Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47196 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
“And that part about you getting impaled in a blood ritual, mate. That might happen if you take Ancient Runes. Should stick to Muggle Studies, really.” Ron joked, mouth full of half-chewed food.
Shiloe closed his eyes. “Please, SWALLOW. You’re repulsive, really.”Ron swallowed—loudly. “Aw, don’t be such a GIRL.”Hermione sighed, looking across the table at Shiloe’s pallor and taking pity on him. “Ron, really, some people have MANNERS. You might actually get a date someday if you acquired some.”Shiloe snorted.“Hey, I could get a date!” Ron claimed.“Really? I’ll believe that when I see it.” Hermione said primly.Shiloe looked up as a paper butterfly flew its way toward him from the staff table. It unfolded in front of him to reveal a letter from Dumbledore. Mr. Potter, Please meet me after dinner to discuss your epiphany today in Divination.A. DumbledoreP. S. The password is “Pepper Imps.”Shiloe folded up the letter. “Looks like I’m switching classes after dinner.” He said lowly to Ron and Hermione. “Do you think Harry will be okay with Ancient Runes?” He asked them.Hermione shrugged. “I don’t see why not. It’s very useful. Much better than taking Divination, with Trelawney teaching.”Ron frowned. “I don’t see what’s so bad about it. It’s easy work.” He said lightly.“I can’t learn anything from it.” Shiloe explained. “It’s useless to me, and I don’t like wasting my time.”Ron shrugged and concentrated on eating, while Hermione nodded in agreement. “And just think how hard it would be to pass the Divination N.E.W.T.s if you don’t learn anything from the class!” She declared vehemently. “Which reminds me, we should really start studying for our O.W.L.s soon…”“Honestly, Mione, they’re two bloody years away!” Ron protested, mouth full.“UGH!” Shiloe decided, pushing his plate away. “That’s it, I’m done! Good evening, you two.” He said curtly, nodding to Ron and Hermione as he got his things and headed to his room.He heard Hermione scolding Ron for his lack of table manners as he walked out of the Great Hall. He sighed and headed for an alcove where he could think for a moment in relative peace. He ducked behind a tapestry and sat on a ledge built-into the wall, pulling his legs to his chest to hide his feet from view.So, he had to decide who was going to help him through the painful and dangerous process of gaining immunity to Veritaserum. He only hoped that whoever he ended up choosing would be able to handle it.Blaise couldn’t. He was a submissive, he needed Shiloe to be his strength. He didn’t have the luxury of weakness with Blaise. And he didn’t WANT to show his weakness to Draco. Not just yet.Cedric would be a wise choice, since he HAD to choose. He could probably handle seeing Shiloe fight through it, and while he may hate it, he’d likely understand why it was necessary.Sirius would worry himself into a right state, and Shiloe was determined to spare the man the frustration of seeing his pain and being useless to help.Severus would be a good choice, but they were still in uncertain waters, so Shiloe would reconsider that option when it came time, and see if things were looking better with the man.And Lucius…Shiloe wasn’t quite sure what to make of him. He had stayed mostly to himself since his arrival, taking meals in his room and occasionally coming out to read or talk calmly and quietly with Salazar or Helga. Shiloe had noticed the man looking at him frequently, seeming as tough he, too, was trying to decide what exactly his place was in their rather haphazard Pack.Things were, so far, confusing as hell.And they were looking like they were only going to get worse from here, at least for a short while.He thought of Dumbledore’s request and sighed, getting back on his feet and emerging from behind the tapestry to come face-to-face with one Severus Snape, resident Potions Master.“Oh, fancy meeting you here. Aren’t you leaving dinner a bit early?” He asked the Professor.Severus sneered. “It has just come to my attention that Lucius is staying in your chambers. I was on my way to see him.”Shiloe sighed. “Fine. You’ll have access.” He said. “There’s no password. But the wards will let you in by yourself for tonight.”“Are you able to control the wards of the castle?” Severus asked in surprise.Shiloe smirked. “No. Only those to my rooms. I have complete control over them, as they are my birthright.”“Where are you going?” Severus asked, looking surprised at his own question.“I need to speak with Dumbledore about replacing Divination with Ancient Runes. Something Harry and I will be able to use.” The teen said dryly.