A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159311 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
Oh whats that? A double update in a week! So spoiled you readers are haha. A big thank you to SlythindorMalfoy, Djaddict, cullengal101 and Lumcer for the wonderful reviews, on with the chapter now, Nina.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Harry stood nervously before the thirty odd students that wanted to learn Defence from him. He glanced to Hermione and Ron who were both offering encouraging smiles.
They all stood gathered in the Room of Requirement. It was literally a room that became whatever you required. Harry had wanted a place to practise Defence in secret and the room had given him this large space, the walls lined with books on helpful and handy spells and jinxes, cushions to sit on and even target practise dummy’s for the more unfriendly spells.
“Okay,” Harry breathed deeply nodding his head. “Right er… right, welcome. I’m Harry…”
“Hi Harry,” Luna replied happily. Harry smiled at her and glanced again at Ron and Hermione for help. He was no good at this.
“Why don’t you start with the basics?” Hermione suggested.
“The basics, right the basics,” Harry agreed and then frowned. “What are the basics?”
“What you’ve found most useful in duels,” Hermione happily prompted.
“Oh yes, disarming. Disarming is great. If you can disarm your opponent you have a few seconds to think of a plan to escape or attack or… er yeah,” he finished. “So the disarming charm is Expelliarmus. It’s a very sharp flick of the wrist and if done correctly should send the other persons wands toward you. Even done incorrectly it should at least separate the wand from its owner and that works great too sometimes.”
“Perhaps a demonstration?” a Ravenclaw girl suggested quietly.
“Excellent idea,” Hermione said and stepped forward to offer herself as a duelling partner for Harry.
“Oh, right sure,” Harry said and squared off against Hermione. “Expelliarmus!” Hermione’s wand shot out of her hand so fast Harry had trouble catching it. She hadn’t been holding it very tightly in anticipation for Harry’s spell. Harry handed the wand back to her with a small smile then turned to his students.
“So everyone pair up and have a go,” Harry said. The group began to chatter excitedly and turned to their friends to partner up.
Hermione and Ron went against each other and Hermione disarmed Ron four times in a row before Harry stepped in.
“I was letting her win, it’s polite,” Ron said immediately and Harry nodded.
“I know,” Harry insisted and shot Hermione a pointed look. Hermione offered a cheeky little smirk before nodding her head. She would slow down so Ron could get the chance to disarm her.
Neville wasn’t having a lot of luck either; he had blasted Ginny off her feet when trying to apparently disarm her of her shoes.
Ginny was helped up by her brother Fred, who she had crashed into on her fall backward, and was shaking her hand at Neville insisting she was fine.
“Takes more than that to keep a Weasley down,” Fred reassured poor Neville who was shaking nervously.
“I’m okay, no harm done,” Ginny said as she slipped her shoe back on, “and you did great Neville, knocked my shoe off, just work on your aim and it’ll be perfect,”
Harry stepped up behind Neville and helped him take aim at Ginny who stood still with her wand loosely by her side.
“Ex-expelliarmus” he stuttered. The spell hit Ginny’s face sending her back to the floor once more with a cry.
“I’m okay!” she cried holding a hand up while the other cradled her injured face.
“Harry,” Neville said turning to him, “I’m no good with spells,”
“Of course you are Neville; it’s just as much a part of you as your brown hair and love of Herbology. You just have to practise and try and not be so nervous. You’re so worried about hurting her you wind up hurting her,”
Ginny was helped up again by Cedric, who had been duelling with Fred, and allowed the Hufflepuff to heal the red mark on her cheek.
“One more try then it’s only fair to let Ginny blast you off your feet okay?” Harry said stepping behind Neville again to help him aim at the frazzled red haired girl. She offered an encouraging smile and relaxed her stance a little so it wouldn’t hurt so much if she was knocked down again.
“Expelliarmus!” Neville said and managed to disarm Fred instead. Ginny laughed until his wand hit her on the head landing at her feet.
“Good shot Neville, you did it correctly, just at the wrong target. We have to work on your aim,” Harry said.
“Professor Potter come help me Cedric is simply too powerful!” Fred said dramatically making a few people around them laugh.
