The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96906 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
You can't make an omelette
Hermione sat listening to Draco and Adrian sniping at each other whilst Luna and Severus tried to keep the peace. Lucius sat quietly in the armchair, completely impassive. She couldn't look at him and he sensed that she knew. He didn't know how, but when he came back from helping Ginny put Harry to bed and told them Ginny had also decided to retire for the night, the look of disgust on Hermione's face cut through him like a burning knife.
Lucius occasionally looked over at Hermione whilst he slowly drank his firewhisky, but was finding her disdain painful. He wanted to tell her he never meant for it to happen. But he knew he had to give her time.
"Is everything alright, Lucius?" Severus asked as he noted the tension increasing in the room. He had been trying to get Hermione to tell him what was wrong, but she just kept telling him later.
All Lucius did was nod and return his gaze to his drink. Eventually it became too much and he informed the gathering that he was going home. Adrian decided it was time for him to leave as well and was surprised when Draco asked him if he was going back to Malfoy Manor.
"Do you want me there?" Adrian asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at his boyfriend with Luna curled up against his arm.
"Of course I do. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't," Draco snapped before adding, "but I will escort Luna home first."
Adrian looked at Draco suspiciously. But Lucius stepped in and spoke to Luna. "Miss Lovegood, I appreciate this suggestion may cause you discomfort due to the reprehensible events in my home thanks to my sister-in-law. So I will not be offended if you wish to decline, but you are more than welcome to come back to the Manor with us now, if it will save any more arguments between these two."
Luna looked up at him and smiled. "You know, you did the right thing, Lucius. And I'd love to come back with you," she said as she stood up and held out her hand to Adrian.
"You can stay in my room. There are pyjamas you can borrow," Hermione said without looking up.
Severus tried once again to reach Hermione and the temptation to enter her mind was becoming harder to resist. But then again, he knew as soon as everyone left she'd tell him. In fact, judging by the amount of emotion he could feel emanating from her, he was sure there would be tears.
"Well, in that case," Lucius said, "we will take our leave."
Hermione got up from the sofa and stood by Severus as she gave Draco, Adrian and Luna a hug, making sure to ignore Lucius - an act which was not lost on Severus. She even moved away when he gave Severus a very manly hug so she could avoid contact with him.
Lucius observed Hermione with questioning eyes as she looked at the floor and told her, "Darling, I...I'll see you soon."
The only response he got was a curt, "Bye."
Lucius knew he'd fucked up, and the thought of Hermione knowing this and behaving so distantly made his chest feel as if it were being crushed. He just hoped Hermione would let him explain, because she was too precious to him to lose.
"Would you mind explaining what the hell is the matter, Hermione?" Severus asked tersely as he took a swig of firewhisky and sat down on the sofa next to his witch.
Hermione quickly cast a silencing spell and took a few moments to compose herself. "When I went to see if Ginny needed any potions for Harry, I overheard her talking to Lucius." She stopped as though she still was unable to believe what she was about to say. "It's obvious they've been having an affair and Lucius was ending it."
Her eyes were quickly welling up as she began to release all of the hurt and anger she had been suppressing. She loved Ginny like a sister and Lucius like a...well, she wasn't sure quite what he was, but Lucius was dearer to her than she ever thought possible. And Harry...Harry was her brother, her most trusted friend. She loved him and the thought of him being hurt by anyone made her angry, but to be hurt by his fiancée and a man who until recent Harry despised, made her burn with a fury she had never felt before.
Suddenly everything began to pour out. Hot tears stung Hermione's eyes and ran down her cheeks. All Severus could do was pull her into him and hold her. He stroked her hair and futilely tried to wipe away her tears, but there were too many and he resigned himself to a wet shirt. He whispered reassurances and rocked her gently until he felt her simmering anger rise and replace the tears. Hebraced himself for her outburst.
Hermione's thoughts and questions hit her randomly as she railed against her two friends; if she could even call them that now. And that was the most heartbreaking part of the whole situation.
"How could they do this to Harry, Sev?" was her opening gambit as she sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. Severus gently rubbed circles on her back as he listened. "How could they hurt him like this? He knows something's wrong. He said they'd been fighting all day. I don't know what to do? Lucius was flirting with me whilst he was with her. Can't he keep his cock in his pants? I mean, Harry and Ginny were meant to be forever. They're engaged. How could she say 'yes' when she was screwing Lucius? Fuck, when she thought she was pregnant would she have known if it was Lucius' or Harry's? I just can't believe this is happening. How am I supposed to look Harry in the eye knowing that his fiancée was shagging someone else? How could they put me in a position where I have to choose between them all?"
The tears began to flow again and Severus pulled her back into his chest as he considered the situation. No matter who was doing what to whom, the fact of the matter was no one upset his Hermione. Someone was likely to incur his wrath over this. And if a certain blond-haired wizard was honest, as he sat in his drawing room, he expected his raven-haired friend to come storming in long before morning.
Severus cleared his throat. "Sweetheart, I'm not defending or accusing anyone here. We need to find out more facts before we jump to conclusions."
"Trust you to stick up for him," Hermione snarked as she sat up and pulled her knees up to her chin.
"Hermione, I'm not going to defend him unless there is cause. Lucius mentioned earlier that he had to end a 'distraction' now he has consummated his soul bond..."
"Oh, how charming. I'm sure Ginny would love to know she's just a 'distraction'," Hermione snapped.
"Maybe she knew that's all she was," Severus remarked calmly. "Lucius is rarely one for having sex with an emotional connection."
Hermione snorted. "I just don't understand how you can have sex without an emotional connection."
"It's quite easy, I'm afraid," Severus admitted sheepishly. "You're fortunate! You've only experienced it with the full force of emotion behind it. I've had sex and felt nothing other than the physicality and release of it. In fact until us, most of the sex I've ever had was like that. It was empty. And Lucius is wired in very much the same way. But since you...I would rather be celibate again than not experience what I have with you. And if Lucius has consummated his soul bond then I'm sure he's feeling the same way."
