Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
I have no idea what warning I should give for this chapter. It maybe a bit odd for you and some of you will hate how much Hermione will be punished. That is the one and only really hard punishment for Hermione. The story will go on more lightly from then on. Not so much drama like in the last chapters. So hold on.
unneeded: Yes, you can use my world.. :)
Characters: Hermione, Darius, Fenrir, Ages, Severus, Miller....
Pairings: None
Warnings: drama, hard spanking
Chapter 29 – Calming the Pup
Severus, meanwhile, had pulled a stool with wheels closer and positioned himself near Hermione's feet. His face still sported a frown when he looked in her direction. “Go over and take her hand, Fenrir,” he barked, slightly calmer now.
Ages stepped aside to give Fenrir room and went over to Severus, observing as the head beta lifted the blanket.
“I will clean the wounds now,” Severus announced as he prepared to work on Hermione’s injured feet.
The healing procedure had been agony. Ages, Miller and Fenrir had had to hold her down while Severus cleaned her wounds with the pain killer-spiked water. It was a good thing they hadn’t let Hermione see how much her feet were damaged, otherwise not even the calming draught Miller had given her would have stopped her from panicking and fainting. Her right sole was cut up almost completely. Only the fact that her feet had been half frozen hadn't let her realize the extent of the damage. It would take her much longer to heal this time.
Even though the pain during the cleaning and stitching was hell, it was nothing compared with the agony of waiting for her punishment. She was sitting on a couch in the lounge, alone like an outcast, while more and more people poured into the lounge. Her feet were wrapped in thick bandages and they itched a lot. Hermione knew that this was nothing compared to what would come as soon as Ages stepped into the room.
After what seemed like hours, Ages came into the lounge and all the chattering died down. “Come over here, pup,” he said in a dead serious voice.
Afraid, she stood up. She was allowed to walk a few steps on her own, so she limped over to her head alpha.
When she was close to him, she was already sobbing and repeating how sorry she was. She could feel the disappointment of Ages and her other mates who stood close by.
“With what you did yesterday you had already been in a lot of trouble, but after your stupid and dangerous stunt today you are in a much more serious situation. I wish you wouldn't have forced me to punish you as hard as I have to do now.”
More sobs escaped Hermione. She felt the watchful eyes of the Eldest behind her; they were all there, as was the whole clan except for the guards on duty.
Ages pulled her over his lap and removed her shorts and knickers completely. She didn't care about being exposed. The burning in her chest caused by the disappointment of her mates was too prominent and the fear of what would come now as well.
“First you are being punished for your dangerous and insolent behavior yesterday. What have you done wrong?”
Oh no! How could she speak in the state she already was in? With great effort, Hermione was able to press some words out. “I... I in… interfered in a fight between you and the head beta.”
“Do you have any idea what could have happened? You are a weak sub. We could have harmed you severely or even kill you with one hit. We love you and want you to be safe. Exposing yourself to danger like this is unacceptable, pup. You will be punished with fifteen smacks.”
Fifteen? How would she survive this? When the first smack hit her, she screamed. Just moments ago he had told her how weak she was and how easily she was able to be hurt, and now he was spanking her so brutally hard! She had the feeling all the blood vessels in her bum had burst from just the first hit. The ones that followed weren't any better, and Hermione tried to get away from the punishing hand as she begged Ages to stop.
The old man ignored her and spanked her with the same amount of strength until the fifteen swats were finished.
Hermione thought she would never be able to sit or walk in her life again. Her bum must be one big bruise, black and blue. She cried uncontrolled and had to cough because she choked on her own spittle. It wasn't over yet; Hermione knew it. Ages just waited for her to calm down to listen again.
“We will not spank you for your thoughts of suicide but we will talk about this later.”
The burning of shame and guilt in her chest got worse because she could hear the pain in Ages’ words and she could sense the worry of her mates. This was even worse than the pain in her bum.
“What did you do wrong today?”
Between coughs and sobs Hermione said, “Ran away.”
“What else?”
How did he expect her brain to work while she was in this much pain? “I can't. Please, it hurts. I can't take any more.”
