...After Happily Ever After | By : Lissa & snowblind12 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 25854 -:- Recommendations : 4 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Harry Potter or J.K. Rowling. I make no money off of these stories. This is just fun for me. |
AN: This chapter has a big, fat, delicious lemon in it. Definitely rated M. Stop after Snape and Hermione if you don't want to read it. It was a joy to write and I'd love to hear what you think.
I have Chapter 29 almost done. I will have it up no later than tomorrow. I when I get to a point where my muse is satisfied, I will be gone for a while. (I don't know if this means you'll get a chapter 30 or not, damn muse is beating me over the head with a frying pan).
I have a listening exam to take, I need to watch the movie Amadeus and write a two page paper on it, read chapters 10-14 in my music text, complete six listening activities, take the chapter 10-14 listening quiz, take the chapter 10-14 chapter test, and write a reflection on how I feel about a piece of Bach music - that's just for my music class. For my Poly Sci class I have to read chapters 7 and 8, write two original discussion posts, four response posts, and complete a two page Essay. All by next Friday because we're going on vacation the 3-7th. So I hope you will all forgive me - especially because this is on top of a 50 hour work week, four little kids, a husband, and a home.
Review Responses below. x Lissa
My Betas, SnowBlind 12 and DevilsDaughter13, still deserve so much praise. They are two huge reasons my muse is being an antsy bitch. Thank them!
Oh! You must, must, must check out SnowBlind's "A Witches Tale." You will not be disappointed! I started reading it yesterday and can barely keep myself away from it. Housework is suffering.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
March 1999
10-11 Weeks Gestation
The first week of her psychiatry appointment had been silent. As had the second. She was sitting in her third. It was fifteen minutes from the end and she still hadn’t said a word.
“How’s your morning sickness?” The petite, dark-blonde haired man asked, tapping a pen lightly against a notebook. A notebook that was filled with little notes that Hermione figured were probably doodles, being she had barely said five words total since she started these sessions.
Dr. Jenkins was a Muggle with a witch for a daughter. He was part of a Ministry program that was recruiting Muggles “in the know” to help in areas of expertise the wizarding world was sorely lacking – such as psychology and help for people with mental health issues.
“How far along are you, now? Ten weeks?”
Hermione stared pointedly at the clock above the doctor’s head. Ten minutes and she could get the flying fuck out of there. Although she was slightly impressed that the man had at least read the questionnaire that Severus had mostly filled out for her. He was right - ten weeks. Today. March first. Thirty weeks to go. Then a lifetime of servitude to a child she didn’t want. Guilt washed through her at those thoughts and she found her hand clutching her stomach apologetically. I didn’t mean it. She thought frantically. I will love you, so much. I swear it.
Dr. Jenkins watched the broken, young girl pat her abdomen lightly, a frown marring her gaunt, but pretty features. “You do know it’s not too late, Hermione. You could still terminate the pregnancy.”
The girl’s head lifted rebelliously and there was a spark of defiant determination in her eyes he had not yet seen in the last two sessions. A good sign. “No one would blame you.”
Hermione’s dark eyes glittered with anger.
“You want the child?” The man was not surprised, he had been told by the fiancé (the very intimidating fiancé) that there was a chance the child could be his. Dr. Jenkins was positive Hermione’s love for him was genuine, even with the reports of her pushing away from the poor professor. He had politely suggested therapy for Snape as well, to which the dark-haired man had growled something unintelligible and menacing and the doctor had desisted.
He was surprised when an affirmative nod came from the girl, before she dropped her eyes back to her flat stomach. A start. Finally. One question answered.
“Do you have hope for a girl or a boy?”
Dark eyes met his again, they were soft this time. She wanted to talk about the baby. She regarded him for a moment before looking away yet again. “Let’s talk about something else. How is your revising going? My notes say you feel behind, but that you’re an excellent student. You have made up all your missed work from your month away and are on time with your assignments again?”