"Is it really that different with me?" Hermione asked quietly.
Severus smiled and turned his head to face her. He took her hand, entwined his fingers with hers and brought it up to his lips. "You have no idea. Before you, ten minutes after the event, it was almost as if it had never happened. I rarely spent the night and if I did I was gone before they woke up. Most of the time I was gone or sending them away within an hour and the whole act was almost forgotten."
Hermione remained silent, digesting everything Severus had just told her.
"Come here," he whispered and Hermione moved to straddle him. He ran his fingers through her hair, cupping the back of her head and looked deeply into her eyes. "With you I remember everything."
Hermione smiled softly and pressed her lips to his almost chastely but as it broke, she recaptured them desperately as she tried to forget what she'd overheard. Severus wrapped his arms around her and sat forward so that his upper body was flush with hers. She buried her face in his neck, deliberately seeking out his scar. He groaned as she ran her tongue across it and blew softly along the wet trail.
His fingers skimmed under her top and he traced comforting circles on her back as he nuzzled her neck, pressing soft kisses over the skin. After a few minutes of these gentle, teasing ministrations, Severus whispered, "Let's go to bed."
Hermione shuffled off his lap and kissing his nose playfully, stood up and held out her hand to him. He looked at her for a couple of seconds and smiled as he took her hand. Severus felt her pulling him up slightly and soon as he was on his feet, he pulled Hermione up against him. He cupped her cheek and without warning his lips were covering hers hungrily. Their tongues danced together, their mouths swallowing each other's moans as he placed one hand over the swell of her arse whilst the other brushed across her collarbone.
Hermione hands found their way under his shirt and the feel of her fingers pressing into his back sent a strong message to his groin. Without breaking their kiss, Severus guided them into the bedroom and as he kicked the closed the door, he grabbed hold of the hem of her top. Their lips only parted briefly as he pulled it up over Hermione's head before they resumed their now frantic, heated kisses.
She grabbed at the front of his shirt, still lip-locked and began undoing his buttons while Severus fiddled with the buttons on his cuffs. Moments later, his shirt joined her top in a heap on the floor, and Severus picked Hermione up and carried her to the bed. Gently laying her on her back, he stood in front of her and watched as she unfastened her jeans and took them off. She was now lying there, wearing nothing but her green bra and matching knickers...the knickers being particularly skimpy with, as he referred to them, easy access ties at the sides.
Sitting up she began to undo his trousers, letting them fall to the floor, Hermione brushed her fingers over his straining, boxer covered cock as she planted wet kisses over his abdomen. He growled as she pulled gently at the waistband of his shorts, causing him to become unbalanced enough to fall forward slowly, his weight pushing her down onto her back as he stepped out of his trousers pooled at his feet.
Hermione scooted back into the middle of the bed as Severus knelt at her feet, and she could almost feel his eyes burning into her skin as he looked over her, biting his lip.
"And there I was, thinking it was your birthday. You know it's just as well you weren't in Slytherin," he sighed as he gently placed her feet into his lap and began massaging them, watching the rise and fall of her breasts.
Hermione smirked. "Oh, and why's that?" she asked breathlessly before moaning at the pressure Severus' thumbs were exerting.
"You wear green far too well and I may have found it harder to resist you," Severus purred. His voice seemed to glide over her only to rest right between her thighs.
Hermione giggled and shifted her body as he let go of her one foot to concentrate on the other. But his purr became a growl as she ran her now free foot over his hard boxer clad length.
Severus' gaze snapped to her face, and he found her eyes burning into him as she bit her lip seductively. As Hermione released it, he felt himself grow even harder at the sight of her now red, plump lips.
He narrowed his eyes. "Turn over," he told her urgently.
"Do as you're told and turn over."
Hermione eyed Severus suspiciously before obliging him and turned over to lie on her stomach. She felt him crawling up the bed, hovering over her before straddling her thighs just below her backside. She then felt his hands rest on the swell of her buttocks for a moment before moving them slowly up her back, pausing when his fingers reached her bra. Suddenly she felt his weight on her and his breath at her ear. "Do you mind if I take your underwear off? It will get in the way, I'm afraid."
He felt her wriggle slightly as he licked the shell of her ear before moving back to undo her bra and the ties on her knickers. Hermione shifted her weight to help Severus remove them completely, and then suddenly felt something warm trickling down her spine. She tried to turn and see what he was doing, but he pushed her back down gently and told her not to move as he continued.
"What are you doing?" Hermione whimpered as she felt a warm liquid slide down the cleft of her bottom.
"This," he replied, his hands now spreading the oil over her back. Severus smirked as Hermione groaned when he began to massage her shoulders.
"I'd planned to do this anyway, and I think it's just as well because I can literally feel how uptight you are. Just try and relax, sweetheart," he whispered as he worked methodically on the knots in her shoulders. She could feel the warmth of the oil spreading over her skin and his fingers seemed to melt into her as they deftly rubbed out each knot of tension. Slowly Severus worked down her back, listening to and feeling Hermione's reactions to his touch. The further down he went, the more intensely she moaned, and as his hands moved over her buttocks, massaging them firmly, Hermione began to writhe against him again.
She gasped as Severus worked his way down to her legs, gently parting and kneeling between them. He slipped his arm under her hips to raise them slightly, placing a pillow beneath her abdomen to keep Hermione's hips raised. He returned to massaging her buttocks and she sighed as she felt him cup her mound, running his finger through her now slickened folds. Gently teasing her, he suddenly heard her breath quicken and become more erratic from his explorations.
Everything seemed new. Hermione was used to either one of them being on top, but the fact that he was behind her now added a new dimension and new sensations. And each new sensation elicited a stronger reaction from her. None more so than when Severus continued gentlystroking in between her folds but continued past her wet entrance and ran his finger carefully over her tightly puckered hole.
