Beastmaster | By : NHunter Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 77545 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 11 |
Disclaimer: I, NHunter, do not own the idea, characters, locations, etc. of "Harry Potter" books/films in any shape or form. No money is being made through this FAN-fiction. |
Chapter 3: Beastmaster
Apparently, Dumbledore had something that monitored number four Privet drive, as it wasn't two hours after the young lord Slytherin's visit here, that the old headmaster sent a letter that could be narrowed down to how was he disappointed in what Harry did. The wards around Slytherin's cottage also showed that the letter had a tracking spell attached to it, but it was 'modified' by the said ward so that the cottage appeared to be at least a hundred miles away from its real location. Another piece of magic that the wards had disabled was a compulsion that would make Harry more agreeable with what the ancient headmaster wanted.
Shrugging, the green-eyed teen sent sent the letter into the fireplace. He sat down into an armchair there, Shasa immediately taking place in his lap and snuggling into his chest, and started thinking about his situation regarding the Dark Lord. Ever since yesterday when he cast Tom out of the Slytherin family, Harry almost didn't feel the presence of the lord Voldemort in his mind anymore, for the first time in last several months... So did this mean that the scar on his forehead was something more that just a scar with an inbuilt function of the Dark Lord sensor? He would have to hire a team of cursebreakers to investigate it. Full-goblin team, of course, as otherwise there was a much greater risk of information about this being leaked out.
Laying a kiss on the top of his lover's head and hugging her closer to himself, Harry's thoughts wandered to other important issues. He would have to find some time before the school resumed to pass his apparation test, and find someone to represent houses Slytherin and Potter – the green-eyed wizard decided to enter into this lordship too – at the Wizengamot when he was at Hogwarts... And getting his personal quarters at the school wouldn't be a bad idea either. But neither of those was as important as his serpentine queen, who, once again, wanted some love...
~ *** ~
The next morning Harry again woke up quite late and, of course, in a naked embrace with Shasa, though this night they slept in the very same armchair they had five rounds of satisfying sex yesterday evening. And when he woke up, Hedwig was there, waiting with the reply from Sirius. The young lord Slytherin found it quite funny that his owl was still showing the signs of jealousy towards his lady...
The note from Sirius said that he could bring his lover with him to the boxing day party, and also contained several questions about who his mysterious 'girlfriend' was, as well as the words about how proud he (Sirius) was of his godson. Chuckling at the old dog's antics, Harry set the note onto the table and, leaning forward, proceeded to kiss his serpent queen awake, while also teasing her nether lips with his fingers.
“Mmm...” Shasa moaned sleepily as she was woken up by her master's ministration.
“Good morning, my lady.” The green-eyed teen said, stopping playing with his lover's pussy. But the basilisk girl started moving her hips to rub her lower lips against his fingers. “Someone's eager?” Harry asked as he resumed playing with his lady's sex, now sliding two of his digits in and out of her snatch, while having his other hand start playing with his lover's right breast. The serpentine girl smiled, before giving him a deep, passionate and lustful kiss. As they were making out, the young lord Slytherin rolled them over, so that it was now Shasa who was 'sitting' in the armchair, with him standing over her.
“Master, take me!..” The basilisk girl whispered hotly once they broke the kiss. How could he deny her? Harry brought his erect member to her wet pussy and started rubbing it against her moist lips to cover his tool with the lube that her juices were, while his fingers that previously occupied his lady's nether lips were now spreading her wetness on her puckered hole. “Mmph!..” Shasa moaned loudly as her master's two fingers slid into her ass and he started thrusting them in and out of the eager hole. A couple of minutes playing with his lover like this later, the green-eyed wizard pulled his fingers out of the serpent queen's rear and replaced them with his cock, making the said girl let out a beautiful moan of pleasure. As soon as he was completely sheathed inside her, Shasa wrapped her strong legs around his waist and started moving her body up and down against his, setting the tempo of their lovemaking, while bringing her master's head down for a thorough kiss...
For the next several minutes they fucked like this, slowly coming closer to their bliss, but then the young lord Slytherin decided that it was time to change their position and flipped them over, so that now he was the on the bottom with his lady sitting on top of him as he continued thrusting into her delightful asshole. With his hands on her hips helping her keep the rhythm up and her hands playing with her own breasts, the serpent queen didn't last long and soon came with a loud moan, before collapsing on top of her master, while the tightness of her ass caused him to paint her insides white with his cum...
Once Shasa was back from her orgasmic high – though between the feeling of her master's seed inside her and the delightful kisses he was giving her, the serpentine girl spent quite some time in the seventh heaven – she rose from her 'seat', before sliding onto her knees between Harry's legs. Then she took his still erect member into her mouth and started sucking it lightly while her serpentine tongue danced around his hard length... Under such ministration, the green-eyed wizard didn't last long, and soon came again, filling his lover's mouth with his hot cum. After she was sure she got her treat completely, the basilisk girl, carefully not to spill any, let her master's cock out of her mouth and swallowed his load.
“I love you, master!” Shasa whispered as lay back on top of him, nuzzling into his chest. Harry leaned forward and kissed her forehead.
“And I love you, my beautiful snake... But as much as I love spending our time like this, we do have some business today, so we need to get up and get ready.” The serpent queen moaned in disappointment, but rose up and started walking towards the bathroom, with her master following her several steps behind...
~ *** ~
An hour later, refreshed and dressed in their best robes, lord and lady Slytherin appeared at Gringotts bank via the portkey Harry got them during their previous visit there. And this time Shasa didn't even need to intimidate a teller to have him organize a meeting with master Silverclaw for them.