Harry made sure Neville and Ginny were okay before going over to Fred and Cedric.
Cedric easily disarmed Fred and Fred let out an exaggerated wail of pain before hurrying over to where his twin George was trying to disarm Angelina.
“Hey,” Cedric said quietly
“I just wanted to have a chat. You’re not looking so great these days,” Cedric said
“Thanks,” Harry said dryly.
“You’re always pretty to me don’t you worry,” Cedric said making Harry smile. “You look tired is all I meant.”
“Not having the best year if I’m perfectly honest,” Harry said simply.
“Voldemort?” Cedric asked and Harry nodded.
“You said his name without flinching,” Harry pointed out and Cedric shrugged.
“I’ve been seeing a therapist and had a few meetings with Professor Dumbledore about what happened at the end of last year.”
“A therapist? How is it?”
“Great, actually. I mean it’s one thing to have a friend murdered in front of you but being accused of doing it and getting sent to Azkaban for it. I definitely wouldn’t have come back this year if it hadn’t been for my Healer.”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,”
“I’m not looking for the pity-party here. I just wanted to say that I used to have a lot of trouble sleeping, every time I’d close my eyes poor Krum was being killed again and again. I just want you to know that you may feel all alone in whatever it is your going through but you’re not and I’m always willing to lend my ear.”
“Thanks Cedric,” Harry said sincerely. Cedric smiled at him stepping a little closer.
“I was also hoping that if you did want me to listen we could do so over lunch in Hogsmeade?”
“Oh – oh… er, probably not. Sorry. I’m just really busy between remedial potions, detentions and now this,”
“No, no I understand,” Cedric said
“Sorry,” Harry said again and Cedric shook his head with a smile shooing him over to Hermione and Ron.
“You two were looking cosy,” Ron said and Hermione frowned at him.
“He just wanted to say he was happy to listen if I was having any troubles,” Harry explained “then he asked me out.”
Hermione raised her eyebrows in a silent question and Harry sighed.
“I said no,”
“Why?” Hermione asked.
“I don’t know,” Harry shrugged.
“He’s nice, he’s handsome, he loves Quidditch,” Hermione pointed out.
“I know that! I just… I don’t know, he’s a nice guy he’s just not…”
“Snape?” Hermione guessed.
“No!” Harry said to quickly and Hermione nodded slowly clearly humouring him. Harry gave her a dark look not at all impressed and walked off to help the Patil twins who were arguing heatedly instead of disarming one another.
Harry stood in the Gryffindor locker room rolling his head back and forth to stretch out his neck. His hand was stinging sharply from his detention with Umbridge and his chest was sore because Neville had hit him with a wonky stunning spell that shot him four feet across the room into a bookshelf.
He sighed heavily and quickly changed into his scarlet Quidditch robes as Angelina went through their tactics for the game against Slytherin.
“We have to be very careful; I had to beg Umbridge to reinstate our team. Everyone plays by the rules today. Got it?” Angelina snapped.
The team promised their best behaviour and followed their captain out onto the pitch. Harry hurriedly pulled on his gloves and grabbed his broom hurrying after them with a yawn. He’d been dreaming about the corridor again, Voldemort wanted whatever was behind the day and it was driving him mad which was driving Harry mad.
The Gryffindor Quidditch team reached the middle of the pitch as the Slytherin team. Angelina stepped forward to shake hands with Slytherin captain Montague who tried to crush her hand as he grabbed it.
Madame Hooch the referee blew her whistle and released the balls for the game as the fourteen players shot into the air.
Harry flew up higher and perched himself just above the action so he could look for the snitch. Malfoy, Slytherins Seeker, followed him up and hovered a few feet away. Harry sighed, he knew Malfoy was just happy to wait for Harry to see the snitch then actually try and look for it himself.
“Nice hand Potter, blood goes so well with your robes,” Malfoy said smugly. Harry flipped him the bird with his injured hand not taking his eyes from the pitch below.
“Oh well now your hand hasn’t even healed yet, bit soon to be asking for more detentions now isn’t it?”
“You can’t give me detentions,” Harry said turning on his broom to face the pointy faced blond.
