There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58487 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
RECAP: Snape has returned from his meeting with Voldemort. Dumbledore flooed back to Hogwarts. Harry is at the Burrow with the Weasleys, who are also housing Lavender, Dean, Neville and Seamus. Harry becomes closer to Charlie. During Sunday Morning, a knock at the door, worries everyone. Mrs. Weasley opens it to find Theo standing on the other side, here to see Harry.
An awkward silence descended when Harry led a tired Theodore Nott into the Weasley's boisterous kitchen. The noise died at once and while Ron went several interesting shades of red and purple, Lavender and the others opted for shades of pale.
"Is this a bad time?" Theo froze in the doorway, refusing to budge when Harry attempted to tug him forward.
"It's fine." Harry made himself say. He didn't care if it wasn't. He'd been missing Theo, wanting Theo and needing him—there was no way he was about to let his mate out of his sight any time soon.
"Harry!" Charlie's warning came a tad late.
Shadow's happy fluttering through the air was mostly on target—it clipped the top of Harry's head and smashed face first into the face of a very surprised Slytherin.
Theo froze—predictably—and then reached up with one hand and gently pried the chirruping creature off his face. He held it up by the scruff and frowned when Shadow squirmed and licked his nose. "Harry?" Theo said, dryly. Harry immediately held his hands out. Theo deposited the creature and then rubbed his face. "I take it you intend to keep it?"
"His name's Shadow." Harry said, helpfully. He cuddled Shadow up beneath his chin, realizing for the first time, the stares he received in relation to his sudden state of near clinginess to his new mate. A pale flush of red began to creep over him. "Charlie gave him to me."
"Charlie?" Theo repeated. "Charlie as in…"
Harry tipped his head in the direction of the ponytailed dragon tamer.
Theo blinked. "As in Weasley." He murmured. "Weasley as in Charlie Weasley." He threw an exasperated look at Harry. "Those Weasleys?"
Emerald eyes narrowed faintly. Regardless of whether they were in his family circle or not, the Weasleys had always been decent to him, more decent than others had ever been anyway. "Dragon tamer." Harry shot a glare at Theo. "Charlie Weasley the dragon tamer."
"Dragon tamer?" Theo repeated.
But Harry now turned to Charlie who had risen from the table and come to meet the new guest. "Theo, Charlie." Harry gestured. "Charlie, Theo."
"Pleasure to meet you." Charlie stuck out his hand.
Theo looked at it and then at Harry. There was an unreadable expression on his face. "Nott." The golden-eyed dragel allowed. He shook the proffered hand, firmly. "Theodore Nott. The pleasure is all yours, I'm afraid. I've only come on business." The golden eyes flickered to Harry. "Important business." Theo held out a hand and the floating parchments thunked solidly into his open palm.
"What's wrong?" Harry settled Shadow comfortably on his shoulders.
"I have some documents you needed to sign, so I offered to bring them so the rest of the settlements could be finished today and-"
"You didn't come to pick me up?" Harry cut him off. He stared at the older boy with an expression of incredulity on his face.
Theo blinked. "You want to leave?" He countered. That was certainly news to him.
"Leave?" Ron sputtered. "You're leaving us to go with that-!"
"Harry, you're not going to leave!" Ginny protested.
"We didn't even prank him, Gred." Fred's brow creased in worry. He couldn't recall a time the kind-hearted wizard had ever willingly left their home of his own accord—it was always a reluctant affair in every way. As if sensing his tangled thoughts, George nudged his foot under the table and shot him a warning glance. The redheaded twin straightened at once.
It seemed like Harry and Theo were having a scowling match.
"We need to talk about this, Harry." Theo's golden gaze hardened. "Now." He held out his hand.
Harry's scowl darkened into a glare and after a moment, he snatched the proffered hand and stalked off, yanking Theo after him as he headed for the stairs and the known privacy of Charlie's bedroom.
The moment they were in Charlie's bedroom, Theo locked and warded the door, throwing up silencing spells and privacy wards as if it were as simple as breathing. To the cautious Slytherin, it probably was.
Harry stood a few feet away, arms crossed over his skinny chest, his chin jutting out defiantly and his shoulders slightly drooping.
"What happened last night?" Theo demanded. He tossed the parchment rolls to the bed and moved forward, gathering a resisting Harry into his arms and holding him anyway.
A soft warm tingle of energy filtered over from Theo's comforting hands. Harry squirmed for a moment, realizing the touch of magic for what it was—a diagnostic spell to be sure that he was alright.
"I'm fine. Let me go!"
