Blonde Is Not Another Word for Stupid, Gay? Is No | By : Idiosyncratic13 Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 2565 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling owns everything in here, except for maybe a few things I made up, but everything else belongs to famous people. I post for fun not money. Well there was this one time, just kidding. Dont sue me. |
If anyone hasn’t realized, because
I don’t think I remembered to say as such, I am going to be posting once a day*this
was a fluke, this wait I lost internet connection for two days haha, I think if
possible. If I miss a day feel free to yell at me, it’s my goal and I’d like to
make it. I like this chapter a bit, came out better than I hoped. I had just
sat down to write the end of this when I got the urge to get a drink, and was
convincing myself that I didn’t really haaave to
update so early, so I got up to get a drink and as I was pouring it down my
sleeve, I realized yes I did indeed have to update. And so I am ignoring my
deadness and updating because my sleeve was a sign. Or something like that…
Finally, Draco turned and looked and then paused.
“Potter!” he spat. “What are you
doing here!?”
Harry had very rarely felt as
shocked as he did now. Draco “Bouncing Ferret” Malfoy was Alaenn’s friend. It
was like finding out that Hitler had risen from the dead and had come to settle
beside his Jewish little friend, in terms of the Death Eater to be and his Half
blood friend.
“The question isn’t what I am doing
here, but what are you doing here, and why are you here?” countered Harry, who
was frankly surprised at his calmness and un-rude tone.
Alaenn watched both of them with
calculating eyes, and almost a tad bit of wariness. Harry almost smiled at
seeing his Slytherin side come out, but was preoccupied by Malfoy.
“I am here to collect my wayward
young housemate from the clutches of the schools’ most insipid and idiotically,
foolish student.” Stated Draco snottily.
Looking at the corner of his eye
Harry saw Alaenn’s lips tighten and saw him frown at Malfoy.
not stupid, or foolish, or idiotic. He’s very helpful, and smart. You’re being
very rude, Draco.” Alaenn stated it with such a quiet firmness that both
teenagers were astonished and then Harry smiled at the boy, while Draco
“Look here brat,
I am never rude others merely misconstrue what I mean.” Draco said haughtily,
looking at Alaenn with a straight face.
Harry was uncertain if this was
playful talk or serious, both of them looked as if they were dead serious, yet
each had a twinkle in their eye, and their postures were relaxed. Also, neither
of them had any surges in their magic from tense emotion. Harry relaxed and
settled back trusting in the good judge of character Alaenn had.
“No, Draco, you’re a poncy spoiled, rude prat
sometimes.” Said Alaenn coldly.
Draco’s gray eyes widened slightly,
and his cheeks flushed lightly. He swiftly pulled out the chair on the other
side of the table and daintily placed himself into it.
“Alaenn there is a big difference
between spoiled and rude. I am acting as a proper Pureblooded High Society
young wizard. There are those whose social standings are so low they perceive
my actions and words as rude or selfish, but really they are all poor farmers,
or simpletons who can’t understand such refinement and class and style and
charm and wit.” Draco lectured Alaenn, seemingly tuning out Harry until the
lower class part was mentioned, and he promptly graced Harry with a pointed
“Draco, sometimes you are really,
really stupid and narcissistic.” Alaenn said dryly. Without meaning to Harry
Without realizing it, Harry’s anger at Hermione faded until it was just an itch
in the back of his mind, not important at the moment, but would most likely
rise in the future for a scratch.
Draco was peering at him,
scrutinizing him more like it, and Harry found himself returning the stare.
Draco had very beautiful eyes,
realized Harry. A deep, edgy pair of gray eyes that were tantalizing pools of
unknown mysteries and knowledge. His face wasn’t half bad either. His chin was
a little pointed, and his forehead a little high, but his lips were fairly
thin, but had a curve to them, as if they were used to more smiling than he’d
probably let on. His nose was aristocratic and neither too big nor small. The
hair which once was plastered backwards now hung loose around his head. A
seemingly perfect array of goldenly goodness, caught the light and shone like
wheat in the sun, and Harry smiled, imagining running his hands through its
apparent softness.
Finally, Harry settled his own gaze
back to Malfoy’s eyes and without realizing it began
to stare.
Alaenn was a curious boy by nature,
and while maybe not the most outgoing or intelligent, he was able to see that
there was more to each of these boys than meets the eye and that they had been
staring into one another’s eyes too long to be normal.
