A new beginning | By : ladyiceberg Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 6308 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All rights of Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling. I am making absolutely no money from this piece of fictional writing. Snarry and Ron x Draco |
A/N: Like I wrote in the description my story has two main couples so this chapter is all about Draco and Ron.
Warning : This chapter contains slash (smut, NC-17, whatever you want to call it)...So you've been warned...
Chapter 3
Ron awoke when cold water was thrown over his body. He tried to get away from the cold water but he couldn't. He soon realized that he was tied to a chair, and surprisingly it had been done the muggle way. He began to struggle, hoping that he would be able to get free from the thick ropes around his wrists and ankles.
"You are wasting your energy, the ropes had been magically modified. You can't free yourself no matter how hard you try." For the first time since he had awoken, Ron looked around and saw a man standing a few feet away. He didn't know the man so his eyes continued to search for a clue to tell him where he was and who the man might be. As his eyes scanned his surroundings, he noticed that he was in an empty room with no doors or windows.
"Who are you?" Ron knew that his question would not be answered, but he asked anyway hoping that he would start a conversation with the man and buy himself some time to think of a way out. The man smirked and instead of answering he swung his wand into the air and another wave of ice cold water was dropped over Ron.
"Enough." Ron heard a deep voice coming from somewhere near and flipped the wet bangs across his face so he could see who it was. When his eyes were finally uncovered, he saw Dolohov approaching him. Behind him were another two men pushing forward Draco Malfoy. Ron noticed a few bruises on the blond's face and the dirty clothes that the boy was wearing, but apart from that Draco looked fine.
"Welcome to our new headquarters blood-traitor. I'm surprised that you managed to find us so quickly… but then again, you are one of the Golden Trio so there shouldn't really be a surprise that you tracked us down." Ron looked at Dolohov and noticed that the man had deep scratches on his face that looked recent. The older man saw him staring and smirked.
"Someone decided to turn into a wild cat, but don't worry I'll leave his punishment to you." Ron was taken aback by the man's words. He had figured that the wild cat was probably Draco, but he couldn't understand why the man had said that it would be him the one to punish the boy.
"Rowle, bring me the veritaserum." Dolohov told the man who had given Ron the cold showers. The man obeyed immediately, and the tied up boy looked with wide eyes as the wall disappeared letting the man out, and then reappeared. Dolohov was studying Ron's every move so he grinned widely when he saw the amazement on the boy's face.
"Dark magic. You would be surprised how many amazing things you can do with it." Ron frowned at the man's words, but didn't say anything. He knew exactly what dark magic could do, he had seen enough during the war. Both men heard a muffled noise and they both looked at Draco who was lying on the floor, blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth.
"I told you that I'll punish him in my own way. Crucio." Ron widened his eyes when he saw that Dolohov had used the unforgivable curse on one of his own men. The cursed man had dropped on the floor and was screaming in pain, but his eyes were still looking dangerously at Draco.
For the second time that day, Ron's eyes landed on his school enemy. After a more accurate examination of the blond, Ron discovered that he wasn't even the shadow of the boy he had been during their school years. Draco looked like someone had sucked his soul leaving him a walking zombie. The blond boy had always been slender, but now he looked extremely thin, his sleek white-blond hair was dirty and untidy, his cold gray eyes were dull, and he looked paler than ever. Ron didn't know if the boy had been like that since the trial of his family or if the death eaters had done something to him after taking him from the manor, either way he didn't like to see Malfoy like that. The boy looked so broken that it was heartbreaking even for Ron who had hated the guy during their school years.
Ron had followed the Malfoys trial so he knew that Draco was suffering immensely. His father had tried to take all the blame saying that he threatened his wife and son into following his way, but everyone knew that it was not true. Snape had tried to help the Malfoys even if he was still recovering from the snake bite, but not even his memories and the solid evidence he had provided had helped them. Harry had tried to help too, but with the same result. In the end, Lucius was sent to Azkaban for life while his wife and son were under house arrest. The decision had been fair, but not everyone thought like that so a month after Lucius's imprisonment the man was brutally killed. Narcissa killed herself a few days later and Draco had been the one who found her. At that time Ron had almost felt sorry for his school enemy. During the weeks that followed, he had fought with the desire to see the boy, but in the end he decided not to go since he knew just how proud Draco was. But now, looking at the boy, Ron regretted his decision.
