Borderline | By : KusanoSaku Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 21310 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or it's characters. I am just having fun with them and I don't make money that way. |
Title: Borderline
Pairing: HarryxDraco, pre-slash SeamusxGeorge, implied RonxHermione
Fandom: HP
Summary: Non-Epilogue compliant post-Battle of Hogwarts fic. WWW Partner Harry Potter is attacked by unknown persons and left for dead. He creates a portkey to take himself, Andromeda and Teddy to a place of Safety. Single parent Draco Malfoy is living quietly out of the politics of the Post-Second Wizarding war. Together can they give each other the happiness they've been missing?
A/N: Part of the same universe as Baiting of Rose.
Chapter two
Harry woke to find Kingsley at his bedside.
“Kingsley?” he yawned.
“Damn it Harry why didn’t you come to me when you started getting death threats?”
Harry sat up and stretched carefully, “Sorry. I didn’t want to seem paranoid or an attention seeker. I never actually thought I would be hurt.”
“You defeated You-Know-Who Harry and you’re only eighteen. They see you as powerful and potentially dangerous. People feared Albus but because he didn’t force them to deal with it, they mostly ignored it. People are talking about that all the power and prestige you gained from killing HIM will make you into his successor and you’ll do more terrible things.” Kingsley looked troubled, “Ron is encouraging the other Auror trainees to believe that. I wish I’d never accepted him. Neville and Ron have gotten into fights a dozen or more times. Neville tells him to shut up and stop telling lies but Ron tells him to stop kissing your feet and sucking your prick. He’d see the truth if he wasn’t blinded by his infatuation with you. Is there something going on between you that I should know about?”
Harry blinked at him, “Me and Neville? A couple? Are you crazy? He’s straight. He’s dating Luna…”
“They broke up. Ron tried to say he was cheating on her with you. Neville managed to knock him down and put his fist in his face. He said Luna broke up with him. She said they weren’t compatible and that they made better friends. I don’t know why, he didn’t elaborate.”
“I thought they would stay together. I’ve spoken to them since the battle but they didn’t tell me they broke up…” Harry said quietly. Had he drifted away from his friends because he chose a different path? He’d hate to lose his friends…
“Tell me Harry,” Kingsley asked his fingers steepled while his elbows rest on Harry’s bed. “Why here? Why was this the first place you thought of?”
“It’s a Manor House. It had very strong wards. They owe me life debts I hadn’t taken the time to discuss with them. Purebloods take life debts seriously. At some point I have to call in the life debt the Weasleys owe me collectively as well as the one Ginny owes. Right now the nerves between us are too raw. My refusal to Bond to Ginny is splitting the family apart.” Harry shrugged.
“I’m going to suspend Ron from training. They were separated due to the most recent fight. Now, I am going to send Neville here. He will be put on paper as suspended but with pay unlike Ron. Neville is going to be your body guard until we determine who your enemies are.”
Harry gave a cold laugh, “My enemies? Death Eaters not caught yet. Their supporters, Slytherins I went to school with like Parkinson who wanted to hand me over to Voldemort in exchange for safety. Right now you could claim Ron, Ginny and Molly Weasley as enemies.”
“Somehow I don’t see Ron as a likely attacker. How many were there?”
Harry closed his eyes, “They might have been quick moving but I felt spells from three directions. They spoke barely above a whisper, I didn’t recognize the voices but they may have been wearing vocal Glamours. They cursed me from behind and burned our house. You can file charges for damage of private property on behalf of the Blacks. When they are found…if they are I want them charged with magical assault. I’m Lord Black and Lord Potter, I suggest that it be taken seriously.”
Kingsley cursed, “I wish I still had Moody or Tonks…”
“Don’t assign Dawlish. He’s an idiot…”
“I’ll find someone…I’ll inform Draco that Neville is going to be sent. Favouritism or not, I won’t let someone malign our Saviour. As soon as you are stable, I suggest you floo that wench Rita. This would be just the sort of story she’d enjoy. ”
Harry groaned, “I’ve been trying to avoid her since May…”
“What you need is sympathy. Let her craft the story that cowards are attacking our Heroes. We’ll keep your name private using Glamours; we don’t want your enemies to think you are weak. You can schedule a second meeting with her as Harry Potter and talk about the war. Don’t mention the Death Threats, tell her how you’re rising above your grief, how you are putting the war aside because you’re tired of fighting and death. You are looking into a brighter, happier future with WWW.”