Coughing and shuffling his papers,
the two teens broke their gaze, each blushing and avoiding eye contact with the
other, choosing instead to look to Alaenn. Alaenn smirked and began to turn an
idea over in his mind.
Harry was shocked to realize how much
he found Draco attractive. Not that it bothered him that Malfoy
was a male, no, just that it was Malfoy he found to
be such. Shaking his head he turned to look at Alaenn who smiled slyly. Harry
chuckled and leaned forward and pinched Alaenn’s
“You really are a brat, huh?” he
said teasingly.
Alaenn rose his chin up and looked
down his nose at him haughtily. It was so like Draco, now that Harry thought
about it that it was everything he had to not laugh.
“I’m not a brat, I am mischievous.”
Alaenn stated calmly, and then turned back to his work.
Biting his lip Harry turned away
from trying not to laugh and accidentally made eye contact with Draco, who was
peering at Harry funnily, inspecting him suspiciously. Harry cocked an eyebrow
in question, and Draco frowned and turned his gaze away.
‘Huh, what’s his bloody problem?’
wondered Harry, but turned back to his parchment to write deciding to ignore
head shot up when he felt the prickle of silent magic working. Quickly opening
his mind up he looked from where it came, and then instantly relaxed. Draco had
cast a silent silencing spell, and then a masking spell so he could converse
with Alaenn. Respecting their privacy Harry pretended he didn’t notice anything
different and went back to his work.
Checking his watch Harry yawned and
then stretched. It was ten-thirty p.m. and he was ready for bed already.
Practice had been a killer tonight, the new kids hadn’t wanted to do anything
right, instead were too busy knocking around, that finally Harry had made them
do laps all night, and practice dives and dips, and then made them run the
length of the field five times.
Poor Ron had been nearly killed
when he suggested Harry ask for six because five laps really weren’t so bad,
apparently he liked running. Thankfully for him Harry had laughed it off as a
joke, much to Ron’s confusion, and saved his life from his fellow half dead
Quidditch team members.
Harry smiled at the memory. He
looked over at the two bent heads. Draco was doodling on a spare piece of
parchment, and Alaenn was working on Hagrid’s six
inch essay on unicorns and why they didn’t tend to like adults and males.
“Alaenn, Malfoy,
I’m going to head out.” He announced and began to pack his things up and then
stood up.
“Alaenn, if you’re not in the
common room in thirty minutes maximum you will find yourself devoid of all male
clothes for the entire week.” Draco warned as he also stood up.
Alaenn rolled his eyes and waved
them off.
“I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes as
soon as I finish up this essay, Mother.”
Harry laughed and walked out.
‘Merlin, he is funny sometimes.’ He thought in amusement of his short, little
friend. ‘And definitely knows when to pull his punches.’
As he was walking towards the stair
cases, a hand reached out of the shadows and grabbed Harry, pulling him into
the dark. Instantly, Harry was on the alert, and Sunan
had grown alert around his neck.
“Potter!” spat Draco, eyes narrowed
and wand trained on him.
“What business do you have with Alenn?” he practically growled out, his grip on Harry’s arm tightened to the point of almost painful.
Cocking his head to the side Harry
regarded the attractive blonde, because if he was going to honest with himself
he had to admit that he really did find Draco attractive. He was obviously very
protective of the young boy, but why? And was it affection or duty, or
something else? He didn’t know, but judging by the worried air he could sense
in Draco’s magic, it was most likely affection, which made Harry relax.
“I’m just his friend Draco. What
are you to him?” Harry stated plainly thinking he’d be more appreciative of a
quiet and calm confession rather than a typical Gryffindor one, long and
Draco’s grip first tightened, and
then relaxed on his arm, and then finally released.
“None of your
business. You should leave him be, he doesn’t need you as a friend.”
Draco said snottily.
Rolling his eyes, Harry tried not
to laugh at him in his face.
“Look, Mal-Draco, we both know that
you care about Alaenn and so do I. I know you don’t like it, but you’re going
to have to deal. If you cared so much maybe you should have spoke up in his
defense in your own house, and he wouldn’t have had to look for friends outside
of it. So, in his sake, and though I have an intense disliking of your smarmy
self, and assholic-better-than-thou ways, lets put
this mostly behind us, and at least try to get along.” He said, and really was
surprised to hear himself say it, but when he thought about it, it was true.
Alaenn evidently cared about both
Harry and Draco and it wouldn’t be fair to make him chose sides. Harry had gone
to school with an adorable little boy whose parents had been going through a
nasty divorce and had used him as the middle man. Poor kid was always so sad
and had no social skills to speak of.
