There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58493 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
RECAP: Theo is off at Gringotts signing paperwork. Hogwarts has been evacuated due to a magical attack on the school, resulting in the dark mark now floating overhead. Snape has returned from his meeting with Voldemort. Terius and Draco escaped to the Zabini Manor. Harry is at the Burrow with the Weasleys, who are also housing Lavender, Dean, Neville and Seamus. Voldemort has given Rowle permission to attack Harry. During Saturday Night dinner, Dumbledore appears and has no news on Hermione. When Harry pressures him for more drastic measures, he spills the news that Harry is a Dragel, magicless and mated to Theodore Nott.
In the excitement of Dumbledore leaving, Harry slipped away from the kitchen and retreated—uncertainly—to Charlie's room. He almost locked the door and then he realized that it would be rude to Charlie.
Smiling, kind and understanding Charlie.
With a bitter smile, Harry moved from the bedroom across the hall and into the bathroom. If he couldn't find solitary emptiness he needed, then he'd have to take what he could get.
He shimmied out of the borrowed clothes and folded them carefully on the sink. It wasn't until he stepped into the shadow and sat down under the warm streams of water, did he hear Shadow's mournful chirps.
"Hey Shadow." He held out a hand.
The Nytura looked at him and turned up its nose, turning away.
Harry laughed, humorlessly and let his hand drop back to his side. He'd managed to alienate whatever few friends and folk that didn't immediately brand him as a hopeless case. He traced a few shapes in the water streaming down on his thighs and then he reached up to the left of his neck and stroked the sensitive tattoo there, willing the slight tremors wracking his body to distract him. At times like now, he wished that he'd seen Theo sooner, then the bond would've been more developed and perhaps he wouldn't be alone right now.
His head titled back and rested on the tiled wall of the shower-bath.
A sudden well of sorrow bubbled up inside him and he opened his mouth and cried.
Charlie watched his mother turn several shades of pale in the wake of Dumbledore's departure. He took in his father's confused and somewhat bewildered reaction to it. He noticed the Twin's taking over the smothering care of his other siblings and their present guests. He found himself wondering about something that had never occurred to him before.
His family held a secret.
He was relieved when Dumbledore left. He had been hard-pressed to keep his own mouth shut and not necessary to be reaming Harry out, but to defend the young man with the startlingly green eyes and fiery passion that had nearly made him glow when he'd stood up and held out his hand with that silver ring.
Charlie stifled a sigh. So he hadn't imagined it after all. He had seen a ring and that made some sense as he realized it really had been an heirloom book that Harry had summoned—one most likely from the Nott library, if the appearance of the ring was anything to go by.
A slight pang of jealousy registered as he thought that Mr. Nott was a rather lucky fellow.
He wouldn't mind trading places.
The thought didn't even make him blush.
He could see Harry's pale, lithe body in his arms. To feel what it was like when those green eyes were fixed on him with that same intensity and passion. To know what it would be like to claim someone like him—someone like Harry. To know that everything that was Harry, belonged to him.
The flare of possessiveness startled him.
The dragon tamer turned. "George?" The twin looked at him in some concern. "I'm fine. What is it?"
"I—nothing." George hesitated.
Charlie frowned. "Did you ever notice anything? Anything at all?"
"With Harry?" George slowly shook his head. "Not really. I mean, he hasn't been eating and he's been really tired for a while, but this past week, I think everything was looking up. He was a little more like himself."
"This past week?" Charlie prompted.
"Yes. It was almost like, he was…normal."
"Normal for Harry." George shrugged. "You know how." The quieter twin tugged at a shaggy handful of hair. "You've seen how he is."
Charlie grunted. Seeing how Harry was and knowing how Harry was happened to be two entirely different things. He didn't answer.
George didn't seem to expect him to. "You should probably talk to him or something, you know." He paused. "Or something."
"Probably." Charlie allowed. He started forward and then stopped. "George?"
"What's a Dragel?"