Hermione automatically pushed up against his finger as he spread the oil around, which had now seeped down from her back. She wondered if Severus would carrying on exploring there...and she actually wanted him to carry on. Hermione had no idea what to expect, but she realised she liked it and was a little disappointed when she felt his finger slide further down and slip inside her wet channel. But they'd talked about it earlier. She told him she wanted to feel him everywhere and although he agreed, he said she would thank him for taking it slowly.
"Oh fuck," she moaned as he slowly pumped into her. It was an act she relished ordinarily, but with his fingers entering her from behind for the first time, there came a more intense experience as he curled them and stroked languidly inside her. He could feel her walls greedily clamping against him, and he leant over her and whispered in her ear, "are you going to come for me?"
She whimpered as he continued to pump her steadily whilst gently stroking his thumb over her other hole. He applied a firm but gentle pressure over it, not wanting to penetrate. Hermione loved this new feeling and continued squirming against him. Severus marvelled at how receptive she was but knew that patience was in order, even if his cock was telling him to forget it and just plunge straight in. But he knew how counterproductive that would be so he returned her to the familiar.
And Hermione certainly had a familiar feeling. She felt the coiled spring tightening in her core, but it had built even quicker than usual and when he twisted his fingers round so his thumb could tease her sensitive nub, she came apart all over his hand, more violently than she ever had before. Severus steadied her as she screamed out his name whilst his hand and thighs glistened from her release. He was unable to keep from groaning as he felt her crash over the edge. He'd never had a witch come apart like this before, and felt the crackle of her magic as she writhed about against his fingers. Panting and incoherent, Hermione's knees soon gave way and she collapsed facedown onto the bed.
Hermione felt Severus' hands glide softly up her back, brushing her hair over to one side before lying on top her; his elbows taking some of his weight whilst he nuzzled and kissed her the nape of her neck.
"Do you want to try something else new?" he whispered; his incarcerated cock twitching against her backside.
"Yes," she said breathlessly.
"Stay there," he mumbled, kissing down her back and teasingly running his tongue down between her buttocks. But that was a delight they would fully enjoy for another day. Hermione's protest amused him as she demanded more, but it only served to make him even more desperate for her.
Hermione was bereft when she felt Severus move away from her, but she was unable to move even if she wanted to. Yet no sooner than Severus had moved off the bed, he returned almost immediately, this time closing her legs slightly and straddling her once again. Hermione was too sated to argue, and as he lowered himself against her she could feel he was completely naked. She mewled in anticipation as she felt how hard he was. She wanted him inside her, but he was obviously going to make her wait.
Severus took his time exploring and kissing her back, brushing his fingers up her sides, skimming her breasts. As he lay over her, supported on his elbows, she naturally arched up into him and twisting her head to the side so she could kiss him. Their lips met hungrily and as the kiss deepened, their tongues languidly stroked against each other for several minutes before Severus broke the kiss and told her to lie down.
Taking hold of his cock he rubbed it between her cheeks and smiled when Hermione gasped as he started stroking over both her entrances and down to her taut bundle of nerves. He loved feeling the slickness of her folds and teased her until she practically barked at him to fill her.
Positioning himself at her entrance, Severus gently and slowly worked his way into her dripping cunt. The position was quite restrictive and she hissed at the sensation of the unfamiliar angle. Realising her slight discomfort, he put his arm under her hips to pull her up slightly until his thrusts were smoother for her. Constantly brushing against her sweet spot, Severus rolled his hips forward, causing subtle but delicious changes in pressure. Each slow, deep thrust caused a litany of moans and whimpers from both of them as he almost tortured the pleasure from her. Hermione arched back into him and his mouth immediately found hers as his one hand moved across to massage her pert, soft breasts.
Hermione almost fell apart as Severus began to tell her how good she felt around him. Nipping her neck and earlobe, he reassuringly told her how much he loved her and how he never wanted to be with anyone else. She tried to respond but couldn't think to form the words. His voice, even though he was finding it hard to control himself, dripped over her and he felt Hermione tighten almost painfully around him, drawing them both closer to completion. She collapsed onto the bed, moaning out his name as Severus somehow managed to hold her on the edge before he pulled her hips up further, allowing him access to reach round and tease her swollen nub.
That was all it took; Hermione came apart around Severus, and as her walls pulsed violently it triggered the start of Severus' climax. With a few more deep thrusts, he spilled deeper inside her than he ever had before. Neither of them noticed the magic burst, nor the reappearance of their orbs for the first time since Wednesday.
Severus collapsed onto the bed, dripping with sweat and panting heavily as he pulled Hermione against him; the sweat on her back feeling cold against his chest. He raked his fingers through his hair to move the stray strands away from his face, then did the same for Hermione. He noticed that she was unusually quiet and chuckled lightly when he saw she had passed out. He mused that she was probably asleep as he was also on the verge himself, but even if she was asleep, his ego told him she'd passed out. Stealing a quick glance at the rest of the room, Severus sighed. It was obviously his turn to fix the mess their magic burst had created. He wondered if they should cast stasis charms on everything before they started making love from now on.
A couple of hours later, Hermione turned over and stretched like a cat, her neck and shoulders feeling wonderfully light after Severus' massage. The rest of her also felt incredibly light after her rather intense orgasm. She marvelled at how he knew just what she needed and was quite looking forward to delving into Adrian's apposite gift if that's how good a new position felt.
She looked over at Severus just as he turned onto his side to face her. He gently traced patterns on her stomach and asked "So what did everyone else get you for your birthday?"
"Well, I got a lovely scarf from Bill and Fleur...I didn't tell you he came along, did I?" she said in her I'm not gossiping, but...voice. Severus always found it quite endearing, especially when she denied she was interested in gossip. As a spy, gossips were a key source of information but now he just smiled as his I'm not interested in gossip witch spilled the beans.
