Teaching Miss Granger | By : OracleObscured Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 117158 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 14 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any other characters/things/places created by J.K. Rowling. I make no money from my fan-fiction. |
27 - We Like to Party
Hermione's skirt twirled into place as they Apparated in front of the Burrow. She smoothed it own for the millionth time, and Severus patted her bum.
“Stop that,” she whispered. “Be good.”
“I am.” Leaning down, he kissed her lightly on the lips. “Stop worrying. No one will know.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, checking one last time that her skirt was down.
“Yes. You look lovely.”
She smiled up at him. “You said the same thing about my bum this morning.”
“I meant it.”
“I know. I just don’t know how accurate your sense of loveliness is.”
Severus slipped his hand into hers. She’d be the prettiest witch there in her soft yellow dress. It made her look like a buttercup; he wanted to stick his hand underneath and find out if the petals were ready to bloom. Later. Get through this, and then you can take her back to her place and plow the garden.
- - - - - - - - - -
“Good heavens,” Minerva gasped, looking ill.
Albus turned to her. “Bad stuffed mushroom?”
“I’m hallucinating.”
Dumbledore followed her gaze, spotting Hermione and Severus coming through the back gate hand in hand. Good for them. “No, you’re not. I see them too . . . and it appears everyone else has as well,” he said, noticing the other shocked faces.
“What has he done to her?”
“I think she looks very pretty,” Albus commented.
“No, I mean to control her. She’s not acting on her own freewill.”
He smiled. “Isn’t she? What makes you say that?”
Minerva sputtered, “Because it’s Severus.”
“Ah. I don’t detect any dark magic at work. She appears quite happy.”
“He’s slipped her something,” Minerva said and marched off to rescue Hermione from Snape’s evil clutches.
“No doubt,” Dumbledore muttered, going after her.
- - - - - - - - - -
Hermione sighed in relief when Harry got to them first and hugged her.
He grinned at her. “You sure know how to make an entrance. Come on, we’re over here. Ginny’s just discovered that Fred and George stole her doll and buried it in the backyard when she was five. The remains were uncovered while we were getting things ready.”
Hermione and Snape followed Harry to the largest picnic table, where Ginny was alternating between laughing and looking very cross with the twins.
“You told me a banshee kidnapped her and would come back for me if I told anyone.”
George shrugged. “Yeah, well, we didn’t want Mum finding out, did we?”
“I had nightmares for a month. And what’ve you done to her? Her arms and legs were in separate bags, and her face was all smashed in.”
“We couldn’t stand the way she was looking at us while we dissected her. It was necessary,” Fred explained.
“That doll was evil I tell you,” George added. “We did you a favor.”
“Evil?” Ginny exclaimed. “She was a family heirloom. Mum told me I was naughty for losing her and wouldn’t buy me a new doll for a year.”
“Get over it, Ginny,” Fred said, smiling dismissively. “It was ages ago.”
“And I haven’t heard a thank you for ridding the world of that menace,” George muttered.
Ginny slapped her hand over her forehead in exasperation then started laughing.
Fred leaned over to Harry and Hermione and whispered, “George was scared of it. We had to perform an exorcism.”
Harry laughed and nodded. “Perfectly understandable.”
“Hermione! You’re here." Fred smiled broadly. “Guess I owe Tonks a galleon. I bet her Snape wouldn’t show.”
“I told you not to take that bet,” Harry said knowingly.
Ginny picked up her head, wiping the tears of laughter off her face. “Hermione! Come up and see the cake Harry baked yesterday.”
“No. Don’t.” Harry shook his head.
Hermione smiled. “Where is it?”
“We’re waiting to have it bronzed,” George told her.
“It’s in the kitchen,” Ginny said, getting up. “Let go of Snape for five minutes and come see. Ingrid’s in there with Mum getting the third-degree. We should nip by and rescue her on the way.”
Hermione stroked her thumb along Snape’s. “Will you be all right while I’m gone?”
“I’ll survive.”
“I’ll be right back,” she said, pulling him down to kiss his cheek.
“You'd better be.”
Hermione and Ginny made it only a few feet before Dumbledore called out a greeting.
McGonagall was marching ahead of him, and she looked as if she were trying to fry Snape with her gaze. “Miss Granger, are you all right?”
Hermione smiled at her. “Yes, of course, Professor. Good to see you, Headmaster.”
“Always wonderful to see you, Miss Granger,” Dumbledore said with a smile as he caught up with Minerva.
Minerva peered into Hermione’s eyes. “Her pupils look normal. It doesn’t appear she’s under the influence of anything, Albus. What do you think?”
“I think she looks radiant,” Dumbledore said, smiling at Hermione.
“Yes, that’s why I’m so worried,” Minerva informed him.
Albus gave Hermione a small wink. “Could you please tell Professor McGonagall that you are with Severus by choice. She’s convinced he’s given you something.”
Hermione smiled at McGonagall. “I’m fine. I promise. I haven’t been drugged.”
