The Mimicker | By : TalisRuadair Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 54128 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 16 |
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Series (1997-2007) and any characters and original locations within the books belong to JK Rowling. I do not make any form of profit or I'd quit my day job. |
Chapter Three – Enter the Dogfather
Sirius hated being in his home. He was forced to stay there even though he had been cleared as soon as the Ministry got their hands on that horrible rat. He was still angry that even though he’d been cleared, he was banned from taking in his godson. Why the hell did he have to stay with those horrible muggles? He knew that Lily never wanted Harry to live with the Dursleys. I was unable to remove him before because of the fact that Dumbledore had Harry’s guardianship in the Wizarding World and had placed him with those muggles. He was an escaped mass murder as far as the Ministry was concerned. However, something struck him in the back of his mind that Dumbledore was completely full of it.
The darkness of his home was just too much. He couldn’t escape those horrible memories, and that portrait was happy to remind him whenever he was there alone. Her grotesque portrait would coo at him and remind him how good of a boy he’d been before he ran off to live with the Potters. She asked him why he couldn’t stay and continue to please her like a good son should’ve. Deep down he knew that his mother was beyond crazy, but it still hurt. What kind of mother only cared about her own sexual fulfillment over the health of her child?
His life improved the moment he met James Potter on the train. Something in his mischievous smile called to him and told him that he had to be with that boy. It was what caused him to beg the hat to place him in Gryffindor. He loved the James from the moment he set eyes on him. Frankly, his mother’s atrocious behavior turned him off to every member of the female gender. He soon discovered that his feelings for James were unrequited. His best friend was in love with Lily Evans and had been in love with her from the moment he saw her on the train. She was friends with that horribly greasy Slytherin who gained James attention more than any of his best friends. Sure, James attention toward the sad looking boy was always negative, but it still hurt Sirius. Why couldn’t he capture his best friend’s attention like that? He dreamed that James would one day return his feelings.
The dog Animagus laid in his bed in his old bedroom. He stared at the scantily clad muggle women he had stuck to the walls as an adolescent. Their bodies did nothing for him because he preferred the firmness of a male form. How would Harry react when he shared his secret? He had dreamed of surrendering himself to James. He wanted that man to claim him and ride him like a werewolf in heat. He wanted to be loved and claimed. He needed to be possessed in every way possible. He could no longer handle the horrible thoughts that kept on circling. Did Harry really need him to stick around any longer now that he had conquered the terror who plagued the Wizarding England for far too long? Was there really a reason for him to live any longer?
The coldness, which had clung to him since his time in Azkaban, had grown over the past few months. He was desperate to end it. He had to get rid of the memories and the feeling of despair. Nothing he did ever stopped his thoughts and he finally decided that it was time to end it all. He stood up on the bed and quickly conjured a noose and stuck it to his bedroom ceiling with a permanent sticking charm. The headmaster would just have to find another Defense Professor. Hopefully, the news of his demise wouldn’t be received too late for another to be found. He slipped the noose around his neck before stepping off the bed into the air. He felt it tightening around his neck and instantly wondered if he’d made a mistake after all.
Harry woke with a pain in his heart. It felt as if something was wrong with one of his mates. It was only a moment later that Kreacher popped before him, “Blood traitor master is trying to kill himself. I’d rather have him alive than have to serve a half blood like you.”
Harry grabbed a hold of the house elf, “Take him to me now!”
The elf popped him right into Sirius’ bedroom where the man hung from the ceiling. Harry only hopped that he wasn’t too late. He quickly levitated his godfather before sending a cutting hex at the rope. He checked the wizard for life signs as the passed out wizard remained lying on the bed. He touched the man’s head and new right away that he was one of his mates. He delved into the man’s recent memories and sighed. He stepped out of the room before casting the awaking spell. He had been in the room long enough to pick up Sirius’ Animagus ability. He concentrated on transforming and soon a familiar stag stood in his place. Harry knew the somewhat off kilter man needed him to claim him and do it quickly before he descended further into the madness for which his family was known.