"I thought they said neither would be attending," Severus asked nonchalantly.
"Well Bill seemed really down. He said Fleur was being pregnant."
Severus really didn't want to know what that meant. "I shall enquire no further."
"He says she's still worried they'll have a werewolf baby," Hermione said with an air of concern.
"It seems to be a general misconception that there will be an issue. Andromeda is concerned for Teddy and even Lucius asked all the usual is it safe questions when I told him they were expecting."
Severus noticed Hermione stiffen at the mention of Lucius' name. "'Mione, you're acting as if Lucius has suddenly grown three heads."
"He's shagging one of my best friends..."
"That has yet to be proven," Severus snapped but then guided the conversation away from Lucius before they had a row. "So what else did you get?"
Hermione thought for a moment. "Oh yeah, Nev got me a really great book called A Herbologist: A Potion Master's Best Friend."
"Technically an astute observation, but I can assure you Pomona has and never will be my best friend," Severus snarked.
"Shut up," Hermione groused playfully.
Severus just smirked as she said "Oh, and George and Angelina got me some more of my favourite body crème."
"I'm quite partial to that," Severus said as he ran his fingers over her hip bone.
"So that's why it's been disappearing so fast! It doesn't smell as good on you though," Hermione teased as she turned onto her side and poked him in the chest with her finger.
Severus grabbed her by the wrist and playfully bit her finger before telling her, "I can assure you, the only time it comes into contact with my skin is when you are lying naked in my arms. But you always smell delicious. In fact," he growled as he pulled her flush to him and nuzzled her neck, "I could eat you all up right now."
"Stop it or else I'll end up wanting to eat you all up," Hermione giggled.
Severus flipped onto his back and grinned as he gestured towards his cock "Be my guest."
"Hey! I don't want any guests touching that," Hermione fussed, biting her lip.
"Alright, be my...," he paused to consider the options but none seemed appropriate. "How about...I'm all yours. Better?"
"Yes, thank you."
"Merlin, just because Lucius sticks his cock somewhere he shouldn't, doesn't mean you can tar us all with the same brush," he groused before rolling over to capture her lips.
As Severus looked down at Hermione, she said cheekily, "You said that had yet to be proven."
"Cheeky minx," he snarked, but realised how much he enjoyed the way they bantered together. He'd never observed it before they became a couple. His parents certainly didn't do it. He rarely saw Lily's parents together. Lucius and Narcissa hardly spoke to each other and if they did, it was in some complex system of looks and cutting comments.
In fact, it was only when he observed Molly and Arthur that he realised what Hermione and he shared was quite normal, and he couldn't help wonder if her parents were the same. And it wasn't just how Molly and Arthur interacted with each other that fascinated him, but also how their children bantered with them. Draco was never allowed to speak to Lucius and Narcissa like that until perhaps recently. And within his snakes, their parents would have considered it the height of disrespect. And until Hermione, not that he ever expected to be a father, he would probably have thought the same.
He just hoped he would have the same kind of relationship with their children as Molly and Arthur did with theirs. He wanted to be a proper father. Although he mused becoming a father seemed like the easy bit. Being a dad, well, he seemed to surrounded by failed dads except for Arthur.
"What are you thinking?" Hermione asked, kissing his chest.
"Not a lot," Severus replied as he inadvertently placed his hand on her stomach. "What did my godson get you?" he asked absentmindedly and then smirked as he heard Hermione say in his head so Mister 'Not a lot' you just gave yourself away there!
And? was all she heard in response.
"Oh Merlin," she giggled, "What do you know about Indian fertility potions?"
"It's not an area I've spent any time studying," he chuckled, especially given what he was just thinking about.
"Well, you can study to your heart's content now," she said, trying to look serious.
Severus laughed, "Trust him...was that it?"
"A dozen bottles of champagne...I think it was quite expensive but I can't tell the difference."
"Hmmm we'l; have to work on that," Severus said, brushing a curl away from her cheek. "Dom Perignon 79 is about £350 in Muggle terms and an excellent vintage. In fact, I advised Draco's father..."
"It's alright, you can call him Lucius," Hermione giggled, pushing his arm lightly.
"Good to know," he smirked, giving her one of his trademark teaching sneers. "Well I advised Lucius to stock up on it in the early eighties. I wonder if he's aware Draco's probably wiped it out?"
Hermione thought it would serve Lucius right if Draco had and then said "Oh, and he basically put enough money behind the bar to pay for all the booze."
"And what did Adrian get you?"
"Well, it's kind of a present for both of us really and I suppose it's quite apt," Hermione told him, blushing profusely.
Severus arched both his eyebrows, knowing that Draco's present probably had some bearing on Adrian's choice. "Do tell."
"He got me a copy of the Kama Sutra," she blurted out before burying her face in his chest.
She felt the vibration of Severus chuckling. "How thoughtful," he said, continuing to laugh. "My parents, according to grandmother, were given a copy as a wedding present. And in my third year, because I had developed a reputation as a Dark Arts master, a brilliant potioneer, and a purveyor of Muggle porn, I decided to relieve my parents of their pristine, untouched copy and brought it back here. I think Avery had it last..."
"And what did you learn?" Hermione purred as she ran a finger down his chest.
Severus shrugged. "Nothing, I didn't really look through it. Although there was one position I remember Knott looking at and we were trying to work out if you had to levitate the woman to make it possible...or at least a lot easier."
"Well if you remember what it was, no magic allowed, mister," she teased before leaning up and pecking him on the lips.
"I think we create enough magic of our own," Severus said before cringing slightly inside.
Hermione laughed. "Did you just say that out loud?"
"No, you're hearing things," he retorted.
"That's alright then, because you know, I was worried about you there for a moment," she said, putting her arm across Severus and kissing the top of his arm.
