The Dance | By : corsochan Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 13932 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Harry Potter. I Will Not Make Any Money From This Story. |
Author: HatefulRodeo
Story: The Dance
Note: Alright this chapter is purely of my own making; it is AU after all. Some events will be taken from Book 7. I mentioned this before but Harry is not a Horcrux. Enjoy Lovelies!
**Past Thoughts, Actions, Events Appear like this: Past Thoughts
**Notes written in the notebooks will look like this!
Quickly Severus detailed Lucius' confession on what was to come at Hogwarts and confirmed that Nagini was the last Horcrux. Satisfied he placed the notebook back in its allotted drawer and warded it heavily. Severus knew he would have to involve the Heads of all four of the houses. As wretched as it sounded he wanted Slytherin house to be the last to be evacuated.
They were the students with the least to worry about as long as they stayed in their common room until it was time for them to leave. Severus sighed he would think on all of this tomorrow. Right now he needed to rest if he was to be of any use tomorrow, this night had run later than he thought it would.
But at least he and know Harry knew what would be coming for them and they would plan to meet it head on. Both of them doing what they could to end this with as little death and destruction as possible.
~~~~~~~~~~*********Chapter 10********~~~~~~~~~~
Severus woke the next morning at 6:30 feeling as if he hadn't even slept; the news he had received from Lucius regarding the siege of Hogwarts was troubling the Headmaster greatly.
Getting up from his soft bed he made his way to the bathroom to shower and prepare himself for what would be a stressfully long day. Emerging fifteen minutes later clean and dressed Severus made his way to his desk, he would check on the Malfoy men after he checked on his man.
Severus retrieved the notebook from its drawer, sighing in relief when he saw it was glowing softly. Thank Merlin! Harry had finally responded to his troubling information. It was times like these Severus really wished Harry was here with him, it was difficult to plan and strategize through a notebook but it was the best they had. Severus saw no use whining over something that could not be presently changed.
Opening the book Severus read his lover's words hungrily;
He is really going to invade Hogwarts, murder countless innocents just so he can get to me? That is insane! I need to know when he is coming so I can intercept him. This needs to end as quickly as possible.
The only obstacle left is killing Nagini, but since she is a living creature I think severing her head would do the trick. Yes, Dumbledore always felt that Nagini was more than just a familiar.
Even I admit their bond is slightly creepy; he has too much control over his snake for her to simply be a familiar. We should have seen that Nagini was the last Horcrux sooner. All the signs were there right in front of us!
Nothing to be done now though. Mione, Ron, Luna, Dean and I will begin strategizing and planning on how to best make this work. I know how we will get into Hogwarts but once inside we will need a concrete plan of action.
Do you think you could round up the new D.A. and maybe McGonagall; hell anyone who wants to give the bastards hell would be helpful. But no one under seveneen; I won't have children fighting and dying.
Be careful Sev, I don't trust Lucius or Draco but I trust your judgment.
Please send me the date of the siege when you know it.
I love you and miss you with all my heart.
Forever Yours,
Severus scowled at Harry's words; did Harry really think him capable of sending children into a battle with the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters?! Severus took a deep breath and calmed himself before responding;
Yes, looking at it now Nagini was an obvious choice for a Horcrux. But as you said we know now and that is what matters.
I agree severing the foul beasts head should work nicely; just getting close enough to do it will be the challenge.
Do you think me so heartless that I would send underage children into a battle that will be ruthless and bloody? Harry you should know better! I know you don't mean to hurt me with your words but you did. Have faith in me Harry, please.
I will be speaking to all the Heads of House today in regards to the siege. A workable evacuation plan must be made to ensure everyone gets out safely.
I will speak to Minerva in regards to giving the DA the chose to remain behind and fight, as long as they are seventeen. We should get the information out to all of our allies so they can be ready to come to Hogwarts should we need them.
As soon as Lucius knows the date I will tell you. ON the day of the siege the wards will drop so let our people know it will be possible to apparate in; they just have to do so stealthily.
I know you don't trust the Malfoys and I can't blame you for that but there are many things you don't know, and I have to fill you in on.
When you have been brought up to date on the goings on between the Malfoys, and me you will understand my willingness to help them and believe their words.
Stay safe and I love you,
Severus closed the notebook and returned it to its heavily warded drawer. Rising, he swiftly made his way toward Lucius' temporary bedroom, knocking soundly when he reached the closed door.
Hearing a muffled "Come In", Severus pushed open the door to see a much healthier looking Lucius with a still sleeping Draco in his arms. "How do you feel Lucius?"
Severus kept his voice low so he didn't wake his godson. Merlin knows Draco had not been sleeping well; the bags under the seventeen year olds eyes were almost black.