Harry transformed but kept his eyes closed before giving the command, “I want you Padfoot. You are mine and you need punishment for trying to kill yourself. You need pleasure from the years of bleakness you suffered. Go brace yourself against that wall and do not look at me. I want your full submission my dear Padfoot.”
His godfather stood pulled his wand to vanish his clothes before bracing the wall and resting his forehead against it. Harry quickly rid his body of his clothing before standing behind him, “My darling Siri, please tell me if you want it rough like the dog you are or if you want me to worship every inch of your body like your large heart deserves.”
The curly haired wizard shook his head no as sobs shook his body, “I’m not deserving of anything but a quick fuck. Give me the pain I need to take away the pain that churns inside of me.”
Harry shook his head as he realized his second dominant mate was still too skinny for his own good. His ingestion of Molly’s high caloric meals was not enough to put meat on his bones. He moved his hands down to the little bud demanding his attention. He growled in lust when he felt the lubricant dripping from the awaiting cavern. He started with one finger and quickly added a second and third. The wizard before him was completely relaxed and waiting for a pounding.
Harry groaned removing his fingers and pushing into the warm heat. He waited a moment for his second mate to adjust before he pulled out and pushed back with a quick snap of his hips. He did it a second and third time placing his hands on his mate’s shoulders before leaning forward near his neck. He felt fangs lengthening and the desire to bite down hard and mark the man before him. He felt a bit of venom press through his teeth but inherently knew it was different than what he pumped through Severus’ veins. His godfather groaned and squeezed around him in orgasm, which ripped the strongest one from Harry so far. After the pleasure slipped away from his body, he slowly pulled his fangs out of his mate’s neck and licked the wound closed.
He led his third mate out of the room before apparating him to the Master Bedroom at Potter Manor where his other two mates were sleeping. “Siri, I am not my father, but you are my mate. I’m not sure how many I have total but you are the second of my dominant mates. I’m the Alpha in the group, but you and Severus are my two Betas. I’ll be looking for my submissive mates soon. Now get that sexy arse of yours in bed next to my first mate so I can continue to ride you until we both pass out. I can feel your aura changing and a magical binding breaking free the more I claim you.”
The grey eyes widened, “Harry? You’re my mate?”
“Shh darling our other mates are sleeping. We don’t want to wake them right now because I want to concentrate on you. You are my new toy darling. Now lay on your back and take it like a man. I want you a shuddering mess by the time I’m done with you,” Harry smiled wickedly before lifting Sirius legs flat against his chest and pushing back into the still stretched hole. It just felt so good to be in his second dominant mate that the two of them came another four times before collapsing to the bed. Harry quickly cast a cleaning and refreshing charm before cuddling up to the naked Severus who was already spooning Lucius. Sirius was soon spooning him. “None of my dominant mates will be able to claim me until after all of my mates are found because only then the circle may be sealed.”
Harry awoke the next morning in a heap of tangled limbs and filled with a thrumming of magic barely contained under his skin. A consciousness not his own sounded in his mind. Harry you must have your two betas except their role and relationship with each other. The only way to do that is by having one submit to the other. Make sure to pick who you want your dominant beta to be.
The messy haired wizard shook his head no and thought in response. I will not have one have power over the other. With their history that would be a very bad idea. What would happen if I forced them to submit to each other?
The voice laughed. Then you would create an equal beta relationship between the two. Not many who are of our race choose that path. You are a breath of fresh air youngling.
Harry simply nodded as the voice disappeared from his mind. He smiled to himself while he wondered what the shadows that seemed to dance around his second mate really meant. He could sense the magical suppression spells that bound his godfather, and they seemed as old as he was. What did Walburga Black want hidden about her eldest son? He slowly nudged Sirius awake, “My two betas need to bond with one another. Sirius, I want you to submit to him first because of your history. I fear he will not respond well when his turn arrives. You and my father humiliated him when you were in school.”
