Blindsided by Affection | By : bibliobibuli17 Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 41821 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't have any claim, monetary or otherwise, on anything HP related. Actually...I don't really have a claim on anything, period, except my dudefriend. That's sad. |
Hermione slept exceedingly little after her panty-related realization, and so was unsurprised to see the dark circles under her eyes the next morning. She leaned in close to the mirror, peering into the gold depths of her eyes as though searching for the reasoning behind what she thought of as darkly insatiable wants. Unfortunately, all she found was a weariness glazing over a fog of resigned arousal.
Sighing, Hermione pulled away and resumed the light brushing of her curls. It had taken some time, and actual effort into her looks, but she had eventually learned to treat her wild mane very gently. If there was any hint of roughness in her brush stroke, she ended up with the mound of frizz she was infamous for rather than the full, bouncy curls she had tamed her hair into the last couple years. Reaching a hand over to pull a hunk of hair over her shoulder for brushing, Hermione jumped and gasped when her arm grazed an exceptionally sensitive nipple.
She needed to get laid.
Thirty minutes later Hermione could be found meandering through the hallways in the general direction of the Great Hall. It was rather difficult to be her swiftly prompt self when chocolate nipples and smoldering grey eyes kept flouncing their way through her thoughts. She had, of course, originally intended to sleep in this morning, as it was Saturday...but she hardly saw any point to just lying awake in bed [fantasizing] for hours more when she could be doing something productive. Like burying her nose in a book. Nothing like a book for such noble purposes as distraction and denial.
Despite her leisurely pace in getting ready for the day, it was not quite 7am yet, which was when the house elves would begin piling the tables with a variety of breakfast foods. Hermione had deliberately drawn out her routine, too. She was not impressed with time at the moment. Tucking an errant curl floating across her vision back behind her ear, she scowled down at the tiled floor. Any random passers-by would be astounded to see the Head Girl in such a state; she was known for breezing her way through the hallways, eyes forward and a determined air surrounding her as her waist-length curls waved with each step. This Hermione was dawdling and practically pouting.
But honestly, how unfair was it to have something and enviable flaunted before her! Something she so desired and could never conceivably have, something she couldn't even bring herself to hope for. And if this bloody ache between my legs doesn't simmer down, I'm going to have to take action. Which I really don't feel comfortable doing. Yet I'm comfortable getting naked and pawing at myself in a public hallway.
I have issues.
Biting at her lower lip and twirling a long curl around her finger, Hermione continued her slow trek to the Great Hall. She'd debated whether eating in the Hall was a wise move, but was fairly confident she would be the only person insane enough to be there at this time of the morning on a Saturday. She didn't quite feel rested enough to deal with the house elves in the kitchen. All of them would shrink away, sending fearful glances in her direction - with the exception of Dobby, who would chatter nonstop in her ear. On the other hand, judging by their activity the previous night, Malfoy and Parkinson would no doubt be sleeping quite late. Great Hall it was.
Finally, about five after seven Hermione arrived at the doors to the Hall. There was a wonderful aroma seeping from the large room, signaling the house elves were as punctual as always. Hesitantly pushing open one side of the entrance, she peered around the room and was immensely relieved to see that yes, she was the only person to grace the area. Making her way to her usual seat at the Gryffindor table, she settled in and began spooning eggs onto her plate. Grabbing a couple of pieces of toast and three slices of bacon before pouring herself some of her favorite morning tea, Hermione began to relax. She was surprised to realize how tense she had actually been.
Sipping occasionally at her honey chamomile brew, Hermione slowly munched her way through her breakfast. The eggs were a little salty this morning, which she was vaguely disappointed with, but she compensated with two more pieces of bacon. Eggs weren't a particular favorite of hers, but she loved bacon - only when it was very crispy, though.
About twenty minutes after Hermione dished her food onto her plate, she was faintly interested to see Snape make his way into the Hall. He cast a baleful glare in her direction, to which she responded with an amused raising of an eyebrow - outside of his knowledge, of course. Not too long after, McGonagall, Dumbledore, and a couple of hardcore Ravenclaws made their way in, and Hermione began to suspect it was time to make a quick exit. Just as a precaution. She eyed the bacon plate, which had been refreshed and refilled in preparation for the stampede that could occur any moment. Hmmm, one more piece won't hurt, will it? Oh who am I kidding, it's half fat. My arse doesn't need any more of that. Purposely pushing the bacon plate out of reach, Hermione set her utensil diagonally across her plate, activating the magic to send it back to the kitchen. It vanished...