Harry grinned, “I like that plan. I come in as a nameless fighter from the battle; a member of the Order and the other members start thinking they are at risk. I have an interview as Harry Potter and I’m completely uninjured which is going to stun the person or persons who left me for dead.”
“I need to speak with Severus and Andromeda about the spells. While Neville is here he can interview you and send me the report which I will forward to the proper person.” The Minister said as he rose.
Harry nodded, “Thank you Kingsley.”
“Take care of yourself and I want all death threats warded and sent to me.”
Harry sighed, what was wrong with wanting to move past the war? He wanted to live quietly…
The door opened; but instead of Andromeda, it was Malfoy.
Harry blinked, cradled in the former Slytherin’s arms was Teddy.
Draco smiled.
Harry was floored, it was a genuine one and something he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen before. He immediately had difficulty breathing…
The blonde’s brow furrowed, “Are you alright? Should I call Aunt Annie or Uncle Severus?”
Harry shook his head, “Why do you have Teddy?”
Draco shrugged, “You’re my guest. I promised on my blood safe refuge for all of you. Mother wasn’t pleased because she dislikes Aunt Andromeda but I am Lord Malfoy so she has to go along with it.” He grinned at the cooing seven month old baby, “Teddy and me, we’re becoming friends. He’s bigger than Scorpius. I hope they’ll be friends despite being different years.”
Harry frowned, “Who is Scorpius?”
“My son…” Draco said quietly.
Draco glared, but turned Teddy so he wouldn’t see his face, “No! He’s mine.”
“Who is the mother?”
Draco scowled, “There is no ‘mother’. I birthed him but last I checked I had a prick and bollocks like any man. I didn’t ask to get pregnant but I love my son. My only regret is that he wasn’t born in a bonding to parents who loved each other. He can’t inherit and no one would bond to me because he’s illegitimate.”
“You were attacked then?”
Draco shivered, “Just after you and yours left the Manor during winter holidays. Aunt. Bella gave me to her brother in law to punish. He forced me to his bed and that’s when they forced me to begin torturing people. After spending the summer at the end of Aunt Bella’s wand, I was forced to give others the same treatment.”
Harry said quietly, “That’s awful. Why would no one Bond to you because of your son?”
“They won’t see it as that I was attacked. That I dared bear a child and let it live would be seen as an abomination. Unbonded pureblood Lords do not allow illegitimate sons to be born. I would be accused to embarrassing my ancestors. I considered giving him away but he’s mine. I never asked if my attacker was dead. I didn’t ask to bear a child. I didn’t realize I was until I was examined by Pomfrey and then placed in a private interview room at the Ministry. I was held there until Kingsley came. He dismissed all charges and sent me home with Mother. I think Father was punished more severely because of that. I’d hate to think what might have happened if I didn’t have Scorpius…”
“You may have been an adult age wise but you were still a child in how you were treated. You were forced to do things because you were threatened. You didn’t choose any of it so don’t beat yourself up for it. Hermione didn’t choose to be tortured anymore than you did. That’s something she’s had to work through. Ron’s got guilt issues because he failed to protect her.” Harry’s face fell, “Well they did when I last talked to them.”
Draco’s brow furrowed, “I thought you three were inseparatable.”
Harry let out a cold laugh, “Inseparable? All it took to destroy seven years of friendship was for me to tell Ginny to stop trying to snog me or get me to sleep with her. I told her in no uncertain terms that we’re never getting together. That I didn’t feel anything for her, that any feelings I may have had had been burned out by the war.” He shrugged, “At this point I’m not sure if I ever liked her or if I liked the idea of having someone like me. I liked Cho because she was good looking and all the guys wanted her. Let’s face it; Ginny looked like my mother except for the eyes. Right now I find the idea of being with someone like that creepy.”