"Finally." Ron snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Dolohov's satisfied voice. He looked away from Draco and saw that Rowle had returned holding in his hand a small bottle. The man leaned over to whisper something in Dolohov's ear and Ron's eyes went instantly to the man's lips.
The red haired boy thanked Hermione for making him learn how to read lips, and his mouth curved in a small smile when he understood what the man was saying to the other. Apparently they hadn't had all the ingredients to make the veritaserum correctly so they had to improvise. Knowing that, Ron hoped that he could resist the potion so he wouldn't compromise Snape and Harry.
"Drink." Dolohov commanded holding the bottle near Ron's lips. The boy knew that he was going to be forced to drink so he decided to buy time by fighting.
"Fuck you." Ron smirked when he saw the man's expression, he was satisfied that he had managed to anger the man. Dolohov was boiling with rage; he knew that he didn't have much time to make the boy talk. He was no fool, he knew that the boy hadn't come alone.
"I said drink." When Ron refused to obey again, the man punched him so hard that Ron fell on the floor taking the chair with him. Ron tasted blood in his mouth so when the man leaned over to give him the potion, he spat him in the face.
"You bastard. Enjoy the remaining hours of your life scum, cause when I'll find out what I need, you will suffer a slow painful death." Dolohov grabbed Ron's jaw, forced the boy's mouth open, and poured the liquid down his throat. Ron tried to spit the potion out, but the man covered his mouth forcing him to swallow.
"Now tell me, do you have a fiancée?" Ron knew that Dolohov had only asked this to test the potion so he focused all his energy on his body. At first, he had wanted to say 'no', but he could control his words if he tried hard enough so he chose to lie and see what happens.
"Yes." The death eaters looked at him smiling. Ron smiled too knowing that he had managed to fool them all. Apparently the men thought that he was still with Hermione and that was good since he could deceive them easily.
"It's that mud-blood Granger?" Ron made some gagging sounds tying to make it seem as if he was struggling with the potion's effect.
"Yes." Dolohov smiled widely and then got up and whispered something to one of his men. Ron was surprised when the man pushed him back up, but soon knew why they had done that.
"Did you come alone?" Ron looked with wide eyes as Rowle gave Dolohov another bottle with purple colored liquid in it. Feeling a little afraid Ron almost lost his composure so he truly struggled to give his answer.
"Yes." Dolohov smiled widely and moved towards him again.
"Very good. It wasn't that hard was it? Now, since you were such a good boy I'll give you a reward. Malfoy go and suck him up and make sure you do it well." Ron's eyes went impossibly wide and his gaze moved from the man to Draco in a flash. The blond boy was trembling furiously and his eyes were bigger than normal. Ron knew that this was the ultimate humiliation for Draco so he decided to do something to help him.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think that I can get it up with him. No offense, but I'm not into men." Ron had never been a good liar, but in this particular case he managed to do it like a pro. Dolohov gave him a malicious smile and in a second was in front of him forcing him to swallow half of the bitter purple liquid.
"Don't worry boy, you will be able to. Make Malfoy drink it too and then take them to the dungeon." Dolohov gave Rowle the bottle and the man took it and gave it to Draco who drank it at once. After he was done, the three death eaters followed Dolohov's orders; they released Ron and then took them into a cell.
"Enjoy." Rowle said as he pushed Draco into Ron's arms and closed the heavy metal door. Ron felt that Draco was still trembling furiously so he gently let him go and then began to look around.
The room they were in was dirty and cold. Except for a toilet and an old mattress, it was empty and it had no window. Ron frowned as he realized that their only way out was through the door and without their wands it was impossible. He walked back and forth for a while ignoring Draco until his body began to feel extremely hot.
