In His Place | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Sirius Views: 73083 -:- Recommendations : 16 -:- Currently Reading : 16 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, so sad for me, and make no money off this story, even sadder for me. |
Beta'd by the amazing Tenchi. Love you, woman, you're the best!
With help from Lynn who works with me when it comes to flow, continuity and other issues.
Just a reminder of what's on my profile: reviews complaining or whinging about the lack 'o sex in stories will get deleted. If you want a smut-filled romp, you need to find another story to read.
Chapter 27
“You look very nice, Harry,” Narcissa told him as he sat down at the table. He was dressed in nicer clothes than what he wore around the house and carried an old leather jacket on his arm. She thought she recognized the jacket as Sirius', one he'd had in school.
“Thanks,” Harry grinned sheepishly, taking a seat and putting his cane and jacket down by him.“We're all ready, Alastor,” Sirius told the man seated at the head of the table. “Just let us eat and you can fill us in how we're doing this, aside from what we already know.” As he took a plate from an elf, he said, pointing to the jacket Harry laid by him, “He's wearing the jacket the whole time. I dug it out of the attic last night. It was mine in school. At the time, I had every shielding charm on it I could manage. Remus and I looked it over last night and refreshed the charms then added a few more we've learned since then. It might look odd, but it will help if we need it. We also made sure to add a cooling charm to it so he won't sweat to death in the thing.”“No objection from me,” Alastor nodded, sipping from his flask. “Right, we've got this down the best we can.” Then he began walking them through everything they had in place. When he finished, he said, “You and Remus stick to Harry like there is a tether on all of you. No matter what happens, you concern yourself with him. If anything does come up, let us handle it. You lot just get yourselves back here as fast as you can manage. Nothing more. Harry is your only concern.”After seeing nods and not hearing any questions, he then added, “I got with the eye healer. He knows this is delicate and plenty are coming with you. While we didn't give Harry's real name when we booked the appointment, he's aware who's coming to see him. I also made it damned clear about the flashing spells. He not only will make sure they aren't used, though it's going to take a tad longer to do it without them, but he has what you lot use to stop the seizures on hand if there's a problem. We don't have to worry about bringing it along.”“That's a relief,” Remus said softly, nodding. “We were planning to bring it along with us just in case.”“Made sure he's ready. As he's the one that did the contacts, he knows what you're dealing with here.” Alastor told him. “We're not expecting a problem, I want that out there, but you never know with the way Rufus turned up the heat on the other side. Cutting off the funding probably put Gringotts right in the sights of that side. Not sure what they think to accomplish, but I'm sure they'll give it a try.”“Nothing he does makes much sense,” Sirius snorted, shaking his head. “I get the agenda of trying to take over again, but some of what he does is off the wall.”“Which makes him plenty dangerous,” Lucius added quietly, having listened in while he ate. “He always has a reason, always. You might throw off his plans slightly, but he constantly focuses on the bigger picture.”“Very true,” Alastor nodded. “And Gringotts? You control the money, you get plenty of power.”“There is that,” Sirius sighed. “We'll manage, not to worry.”After a nod, Alastor focused on Harry then reiterated what they talked about the day before. “You'll be fine, lad. Stay with Sirius and Remus. Whatever you do, don't let loose of that cane of yours.”“I will, don't worry,” Harry nodded as he polished off the last of his food. While he was nervous about this, he wasn't overly worried. There were plenty going with who would protect them if the worst happened. It was just the idea that caused nerves.“As long as everyone keeps their head down and on their toes, we'll do fine. Nothing to worry about,” Alastor assured them all. “Rufus hasn't heard anything to tell us there might be an issue. While it doesn't mean it won't happen, we don't need to worry too much.”“We'll manage,” Sirius nodded, sending his plate to the sink. “If something happens, we'll take it on without a problem.”“We will, remember that,” Alastor assured him.
Harry was a tad wonky as they came out of the optometrist’s office. It was from the spells they used to get the readings on his eyes. As they couldn't use some because they flashed, they had to go about getting the readings other ways, a bit that made him slightly wonky, feeling mildly drugged. He was good, though. The end result was he had new contacts, ones that shifted if his prescription did. Oh, he still had to see the healer once a year like normal, to make sure everything was working right and there weren't problems, but these would make it easier on him so he wouldn't have to keep coming in as he healed, something that might happen from what was explained to him.