"Absolutely not." Theo kissed his cheek and tightened his hold. "You nearly caused an earthquake at Gringotts."
Harry blinked, his emerald eyes wide. "I what?" He spluttered.
"Something upset you, treasure." Theo's voice and expression softened considerably. "I was worried. You were so…tortured." Harry fisted his hands in Theo's robes. "That is why I offered to bring the papers to you, over my solicitor, Mr. Ames. They are expecting me back today. I cannot stay."
Harry huffed. "You just came for my signature and-"
Theo cut him off with a kiss. A right proper snog that left Harry suitably flushed and decidedly speechless. "I came to be sure that you were alright." He countered, stroking one flushed cheek with warm fingers. "Papers that I am filing are to be sure that no one can interfere and take you away from me." He kissed his favorite spot—the edge of Harry's scar. "The sooner I file them, the better it is and the more protected we are." He pulled away and released Harry, moving to clear a spot on the cluttered bed and then to sit down. He patted his lap and waited.
Harry swallowed, then moved forward and after a moment's hesitation, he straddled Theo's lap, arms resting trustingly on the Slytherin's shoulders.
"You haven't been eating anything." Theo cupped his face with one hand and stroked his cheek with one thumb. "Why?"
Harry looked away. "It doesn't feel right." He whispered.
"How so?"
"I-I don't know."
"Then you're forgiven." Theo reached up to unbutton the top buttons of his high-necked dress shirt and pulled it away to reveal the paleness of his neck. He drew his claw-lengthened fingers over it in a quick slash. Blood welled up at once. He caught Harry's head, tangling his fingers in the short black hair as he guided his mate forward. "Drink, quickly." He ordered.
Harry squirmed, but when the scent of blood caught his Dragel side, he eagerly latched onto the cut and began to suckle. A moment later, contented purrs rumbled out from his chest as he began to rub gently against Theo's clothed figure.
Theo silently counted inside his head, using a slight tug on Harry's hair when he knew his mate had taken enough.
A whine sounded in the back of Harry's throat, but he licked at the wound, healing it over and nuzzling the neck in thanks before he withdrew. When Theo made no move to take from him, Harry's green eyes narrowed and he drew a clawed hand quickly over one wrist and presented it to his mate.
"Harry-" Theo began.
"You're cranky when you don't have something to occupy your fangs." Harry said, softly. "You're not allowed to-"
"Gringotts requires tests in which they need an even keel on magical signature." Theo lapped gently at the wound, loathe to sink his fangs into the perfect, wrist. "When I eat, my body immediately converts the food to energy, a process that can disrupt the signature for the kind of testing that they are doing."
"They know you're Dragel, then?"
"Of course. The goblins know and respect what we are. It is the wizarding world that has issues with us."
Harry pushed his wrist forward a little more, stifling a giggle at the tickling feel of Theo's warm tongue. He could understand with that explanation and he knew enough to know that blood sharing wouldn't affect anything. He could feel his earlier anxiety calming down to near nothing in the wake of his mate caring for him in such a special way. The bond between them sang happily and the thread of elemental energy shared with him, sparked to life and glowed brightly.
Theo didn't take much at all, but he thanked Harry for his offer and healed the slit wrist, watching as the scar appeared and then faded away to nothing. "We have to talk." He said, a moment later, summoning the parchments to him. "Sign first. The signatures should register from here."
Harry pouted.
Theo gave a small smile. "There's only six." He eased Harry off his lap and quickly opened the roll of parchments. In a matter of minutes, he'd explained things like his monetary inheritance and what joint assets were theirs. Harry quickly signed and then watched as Theo rolled them up and tucked them inside his robes.
He would much more prefer that Theo was taking the robes off rather than putting things into them, when he caught sight of the conflicted expression on the golden-eyed boy's face. "Theo?"
"So you've chosen Charlie Weasley?" There was an air of resignation as he spoke, rising from the bed and moving to stand opposite beside one of the stacks of boxes.
Harry stiffened at once. He'd hoped that perhaps Theodore would show his maturity here and not start up something with the Weasleys. Then again, he nibbled his lip, recalling the revelation the night before. He hadn't included them in his family circle. He also hadn't been able to process a lot of things since he'd arrived at the Burrow. Something was off. Perhaps that was what Theo was hinting at. He hunched his shoulders forward. He might have chosen Charlie, at first, but as far as he could tell, the redhead didn't seem to even notice—much, anyway. "So what if I did?"
"Blood traitors?" Theo sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Blood traitors, Harry?"