The twin shrugged. "Don't know. Freaked Mum out though." He hesitated. "Isn't it that monster in those fairy tales Ginny used to love?"
"Hm. Could be." Charlie nodded and disappeared up the stairs.
Charlie found himself standing outside the bathroom door, holding a sniffling Shadow in his hands. From the sounds he could hear in the bathroom, Harry was taking his second shower of the day. "Er, I take it he's in there?" He tilted his head towards the closed door. "Did he lock you out?"
The Nytura trilled sadly, then scampered up Charlie's arm and curled around his neck with a quick swipe of a rough pink tongue to one smooth cheek.
"Grew a little, didn't you?" Charlie muttered to himself, noting that the little thing was now able to twine itself comfortably around his neck without falling off. He hesitated for a moment and then turned away from the closed door and crossed the hall to enter his bedroom. He moved through to the other side and sat down on the bed for a moment.
Then he waved his wand and summoned the books to him.
"Dragel…" He muttered. "Fairy tales…"
"Sign here and here, Mr. Nott." The goblin tapped the lines with one pointed finger.
Theo scribbled his signature on the necessary lines after a reassuring glance from his solicitor, Mr. Ames. "Any others?"
"Just a few more." The goblin rolled up the parchments and tied and sealed them. He then took another set from the stack on his desk and began to unroll them. "There are also a few that will require your mate's signature."
"Ah. Of course. Do I need to bring him here or can he sign them at his convenience and I'll bring them by?"
"Either way is fine. As long as it is done before next week. They are necessary for this to go through with minimal-"
"Of course. Thank you. I'll see if I can bring this back by tomorrow, perhaps?"
"Good. Now, for the matter of the joint estates from your grandfather's side…"
Theo stiffened, his hand quivering faintly. "Begging your pardon, might I have a moment?" The smile was forced.
"Go on." Mr. Ames, nodded.
Theo returned the nod, gratefully as he excused himself to the loo and immediately locked and bolted the door behind him, casting a locking and silencing spell for additional privacy.
"Harry?" There was a flicker of irritation in his voice. "What exactly are you doing that-" Theo abruptly crumpled to his knees. The sudden surge of emotional backlash that filtered through their bond left him breathless as he was hit by the wall of intense sadness and anger.
Something had happened.
His hands morphed to claws and he struggled not to wreck anything nearby and to keep the sudden transformation from showing. Usually he was able to control it, but at the moment, he had the sudden urge to brutally destroy anything that crossed his path—or that simply happened to be breathing and handy enough nearby. Theo swallowed hard, forcing himself to center and focus. Destruction of goblin property wouldn't go over in his favor very well at all.
Something had hurt and disturbed Harry in a place where he should've been safe, at a time where Theo couldn't go to him.
His Dragel self raged and roared within, demanding to be released. Theo began to count his breaths and murmur binding oaths beneath his breath to keep his elemental gift from toying with the foundations of Gringotts. That definitely wouldn't put him in the goblins good graces.
"Terris Makindor. Terris Sukey. Terris Alomath. Brindus. Brindus. Brindus. Orbis terran kal. Brindus." Theo chanted. He continued to repeat it until he felt the bindings activate and anchor him once more. His wrists, ankles and neck throbbed hotly for a long, agonizing moment and then a deep coolness faded inward to his very bones.
He breathed a sigh of relief and then loosened his robes and undid the front buttons of his shirt to see the mating mark on his left bicep. "Oh Harry." The normally dark burgundy-black tattoo was a fierce, pulsing angry red. He drew in a deep breath and sectioned his mind off to find all the calm that he could and channel it through the mark.
He did this twice before the angry red throbbing stilled and then, slowly faded back to its usual color.
Theo leaned back against the door, his head resting on the cool metal as he closed his eyes and waited. There wasn't much more he could do with the mark, not at their current stage of the relationship. It would take time for the other intimate aspects to develop and he'd just have to make do for now.
There was bound to be some sort of feedback through the bond.
Sure enough, it came a moment later.
