The Domino Effect | By : jameschick Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28991 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Part 3
I'm a model you know what I mean, And I do my little turn on the catwalk. Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah, I do my little turn on the catwalk - Right Said Fred
When Draco woke the next day he yawned, stretched, opened his eyes and screamed. "Bloody hell! You scared me half to death!" Draco sat up in bed and glared at the amused professor standing over him. "Do you always hover over people while they're sleeping? Merlin, it's no wonder you don't have a lot of use for this room."
The amusement faded somewhat from Snape's face and he pursed his lips. "It would do you well, to remember just whom you are speaking to, Draco. Now, get up, get dressed, and leave my quarters. I will see to your personal problems after breakfast. I need to check up on Potter."
Draco watched as Snape spun on his heel and strode from the room. "I really need to learn how to do that," he muttered to himself. "It looks so... intimidating. Kinda sexy too."
Snape glared at the fat lady when she refused him entrance and took a menacing step closer to the portrait. "Look here, you fashion impaired, overbearing, overweight, uptight excuse for a lady! If you do not allow me entrance, I will make what Black did to you a few years back look like a paper cut in comparison to what I will do to you now!"
Needless to say, the fat lady 'eeped' and allowed him to enter. Snape rolled his eyes and stepped through the portrait hole. "This is exactly why Slytherin does not have a portrait; they're too easily intimidated," he muttered to himself.
Wrinkling his nose in distaste, Snape peered around the garishly decorated common room. He honestly didn't know what Godric had been thinking choosing these colours for his house; they were so loud and boorish. Then again tho thought to himself, they did rather suit the personality of the Gryffindors.
Snape strode across the room and made his way up the stairs to the seventh-year boys' dorm and opened the door. He peered into the room seeing five beds, all with their curtains drawn closed. Not knowing which bed was Potter's, he made his way around the room, peeking in each one. Longbottom, Finnegan, Thomas, an empty bed, and then finally, Weasley.
"So, Potter didn't sleep here last night," Snape spoke softly as he tried to think of just where the boy might have spent the night. But seeing as he really had no interest in the young Gryffindor, he had no idea where he might be. Getting an evil glint in his eye, Snape leaned down over the sleeping Weasley boy, and when his face was mere inches away, shouted at him. "Weasley! Wake up!"
Ron's eyes popped open and he screamed as he bolted up to a sitting position. Snape barely managed to move out of the way in time to save himself from a head-butt. He clamped his hand over the panicking boy's mouth and sneered at him. "Really, Weasley, did you want to wake the whole tower?" Ron shook his head no, but his eyes were still wide and filled with fear. "I came here looking for Potter. Do you know where he is?"
Ron raised a shaky hand and pointed toward Harry's bed. Snape rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Do you honestly think I am incapable of doing a bed-check? I found you after all. Potter is not in his bed, I thought you might know where I might find him."
Snape removed his hand from the frightened boy's mouth and Ron took in a relieved breath before speaking. "I-I don't know, Sir. He went to bed early, so he might have woke up early. Um, ch-check the kitchens, he goes there for b-breakfast sometimes, and then o-out to the pitch."
Snape nodded and turned away. Ron cleared his throat and asked nervously, "Harry's not in trouble, is he?"
"That, Mr. Weasley," Snape drawled, "is none of your concern." And then Snape was gone, leaving Ron more awake than he had ever been in his whole life. Waking up to Snape hovering over him had been like a nightmare.
Down in the common room, Snape smiled to himself as he walked out the portrait hole. He'd managed to terrify two students and one portrait already this day, and he hadn't even had breakfast yet. Things were looking up.
Down in the Great Hall, Draco sat in his usual spot at the Slytherin table, Goyle on one side of him, with Crabbe beside Goyle, and Pansy on the other. Since his father had been imprisoned back in fifth year, the Parkinsons had begun to distance themselves from his family, firstly withdrawing from the marriage contract between their two families. To Draco, this could only be seen as a blessing, as he had no desire what so ever to marry Pansy. He found the idea of spawning a line of pug-faced Malfoys rather disgusting, truth be told. She was now set to marry some Death Eater who had graduated from Durmstrang two years previously. He, himself, had no such obligations, as his mother found herself hard-pressed to find him a 'suitable' bride... not that he cared.