"It's not their fault that they didn't choose to follow some sick twisted madman and-" Harry was on his feet at once, his hands clenched at his sides. "-go around killing people for fun and—you don't know everything that they've been through!" He said, hotly.
The golden eyes gave a rather spectacular roll. "Phrasing." He muttered to himself. "I have to work on phrasing. Harry, before we have another ridiculous miscommunication of sorts, allow me to repeat the emphasis. Blood traitors. Do you know what that means to a Dragel?"
Harry blinked.
"It means their blood is like poison to us." Theo watched, waiting as the news sunk in. "If you were to try to access his element or solidify your bond before certain measures are taken, it could kill you. He would not mean to, but ancient magic answers to no one. There is a reason there are such stigmas against blood traitors. It is a warning to those of our kind and similar. I would also have to lay some claim to him in one way or another, to establish our hierarchy and blood sharing would most certainly be necessary—as my primary function would be to care for you, my blood would see him as a threat and eliminate him before anything could be done."
Harry's horrified expression spoke for him.
"Right. I didn't think you knew." Theo eyed him, carefully. "I do not have anything against the Weasleys—any of them. But I do have something against his current state and I'm surprised you cannot smell it. If you intend to include him in our circle, might I suggest claiming him soon?" He watched as Harry slowly sat down on the edge of the bed. "You should be able to handle a few mouthfuls or so, it will not affect you, seeing as you have fed recently. That's why I had you feed in the first place. I thought it might be why you were not eating, but, if you haven't marked him yet—and I could not feel a mark of claim on him—then I would suggest doing so very soon in the near future. It will be easier on all of us." He sighed. "You should also mention that I will be requiring him to undergo a blood purification ritual. It will not hurt him, but it will make him neutral as deep as blood runs and everything will be fine afterwards. You need not worry, I will make the necessary preparations if you are sure this is what you want."
After a long, silent moment, Harry gave a single nod. He could now understand the significance of Theo's actions and his mind was slowly uncovering a fuzzy snippet of news he'd read in that giant encyclopedia. Dragels were blood creatures. They were blood creatures. He wanted Charlie and he most certainly didn't want to hurt him or Theo. "Please." He said, softly.
"You are certain?"
"Very well." Theo gave a short, stiff nod. "I shall see to it."
"Do you have to fight?"
"The hierarchy thing." Harry swallowed. "I don't want you two to fight." He looked up, imploringly. "Please don't fight."
Theo gave him a long, searching look. "If you do not wish for me to fight, then I shall only engage him if he acts first." He said at last.
Relief spread through the smaller wizard at once. "Thank you." He said, faintly. A sudden giddiness washed over him. This was wonderful news. "Thank you, dominant. I'll tell him, if that's alright."
"It is fine."
"Thank you."
"It is nothing." Theo turned towards the door. "I would do whatever you asked of me, within reason." He nodded. "I definitely need to be going now, there will be much to do and only just enough time to be sure that it is taken care of." He started forward only to be caught from behind by Harry's desperate hug. "Harry!"
"Don't go yet." Harry mumbled into his back.
"I have to hand over these agreements in person and I will now have to see about the ritual with the purif-"
"Just wait." Harry's grip on him tightened. "Please, don't go—yet." Harry winced, feeling a sudden spike of uneasiness in their shared element between them.
Theo whirled around and caught him as Harry's knees buckled under him. "Harry!"
The emerald eyes shimmered. "I'm always causing some sort of trouble, aren't I?" He asked, softly.
"Never." Theo quirked a smile. "As I continually remind you." He kissed the upturned face and whispered against the warm cheek. "Are you tempting me on purpose?"
The shimmering eyes glittered wickedly. "I really missed you."
"So I see."
Harry didn't answer that. He couldn't. He was otherwise occupied.
Death came walking softly, with shadows and darkness clinging 'round as she glided forth, life flowing into her as the forbidden forest shook in the wake of a lady who knew the world was hers.
She cast a disdainful glare all about, everywhere and then felled a tree for the sole purpose of having a newly hewn seat. The cloaks and silks of blackest black swirled around her as she seated herself and lifted one hand. "Where is it?" Her voice was rough and hoarse as if it were rarely used if at all.
A wisp of a thing, clad in black of course, hurried to kiss her outstretched hand, bobbing in a simply courtesy. "It cometh." The thing squeaked. "It cometh soon, for your ladyship calls it."
The hand was roughly pulled away and the thing hurriedly skittered to the side with a whimper.
Death sat and waited.
The wind howled her displeasure.
The forest quaked.