"How touching," he snarked, pulling Hermione against him.
"And Luna gave me a worry box," Hermione continued, trying to not giggle and look serious.
"A what?"
"It's a box that you open up when you're worried about something, and you tell the box your worry and then close the lid. It's quite pretty," she said, smiling as she saw the look on his face.
"Psychologically a sound gift. Is she all there?" he asked incredulously and chuckled as Hermione burst into a fit of giggles. Severus was quite relieved to hear she was back to her old self.
"The trouble is," Hermione went on as she tried to compose herself, "Luna is frighteningly all there. She told Draco that she didn't know if he'd be a student this year and it would be up to him when you ask him."
"She what?"
"And she told Harry and I that you will need his services on Monday because the Founders want to talk."
"Oh generous of you," he said to the room in general. "I presume Salazar is refusing to speak English."
"I don't know but Harry can't speak Parseltongue anymore but he thinks he might be able to understand it" Hermione informed him.
"Thank the gods for small mercies," Severus huffed. "I've rather gone off snakes..."
Hermione smiled as Severus shuddered.
"She also knew we'd made another pre-engagement declaration, because seemingly she could see your heart in mine and it is surprisingly bright."
"Did she expect it to be black?" he dryly asked.
Hermione laughed and pulled him in for a kiss, "No, Mr Paranoid." Severus just narrowed his eyes at Hermione, but even that couldn't hide the sparkle.
Severus returned her kiss and brushing his lips against her throat he muttered, "And did you speak to Mr Potter about your apprenticeship sponsorship?" He deliberately didn't ask about the gift Ginny and Harry had given her.
"Oh gods," she exclaimed, sitting upright much to Severus frustration. "I haven't opened my journal yet," Hermione continued as she jumped out of bed.
Severus rolled onto his back, putting his hand behind his head while praying that he would never take seeing Hermione prancing around the room naked for granted. She slid back into bed and began to unwrap her journal. She looked at the front cover and traced her finger over the initials absentmindely.
"Bloody hell," she blurted out.
"What?" Severus asked, sitting up.
"What do you see?" she queried, showing him the cover.
"HJG," he stated simply.
Hermione then ran her finger over the G and it became an S and then went back to a G again.
"A little presumptuous," Severus drawled, although secretly he was quite pleased.
Hermione glared at him. "What do you mean...presumptuous?"
"You might want to keep your maiden name...professionally of course," he said simply.
Hermione smiled and shook her head. Severus' eyes gave away how pleased he was that she felt that way.
She opened up the journal and on the front page, in what Severus recognised as Harry's scrawl, saw that he had written her a note.
Dear Hermione,
I cannot even begin to thank you for all you have done for me since we first met and became friends.
You have been my constant friend, my fiercest defender, my conscience, and without you and your know-it-all ways, I would more than likely be haunting you by now.
Sponsoring your apprenticeship is in no way enough to thank you or to tell you how much you mean to me, but it is a start. I believe, Professor Granger, it is a practical solution that you would approve of rather than a lifetime's supply of chocolate. I think Severus may have that covered for you!
I wish you well, but as the very best friend I could have asked for is to be taught by the very best there is, I know you will be nothing short of brilliant.
All my love,
Severus looked at Hermione as they both finished reading Harry's words and felt the surge of emotion from her even before it showed on her face. She put the journal down on the bedside table and suddenly broke down, crying uncontrollably. He held her, rocking her, trying desperately to calm her but to no avail. Severus managed to get Hermione to look into his eyes so they could establish their connection, but it was much harder through her tears. He managed it though and walked hurriedly into the main part of her mind.
He found her curled up on an armchair and for the first time, he noticed books were strewn across the floor or randomly placed on shelves rather than the neat and orderly state which her mind was usually in.
You don't need to say anything, sweetheart, I understand why you are upset. I can see how much you mean to Harry and I know how much he means to you. You've been put in an invidious position and I will establish the facts before you see Harry again. As soon as you're asleep I'll go to see Lucius. I promise to be back before you wake up.
"Don't hurt him, Sev," she said quietly.
"I won't. Any messages?"
"Tell him I'm really disappointed in him."
Severus nodded and whispered "Go to sleep, love," as he helped her lie down and gently stroked her hair. "Do you want a Calming or Sleeping Draught?"
"No," Hermione mumbled.
Severus kissed her cheek gently. Rising from the bed to get dressed, he said "I'll put a vial of each out for you just in case." By the time he was fully clothed and ready to go, the vial of Sleeping Draught was empty.
He whispered his goodbye next to her ear and smiled as she snuffled in her sleep. And then his impassive mask descended and he strode out of the bedroom and Apparated to just outside Malfoy Manor.
"I expected you hours ago," the almost unrecognisable voice of Lucius muttered as Severus strode into his drawing room. The smooth Malfoy arrogance was gone and replaced by the man Severus had only seen upon his release from Azkaban.
"I had to calm Hermione first," Severus drawled as he came to stand in front of the fire.
"How is she?"
Severus looked at him and sneered. "She told me to tell you she is disappointed in you. You have put her in a position of great inner conflict, so how do you expect her to feel?"
"So she did overhear us?"
Lucius could feel Severus' black eyes boring into him. "She believes she overheard you telling Miss Weasley that your relationship was at an end. Is that the case?"
"It isn't quite how it seems," Lucius choked out.
"Do continue," Severus said imperiously as Lucius looked for a glimmer of the friend he had been joking with only hours before. He didn't really expect to find him and wasn't disappointed.
"To say it was a relationship is...well it''s," Lucius couldn't find the words. His mind was muddled from his earlier alcohol intake, taking a sober up potion and then drinking some more.
Severus huffed. "Just start at the beginning, man."
"Get yourself a drink and sit down. You're making me nauseous hovering like that," Lucius croaked as he took another sip of his brandy.