...revealing a folded piece of parchment, addressed to her in an elegant cursive. Which wasn't suspicious in the least.
Hermione subconsciously leaned away from the parchment, somehow knowing it contained something to do with last night. It wasn't Malfoy's handwriting. It was completely unrecognizable. Staring in mute horror, she prodded the little piece of doom with her discarded jelly knife.
Quickly glancing around the Hall, she was once more relieved when it became obvious that no one was paying her the slightest bit of attention. She did decide, however, that if she were really going to open this, it would probably be best to do so in the same room as the smartest Potions Master in the country and the most powerful wizard since Merlin himself. If it were ill-intended, her likeliest help were merely across the room. She simply couldn't hand it over for someone to inspect and open for her on the chance it contained something humiliating - which was more likely than it being ill-intended, in her opinion.
Wiping her jellied knife with her napkin, Hermione slid the tip under the folded edge of the parchment and tried to unfold it using this method. It flopped back closed, looking unperturbed to her eyes.
By Merlin's gonads, I'm being silly! If I'm going to do this, then I need to just do it.
Resolute, she snatched up the parchment and practically ripped it open in her haste to get rid of the nervous tension it caused. Somehow, she was unsurprised and a little chagrined to realize it only held more of the same elegant cursive. One aspect of the seemingly innocent parchment shocked her, however, and that was the signature. Whatever was written inside suddenly didn't seem as innocent as it had before.
Granger -
I'll be blunt, as you are a Gryffindor and that will likely be the most effective way to communicate with someone of your...temperament.
As enjoyable as it was for Draco and I to be subject to your voyeuristic tendencies last night, I highly doubt you were there long enough to actually achieve any of your own satisfaction from our interesting liaison of sorts. Thus my reason for contacting you: Draco and I both obtained such great pleasure from your presence, yet as you were unlikely able to do the same, I feel it is only right to rectify that.
I would dearly love to meet you in the Room of Requirement tonight. Draco will not be accompanying me unless a request is made by you. I will not expect to receive a response. Either I will meet you there at 10pm, or I will not.
With well wishes and great desire,
Pansy Parkinson
p.s. I'm afraid Draco refuses to relinquish your underclothing. I do hope they weren't a favorite pair.
Hermione's grip loosened, and the parchment dropped back to the table. She stared down - appalled? disturbed? bewildered? excited? - and watched as the parchment disintegrated.
Hermione didn't move after the annihilation of the note for several long moments. She was sitting staring at the ashes when it hit her - propositioned? For sex? From PANSY? Along with that thought came an intense jolt of arousal dousing her abdomen. She just barely managed to stifle an involuntary moan, and she jerked her head up to see if anyone had observed anything of the oddities surrounding her this morning. Other than a few more people being present than the last time she'd glanced around, apparently nothing was different.
Bloody hell, she had 13 hours - less, even, if she were going to get ready beforehand - to decide whether to have sex with Pansy.
Almost 14 hours later, at about 9:45 that evening, Hermione was making her way toward the Room of Requirement. She felt surreal. Surely, surely she wasn't really about to do this.
But she was.
She just wanted it so very badly, and her curiosity had been completely harnessed. How could she pass up such an opportunity? Why would she? Hadn't she just been reminiscing the day before on how she couldn't find a partner to explore with? And here one was being thrown right in her lap! Actually, if Pansy's (because one should really refer to someone you may soon be having sex with by their first name) note was to be believed, it was possible to have two partners...and it seemed like a continuing association with each other could be possible. Hermione figured that she'd have to be a fool to turn down something she'd been yearning after for a year or more.
So it wasn't the act itself that Hermione had to really spend time contemplating. She was ready and willing, and had been for a while. What she had to really agonize over was the person(s?) involved. Death Eater parents. She was a mudblood. Could she really put herself at Pansy's, and possibly Malfoy's, disposal? Not only did they supposedly hate her, but they could kidnap her and turn her over to the Death Eaters and/or Voldemort. Hermione knew she would never tell anyone of this arrangement, and that left her completely vulnerable and engaging in an act that could end up being incredibly idiotic. Pansy and Malfoy may believe the ideology spouted by their parents, but Hermione didn't think they were Death Eaters themselves yet. For just sex with two gorgeous specimens such as they, she could forget their beliefs if they could. The only problem she had was...was it a trap?