“Oh dear,” Minerva murmured. It was worse than she thought. “You’re dating Severus?”
Hermione nodded. “Yes. I know it sounds strange, but we’re very happy. I was hoping everyone would get used to the idea after a while.”
“You’re happy?” the older woman repeated. “With Severus?”
Hermione grinned. “Yes. Very.”
“Well, that’s . . . interesting,” Minerva said, unable to think of a better word.
Hermione leaned in and gave her a small hug. “That’s good enough for me. Please don’t be too hard on Severus. It was all my idea.”
Caught off guard by the hug, it took stiff woman a second to pat her back. “Your idea,” she repeated. “I don’t know if that eases my mind.”
“He’s very good to me,” Hermione assured her.
Ginny laughed. "Yes. Trust me, it gets easier the more you see them together. Want to come see Harry’s cake with us? You can spy on Ron’s new girlfriend too.”
“Harry made a cake?” Minerva asked, looking amused. “With magic?”
“No,” Ginny said brightly. “With flour. We’re going to stick it under one corner of the house to level it off.”
“That sounds delicious,” Dumbledore commented. “Is it only for repairs, or will we be eating it?”
“I guess we’ll have to eat it sooner or later,” Ginny said, taking his arm. “We’re just trying to keep it around until everyone’s seen it.”
“I heard that,” Harry said from the table.
“Fred’s calling it the-cake-that-lived. But I prefer, you-know-who-can’t-make-a-cake.”
“I heard that too,” he called after her.
Hermione smiled at Severus as she headed off with Ginny, Dumbledore, and McGonagall.
- - - - - - - - - -
The reactions they got that evening were mixed. Neville seemed downright horrified when he found out, but Luna just smiled her same dreamy smile as if it was no surprise. Molly was speechless for several minutes when Minerva told her, but the only thing she asked Hermione was if she was really happy with him. When Hermione told her yes and assured her that they were looking after one another, Molly gave a thoughtful look out the window at Snape’s still silhouette, an odd smile on her face. “Wonders never cease.”
Ingrid seemed quite nice, and Hermione was glad there was at least one person there who had no opinion on her choice in men. She was extremely pretty in a Nordic way, and Hermione was relieved that there was someone to take some of the focus off of her and Severus.
They actually had fun at the party. Severus held her hand and did an admirable job of making smalltalk when needed. Partway through the evening, she pulled him behind a tree and kissed him. He gave her an interested eyebrow arch and looked around before squeezing her arse through her dress.
“How’s your bum feel?”
“Want me to kiss it better?”
She smiled. “Yes.”
His hand slowly started to pull up the back of her skirt. She pushed it away. “Not here.”
Hermione grinned and kissed him again. “Later.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Night fell, and the Weasleys lit the fairy lamps so everyone could see. Harry’s cake took a place of prominence in the center of the buffet table. It had not only sunk in the middle but was somehow also leaning severely to the left like the tower of Pisa. Harry had tried to decorate it with frosting, but the looping ropes looked drunken and crooked, adding to the cockeyed effect. Snape raised one eyebrow and rolled his eyes when he saw it. Hermione was impressed he kept his opinion to himself. Later, when she was sitting on his lap in an old lounge chair, he nodded toward the cake and said it was the greatest abstract baked good he’d ever seen.
Hermione managed to keep her skirt over her knees the whole night . . . until Snape found her whispering with Ginny at the kitchen counter. Severus saw her from the hall, leaning on her elbows, bent over in a way that made him want to flip up her skirt and check on the state of her nether regions. When Ginny glanced over Hermione’s shoulder at him, he held one finger up to his lips. To her credit the youngest Weasley gave no indication that she’d seen him, and Severus got Hermione’s skirt almost to her arse before she felt him behind her.
“Severus!” she scolded, shoving her skirt back down. “What did I tell you?”
“No one’s around.”
“Ginny’s right here!”
“Would you excuse us, Miss Weasley.”
“What? He asked nicely.”
“Severus,” she warned.
“Everyone is outside watching the babies play and sleep. Why, I cannot fathom. If you’ve seen one wobbly baby you’ve seen them all.”
“Don’t be rude. Those babies are adorable. Aren’t they, Ginny? Ginny?” The redhead was already gone. “Damn.”
“Put your arms back on the counter.”
“No. Someone will see.”
He checked outside then doubled back to the door. “No, no one’s here. Bend over. The faster you do it, the faster I’ll let you go.”
Hermione stared at him for several seconds then leaned on the counter with a huff. “If someone sees, I’ll kill you.”
He grinned and lifted the back of her skirt with the tip of his wand. “Just checking on the goods.”
He held up her skirt with one hand, tilting his head to get a better view of her damaged backside. When he gently touched her vulva, she jumped but didn’t make a sound. Grabbing her hip with one hand, he ground his crotch against her bum. “Is it time to go yet?”
“We haven’t had Harry’s cake yet.”
“Heaven forbid we leave without destroying that thing.” He let her skirt drop and turned her around. “Come sit in the swing with me. It’s dark under the arbor.”