More silence. “How is your relationship with your fiancé? Are you still struggling with intimacies?”
Hermione would have laughed aloud if she hadn’t felt like bursting into tears. Intimacies. What intimacies? She hadn’t touched him, not even a brush of the hand, for three weeks. The last time he had put his hands on her, she had flinched away from him, not wanting him to touch her disgusting body. He had not even held her hair back as she vomited. Granted she was vomiting daily. All day. Every day. Madam Pomfrey said that should clear up in the next few weeks. Gods, she hoped so. She brushed those thoughts away to get back on track. She knew it was her fault he wasn’t touching her. She knew she had pushed him so hard he had given in and gave her the space she had been demanding through her silent actions.
“Times up!” She declared, hopping up and fleeing the office the moment the second hand turned the clock over to seven. She burst through the door straight to the fireplace where she scooped a handful of floo powder and tossed it in the grate, calling out, “Severus Snape’s Office, Hogwarts!”
Severus had stood when she burst into the waiting room at almost a dead sprint, staring after her dark curls with longing. He turned his haunted eyes on the psychiatrist hopefully. The man was also staring after Hermione, then he looked to the professor.
“She gave me a little bit today. More than last week.” He tried to reassure her fiancé. “She loves the child she’s carrying.”
A small look of relief flooded Severus’s face. “Did she say that?”
“She didn’t have to. I told her it was not too late to terminate, I thought she was going to murder me with her eyes.” He paused for a moment, taking in the very small smirk and flicker of light that crossed Snape’s face. “I asked her if she wanted the child, she nodded. She protects it, covering her womb with her hand. Have you noticed this?”
Snape gave a curt nod. “I have.”
“Is she still avoiding your touch?”
“Yes, but I have to admit I haven’t been trying.”
“How long?” Dr. Jenkins inquired.
Snape crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head slightly as he pretended to think about it, trying to downplay just how desperately he missed and craved the physical connection they had shared. “A couple days before her first session. I put my hands on her shoulders and she ripped away from me like I had shocked her.”
The doctor noted his specificity and decided to let him play his game. “Does she let her friends touch her?”
“I can ask them, but I don’t believe so. Madame Pomfrey does at her weekly check – that’s the school Mediwitch. Muggles called them nurses.” He watched the doctor nod thoughtfully.
“I want you to start trying again,” he told Snape. “Little things. Brush her fingers if you eat together, touch her face when you tell her good night. Try and hug her.”
“And if she continues to refuse?”
“Keep trying. She needs the human connection. Don’t be overbearing.” He had to stifle a laugh when the man glowered at him. He feared it would be difficult for the dark-haired war hero not to be overbearing. “I believe she feels unworthy of touch. It’s common in victims of sexual assault. I have another young woman right now who describes feeling dirty, unlovable, unclean, disgusting and a multitude of other self-depreciating adjectives.” He watched the severe planes of Severus Snape’s face carefully, but saw no flicker or trace of what the man was feeling. He had to admit it, Snape was very good at hiding his emotions. “I will see you both next week?” He finally asked after the silence stretched longer than was comfortable.
Snape nodded and strode to the fire to follow his fiancé.
“I wrote my mother and told her about you,” Draco said softly, playing with Lizzie’s fingers. They were camped out in the abandoned Head Girl room after Ginny had whispered in Lizzie’s ear at lunch that it would be free that night, knowing of the blonde girls plans. They were propped on the bed. Draco’s back against the headboard, Lizzie sitting between his legs, back against his chest. He dropped a soft kiss behind one ear.
“Yeah? What did she say?” Lizzie said dreamily. She had been surprised when he had asked her if they could just cuddle and talk for a while. The word ‘cuddle’ from Draco’s mouth felt like a bit of an oxymoron, but she wasn’t one to refuse. She loved to cuddle. She had a picnic basket that the kitchen house elves had helped her with sitting on the coffee table by the roaring fire. He didn’t know, but she was planning for them to stay the night.