That possibility was why Hermione had composed a parchment note of her own. It contained the what, where, why, and how of her situation, and explained what it meant if the 5 intended recipients received the scrolls. She had charmed it to appear to each person (Harry, Ron, Ginny, Dumbledore, and Snape) if she hadn't disabled the charm for it by a certain time. She had set it to go out at midnight if she hadn't disabled it by then, though she would keep the existence of her backup to herself.
She was fairly certain she had the angles covered. She wanted this, and she was making sure she would have it.
Walking up the last stairwell to the Room of Requirement, Hermione found Pansy leaning against the open door of the Room, watching her finish her walk over with a predatory gleam in her eye that sucked the breath out of Hermione's lungs.
"You're here on time, Granger. You would think your virgin pussy would be eager enough for this that you'd be early," Pansy drawled in a tone that wasn't mocking, but wasn't simply teasing either.
Hermione scowled lightly as she halted in front of Pansy's slightly taller frame. "I'm here at precisely the time you set up."
Pansy smirked, eying the small amount of cleavage revealed by Hermione's simple blouse. Draco's probably ogling the calves Granger's muggle pants are showing, she thought, sending a covert glance to the corner she knew Draco to be hiding in. Out loud she sighed, saying, "I was only lamenting the extra time we could've had." Leaning in to whisper against Granger's lips, she went on, "I could be fucking you even as we speak."
Hermione felt something foreign and reckless come over her as heat spread from her nipples to her core, spurred to the forefront by Pansy's dirty words and the comment directed at her virgin state. In a perverse attempt to nullify the implications of her virginity, Hermione pressed herself up against Pansy.
"Fuck me now."
Pansy gazed down at her, surprised, feeling Hermione's thighs and breasts flattened against her own, and felt her own arousal flood her. Smiling slyly down at the petite brunette she was about to come all over, she found herself exceedingly grateful she'd let Draco talk her into letting him watch...she was so going to get off on this. Especially knowing that he was only allowed to wank while watching and wasn't allowed to touch whatsoever. Hermione was all hers. Her first time, her first orgasm with another person, hers to do what she wished to. All hers.
Grabbing Hermione's arms, Pansy pulled her into the room toward the bed off to one side. Hermione felt a quick stab of fear and nervousness before Pansy unceremoniously pushed her face down on the bed. Feeling Pansy's thighs clamp down on either side of her hips, Hermione quickly forgot any doubts as her panties got wetter.
"Ah, my little Hermione...and you are mine. At least this night, you are mine. Mine to touch, mine to taste, mine to take. Mine to defile."
Hermione felt smooth fingers slipping under her shirt, grazing the skin teasingly in a trail all the way up to the clasp of her bra, and she shivered as Pansy's words went straight to her pussy.
"The perfect little virgin princess will be so no longer, and it will be my hands, my mouth, my pussy that plunders and claims. My conquest."
With those words, Hermione felt her bra come undone, and the looseness of her bra had her nipples rubbing against the material, nearly driving her insane. As though Pansy knew, she wrapped her arms around Hermione's waist to lift her up and press her back hard against Pansy's front. Then Pansy's fingers were suddenly lifting Hermione's shirt over her head, and when she felt Pansy's hard nipples [chocolate] rubbing across her back she realized that Pansy was already undressed. Not that she was complaining, but when did that happen?
Then Hermione's bra straps were sliding down her arms, and Pansy's slim fingers had a surprisingly strong grip on her still-so-sensitive nipples. Hermione cried out in surprise and pleasure. It felt so amazing to finally have that rough touch. She felt Pansy hum in approval against the back of her neck.
"You like my touch I see...good."
Hermione's hands reached back to grip at Pansy's bare hips for support as Pansy's fingers began alternately caressing and pinching her nipples. Her hips pressed hard into Pansy's as she felt Pansy's mouth descend on her neck, her shoulder, her upper back, and she moaned at the many sensations flooding her.
"You have beautiful breasts, Granger...perfect handful, perky, with such pretty pink nipples. So tight and hard for me - I wonder how wet you are now." Pansy nuzzled her nose into Hermione's abundant curls and whispered as one hand slid slowly down Hermione's stomach, "Let's find out."