Draco stared at him, and really he
had to get used to thinking of him as mostly Draco and not Malfoy
or Ferret or Goldilocks because neither of them were a good way to make this
work. Alaenn deserved to have the best kind of experience at Hogwarts, and
Harry wanted to make sure it worked out perfectly. This kind of thing wouldn’t
be good.
Finally Draco nodded. “Okay then
“Okay then, Harry, you mean?” Asked Harry, smirking at the aversion to his name.
Draco hmphed and then reluctantly
as those the very act of doing so was eating low class fish and chips rephrased
it. “Okay then, Hairy.”
He smirked at his own wittiness,
and Harry rolled his eyes.
“Well, then since we obviously care
enough about that small Slytherin to put aside most of our differences, then
what say you to coming tomorrow to our study group? We meet usually either at
seven p.m. or eight p.m. and occasionally earlier or later, really depends on
the amount of work, and other plans.” Harry offered.
If he had ever thought he had seen
a suspicious person, Harry truly realized he had never seen such suspicion
until Draco Malfoy’s eyes slanted so narrowly he
almost appeared to be the snake he so was proud of.
“Look, Potter. Don’t pretend we’re
friends. Don’t pretend you want to do this. We both know you are doing this for
Alaenn. So, with that said, Smelly Hairy, I am an attractive bloke, okay, so
lets not ever be seen together.” He said it so haughtily that for a second
Harry really thought he was just being a real asshole. Then it settled what he
had just said, and he nodded.
He didn’t want anyone to see all of
them together, for safety sake and also because Draco didn’t want his
reputation ruined. He could understand that.
“Don’t worry Princess, I’ll come as
your Prince.” Harry said, and then turned and walked away, leaving behind a
very pissed off Slytherin in his wake.
The next day Harry came under a
glamour, he had told Alaenn about it of sorts, but he didn’t explain what
exactly he’d come as. So, when he glided
into the study cubicle and saw the two sitting already, he mentally grinned at
his luck. Oh, it would be fun, he knew.
Draco looked up, went back to his
notes, froze, and then relooked up.
“Professor Snape?” he asked
“Mr. Malfoy,
I have some very grave news involving your academics to speak of with you.” He
drawled silkily.
eyes were wide as saucers, almost afraid of the imposing man. Harry stored that
away for future knowledge.
looked at Alaenn and then at Professor Snape.
“Sir, Alaenn is very trustworthy,
you can speak of it here.” He said simply.
Harry smiled mentally, aww isn’t that sweet.
“You’re failing Sex Magic.” He
stated simply.
“Pansy and Millicent told me of
your inability to ‘perform’ the magic. Then Blaise
and Vincent came to me this morning and complained also. I’m afraid this will
mean a zero in the class.”
Harry made sure that the face
remained in the normal, stoic expression the man always had on his face, to
express fully Snape.
Draco Malfoy’s
face went bright red, redder than red, it was flaming.
Alaenn burst into laughter,
laughing so hard tears rolled down his face, as Draco’s mouth opened and shut
so fast, and his head swiveled back and forth between Professor Snape and
Finally, he understood, and scowled
deeply, and Harry dropped the glamour.
“Hello there.” He said.
Draco Malfoy
ignored Harry Potter for an entire four weeks of Study Session in the
library. Oh, he came every single day, but he never once acknowledged his
presence, and if it was forced onto him, he was the most glacial, gracious boy.
Alaenn and Harry shared many jokes
over it, even in front of the boy, but he never once deviated from his way of
“Harry, I must stop this. If you
don’t start doing your work I am going to have to report you to McGonagall. It’s
ridiculous, why even worse than Ron!” Hermione was lecturing as soon as he
entered the common room.
Harry rolled his eyes and came to
sit next to the twins and Ron.
“Well, hello
there Harry.”
“We’re so happy to see you,”
“Would you like a candy?”
The twins asked together. He
“No, thanks, Gred
and Forge, I’ll stick to buying my own when I know exactly what they’ll do to me.”
The twins beamed at him, huge grins
that made Harry smile they were so infectious. For some reason, Ron was staring
at his knees, picking at the seams.
Harry poked him in the knee, and
Ron glanced up at him and Harry felt a very strange feeling in him when he
realized Ron was sad. He could feel it in his magic. Sad and
also a lot of feelings of inferiority. Frowning Harry touched Ron’s hand
with his, and Ron looked up.
His entire right eye was black and
blue. Feeling his eyebrows shoot way up Harry met Ron’s gaze.