Hermione grinned at him. There was a rickety old swing in an even ricketier old arbor under a large maple tree. “You do know everyone will be more suspicious if we’re hiding in the dark, don’t you?”
“If you’d rather sit where everyone can see, I don’t have a problem with that.” He bent down and kissed her. She tried to pull away, but he held her head still, slipping his tongue past her lips. In three seconds flat, she was pulling him closer and whimpering into his mouth.
“Found ‘em!” Fred said from the door, calling out to someone in the backyard. “They’re in the kitchen. Snogging.” He grinned at them. “We’re drawing straws to see who has to taste Harry’s cake first. You two aren’t off the hook just because you can’t keep it in your trousers. Everyone’s fair game.”
Hermione blushed, pulling Snape outside with her.
Of course Snape drew the short straw, and everyone was practically crying trying not to laugh. Severus just rolled his eyes and cut a small piece (after examining the cake as if he couldn’t quite decide where to insert the knife). Everyone stared at him, waiting for his reaction as he took a bored bite and chewed.
“It exceeds expectations . . . in the sense that I am still alive,” he drawled.
Fred and George laughed. “So it’s safe. Is it edible?”
Snape shrugged. “I can think of many things that are edible that shouldn’t be found in a cake. You’ll have to be more specific.”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “Oh honestly.” She took his fork and shoved the next bite in her mouth. “It’s fine,” she said, giving him an exasperated shake of her head. “It tastes better than it looks,” she assured everyone.
“Not like excrement at all,” Snape muttered.
She gave him a whack on the shoulder. “Be nice,” she hissed.
“I was. And you know better than to smack me like that,” he whispered.
Everyone crowded around and took some cake, laughing when they found out for themselves that it tasted perfectly normal. Snape guided her to the edge of the crowd, behind a tree.
“From now on every time you hit me, it’s going to be a spanking. Ten right now. I’m adding five every time you repeat the offense. Where do you want to do it?”
She stared up at him in shock. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it. Can’t we do it when we go home?”
“If we go home right now,” he answered. “Do you want to explain to everyone why we suddenly need to leave?”
“Severus, we can’t do it here."
“Where is Miss Weasley’s room?”
“Third floor, on the right. Why?”
“Ask her if it’s the best place to go.”
She gave him a long look then whirled around, seeking out Ginny in the crowd. Pulling the laughing redhead aside, she whispered in her ear, “Is your room safe to hide in for two minutes?”
Ginny gave her a funny look. “Any bedroom would be safe to hide in for two minutes. Why? Are you two seriously that desperate?”
“No. I’ll explain later.” She stomped off and found Snape still by the tree. “She said any bedroom would be safe for a couple minutes. You are going to put up a Sound Shield, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” he said, taking her by the hand and going back into the house. As if I would risk Minerva’s wrath.
He pulled her into the first bedroom up the stairs. It was Percy’s old room. He shut the door and cast charms on every flat surface. There was a chair at a desk to the left, and he sat down. “Get over my knee.”
“Can’t I just bend over?”
“You’re not going to be able to sit if you don’t get over my knee this instant.”
Hermione got across his knee. Fast. He pulled up the back of her dress and rested his hand on her bum. “Tell me why you’re being punished.”
“Because I hit you.”
“Again,” he clarified.
“Yes, again. I’m sorry.”
“Tell me that when it’s over.” He gave her five of the hardest smacks he ever had. She was shouting and kicking so much he had to stop. “Stay still or I’m adding an additional five.”
Hermione sniffled. “Yes, sir.” She shouted as the last five fell, her bum burning like a skillet.
“All right, get up.”
Snape helped her stand, and Hermione rubbed her backside through her dress. “That really hurt, Severus.”
“It was supposed to. Now what do you have to say to me?”
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“Good. You’re forgiven. Let’s go back downstairs.”
Hermione let him guide her back down to the party. He seemed completely normal, as if he hadn’t just spanked the hell out of her in Percy’s old bedroom with academic awards all over the wall and a Head Boy badge on the desk. She felt as if she’d been given a shot of espresso and then a tranquilizer chaser. The sting in her bum didn’t diminish as she crossed the lawn toward the cake. Severus cut her a piece and sat her down at the table next to Ginny.
“Eat your cake, pet,” he whispered. “And try not to look as though I’ve put you under the Imperious curse.”
She looked at him. “What?”
He smirked. “Normal facial expressions. Don’t look so dazed.”
“My bum hurts,” she whispered.
“I'd imagine so. Eat your cake.”
Ginny turned to her and grinned. “There you are. Did you find a room?”
Ginny looked at her more closely and whispered in her ear, “Are you okay? You look kind of out of it.”
“I’m fine.”
“Snape didn’t shag you in my bedroom, did he?”
“No, he didn’t shag you or not in my bedroom?”
“Neither? What happened?”
Hermione looked over at Severus, who was sitting next to her with his hand on her knee. He gave her a look back and squeezed her thigh. Hermione leaned to Ginny’s ear and whispered, “My bum’s on fire.”