Hermione sucked in a sharp breath in anticipation, and groaned loudly at the first glancing touch of Pansy's fingers through her folds. She instinctively spread her legs wider, silently begging for more.
"Ah ah ah, lovely. Not so fast. I want to taste you before I fuck you senseless."
As jolts of arousal made like lightning through her body at Pansy's statement, Pansy directed Hermione to turn around and lay on her back. Hermione, feeling brave as a Gryffindor should, bent her knees and spread them as far as possible, allowing Pansy - and Draco, though she didn't know it - full view of her pussy. Pansy gave her first low moan in appreciation before leaning over and giving one long, swiping lick from Hermione's entrance to her clit. Hermione's hips jerked up in response and she cried out once again. Pansy heard Draco give his own groan in the corner, and sent him a knowing look before burying her face deep into Hermione's pussy.
Hermione threw her head back, moaning loudly as Pansy's tongue attacked her clit for several moments before sliding down and forcing itself into her entrance, where Hermione instinctively clenched around it. Unconsciously, Hermione brought her hands up and over to her own nipples and started playing with them.
Pulling back and kneeling between Hermione's legs, Pansy smirked at her. Registering that the sensations had stopped, Hermione opened her eyes to see Pansy's deliciously curved body, from rounded hips and healthy breasts to dark nipples and bare pussy. Seized by the sudden need to have something in her mouth, Hermione propelled herself up and latched onto one of Pansy's nipples, sucking and nipping for all she was worth. Pansy groaned and clutched at Hermione's hair, holding her tight to her breast. Buoyed by her apparent success, Hermione decided to be a little more daring...
Reaching down between Pansy's legs, Hermione slid two fingers between Pansy's folds to her entrance, running the tips vertically through her juices and enjoying the sounds it made. Gaining confidence as Pansy's moans rose in volume, Hermione circled Pansy's clit for several more moments as she licked her way over Pansy's breasts. Pansy was so wet, so hot. Thinking about what she had seen the previous night, Hermione made the quick judgment that Pansy liked it rough. Glancing up through her eyelashes at Pansy's face, Hermione slid her two fingers back down to Pansy's entrance to slide them hard and fast up into her body. Pansy arched back, crying out as her hips ground into Hermione's hand, covering it with her juices. Hermione pulled her fingers out, then slammed them back in as she switched to suck on Pansy's other nipple. As Pansy humped hard on her hand, her juices dripping over her wrist, Hermione began to fuck her hard. It was really quite simple really...just curve the fingers toward the roof, angle each thrust upward, and pound her pussy.
What do you know, theory definitely comes in handy.
Curious now if she can make Pansy come like Draco did, and wanting a taste, Hermione bent over a little further to get to Pansy's clit. She knew her own body well enough to do these things, it was a simple matter to do them to Pansy. Feeling Pansy's walls beginning to flutter around her fingers, Hermione added a third finger on her next thrust as she sucked Pansy's clit into her mouth - and with that, Pansy was clamping down hard and squirting. Hermione kept tonguing Pansy's clit as she felt the powerful jet she'd seen the night before hit her in the chest, spraying her breasts hard enough to cause droplets to splatter up over her neck. Hermione felt her nipples tighten as she registered the feeling of Pansy's come running down over them, dripping from them, and she moaned into Pansy's pussy. She knew right then that she loved it.
Pulling back once the clenching spasms of Pansy's pussy were slowing down, Hermione looked up at Pansy's panting figure through her lashes as she licked her fingers clean of Pansy's juices.
"Bloody fucking hell, Granger. You're sure you've never done this before?"
Hermione grinned up at her. "Absolutely positive."
"I don't know that I believe you. Merlin's balls!"
Hermione giggled, exalted with her success, before squealing in surprise as Pansy pushed her down and back. Grinning almost evilly, Pansy leaned close over her, pressing her pussy down into Hermione and grazing her nipples with hers. "That didn't exactly go as I had planned - it's far past time to correct that."