“Ron?” he asked softly, securing
them in a private bubble, no one else could hear into.
“Harry, I…I can’t explain really.
I’m sorry.” He mumbled, and then got up and left.
Instantly, Harry rounded on the
twins and cast the exact same spell, only slightly different in that they
couldn’t leave until he allowed them to.
“What happened to Ron?” he demanded
to know.
The twins looked at him funny.
“What do you mean?” asked George,
pulling Fred’s box of candies off of his lap. Tussling briefly with George,
Fred turned to look at Harry after being unsuccessful in grabbing them back.
“You don’t mean the whole mopey, dopey, thing do ya?”
He asked.
Harry felt his temper rising. “Have
you ever known Ron to get down in the dumps and stay there? I noticed the last
few days he’s been really, I don’t know, sad? And he has a black eye. What
happened?” he demanded, his voice betraying how much he felt for his best friends wellbeing.
Instantly both twins pierced him
with their sharp gazes.
“What do you mean,” started George,
and finished Fred. “A black eye?”
Feeling for the very first time the
fullness of their magic as he had their full attention and alertness Harry
almost shivered. They really were powerful, and he realized, caring towards
“I poked him to ask him what was
wrong, and when he looked up he had a black eye, and when I questioned him, I…I
think he almost cried, and then he left.” Harry told them. He felt unsure,
knowing how much they liked taking the mick out on
“Did you say cry?” asked George
quietly. Fred was staring at the ground, the skin around his mouth tight, and
his eyes hard, and George looked ready to pound
something. For a second, Harry almost felt uncomfortable.
“Err, Yeah, I don’t know, he’s sad
though for sure.” He said hesitantly.
Standing at once they looked down
at him.
“Thanks mate. We’re going to go see
what the matter is. You’re a good friend, and we’ll let you know.” Said George,
and then both of them stalked up to Ron’s room.
For a second, Harry would have
killed to have been a fly on the wall, but then he almost cried himself, when
Hermione saw them leave and came back over to pester him about his grades.
‘Fucking bitch.
I hate her sometimes. She really is getting on my nerves. She’s beyond pushy. A total nightmare.’ Scowled Harry, as he
“Now, Harry, I understand you’re
under a lot of stress about you-know-what and I know you’re at the age where
you start thinking of having romantic liaisons with girls, and that you want to
forget about your studies, but this is such an important year in terms of
school work. I think maybe you should talk to someone about your changing body,
and how to keep up with your school work.” Hermione said.
Now, Harry had a lot of patience,
more than he ever really realized, but when a female tells you you’re thinking
about sex and girls more than school work, well that’s not a bad thing thinking
of sex, but that’s beyond what most people can handle.
Harry felt a tick in his cheek and
so badly wanted to tell her off, he wanted so badly to push her head in the
fire and watch it ignite, to set her pompous self on her ass, but holding
himself in store, he stood, practically vibrating in anger and just a slight
bit of amusement and looked down at her.
“Hermione, I don’t like girls and
sex in the same thoughts.” He said coldly, and then turned and left.
It was already almost time for
Harry to be back in the common room but he was still too angry to go back. Instead
he found himself pacing angrily along.
“Her nerve, oh sometimes I can
totally see why she deserves a kick in the teeth. Hah! A kick in the teeth once
would have never even gotten far, those ugly rabbit chompers
stuck out so far!” he grumbled to himself as he walked along.
Finally he stormed over to the spot
where he met Alaenn and plopped himself down on the rock.
“That girl is such a pain in the
ass. I wonder if she even realizes it.” Thought Harry aloud.
“Potter, must we all be subjected
to your boring thoughts when some of us are trying to get some peace and
quiet.” The rock drawled under his feet.
Looking over the edge revealed
Draco Malfoy sitting on his ass on the ground.
“Speaking to me again are you then
Ferret Face?” laughed Harry.
Draco scowled. “Shut up Scar Head.”
Laughing, Harry plopped down next
to him.
“Sorry, I really didn’t mean to
disturb your peace and quiet.” Said Harry sincerely after a
few seconds of staring at the lake.
Draco looked at him, and for the
first time, looked relaxed and friendly.
“Do you think I care?” he asked
icily. His golden hair caught in the breeze and fanned across his face, almost
chidingly for being rude.
Snickering Harry had a brief
thought of Draco being the perfect lion mascot for Gryffindor, with that mane
of golden hair.