Sirius’ grey eyes widened, “Your other mate is Snivellus?”
Harry grabbed and twisted Sirius’ right ear, “Don’t call him that. You and my father were bullies, and I don’t and never will like bullies. Now get up on your hands and knees Siri and take it like a man!”
Sirius mumbled as he threw the blanket off and exposed his back side and assumed the requested position. Harry turned toward his other mate who continued to sleep. Severus jumped away and Lucius opened his eyes confused. Harry smiled, “Maeve, how about you go take a shower while us dominants have a meeting?”
The blonde nodded as he climbed out of bed and walked toward the dresser to select clothing to change into after his shower. Harry removed his attention from his only claimed submissive mate and back to his first mate. Harry pulled him into a heated kiss, while using one of his hands to caress his leg. He kissed down his jaw and licked the sensitive mating mark his snake form had given him, “I love you Severus. You are so beautiful inside and out. Now ride our newest mate like a dog in heat.”
Severus nodded as he moved behind the waiting wizard. Sirius’ head was resting on the pillow with his arse wiggling in the air. The Metamorphmagus shifted nervously before pushing into the waiting heat and closing his eyes in pleasure. Harry stood on the end of the bed right behind his second mate. He grabbed his mate’s hips and pressed into him before calling Dobby.
The house elf appeared with wider than normal eyes, “How may Dobby help you, Master?”
Harry nodded, “I want you to secure a disruptive magical barrier ring to my lovely Siri, so he cannot come until I allow him. You will be able to charm it to where he cannot remove it but I will be able to summon it, right?”
The elf smiled before snapping his fingers and disappearing. Harry pulled Severus toward him, which allowed him to hit the other wizard’s prostrate. He pushed the man back toward his other waiting mate, which caused him to press back into the warm heat. Harry held back a chuckle as he listed to the stream of swears flowing from the Potion Master’s mouth. It didn’t take long before Severus was clenching through an orgasm bringing Harry along with him. Harry pulled out of his first mate and kissed his ear, “Severus, I know that you might be a bit tired after these activities, but I want you to bend over the bed so that it will be your turn to enjoy being the passive one.”
Severus nodded his silvery blond head and assumed the required position after pulling out of the quivering but unable to release wizard. Harry took Sirius by the shoulder and led him off the bed before summoning the prince plug, “Siri, you will push into that still stretched and wanting flesh, while I enjoy your tight little hole. When I’m ready for you to come, I will summon the ring.”
Sirius simply nodded before pushing into Severus and letting out a guttural groan. Harry pushed into Sirius and led the pace again until Sirius started pleading, “Please let me come. Please let me have my release. It hurts so much and it feels too good at the same time. Please Harry, please let me have some release.”
Harry wandlessly summoned the ring and after one more thrust, Sirius tightened around him causing him to explode a second time. He pulled out of his lover and called his house elf back, “Dobby, I need the black family plug for my new mate.”
The house elf nodded and produced a black plug with the Black Family Crest engraved on it in silver. The top of it had a textured bulb, which was likely intended to set against the man’s prostrate. Harry took it and pushed it into the filled hole when the elf explained, “It has cleaning charms on it which will banish all waist matter, but will keep anything injected within.”
Harry smiled at the thought of Sirius walking around with Severus and his seaman within him at all times. He studied the second plug he’d placed in his first mate the night before, which was also black but had the Prince Family Crest engraved instead. Its bulb was completely smooth but seemed to have a vibrating feature. He happily pushed it into his other man turning the vibration dial on the low setting. He turned toward the house elf, “I’m guessing this has the same cleaning spells. What do you know of these family plugs?”
The house elf smiled, “Each ancient family has one for when a Mimicker finds his mates. They were forgotten but they still existed where bonded house elves could find them. The Prince family plug is also enhanced with additional fertility spells. They were known for only having one child at a time, but with the plug he is likely to have two or three children for you master.”