“She would like to meet you,” he told her. She stiffened.
“Is that a good idea? What about your father?”
“My mother will handle my father. She always does.” Draco’s tone was tight and he laced his fingers with hers, squeezing tight. She squeezed back. “She invited you to stay with us for the Easter holidays.”
Lizzie tilted her head up to gauge his seriousness. “Do you want me to?”
He looked bewildered. “Why wouldn’t I? Any extra minutes with you just makes my days all the better.”
“Aw,” she teased him, planting a sloppy kiss on his jaw. “That’s the sweetest thing ever!”
Draco grimaced at being called sweet, rolling his eyes. “You seem to drag it out of me, witch,” he muttered gruffly before dropping a chaste kiss on her lips. She snuggled into his embrace more deeply. “Will you come?”
“I’ll write my folks and make sure it’s okay. If they say yes, I will be happy to spend Easter with you.”
He loved that answer, squeezing her again and making her breath whoosh out of her lungs. “Draco!” she laughed before he kissed her again, more deeply this time.
“Hungry?” he asked her breathlessly after an unspecified amount of time. Somehow, she had ended up on top of him. Their kissing was getting out of hand and the evening was young. She was getting more adventurous in their physical pursuits, but Draco’s control was getting put to harder and harder tests. Double-entendre intended.
“Not for food,” she whispered, nipping at his chest while rolling her hips. He growled and slapped a hand up to his forehead.
“Lizzie…” he said. “Let’s eat. I need help taking my mind off this or I’m going to push too far.” He had made a point of being overly honest with her about his wants and desires. He wasn’t trying to push her or make her uncomfortable, but he needed her to know that he was actively restraining himself and doing his best not to scare her.
She paused in her ministrations and sat up, smiling at his grunt of want as her knicker-covered quim dug into his trouser-clad erection. “I don’t want you to take your mind off it,” she said cautiously. She nervously started to play with the ends of her hair over one shoulder. “I’m ready.”
Draco’s mouth went dry even as his dick gave an excite leap from its confined place in his pants and under her bum. He sat up with her still on his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. His grey eyes sparkled like dew in the morning sun. “You’re sure?”
“I am. I checked with Hermione, she won’t be coming here tonight. We have the room to ourselves.” She paused, watching him with serious, cautious eyes, worried she was being presumptuous. “You’ll stay with me?”
“Yes, absolutely,” he declared adamantly, claiming her mouth gently. “Contraception? Should I do the charm?”
“No, I got potion from Madam Pomfrey a few days ago. I’m good until next month.” He grinned at her, realizing she had been planning this for a while. He pulled her back in and they kissed for a long time, eventually ending up with Draco’s hips nestled in the cradle of her thighs and Lizzie on her back, head cushioned by fluffy pillows. She had tried to remove his shirt a few times, but he had stopped her. Insisting they were going to go very, very slow.
He only started undressing her when she was writhing with need beneath him, her hips rolling and legs shifting with pent up frustration. He sat back and peeled his jumper off before rolling her top up and off her as well. He turned his attention to her neck, softly toying with her nipples under the lacey expanse of a navy-blue bra with one hand. He teased them to a painful point, enjoying her gasps and grunts of pleasure as her hips continued to roll. “Draco, please.”
His brain zinged triumphantly with her needy pleas and whimpers. He was so ungodly hard it was borderline painful, but he wasn’t second in his class for nothing. After she had told him she was a virgin, he went on the hunt. Reading every book and magazine article on how to make the first time for a girl special – and not painful. That’s what he was most concerned about. He wanted it to be pleasurable for her. All his sources eventually came back to the same three things. One, make sure the witch was relaxed and enjoying herself. Check. Two, make sure the witch was … for lack of a better word … primed. Ample foreplay and an orgasm or two before penetration. He was well on his way through the first part and already had plans to get her off twice before taking any pleasure for himself. Three, stay calm, start slow, build in intensity. He could do this.