A torrent of mixed feelings tempered by a sudden, fierce longing.
Theo winced.
When Harry finally stepped out of the shower, his fingers were pruny and his scowl was more pronounced. He painstakingly toweled himself dry and mentally rehearsed a half-dozen different scenarios in his head before he finally decided to make use of what Gryffindor courage was left to him. He redressed in the borrowed clothes and after a quick check in the hallway, shuffled over to tap lightly on Charlie's bedroom door.
He entered, after a moment, and found the dragon tamer in question busy cataloging the abundance of artifacts.
He stood, awkwardly for a long moment and then Charlie looked up and perked a brow.
Harry shrugged.
Charlie shrugged.
Harry nibbled on his lower lip.
Charlie waved him towards the floating quill and parchment. "Start on the last line," He instructed.
Harry did.
They worked in silence for some time.
Shadow uncurled itself from Charlie's neck to flutter across the small space between them and take up residence on Harry's head.
It brought a smile to the faces of both young men.
"You don't mind?"
The dragon tamer shrugged. "It's none of my business, is it?"
Harry blinked in surprise. He ducked his head to hide the faintest makings of a smile. "No, I guess not." He hesitated. "Is your Mum really mad?"
"Not sure." Charlie thought for a moment. "She was more upset over the fact that you didn't eat." Blue eyes narrowed meaningfully. "Speaking of which, you haven't eaten anything-"
"I'm on a special diet." Harry said, quickly. "I can't uh, eat some of the same stuff as the rest of you."
Charlie brightened in understanding. That made perfect sense. "Ah. Right. Sorry. Is there anything you can eat that you'd like?" He gestured towards a stack of books near the headboard of his bed. "There wasn't much information in those, so I'm afraid you'll have to enlighten me." Harry stared at him. Charlie chuckled. "If you need something, ask and if there's something I need to do, then tell me, alright?"
The phrasing made Harry's cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink.
Charlie didn't seem to notice.
They worked for a little while longer.
Charlie eventually accio'd some fruit from the kitchen and set it beside the smaller man as they worked through Bill's gifts. Harry happily helped himself to a few polished specimens when they were placed well within arms' reach.
The redhead took note of that detail with a little prickle of satisfaction and surreptitiously moved another set closer. He hid a smile when Harry continued to nibble away without a pause in his sorting and quiet mutterings.
Eventually, Charlie called it a night. "Mind sharing the bed?" He inquired, handing over a fresh pair of transfigured pyjamas, having already changed over himself.
Harry looked at him quizzically and took the proffered bundle. "Why would I?"
"Usually there'd be room on the floor or something, but Shadow kind of distracted me—us—last night. I never asked and the room was so crowded, well-" Charlie shrugged.
A faint tinge of paleness colored Harry's features as he registered that news and processed it. "Oh." Harry pressed the borrowed pyjamas to his face and inhaled deeply. They smelled like Charlie. Charlie smelled wonderful. "I'm fine—well, actually, it's still a bit cold."
Charlie blinked. "Cold?" He frowned. "I forgot to put the stone out to charge."
Harry turned his back to the mumbling wizard and quickly changed out into his pyjamas. His innocent attempt at prompting a blush from Charlie went entirely unnoticed as the dragon tamer was busy mumbling numbers and figures to himself in regards to the heating stone and possible times. Harry rolled his eyes and climbed into the large bed.
The dark-haired boy wriggled into a comfortable position on one corner and then held up the covers and waved a hand to get Charlie's attention.
"Yes?" Charlie said, expectant—he had stopped in mid-stride and mid-pace.
"It's cold. I'm freezing." Harry said, pointedly. He was getting tired—it had been a long day—and he didn't have the energy to play cute games. Cute wasn't really his style anyway.
Charlie stared.
Harry huffed. "Just get over here!"
The redhead inched towards the bed and after a moment, he climbed in and pulled the covers away from Harry to tuck them around himself. Harry gave him a moment to settle in and then immediately snuggled up to him and closed his eyes. "Er, Harry?"