Draco shook his head, and all of Harry’s amusement died, and he flushed looking away. Malfoy was really exceptionally beautiful for a male. Then
his thoughts settled back on Hermione and he scowled so deeply he could feel
his forehead furrow.
was looking at him, he could feel the gaze on his face, and so he looked up
“You look as if the Dark Lord has
proclaimed a way to transform himself into the Squid and eat you up.” Draco
Blinking, Harry realized Draco had
just told a joke and he grinned, and then began to tell him what had happened.
When he finished, Draco said
nothing, just stared into the lake, watching the sun sink away at the furthest
end, casting night rays on the lake, and causing the moon to drift into view.
“So, you don’t like girls, huh?”
stated Draco, a wry smile on his very pink, and
pleasantly pleasingly pink lips.
Red faced Harry nodded in
“Well, me neither. They’re too soft
and boobed.” Draco proclaimed passionately. “They’re
not anywhere near as sexy as males, and their nice, hard bodies.”
For a second it took time to realized what Draco had said, then it sunk in.
“You’re gay too?” he asked in
Laughing, which only enhanced his
sexiness, Draco nodded.
“Oh.” Stated
Curiously he asked. “So, what kind
of guys do you like?”
Seriously, Draco turned to face
Harry, his face as set and as dead pan as a stark contrast to the friendly
smile that had just been gracing it.
“Don’t tell anyone okay, but I lust
painfully over Neville Longbottom and Professor
Harry thought about it. Sure, they
were both attractive enough looking, both one were hideous, and Harry could see
the appeal in both, more Neville than Snape, but still.
“Oh.” He said again.
Draco erupted into fierce laughter,
heaving breaths, and tummy holding laughter. He rolled over onto his side, his
head landing on Harry’s knee, laughing so hard.
Confused Harry just waited it out.
Finally, Draco rose his head up and
looked at him. “Your face, Harry Potter, was the most wonderfully funny site I
have ever seen in quite some time. I like fit males thank you very much. With nice arses and nice muscles.
Do you see that in either of them? Well, well no.” said Draco.
Merlin, Harry felt like a huge
idiot. He could feel his face flaming, and he ducked his head in embarrassment.
“You know, Pot-Harry, maybe we can put these differences behind us,
seeing how much we have in common. Alaenn and being gay, I mean. Otherwise
we’re like night and day, in looks, habits, ideals, etc. Still, maybe having
you around will make life less dull, especially if you continue to tell me
these stories of the Mudblood.” Stated
For a second Harry felt odd. They
hadn’t been getting along very well and now they apparently were. A part of him
wanted to yell at him for the Mudblood comment, but
he knew Draco was just testing him. So, he just smiled and nodded, and then it
dawned on him
He stuck out his hand and said,
“Hello, I’m Harry James Potter.”
Draco looked at him, and for a
second his eyes seemed sad, and full of a deep pain, and then it passed and he
“Draco Severus Malfoy.”
He said.
Both boys smiled and turned to watch the last of the sun falter, and then
become eaten by the shadows of the night, and watched the moon send its own
rays out over the lake.
“Severus? Like Snape?” asked Harry
finally, confused slightly.
“They used to be best friends.” He
said quietly.
Harry dropped the subject getting
the subtle hint.
Realizing the time, both boys got
up to leave for their houses, and as Harry was almost to Gryffinfor
when he realized he never asked Draco why he was out there, and where Alaenn
was. Shrugging his shoulders he entered his house, and began walking up to his
room, glad that Hermione was gone, and that he could go right to sleep. Or so
he thought anyway, until he entered his room.
So, thanks so much for the reviews.
I never expect them, and when I get them it always makes my day so much. Thanks
so much, I appreciate them a lot. I will answer them either tomorrow or the day
after, but some sites I post at don’t like me doing that, so if I don’t its
only because I know they don’t like when you do. I’m a little pressed for time
tonight, and I just got the internet working, so I thought I’d finish the
chapter and get it up before I leave. So, I hope you enjoy the update, and I’ll
be updating again soon. Does anyone think that Harry and Draco are too OOC? Im bad at that
sometimes. Anyway, ta.
((((*I might have accidentally made
Harry the wrong age but I got thoroughly confused when I was typing it up,
because of a friends ‘helpful’ hp timeline. This is supposed to be written when
the twins are still at Hoggywarts. One thing I
changed is that Harry is Capt. Of Quidditch, and hmm it’s kind of a little
timeline following, but using my ‘creative’ license to mix it up a bit. If
anything is really confusing just tell me, kay?*)))
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