"Malfoy…?" Ron called in a gentle voice waiting for the other boy to acknowledge him. When no answer came, he frowned and walked to the mattress where Draco was lying. He noticed at once that the blond boy was breathing heavily and that his body was trembling harder than before.
"Draco…?" Ron tried again and this time Malfoy turned to look at him.
"The potion, do you know what it was?" Ron looked puzzled at the blond and nodded negatively. Draco smiled bitterly and turned his back at the auror again.
"It was a modified lust potion. We have two hours until it will wear off, but if until then we hadn't had sexual intercourse we will both die. And before you say anything let me finish… It doesn't help if we get ourselves off, we have to actually have sex, with penetration and all, and the only way to survive is that one of us releases deep inside the other." Ron was turning hotter and hotter by the second so he put some distance between them hoping that he wouldn't lose control.
"Ok, I understand. Malfoy, I'm not going to force you into anything so don't worry. I'll just stay in this corner and you stay there, this way none of us will be tempted. But if you want to do it just let me know." Draco rolled over to face Ron. He couldn't believe that the red haired boy had suggested that they have sex, didn't he have a girlfriend... Suddenly, Draco remembered another important thing about the potion and decided to share it with Ron.
"You know, this was the dark lord's favorite punishment since none of the people who had drunk the potion had survived. Some of the older death eaters said that the point of penetration had to be extremely deep for it to break the effect of the potion." Ron could see Draco blush even if the room was almost dark and smiled thinking that it suited the boy.
"You know, I'm pretty confident that we could make it. I'm bigger than most men are and if we used the right position I think we could manage just fine. I'm not pressuring you, I just want you to think about it." Ron sighed and decided that it was best for him not to see Draco at all since he was slowly loosing it, so he closed his eyes and thought about things that usually turned him off.
Ron began to think of his aunt Muriel naked and his arousal seemed to calm a bit. Satisfied, he began to think of his aunt Muriel having sex. Merlin, what a nasty image it was. After that, he began to think about Harry and Snape going at it. At first, he was disgusted, but as he kept imagining things, instead of Snape and Harry he pictured himself and Draco and his arousal returned more powerful than before. Having his eyes closed Ron didn't see Draco getting up and walking unsteadily towards him. He only noticed just how close the boy was when Draco took hold of his clothed crotch.
"Draco…" Ron whispered struggling to keep his eyes closed as the blond boy was moving his hand over his throbbing cock.
"I want to try." Draco whispered back and Ron finally opened his eyes. When blue met gray everything was lost. Ron grabbed Draco's waist and brought him closer to his body and then his mouth claimed the blond's.
The kiss was intoxicating. Their mouths come together and parted in an erotic dance and none of the boys could take much more. Draco clutched his hands in Ron's shirt and pushed himself even closer to the bigger boy. Ron responded eagerly by tightening his hold and by sliding his tongue over the blond's soft delicious lips. When Draco parted them, Ron thrusted his tongue into his mouth, toying with the one inside. Draco fought for dominance, but gave up when Ron sucked on his tongue, working it skillfully. The blond moaned loudly at the sensation and Ron released it and pulled away.
"Are you sure?" Ron cupped Draco's face in his big warm hands and looked into the boy's eyes.
"Yes." After hearing the blond's answer, Ron smiled and pulled the boy's lips back to his and claimed them again. They kissed for what seemed like hours. Ron's kisses were hard and demanding, but Draco loved every second of them. When Ron pulled back again, they were both ready to explode.
Ron looked at the panting boy in his arms and smiled a little. He was happy that Draco had chosen to give it a shot, and even if they wouldn't succeed to break the potion, at least they would have mind-blowing sex before dying. Ron felt Draco snuggling more into him and realized that they were sitting on the cold floor. The stronger boy stood up taking the other with him and walked rapidly towards the mattress. He laid Draco down carefully and then moved on top of him bringing their mouths together again.
