Hollowed | By : dirtydarella Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 6996 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I havent updated this in a while, sorry! I was waiting because I got an offer for a beta, but I havent heard from her in a while so think she got too busy. ^_^ Since the next two chapters have been ready, Ive decided to go ahead and post them now (a few days apart), still with my friend from LJ, Tari_sues edit. :D
Chapter 3
A few days after Draco had helped make dinner, he braved going outside his room in the morning for something other than food or to use the bathroom. Okay, maybe 'braved' wasn't the right word, considering the fact that he had traveled like a timid mouse from room to room, flattening himself against walls and peaking out from corners. Nevertheless, the risky travel had been worth it because he had been able to snag quite a few books plus some from the Black family library, and was almost back to his room, ready for at least a week of reading.
He'd been so hurried to get back to his room that he hadn't actually gotten much of a chance to look at what he was grabbing, so he'd gone more for the seize as much as possible technique. At this point, he was so bored he'd read anything he could get his hands on, even the books that looked muggle had been nabbed, but from what he knew about Weasley and Potter's reading habits, they must have been Granger's, or possibly one of the adult Order members. It didn't matter to him, finders keepers, and if they wanted them back then he'd well, he'd probably give them back and hope they didn't curse his defenseless arse. He was a Slytherin, after all self-preservation and all that.
Consequently, sneaking around was much more difficult with an armload of heavy books, so he wasn't able to clearly see in front of him when turning into the hallway of his bedroom. What happened next seemed as if time had been spelled to move slower.
It was the second time he had crashed into Potter's firm chest, and it was just as strong and powerful feeling as he had remembered. The books fell to the ground in a cluster of thumps as his arms reached out to right himself, while at the same time Potter was half way to gripping Draco's elbows. It was only when Draco's body was being tugged in the other direction did he have the most interesting realization. If he could just pretend that he'd over-balanced... his body was already moving despite the only half-formed thoughts of his mind using his height advantage to 'fall' down until-
Oh, Potter's lips were soft. His midnight-black hair was too, tickling Draco's cheek.
He jerked away at the same time as the brunette, playing up that it was all an accident by gaining as much distance as he could within a step. His heart and mind were racing it hadn't been perfect, the alignment of their mouths had been completely off. Had he really just acted juvenile enough to steal a kiss from Potter? Pathetic.
Potter was looking at him with an indescribable expression, somewhat between shock and possibly fear. Draco, who hadn't planned this very well, felt stupid just standing there, but didn't know what else to do. A part of him wanted to start screaming at Potter like he would have back in the days of Hogwarts, proclaiming it was all the brute's fault, maybe even playing up an injury. He did nothing, though, just stood there and fought down the blush that would have given his game away.
Sorry, Potter said, bending down. Draco followed, dropping to his knees to start collecting the books, and ignoring the tingles in his skin every time their hands brushed. Potter wasn't saying anything, did that mean he hadn't noticed what Draco had just done? That's what he had wanted, right? Right. So then, why did he feel so down all of a sudden? Dear Merlin, he hated crushes, he was starting to lose grip with reality.
Having gotten little sleep last night, Harry was very aware that he was not at all alert this morning, so he wasn't surprised that he had already managed to slam himself into someone just while walking to the bathroom. Luckily, Malfoy wasn't acting like Harry would have predicted, because he didn't think he could handle much of the blond's snooty words or snarky attitude this early in the morning.
Here, Harry said, handing his half of the collected books back to Malfoy or rather, carefully piling them on the books already in the blond's arms. It looked as if Malfoy had taken half the library's contents with him. He wouldn't be shocked if Hermione was really polyjuiced as him at the moment. Or maybe this was her doing anyway?
Yeah, Draco said, as close to a 'thank you' as he was ever going to get when it came to Potter. He continued on his path to his room without a backward glance, ignoring the fact that his heart hadn't yet calmed down. Bollocks, he really needed to get over this little crush.
When Malfoy had disappeared back into his room and it was quite entertaining to watch him try to open the door with all those books in his arms, Harry remained standing for a moment. His tongue peeked out and licked his lips, spending a moment to linger on his bottom one. That was unmistakably one of the most bizarre things to happen between him and Malfoy. He didn't even know what to call it a gentle head butt? Could it even be considered an accidental kiss? Bizarre, just bizarre. He shook his head and continued down to the bathroom.
He had to get ready for a trip to Diagon Alley, and since Malfoy was still acting tolerable, it seemed like he was going to go through with getting something for the blond while he was there.
Ron was going to have a fit.
The dream team, or whatever Potter and his friends were referred to as nowadays, were going out again. At least this time Draco didn't think they looked all nervous and jumpy, like they were about to go walk into the Forbidden Forest blindfolded, without their wands, so he guessed it wasn't for anything too serious. The important thing, though, was that Draco was going to have the whole house to himself for a couple of hours.
Time to catch him a grimy old house elf.
