Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Shiloe sighed happily, pulling on his clothes quickly and grabbing Ducen and his bag. He kissed Sirius quickly, then flashed him a saucy smirk. “Have to get to breakfast, Love. See you later!” He called.
Sirius grumbled a sleepy response.For some reason, Shiloe had woken up in an unusually good mood. Especially for a Monday.‘Probably has something to do with that speed training yesterday. I’ll have to thank Lo later.’ Shiloe decided on his way to the Great Hall.Ron and Hermione looked a bit surprised that he had made it to breakfast not only on time, but WILLINGLY.Ron recovered first and slapped Shiloe on the back, making him groan good-naturedly.“MUST you do that ALL THE TIME? I’m going to have bruises, for Merlin’s sake!”Hermione giggled. “Well, we’re just happy to see you here.” She said pointedly, on the verge of being reproachful.Shiloe pinned her with a teasing stare. “You know, you’d be a lot cuter if you lost the attitude. What do you say, give it a try? For today?”Hermione flushed and huffed. “You need someone to keep you in line.” She said primly.Shiloe turned to Ron and shrugged, seeming to say, ‘Well, I tried,’ through the gesture.“Mate, there’s no reasoning with her. Don’t even try.”“Ronald Weasley!”Ron paled at the sound of his full name coming from Hermione’s lips.“Shite.” He whispered.Shiloe sat back and got comfortable to watch the show.Honestly, Ron needed to learn that silence was sometimes the best option.*****Shiloe sat in History of Magic reading his book and taking careful notes while Binns droned on in the background. Suddenly, something was poking him in the back.He turned to see Neville holding a note. He took it quickly, opening it on his lap, where the sleeping Ron would hide it from Hermione’s view.S, I need to talk to you. Can we meet in your room for lunch? BZShiloe’s eyes scanned the room, finding the dark-skinned Italian easily. He locked eyes with him and subtly nodded, then turned back to his notes, slipping the letter in his pocket.‘Binns is such a shite teacher.’ Shiloe complained inwardly, continuing to read and take notes from the book.*****Shiloe set his bag down next to the chair and sat, eyeing the steak Blaise was cutting carefully. “Feeling carnivorous today?” He teased.Blaise sighed, taking a bite of the steak, then looking at Shiloe. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. The full moon is in a week. Next Monday.” He said solemnly.“All right. So what does that mean for me, exactly?” Shiloe asked, folding his hands on the table in front of him as Blaise took another bite.“I’m probably going to need you with me, but that could pose a problem-“Shiloe shook his head. “It won’t be a problem. This weekend I finish the Animagus Reveale potion and attempt the transformation for the first time.” He said proudly.Blaise paused in his eating, putting his fork down and frowning at Shiloe. “Do you have the power at your disposal to do that? At your age?”“I have access to Harry’s latent power levels, yes. That power is available solely to me until he reaches seventeen years of age.”Blaise’s eyes widened. “Really? What’s it like to have that kind of power at our age?” He asked in a near-whisper.Shiloe chuckled. “Hm, I wouldn’t know. I’m actually two years older than Harry. This body doesn’t reflect it, but it is the truth.” He revealed, folding his arms over his chest. “I’m old enough to use my power responsibly, for the most part.”Blaise pouted. “That’s so not fair! Why do you have that kind of power if you don’t plan to use it?”“Why give that kind of power to someone who would ABUSE it?” Shiloe countered with a smirk.Blaise sighed. “Well, I suppose you have a point, there.”Shiloe chuckled. “So, I’ll keep you company. What do you think will happen?” He asked curiously.“Well, obviously, he’ll probably want to chat. Shiloe are one of the few creatures that can understand them, and I’ve never met any of the others. I get Wolfsbane, from Professor Snape, of course.” He added hurriedly.Shiloe smiled. “Even if you didn’t, I don’t FEAR you. I’m yours, and you are mine. You can’t hurt me.” He said easily.Blaise smiled shyly, and suddenly became very intent on cutting his steak perfectly. “Well, anyway, if your form permits it, he may… Well… You’re HIS mate, too, so…”“I’m perfectly alright with that.” Shiloe interrupted.Blaise looked up in surprise. “Alright with—What?!”“If your wolf wants to have sex. I may have a form that allows it, and if so, I’m fine with the idea.” Shiloe clarified.Blaise flushed and nodded, staring at his plate again. “Okay. Um… That’s good, then.” He decided.Shiloe smiled. “Don’t be so nervous. I know what you are, it’s not going to shock or repulse me when you transform, and I’m not going to leave you when I see your ‘hideous dark secret.’” He rolled his eyes mockingly. “It’s a Werewolf. A creature, much like MYSELF. Big deal. Any other deep, dark secrets you have? Do you wear girl’s underclothes? If you do, we may need to discuss things. I’d want a picture, of course, but if I wanted a girl, one of my anchors would have tits.” He said seriously.Blaise stared at him silently for a moment, then burst into laughter.Shiloe smirked as Blaise continued to laugh for two full minutes, smugly congratulating himself the entire time. At least his anchor was no longer worried. Mission accomplished.