“That’s a good decision.” Severus said, shocking Shiloe a bit. “You shouldn’t waste a class period that you could spend learning a valuable skill by sitting in a room smelling potpourri and drinking tea.”Shiloe snorted. “On that, we agree.”And just like that, any tension between them was abandoned.Shiloe thanked Salazar silently for the unspoken laws he had set between Slytherins. One was that any feuds were immediately forgiven and forgotten when both sides found something they could agree upon, however trivial the agreement was. As the most singled-out House in Hogwarts, they needed a way to end fights quickly and peaceably. Their solidarity and sense of comradeship was the only thing that kept them safe at night, in a school full of students that would probably prefer them dead come morning.“So, I’ll be seeing you later?” Shiloe asked.Severus sighed. “Sadly, it would appear so.”Shiloe chuckled and headed to Dumbledore’s office, feeling Severus’ gaze on his back the whole time.Severus convinced himself that it wasn’t lecherous if his admiration of the boy’s backside was purely aesthetic. ‘Of course not. I am merely admiring the contours.’ He assured himself, as he tried to forget how well those ‘contours’ had felt around and under him.*****Shiloe sat in the empty office and crossed his legs, admiring what would one day become his office. He distantly thought of Simba looking over his kingdom from Pride Rock, and smirked.‘Heir of the Four.’Shiloe looked up to see Fawkes perched next to the Sorting Hat. “Oh, hello.” He said, slipping into Phoenix-speak, a trilling, rolling sound, at times sibilant and at times crooning, depending on inflection. The melodic quality of the Phoenix’s tongue made it sound close to singing, though without words and with a distinct warbling sound.‘You are the elder spirit, are you not?’ Fawkes asked, ruffling his feathers.Shiloe inclined his head. “You can see that I am.” He said, knowing that Phoenixes would see the form of the current consciousness, not the person’s physical body. They were, after all, nearly one with the magic of the world around them.‘Ah, yes. You are like the Seer, then. I recognize the feel of your magical core, now. I was Bonded to her, in the past, you know.’ Fawkes said calmly.Shiloe sighed. Talking with a Phoenix was tiring. They could take hours to get to the point, because those that could understand them were notably rare, and they were highly sociable creatures. “Yes, I am Shiloe. I have a meeting with the Headmaster-“‘I’ve locked him out.’ Fawkes said shortly, amusement thick in the quivering voice.“You… What?” Shiloe laughed aloud. “That’s cheating, I do believe.” He said approvingly. “Good job, though, pulling it off like that.”‘I got lucky, with you coming here early. Thought I wouldn’t get a chance to speak with you alone for quite some time, yet. Anyway, I wanted to welcome you formally to Hogwarts as future Headmaster, rather than a student, and let you know that the blood heir’s override password into every locked area of the school, including each common room, is ‘Blood of the Four, I lay at your door. Open now unto me, And be calm evermore.’ Place a drop of your blood, or any combination of all four Founders’ blood, and the wards will allow passage for that person for the rest of their life. Since you have all four represented in your blood, you can only allow yourself the override, but in cases of emergency, there are vials of blood in Rowena’s lab.’Shiloe raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you a bit worried that I’ll use that info to sneak into my anchors’ beds at night?” He asked sardonically.Fawkes cocked his head in an unsurprisingly birdlike manner. ‘No. Should I be? Would that be BAD, for you?’Shiloe shrugged. “Well, no. But most authority figures would hesitate to give their charge such free access to sex.”‘I’m not your parent. Dumbledore comes.’ Fawkes said, turning to ignore Shiloe.“Ah, Shiloe, my boy!” Dumbledore appeared unruffled, but Shiloe could tell that his voice was just a little bit strained.Shiloe raised an eyebrow. His boy? “Not in the least. What did you want, Dumbledore?”“I am your professor, Shiloe, and you will address me as such.” Dumbledore said firmly and coolly.“Really?” Shiloe asked in feigned interest. “I don’t remember getting a Hogwarts letter addressed to Shiloe. Until I do, at which point I will probably attempt to kill you for risking our lives yet AGAIN, Dumbledore it is.”Dumbledore frowned. “Shiloe, what can I do to make you not HATE me quite so much?” He asked beseechingly. When he saw the very un-Harry-like expression cross the youth’s face, he nearly recoiled.Shiloe grinned savagely, letting his bloodlust show in his eyes. “Give me the Dursleys.” He said softly. “Let me do to them what they deserve. What I should have been allowed to do two weeks ago, had they not been in Auror custody.”