“No but I can certainly help you earn more and Umbridge would never let me get in trouble,”
“Yeah must be weird having to suck up to a new teacher when you spent so long gaining Snape’s favour. All I had to do was crook my little finger and he came to me. Funny how easily your Slytherin loyalty works now isn’t it?” Harry said and Malfoy glared.
“I think you crooked more than your finger, more liked dropped your trousers for him. Snape hasn’t had a lay in so long it explains why he was so desperate to have you,”
“Oh he hasn’t had me,” Harry said with a shrug and Malfoy smirked. “He’s much too big and I’m just too small.”
“He doesn’t fit?” Malfoy asked and Harry laughed.
“Want all the gory details you pervert?” Harry taunted and Malfoy’s cheeks went pink as he frowned.
“No, you’re disgusting.”
“Okay, I’m just saying every time we fight you throw in Snape and I fucking, you seem very obsessed with our sex life is all.”
“Lack of,” Malfoy spat.
“Still, mighty curious for someone who claims to have been having sex since third year, that wouldn’t be a lie now would it?”
“Of course not. I’ve had sex,”
“With who?”
“What do you mean?”
“Who had sex with you? Your hand doesn’t count by the way.”
“I have had sex. With a girl. You wouldn’t know her I met her at a party over the summer.”
“Of course,” Harry said patronisingly.
“It’s true,”
“The important thing is that you believe that,” Harry said.
“Well the apple doesn’t fall far from the whore tree now does it?” Malfoy said and Harry frowned. “You’re trying to sleep with Snape like your mum did before you. Why do you think your parents got married so young? Your father was the only one willing to raise another man’s child,”
“Are you trying to tell me Snape is my father?” Harry asked.
“Well, I mean, you can’t believe everything you hear now can you? There’s a rumour that you saved the world from this evil wizard but I heard he’s still running around.”
Harry’s retort stuck in his throat as he spotted a fleck of gold behind Malfoy. Harry dove for it and Malfoy spun realising what had happened.
Harry chased the little gold snitch down past the spectator stands with Malfoy hot on his heels. Harry’s hand closed over the snitch just as Malfoy’s hand gripped his wrist. Harry yanked his arm free and waved his arm in the air. The Gryffindor supporters burst into loud cheers and Harry made his way over to his ecstatic teammates.
Malfoy came over to Harry and grabbed his arm.
“Enjoy your victory,” Malfoy said quietly, “I suppose knowing your days are numbers makes these moments more special,”
“Don’t worry Malfoy I’ll be around a long, long time.”
“Well the important thing is you believe that,” Malfoy said with a smirk.
Harry’s blood was boiling. He’d had worse things said to him; Malfoy had said worse things to him. He was just sick of it. His days were numbered. He didn’t want to spend them listening to Malfoy talk shit.
Before he even knew what had happened he was swiping Malfoy across the face with the end of his broom. The Firebolt was the fastest racing broom in the world it wasn’t designed to hit things. It completely shattered Malfoy’s face on impact. Harry heard the sickening crunch that wasn’t from a snapped broom. It was snapped bones.
Sticky red went splattering across the grass and Malfoy’s screams filled Harry’s ears.
Harry gasped and dropped the broom in shock. He was frozen staring at the bright red blood that shone like jewels in the autumn sun. It filled his eyes falling from his scar but he ignored it staring at the red against the green.
Harry grunted as he was dive tackled by Slytherins Beater Vincent Crabbe, one of Malfoy’s lackeys. They hit the ground and Harry was punched in the nose. He snarled and kicked at Crabbe to get the heavyset boy off him. The tumbled across the grass throwing punches and kicks until they were pulled apart by Hagrid. He held them by their collars as if they weighed no more than paper and plonked them down heavily before Dumbledore, Umbridge, Snape and McGonagall.
Crabbe’s punch had broken his glasses but the teachers were pretty easy to distinguish by their colours. Umbridge was a pink blob, Snape a thin black pole, McGonagall a red and gold shaking mass and Dumbledore a silent blue mast behind them all.
“What was that!?” McGonagall snapped practically vibrating in her rage.