“Good day, lord Slytherin, lady Slytherin.” The head of the inheritance department of Gringotts said, when the duo was seated in his office. “Will I be right, that you have some business regarding your Potter lordship, lord Slytherin.” Harry knew that such politeness was a bit uncharacteristic for goblins, but on the other hand, he was an important customer – especially since he was the lord of an Ancient and Noble house – and so far, other than Shasa scaring a couple of low-level bank workers, he did nothing to offend goblins, so the politeness could be explained.
“Indeed, my beautiful lady had talked me into ascending into Potter lordship sooner than later.” Silverclaw nodded and told his assistant to go retrieve Potter ring and ledger. “But there is another business I have with Gringotts. I doubt that I can do this directly through you, master Silverclaw, but I want to hire a full-goblin cursebreaker team.” The head of inheritance department nodded.
“Yes, that is not what I'm here for, but I can arrange such team for you, lord Slytherin. What exactly you want this team to study?” The green-eyed wizard just pointed at his forehead.
“After the events of my previous visit to Gringotts, I came to a conclusion that the man know as lord Voldemort left more than a simple mark on me that night. I'm not sure what magic is bound to this scar, but it is both dark and unwanted by me. Money is not an object there.” Silverclaw nodded and promised to contact the head of the Cursebreaking department and arrange for the team Harry wanted... Soon the assistant goblin returned, carrying the Potter family ring and a thick, a good dozen times thicker than the Slytherin one, ledger – no doubt full of information on finances, properties and various stocks owned. Silverclaw immediately sent his assistant to ask for a cursebreaker team for his client, and as soon as the younger goblin was away, gave the Potter ring to Harry. The said ring accepted the young wizard easily and much quicker than the Slytherin one did, most likely because there was no horcrux-killing mess involved and because Harry was Potter by blood, and Slytherin by the right of conquest.
“Very well, lord Potter.” The head of the Inheritance department said. “By claiming this lordship you gain your second seat on the Wizangamot, six hundred and thirty three thousands fifty seven galleons, fourteen thousands and five hundreds seventeen sickles and twelve thousands and eight hundreds sixty two knuts. Though before the war with lord Voldemort Potter family had about three times more money.” Silverclaw said as he studied the ledger. “Potter family own a manor in Wales, but it needs serious repairs after the fire in 1983; a cottage in the Godric's Hollow, which was given status of national monument by the Ministry, and, thus, can't be rebuilt; a penthouse in London and a cottage near Brighton.” Well, damn... Harry knew that his parents were rich – his own trust vault was a good clue to that – but he never thought that they were this rich... “Potter family also owns stocks in several businesses in wizarding and muggle worlds. You can read about those in the ledger.” The head of the Inheritance department of Gringotts bank said, while handing the said ledger to the green-eyed wizard. At this point Shasa whispered something to her master.
“Master Silverclaw, we know that you're very busy, thus, we should no longer take your precious time and would like to move to a vacant meeting room until the decision about the cursebreaker team is made.” The goblin nodded appreciatively and told them that they could make a use of a meeting room seven. For a small fee, of course. Harry quickly agreed and he and his lady left Silverclaw's office.
Half an hour later, they were visited by the assistant goblin, but not the one they had seen before, and were told that since the dangers of the cursbreaking 'mission' were minimal, the team, full-goblin one, like requested, would be assembled within next fifteen minutes, and the whole operation would cost about twenty thousands galleons. Thanking the goblin with a couple of sickles, Harry and Shasa moved to the ritual room three, which was assigned to them today.
The ritual room three was located somewhere underneath Gringotts, but looked like it was filled with the sunlight. It was circular, roughly thirty feet in diameter with a large circle, just a couple feet smaller than the room, drawn on the floor, and the ceiling at least twenty feet above. When the two lovers arrived there, the leader of the cursebreaker team was already there. He was quite an old goblin – something like in late fifties if he were a muggle – in armor that looked like something in between knight's body armor and modern Kevlar vest. Soon the rest of the team – six younger goblins, two of whom looked like they were just discharged from a hospital – joined them. Once everyone was there, the leader of the goblin team addressed to his clients. Straight to the point.
“I take it, that our task would be to find out what exactly is contained to this young man's scar.” He said, pointing at Harry. “And destroy unneeded magics once we know what is there.” The young lord Slytherin nodded. “Then, please, lay down onto the central stone.” The old goblin said. “And you, miss, please step outside the circle and stay there until we finish our work.” Shasa approached her lord and, giving him a quick kiss, whispered:
“Be safe, master.” Then she did what the goblin asked and walked out of the circle and leaning against the wall, observed what the cursebreakers were doing. As it was, the leader of the team ordered his subordinates to take positions around Harry so that they were forming a perfect hexagon inscribed into the circle on the floor, while he himself knelt next to the green-eyed wizard's head. As soon as every goblin took his place, arrays of green glowing runes connected them, forming a hexagon with Star of David inside it. Once the array stabilized itself, the leader goblin started scanning Harry's scar with some kind of goblin magic...
Fifteen minutes later the runic array was deactivated, as the cursebreakers finished with scanning Harry's scar, and the leader of the team, as the one who did the actual scan, gave his report to both the young wizard and his lover:
“From what I can sense, this scar contains a soul fragment, most likely of the man who calls himself Lord Voldemort. My guess would be that it was placed there unintentionally, when the Dark Lord was destroyed during his attack on Godric's Hollow. I'm also unsure what splitting the soul gives, as no goblin ever did such a thing, and no human ever shared such a knowledge with us.”