After putting on the sunglasses he was given, as his eyes were a little sensitive to light at the moment, Harry leaned against Sirius as they began making their way towards Fred and George's shop to head home. So far, the day hadn't been bad. It had gone like they expected, with no problems and no one thinking anything was off. He had a bit of a glamour on, just enough to disguise his looks a little, and no one seemed like they were looking at him oddly, something they liked.One of the frustrating bits he was still dealing with was how slow the cane made him. It was slightly more pronounced right now as he knew they wanted him home as fast as they could get him there. He was trying, but it was still slow going. Though everyone, especially Sirius, told him to take his time, he still wanted to be able to move like he used to. He was managing, though, and going better than he did when he first started. It was just one of those things that he would get better at the more he got used to it.As they were slowly making their way down the street, Sirius and Remus flanking him, Harry was trying to concentrate on using the cane as this was the first time doing so outside of the house. Listening to Sirius and Remus encourage him, he could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up. After a glance around, though seeing nothing, that feeling was still there. No, it wasn't like those predictions he had, but there was something wrong.Unable to shake the feeling, he muttered, keeping his voice down so only the two beside him could hear, “Not sure what's going on, but something is setting off serious danger signals here.”Sirius' head immediately came up and he looked around. A glance at Remus told him his oldest friend had done the same thing. Staying as quiet as he could, he asked, “Is it—well, what's happened before?” He figured Harry would get what he was going for.“No, not that,” Harry assured him, glancing around himself, trying to move faster. “Something is wonky, though. We—I think we need to get out of here, fast.” His heart was starting to hammer faster and his hair was standing up more. Yeah, something was wrong.“Right, we'll move this along quicker,” Sirius said, motioning for Alastor to come closer. Having Harry lean on him more so they could move at a better clip, he quietly filled the ex-Auror in when he came close. As it wasn't a prediction, though he sure as hell didn't want to explain to anyone else where it might be coming from, he wasn't worried about people seeing or hearing what he said, but he didn't want to cause a panic either.After listening to Sirius, his magical eye spinning faster than normal, Alastor muttered, “We're going to move as swiftly as we can. Lad, keep hold of your cane, but use Sirius for leverage. I want out of here, now.” He wasn't seeing anything, but he wouldn't ignore what the lad said either. Those instincts were there for a reason and you damned well needed to listen to them when they went off.Once he had Harry just hold his cane and lean against him, with Remus putting an arm around his back to support him, Sirius began moving as fast as Harry could manage. Oh yes, he wanted the fuck out of the Alley as fast as they could manage. Alastor was getting with everyone along to pass the word, though being quiet about it. As they moved, he kept watching. Unfortunately, the ones in the Alley from the other side casing out Gringotts were too well hidden. The first spells started flying before anyone could do anything. And they were caught right in the middle. Fuck!
Pale as a ghost as he paced the kitchen, Lucius wasn't sure what to think by this juncture. All they knew from Molly, who had hurried over here after getting word from Arthur, was that Death Eaters had attacked those who went to the Alley. Nothing more yet as everyone in the Order attached to the Ministry was either in the Alley trying to help now or they just didn't have any information. Which was maddening beyond belief!
As he made another trek around the table, taking in his wife and son's pale faces, he wasn't sure what to think. Molly, too, looked plenty worried. There was just no way to get information at the moment and it had been almost a full hour since Molly had showed up in a dither with the news. While he rationally knew that, though there might be minor injuries, with all that were along on this trip, there shouldn't be serious ones. The time was probably due to the legal end, such as taking statements, trying to figure out what happened, who was involved and whatnot. It didn't help your nerves, though! Especially when you heard Death Eater involvement. No, that was about as bad as it could get and so much could go wrong you didn't want to contemplate the worst.Just as he decided they should probably try to get in contact with someone to see what was going on, Lucius stopped pacing and stiffened up. He heard the front door open. Now they had to wait to find out what was going on. However, one eyebrow went up when he heard both Sirius and Remus chuckling and Harry going on a diatribe of some kind. Putting a hand on Narcissa's shoulder, feeling hers cover his and give it a squeeze, he waited, relieved. While he wasn't sure if they came out unscathed, if they were home, very serious injuries weren't involved, a huge plus as this could have ended up a real nightmare.“Don't tell me I'm worthless and helpless,” Harry snarled, eyes flashing angrily as Remus held the kitchen door open for him and Sirius helped him in. “I am not worthless or helpless!”A huge grin on his slightly battered and cut up face, shoulders shaking as he helped Harry, Sirius snickered, “Harry, trust me, I doubt anyone thinks that anymore. You more than proved you aren't.”