He looked across the room at the Gryffindor table and noticed that the only ones sit the there were a few second- and third-year students, and one Hermione Granger, who was half-hidden behind a large book as she sipped at a cup of tea. It was not too surprising that Potter wasn't there; he would likely try to avoid any and all social situations for a while.
Draco ate his breakfast a little faster than usual, hoping to finish before Crabbe and Goyle and therefore leave the Hall without company. Until he knew for sure that they didn't mean to harm him, he was not going to put himself at risk by being alone with them.
He had just finished the last bite of his toast when Professor Snape strode into the Great Hall and quickly made his way to the Slytherin table, stopping directly in front of Draco. "Mr. Malfoy, you will come with me," Snape said. That said, he executed that perfect spin and began to make his way out of the Hall. Draco shrugged, stood, and followed the Potions Professor out into the hallway. They didn't speaktheythey made their way to the dungeons; only after entering Snape's office and closing the door behind him, did Draco ask what was going on.
"Have you seen Potter this morning?" Snape's response was curt, and right to the point.
"No, Sir. I left your rooms and went straight to the Great Hall. Potter wasn't there," Draco answered.
"Hmm," Snape twisted his lips into a sneer as he rled led his fruitless search of the kitchens and then the Quidditch pitcNor Nor was he in his room this morning, or the kitchen, or the Quidditch pitch either. I swear if Weasley sent me on a wild-goose chase I'll have him coming back here to serve detention every week until he's thirty."
Draco grinned at the idea of a full-grown Weasley scrubbing cauldrons every week for Professor Snape.
"You've been his rival for seven years, Draco. Surely you must know where he would go to be alone?"
Draco blinked and ed hed his head in thought. It was funny actually, for all the trouble he and Potter had caused one another, he really knew very little about him other than the fact that he was a better seeker, an annoying Gryffindork, had horrible dress sense and even worse hair. But, there was one thing that Draco did know. "Potter has an Invisibility Cloak, Sir. He could be anywhere, in fact, he may have been in his room, or the kitchen, or even out on the Quidditch pitch. I wouldn't waste your time trying to find him, if if he doesn't want to be found, he won't be."
Snape growled in annoyance, but conceded the point. He should have known, James Potter had been in possession of an Invisibility Cloak when he was at school as well. "If you should happen to see him, tell him to report to me at once!"
"Yes, Sir," Draco replied.
"That is all, Mr. Malfoy. You may leave now." Snape directed Draco to the door, and Draco, not wanting to spend any more time than necessary with the grouchy professor, left as quickly as Malfoy dignity permitted.
Harry sighed with relief as he closed the door to Salazar's study behind him once more and set the basket of food down on the desk. He had woken up from an emotional stress-induced nap to find he was starving. Thanking Dumbledore - again - for gifting him with his father's cloak, he stealthily made his way to the kitchens and politely asked the house elves if they would mind preparing him a few things to take away. Of course, they had been only too happy to fulfill his request and before he had n itn it, he had a large basket filled with sandwiches, fruit, juice, and sweets. More than enough to keep him for the day.
Harry opened the basket, took out a sandwich, and began to really look around the room he had spent the night in. All he had cared about last night was that there was a comfortable place to sleep, but now he could see that there were several bookshelves lining the one wall, a large wooden cabinet in the far corner with elegantly carved handles shaped like snakes, and what appeared to be a small potions lab on the opposite wall from the bookshelves.
Harry went to the shelves first, wanting to know what kind of things the Head of Slytherin house liked to read; he wasn't surprised to see a lot of the same style of books that were in the restricted section.
As he perused the titles, his eyes caught several volumes stacked side by side that had no title on their spines. Harry popped the last of his sandwich into his mouth, wiped his hands on the front of his robes, and plucked the first book in the row from the shelf. The front cover was unadorned as well. He opened the heavy leather cover and gaped at the scrawling silver words on the front page.
Personal journal of Salazar Slytherin - Volume one
Harry couldn't believe his eyes. This was probably the historical find of the century, possibly the millennia! He knew that he should turn these journals over to Dumbledore, but something inside of him said to read them first. This would most likely be his only opportunity, as once they were in the Headmaster's hands, he would assuredly never see them again. That thought in mind, Harry went back to the sofa and sat down. He turned the page and began to read.