“Hmm... Several years ago I encountered a diary that had a 'memory' of Voldemort living in it. I assume, that it was something like the soul fragment you've discovered.” The young lord Slytherin-Potter said. “And considering what the man said to me, when he restored his physical body, these soul fragments are his way of achieving immortality.” The old goblin nodded.
“If what you say is true, than this abomination should be destroyed: it goes against the rules set for those who live by goddess Chegre.” Apparently goblins both had a religion, and their religion was against immortality through soul anchors.
“Um... The diary was destroyed by Godric Griffindor's sword... After it got coated with basilisk venom...” The goblins looked at Harry.
“You know the location of Ragnuk's sword?” Apparently, that was the goblin, who created the sword.
“It's in Hogwarts, in headmaster's office.” The green-eyed wizard replied. “But that is not here not there, as I don't want to be stabbed by a poisoned sword to get rid of that soul piece in me.” The leader of the cursebreaker team nodded.
“Indeed, but I still have to inform my king Ragnok about the sword...” He said. “But do not worry, young wizard, it should possible to move the soul piece to another container without harming you.” The green-eyed wizard was about to agree to the procedure, when a thought occurred to him:
“These soul-fragments, assuming that the one in my scar and the one I destroyed are of the same nature, contain memories of Voldemort, at least up to the point of their creation. Would it be possible to get those? It would really help, if he created more soul anchors.” The younger goblins adopted thoughtful expressions, while their superior didn't change in his face at all.
“If you want to get the memories out of the soul fragment, you will have to absorb it, and to do so, you will have to defeat it, in the battle of will it should be. We can release the protections that keep that abomination away from your mind, but you will have to do the rest yourself.” He said. Harry looked at Shasa.
“Should I do this?” He asked her. The serpent queen approached her love and, placing her hands on his shoulders, 'looked' back at him.
“I believe in you.” Was her reply, but the young double lord understood that she wanted him to try. Still, he was a bit afraid that he would lose the fight with the soul fragment.
“Thank you, love. But will you be able to tell that I'm not me?” Shasa nodded a moment later. “Then, if when I wake up, I'm not myself, don't hesitate, kill me.” After a brief moment of silence, he added: “That's an order from me as your master.” The basilisk girl nodded again, though Harry could see that she didn't want to kill him, even if it wouldn't be him anymore... Done there, the young wizard turned back to goblins. “Let's do that.”
When Harry woke up the next time, his head was throbbing with pain and his conscious was swimming. Those were the aftereffects of his fight with the horcrux – that was how the soul anchors were called – and despite appearing like it was a disfigured baby, the horcrux was very strong and almost managed to take over him...
Any and all thought the young double lord had at the moment were forgotten as he was kissed passionately by his lady. Even without his glasses – they fell off his face sometime during his fight with the piece of Voldemort's soul – he knew how much Shasa loved him and how much she was worried about him: he could feel it through their kiss... Eventually, goblins decided that it was time to continue business, and the leader of the cursebreaker team coughed into his fist to get two lovers' attention.
“Um-... Sorry.” The serpentine girl shrugged, while her voice carried a barely hidden disappointment in her time with her master being interrupted.
“I take it that the absorption of the soul fragment went well.” The old goblin asked. Harry – with some help from his lady – sat up and looked at the cursebreaker team's leader.
“I wouldn't say well... that thing almost took over me, but, well, I absorbed it... I think it would take some time before I can access all of the memories from the horcrux – that is what the soul fragments are called – but I can already say, that Voldemort did six of them, and one inside me was an unintended seventh...” The young wizard replied.
“Five more...” The goblins swore in gobbledegook and Harry couldn't understand what they said, but he got the idea: the goblins weren't exactly happy with the news. “Do you know where are those abominations?”
“Wait a moment...” And the green-eyed double lord started sorting through the memories that weren't his. And considering that there was fifty years worth of those memories, even if he followed just a certain line of them, finding specific memory wasn't that easy... “The diary was already destroyed... Voldemort doesn't know that I even was his horcrux... The Hufflepuff's cup... it was given to Bellatrix LeStrange for safekeeping, so there is a chance that it can be in her vault... The Slytherin's locket was stolen, but I'm sure I know where it is... The Ravenclaw's tiara in at Hogwarts... The Gaunt family ring is in the shack near Riddle manor in Little Hangleton... And, finally, Nagini – Voldemort's snake familiar.” Harry replied.
“I shall ask king Ragnok for permission to access LeStrange vault and to destroy the 'horcrux' if we find the cup here.” The leader of the cursebreaker team said. “No such abomination should soil the ground on which Gringotts stands!”
“And I'm willing to pay you fifty thousands galleons to get rid of the one in the ring.” Harry added. “It is the only one, other than the snake, I can't access quickly on my own. I will provide you with the exact location – unless it was moved since the Halloween '81 – and the list of wards protecting it.” With such information, the mission would be easy for that amount of money, so goblins wasted no time, agreeing to destroy the ring...
Done with his business at Gringotts, the green-eyed wizard decided that he and Shasa would have a dinner at the Leaky Cauldron, before returning to the Salazar's cottage – it was already quite late in the afternoon.
And once again Harry wasn't aware of what he had done to his arch-nemesis: because the link between his mind and Voldemort's was forcibly destroyed when he absorbed the horcrux, the Dark Lord was hit with a very nasty backlash that would keep him in the bed for the next week... And this display of his weakness would make some of the Death Eaters question whether he was really a worthy leader to follow: who wants to be ruled by someone who has to stay under potion treatment for days without any obvious reason? After all, many followed the Dark Lord because he was the epitome of the pureblood strength...