"Better than I have in months. Thank you Severus, for everything." Severus waved off the Malfoy Lord's thanks; he had other issues to address at the moment. "Lucius, has the Dark Lord given a specific date on when he plans this siege?" Lucius shook his head in the negative.
Sighing Severus continued; "Alright I want you to take one of the charmed coins Draco has and when the date is known you will key it into the coin so I will know as well. I need to plan on getting the students out of here.
I won't watch innocents die so a madman can have his prize. Once I have the date I will give the coin to Draco, on the day of the siege you and he will communicate, and arrange a time when you will portkey out of England, either together or separately. Any questions?"
Lucius looked thoughtful for a moment; "Where will we get the portkeys? Narcissa watches my vaults like a hawk. If she were to see that I purchased something like a portkey she would know, and immediately inform the Dark Lord."
Severus nodded knowing this to be true; "I will be procuring them for you both from Gringotts. You can reimburse me when you are both safe in France. Do me a favor Lucius when you get there, and are safe please divorce the vile bitch."
Lucius grunted in agreement before looking down at his son with sad, regretful eyes; "I've ruined his life Severus, all because I wasn't strong enough to stand up to my father. I'll never forgive myself for what I have done to him and so many others."
Severus' soft onyx eyes met Lucius' tortured grey in understanding; as Death Eaters they both had committed such horrid atrocities and regretted so much of what they had done. Severus still felt the guilt of Lily Evan-Potter's death all these years later.
The one thing he was grateful for was Lucius' discretion; the blonde must know by now that Severus was not on the loyal Death Easter he appeared to be but Lucius never asked or pried, for this Severus was grateful.
Sighing Severus stood, ran his wand over Lucius lying from, and was satisfied when the health scan came back relatively clean. "Your ribs are still healing and your lung is on the mend. I give you another week of rest and light activity before you are back to full strength. I will let the Dark Lord know of your status later on in the day."
Severus listened to Lucius' words of thanks before he left to return to his office; writing out four summons to Flitwick, Sprout, Slughorn and McGonagall, Severus quickly made it to the floo, and sent them off to Minerva to deliver in a burst of emerald flames.
With the meeting now set to occur tonight at 8pm in his off Severus sat down to attend to his other duties as Headmaster of Hogwarts.
The meeting was due to start in a few minutes, Severus had already told Lucius to stay in his room until Severus told him it was alright to leave. Draco was staying in his dorm room tonight to catch up on his homework and keep up the appearance that everything was normal.
At this point the only thing that could foil Severus' plan to get Lucius and Draco out of Britain was if someone caught onto their plan of escape. The portkeys had already been ordered from Gringotts, the location being one of the Malfoy familial estates in Bordeaux; Lucius had chosen it because the wards were tied to the Malfoy blood.
Lucius upon his and Draco's arrival in France could key the wards to only admit those of Malfoy blood, thwarting any of the attempts by Narcissa or other Death Eaters at reaching the fleeing Malfoys.
Severus was doubtful that anyone would notice Lucius and Draco's absence, and if they did notice no one would take the time to find them seeing as everyone would be focused on the siege taking place around them.
A knock sounded on his office door; the wards had already informed him it was Minerva, Flitwick, Sprout and Slughorn. Severus called his admittance and the Heads of House walked in, each taking one of the comfortable chairs in front of his large desk.
Severus surveyed them all with a serious expression on his face; "I have recently come across disturbing news. Please refrain from interrupting until I am finished detailing it for you." Four nods were given in acknowledgement to Severus' request.
Sighing heavily Severus began, "It seems the Dark Lord will be coming to Hogwarts at the end of June. I do not know the exact date of this visit but the purpose is known to me. He plans to execute and generally cause enough carnage to draw Harry Potter out of hiding.
The Dark Lord believes that Harry will not be able to stand idle while others suffer for him, will make an appearance and by doing so play into the Dark Lord's plans to duel and murder him.
As we all know Harry will come if the news finds him that the Dark Lord is hurting innocent lives because he wants to face Harry. Now this meeting is to discuss an evacuation plan for our students. Does anyone have any ideas?"
That query kicked off the shouts of outrage and anger from the four assembled witches and wizards. Eventually things quieted down so the real planning could begin. After much debate it was decided that each house would play to their location or use their allies.
Gryffindor and Ravenclaw would be leaving by brooms under disillusionment charms from their dormitories, as they were in the towers. Minerva and Flitwick would accompany them for protection and guidance to the set meeting point.
Hufflepuff was more complex but Professor Sprout, who had a friendly relationship with the house elves, would request for the Hogwarts elves to safely bring her charges to the rendezvous point in Hogsmeade.