“You need to understand the consequences of your dangerous behavior, pup. You not only tried to run away and hurt us severely by doing so. You also threatened your clan members with a weapon and exposed yourself to danger by leaving the house without permission and correct clothing for the weather.”
Correct clothes? Hermione had nothing to wear outside so how could she have dressed properly? She was unable to voice her thoughts because Ages said, “Twenty strokes.” Pure panic broke out inside of Hermione as she tried to fight against Ages. Never would she be able to survive this! She was no match against the powerful alpha, so she had no choice but to bear the horrible pain that came. In the end, Hermione could hardly breathe anymore. Her throat was swollen and raw from the screaming and crying and her whole body was hurting, physically and emotionally. She had disappointed her mates. If they thought she needed to be punished this harshly for her transgressions, they would never want her back again. They would sell her now.
She didn't know how long she was lying on Ages' lap and she hardly registered the calming circles he drew over her lower back. Pure exhaustion made her calm down, so Fenrir and Yorik lifted her from the head alpha. She wasn't able to stand on her own, and they both needed to hold her upright. Her mind was foggy and she felt dizzy. They would throw her out now; sell her to another clan. She had disappointed them. It was a miracle how Ages’ words could penetrate the fog of misery and guilt when he announced the rest of the punishment.
“As your actions were outrageously dangerous, we have decided to do something that really will make you regret what you did. We will take from you the privilege to wear underwear. You will be able to gain it back in a month or two, but that depends on your behavior. In addition, you will be escorted for the next two week for the entire day. When your alpha and beta aren't able to watch you, another warrior will take over. We will put up a schedule.” Ages sighed when she saw that she didn't react to this all. “You can take her away.”
Never in his life had he felt so bad. The pup had shaken the whole clan by trying to escape. How could she feel the need to do something like this? She should know that she belonged to them. She should feel it by now. For a long time Ages sat on the uncomfortable chair in the middle of the lounge with his shoulders hunched, deep in thought. What had he done wrong?
Hermione drifted between wakefulness and sleeping and had no idea how much time had passed when she heard Miller speak with someone else in her bedroom. Her face was pressed in the cushion while she lay on her stomach. The cushion was wet and slimy from all her crying. She felt so bad; she was so bad. She had hurt her whole clan and now they wouldn't forgive her. She would lose the only family she had because they couldn't stand her any longer. She was so deep in her depression that she didn't register that all of Ages' words he had spoken after the spanking were to the contrary.
The bed dipped and Hermione whimpered because it caused her bum to hurt even more. It was on fire, and Hermione didn't dare to look at it because she feared it was bleeding. Not that she cared at the moment; right now everything that counted was that she had been bad and had disappointed her mates to no end.
“The Head Alpha and Head Beta are speaking with the Eldest to get permission to use a calming rod. I will apply the salve now. It will prevent her from bruising and should take a bit of the heat out of it,” Miller said to whoever was in the room with them. Hermione didn't dare try to sense them because she couldn't stand their feeling of disappointment.
“Pup?” Miller addressed her while he laid a calming hand on her lower back. She flinched and tried to wriggle away from him. She wasn't worth his touch. She had been bad.
“Don't struggle!” came the clear command, and Hermione stopped moving. It wouldn't be good to get in even more trouble.
“Good, sub!”
Hard sobs escaped her because of the praise as she knew she didn't deserve it.
“I really hope they will come soon with the rod. She is making herself ill,” Miller stated.
“I will go and get them. If I have to knock all the fucking Eldest out to get the rod, I will do it,” Fenrir replied.
“No, I think they will make no trouble, Alpha Fenrir. Stay. Even though she has shut down, her wolf senses you in the room. If you leave it will get worse.” He shifted and lessened the pressure on Hermione's back. “I will apply a salve now, pup. It will cool you, but my touch will of course be painful. Try to not wriggle too much.”
She tried to stay still to show them that she had learned her lesson and wanted to be good but it hurt a lot and she started to cry harder. The pain ebbed slowly and the heat left her butt cheeks as well, but the burning feeling in her chest remained. Shortly after Miller had finished the door was opened again and more people stepped into the room. Hermione was still sobbing when someone turned her face and then gently wiped the tears from her face with his thumbs.