~ *** ~
On the boxing day Harry and Shasa went to the party that was help by Sirius at the Grimauld's place. But since the young wizard was yet to receive his apparation license – or even any training on the apparation – they once again had to use the Knight bus. At least it was quick to get them to London... For a moment Harry wasn't sure that the wards around the house would let his lady in, since she didn't knew the secret, but, apparently her being with him was enough.
Knocking once on the door, the young wizard waited for someone to open it: the portrait in the hallway was yet to be removed, and since no one wanted to listed to Sirius's mother's yelling, the less noise was made, the better... Half a minute later, Harry heard someone approach the door. Then for a couple of seconds all was quiet – presumably the one at the door was looking through an invisible form this side eyehole to make sure that there were no uninvited 'guests' at the party. Finally the locks clicked open, and the door cracked just enough for Harry and Shasa to slip in... As soon as they were inside, Sirius locked the door, before hugging his godson and kissing the back of serpent queen's hand.
Once the greetings were exchanged and presents were given, Sirius guided the duo to the guest room. Apparently the duo were the first ones to arrive, as no one else – besides the owner of the house, of course – was anywhere to be seen. In the guest room, Sirius once again congratulated Harry on finding himself such a beautiful girlfriend, which caused the said young double lord to blush a bit... Remembering that one of the horcruxes was most likely somewhere in the house, Harry decided to ask his godfather to summon that horrible elf to find the locket and bring it here.
“Um... Sirius, there is something I need Kreacher for. Do you know where he is?” The green-eyed wizard asked. The older man shook his head.
“Come here, Kreacher!” Sirius called out. For about ten seconds there was no sign of the house elf, but then he appeared, swearing about being forced to serve a bad master, and about what his proper mistress would do the those who now visited the house... But as soon as Kreacher saw Shasa, he stopped, not sure what to think about the basilisk in a human form.
“Kreacher, there was a locket with an emerald letter 'S' on it in this house. Where is it?” Harry asked, looking straight into elf's eyes, as if trying to intimidate him into answering. “It needs to be destroyed.” He added, after quite a long pause. Surprisingly, this actually made the house elf react in a positive way... Though he also stated – well, muttered to himself loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear – that he, Kreacher, failed to follow good master Regulus' orders to destroy it. “I have something that will destroy the locket for sure.” Harry added, pulling a small silver knife that had it's blade coated with Shasa's venom.
“If young half-blood says so...” And Kreacher disappeared with a quiet 'pop'. Probably to retrieve the locket from wherever it was hidden.
“Harry, that thing is full of dark magic!” Sirius said with some concern in his voice. “Are you sure it is wise to try to destroy without any cursebreakers around?”
“I know what exactly this locket is, and what protections it has.” The young double lord replied in such a confident tone, that the only male Black alive didn't want to argue. At this moment the house elf reappeared with the locket. And gave it to Harry. Ignoring Sirius' comments about Kreacher being nice and helpful, the green-eyed wizard laid the locket onto the table and prepared to destroy it with his dagger. “Open.” He hissed in parseltongue. With a 'click' the locket opened, revealing its insides. Smokey figures started rising out of it, but Harry wasn't going to let the foul thing attack him with intricate illusions, and stabbed it. There was an earsplitting scream, and greenish-black smoke, oddly shaped like a humanoid head, rose from the destroyed artifact.
“What the hell was that?” Sirius asked his godson, while Kreacher was almost incoherently muttering about the mission from master Regulus being complete as he was cradling the destroyed locket he already stole from the table.
“That, mr. Black...” Harry said, trying to make the best imitation of professor McGonnagal's voice. “Was a thing that kept Voldemort alive even if his body was destroyed. You may ask Dumbledore what exactly it is, but I doubt he will tell you much.” Sirius laughed at his godson's antics and was about to ask what exactly it was, but the wards of the house chose that moment to tell him that someone had arrived to the party through the floo connection, and the old dog went downstairs to meet his guests...
Unfortunately, the guest who arrived right now was Albus Dumbledore himself, and Harry didn't need to be a seer to see that the man was not happy with him.
“Harry, my boy, why did you leave your aunt and uncle without the protections of the blood wards? Surely, even if you feel a bit rebellious right now, you must want you family safe? You should come with me, so that we recast the wards on your aunt's house.” The ancient headmaster said in an grandfatherly tone. “And, speaking of houses... I would like to know where you are staying. During this troubled times, you should stay at a safe place like your aunt's house.” The young double lord eyed the man, thinking about what he should tell to make the man leave him be as he was.
“I can't disclose the location of the house I'm staying at, and the coordinates you got from that little charm on your letter are wrong...” Seeing that the Hogwarts headmaster was about to point out the weakness of the fidelius charm, Harry continued “And before you say something, the secret keeper won't betray me, because only I can access him.” No need for Dumbledore to know everything about his relationship with Shasa... The old man got the twinkling in his eyes to the maximum and tried to look directly into Harry's mind, but the young wizard, knowing from Voldemort's horcrux what was about to happen, looked away.
“Still, Harry, that place wouldn't be as safe as your aunt's house under the blood wards, so I think...” Deciding that he didn't want to listen to the ancient headmaster any longer, Harry showed him his Potter ring – the Slytherin one was hidden under the illusion at the moment.