Severus poured himself a large glass and topped off Lucius' before sitting opposite him, watching his friend closely.
Lucius coughed and sat forward, cradling his glass in both hands. He stared at the floor and in a huskier, cracked version of his usually smooth voice began to explain.
"As you are aware, after my release from Azkaban I decided to make amends, as best I could, to those affected by my many lapses in judgement. But Ginerva was at the top of my list. Draco had told me how it affected her and I suspected he only knew half the story."
"I would probably say less than five percent but carry on," Severus drawled menacingly.
"I owled her and requested a discreet meeting at this Muggle cafe just outside Diagon Alley. Draco told me he went there with Hermione quite regularly and they'd never seen another witch or wizard there, so I felt it was quite safe.
"I didn't expect a reply and certainly not a favourable one, but she was gracious enough to grant me both. We talked. We just sat and talked and even though she was metaphorically ripping my bollocks off, she was funny and engaging and yet for all her strength, she was sad. She told me about her brother and the burden of being the Chosen One's girlfriend. She was sixteen. She shouldn't have felt like that.
"There I was, bemoaning my family's disgrace but those dearest to me were still alive. But my poor judgement had led to her being put through unimaginable horrors and indirectly caused the loss and injury of her loved ones. All I saw before me was a loss of innocence. And it was apparent that she was as adept at wearing masks as you or I.
"She told me how she felt abandoned throughout last year. She was less than favourable about you and couldn't reconcile what Potter was telling her with her experience. She certainly didn't understand Hermione's attitude towards you. At that time, despite what I had done to her, she saw me as the lesser of two evils compared to you. But I told her to read your trial transcript and well, she seems more than comfortable in your presence now."
"Stop stalling Lucius," Severus snarked.
"Apologies," Lucius said humbly. "She felt abandoned by Potter. All she wanted throughout last year was a word from him, to be comforted and it was all she wanted when he returned to her. She told me Harry was affectionate when he wasn't being lauded as the all-conquering hero. But he seemed to think a kiss and a quick tumble were enough for her. Her family was in understandable turmoil and all she wanted just be held.
"Somehow I found myself obliging. And then we talked about Narcissa and how empty I felt. She was the only person to whom I admitted that I was scared, for right then and for the future. And the next thing I knew she had wrapped her arms around me. It was comforting and I realised that probably the last time person to just put their arms around me like that was Draco when he was around six or seven before we schooled in his superior ways."
Lucius drained his brandy and wiped a tear away as he stared into the now empty glass. He waited for Severus to say something, but he sat there, impassive as ever.
"We talked all afternoon and it was nearing closing time, so politely I enquired if she had any plans for the evening. She told me Harry was away with Ron and Hermione celebrating her brother's new contract with Wimbourne and they'd celebrated as a family the day before. I knew she met with Draco and Hermione a few times at the Manor so when she suggested we go back there to continue talking, I found myself agreeing."
"You were either a naïve prick or a calculating bastard. What did she tell her parents?" Severus snorted, sounding vaguely amused.
Lucius sighed deeply and with a wry smile said, "I was at such a low ebb, Severus, that I'm ashamed to say I was a naïve prick. She told her parents she'd met Malfoy in Diagon Alley and been invited back for dinner. She just didn't clarify which Malfoy."
Severus huffed. Although he'd dealt with enough teenage girls in his time, he was slightly surprised by Ginny's deviousness in this respect. He knew full well she could be subversive...she'd given him more than a few headaches last year...but he never thought her capable of this. "So you were seduced then?" he asked sardonically.
"I didn't intend to sleep with her," Lucius said, hanging his head. "I genuinely did just want to carry on our conversation. It was cathartic but there we were sat on the sofa in the library..."
"Where was Draco?" Severus interrupted.
"When we arrived back here I was informed he'd gone out by one of the house-elves," Lucius said, draining his glass.
"How fortunate," Severus muttered as he knocked back his drink and flicking his wrist, refilled his and Lucius' glass.
"Think what you like. I did not plan this," Lucius snapped. "But there I was, talking with an attractive young witch and suddenly she's kissing me. I tried to discourage her..."
"You obviously didn't try hard enough," Severus sniped.
"Alright, so you have a sixteen-year-old redhead writhing in your lap and you try to resist," Lucius bit back at him.
Severus said nothing, which worried Lucius until he realised that his redhead comment could have been misconstrued.
"Oh shit...I didn't...I wasn't...oh fuck...I didn't think sorry, Sev."
Severus looked at him with distain. "And therein lies your don't think. It matters not whether she was a redhead, blonde or brunette but it matters that she was sixteen and vulnerable," he hissed.
"You fucking hypocrite," Lucius sneered at him.
"Don't you dare try and accuse me of something you know to be untrue. Feelings or no feelings I did not touch Hermione until she was turning nineteen and that's ignoring all the time turner shit."
Lucius desperately raked his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry Severus."
"Just get on with it," Severus muttered with an exasperated sigh.
"You know how these things minute you're kissing on the sofa and the next you're in bed. She was a lovely distraction but I woke up the next morning and immediately requested a meeting so that I could explain that I really enjoyed her company but sleeping with her was a mistake and it couldn't happen again.
"Naturally she was disappointed but I made her see the reality of the situation and told her that if ever she wanted to talk then I was more than agreeable to receiving her owl. I got one two days later and we arranged to meet for coffee and we just talked. It became a regular event and in the last few weeks there had been a few goodbye kisses. But every time I reminded her nothing could happen and yet I confess I'd considered giving in.
"However, I didn't inform her I was going away and on Friday morning, on my way to see Hermione, I ran into her in Diagon Alley and I was reprimanded for not telling her I was going away, where I was, or who I was with, and then she proceeded to tell me that she missed me in every respect.