Slowly her bra came off, he lavished attention on her soft, perky tits. Stroking her stomach and rib cage, dipping his fingers into the waistband of her skirt to pet the top of her downy, soft pubic hair. She was starting to grind her teeth with frustration when Draco took pity on her. He divested himself of his trousers and socks, then unzipped her skirt, sliding it down her legs. He left her knickers in place for the moment, needing that final barrier to help himself stay in control. He was an eighteen-year-old, hot blooded male after all. He skimmed his fingers up her legs and the insides of her thighs. Her whole body was trembling with desire. For him. She was so bloody gorgeous and he told her so. She gave an embarrassed chuckle as he sealed his mouth to hers again, kissing her deep and slow while one hand slipped beneath the elastic of her knickers into her silky heat.
She was drenched and he groaned against her lips as her hips bucked, wildly seeking the friction she desperately need. He bypassed her hotwire button and slipped two fingers into her dripping sheath. They slid in with ease due to her over preparedness. She ripped her mouth away from him, dropping her forehead to his shoulder and pressing damp, chaste kisses to his throat between gasps of pleasure. He slid his fingers back out and encircled the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. She was so ready and wanton that she exploded before he made two full circles, crying out his name against his shoulder. He made a guttural sound in his throat before moving to the next part of his plan. He was a bit nervous about this maneuver as he had never had the desire to do it before this stunning, intelligent, sweet girl entered his life.
He rid himself of his boxer-briefs before rolling her panties down her legs and tossing them on the floor. They stared at each other, drinking in the other. Neither overly shy, but also not overly confident. She sat up and reached for his face with one hand, he nuzzled her fingers before gently pushing her back into her nest of pillows and sliding between her thighs. Adjusting her legs over each shoulder as she looked at him with heavy lidded curiosity.
“You don’t have to do that, Draco!” she exclaimed in a voice thick with desire when she realized his intentions, but he just chuckled softly, his breath ghosting across her sex.
“I want to. This part is a first for me. We’ll both have firsts tonight. Relax, love,” he insisted. Her eyes softened and she let her head fall back as he gently kissed her damp mound. She smelled amazing, her arousal was musky and sweet, reminding him of an over-ripe honey dew melon. Tentatively he flicked his tongue out and growled. Holy fuck. He had never tasted anything like her. Tangy and sweet with a hint of salt. Pure Lizzie – and he was absolutely head over heels in love with this girl.
No longer worried about the taste, he nuzzled in harder, seeking her clit. He flicked his tongue across it light and fast and the spiral inside of her went from just barely coiled to clenched tight. She whimpered a mix of utter distress and enjoyment, her fingers came down to grasp his short locks. “Draco!” Lizzie’s whine was delicious. “Oh, Gods!” Her hips bucked. Her touch made him growl and he latched on to her nub of pleasure like he would to her nipple and pushed her over the edge with a loud shout of ecstasy, having to hold her hips in place firmly with his hands in order to ride the waves with her. “Unghhhh! Ah!” She cried out. “Oh, shit.” Her body jerked hard as he chuckled at her vulgarities.
Her aftershocks and grunts and the jerk of her hips were mesmerizing as he continued to tease her nub and lick up her release. He felt extraordinarily powerful and masculine. He had never known a woman could taste so unbelievably scrumptious. Very, very slowly, he crawled up onto his knees and slid his steel wrapped in velvet, dark red cock over her sex, coating himself in her juices. Her eyes flew wide at this new, extremely intimate caress and their gazes locked. “You’re still sure?” he murmured.
“I don’t think I could ever be more positive.” Her voice was husky and sated. “You feel so amazing.” She tentatively rolled her hips and they groaned together. He knew after all the foreplay he might not last long. They had all night, though. She had seen to that. If she didn’t orgasm this time, she would again. He positioned himself at her entrance, and as he slowly pushed into her, he kissed her. Sharing the taste of herself as they became one.
