had been rammed in his arse, and believe me, your beloved head beta isn't used to getting anything up his arse,” Fenrir growled.
“He had you up his arse last full moon,” Hermione muttered.
“And as much as I hate to say it, my cock is nothing against that monster of our head alpha. I had him up my arse three times and he hadn't tried to be as gentle as he was yesterday with Severus while he rammed it in my arse. I couldn't take a shit for five days, and Miller had to stitch me.”
“What? That's horrible,” Hermione gasped, cupping his face. She fumbled about to find his mouth in the darkness but finally found it to kiss him. “How could he?”
Fenrir chuckled. “That's his duty. I was out of control, and he brought me back down to earth. Believe me, I felt much better afterward, no matter that my arse burned like fire. So will Severus’. His pride is a bit beaten down, but his wolf will be at ease now after having been shown his place.”
“You said he fought too long.”
“Fenrir, I know you aren't sleeping!”
“That's none of your concern, and you should be more worried about yourself, pup.”
“What do you mean?”
“The head alpha is furious. I fear you will get a public punishment tomorrow morning, so you should sleep.”
“Punishment? But—”
“I said sleep,” Fenrir commanded and rolled her around to spoon up behind her.
Sleep? How could she sleep with a threat like this looming? Fenrir had long started to snore before Hermione could calm herself enough to try to fall asleep. In the end, she only got two more hours of sleep and did not wake before Amaris shook her shoulders.
“Pup, you need to get up or the head alpha will be even angrier with you. If you aren't at breakfast, you will be punished more.” Amaris looked worried and that made Hermione worry as well.
“Then I won't go out there at all.”
Amaris snorted. “He would drag you to the lounge by your hair, pup. You did something very, very stupid yesterday.”
“I didn't do something stupid. I wanted to help Severus.”
“The head beta, pup. He is the head beta, and you are a small, weak submissive.” Amaris shook her head. “You will hear this all later, so get ready for breakfast.”
Reluctantly, Hermione did what Amaris told her. She sensed that the woman was also mad at her and this confused Hermione. Wasn't there anyone who understood her?
When she stepped into the dining room all chatter died down. Hermione didn't dare look up, and quickly stumbled to her place between Yorik and Fenrir. She couldn't eat and not even the growl she received from each side made her eat.
“I'm more than willing to take care of your sorry arse with another spanking when Ages is though with you, no matter how badly you are bruised. Eat!” Fenrir threatened.
With great effort, Hermione managed to eat at least a small roll with jam. After breakfast, Fenrir explained that she needed to come to the lounge in an hour and that he would be occupied until then.
In the hall, Draco and Neville were waiting for her. “Are you crazy?” Draco hissed as he pulled her into a storeroom. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in? You went into a fight between an alpha and his beta. You must be suicidal.”
“That's all you’re worried about? The head alpha hurt Severus yesterday. Does that mean nothing to you?”
“He is a beta, Hermione. It’s normal to get shown your place from time to time. He will survive, and he is already his old self, but you... Damn, I would like to spank you as well to beat some sense into you.”
Hermione pushed Draco forcefully away from her. “You can't boss me around, Draco. I'm sick of all this, and I most likely will not let anyone spank me.” With that, she turned around, furious and stormed out of the storeroom. A plan was forming in her mind, and she was certain to go through with it now.
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