"I tried to laugh it off but she was insistent, and I stupidly agreed to...entertain her next week. But then after seeing you and Hermione together; seeing the way you two are with each other, I thought about..." Lucius paused as he fought to hold back his soulmate's name. "Well, I realised that a casual encounter, especially as I felt perhaps Ginny wouldn't see it as such, was wrong. So I decided to break contact with the hope she would move on. And that was what Hermione must have overheard."
Severus considered his friend's demeanour carefully. "Lucius, look at me," and as he turned his head a pair of pale sapphire blue eyes looked back at him. He was telling the truth. Lucius' eyes were only ever blue when he was telling the truth. "Do you have a message for Hermione?"
"What, that's it? No dark wrath? No mind fucking?" Lucius exclaimed incredulously but Severus didn't answer and realising he wasn't going to get a response, he sighed and said "Just tell her I'd like to see her later."
Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Come over about four o'clock. I'll try and smooth things over for you with her, but I will advise Ginny to tell Harry because I can't have Hermione torn like this. When it comes down to it my priority is her and if you end up with the whole Weasley clan on your arse, you're on your own."
"Don't worry, I'm already prepared for that to happen," Lucius muttered.
"Get some sleep, Lucius, you look like shit," Severus smirked as he drained his glass and vanished it before standing to leave.
"Thank you," Lucius whispered.
Severus snorted in amusement.
"I didn't mean for that. I don't need to be reminded that I look like shit. No, I meant for listening and not hexing my bits off," Lucius chuckled dryly.
"You have Hermione to thank for that," Severus said as he strode towards the door.
Severus walked back into their chambers and flopped down onto the sofa, his mind racing following his visit to see Lucius. He sighed deeply and turned his head as he heard a thump and then the handle moving on their bedroom door. The door opened slightly but no one came out, so he called for Hermione but was greeted instead by a face full of cat as Leo jumped up onto the back of the sofa and looked at him.
"Shouldn't you be looking after Hermione?" Severus asked her familiar, but all he got in response was a lick on the nose before Leo jumped down and sauntered off.
Severus chuckled deeply and having reconciled his thoughts, he was about to get up and go to bed when he heard a forced whisper "Alright Leo what do you want? Didn't Sev feed you or something?" and suddenly Leo was up again on the back of the sofa and a very red eyed Ginny was stood in the doorway.
Ginny swallowed hard. "Sorry, Severus. I didn't know you were up. Has Hermione gone to bed?"
"It's four o'clock in the morning Ginny, I would hope so. But I think we need to talk. Sit down," Severus calmly commanded.
Ginny sat down, looking slightly confused, in one of the arm chairs and curled up to keep herself warm. Severus noticed this and instantly caused the fire to flare up, providing instant heat. Ginny smiled in appreciation.
"You look like you've been crying," Severus stated nonchalantly.
"I'm alright," Ginny replied, avoiding Severus' gaze.
He sighed and told her "I've just returned from Malfoy Manor. Lucius explained but I would like to hear it from you as well."
'How did...?"
"Well, herein lies your problem... Hermione overheard you,' Severus told her matter-of-factly.
"Oh Merlin, no," Ginny whimpered as tears began to flow down her cheeks. Severus sighed heavily, transfigured a piece of parchment into a handkerchief and handed it to her. Ginny accepted it gratefully, wiping her eyes before sniffing and asking tentatively, "Will 'Mione tell Harry?"
Severus stood up and summoned a glass before filling it with water. "Here," he said handing it to her. Years of being Head of House were not wasted. "I will endeavour to ensure that she doesn't. However, I will do so on one condition."
"W-what's that?" Ginny croaked.
"You tell Harry yourself before you leave here. Take all the time you need but you will tell him."
Severus looked down at her as the tears flowed more freely. He put his hand on her shoulder and asked quietly, "Did Lucius force himself on you?"
Ginny shook her head and with a mirthless laugh said, "If anything, it was the other way round. He was upset, I was upset and I kissed him. He tried to warn me off but I kept pushing him until he gave in. And then he told me it would never happen again, but I like talking to him and I've kissed him a couple more times since but he always pulled back. But I was so worried about him when he went away without saying anything...stupid really, because I doubt he thought about me. And then I practically bullied him into seeing me next week and I suppose I pushed him too far. He won't even meet for coffee anymore."
Severus was somewhat relieved that their stories concurred. He sat down on the end of the sofa nearest to her and said sheepishly, "I'm not a relationship expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I suspect there are more issues with you and Mr Potter than you simply sleeping with Lucius Malfoy. I believe rather than telling him outright, a slow build up of your other concerns would be prudent."
"Do you think I should tell him it was Lucius?" Ginny asked plaintively.
"Yes, because then Hermione won't have to face answering that awkward question when Harry asks her what she knows," Severus told her emphatically before asking, "Do you want to marry him?"
Ginny nodded but then added, "But I want to marry Harry, not Harry Potter. Does that make sense?"
Severus gave her a wry smile. "Perfectly. Now go back to bed," and with that he summoned a number of potion vials. "Headache potions, hangover potions, Calming Draught," he stated when he saw her puzzled expression.
Ginny accepted them and whispered, "thank you," as she got up and walked back to bed. Severus shook his head and sighed before he walked stealthily into his and Hermione's bedroom so as not to disturb his witch. A small smile graced his lips as he saw her curled up on his side of the bed. He undressed, slipped into bed on her side and pulled her into him. He was almost asleep when he heard her mumble, "I missed you."
He kissed the nape of her neck and whispered "I missed you too."
Severus woke the next morning to find Hermione sat up in bed, knees up to her chin, chewing her bottom lip intently. Without looking at him she told him she'd put a hangover and headache potion out for him and asked if he wanted any coffee. She took his grunt to mean yes.
Once his head came back into the real world he sat up and put his arm around her, saying nothing as he knew she was thinking. Suddenly she asked, "Did Lucius explain why he shagged her?"