Ages was holding Hermione's head in his hands while he spoke with her. “Pup, what's going on in your head? Why are you still crying and don't react to us?”
“That's useless, head alpha,” Severus said while he knelt down on the bed between Hermione's legs. “She is too far away. I will use the rod and then you can talk with her. I'll try to reach her with Legilimency.”
Oh no, oh no, oh no. He was in her mind! He was in her filthy and bad mind! She would soil him! She didn't deserve him to be in her mind!
She cried harder and tried to wriggle away even though it caused her pain, but Ages still held her head in a death grip and Severus pressed her down with a hand on her lower back. “I need some help here, Fenrir. Hold her down!”
Hermione felt the bed dip beside her and another bigger hand was placed on her lower back. Her soul mate was touching her. What agony when she knew how disgusted he must be with her behavior.
“I know you can hear me, pup. I will have to spread your cheeks now. This will hurt but then I will push something into you that will help you to relax. Don't be afraid!”
Oh Merlin; Severus sounded worried and soft. She didn't deserve this. Why was he doing it? Did he want to mock her? She screamed when her cheeks were parted and Severus inserted an oiled finger into her anus. After a few slick movements something else pressed at her pucker beside the finger. It vibrated, or was it giving off small electric shocks? Her body was soon paralyzed by the odd sensation, and Severus used this advantage to pull his finger out and simultaneously push the rod in.
The thing in her arse was long and felt like metal. It felt a bit thicker than Severus' finger and it was humming in her body. Little tickling impulses were going through her anal channel and Hermione felt her body and her mind relax. It was so calming, she even started to sigh.
“Much better, pup,” Severus said and stroked her thigh calmingly. “You can talk to her now, head alpha.”
“Come on, pup, open your eyes for me,” Ages said gently and let his thumbs stroke over her face again.
Hermione hadn't even realized she had closed her eyes. Obeying her head alpha she opened them to look into a very worried face. “Now, tell me what's going on in your head that you are still so distressed. Is the pain so unbearable for you?”
Between sobs that were slowly ebbing away by Severus tapping at the rod again to increase its humming, she obediently replied, “I'm bad. You all hate me now. You will sell me.”
Ages sighed. “Of course we won't sell you, stupid pup. You had been behaving badly, yes, but you have been punished for it, so it is forgiven now. Stop worrying. You make us all crazy with worry by crying like that.”
They wouldn't sell her? She hardly could believe it. They must be so disappointed in her. The rod was humming in her bum, and she struggled to stay awake.
“Let her sleep, head alpha. In a few hours she will be better and talking to her then will be more effective than now. One of us should always be with her, as body contact will help as well. Fenrir should start,” Severus instructed, and nobody disagreed.
She woke from time to time and snuggled into the warm body behind her until the pain in her bum kicked in and she stilled. The humming of the rod made her fall asleep soon after. Her mates were around her; that she registered though her half-asleep state of mind. They weren't mad at her any longer. They were worried and they were there for her. Slowly, her mind eased in regards to the topic.
“Better, pup?” Fenrir asked when she woke for umpteenth time. She felt much more awake than the other times and lazily rolled on her back. That brought her bum in contact with the bed and she yelped. Now she was really awake, yet the rod in her body protested against the hurting by humming harder. Was she imagining it? She tried to grab behind her to pull it out but got a smack on her hand for it.
“Stop that, pup. It will stay in until the head beta says otherwise. Answer my question. Are you feeling better?”
Hermione turned to her mate and when she looked in his worried blue eyes, she threw herself at him and cried in his shoulder. “I'm sorry, Fenrir. Please don't be mad at me anymore. I just was so scared, and I didn't think about what I did when I ran away. I didn't want to run away from you. I love you.”
“I know, pup. Calm down.” He petted her back and stroked her hair. “You have been punished for it and now it is forgiven. We won't speak about it again. Nothing has changed, except for the two additional punishments you got. That will change your life here a bit. The things between us and between you and your other mates haven't changed.”