“I don’t know, Crabbed jumped me,” Harry said defensively. His nose was now bleeding as well as his scar but Harry ignored them. He wiped the blood enough to speak without getting a mouthful but did nothing to stop its flow.
“After he saw you assault a student in the face with a broomstick.” Umbridge pointed out and Harry glared at her.
“I’m not apologising if that’s what you’re fishing for,” Harry growled.
“Mr Potter, you have seriously injured a student, an apology isn’t going to cut it,” Umbridge said, “You’re a danger to your fellow students. I feel the safest course of action is expulsion.”
“Delores,” Dumbledore said calmly, “You do not have the power to expel students. The punishment is up to Harry’s head of house.”
“No Quidditch.” McGonagall ordered, “No Hogsmeade, three months detentions and one hundred and fifty points from Gryffindor. I’ll be writing to your guardians about this fifthly display today and I will also inform Mr and Mrs Malfoy that you will be paying for any specialty care if Draco requires it.”
“Well certainly, the Malfoy’s simply couldn’t afford it of course I’d be happy to help.”
“I do not know what has gotten into you Mr Potter but I am very disappointed in your behaviour and your attitude toward this,” McGonagall said. “Get up to hospital wing I can’t look at you right now.”
Harry trudged across the Quidditch pitch ignoring the crowd that parted for him in fear. He made his way across the grounds in silence but didn’t head for the hospital wing. He instead circled the castle to the green houses and nestled himself down between the glass and the stone. He leant his head forward and let his nose and forehead bleed onto the grass with a sigh.
His connection with Voldemort was stronger than he realised. His anger and rage wasn’t all coming from within him. It was coming from Voldemort. It has pulsed so hot and hard within him he’d been swinging his broom at Malfoy before he thought about it.
Harry looked at the black pole that was Snape and raised an eyebrow.
“Thinking,” Harry muttered looking down at the green grass now flecked with his blood. “Voldemort,” Harry started but quickly stopped, shaking his head.
“Yes?” Snape asked sliding closer.
“I think… I think this connection he and I have – I think it’s – something… something more. He’s angry and his anger is fuelling mine. I didn’t react the way Harry Potter would react I reacted… the way – the way Voldemort would.”
“Potter,” Snape said and Harry stood up with a small shake of his head.
“I have to get to hospital wing,” he said and walked off into the castle without a backward glance.
Madame Pomfrey treated him but it was with none of her usual grace. She was not impressed with him it seemed. Harry didn’t care right now. He had a much bigger problem to sort out and he wasn’t terribly keen on the answer. How long had this been happening? How much of him was Voldemort? How long would it take till Harry disappeared completely? His outbursts when he was a child, he got so angry and strange things happened. It was brushed off as accidental magic. What if it hadn’t been? What if it had been Voldemort testing the limits of his magic within his new human prison?
Harry leant over the side of the bed and threw up narrowly missing Madame Pomfrey who leapt back with a startled cry.
Was there any Harry left in him at all? Had there even been any to begin with?
Ron and Hermione were wonderful. Harry knew they were worried and dying to ask but they also knew he wasn’t ready to speak about it. He didn’t know what was going on within him he couldn’t possibly work out how to put it into words to explain it to his wonderful friends.
The Christmas holidays were nearly upon them so to reassure his friends he had planned a fun lesson for their defence group’s last lesson before the winter break. Dumbledore’s Army, as they had named themselves had grown from thirty to over fifty in the four lessons they’d had and Harry was really pleased with how everyone was progressing.
Harry entered the room of requirement with Ron and Hermione and had to stop in surprise. For a second he thought he had the wrong room, but he hadn’t, behind the dazzling streamers and baubles hanging from the ceiling Harry could make out the bookshelves covered in tinsel and Christmas statues.
“It’s like Father Christmas exploded in here,” Ron said as he looked around at the four large Christmas trees perfectly decorated and placed in the corners of the room.
“Well… this is erm… nice,” Hermione said with a slight frown at Harry.
“I didn’t do it!” Harry said and Hermione raised her eyebrows.
“Harry Potter sir!” a voice squeaked. Harry looked down and saw Dobby the house elf standing before him.