A/N: Alright, there you are! This will be continued in the next chapter, from Draco's POV - and the end is VERY hot, if I do say so myself. I'm really very excited to post Chapter 4. I really hope the femmeslash isn't scaring anyone off! I decided to have Hermione get with Pansy first because for some reason it seems more comfortable to me, lol. Now, I'm assuming most people are going to find Hermione's assertiveness and natural ability (haha) unrealistic, considering she's supposed to be a no0b. I would just like to say, what she's doing to Pansy she's done thousands of times to herself. She's assuming it's much the same. Also, I myself wasn't particularly shy my first time. I jumped right in. Given how passionate and bold my Hermione is, I think she would be about the same. The know-it-all who has to be the best and all that. ;]
If you still can't quite believe her attitude, I apologize - give me some advice! And I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Just as a note for you all, too, I plan on having Pansy and Draco on equal ground with each other, and the two of them dominating Hermione in the bedroom. Not that she'll be easy to dominate ;]...Now for review responses!
In My Blood: Yeah, these types of pairings are a bit rare. I've been wanting to write this pairing - no, grouping, lol - for quite some time, now, and I'm finally getting to it! I'm so glad you think I'm handling this well! I'm such a no0b, after all. I know this update isn't quite as quick as the last, but I don't think the timing is too shabby! I think the story will have some sort of plot at some point, too. I feel like I'm being led in that direction. I suppose we'll see! Also - I fixed the links. They should work now ^^. Thank you for your attentive review!!! I loved it!
pnayz4life: I know, it's very hot to me. I'm obviously a huge fan of dirty talk. If you use language right, it can bring some incredible images to mind, yeah? As for breaking you from your norm, I'm so glad! I was quite worried whether people would actually read this because of the fact that it's F/F/M and most want F/M/M (which, I'm a fan of those myself). THANK YOU for giving it a chance! As for the female ejaculation, all will be explained next chapter...
Hermione Snape: A repeat reviewer! Yayness! Lol, yeah, I read a lot too ;]. I have many, many ideas...hopefully they'll work and be described properly! Research, here I come.
Allya: Truly?? Thank you! And thank you for taking the time to let me know, I very much appreciate it!
Jenn: Another repeat reviewer! People are actually keeping track! Wow, what a compliment...but yes, another update. Not quite as quick as the last, but pretty decent if I do say so myself. :]
wudelfin: Wow, way to get creative! Thank you for sharing that with me, that's a REALLY good idea. Hmmm. It would make things very interesting. Wow. Thanks!!
Boo Boo Kitty Fuck: lol very nice name ;]. I know, people keep telling me they usually go for F/M/M, and actually I usually do, too, but I randomly got this itch to write one with these three characters and just couldn't resist. I saw in your profile you're originally from Michigan? That's where I am now, about 40 minutes from Detroit ^^.
WesleyY7: OF COURSE I don't mind! PLEASE, ramble all you like!! It's absolutely wonderful to get so much feedback, I really really enjoy it. Lol, I know, the reality of everything really slammed Hermione at first. She just needed time to adjust to it, though, which apparently wasn't too difficult :p. After all, she DOES want it. If you find her acceptance too unrealistic, though, let me know. I'm finding that it's rather hard to judge timing and everything when you're writing. At least, for me. I agree, Pansy and Draco ARE wonderful. They seem like, since they spend so much time together in the books, that they would end up rubbing off on each other a little? And I definitely could not have my Pansy like she is in canon, omg no. I want her dark and seductive ;]. Yes, Hermione will be quite the juxtaposition when it comes to the bedroom. She's going to like being dominated, but she doesn't ever give in. And she may get loads of pleasure out of being dominated, but I just don't see her being submissive. I think that will make bedroom games VERY interesting, don't you? 'Punishment' galore! *rubs hands together in glee*
HermioneMalfoyFan: lol I left you hanging? I'm so sorry. :p ^^. Here's another chapter for you, and hopefully the femmeslash didn't ruin anything for you. Obviously, being an F/F/M, there's going to be a fair amount of girl/girl stuff going on, but you never know. I know, threesomes SEEM like too much work to me - it's fun to write them, though. tee hee. I'm so happy you find it sexy! For serious! *dances*
Hannah Banana: So many repeat reviewers! I'm so pleased. And you'll get your desire next chapter...Pansy teaches, indeed ^^. Hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reviewing and letting me know you like what I've done so far!!
Elen: Thanks for the compliment! Solid, really? Joy to the world. I actually think, though, I'm going to need work on individualizing the characters, and perhaps on dialogue. Pacing, tone. Not sure what else, I'm really quite new to this :]. Thanks for inquiring! Does that mean you'll be keeping an eye out for me? ^^
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