Ginny covered her mouth with one hand and snorted. “Did you get in trouble, or was that foreplay?”
“I’m sorry. I don’t meant to laugh. Wha’dja do wrong?”
“Hit him.”
That made Ginny laugh harder.
“What’s so funny with you two?” Harry asked, giving the girls a suspicious look.
Ginny shook her head. “We were discussing your culinary achievements.”
Harry grinned, shaking his head and blushing. “You’re gonna get it, funny girl."
“Oh good.” Ginny smiled then turned and whispered to Hermione, “Whose room did you use?”
Hermione managed a small smile. Ginny whispered something to Harry, and he gave her a surprised look then nodded; he got up and went in the house.
“Where’s he going?” George asked. “He hasn’t got another cake hidden away, has he?”
“No,” Ginny laughed. “Nature calls.” She turned to Hermione. “If anyone asks, I went to clean a spot off my shirt.”
“Where are you really going?”
Ginny waggled her eyebrows. “I don’t want you to be alone in your hot seat. Wish me luck.” She smirked and slid out of her chair while no one was looking.
Snape leaned to her other ear. “You’re not eating. Do I need to feed you?”
That caught her off guard. “Do you want to?” she asked, not knowing whether he meant it or not.
He took her fork and cut off a corner. “Open your mouth.”
“You are just going to put cake in it, right?”
Snape smirked. “For now.”
Hermione opened her mouth, and he fed her the cake. Chewing and swallowing, she barely tasted it.
Snape saw the way she was looking at him and slid his arm around the back of her waist, leaning in. The closer he got, the darker her eyes went. “More?”
She nodded. He fed her another bite, and she gripped his thigh under the table. The rest of the talking and laughter from the party became distant white noise. Severus leaned into her so closely Hermione thought he was going to kiss her; but he just held up another bite of cake. She took it automatically.
Severus glanced over her shoulder and caught the stares of the entire end of the table. “We have an audience, pet.”
She looked back and found Fred, George, Neville, Luna, Ron, and Ingrid watching her and Snape. They all looked as if they were going to start laughing any second (except Luna, who had a serene smile on her face).
“Hungry, Hermione?” Fred asked, breaking into snickers.
“Yes. I am,” she shot back. Looking at Snape, she slid her hand up his thigh. “Let’s finish this on the swing.”
He took her plate and her hand then gave the gawkers a “thanks for your assistance” eyebrow quirk. When they got to the swing, she sat in his lap (bum safely hanging off one side) and wrapped her arm around him.
“We’ve forgotten the fork, pet,” he murmured.
“Don’t need it.”
He fed her the rest by hand. To Harry’s credit the cake wasn’t dry at all and didn’t get crumbs all over the place. When the cake was gone, she took his hand and sucked the frosting from his fingers.
“People are watching,” he warned her.
She smiled wickedly. “Won’t they be jealous.”
He smirked and kissed her gently. “Scoot back onto the seat. Keep your legs over me.”
“No. My bum hurts.”
He laughed. “Fair enough.” After pulling both of her feet up onto the seat, he put his hand just under her skirt, tickling the inside of her knee.
Hermione wrapped both her arms around his neck, nuzzling her nose over his ear. “I love you, Severus.”
“So you told me at lunch."
“I think you can handle it twice a day.”
Severus turned his face to hers and kissed her, telling with his lips what he couldn’t say with words. Her hand came up to his cheek, and she shifted around, turning closer to him, stroking his face.
“Pull the back of my skirt out from under me,” she whispered against his lips.
Using her arms as leverage, she lifted up a little, and Snape eased her skirt out onto the seat. Her grip tightened around his neck as she kissed him harder. Both his arms went around her, holding her just as tightly. Her tongue was rolling through his mouth like thunder; his stomach jumped with the rumble.
Hermione pulled away. “Is everyone still watching?”
Snape scanned the yard. “You are putting on quite a show.”
“I want to make sure they know you’re not taking advantage of me.”
“I see.”
“Should I stop?”
“Not on my account.”
She smiled at him. “Touch me.”
Both black eyebrows rose, and he put his hand on her knee.
“No. Put your hand under the back of my skirt.”
Snape smirked and casually slipped his hand under her dress, keeping his arm and hand hidden with the fabric. His fingers caressed her heated seat, teasing her divide.
Her lips locked on his again, and she moaned into his mouth. Severus tickled her bum and put his other hand on her waist to hold her still against him. His dick was starting to respond to her constant wiggling and tongue fucking.
“Slow down, love,” he muttered into her lips. “Relax for a minute. No, keep your leg bent. I need to adjust things.”
Hermione smiled and rested her head against his. His hand went under her leg, rubbing his crotch.
“Are you getting hard?”
“You know I am.”
“Take it out.”
“No, that is not a good idea.”
“Then why are you smiling?”
“I didn’t say I disliked the idea.”