“If you EVER see me in girl’s clothing, I want you to take me to St. Mungo’s IMMEDIATELY.” Blaise said once he could speak again.Shiloe pouted. “Can I at LEAST stop by the bedroom first? Just for a picture and a quickie?” He asked hopefully.“NO!” Blaise shouted, chuckling again. “Pictures can be stolen. No, no, no.”“Prat. Anyway, finish your lunch. I’m going to stay here and chat with Helga-““No.” Both Blaise and Shiloe looked over to where Lo stood, surprised.Shiloe frowned. “Do I need to make an appointment?” He asked sarcastically.“Be silent, Little One.” She told him sharply, before turning to Blaise. “I am Shiloe. You may call me Lo, since there are two Shiloe here.” She added. “If I still produced a scent, you would smell the difference this close to the full moon, and I am not one to use an unfair advantage. He is my descendant, therefore, he is Pack.” Lo said, indicating Shiloe. Then, she smiled, and added, “You are of HIS Pack, so, by extension, you are part of my Pack as well. You will all find out, in time, of my existence.” She turned to Shiloe. “Now, Little One, what did you want?”Shiloe sighed, standing and walking to the couch to let Blaise eat in peace. “For one, could you not call me that? And also, thanks for the workout. I’m actually happy and my shields are holding well today.”Lo smiled proudly. “I’m glad to hear that.” She said, then added, “Little One.”“Well, then, I suppose that’s my answer.” Shiloe rolled his eyes.Lo giggled. “I will be dormant again in three days, and I’m not sure when my next active period will be, so in the meantime, you will continue to have Rowena teach you what she thinks you need to learn, and I will teach you skills Shiloe can use whenever we are both active at the same time.” She told him.Shiloe nodded. “Alright. What else is Rowena going to teach me?”Lo smiled secretively. “Did you know you can become immune to Veritaserum?” She whispered.Shiloe’s breathing stopped and his eyes grew comically wide. “Holy fuck. And you know how?” He asked eagerly.“We all were, in life. No one else ever knew, of course. That kind of power, in the wrong hands, could be disastrous.” She pinned him with an intent stare. “None of your anchors will be given the same protection, mind. You are the only one. You and Harry will be able to resist it, but you will look and sound like it is affecting you normally.”Shiloe nodded. “Bloody amazing.” He breathed.“It is painful.” Lo told him warningly. “The process you will need to undergo to gain the immunity. And dangerous. You will probably be in near-seclusion here for about a week while we help you through the transition.”Shiloe raised an eyebrow. “NEAR-seclusion meaning, what, exactly?”Lo smiled. “One anchor will be near to assist us in caring for you, and will take an Unbreakable Vow of silence about everything that happens in that time.” She finished.“And I have to decide who.” Shiloe finished.Lo inclined her head once in a nod.Shiloe sighed. “Well, shite, that’s not going to be hard at all.” He said sarcastically. “All I have to do is decide who can watch me in pain and mortal peril and be trusted to not have a heart attack over it.” He chuckled. “I’d say Severus, but I don’t know if he’ll be speaking to me by the time we do this.”Lo smiled. “It is your choice, and not one we are willing or able to make for you. I’m sorry.” She said simply.“Shi, we have to get to class in ten minutes.” Blaise said, standing. “We should get going.”Shiloe stood and nodded to Lo. “Well, thanks for the info. I’ll keep that in mind and decide.”He led Blaise to the door that had appeared so that they could split up and kissed him. “I’ll see you and Draco later?” He checked.“Yeah. Oh, and Draco wanted to talk to you tonight. He said something’s been on his mind.” Blaise said. “Wouldn’t say what, though.”Shiloe nodded. “Alright. See you later, then.”Blaise left and Shiloe headed out the main door, heading to find Ron before Divination.*****Shiloe groaned and rolled his neck, having spent the last twenty minutes resolutely NOT paying attention. “I think I’m dropping Divination.” He decided a little louder than he had intended to, causing several heads to turn his way and Trelawney to scowl at him.She drew herself up to her full, less-than-imposing height. “Young man, Divination is a fine art-““That I apparently have no talent for.” Shiloe finished loudly, cutting her off. “Or haven’t you noticed?” He finished in a calm but cool tone.Trelawney sighed. “Indeed, I have seen in your aura that you do not possess the Sight.”Shiloe nodded. “That being the case, I should take another class that I can actually be useful in, should I not?”“I suppose… That WOULD be best.” Trelawney admitted. “In that case, I would suggest Ancient Runes. It can be learned without the Sight, and is very useful in assisting spells and rituals. It can even be used to craft Talismans.” She told him.Shiloe smiled. “Thank you. I will stay here for the rest of the class, and I will talk to Dumbledore when I get the chance.” He said.“Very well. May I read your birth chart for the class before you leave us?”Shiloe reluctantly handed it over, preparing to hear the gruesome details of his last dire predictions.
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