Harry smirked at the Potions Master who was attempting to pull out the plug as soon as he heard children, “Yes, and the only ones who can put in or remove the plugs are Alpha mates only. Severus, you might as well stop trying to remove that. You’re a beta after all.”
Severus turned toward him and pouted, “Why are you making me carry children? I’ve never gotten along with them even when I was one myself.”
Harry took Severus’ nipple between his thumb and forefinger rolling it with just the right amount of pressure, “That’s not true love. You and my mother got along quite well until you called her that horrible word in your fifth year. Now, turn around so I can switch that plug off and the three of us can join Maeve in a nice warm shower. I want a large family, Sev. However, we’ve already agreed that you will wait until after all of us have completed our Hogwarts education.”
Sirius smiled, “Did I forget to tell you that I’ve been given the Defense position at Hogwarts?”
Harry just chuckled, “That will only work out better for us. Perhaps I’ll have the two of you come out as a couple so that you may share quarters. It would make it easier to visit you if you’re in the same place after all.”
After breakfast, Severus, Lucius, and Draco joined Hermione in the library where they continued to research the adoption rituals. Harry pulled Sirius down into the ritual bathes. He had opened a couple of portraits for his parents to meet him down there. He needed to speak with his father regarding the suppressant spells he had felt on his godfather. He was sure that he could start with the cleansing ritual but worried that he would need something stronger than it.
Upon entering the ritual bathes, Sirius froze in shock. “James, is that really you?”
The Maurder nodded, “Yes Padfoot, it’s me. My son advised us of your mating. I’m happy that you finally found your mate. I understand that you fancied me for years but I knew that I wasn’t the one meant to be with you. I apologize that I didn’t tell you that before I died. You’re a creature Siri. I don’t know what your mother placed on your but she bound just about everything that you were born with. She really was a despicable woman.”
Sirius slumped against one of the columns until he was sitting on the stone floors, “You don’t know the half of it. I never told you the full extent of what went on. I was just so ashamed and afraid you wouldn’t want anything to do with me if you knew.”
James shook his head no, “Siri, there is nothing you could’ve told me that would’ve made me want to end our friendship. You were my brother from another mother. I wished for the longest time that you were my brother. I always wanted a sibling man and you would’ve made a wonderful big brother. Oh, well I guess you were a big brother, weren’t you?”
“Yeah, but I failed him to. I ran off with your family and left him with that horrible witch. She um…you see my father didn’t really find her attractive…I’m still not sure how I was conceived since he really preferred the same gender. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that she used to play this game with me…she’d force me to pleasure her. It started with me noticing her giving me looks that a mother should never give a son. However, those uncomfortable leers only worsened the summer before our sixth year. She came into my room one night and told me it was my duty to please her. She didn’t stop when I asked her to and soon she was riding me. I felt sick but she casted a spell on me that made me hard and forced me to finish. It was my first sexual experience and I just felt so dirty. That was the real reason why I packed my shit and ran to your home. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t take Reggie with me, and somehow I cannot help but feel that leaving him behind is what led to his death.”
Harry looked at him and shook his head no, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I recently discovered that Regulus is still alive. I think he may’ve faked his death and changed his name. He seems to be working on the Romanian Dragon Reserve as Reggie Gamp. Narcissa wants you to annul her marriage contract so that she can chase after him.”
Sirius chuckled, “He was always in love with Narcissa and was devastated when he discovered that she was forced to bond with Lucius. I will take care of that contract. I can’t help but thinking the two of them would be happy together.”
Lily’s eyes widened, “Aren’t they too closely related as first cousins?”
Sirius shook his head, “Reggie wasn’t carried by Walburga. My father had a male lover from the Gamp line, who died giving birth to Reggie. Orion brought him into the house as a second child. He claimed to have found him and forced my mother into adopting him. They never told the public and by that point my mother already had a lover of her own. With the two children contract fulfilled she wasn’t required to have any more children, which she was happy about since she swore her pregnancy with me ruined her body.”