“As you surely can see, I'm a legal adult now, so you have no right to say what I should do outside of the school matters.” The green-eyed wizard said, his tone as cold as ice. “So stop trying to force your decisions about where I should live on me.” Seeing that Harry wasn't going to give in easily, and Sirius, while being quiet up to now, would choose his godson's side and not his, Dumbledore decided that the tactical retreat was in order. After all, he needed to think of a way to annul boy's lordship to have him back under his thumb... And seeing that Dumbledore's visit left his godson upset, Sirius decided to give him sometime alone with his girlfriend, and moved himself to the kitchen...
“I think, we should rejoin the rest of the guests.” Shasa said, as she broke her kiss with her master, leaning back in his embrace as she sat in his lap facing him. The serpent queen had being snogging him since Sirius left them alone in the room – that was roughly twenty minutes ago – and this managed to somewhat return Harry into the partying mood.
“Yeah, I think that we had this room to ourselves for long enough.” He replied and, stealing a quick kiss from his lady, had them stand up. “Let's see, who else had arrived?” Hand in hand, they descended to the kitchen. Surprisingly, not many had arrived yet: Remus, Tonks, a couple of less important members of the order of fried chicken – Harry didn't remember their names – Kingsley and Moody, who was eying Shasa with his magical eye, but, thankfully, kept whatever he had discovered to himself. After another round of introductions, and an exchange of presents, the young wizard and his lady joined the table – as not all guests were here yet, there were only appetizers on it.
The table talk, though, wasn't exactly a holiday one, as Order members were discussing the latest news about the Dark Lord – well, the lack of news... Apparently something happened near the end of the semester that forced Voldemort to cease his offensive actions completely and have all but completely disappear from the face of the Earth. This made Harry wonder, whether or not this was related to him casting Tom out of the Slytherin family...
Suddenly, all chatting between adults stopped, and, wondering what was the reason for that, Harry looked around. Just in time to see the flames in the fireplace turn green and start depositing Weasleys into the room... The family of the redheads had a mixed reaction of seeing Harry with a girl: the twins, being their normal mischievous selves, started congratulating the 'little prongslet' on finding himself such a beauty; Arthur wasn't sure what to think, and that was written all over his face; the rest of the Weasley family, though, seemed to think that he would do better without Shasa by his side... And they were vocal about that.
“Harry, what is that tart doing sitting next to you?!” Molly said loudly. “You surely don't want to be with such a lewd thing! She must be using love potions on you to get a hold of your money! You should ditch her and start going out with a proper witch that loves you from the bottom of her heart, like my little Ginny here!”
“Yeah, Harry, what does that blind slut has that I don't?” Ginny added, while trying to look as sexy as she could. But not only that failed to get the green-eyed wizard's attention, but also turned her mother against her for using 'bad words'... While Weasley women were busy yelling at each other, Ron approached his 'best mate' a bit – to get away from his mother and sister as they kept on shouting – and voiced his own opinion on Shasa. Not a positive one, too...
“Mate, how could you choose a no good Slytherin whore from all of the birds out there? There must be better girls that this one.” The youngest male Weasley said, while pointing at the serpent queen with his finger rudely... Unfortunately for him – and Molly and Ginny – this comment was the final straw, and the force of nature that was a pissed off Harry Potter was unleashed.
“Hem, hem.” The young double lord said, imitating a certain not very liked Hogwarts professor, when everyone had their attention on him, thanks to a loud booming sound that he had made with his wand. “Now that I have everyone's attention... Any more rude comments about my lady...” To hell with the deception! “...And I will have a duel of honor against the offender. You. Don't. Want. To. Fight. Me!” It was said with such power behind the words that only seasoned aurors managed to remain unaffected. Everyone else was hoping that they would never end on the receiving end of Harry's wand. “You have no say in whom I'm with, so shut up!” This was said personally to Molly Weasley. “And you, Ginerva... Aren't you dating Dean?” Blackmail. “Or you think that would make me leave someone who loves me dearly for you, who changes men whenever she feels like that? Oh, no, I can see what kind of a person you are. We. Will. Not. Be. Together!” Taking a deep breath to calm down – how Shasa managed to not even show her emotions was beyond him – Harry continued in a normal tone. “I came here to spent a boxing day with my godfather and my friends, but you...” He said, pointing at the two youngest Weasley and their mother. “Had to go out of your way and ruin my partying mood.”
“But...” Ron tried to speak up, but a single glare from the green-eyed wizard told him that if he valued his life, he should keep his mouth shut.
“Sirius, I'm sorry, but I can't stay at the house, where my lady isn't welcome. I'll be going now.” The only wizard to ever escape Azkaban on his own nodded sadly and stood up from the table to guide them out of the house... In the corridor, where Sirius' mother's portrait was yelling about the house being dirtied by blood traitors and such, Harry just showed her his both rings and said a quiet 'shut up'. Apparently that was enough to silence the crazy woman for some time...
“I'm sorry for what they said about your girlfriend, pup.” Sirius said, opening the door out of the house.
“Don't be. They are digging their own graves. Hopefully, not literally.” Harry replied, before wrapping his hand around Shasa's waist and, stepping out of the house, activated the portkey back to the Salazar's cottage...
~ *** ~
“Albus! You should do something about that thing that has turned Harry against us!” Molly Weasley said loudly as she stepped through the fireplace into Dumbledore's office at Hogwarts. “She has him under her control and is turning him dark. He even threatened us when we tried to help him, Albus!” The ancient headmaster looked up at his 'guest'.
“Alas, Molly, young Harry somehow managed to ascend into the Potter lordship, and I can't do anything about that girl he had with him until the lordship is annulled and he is once again is a ward of Hogwarts and, thus, myself.” Dumbledore replied. “And annulling the lordship might be difficult because of the political situation out there. I would try, of course, to have that done as soon as possible, but right now I have no power over young Harry... But I agree, something must be done, before we lose him to the dark completely.”