A moment later, a swirl of shadows before her twisted, stretched and twined into the form of a tall, red-eyed young man. His hair was black with silver highlights in a chin-length bob and he fiddled with the rich silver fastenings on the cuffs of his tight black suit. His face was pale and drawn, his eyes hooded and every so often, he would twitch.
He stared at Death for longer than was strictly polite.
Death rose with a grace and elegance betrayed by the sheer aura of darkness surrounding her. She towered easily over him, the shadows swelling and giving rise to her figure. "You seem well, my pet." She said, at last.
The young man grunted.
She half-smiled. "Did Azkaban not agree with you?" She reached out one long-nailed finger to trail the tip up and down his face, from the center of his forehead, down his nose and to the side of his cheek.
He bared his fangs as her finger traced over his lips.
She laughed. "I would have thought there was enough to satisfy your hunger within their walls." She sighed.
He snapped at her finger.
The hand jerked away then snapped back and slapped him—hard.
His head jerked to the side.
Her eyes burned with a darkened glow. "You forget yourself." She hissed. "You will regret that."
"I already have!" He snarled.
"And yet you have learned nothing." She said, haughtily.
He shrank back, but his eyes remained bright, defiant.
She turned away, her head bowed. "I have nothing more to say to you."
His head lifted, silently imploring.
"Nay. You have made your bed and so you shall lie in it." Death drew herself up and glided around him. "Your punishment is too light, it seems." She drew a black fan with golden spines out of thin air and waved it about the shadows around her, stirring them up. "Perhaps I should find a way to brand this lesson onto your worthless carcass!"
He whined, low in his throat.
Death huffed. "You disappoint me, pet. I thought you had learned better than this." She turned away, fully and glided forward, from the heart of the forest, towards the edges.
He broke into an easy trot to keep up with her, glaring at the thing that dared to flit between them. He whined again, as she began to leave the safe darkness of the forbidden center.
She turned back to him with a frown. "Have you not felt that magic? Dark, black magic? Death magic?" She prompted him. He shook his head, worry showing plainly on his features. She sighed. "Someone has called me. One that knows nothing of who I am and what I do." She hummed softly. "He has called me and I must not neglect my duty. I have to go, if only to claim him for such rashness."
His answer was plain and simple. He whimpered and pushed forward to her side, dropping to his knees with his head bent low.
Death almost smiled. She ran one hand through the soft, silky locks of hair. "My disobedient little pet." She murmured. "I will be fine." He shook his head, nosing insistently at the shadowed silks that clung to her. She stroked his head in soft motions and suddenly her head snapped up. She breathed in deeply and then a low growl rumbled in her throat.
He was on his feet at once and standing protectively before her.
She placed a hand on his shoulder and brushed him aside. The shadows carried her forward, swiftly. When she came upon the fallen body, her lips tightened into a thin line. He loped to her side and then stood off to a corner, unsure.
Death circled the young witch, slowly, calculating and then she tapped her chin with one long, scarred finger. "You tempt me, little witch." She whispered, stepping over the fallen body, watching the way the life dribbled out from the small vessel. A lone, pathetic child in a forest where she did not belong, clad in the standard issue dress of a schoolgirl, with the merest scrap of color being the red and gold tie 'round her neck. Death frowned.
She hated unresolved lives.
It gave her indigestion.
She bent to trail her cold fingers along the equally cold cheek.
The child would certainly go into shock soon. It had been there long enough, preserved by whatever spirits or caspers had thought to try and protect it.
Her lips pursed and suddenly, a wicked gleam came to her eyes as she straightened and her gaze went straight to her companion.
He whined, low in his throat, a sound of submission and sorrow.
She laughed, a sound that made him quiver and caused a light blanket of leaves to fall, shriveling as they touched the ground. "I will ease your punishment, pet." She began. "If you will do this." She tilted her head to the side, indicating the nearly-dead witch. "I give you this child. Take good care of it."
He opened his mouth.
She glared at him.
He shut it, meekly.
"I will not hear that you have strayed from her, mistreated her or otherwise abused her." Death's dark eyes narrowed to fine slits. "I will not hear it was you." She turned away. "You may avenge her, if you wish. You may punish her, if she misbehaves. You may possess her if you so desire. I give her to you in her entirety. She is yours to do with as I please. Do you understand me, pet?"
He threw back his head and gave a long, loud howl.
The forest quivered and shook.
Death smiled and the sky darkened.
A/N: Remember that strange creature that broke into Azkaban in chapter 4? The one that Hermione was talking about? ^_^ Here's a bit of your explanation to that. It looks like Hermione will live another day, at least if Death has anything to say about it.
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