“Wow, I guess the Blacks have some pretty hefty family secrets. So, you’ll take care of that and then we’ll contact Narcissa by floo and she can pack to leave for Romania. She said she’d speak with Reggie about inviting you over the winter holidays. Perhaps we’ll have to take everyone with us. Now, I think we need to start with the cleansing ritual.” Harry stood and added the lavender soap to the ritual baths.
He still remembered the words and spoke them as soon as Sirius settled into the bath nude, “Aufero sordibus, aufero dolorem, aufero vinculis eius.” A bright light came out of his wand and surrounded his mate. He held his wand and continued to chant until the light flashed and was absorbed by Sirius’ skin.
As soon as the light was absorbed, Sirius stood with a glower on his face, “I’ll kill that bastard.”
“Did I do something wrong?” Harry wondered why Sirius responded differently than Lucius.
James shook his head, “That cleansing ritual only removes compulsion charms, Harry. By his response, I’m guessing that someone had placed compulsion charms on him without his knowledge.”
Sirius turned red before screaming, “How dare that twinkling eyed bastard place those damn things on me. I wasn’t able to fight him more about removing you from the Dursley home because he had me under so many charms I could barely think for myself. I bet you, that’s the reason why I handed you over to Hagrid that day and chased after the rat. I don’t know what dumble-whore is up to, but I’m sure it can’t be good. We need to meet with the others and take caution when we return to his bordello.”
Lily started to laugh, “Did you just make references to Albus being a whore and Hogwarts being a whorehouse?”
“Okay, I think I’ll send a house elf to bring Severus down here. Perhaps he too needs these cleansing rituals.”
Severus was busy reading books about blood adoption rituals, when his reading was interrupted by a bushy haired Gryffindor. “Severus, it says here that the recipient of the ritual needs to be cleansed of any influencing magic so that the adoption will stick. I understand that you performed a ritual on him last night. Was it by chance the Aufero ritual?”
Severus looked up at her and nodded. She sighed, “That’s what I thought. That ritual only cleans a person of compulsion charms. It doesn’t do anything about any other magics on an individual.” She pulled her wand and casted a few diagnostic charms on the wide-eyed Draco before pointing it at Lucius. “Both of them are under sexual suppression spells that will limit their desire for sex. Apparently, they are placed on submissives to have them only automatically in the mood only when their dominant mate has an interest in providing it. It takes away their will and natural heat cycles. They also are exhibiting many power blocks and binds. I can’t help but wonder if Draco’s hemophilia wouldn’t be as bad without the blocks. His magic could probably protect him better without them. The two spells have different magical signatures. The sexual suppressant seems similar to their signatures; however, blocks have a completely unrelated signature.”
Her eyebrows furrowed before she pointed her wand at Severus. Her eyes widened even more from those results, “Severus, you have compulsion charms on you cast by the same magical signature as their blocks. You also have quite a few magical blocks and binds as well. When could a stranger have the ability to cast blocks on people?”
An elf interrupted their conversation, “Master Harry has requested Master Severus to join him down in the ritual bathes. Master Sirius had compulsion charms cast on him by the twinkling buffoon and they fear that you may have them on you as well.”
Hermione let out a gasp, “Dumbledore?” She started quickly casting without saying anything for a few minutes. “I have just gone through quite a few spells to determine the exact person to which that signature belongs. I fear that our headmaster has much to explain. Why was he binding people and how many other wizards have these compulsion charms and magic blocks on them? Perhaps we should contact the Aurors for a full investigation.”
Severus just nodded before walking down to the ritual rooms. Upon entering the baths he automatically related the information, “Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to go through the compulsion ritual as well, Harry. We also need to look into a ritual that will remove blocks and magical binds. So far, I, Draco, and Maeve need them. I wish I knew what that horrible man had up his sleeve. I wonder how many people would believe his humble grandfather act if they knew of this.”