Ever since arriving at Grimmauld, he'd seen the little bugger from time to time, murmuring to itself in the corner of rooms. He didn't know how Potter had managed to acquire a house elf, but he was sure this one looked familiar, and had figured it must have been inherited with the house. Surely an elf that had served the Black family would serve Draco too.
Knowing how noisy house elves could be, what with their slamming into walls all the time and such, Draco hadn't dared approach the thing when someone could have heard. He wasn't dumb, it had probably been ordered not to talk to him, but depending on how the wording of that order was, he might be able to find a way to still get the house elf to do his bidding.
This was why he was currently standing in the living room, calling for the stupid thing. If he could at least get it to bring him food, and maybe books when his current stash ran out, it would cut back on the amount of times he risked running into Harry So-Fuckable-It-Hurts Potter. If he was going to get over this attraction, he'd just have to avoid the idiot as much as possible.
Damn him and his soft lips and firm chest. Draco frowned.
House Elf!
Silence. Where was that creepy little thing?
I am of Black blood, and I command you appear at once, he said in as much of an authoritative voice as he could. Yeah, okay, it sounded kind of meek, nothing like the voice he had used to command Crabbe and Goyle with, but that shouldn't matter to house elves. Luckily for him, there was a pop! and the grubby little creature apparated in front him, pulling at its ears.
Kreacher wants to help the good, pureblooded boy, the thing said, croaking like a frog. But filthy-blooded master has forbidden Kreacher from going near him unless it is for a life or death situation.
It howled as it pulled his ears a little tighter. Draco really hated it when they did that to themselves.
Well, you're not all that near, are you now? Draco, said, taking a few steps back until he had put the sofa between them. Thankfully, the elf paused in its self-mutilation and looked up. Draco was going to find a way around Potter's command even if it took all day.
Harry sighed as he kept his pace behind Hermione and Ron. The two had apparently forgotten that they were supposed to be as inconspicuous as possible and were currently shouting at each other. Why even bother polyjuicing to sneak around in the open if they were just going to draw attention to themselves? Their interaction was starting to become ludicrous at times. Really, Ron shouldn't have made that comment about Hermione's hair, but couldn't she just let it go already?
Keeping an eye out for any suspicious looking characters more specifically, any known Death Eaters Harry continued with his broken stride. He was currently disguised as a gruff old man with a curly beard much like Hagrid's who walked with a distinctive limp in his step. Hermione had even transfigured a cane for him, but they had decided to leave it behind when it was obvious he looked too unfamiliar with it while trying to walk. It had been harder than he thought making it look like he walked with it every day, not being able to find the right balance of how much weight to put on it.
Up ahead Hermione was shrieking something in her much more mature voice about Ron never noticing details, while the redhead was barking back monosyllable responses that sounded a lot like caveman grunts. The more Harry watched them, the more he felt a pang in his chest. Heaven knows he didn't want to participate in the fight or anything he was pretty sure at this point he was the only one levelheaded enough to be keeping an eye out for their safety but he couldn't deny that lately he was feeling, just a little bit, left out.
It was a strange equation, but the more Ron and Hermione fought, the closer they seemed to be with each other, and the farther Harry felt from them. It was completely silly, he knew they were there for him, and that they had stuck by his side through so many hardships. But he was lonely, and having them around didn't seem to alleviate it as much as it use to.
Harry spotted a robed wizard eyeing his friends and pushed all other thoughts aside. In times like these, he really needed to keep a clear head. He fingered his wand as his friends and he walked into the shop, making sure not to let down his guard, even after the wizard disappeared shortly after. Now, he had other business to attend to.
But I've told you, you grimy elf, this is a life or death situation. If I don't die of starvation, then I'll die of boredom. Draco said, trying to keep the whine out of his voice. No matter what he told the thing, it just kept mumbling to itself and tugging its ears, and if it kept it up, then it was going to pull them clear off. Not to mention he was about to start pulling at his own ears in frustration. How long had he been at this now, an hour? He just wanted it to leave some fucking food outside his door every once in a while, was that so much to ask? He wondered if it would be worth asking Potter to command the elf for him, but then was reminded that this whole thing was more or less to be able to stay away from the brunette.
Look, I understand that you were commanded not to be tricked by me, but I'm not tricking you, see? I'm asking you to leave food outside my door during mealtimes. You don't have to think about it as leaving it for me, understand? You're just leaving it out there in the hallway, for no particular reason.
The elf paused, as if to think about it for a moment, then continued to tug his ears. Kreacher cannot. Kreacher cannot knowingly do what the Malfoy boy asks. Kreacher must do as his traitor master tells him.
Feeling beyond frustrated, Draco stomped his feet a few times, like he had done as a child when he wasn't getting his way. He knew he was acting foolish, but who cared with just the stupid elf as a witness? He crossed his arms and pouted, only to jump in surprise when he heard the clearing of someone's throat. Oh Merlin, please don't let it be
Potter, how long have you been bloody standing there?