"Yes," Severus sighed, "but it's not how it seems. I believe it would be more appropriate to ask why they slept together. If anything, and this came from both of them...I've spoken to Ginerva as well...she instigated the act and since then, apart from the odd kiss. there has been no repetition."
"That makes it worse," Hermione said thoughtfully.
"How so?" Severus asked as he planted a kiss on the top of her head.
"Well because I could almost accept it if Lucius turned on the charm and seduced her...I nearly fell for it and Ginny is...well let's just say she's always been quite receptive to and seeking of male attention. I mean I could slap her the way she drools over you sometimes. But if she went after him...well Lucius would just be Lucius and let her and...she deliberately cheated on Harry. Oh gods this is..."
"Still not quite how it seems," Severus interrupted her before she turned into mess of worry again. "Perhaps I should tell you everything"
Once Hermione had heard everything Hermione turned to him and said, "Do you think she will tell Harry?"
"She has to. I've told her she has to. They won't last more than a few weeks if they don't address the real issues behind her seeking comfort. Harry needs to be made aware of certain shortcomings," Severus said reflectively. "Even I know that and I'm..."
"Don't say you're shit at relationships..." Hermione chided and smiled as Severus smirked at her.
"Just for you I won't but when I asked her if she still wanted to marry him she said she did but she wanted to marry Harry and not Harry Potter," Severus said as Hermione moved to straddle him.
She entwined her fingers with his. "That's quite serious isn't it? Would you forgive me if I ever cheated on you even if there were valid reasons?" she asked him seriously.
"As much as I would like to say yes, I honestly don't know if I could. I would hope we could sort any problems out before it came to that. I know that's an idealised view but loyalty and fidelity are incredibly important to me so I hope it's a debate I'd never have to have," he told her stroking her hands with his thumbs.
"So do I," she said kissing him softly and then in a low, slightly threatening tone she said, "besides if you ever cheated on me, I would hex your bollocks off and owl them to the bitch."
"Apart from the fact loving you more than life itself would negate any inclination to cheat on you, you've just put forward a very strong reason to ensure my fidelity," Severus chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss into her as he held her.
"Will you talk to Harry?" Hermione asked pensively as she nuzzled his neck.
Severus sighed heavily. "Please don't ask me to do something akin to fatherly."
"Well you are..."
"You're sounding like that interfering old bastard..." Severus warned.
"Maybe but that interfering old bastard wouldn't do this...," she said as she slid down his body taking his boxers with her.
Severus' breath hitched as she took him in hand and gave him a deliciously wicked grin. "I fucking well hope he wouldn't," he grunted before all reality was lost in her hot, wet mouth.
It was mid morning when Severus walked into the living room to find a note from Harry to say that he and Ginny had give each other time to think. He called to Hermione to let her know and they spent several minutes trying to decide when was the best time to contact the pair. Hermione knew Ginny wouldn't say anything to her parents yet but if she wanted to talk at least she had someone to talk to whereas Harry didn't have anyone. So it was that an hour later, after much debate, Severus found himself Flooing to Grimmauld Place to check on Harry with specific orders t to make sure Harry ate something.
"Have you eaten anything," Severus asked Harry, as he sat down in the kitchen. Harry said he wasn't hungry but was grateful that Severus ignored him and made him an omelette, with a side of hangover potion and tea.
"Is it alright if I move my things into my rooms at Hogwarts tonight, Severus?"
Nodding his acknowledgement, Severus looked at Harry with concern. "What did Ginerva say?"
"Oh just that I'm a useless boyfriend who doesn't take her anywhere, is too wrapped up being Harry Potter and not just Harry and that she threw herself at Lucius."
"I'll warn you now I'm shit at this relationship advice but have you actually been out on a date...just the two of you?" Severus asked.
Harry shook his head. "Whenever we've gone out it's been with friends. Have you and Hermione?"
"Well it won't hurt to take her out to dinner. At least you can discuss your issues in a neutral location," Severus smirked before adding, "And yes we've managed to squeeze in a date. I take it you still want to be with Ginny?"
"Of course I do," Harry huffed, "and she still wants to be with me but we've got so much to sort out. You know I should be angry with Lucius but I'm just angry at myself. I take everyone for granted including Ginny and 'Mione. I'm not surprised she slept with him if I made her feel that bad."
"I think you're being too harsh on yourself," Severus stated calmly.
Harry shook his head. "Maybe you're right, Severus; I'm as arrogant as my dad."
"Harry, that was completely different." Severus pinched the bridge of his nose. He shuddered as he remembered Harry's Occlumency lessons. "You wouldn't believe the shit that was going on when I tried to teach you Occlumency. I wasn't patient...I didn't have time to be patient and we were both too angry. I apologise for that. You've grown up a lot since then.
"Now have dinner with us tonight. We can discuss all this then," Severus told him.
Harry looked at Severus with amazement. "Are you sure?"
Severus nodded. "Seven o'clock then?"
Harry nodded with a watery smile and Severus left him to it.
As he arrived back into their rooms he found Hermione curled up on the sofa reading with Leo in her lap. He slumped down next to her.
"So how was doing the fatherly thing?" she asked him wryly.
"He blames himself for this. He's coming over for dinner tonight," Severus informed her.
Hermione smirked. "Trust Harry to think it's all his fault. I really appreciate you being nice to him. He will appreciate it as well."
"We just have to make sure Lucy's gone in time," Severus said as he stood up, kissed Hermione on the top of the head and told her he was going up to the office to do some work for a couple of hours. He needed to do something normal and it must be bad if he was being drawn towards a pile of paperwork.
Hermione sighed as she picked up her book and snuggled up with Leo again as Severus left. She read for about an hour but her mind kept wandering to Harry and Ginny's situation. She scratched their cat behind the ears and whispered, "I'm a lucky bitch aren't I?".
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