“Surely, there must be something you can do, Albus.” The Weasley matriarch said, hoping that the situation would be resolved and the things would be back to what they were planned to be: Harry falling in love with her Ginny and giving her a lot of Potter grandchildren, Potter money and anything else she wanted.
“Alas, I don't even know where young Harry is: his house is under fidelius and has wards that hack any and all tracking charms passing through them. And with the Ministry's politics I have little to no power to force Harry out of his hiding spot...” The ancient man said. “But I assure you, Molly, I would bring young Harry back to the light, and that girl would be dealt with.” Nodding to the man, the Weasley matriarch took some floo power from the vase on the fireplace, and threw it into the flames, before calling out her destination – headquarters – and disappearing through the floo.
~ *** ~
Harry pulled Shasa into the dark alley where no one would see them doing something as 'unnatural' as disappearing into a thin air via apparation. Yes, earlier today, on January the second, he had finally passed apparation tests and got his license, even if the men at department of Magical Transportation didn't want to give it to someone as young as him.
Moments of rather uncomfortable travel through space later the two lovers appeared at the edge of wards that surrounded Salazar's cottage. They were about to walk to the house, when the young double lord caught something approaching them fast, but he wasn't able to see what exactly it was, as Shasa suddenly returned to her basilisk form and coiled protectively around him. For a couple of seconds nothing happened, then there was a sound of two rather heavy objects, covered by scales, hitting each other, followed by the sound of a heavy object crashing onto the ground another couple of seconds later.
As Shasa moved to finish the attacker off, Harry finally saw it: A dark-green, eight feet long, drake that now, thanks to serpent queen protecting her master, obviously had a broken wing and a several broken ribs... Then Harry's eyes landed on the collar the drake had. It almost reeked of dark magic – and Harry wasn't that good at sensing magic.
“Shasa, stop!” He ordered in parseltongue. The great basilisk, who was ready to finish the downed drake off, froze, her saber-like poisonous fangs less than a meter away from their intended target. “It is being controlled – directly or not – by the collar.” Shasa made something that could be interpreted as a nod and wrapped her tail around the drake, ready to crash the life out of her, should the smaller reptile try to attack her master.
Approaching the drake, Harry recalled the strongest unlocking charm Voldemort knew and used it on the collar's lock. It didn't exactly work, so the young double lord used a dark cutting curse on it. The metal, even reinforced by magic, could withstand such an attack and broke, freeing the drake from the collar.
Despite his lady thinking that it was a bad idea, Harry decided to bring the drake, a female one at that, to the cottage and leave it the basement – chained to keep it from doing damage to the house or him – to question her about why was she attacking him.
~ *** ~
As it turned out, Alyssa – the drake – was sent by Voldemort, roughly several hours after Harry had cast the man out of the house Slytherin, to kill him in return for her freedom. And, since he had freed her, Alyssa had no further reasons to try to kill him. Intimidating factor of a giant basilisk at his side – even if the said queen of serpents was back to her human form – too made the drake think that having the young wizard as her enemy would be ...not a good idea.
So it was decided that she would stay with them until she was healed, and then she would decide where she will go from there. This, though, posed a small problem in the form of getting her into the Hogwarts castle, but there was nothing that couldn't be solved with the application of several charms...
On the day when the Hogwarts express was to return the students back to school, Harry had dosed Alyssa with a sleeping potion and moved her into an enlarged compartment of a trunk, which then was shrunk down. The trunk was given to Shasa, to bring it to the Chamber of Secrets – the serpent queen would enter the castle under her master's invisibility cloak, while the young wizard himself will act like he was a regular student returning from the holidays.
The train ride – Harry didn't want to attract too much attention to himself by apparating to Hogsmeade – the two lovers spent together in their privatized compartment making love to each other... This reminded the young double lord that, if he were to give human forms to Hegwig and now, possibly, Alyssa too, he would have to improve himself, or he won't be able to keep his ladies sated and happy. So he promised himself to look into the ritual to increase his stamina or something like that, when he will be able to use the Room of Requirement for his own needs...
If you ignore the attempts of the manipulative headmaster to 'bring him back to the light side'; a certain toad-like DADA professor who was once again giving him detentions for no reason; rumors of him being either delusional fool or aspiring dark lord, spread by the Ministry and younger Weasleys respectively and being denied his personal quarters, Harry's semester started rather well. The horcrux in the Ravenclaw's tiara was destroyed. The ritual he needed wasn't hard to find, and, though it would take some time to prepare, it wasn't that hard. The potion that would give Hedwig human form was now brewing in the Chamber of Secrets – somewhat under Shasa's supervision – and with Voldemort's knowledge, school subjects were ridiculously easy.
By the end of January, Harry completed the ritual, and the results were much approved by Shasa, who thoroughly enjoyed her now even more energetic master 'playing' with her... Come St. Valentine's day, the potion seemed to be ready, and the green-eyed wizard gave it to Hedwig and Alyssa. It took the potion several hours to do the change, but in the end both the owl and the drake got their human forms:
Hedwig was around twenty, even though her owlishly-big amber eyes made her look younger. She had silky light-gray, almost white, hair that reached her shoulder blades... And even if her eyes made her look younger than she actually was, her body was definitely an adult one, with those delicious curves in the right places. Definitely the Lady Potter.