The brunette was sloped against the doorframe with his own arms crossed over his chest. He had an amused looking smile that Draco wanted to punch off or maybe kiss, but right now he was so frustrated he leaned closer to the punch.
Hmm? Long enough to see your little tantrum just now.
Draco felt a gentle breeze in his hair and looked over to notice for the first time that the window was open. Well that made perfect sense; his dignity must have just flown out of it. He kind of wanted to see if it was lying in a heap on the ground outside. As he was looking, he could hear Potter's footsteps on the hardwood until he stepped into Draco's view.
What the hell, did the backlight have to make Potter look all dreamy like that? This attraction to the idiot was divine punishment, Draco just knew it. And fuck, he really hoped he wasn't blushing, because now all those wanking fantasies he'd been playing out in his head last night were filling his imagination with very vivid images of Potter underneath him, panting and thrashing and writhing and great, now he was actually getting hard. He looked over to the house elf and yep, just one glance at all that nasty ear hair sure did a fantastic job of getting rid of any arousal. Bravo, crisis averted.
You can go, Potter said, hopefully addressing the elf, because Draco was not going to listen to commands like that. However, the elf mumbled something under its breath before disappearing. Great, now he was alone with Potter. He glanced over at the brunette to see him just standing there, looking all casual with the top two buttons of his shirt undone and his sleeves rolled up.
He wondered if Harry would squirm if he licked that tan collarbone of his. Draco was sure he could make him whimper in pleasure.
I have something for you, Potter said, drawing Draco's eyes up to those pink lips.
Do you? he responded in a voice much more husky than he had intended.
A sudden shiver went down Harry's back and he blinked, then shook his head. He reached into his back pocket to pull out the slim box he had picked up from the German wand maker in Diagon Alley. Hermione had warned him this wand maker wasn't as much of a master of the practice as Ollivander had been, so he was a little anxious to see Malfoy try it out. Deeper down, he was also anxious to see how Malfoy would react would he smile?
Malfoy's eyes fixed themselves on the box immediately, his body appearing to tense in anticipation.
Er- I had this made for you, like your own wand, but not.
A probation wand? Malfoy said, his voice much higher than it had been a minute ago.
Yeah, it's
What can it cast?
Oh, Harry said, his hands digging into first his front pockets, then his back before he pulled out a folded piece of parchment. You probably know more about it than me. It's just like any other probation wand, filtering out dark spells and charmed not to work on humans, Draco clenched his teeth in irritation, like he was really going to go torture the people he was seeking sanctuary from, except healing charms. You know, incase you get hurt cooking or something.
How thoughtful, Potter. You've given me the same restrictions as a house elf. Is this your way of telling me I should make myself comfortable in the kitchen?
Harry was taken aback by the snarky comment, surprise quickly turning to rage. He didn't know why he had thought Malfoy might be grateful. Of course the git wouldn't care that Harry had gone through the hassle of convincing the Order to allow this specialized wand. Nor would he care about how time consuming it was to get the wand maker to make it specialized to be almost exactly like Malfoy's other wand. Wouldn't have any interest that the damn thing cost almost as much as a bloody new broom, the selfish prick.
His blood was boiling. Not knowing what to say, and fighting the urge to just throw out a punch and hit the bastard square in the jaw, Harry threw down the parchment, turned around, and walked out of the room. That whole thing had obviously been a complete waste of time; he still didn't even know why he had decided to do it in the first place.
Draco had seen the tensing of Potter's shoulders and regretted his comment right away. He hadn't meant to sound so unappreciative, having a wand back, even a limited one, was like a gift from the gods. From the moment it had touched his fingers, Draco felt like a hollow void inside had filled. He just wasn't used to having people do something so... thoughtful for him without wanting something in return.
When Potter turned to walk out of the room he had been just about to call to him, but his Malfoy pride held him back. Potter would get over it. He experimentally waved the wand and smiled when the tip shot out green sparks. He was no longer like a bird with clipped wings, knowing it was meant to fly but not being unable to. The slim wand felt so right in his hand as he twisted it between his fingers.
Small edit:
I forgot to thank my reviewers. *hugs you all silly*
Thanks so much to DTDY, thrnbrooke, and Merenwen Nenya for the comments. ^_^
linagabriev: I think I might have a wrist fetish, at least when it comes to imagining Dracos. *sighs*
I guess this answered what Harry got in Diagon Alley, although your ideas seemed better lol. :)
Sapphire Thanks! Poor Draco, I think Ill be throwing him into a lot of uncomfortable situations in the future.... ^_^
Jilliane Maybe Ron will be too busy trying to score with Hermione to notice any... future interactions *wink wink* with Harry and Draco lol. Sorry you didnt get the alert, Im willing to guess I was just an idiot and forgot to check your box off when sending it. No worries, you are in the update section in my address book though. :)
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