Draco liked to kiss Ron; in his opinion the red haired boy was an extremely good kisser. As they kissed Draco felt large strong hands encircled his waist, and then he was pulled closer to the other's body. They were chest to chest, mouth to mouth, Ron's knees being the only thing preventing him from covering the blond with his entire body. Draco let his hands travel over the man's wide back to the shoulder blades, down to well-defined biceps, his fingers trying to feel every muscle. Ron groaned into his mouth when Draco's hands squeezed his buttocks, and wanting to return the favor he slid his hand under the blond's shirt and began to stroke up his spine sending shivers through his whole body.
"Are you positive that this is what you want? Think carefully cause I won't stop once I get started." Draco had already made his decision so he replied to Ron's question with a deep long kiss. Ron responded eagerly and soon took the lead.
Things got pretty hot and both boys couldn't suppress their desire anymore. Ron wasn't satisfied with their clothed bodies anymore so he began to strip Draco. At first, he only lifted the blond's shirt so he could feel the velvety soft skin underneath, but after tasting it he wanted more. Draco's shirt was pulled over his head forcefully leaven the boy's upper half completely naked. Ron took a moment to look at the boy and then began to feast on the pale skin.
Draco couldn't help but squeak as Ron's mouth pressed burning kisses to his throat, and along his jaw, his teeth nipping every small place that he kissed. Ron couldn't believe just how exquisite the blond's skin was, it almost seemed that it melted under his kisses and it tasted like nothing he had ever tasted before. As he continued with his ministration, Ron found himself addicted to that exact taste.
"Ron…" Draco panted as the other boy slowly worked his way down his body, while sucking on his nipples hungrily. Ron felt his erection pulsate furiously as he heard his name leave Draco's red swollen lips.
"Oh Merlin…. Please." Ron knew exactly what Draco was pleading for, so his mouth left his nipples and kissed his way back up to the boy's ear, nipping at the skin of his lobe lightly.
"May I?" Ron blew some hot air in the blond's ear and smiled widely when the other let out a surprised gasp. Draco didn't know if he felt so good because of the potion or because of Ron, but either way he wanted, no, needed more.
"Do what you want." The blond said and turned Ron's head towards him so their lips could meet again. Ron kissed Draco until the boy was out of breath, and when their mouths parted, he looked with satisfaction at the erotic expression on the blond's face.
Since he now had Draco's permission, Ron hurried up and stripped himself and then he removed the blond's pants and underwear leaving their bodies completely naked. Draco moaned softly when skin met skin and held Ron tighter, loving how the man's weight pushed him deeper into the mattress. Ron took his time caressing the other's body and when he decided that it was enough, he turned his attention to the boy's erection that was pressed into his belly. Draco's cock was surprisingly pretty. Ron had seen many penises during his school years and also during his auror training, but he had never seen one as perfect as Draco's. It was not very big, but it wasn't small either, it fit Draco's body perfectly and suddenly Ron had the urge to kiss it.
First Ron kissed the tip of the blond's cock, and then slowly sucked its head, pushing his tongue into the slit and making Draco shiver and arch his back of the mattress in pleasure. After that, he used his hand to quickly stroke him as he took one of Draco's balls into his mouth, licking around it before doing the same to the other one. Being pleased with the blond's broken moans and reactions he slowly made his way back to the cock and he slowly engulfed him until it hit the back of his throat. Draco cried out in pleasure and Ron began to suck vigorously while one of his hands was keeping his hips in place and the other was playing with his balls. The blond could feel his orgasm building in one enormous wave, and started making what noises he could to warn Ron that he was cumming. Ron understood what the other was trying to tell him, but that didn't slow him down, his fingers reached further down Draco's body and circle his puckered hole.
"RON… AHHHHHHHH…" Draco moaned loudly while emptying his load in Ron's mouth. Ron didn't swallow since he needed lubricant for the next part of their lovemaking. Draco was so high in pleasure that he didn't feel the slick fingers that pushed inside his virgin hole.
Draco was too relaxed to react so he just let Ron prepare him. Ron took his time preparing the boy, making sure that Draco was well lubricated and truthfully stretched before they took the next step.