Draco walked quietly out to the pitch, his Firebolt slung over his shoulder. He wouldn't admit it, but he was worried about Potter. If Snape hadn't been there, if he hadn't known what to do for him - and how he knew that, Draco didn't want to know - then Potter could have died from his injuries. Injuries inflicted on him by Draco's team mates, people he still wasn't sure weren't out to cause him the same humiliation. He had forgotten to ask Snape if he knew anything further about his house mates before he had been dismissed from his office. Then again, considering the mood he was in, it was probably better that he didn't push his luck.
Making his way to the centre of the pitch and checking to see that there was no one else on the field or in the sky, Draco straddled his broom, gripped the handle securely, and pushed off from the ground.
Flying, for him, was like freedom. Ever since he'd been old enough to mount a broomhad had been his one guilty pleasure. In the air, he didn't have to hold up any pretence, conform to any rules. It was just him, the broom and the wind. He sometimes wished he could stay in the air forever, never have to set foot on the ground again. Today was one of those days.
He circled the pitch twice and then did a few feints and some rather impressive loops. After all, he had to look like he was practising, not just flying for the sake of flying. All the while though, he was remembering the events of the previous day. It was all he'd been doing since Potter had left his bed - and didn't that make one look at it in a different context - the night before.
Potter, broken and bleeding. Potter in his arms as he carried him back to the castle. Potter helpless and unconscious. Potter whimpering in his sleep. Potter crying in his arms...
It was really just the first and last images that got to. Th. The idea that The-Boy-Who-Lived could be brought so low, could be.I>viI>violated in such a way... Well, it just didn't seem right. Somehow, despite all his misgivings about Potter, Draco had always assumed that he would save them all, even him. He might be a Malfoy, but he had no desire to follow a half-blood with delusions of world domination. No, he was not going to make the same mistakes his father had. Sure, the world had problems, and yeah, Muggles and Mudbloods were at the top of the list, but complete annihilation wasn't the answer.
But more confusing than the idea of Harry Potter being brought down by a bunch of students - when their parents themselves, as well as the Dark Lord, had failed to do the job - was the sense of protectiveness he now felt for the other boy. Seven years of hatred, jealousy and petty bickering was suddenly usurped in that one moment, the one where he had looked into bright green eyes filled with pain, humtiontion and unshed tears. He couldn't get past the feeling inside of him, that Harry had trusted him. Him, Draco Son-Of-A-Death-Eater Malfoy, to take care of him. To hhim,him, to offer him comfort. It wasn't something he had expected; if that morning someone had told him that by the end of the day he'd be in bed with Potter, and holding him while he wept, he'd have told them they were nutters.
He had no idea how long he'd been flying around above the pitch, but when he became aware of his surroundings once again, he slowly made his way back to the earth and shouldered his broom once again. He made good and sure to avoid walking too close to the locker rooms on his way back to the castle. If he was lucky, he'd have just enough time to shower and change clothes before lunch.
Harry's eyes burned.
He had been reading for hours. Salazar, it seemed, was a bloody genius! Harry had learned, so far, that not only was the man ambitious, he was talented as well. Potions, charms, transfiguration, parseltongue... and the thing that intrigued Harry the most? Salazar was working on a way to get into someone's thoughts, not like Snape with his Legilimens, but subtly. So subtly that the victim wouldn't even know he was in there; not even Occlumency could keep him out. And once the spell caster was in the victims head, he could make them do pretty much anything he wanted. Make his thoughts their thoughts, his ideals their ideals... It was a good thing Tom Riddle had never found this room, or these diaries, Harry thought. The wizarding world would be a far different place if he had seen these books.
Actually, Harry thought to himself, it was probably better that no one else see these books. There was no telling whose hands they could wind up in. No, it was better that Harry keep them to himself. He was responsible, after all, and he wouldn't do anything with the information he'd learned. He certainly wouldn't use the spells he'd found to invade the minds of innocent people.
But perhaps, there were some not so innocent people he could perfect the craft on? Some people who deserved to be put through hell, to be played with, manipulated, made to see the light? Yeah, Harry smiled as he thought of the things he could accomplish with this, they would pay and pay dearly for what they did to him.
With that happy thought in his head, Harry set down the journal, leaned his head back against the sofa and closed his eyes. He would have to go back to his dorm tonight, there was no getting around that, but for now, he just wanted to sit in the peace and quiet while he still could. He wondered if Snape would give him another sleeping draught.
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