"Warm." Harry yawned, sleepily.
Charlie swallowed again, a little harder than before. "Right." A flush of warmth washed over the redheaded wizard. "Nox." He muttered, a moment later.
Charlie Weasley did not sleep a wink that night.
Harry Potter slept quite comfortably.
The next morning, Charlie couldn't rouse the brunet—or Shadow—and he finally gave up, trooping downstairs solo again, having left the unlikely pair curled up in bed around each other.
His mother met him on the stairs, an unreadable expression on her face.
"Sleeping in again." Charlie shrugged. "He's really tired, but I don't think that he had any nightmares last night and-"
"Don't you make excuses for him, Charles Weasley!" His mother eyed him meaningfully. "He can make his own." She strode up the stairs, a wooden spoon clenched in hand. "Get down to the kitchen and help with the-"
Charlie backtracked quickly after her. There was no way he was going to let her loose in his room full of partially catalogued rarities. There were too many potential disasters that could happen. Well, that and the fact that Harry was currently sleeping in his pants and nothing more, having shed the pyjamas sometimes during the night and was now rolled up in the sheets.
Harry probably wouldn't forgive him for a rude awakening.
"Er, Mum, wait up-!" and Charlie hurried after her.
Breakfast was about halfway through when there was a knock at the front door.
Harry stiffened at once, his entire body going rigid before his head swiveled in the direction of the door and he tensed.
"Expecting anyone, dear?" Mrs. Weasley frowned. Harry hadn't made any effort to eat his breakfast and he was merely toying with the food.
"No one." Mr. Weasley frowned in thought. "I don't think," He started and then stopped. He exchanged a look with his wife. They had taken precautions at Dumbledore's mention of it and most folk they knew, could simply floo through—there wouldn't be anyone who would actually use the front door, much less to knock. Mrs. Weasley popped up from her seat at once, her light brown eyes snapping. She hurried to the door, wiping her hands on an apron—with her wand hidden in the pocket. She opened the door and stared for a moment, barring the doorway with her imposing figure.
A disgruntled young man with thick, wavy chocolate-colored hair stood on the front stoop, several rolls of parchment in his hand, a sharp look in his startlingly vivid gold eyes.
"May I help you?" She drew quickly on her manners and lifted her chin.
"I'm here for Harry Potter." The young man swept her over with a singular glance. "Harry?" He tilted his head to the side and called over Mrs. Weasley's shoulder.
"Theo!" The name came before the speaker did, but even as the newcomer took a bracing step backwards, the emerald-eyed wizard rounded the corner and all but threw himself at the figure. A very noticeable hum of magical energy snapped to life and hummed contentedly around them.
The young man—Theo—winced. He stood stock still while Harry hugged him tight, gold eyes roving upwards to the sky and the overhead awning of the Burrow.
Harry caught himself a moment later and pulled away, anxiously. "Theo?" Worry overtook him at once. His mate hadn't returned the embrace, perhaps he'd missed something. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't-"
Theo tugged an arm free and locked it around Harry's waist before bending his head down to greet his mate with a warm, soft kiss. "Harry." He greeted, politely. "Nothing to be sorry for." He whispered in Harry's ear. "I just wasn't expecting—I take it, there is no need for secrecy?"
Harry melted into his arms, relief coursing through him. He shook his head in answer, burying his face in the sweetly scented curve of Theo's neck and breathing in the calming aroma.
"It's too soon." Theo murmured into the messy bedhead. He tightened his arm around the slender waist and wrinkled his nose at the distorted scent filtering up to him. He didn't comment on it, though a rather obvious furrow settled itself in his brow. The parchment in his hand hovered beside him, freeing said hand which immediately found its way around Harry's shoulder and slipped over the collar of his shirt to find and stroke the tattoo along his neck.
A soft, humming chir came from Harry.
Theo almost smiled. "Am I allowed inside or…?" He prompted, with a flicker of a smile towards the silent, stiff Mrs. Weasley.
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