“In a rather spectacular fashion as well,” Remus said with a smile himself, his own shoulders shaking. He, too, was cut up and bruised, his robes showing slashes and scorch marks, but appeared fine.“Gits,” Harry snarled as he made his way over to the table, color high from anger. He had a nice shiner and cuts on his face with some more bruising. His clothes, other than the jacket he had on, looked beat up like Remus and Sirius' as well. After flopping down, he huffed, hands trembling a bit more than they usually did, “I might have problems and challenges, but I am not a worthless waste of space!”“Oh, no you're not and I doubt anyone is going to think that again,” Sirius laughed, that grin not leaving his face. Taking a seat himself, he summoned them all something to drink, keeping a hand on Harry's back.Both eyebrows going up as Harry continued to snarl, Lucius' eyes were wider than normal as he took in what was said. As they all wanted to know what was going on, he asked, “What happened? And can we help in some way?” This was—he had no clue. If it was that bad, Remus and Sirius certainly wouldn't be amused. They all looked like they had been in a battle, of course, and as though they hadn't been seriously injured, but you needed to make sure.“Before we go any further and explain, can someone get in contact with Albus? The caveat for us coming home was to get someone over here to look at Harry. We thought that best rather than brave St. Mungos. Our suggestion was Poppy would be better to tend to it as she's the one taking charge of his care,” Remus said, still looking entirely amused.“I'll do that now,” Molly said, standing, highly relieved to see them back. She bustled out, planning to go get the mirror they had in the other room, the one left out for anyone that came over to use.“What happened?” Narcissa asked, brow furrowed, looking between the three. Sirius and Remus were still smiling over it, something that had her confused. “All we heard was a Death Eater attack.”“It was,” Sirius nodded, giving the still huffing Harry's shoulder a squeeze. Then he sobered up and explained, “The consensus is it was just one of those things. They think that some were in the Alley casing out Gringotts as that's what they were close to. It seems like they recognized us and figured out one was Harry. After that, it was probably too good of an opportunity to pass up, so they called for help. Harry mentioned one of those feelings you get, but it was too late and we were under full attack before we could get out of there. Once it started, we tried Apparating out, but they put the ward up so you couldn't, probably just before they attacked. It was the same for the Portkey, so we were stuck. The best we could manage was trying to get Harry out of there, but the shop was too far off and we ended up caught right in the middle.”“We did the best we could to protect Harry, so did the others with us, but it was an all out battle by then,” Remus said with a shake of his head. “Sirius and I stuck as close to him as we could, but when Rabastan came after us, we had no choice but to fight it out.”Still hearing Harry grumbling, Sirius grinned again then said, “Our guess is they were trying to get Harry by then, thinking it would be easy. The evil arse probably wanted them to snag him. While Remus and I were fending off Rabastan, and anyone else that was trying, Yaxley and Rowle tried grabbing Harry. Well, they learned he's not as helpless as he looks!”“I am not helpless!” Harry snarled, folding his arms over his chest and looking thunderous.“No, you're not and they found that was a wrong assumption to make,” Remus said, looking entirely amused. “Very wrong indeed.”Sirius waited for the pale Molly to take a seat after she came in then nodded when she told them Albus was sending Poppy over as fast as he could and Snape was coming along with her. When she was done, he pressed on, once more grinning hugely. “Yeah, well, Yaxley grabbed Harry while Rowle was watching for the rest of us, as we were trying to get to Harry. What the fool didn't count on is Harry is in better shape than he looks and can use his cane for more than helping him to walk. We think the fool didn't realize he had his wand, since it wasn't out. Either way, Harry didn't need his wand.”“The arse didn't have a good hold on him, ignoring the hand with the cane as Harry wasn't letting it go. He was apparently more worried about his free one as Harry was taking a swing at him, wiggling to get loose. Yeah, well, Harry got his cane between the fool's legs, handle of it up, and yanked as hard as he could. You can only guess what he caught with it. As would be expected, the moron let him loose and grabbed for the family jewels. That's when Harry took a swing with his cane, like you would with a Beaters' bat, and poleaxed him right upside the head with it. He hit him so hard all of us heard the crack. Dropped him like a sack of potatoes and he was out cold, bleeding all over.” Sirius explained, grin growing.“Then Rowle tried to stun him,” Remus jumped in, still smiling himself. “It didn't work well. Harry jabbed the handle of his cane right into his gut just as the spell was forming then swung it like he did with Yaxley as he bent over. Landed it right across his nose. We weren't sure what the loudest noise was, honestly; the cane breaking his nose or the contact with the nose. Either way, everyone in the Alley heard it and he was out cold as well.”