Alyssa, on the other hand, happened to be the 'youngest' of the three ladies, looking to be barely as old as Harry was. What was surprising about her, though, was the fact that her hair was light-green, almost blond, instead of being dark-green like the scales of her drake form were. Her eyes changed from red to deep green, though her pupils remained slitted. And her nails, while looking neat and clean, still held a strong resemblance with the claws, reminding of what she actually was. Like the other two ladies, Alyssa too had nice shapely breasts and bum, and she was willing to stay with the young double lord, despite drakes normally being the beasts of freedom... So she would be the third girl of Harry's 'harem'.
Unlike how the things went with Shasa, Harry decided to educate the two 'new' girls in being human – with the help from the serpent queen on the topics related to feminine things, which the young wizard wasn't all that familiar with – before having sex with either of them, even if they, especially Hedwig, were willing right away.
By the end of March, Hedwig and Alyssa were both good enough at being a human to be mistaken for normal girls. So, one Saturday Harry escaped the castle with the soon to be lady Potter, while leaving Alyssa, who was yet to recover completely as, thanks to her being a drake and, thus, resistant to many magics, her injuries had to heal naturally, in Shasa's care.
One visit to the Gringotts bank later, Harry was married to his long time familiar Hedwig, now lady Potter. The newlyweds had a nice lunch at a nice restaurant after that, before finally returning back to Hogwarts. Once the young double lord had checked on his other two ladies, Hedwig all but dragged him to the Room of Requirements for some fun...
The Room formed itself into something that looked like a much more warm and cozy version of the ritual room back at Gringotts, with a big and low circular bed in the center. The floor was covered with a thick woolen carpet, so it would be comfortable to 'play' here as well. The Room even created a couple of tables and some chairs plus one big armchair along the walls for a more kinky games...
Quickly getting out of those 'useless' pieces of cloths humans wore on their bodies, Hedwig helped her husband to remove his own, before pulling him onto the bed. Having observed Harry with Shasa many times while she was still only an own – his familiar owl – the white-haired girl had a good idea on how the sex should be, so she lay atop of him, in the sixty-nine position, and took his fast-erect member into her mouth. And while she didn't have any experience in oral – or any – sex yet, her enthusiasm was more than making up for the lack of skill... Harry, for his part, knew exactly what to do, and soon his tongue was eagerly moving into the girl's wet folds. Hedwig's taste different from his serpentine lover's, but it too was pleasant on his tongue...
With his knowledge how to please a girl, and some parseltongue, the green-eyed wizard brought his over to her (first) orgasm in a matter of just a couple of minutes. He gave Hedwig some time to come back to Earth from her climax – during which she kept on sucking him – before starting to lick her sweet pussy again... This time, though, the whitehead lasted longer and came only moments before her lord exploded into her mouth. But as she wasn't completely prepared for that, she all but froze the moment the first sprout of his seed hit the back of her throat. And since she stopped sucking, Hedwig soon found her mouth full and had to let her lovers member go, thus getting his two last sprouts into her face. Once she had tasted the cum in her mouth well, the white-haired girl eagerly cleaned the rest of the treat from her face with her tongue and fingers...
“As fun as the foreplay was, I want you to take me now.” Hedwig said, ending her phrase in a lustful growl, while sitting up on his stomach and turning around to face her lover. Was there anything in the world that could make Harry deny such a request? Placing his hands on her hips, he positioned her just above above his erect member, before rubbing her wet folds against his tip. Hedwig growled at him, making it clear that she wanted sex. Now. And no more foreplay. So the young wizard lowered her onto his member, filling her tight pussy with his hard length. “A-a-ah!” The white-haired girl cried out when she had sheathed his entire tool into her body. As she grew accustomed to having him stretch her pussy, the owlish girl started rocking her hips, enjoying the jolts of pleasure that it sent through her body. “Aw fuck yeah!” She shouted as she started riding her ...master's cock.
“You love this, don't you, my lady?” Harry asked. Hedwig leaned forward, placing her hands on his shoulders. Looking into his eyes, she growled:
“Less talking, more fucking.” Complying with her wishes, the green-eyed wizard tightened his hold on her hips and increased the pace at which his dick was sliding in and out of his lover's pussy... Since Hedwig was yet to build up her sexual stamina, it didn't take long before she reached her climax. “Ooh, so damn good! Aah!” She cried out as her pussy clasped tightly around her man's cock, trying to milk a load of cum from it... And then Harry moaned loudly in pleasure, before sprouting his seed deep inside her, the feeling being so intense that the whitehead had another orgasm right here... With her energy spent for the moment, Hedwig fell atop of her husband, while he was still inside her marvelous pussy... Suddenly both lovers felt a weight settle on the edge of the gigantic bed.
“You two sure look hot together.” A slightly hissing voice that unmistakably belonged to Shasa said. Then the serpent queen allowed the invisibility cloak slid off, revealing her very naked – and very exited – form to her master and her 'sister'. Feeling what Harry was about to say, the basilisk girl quickly added: “She's sleeping, so we can have some time for ourselves.” Hedwig sent the other girl the bast glare she could master at the moment: even if she knew she would eventually have to share Harry, right now she didn't want nor had to. She also rose a bit on her hands, despite still feeling a bit weak from her last orgasm, and started riding Harry's cock again... Shasa's response was a grin that could be considered evil if it wasn't so cute. The serpentine girl moved behind two lovers and hugged Hedwig from behind, making sure that her hands were cupping the other girl's full breasts.