Harry looked like he was going to be sick, “We’ll just have to put each of our mates through these same rituals with each one we find. I can’t help but wonder if there’s some way to prevent people from placing these things on us. What if there’s something in the wards that automatically place these things on the students. Think about it, what is one way for someone who’s using Hogwarts as a power seat? If he’s controlling every student that comes through the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, then he can maintain his power over Wizarding England.”
Severus felt a sense of dread in his stomach, “Well, we should get started. Lily, do you think you could cast and keep track of the spells on us? I understand you’re just a portrait, but sometimes additional features allow the remaining essence of a witch to cast things.”
Lily nodded, “I must admit that most of my magic went to this portrait after I passed on. I wanted to have as much energy to protect my son when he was raised here. Of course, a meddling old coot sent my baby to live with abusive muggles, so I haven’t had the opportunity to use those stores until today. I just hope that Harry finds a way to bring us to Hogwarts with him. I want to haunt that bugger.”
A couple of hours and several group rituals later and everyone was feeling much better. Harry had a list of all the spells on him prior to the rituals as did Severus. Lily was able to sort each spell by magical signature and most of them were from Dumbledore. A few other spells were from Molly Weasley, which made Harry’s brow furrow. His mother was most unhappy when she read those spells and quickly retreated from the portrait. Severus wondered what Lily had discovered and hoped that she would share it soon. He started to make a mental list of all the things they needed to do and added visit Gringotts to the list. Harry needed to speak with his account manager and have his wizarding guardianship fixed. After coming into a magical inheritance, Harry was now considered an adult in the Wizarding world. It didn’t matter if it happened a year sooner than most.
Lily was absolutely belligerent with anger. First, her son was taken from his godfather and handed over to her horrible sister. Second, he was magically bound down to ten percent of his magical power. Third, he was under so many mentally suppressant spells that she was surprised he was still capable of coherent conversation. All of that done by the headmaster before placing him with her horrible relatives, and then Molly Weasley thought she would add to them. That woman cast sexual suppressant spells on her son that prevented him from finding anyone attractive but her darling daughter. What was that woman after? Not to mention the compulsion charms to trust Dumbledore and the Weasleys but distrust Severus. She wasn’t even going to get into the traces of imperious potion used to get him to marry the youngest Weasley when he came of age.
She could only thank Merlin that her son was able to overcome the Imperious Curse and thus the effects of the potion. She soon found herself in one of the paintings in the library. She found the girl for which she was looking. “Hermione, we need to have a discussion. Will you come over here?”
The bushy haired woman approached her painting, “You’re Harry’s mother Lily, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I have come to give you the results of Harry’s diagnostics. The two signatures associated with the many spells were Dumbledore and Molly Weasley. That woman seemed to be set on having her youngest daughter marry Harry. He was under so many wit dampening spells that I’m surprised he was able to learn anything while he was at Hogwarts. Most of his magic was bound and he managed to win against Voldemort with having access to ten percent of his magic. I don’t know what the Order is up to, but part of me worries it is not what we think it is. I suggest you also go under the diagnostic charms and rituals. Here let me cast them on you.”
The brilliant witch nodded her head yes. Lily’s eyes widened once more, “Honey, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’ve also been bound. You only have access to fifty percent of your magic. You have compulsion charms on you preventing you from thinking on your own. It causes you to believe what is written in books without question. The compulsion forces you to believe professors not matter what. Not to mention the bloody love potion you’re under. Oh, oh…”
Hermione gasped, “What is it?”
“You have two destined mates and someone was trying to get you to choose their little brother over them. You’re meant to be with Fred and George but someone gave you a love potion for the idiot Ron. I want you to get down there and go through those rituals now. Then I’ll have my son invite those delightful twins over here, so that you can seal the bond with those twins. They’ve been looking for their grounding mate for a long time. I fear that if we didn’t catch this one of them would die. The both of them cannot survive without their grounding mate. Fred seems to be the weaker of the two and he would likely be the one who would just die.”