“Was as worried as the rest of us and has long since forgiven you.”
Relieved, Hermione sagged against Fenrir, the rod in her bum already trying to make her fall asleep again.
“I guess she is feeling better?” a deep voice came from the door, and Hermione jerked around. That again made her bum rub painfully over the bed, and she whimpered and rolled on her side while Ignatius stepped closer to her.
She only wore her thin nightshirt, so she tried to pull it down more when Ignatius sat down beside her.
“I'm a sub as well, pup. Remember? You don't need to hide from me. How are you feeling?”
“Better, but that thing in my bum always tries to make me fall asleep.”
“I know, but you needed the sleep to calm down and get your wolf to calm down. It seemed this all was a bit much for the wolf in you. Not used to being punished like this, it had recoiled and made your human mind impossible to think clearly. If it helps, it is a good sign in general. It means you are truly one with your wolf. Of course I understand that you can't see it like this at the moment, but back to the calming rod. I'm here to check if your mates can remove it.”
Hermione realized that Severus, Yorik and Ages were in the room as well when Ignatius looked into the room when he talked about her mates.
“Do you want to try going without it?” Ignatius asked, guiding her attention back to him.
It worried her a bit that they seemed so hesitant about it, but she nodded.
Ignatius gestured for Severus to come over, and Hermione grew scared again.
“Stay calm, pup, or we won't even have to try to pull it out. You think too much,” Severus said gently and soothed her by stroking her leg. When she had calmed down, he positioned her so he could extract the rod.
Hermione shut her eyes against the pain in her bum when Severus was man handling her.
“It's good that you have the pain to remember your stupidity but it isn't necessary to make yourself ill by worry. Your mates have forgiven you and the clan as well after your punishment,” Ignatius explained and distracted Hermione from Severus' hand on her bum.
When the rod was slowly pulled out of her, she could feel that a slight weight lay down on her chest. A feeling of sadness joined the heavy feeling on her chest when the rod was out completely. Severus still held her cheeks apart ready to push the rod back in.
“Take a few deep breathes and then tell us if you think you can be without it. You should be able to not start crying again or lose yourself in a depression. Try it!” Ignatius instructed Hermione.
She gulped and tried to stay calm. Closing her eyes helped to not let the tears escape that threatened to come. After several deep breaths she dared to open her eyes and two tears slipped out of them. “I'm fine,” she said, sniffing, hoping they would give her more time to get over whatever this crazy feeling was.
“Maybe just a bit longer and on a smaller frequency?” Severus asked to Ignatius.
“No, just give her more time. I think she will get herself under control. Aren't I right, pup? You have spoken with your alpha and head alpha already. You know everything is all right now after your punishment. Things are back to normal.”
Hermione nodded. She didn't want to have that rod back. It robbed her of her control.
“Your clan and especially your mates need you pup. You know this, right?” Ignatius asked.
Yes, Hermione knew that. She dared to sense her mates again, and she knew they had forgiven her and now just were worried. She wanted them to stop worrying about her. She needed to get a grip. She was Hermione Granger and not just any weak sub.
“Yes,” she said, determined, and scooted away from Severus even though it caused her pain. “I'm fine.”
Ignatius nodded at her and took the rod from Severus. “You still need to rest, pup.” He turned to Severus. “If necessary, give her a sleeping draught. She shouldn't be up and thinking for at least four more hours, but it would be good of you to feed her before making her sleep.”
Now why was Ignatius sounding so much like a Dominant and not a submissive? Hermione wondered about the dynamic of a submissive that was also an Elder. Oh, how she wished she could make more decisions of her own at times, but she also understood what it was to be a submissive. It just seemed strange that Ignatius was able to play the dual role so well.
“They are Elders, pup, and you're far away from being one of them,” Severus said, amused after reading her mind.
“Thank Merlin,” Fenrir muttered and sat down beside Hermione.
“I'll go and send for some food. I will see you later, pup. Rest and stop thinking. Things are back to normal,” Ages said and left the room.
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