Severus was unsure on the plan for Hufflepuff, but Sprout had assured him that the elves had always had a good relationship to the Hufflepuff Head of House and wouldn't refuse her request to keep the students safe.
When Sluhorn asked why the elves couldn't move all the students Professor Sprout just looked at him reproachfully, then explained that moving that many people would be to taxing, and exhausting to the little creatures. The rest present had to agree with the frizzy haired witch, as none of them were familiar with a house elf's limit on magical use and/or stamina.
Severus knew it was best for the students of these three houses to leave via their house common rooms, none of the Death Eaters present knew how to enter them. As long as every innocent student was gone before Voldemort arrived things would be fine.
They would be using the Hogs Head pub as their rendezvous point, which was not known by most to be owned by Dumbledore's brother Aberforth. After everyone was assembled and counted for they would floo them to safe houses that the Order were currently using.
Severus had no clue where these safe houses were, and had no desire to know. The less he knew the better in this case; he would leave getting the students out of Hogsmeade to Minerva since she was an Order member and was aware of the safe house's locations.
Minerva would be informing the safe houses of the arrival of several houses worth of students. The Gryffindor Lioness would also be speaking to Aberforth to request his help, although Severus believed Minerva would threaten the older man with violence if he dared disagree.
Slytherin was eventually discussed in terms of what to do with the students in terms of evacuation. Severus knew which ones were Death Eater wannabe's and which weren't; the difficulty was separating them from the rest of the house.
Slughorn had a good idea for this; in the early morning hours Severus and Horace would enter the Slytherin dorms; they would find, wake and remove all the students who were neutral, forced to serve, or quietly against the Dark Lord.
If any of the students with Dark sympathies awoke the two men would obliviate them so they remembered nothing and charm them to go back to sleep. It was a risky plan, as so much could go wrong, but they really had no other choice in the matter.
Sprout had offered to request for the Hogwarts elves to deliver the Slytherins to the Hogs Head as well. Horace gratefully accepted the offer of assistance since that was the last hurdle in their plan to get the select Slytherins out.
However, Severus requested that the Slytherins be sent to a separate safe house then the rest. It wouldn't do for the three other houses to bully the escaping Slytherins just because of the House they were in.
The evacuation would begin at 5am on the day of the siege and hopefully would be concluded by 8am. Minerva would be the only one returning, as the rest of the Heads of House would be accompanying the students to the designated safe houses to calm down, and to explain the situation to the surely frightened students.
The evacuation plan set Severus moved onto the remaining Voldemort supporters, this included students and adults. There was nothing for it really but to lock the remaining Slytherin students minus Draco in their common room, and wait until the battle was done.
He would of course instruct the elves to deliver food and beverages to their captive students, but under no circumstances were they to leave or anyone to enter the common room. The grown Death Eaters were another issue completely.
Flitwick had suggested spiking their pumpkin juice or dinner with a heavy dose of a sleeping draught. Severus eyed the small professor shrewdly; Flitwick just shrugged muttering it was the simplest thing to do and would cause the least amount of ruckus.
All in attendance agreed, Horace would brew the potent sleeping draught, and the house elves would distribute it into the pumpkin juice and water on the table. Severus felt bad for the other non-Death Eater teachers but he figured the less they knew the better. Besides once the invasion began the adults could get themselves to safety on their own.
The last and final issue was allowing any students seventeen or older to stay and join the battle. They all quickly realized that they really couldn't force those who wanted to stay to leave.
But a gathering point was set so the remaining students could have a safe place to meet and wait for the signal to attack. The Room of Requirement was selected for this purpose.
Severus glanced at his clock and cringed when he saw it was already quarter to twelve. Deciding they had done enough for one night Severus bid them all a good night. Minerva stayed and pinned him with a searching look; "How should we inform Potter of what is going on?"
Severus wanted to slam his face into his desk; that he was in contact with Harry was the one thing Severus had never informed Minerva of. "He will know Minerva; you can rest assured that Harry will be informed of the date of the siege. You just worry about setting everything up so nothing goes to hell in a hand basket."
A curt nod and an amused smirk were all Minerva gave him as a response. Slumping in his chair Severus wondered when this would end?! Soon enough it seemed but the dark haired man could barely wait for the time to come when he could live freely as himself with his lover.
Thoroughly exhausted from the day's events Severus bid Lucius a good night, and made his way tiredly to brush his teeth before collapsing in his warm bed.
Alright lovelies! So what did you think of my evacuation plan?
I enjoyed how Harry and the rest got into Hogwarts when I read book seven but I wanted to do something different.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! : )
All Mistakes Are My Own!
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