Hermione saw Harry and Ginny creeping out of the back of the house, holding hands and looking sneaky. Wonder how that went. They weren’t sitting down yet, so she couldn’t judge if Ginny was sore or not. They were talking to Neville, who pointed discreetly over to the swing. Ginny looked over and grinned.
“They’re not trying to start a new generation of Potters, are they?” Snape muttered.
Hermione smiled, watching as Harry and Ginny went to Tonks and Lupin and picked up Teddy then carried him back over to a blanket to play. “No. Not just now anyway.”
Snape wondered what she and Ginny had been whispering about. “Where were they?”
“I’m not sure. Probably her room.”
“No, I mean doing what?”
“Severus, that’s personal.”
“You know.”
“I don’t know if Ginny would want me to tell you.”
“What were you two whispering about at the table? Did you tell her what we did?”
“Really? So Ginny knows about the discipline?”
“Does she know how much you like it?”
“Do you tell her what else we do?”
“Some of it.”
“What parts?”
“She knows that you fuck me.”
“Everyone knows I fuck you.”
“But she knows you tie me up and clamp me and spank me to get me wet.”
“Does she know about Draco?”
“Some of it.”
“Does she know about your affinity for ‘cleanliness’?”
“I see. Does she know about your plug?”
“Does she know you beg me to bugger you every night.”
“Why are you so selective about what you reveal?”
“Because it’s embarrassing, and I want some things to only be between you and me.”
“How thoughtful.”
“Are you angry that I told her?”
“No, I’m angry that you’re keeping secrets from me.”
“What secrets?”
“I didn’t even know that you’d told her anything about what we were doing.”
“She’s the only one. Besides Draco.”
“I don’t mind that you told her. I just wish you’d told me.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t think there’s anything else that you don’t know.”
He nodded. “All right."
“No, wait. Harry knows you spank me.”
“He does?” He stared at her in surprise.
“He’s a bit more observant than I thought.”
“You mean he figured it out on his own?”
“Yes. I made it clear that I liked it, and that you weren’t doing anything I didn’t want.”
“And he accepted that? I don’t need to start checking my wine for poison?”
She laughed. “You’re safe.”
Severus nodded. “Anything else I should know?”
“Um . . . I might be able to talk Draco into acting out my man-on-man fantasies with you.”
He blinked at her in shock. “When did you talk to him?”
“When I was jerking him off yesterday.”
“Is that what you were whispering about?”
“Maybe?” He smirked. “Don’t you think you should have asked me first? Maybe I don’t want to touch Draco.”
“You don’t?”
“I hadn’t really thought about it.”
“But would you if I asked?”
He considered that for a long minute. “What is it you’re asking exactly?”
“I want to see you touch Draco.”
“Touch him how?”
“You know, just touch him. Put your hands on him. I’ve never seen two guys together, I don’t know.”
“That’s all? Just touch him?”
She wiggled in his lap. “To start with.”
“And what will you be doing?”
“Watching? Probably touching myself.”
He smirked. “I think you'd better touch him too. I don’t know how well Draco would deal with being thrown into a homoerotic situation and then stared at. He’s going to be nervous.”
“I don’t want him to be nervous. I want him to like it.”
“You can’t control what turns people on, love.”
“I know. I don’t want him to do it if it’s just for me.”
“I see. That might take some sweet talk on your part. You’d have to find out if he’s ever done anything like it before or even thought about it.”
“And then?”
“If you can get him to admit that, I’d be impressed.”
“But say I could, what should I do next?”
“Ask him if he’d be willing to share a bed with us. Just because he’d consider being with another wizard doesn’t mean he’d want to be with me.”
“And if he said yes?”
“Then I guess we talk about it and work out exactly what you want from the meeting and then propose that offer to Draco.”
“So, you’d be willing to touch Draco and do some stuff with him?”
“Do some stuff with him?” Snape asked with a smirk.
“Yes. Beyond the general touching.”
“Would you jerk him off?”
“For you, yes.”
“Would you even if I didn’t ask?”
“I doubt it.”
“Would you finger him? For me,” she added.
“Would you kiss him?”
“Would you kiss his body?”
“Do you mean just generally or fellatio?”
“Um . . . both.”
“Hmm. I might be willing to. I’d have to think about it.”
“Would you let him suck you?”
He shrugged. “Yes.”
“Would you let him finger you?”
“I don’t know about that.”
“But you’ve let other men bugger you?”
“Yes, but that was different,” he explained. “They were not teenagers. And they had done it many times before.”
“Do you know someone that you’d be comfortable doing everything with in front of me?”
“Are you asking me to have sex with another man in front of you?”
“You don’t have to actually have sex. I just want to see you together.”
“You want to watch me go at another man the way I do with you?”
“That could never happen. There is no man that I want to fuck the way I want to fuck you.”
Hermione smiled. Aww! “That was the dirtiest compliment you’ve ever given me.”
He smirked back. “Do you just want to see two men together, or does one of them have to be me?”
“I hadn’t thought of that. Um . . .” She considered the possibilities for a while.