“Oh, hello Dobby,” Harry said
“I’m sure we have you to thank for these decorations?” Hermione asked kindly.
“Yes!” Dobby said excitedly, “Dobby is setting it up all by himself as a surprise for Harry Potter!”
“I’m definitely surprised,” Harry said with a breathless laugh. Ron covered his snigger with a very fake sneeze.
“They’re lovely Dobby,” Hermione praised.
“They are,” Harry agreed quickly, “But it’s really dangerous to have decorations where we’ll be practising our spells. Something could catch fire.”
“Oh! Oh bad Dobby!” Dobby said and began to hit his head against the floor to punish himself.
Hermione crouched down to stop him and gave him a reassuring smile as his big tennis ball like eyes filled with tears.
“It’s okay Dobby, we just need to take down some of the more flammable ones, we can do it together,” Hermione offered holding out a hand to help him up from the floor. This made Dobby start to cry again over her kindness. They helped Dobby take down the decorations had the last bauble safely packed away before people began to waltz into the room.
Harry stood when he realised everyone was here.
“I have a fun lesson planned for our last session before the holidays. We’re going to have a try of the Patronus Charm,” Harry said. Excited chatter immediately broke out at this as everyone turned to their friends to discuss the famous charm.
“Now the key to the Patronus charm is happiness. The charm won’t work if your memory isn’t happy enough. So to start off with I want everyone to just sit and have a think on what your happiest memory might be.”
Harry watched as people frowned in thought, Seamus Finnegan looked to be in physical pain as he tried to find a happy memory.
“Once you find your happy memory the incantation is Expecto Patronum,” Harry said flicking his wand. A beautiful silver stag burst from the tip and galloped silently around him in a circle before bowing to the awed crowd of students. Harry smiled at the Patronus and reached out to pet it before cancelling the charm.
“Now don’t worry if it doesn’t work the first time or the fifth time or the hundredth time. It is a really complicated piece of magic and it’s much more difficult to use when staring down a Dementor.”
Harry let everyone break off into separate groups to try and practise their charms. A few of them were managing silvery mist and Harry went around helping them improve.
Cho Chang was closest practising with a few of her Ravenclaw friends so Harry went over to their group. She had produced the silvery mist but couldn’t get it to stay very long and it didn’t take shape.
“You’re on the right track but your memory isn’t strong enough, it needs to be powerful for the charm to be powerful,” Harry said softly and Cho gave him a small smile.
“Maybe I don’t have anything happier,” she said stepping closer.
“I’m sure that’s not true,” Harry said and Cho tilted her head to the side.
“What?” Harry asked
She pointed up and Harry’s eyes followed it upward to where there was indeed a sprig of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling.
“Oh,” Harry said awkwardly. “Er that really shouldn’t be there.”
“But it is,” Cho said with that small smile.
Harry realised that only a few people were watching to see what he would do, most were distracted by their Patronus charms.
“Yeah,” Harry sighed and Cho grinned stepping forward her lips crashing into his in one swift moment. It was a small kiss. Short and chaste. Her lips were very soft compared to Cedric’s oddly moist ones and Snape’s slightly chapped ones.
Cho pulled back and gave another small smile, “I think I’ve got the hang of it now thanks,” she said and turned back to her friends.
Harry hurried over to where Hermione stood with the Patil twins who had unfortunately seen the exchange and were giggling madly.
“Well, well aren’t you the charmer,” Hermione teased and Harry rolled his eyes.
“It was the mistletoe,” Harry defended and Hermione snorted.
“Of course Romeo,” she said and Harry glared at her.
“Oh sorry I mean Casanova,” Hermione whispered under her breath.
“Harry,” Harry turned to find Cedric standing behind him.
“Hi Cedric,” Harry said
“I’m having a little trouble, any tips?” Cedric asked.
“Show me what you’ve got,” Harry said stepping back a little to give the older boy some space. Cedric followed him though and pulled him into a kiss. Harry couldn’t stop his gasp of shock and suddenly there was a tongue in his mouth that wasn’t his. Harry stumbled back with a cough and was gearing up to yell but Cedric grinned and pointed at the mistletoe above him.