“I can NOT do that, Shiloe. Surely you understand that my hands are tied, at this late stage.” Dumbledore said resignedly.“Then we cannot be friends.” Shiloe replied coolly, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. “You denied me my justice.”Dumbledore sighed, looking defeated. “So be it. What is this I hear about you dropping Divination? Is that not Harry’s choice to make?”Shiloe sighed. “He has no choice but to agree in this matter. I’m not going to sit by and watch him waste a class period on something he has no ability in and can never learn. He will take Ancient Runes, and I will help him study it. It can be done, even now, with a bit of hard work, and I am willing to put that in. Plus, I have the Founders to help me learn it while not in class. I will catch up and make sure that Harry does the same.”“I’m sorry, but until Harry decides to drop Divination on his own-““I will be attending Ancient Runes nevertheless, with or without your consent. Do you really want to look like a fool for such a trivial reason?” Shiloe asked.Dumbledore pressed his lips together. “Do you want to expose your existence for such a trivial reason?” He returned calmly.Shiloe smirked. “It’s not so trivial, on my side. We need useful knowledge, as much as we can get.”“Very well.” Dumbledore sighed, pulling a roll of parchment out of his desk drawer and writing a brief letter. “Give this to Professor Babbling when you go to her next class. You will be in the same class as your year mates. Ms. Granger is one of the top of the class, so let her tutor you and you should catch up quickly.” He said.Shiloe smiled thinly, feeling victorious. “Thank you.” He said neutrally.Dumbledore nodded solemnly. “Is there anything you’d like to discuss with me, perhaps?” He asked.Shiloe pretended to think for a second. “Nope, can’t say there is. Bye, then.” He left, heading for Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. He got in and she immediately appeared, as if on cue.“Ooohhhh, I’ve heard about what happened to YOU.” She cooed, hovering near him. “Is it true that you have a SHILOE?!” She asked with a certain morbid curiosity.Shiloe sighed. “And just where did you hear THAT?!” He hissed.Myrtle’s eyes widened innocently. “Oooh, I don’t know.” She sang. “A little birdie told me?” She evaded.“Fine.” Shiloe growled. “Just don’t tell anyone, unless you want this bathroom exorcised.” He threatened.“You wouldn’t DARE!” She gasped.Shiloe raised his eyebrows at her incredulously. “WOULDN’T I?” He asked challengingly. “Have you heard tell of what Shiloe are willing to do to protect their privacy? And of how far we can go while still being legally protected from prosecution? I’d be within my rights, and I have no morals stopping me from forcing you to find peace.”Myrtle glared at him. “Fine, I heard it from Ginny Weasley. She wanted someone to talk to, and she picked me since she trusts me with her secrets. I won’t tell them to anyone who doesn’t already KNOW.” The ghostly girl pouted.Shiloe sighed. “I suppose I just have to trust that you’re being honest with me. Keep it quiet for me?” He asked.Myrtle smiled and batted her eyelashes at him. “Sure I can. And if you die while you’re still attending here, we can share this bathroom.” She offered.“Then I shall endeavor to survive my education.” Shiloe drawled. “But thank you for the offer.”“So, why did you come in here?” Myrtle asked.“Actually, I thought you would leave me alone.” Shiloe told her. “Silly of me, wasn’t that?”Myrtle looked disgruntled. “I can tell when someone needs to talk. You need to talk about it! So TALK!” She shouted at him.Shiloe raised an eyebrow. “Fine. I’ll talk.” He leaned against the wall. “So, one of my anchors is mad at me, or maybe more at himself. He’s not used to being with… Guys, and I don’t know why he’s having trouble with it if it’s something I need. He’s kept me safe in the past, so you’d think what I need from him would be the most important part of this, right?” He asked irritably. “But, anyway, he’s not speaking to me, or he wasn’t, but he kind of did a little while ago, and I’m not sure if things are really alright between us yet.” Shiloe began pacing, unable to stop the mad rush of words as he vented to the ghost. “I mean, he’s not the sort of guy that makes it easy to apologize or the type to just forgive and forget, you know? I suppose I won’t know for SURE until I go to my rooms and see him, but, I’m not sure what I’ll find when I get there, and that makes me distinctly uneasy.” He finished.“Go see him. Oh, and also, I think the problem isn’t your GENDER, but more how he’s the same age as your father.” Myrtle pointed out, and Shiloe groaned at her accurate guess.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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