“If you just want to see two men together, we can do that at Eros.”
“You know someone?”
“I know lots of someones. They definitely wouldn’t mind if you made a request.”
He laughed. “Really. They’d get off on showing you.”
“Do you think they’d do anything I asked?”
Snape couldn’t hold back a laugh at the look on her face. “Oh Merlin, love! Yes. I doubt there’s anything you could ask them that they haven’t already done.”
“Oh. That’s nice of them.”
“A very altruistic bunch,” he said, chuckling.
“Then I’ll have to think about it. I mean, what I want to see. Or maybe you should just show me what you think I’d like, since I have no idea.”
“I have a feeling you’re going to enjoy Eros immensely, love.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Charlie took the baby from Bill, holding her in one arm. “Stop staring, Mum. They’re just talking.”
“I’m worried about her,” Molly muttered.
Dumbledore took another sip of wine. “I’m more worried about Severus’s circulation. How long have they been sitting like that now?”
“An hour,” Minerva reported.
“I don’t know what the big deal is,” Charlie said, rocking Victoire while Bill stretched and got some more wine. “So Snape’s unpleasant. If she wants to put up with him, who are we to judge?”
“I’m happy for them,” Tonks said. “You know . . . after I stopped having nightmares about it.”
Lupin grinned and put his arm around her. “I’ve never seen him smile before. Maybe she’s rubbing off on him.”
Tonks snorted.
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Remus whispered with a smirk.
Kingsley leaned over in his chair to spy around Molly. “What do Harry and Ron say? She’s living with them, right?”
“Yeah,” Tonks nodded. “Ron and Harry seem okay with it. Maybe Harry more than Ron, but . . . maybe that’s just because they never dated. I asked Harry how Snape treated her when no one else was around; he said that they’re all over each other, and Snape is nice to her. He actually said that. Nice to her. I didn’t know Snape knew how to be nice to anybody.”
Remus grinned. “Nymphadora told you how she got him to apologize to us, didn’t she?”
“No,” Minerva said in disbelief.
Tonks nodded. “It’s true. It may have been the most insincere apology ever, but that she got him to say it at all is enough to impress me.”
“What did he apologize for?” Arthur asked.
Remus and Tonks both looked at each other and burst into giggles. Lupin rubbed his face and hid his eyes. “He embarrassed her.”
“That doesn’t sound very nice to me,” Minerva said, glaring at Snape across the yard.
Remus shook his head. “I don’t think he meant it to upset her the way it did. Besides, he apologized to her immediately, and he meant it. I thought he was going to get down on his knees and beg her.”
“I think they’re very sweet together,” Albus said, sighing happily.
They all looked at him.
“You're all so focused on the difference in Severus, you’ve missed the change in Miss Granger.”
“Oh, I noticed it all right,” Tonks piped up. “She’s waaaay more relaxed than she used to be.”
Lupin nodded. “She does seem more happy now. Not that she was unhappy before.”
Tonks nodded. “She’s obviously in love with him.”
“It’s his motives I’m not so sure about,” Molly muttered.
Fleur looked over at the pair. “You do not zink ‘ee can be in love?”
Bill smiled. “Severus and love are not two words that normally go together.”
“But not impossible,” Albus commented.
Minerva looked at him. “You think he’s in love?”
“Yes, I do.”
Studying the couple again, she pursed her lips. “I’ll believe that when I hear him say it with his own mouth.”
“Don’t be blinded by the past, Minerva. People change. I, for one, am glad when that change is for the better.”
Kingsley nodded. “I’m with Dumbledore on this one. Snape is different, and I prefer the new version.”
Minerva turned to him. “You don’t really think he’s in love with her, do you?”
“Can’t say for sure with Snape, but it certainly looks like it.”
“I agree,” Fleur said, flicking back her hair as she looked over her shoulder at the couple. “Ee on’ly has eyes for ‘er. Ee iz in love.”
They all looked on in surprise as Severus laughed loudly at something Hermione said.
“Bloody hell,” Charlie muttered. “I wonder what a person has to say to make Snape laugh like that.”
“I wonder where his other hand is,” Remus whispered to Tonks.
Tonks grinned and squeezed his thigh. “I don’t.”
“I shudder to think,” McGonagall said in answer to Charlie.
Albus raised his glass. “I’ll find out. If you’ll be so kind as to pour me another glass of wine, Molly.”
“Are you really going over there?” Charlie asked.
Bill helped Dumbledore from the bench, and Albus patted his arm in appreciation. “I have a feeling they’ll be leaving soon, and I would like to wish them both the best before they go.”
- - - - - - - - - -
“Shh,” Severus whispered. “Here comes Albus.”
Hermione stopped giggling and turned her head. Her face flushed with embarrassment as the bearded old man wandered closer to them. Severus kept patting her bum, leaving her too aware of her knickerless state. It felt less sexy and more inappropriate in Dumbledore’s presence, like snogging in a church
“Headmaster,” Snape said in greeting. “Have they sent you to reprimand us?”