“I’m going to set that plant on fire,” Harry grumbled and Cedric laughed planting another quick kiss to his lips before heading back over to his group.
Harry made his way around the room keeping his eyes on the ceiling watching for more mistletoe. It seemed to now be a little test amongst the students to see who could trap him under it as they saw him trying to avoid it. By the end of the night he had kissed Ginny, Luna, Fred (twice), George, Hufflepuff sixth year Alexander Ericson, Padma Patil and Cho’s friend Marietta.
The class left in groups of twos and threes every two minutes so as not to flood the corridors with so many students at once at this time of night. They all made their ways through the halls laughed and joking blowing kisses to Harry as they left. Harry was glad he’d given everyone a bit of Christmas cheer even if it was at his own expense.
Harry, Ron and Hermione left last huddled under the safety of the Invisibility Cloak.
“Your face when Fred tricked you again,” Ron sniggered and Harry deliberately stepped on his foot.
“I thought it was a wonderful lesson,” Hermione interrupted before Harry and Ron could start arguing.
“Thanks,” Harry said
“I hope I can cast a corporeal Patronus soon. I wonder what shape it’ll take, it’s meant to reflect your personality,” Hermione said with a small smile.
“It’s obvious why mine is a stag. What do you think yours will be?”
“I like to think some kind of dog; I’m a pretty loyal person. Or perhaps a dolphin or a pig,”
“A pig?” Ron asked loudly. Hermione and Harry shushed him and so they paused their conversation until they were in the safety of the Gryffindor Common Room.
“Pigs are highly intelligent creatures,” Hermione said once they had settled into seats before the fire.
“Sure, rolling in their own filth, very intelligent,”
“They are there have been numerous studies. They can recognise shapes and solve puzzles and all sorts of things.”
“So can I!” Ron said
“Congratulations you’re as intelligent as a pig,” Harry said and Ron hit him in the face with a pillow.
“What do you think my Patronus form will be?” Ron asked. Harry and Hermione looked at each other for a moment before speaking in unison.
“Pig.” They agreed and began to laugh with Ron shaking his head at them. They all shared a few more jokes before Hermione and Ron headed off to bed.
“You sure you don’t want us to sit with you?” Hermione offered but Harry waved them away.
“It’s okay. I’m just not tired yet,” Harry said and Hermione glanced at Ron before sitting back down beside Harry.
“You can talk to us,” Hermione said for what was probably the one hundredth time.
“About how I’m scared to sleep in case he gets in?” Harry asked. “How worried I am that it’s not just going to be swiping Malfoy across the face with my broomstick next time? That next time it might be actually killing some body.”
“Yeah, that,” Ron said sitting down on his other side and Harry shook his head.
“I don’t know why you put up with me,” Harry muttered
“Your money,” Hermione said
“You’re a lady magnet,” Ron said and Harry laughed.
“We’re in this together whether you like it or not,” Hermione said
“Yeah you can’t get rid of us,” Ron added and Harry smiled at them both.
“Really? Even if I do kill somebody?”
“Well as long as it’s not me I’m okay with it,” Ron grinned and Harry couldn’t help but return the smile.
“I’ll try and resist the urge,” Harry said
“Yes we’ll all resist the urge to kill you Ron,” Hermione chimed in with a smile.
The trio settled into a silence until Harry realised they were going to sit beside him all night if he didn’t go upstairs and try to sleep.
“Come on,” Harry said standing up.
“You’ll try to sleep?” Hermione asked and Harry nodded.
“And if you have dreams you’ll wake Ron?” she continued. Ron frowned at her for volunteering him.
“Any dreams? Because sometimes I dream I’m being chased by marshmallows,”
“Especially wake him for those,” Hermione insisted with a small laugh before heading off up to the girl’s dormitories.