“A-ah!” Hedwig cried out, when her 'sister' started playing with her bosom, squeezing her breasts and pinching and pulling her nipples, while slowly trailing kisses down along her spine... At some point Shasa no longer could continue playing with the white-haired girl's breasts, and had to relocate her hands on her hips, placing them over her master's ones... Hedwig, much to her surprise, found herself disappointed at the loss of attention (well, part of it) from her 'sister'. So she, sitting up some more, pulled her man's hands from her hips and placed them onto her breasts, giving him a silent command to start playing with her tits. Harry didn't need to be told twice, and soon the owlish girl was screaming in pleasure, especially as Shasa, done with kissing her back, was now licking the point where Harry's member was touching her pussy's lips. Hedwig once again moaned in disappointment when the basilisk girl stopped licking her down there, but then... “Fuck yeah!” The whitehead couldn't contain her scream of pleasure as her 'sister's' split tongue brushed against her rosebud. And then once more. And again. And again... And then Hedwig came in the most powerful orgasm in her life from having her breasts played with, her pussy fucked by her master's great cock and her ass being licked. This time, though, she didn't stop fucking, only slowed down a bit as she rode on the waves of pleasure.
“You loved it, didn't you, slut?” The serpent queen asked in a low sexy whisper as she stopped her 'work' for a moment... Apparently, normally soft-spoken Shasa too could use some dirty words to spice things up.
“Keep licking me. Don't dare to stop!” Hedwig hissed back, while thrusting her ass into her 'sister's' face. The serpentine girl put her tongue out, but then returned to running it 'round and over Hedwig's asshole, much to said girl's delight... The owlish girl gasped breathlessly when she felt a slim finger slide into her rear entrance, the feeling being a strange one, but quite pleasant to her, especially when Shasa started really fingering her, while still licking around her asshole... Being pleasured as she was, Hedwig didn't last long and soon came again, once more only slowing down when she reached her climax. When Shasa removed her finger from her arse, the white-haired girl moaned at the loss of pleasure, but... “Oh fuck yeah! So damn good!” ...But a moment later she was crying to the heavens as the waves of incredible sensation from having her 'sister's' long narrow tongue explore the depths of her asshole raced through her body – all while her master's cock was sliding in and out of her pussy at a steady rhythm...
...Two really powerful orgasms later panting and spent Hedwig was idly lying on her master's chest, as he slowly thrust into her, while Shasa kept rimming her.
“A-a-ah!” Harry moaned as he released another load of his cum into lady Potter's womb. And as she felt her lord cum, lady Slytherin withdrew her tongue from other girls ass and, moving up to where their heads were, brought them into a three-way kiss...
“That was so hot.” The serpent queen whispered once the tongue battle ended. Harry nodded in agreement, while Hedwig felt too lazy to respond. “I think, our girl had her share of fun for tonight.” Shasa added with a chuckle. “So, how about you doing me a couple of times, master?” She added in parseltongue. Harry looked at his serpentine lover. Then his eyes traveled back to the whitehead lying atop of him and, specifically, her sizable breasts that were pressed into his chest.
“I think, there is one more thing I want to do, before that.” Rolling Hedwig from himself and onto the bed, so that the owlish girl was now on her back, the young double lord placed his cock between her breasts and, pressing her tits together with his hands, started thrusting between them, causing the whitehead to moan at the sensations it provided her with. Shasa, not to be completely left out of their games, pushed three of her fingers into other girl's cum-filled pussy and started fingering her 'sister' there.
Several minutes of using his lady Potter's tits later Harry came, covering Hedwig's breasts and chin with his seed. Shasa instantly was there, fighting with the whitehead over the treat, while her lord was recovering for his fun with her... Once the 'meal' was shared by the two girls, the serpent queen returned between her 'sister's' legs and started licking her pussy, drinking her master's cum out of it, while raising her ass into the air and wiggling it invitingly. The green-eyed wizard didn't need to be told twice what to do, and, after positioning himself between his serpentine lover's legs, he started fucking her tight pussy.
“Faster, master, harder!” Shasa hissed to him between lapping at Hedwig's cum-filled snatch. “Yes, just like that!” Who was Harry to deny his lady?.. Feeling playful, he pushed two of his fingers into her ass at one moment, making the basilisk girl moan out loudly from pleasure, before returning to her 'buffet'. ...Several minutes of hot sex later, Shasa's inner muscles tightened around her master's dick as she reached her orgasm, and her vagina milking his cock caused the green-eyed wizard to explode into his lover. Doing a couple more thrusts, Harry pulled out of his lover – even with the ritual he had undertaken, after cumming so many times he needed some time to recover – so, for the next minute he was just playing with Shasa's tight ass with his fingers.
Once his erection returned, he pulled his fingers out of her rear, making his serpent queen moan in disappointment from her place between Hedwig's legs, but then her moans changed into those of pleasure, as he started fucking her delightful ass...
“A-ah!” Harry moaned out as he reached his climax and filled his lover's bowels with his cum, sending the basilisk girl, who by now was finished with her 'meal' and was sucking on lady Potter's breasts, over the edge too...
Once the two of them caught their breaths, Shasa rolled off her 'sister', giving their master a place to lay between them, which he took without any need for a second invitation. The girls got closer to him, sandwiching him between their nubile bodies, and the satisfied trio slowly drifted into the land of dreams...
~ *** ~
The next weekend after that, Alyssa too became a full member of Harry's 'harem', after a hot threesome with Shasa acting as her mistress... But even with between attending to his girls' needs, while still going to school – for appearances mostly, as he 'knew' everything already via absorbed memories – Harry was preparing to finish Voldemort off, since the madman won't leave him alone were he allowed to continue living. The plan was made, and Shasa and Alyssa agreed to help him there, so all that the green-eyed wizard needed to do was to wait for a couple extra days off before the OWLs to put the plan into motion...
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