Her breath hitched as he filled her, slow, gentle, and sweet. She had been braced for pain or discomfort, but he had gotten her so ready, made her so relaxed, that there was none. Just a stretch and fill that was so sublime she felt delirious with it. They both let out a shaky breath when he was buried in her. “Oh, fuck, Lizzie.” His forehead was resting on hers and she had her arms around his shoulders, nails digging into his upper back.
“I know,” she whispered, breath hitching in her throat. It was an emotional experience for both of them. He covered her mouth, kissing her gently, brushing her lips over and over with his while clinging to every ounce of his control to give her a time to adjust. When she gave a tentative thrust of her hips, he couldn’t stop the rumble that left him.
Then he was moving. He reached down to hike one leg around his hip, granting him deeper access. She gasped and made little sex noised in her throat, driving him bloody barmy. “Can I go faster?” he begged, trying to keep a steady, but gentle rhythm. She nodded mutely, fixing her mouth to the hallow above his collar bone to suckle and he let go a bit.
“Ah!” She cried out, throwing her head back with the change of pace. “Oh, Gods. Draco. Oh. Oh. OH!” He felt himself bottom out against her cervix, but her sounds were all in the affirmative, so he didn’t slow, didn’t stop. He was barreling towards his orgasm, but grit his teeth, trying to hold out for her to have one more. It took much focus to slide one hand underneath her, pressing her back to arch a little more so his pelvic bone would hit her clit. Her grunt the first time it caught and her immediate understanding thrilled him, she opened her legs wider, dug her heels in, and arched so he’d hit it every time. Her noises became more desperate and she started to tremble.
“Lizzie…” He could barely think, let alone talk. He fought the tightening in his bollocks with everything he had. He was going to explode like a popped pastry can. He grit his teeth and forced his thoughts elsewhere for a moment. Once again in control for a few more beats he started talking. “You feel so good, sweetheart. So fucking good.” She grunted an incoherent agreement, he chuckled lightly and gasped in a breath. “I want you to come again. For me. Please, Lizzie? So bloody amazing. Let’s try and come together. I’m so close, are you close, baby?”
Another nonsensical groan of affirmation. He rolled the short thrusts into a grind and her eyes rolled back in her head, eyelashes fluttering, her mouth dropped open in a silent crow of delight and he felt her muscles explode around him as a long, low moan erupted from her. He pushed her completely over the edge by slamming into her, lengthening and deepening his drives and he was behind her in a few short thrusts, crying out her name and pounding out his release before collapsing into her arms, rolling them slightly to his hip so he wouldn’t crush her into the mattress. They were both shaking and covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. He kissed her hard and fast, then pressing more to her cheeks and the dip between her eyes before returning to her mouth for a slow, deep, Earth shattering exchange. He poured everything he was feeling into that kiss, all the emotions that were surging through the synapses of his body and she returned it with equal fervor. When they had to stop to breath he rested his forehead in her disarray of golden locks. “I love you,” he whispered with conviction, lips grazing her ear. “You are amazing. That was…it was bloody fantastic. Absolutely wonderful.”
Her blush was sweet, her eyes down cast. She looked up to meet his gaze and her blush deepened. “It was perfect,” she murmured, kissing him lightly. “I love you, too.”
LunaRose: I'm very glad you're finding Hermione's current state of mind realistic and appropriate. It's hard to write such a strong character like this. I've had a few people throw out their concern about her and Severus being intimate the day after she was returned to them and just want to send out a gentle reminder that it was because she felt she HAD to. Her concern about being pregnant forced her into a situation where she made a hard request of Severus and he obliged her because he would give her the world if he could. As you can see, they haven't been intimate since. By the end of this chapter, it's been over two months. Thanks for standing by this story!! x Lissa
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