Harry and Ron headed up to the boys dorm together. Ron was asleep fairly quickly; his snores joining the other boys calming Harry down a little. Not enough to slip off to sleep though. He stared at the canopy above his bed for a long time. The darkness swayed almost with his breathing. Coming in close and moving back like the gentle rumble of a slumbering beast. Each breath seemed to bring it in closer and he felt himself almost falling up into it. It was a disorientating sensation and he sat up to get his bearings. He wasn’t in his bed though. He was lying on a cold tiled floor. The colour of it was darker than tar, the lamps along the stone wall didn’t penetrate the floor giving the illusion it wasn’t there at all. Harry looked around curiously for a moment, tasting the air with his tongue. He was in the right place yes. He slid along the floor carefully, quietly and smoothly. The corridor opened up and at the end was the dark door he needed. He continued forward eagerly but stopped almost as suddenly. He was not alone here. His tongue tasted the scent on the air. A man, he was alive, his blood strong and powerful as it pulsed through his veins. He was near sleep, his blood pumping slowly in his relaxed state. Harry would be seen. He was much too large to slip under the crack between the door and the floor. He moved forward anyway perhaps the man was closer to slumber then he appeared.
The man gasped standing up. His blood thrumming loudly as it burst with adrenaline. Harry reared back as a wand was pointed at his face. He didn’t hesitate. He lunged. Once. Twice. Three times. Quickly and precisely. Each strike digging deeper into the same spot. His last attack had the satisfying crack of bones accompanying it. He had broken the man’s ribs. Blood splattered thickly across the walls and floor and Harry snuffed at it. It was tainted by his poison. Good the foolish man would regret drawing his wand.
The blood in his mouth seemed to grow hot. It grew so hot it burned.
Harry sat up as vomit came bubbling out of his throat. The lights were on. His four dorm mates were all standing around his bed. Ron was the closest but leapt back to avoid the vomit. Harry gasped and threw up again. It wasn’t just his dinner there. Harry put a hand to his throat as he noticed the red tinge of blood.
“Oh God!” Dean Thomas said staring at him in shock. “Are you okay?”
“Get Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall!” Ron ordered.
Harry threw up once more and simply sat letting the bile fall down his face. His thoughts weren’t catching up. He felt like someone had stuck burning rod through his forehead. His scar was on fire and bleeding adding to the growing liquid on his bed. He sat numbly his mouth open, frozen in fear.
“HARRY!” Ron shouted grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. Red hair, Harry noticed, as bright as his fathers. Arthur Weasley was attacked. Harry had attacked him.
“Ron!” Harry gasped grabbing the long thin arms of his friend. “Your dad-”
“Harry,” Ron interrupted shaking his head and smearing the blood off his forehead to see his eyes clearly.
“Just breathe, it’s okay. Dean and Seamus went to get help,”
“No, no your dad is in trouble!” Harry cried and Ron stopped. He frowned but didn’t have the chance to speak. Professor McGonagall rushed into the room in her nightgown followed by a frantic Dean and Seamus. Harry stared at his head of house in her tartan night gown with her greying black hair out of its usual severe bun and braided down her back.
“Oh!” she cried hurrying forward. “Potter? What happened? What hurts?”
“I’m fine! Ron’s dad is in trouble! There’s blood – everywhere. It’s everywhere!” Harry said.
McGonagall frowned at him through her square shaped spectacles. Harry let her search his forehead then his eyes taking the honesty and frustration burning in them and his bleeding scar and putting the clues together.
“A dream?” she asked
“You know my dreams aren’t really dreams Professor,” Harry said.
“Get your dressing gown. We need to see the headmaster,” McGonagall said.
Ron stared at them both in alarm and turned to Harry with a look of utter disbelief.
“You too Mr Weasley, quickly now,” McGonagall ordered.
The stern witch quickly quietened the three other boys ordering them back to their beds before dragging them from the room and down the stairs.
“You believe me?” Harry asked as they hurried across the darkened Gryffindor common room with Ron stumbling along behind them lost in his thoughts.
“If had been any other boy…” she said quietly but trailed off there. Harry understood. He wasn’t just any other boy. No he was Harry Potter, who now couldn’t escape from Voldemort’s mind even when he was awake.
Hope you enjoyed the little bit of drama here and I tried to add in a little fun too because I don’t like it all being depressing. Anyway we get to Sirius’ house again next chapter and I think a few of you will be pleased there’s a lovely werewolf around to knock some sense into him, until then don’t forget to leave your thoughts, Nina
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