“Then Harry drew his wand,” Sirius grinned from ear to ear. “And he was pissed. They all once more learned how good Harry is at defending himself.”“I am not a waste of space,” Harry seethed, still looking thunderous. “Don't tell me I should just come along because I am! Some bits are just harder than others, nothing more. Bloody idiots!”“That—brilliant, Harry!” Draco said, his own shoulders now shaking, grinning from ear to ear as he envisioned what was said.“It was spectacular,” Sirius grinned back, looking at the pleased faces across from them. “We didn't get out without some injuries, but nothing bad. Harry got the shiner when Rabastan took a swing at him and he caught part of it before we could help. Yeah, well, he's in worse shape as Harry dropped him by nailing him right on the side of one knee with his cane. Remus then stunned him. The Ministry has those three in custody, and they are probably at St. Mungos for damage repair before they land in Azkaban. Because I guarantee they are hurt!”“Lucius, we need you to check his cane for us,” Remus said, still chuckling, smile not leaving his face. “We probably need to send it off for some repairs because we know how hard he hit them with it.”“I'll tend to it today,” Lucius said, looking entirely amused himself. “Oak is quite sturdy, so I doubt it did much damage to the cane. We'll have it checked, though. Maybe Alastor can run it to the man for us. Even if there is some, it shouldn't take long to repair.”Still huffing, Harry looked up as a pale Madam Pomfrey and Snape came in then muttered, “Bloody gits.”Hand on the back of Harry's head, Sirius was still grinning. “Bloody badly hurt gits now!” He chuckled. “All of them are going to think twice before they tangle with you again.”“They better,” Harry mumbled, mulish look on his face as Madam Pomfrey sat down by him and began to run scans. Yeah, he was not worthless or helpless, and no one better ever say that to him again!
After everyone had cleared out, Harry and Sirius retired to their room for a nap. Both were tired after what happened and wanted some rest. Sitting on the edge of his bed, Harry looked at the money bag that a pleased looking Mr. Weasley had brought over with him once everything settled down. He got a reward for the capture of the two he knocked out and split one with Remus and Sirius for Rabastan. It felt good, though he didn't need the money, because it proved to him he could still help and do some of what he used to, though in an odd way. With all he was dealing with, sometimes a confirmation of what he did know helped. And this did.
With a tired groan, Sirius sat down on the bed by Harry and put a hand on his back. Once more smiling, he said, “Today I want you to sit down with Cissy, well, after we take a nap, and write up what happened for your friends in the castle. I'm sure they heard you're fine by now, but they'll want to hear from you, too, just to confirm it.”“I can,” Harry said with a smile, planning to do just that.“And make damned sure you include just what you did, Harry,” Sirius grinned, chuckling. Then he sobered up and added, “Remember that they've not seen you since they went back to school and only get your letters. Telling them what you did will show more than just talking about it. It'll tell them you're getting better.”“I can do that, too,” Harry said with a chuckle, planning to give them the best blow-by-blow he could of it. After all, now that he had calmed down, he could recall what he did and it was pretty cool.“You remember what you did,” Sirius told him softly. “I mean it. Using your cane isn't something we mentioned, but it worked damned well and no one expected it. It probably helped plenty as you weren't able to get to your wand right off. And you did enough damage that it helped not only yourself, but the rest of us.”“And remember just what you said; you are not worthless or helpless. You are far from it. Sometimes you just have to go about bits another way, nothing more,” Sirius told him softly, giving him a squeeze. “This bit proved it to more than everyone else, Harry. I think it did a pretty damned good job of proving it to yourself as well, don't you?”Harry thought that over for a few moments then nodded. His confidence in so much, like what he could do, had taken a pounding because so much was a struggle now. Even some of the easiest bits out there. He was still relearning some bits and was so far behind because of it that it was frustrating. This—yeah, he did good with it. With a smile, he said, “I just got mad, I think. There was panic in there, of course, and some scared, but mostly mad. Not sure if I even thought about what I was doing as I did it, but I do remember thinking that cane would make a darned good weapon. And it did!”“Damned right it did!” Sirius agreed with a grin. “And you use it again if you have to. Doesn't matter. If it works, you go with it.”After giving Harry a kiss on the temple, Sirius said, “Let's lay down. I'm beat and am sure you are as well.” Seeing Harry nod, he flopped back on the bed and stretched out, pulling Harry down with him. Once he pulled Harry close, he held him and shut his eyes with a sigh. Though he was sure there were some nightmares coming over the mess, and what could have come of it if it had succeeded, Sirius was beat. Sleep was needed.As Harry lay there curled up to Sirius, eyes shut, he couldn't help but smile. Yeah, he had done good and felt better because he realized he could still do plenty. It felt good to know with all he was dealing with.
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