"Oh Ron… Merlin's beard…" Draco screamed as Ron's fingers touched something inside him that made him shiver in pleasure. Ron smiled at Draco's reaction and continued to hit the same spot until the blond was hard again. Once he was satisfied, Ron pulled his fingers out of the boy's body and began to stroke himself trying to lubricate his cock a little. Draco noticed the movement and stopped him.
"Let me." Ron nodded and moved his hand away giving Draco room to do what he wanted. The blond knelt before Ron and for the first time that night he looked at the other man's erection. Ron was big, no, huge. His cock was long and thick and it was already licking precum. Draco took it shyly into his hand at first, and then he got bolder and leaned over to take it into his mouth. Ron's salty, bitter taste flooded his mouth and the man's musky scent filled his nose making him impossible hard. Ron let Draco suck him only a little fearing that he was going to finish before even starting.
"It's enough. Lay down please." Draco obeyed and Ron positioned himself between the blond's thighs and put his legs onto his shoulders. Draco took a deep breath when he felt Ron's cock nudging at his entrance and held it in until the red headed boy began to push into him.
"Ron… stop… I can't…" Ron felt Draco's body tensing and sighed. He was expecting something like this since he was much bigger than the three fingers he had used to prepare the boy.
"Relax Draco, it's going to be fine." Ron took the boy's softening erection in his hand and swiped his thumb over the head a few times. This helped Draco a bit and when Ron felt him relax, he pushed fully inside with a powerful thrust. Draco let out a strangled cry of pain that was muffled by Ron's mouth. Ron kissed Draco aggressively, making sure to keep still and let the boy adjust to his size.
It took Ron all his will power to refrain himself from thrusting into that perfect tight tunnel. He was almost as his limit when Draco grinded against him experimentally. Ron took that as a sign that the boy was ready so he began to move slowly and gently in and out. Draco was in a lot of pain at first, but after a few minutes he had forgotten all about it. Ron was moving his hips so divine that he found himself wanting more.
"More… please…" Ron smiled at Draco's breathless plea and began to move faster. The friction and the tightness of Draco's body was bringing him to the edge fast so he began to thrust fast and hard inside the blond making sure to hit that spot that made Draco cry with need .
Draco was moaning and begging for more so Ron buried himself deeper into the blond's heat while his hands moved over the other's body, pinching his nipples, caressing his soft and silky skin, and slowly stroking his cock. The slytherin had his eyes closed, lips parted as moans came out of his throat. Ron smiled looking at the erotic view before him and thrusted faster going deeper as he was already close to climax.
"So big… Merlin…" Draco screamed as he felt Ron's cock getting bigger inside him. Ron fastened his speed, thrusting harshly inside him. Draco was close too so he began to push himself on the other boy's cock as the man was going deeper and deeper inside him.
Ron felt Draco's walls contract around his swollen cock and knew that the boy was there. He was close too so he let go. Draco arched his back as Ron's latest thrust shoved his cock in so deep he could actually see tiny stars.
"Ronald…" The blond's head fell back as Ron's name ripped from his throat in a scream of complete passion. None of them had ever cummed so hard in their lives and none had felt such overwhelming pleasure so they didn't feel the magic that surrounded them.
Ron let his head rest on Draco's chest, and he could hear the beating of the blond's heart beneath his ear. At first it was extremely loud, but after a while it somewhat calmed down.
"Are you ok?" Ron asked as he wiped the tears that were falling from the blond's closed eyes. Draco just nodded affirmatively and held Ron tighter in his arms. The gryffindor realized that he was still inside the slytherin so he pulled out gently and frowned a little when he felt the boy tremble under him.
Ron was sure that Draco was not fine, but he didn't want to push the boy into admitting it. He just took his jacket from the floor and tried to cover their bodies a little, then held Draco protectively until they fell asleep.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Death Eater's headquarters Snape and Harry were fighting for their lives.
A/N: Thank you all for reading, and if isn't much trouble please leave your reviews. Your opinion is important to me.
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