Lily just sighed as she watched the woman run down the stairs. She couldn’t help but wonder what was going on in the world. They had quite a bit that they needed to figure out. Who could they contact to have all of this fixed? They had to still have allies in the world who were not in the pocket of Albus Dumbledore. If only they knew that man’s plants, she just hated being in the dark.
Harry sighed in frustration after spending hours in the ritual baths. He felt so much better with all of the magic off of him. He could think so much clearer and his magical strength increased so much he had to get used to channeling less through his wand. He didn’t have to force so much through his wand anymore. His mates looked so different without their bindings. Severus just seemed so much happier than Harry ever saw him. Sirius had the ability to concentrate on things. He was no longer flitting from one subject to the next like a dog distracted by a squirrel. Lucius was far cuddlier and continuously wanted Harry to pet him, and Draco seemed a bit healthier.
Hermione was a different story. She was beyond furious after her rituals. She didn’t describe what she felt but Harry could tell she noticed something that had been suppressed for too long. After everything was done she just turned to me, “Please floo Fred and George and invite them to move in. I fear they need the rituals as well before I ground them.”
Harry had simply nodded at Hermione’s request before walking to the reception floo. He threw the powder in and quickly found the successful business men in their dragon hide suits. He called their names and put up with them playing ping pong with their words. He couldn’t help but wonder if it had gotten worse. “Please just be quiet for a moment guys. Hermione’s over here and she wants you to join us. You could just leave your shop with Verity and get your butts over here?”
The two redheads simply nodded before coming through the floo. “Why didn’t you tell us you’ve come-
“-into possession-”
“-of your family home?”
Harry held up his hands, “Please remain quiet until I show you to the ritual baths. Hermione has quite a few things she needs to cast for you and then she has some plan. I’m not really sure what it is but I’m sure it will eventually have something with cementing some bond.”
Both of the twins’ eyes widened and they spoke together, “You’re saying that she’s out grounding mate. She’s the one we’ve been waiting for all our life. Why didn’t we notice it right away?”
“I don’t know guys. You’ll have to ask her. I’m sure it has something to do with the rituals.”
Hermione was nervous as she waited for her mate’s arrival. Upon them entering the ritual baths she quickly cast all of the diagnostic spells that Lily had showed her. She quickly found the same spells on them as there had been on her. Why would someone do that to them? Did the person who cast the spells frown upon triads so much? She quickly undressed them before climbing into the baths with them. She started ritual after ritual. Once the spells were swept away, she felt the overwhelming pull to command the both of them. It was in that moment that she realized she was the dominant.
“Fred, bend over the side of the tub. George, prepare to enter him.”
Hermione felt a warmth gathering in her gut as she watched George move his fingers in and out of his brother’s pucker. Soon Fred was shivering and whimpering. Hermione commanded, “I want you to slam it home George. I want you balls deep in his backside.”
George did exactly as she commanded before he stopped waiting for his next command. She walked toward the two before pushing them back. They were light enough to move in the water. She then grabbed Fred’s manhood with one hand and put her other hand on his shoulder. It was only a moment before she was surrounding that giant cock and it felt delicious. “George I want you to set a fast pace until you feel Fred orgasm.”
She then surrendered to the feel of being taken by the twins. She almost lost consciousness when her orgasm hit. They were soon all lounging in the tub trying to catch their breath. Hermione felt a magic settle over her and looked over to see both of the twins glowing white. She smiled and knew that the bond formed. She found her mates and they would be happy for the rest of their lives. “I really hope the two of you took the rest of the day off because I plan on taking you to my bedroom and not letting you leave until tomorrow. I own the both of you now. We will discuss bonding next summer.”
The twins smiled and spoke in unison, “Yes mistress, your wish is our command.”
A/N: I must admit that this chapter is a bit shorter and all over the place. I hope that if I’m starting to rush things that someone will let me know. I will try to slow down next chapter.
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