Dumbledore laughed softly. “Not at all, my boy. You actually seem to have a good deal of support.”
“I’m sure that’s more on account of their fondness for Miss Granger.”
“It seems so, yes. Although, Kingsley did express pleasure with the new less snarky Snape we’ve enjoyed tonight.”
Hermione laughed, and Snape pinched her bum. She gave him a warning look, pressing her leg to the lump in his trousers.
Dumbledore clasped his hands behind his back with a benign smile. “There was some curiosity over what you two were laughing about. I told them I’d ask . . . but I can see by Miss Granger’s face that I should make up something suitable before I return.”
“That seems wise. I don’t feel much like dueling Minerva tonight,” said Snape.
“Yes,” Dumbledore murmured, glancing over his shoulder. “And castration is no way to end a party. My real reason for interrupting you is to tell you both that I’m very pleased to see you together. Miss Granger, you look radiant, and I commend you on the improvement in our Potions master. You are quite happy with him, aren’t you, dear?”
“Yes, sir. Very.”
“Excellent,” Albus replied with a soft clap of his wrinkled hands. “Severus, I hope you are equally enamored and finding some happiness after all these years. Miss Granger, you are most welcome to see Severus at Hogwarts during the school year. Please come and visit me any time you like.”
Hermione smiled. “Thank you, Headmaster. That’s very sweet of you. Of course I’ll come and see you.”
Severus peered at the man’s twinkling blue eyes.
“You have asked her, haven’t you, Severus?”
“I don’t make assumption about our continued involvement.”
“Ah. You think Miss Granger will grow weary of your company.”
“It seems likely.”
Hermione looked at Snape as though he’d flung a glob of mud on her dress. “Why would you say that?”
Snape sighed. “The excitement will wear off one day, and your annoyance with me will grow. I’ve seen it a thousand times, pet. That's how most relationships end.”
“Not all,” she countered, glancing at the huddle of married couples.
“No. But most.”
Hermione didn’t want to argue with him about it. For all she knew, he was right; and it was impossible to prove either way. What could she possibly say to convince him otherwise? “If I’m still around in a year, would that change your mind?”
“Miss Granger, if you’re still around in six months, I’ll be surprised.”
“You don’t think we’ll last six months?” she whispered. That was harsh.
“I didn’t say that. I said I’ll be surprised if you’re still around. Surprise and cynicism are two different things.”
Dumbledore stayed quiet, afraid he’d caused and unintentional rift.
“So you’ll be happy if we’re still together in six months?” she asked slowly, sounding unsure.
Hermione closed her eyes so she wouldn’t roll them. It was like talking to a sphinx. “You are so confusing, Severus.”
“What is so confusing? I hope you’ll stay, but I’m prepared for you to leave.”
She nodded. That is so bloody sad. And, weirdly, for him, sweet. “Okay, I understand,” she said softly. “I don’t want to argue about it.” Her hand turned his cheek so he had to look her in the eye. “But right now, I love you. The present is the only moment I have any control over. As long as you’re with me each moment, I don’t need to think about what might happen. I’ll leave the divination to the centaurs.”
Dumbledore smiled. “Well said, Miss Granger.”
Snape ignored their bearded third-wheel. “The present is all I have, pet. I spent enough years plotting and predicting.”
Hermione kissed his nose. “Good, then it’s settled. No more assuming I’ll leave. We take each day as it comes.”
Snape nodded slowly. “Goodnight, Headmaster,” he said without looking at him.
“Goodnight, Severus,” Dumbledore called over his shoulder, already heading back to the house. “Goodnight, Miss Granger.”
“Goodnight, sir.”
“Let’s go home, love.”
Hermione grinned at him. “My place or yours?”
“I don’t care.”
“Harry and Ron probably won’t be back for a while if you want to play naughty librarian again.”
His lip twitched. “I don’t want the naughty librarian tonight. I just want you. I want to watch your eyes roll back in your head and listen to you moan.”
Her lips were on his before he could blink, her tongue begging him for entrance. Severus kissed her until he lost track of time; she didn’t seem to be any more cognizant. His hand kneaded one of her burning cheeks, and she whimpered against his lips, pulling him even tighter. Her hand slid down, gripping him through his trousers, making him growl and wish they had left earlier.
When his hand went from her waist to her thigh, Hermione spread her legs a little, silently urging him to go higher. He did, but very slowly, creeping up under her skirt like a slithering snake. Her stomach was doing dive rolls by the time he got to her pussy.
“I need you,” she whispered against his lips.
Fred shouted across the yard at them, “Oi! Get a room, you two!”
“Please!” George added. “I don’t think I’m old enough to see this!”
Hermione smiled and pulled back. “We'd better go. Are you ready?”
“I don’t think I can stand.”
“Is your leg asleep?”
His eyes rolled, but his lips twitched into a half-smile. “I wouldn’t know. All my blood is currently in my cock.”
Hermione snorted. “I’ll stand in front of you while you adjust yourself. Untuck your shirt or something.”
“Oh, no one will crack that disguise.”
“Fine,” she said through her laughter. “I’ll stay in front of you. We just have to get to the side yard then no one will be able to see.”
“Is that so?” he muttered, looking interested.
Hermione carefully got out of his lap and held out her hand. “Come on.”
He leaned back into the swing’s seat and pulled his erection into the waistband of his boxers. “Don’t stop to talk.”
Smiling, she nodded.
They headed toward the gate, Severus on the far side of her, his arm around her shoulders. Hermione wrapped her arm around his waist, having to take two steps for every one of his to keep up.
“Bye, Hermione!” Luna called after them. “Goodbye, Professor Snape.”
“Leaving so soon?” Molly asked as they passed.
“Yes,” Hermione said with a small wave. “I had a lovely ti—“
Snape yanked her toward the gate.
“See you all later,” she called back in a rush.
Severus pulled open the gate and led her through, rolling his eyes as several more goodbyes called after them.
Luna sat back down and conversationally said to Ingrid, “I never noticed Professor Snape had a limp before, had you?”
Ingrid looked lost as the rest of the table burst out laughing.
“Oh Merlin, Luna!” George howled. “I would have paid you fifty galleons to go ask him about it.”
“I imagine Hermione will tend to it for him,” she said with a serene smile.
Fred almost fell out of his chair. “It’s the least she could do.”
- - - - - - - - - -
“Right here,” Snape whispered, shoving her past an overgrown Rose of Sharon at the side of the house. He kissed her hard, backing her into the wall. She squealed against his lips and pawed at his chest. He didn’t let up, grinding his bulge into her belly and rucking up her skirt. She tried to push it back down, but Severus growled and palmed her red backside. Hermione bucked into him and grabbed his hips, suddenly changing allegiance.
Snape chuckled through his nose as she shoved her hands between them and tore open his zip. He was free in record time. She pushed his boxers and trousers down around his hips. He pulled back from her lips and picked her up, propping her against the side of the house.
“Stay quiet,” he murmured. “We don’t want to alert the masses.”
Hermione wrapped her legs around him tightly. “Put it in,” she panted.
Severus grinned. “You sweet talker, you,” he whispered as one hand aimed his tip into her silky slit.
“Quick, before someone finds us.”
He was in her in one smooth thrust. Her jaw dropped open, and he covered her mouth with one hand as she moaned. “Quiet, love."
She gave him a desperate look and nodded. His hand released her mouth and dove under the front of her skirt, where one finger found her swollen bud.
“You are so wet,” he growled. “If I didn’t fancy taking off your knickers so much I’d make you dress like this all the time.”
“Oh God, Severus. Fuck me.”
“I’m doing the best I can, love. If you want it faster, I need both hands.”
Hermione nodded. “Faster.”
His hand came around and slapped the side of her bum then grabbed hold. He immediately sped up, sliding into her fast and hard. Hermione arched her back and tried to press her clit against his bucking pelvis. Her eyes rolled back, and her head hit the wall. Ow.
Severus grunted and dug his fingers into her. Every minute that passed shoved him nearer to the edge of the cliff. I should have gotten her closer before starting. He could already feel his balls trying to climb into his spine.
“Fuck, love,” he panted. “How close are you?”
“Sort of close.”
“I’m not going to last much longer. You been teasing me for a fucking hour.”
She nodded. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay. I’ll make it up to you when we get home.”
Smiling, she nodded again. Her hair was getting stuck in the brick, and she didn’t think make-up orgasms at home sounded bad at all. “That sounds nice. Will you finger my bum?”
Snape would have laughed, but just thinking about it left him fighting a surge of excitement. “Anything . . . you want . . . pet,” he gasped.
“Come inside me, Severus.” She smiled and pressed her mouth to his neck, nipping him then sucking hard.
“Fuck!” His hips slapped against her, and he felt his stomach try to switch places with his balls. He hissed a steady stream of yeses into her hair as the release roared through him.
Hermione stayed wrapped around him as he leaned into her and caught his breath. She kissed his cheek with a grin. “So when you said ‘anything,’ was that just your dick talking, or did you mean it?”
“Anything,” he said between heavy breaths.
“My bum is very sore,” she purred. “Will you lick it better for me?”
He chuckled and pulled back to look at her. “After I wash it clean in the bath and make you squirt all over my face a couple times.”
Hermione nodded, grinning wider. “Yes, sir.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Ginny and Harry waited until they heard the pop of Disapparition then climbed out of the front shrubs.
“Bloody hell, that was close,” Harry muttered, brushing leaves off Ginny’s shirt.
“How much of her bum do you think he’s going to lick?”
Harry smirked. After what she gave me to read, I'm going to guess all of it. I wonder what spell he uses to clean her first. “You know that book Hermione lent me?”
Ginny smiled. “You mean my new favorite book?”
Harry grinned, squeezing her bum. “Chapter fifteen is going to blow your mind.”
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