Draco nodded, “Everyone was going nuts over Fleur Delacour and I just couldn’t see it. She looked like mother and some thing like father. I didn’t realize I was bent until then. All the straight guys wanted Fleur, I was having issues not jumping Blaise once he came into his inheritance.” He frowned, “He transferred to Beauxbatons when things got too hot here. After I let Death Eaters into Hogwarts he turned his back on our friendship. He may have agreed with some of their ideals but he disapproved of their methods.”
“Have you tried speaking to him since?”
Draco shook his head.
“What about Scorpius’ Wiccaning? Andromeda and I stepped in for his parents. I asked Luna and Neville. They’re his guardians if anything happened to Andromeda or myself.”
Draco looked down the boy who grabbed at his hair, which had grown out since the Battle of Hogwarts. He watched fascinated as Teddy changed his hair to match his. “I’ve put it off. Mother keeps trying to bring it up but I’m terrified. I would have asked Blaise but I’m frightened. Here I am a single father, with an illegitimate son and I ask my former best friend to be my son’s godfather? I can’t. He’d laugh.”
“If he laughed at your misfortune, he’s no friend of yours.” Harry said quietly. “You know the real reason I told Ginny I didn’t want her?”
Draco blinked, “No…”
“Because…I was having dreams of having sex with you on a broom flying somewhere in the dark.”
Draco stared at him, “You’re joking. Why would you want someone like me?”
Harry laughed, “Why not? You were the hottest guy in school. You were the one I paid attention to most and I had the hugest hard-on as we flew out of the Room of Requirement.” He smirked, “You owe me what four life debts? I owe you at least one…”
“I owe you two. We saved your life twice so that makes us even.”
Harry chuckled, “You know what? I’ll offer you a deal.”
Draco stared, “A deal? What are you talking about?”
“I’ll blood adopt Scorpius. I’ll even agree to a three-year bonding contract. If at the end of that time we’re not madly in love, we will part ways and your son will be legitimate.”
“You’re joking.” Draco stormed to his feet.
Harry chuckled, “Never more serious. I think you’re hot. I wouldn’t mind being bonded to you. Besides, I’ve seen you staring at me for what eight years? You chase me like it’s going out of style. You always want to be close to me and you even like Teddy. Ginny threw a huge fit about my adopting Teddy and making him my heir. She said and I quote, ‘No werewolf’s spawn is going to keep my son from inheriting. He can stay with his snake grandmother! My son is going to be Lord Potter-Black’.”
Draco scoffed, “That slut had the audacity to say that? With all the sex she’s had it’s a wonder she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet.”
Harry smirked, “Oh she is. My revenge for saying those things was to cast a spell that made her so fertile that no contraception charm would work and I know she has never heard of a condom. She went and fucked Michael Corner. She’s in hot water with Molly who blames me last I heard. She’s never been capable of being faithful. She was cheating on Dean with Michael, Terry and members of both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff teams. She even broke in my Beaters. Seamus told her he was bent and to peddle her wares elsewhere.”
“The Irish man was bent? I didn’t know that.”
Harry smirked, “Yeah and get this, he’s got such a thing for George that he working at WWW on our Fireworks line for free. George is pretty daft that Seamus likes him but I’ve caught him drooling. Especially when Seamus speaks in that brogue of his.”
Draco laughed, “Now that I’ve got to see.”
“I’ll invite them over. I’ve got to let George know I was attacked anyway. That is if you don’t mind Weasels.” Harry asked worried.
“If we were bonded, I assume since you work there that at least that Weasel I would have to tolerate.” He snickered, “Maybe I’ll torment them both, I haven’t got any friends who I’d trust with my son but if you’d vouch for them both…”
“You want to help me play matchmaker?”
“Who else would help you? Who do you think would they come to our Bonding with?”
“IF we Bond and I let you adopt Scorpius, will that settle the life debts between us?” Draco asked worried.
“I don’t know. There is still the issue of the debts the Weasleys owe me.”
Draco smirked, “That is easy.”
Harry leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with mischief, “How so?”
Draco grinned, “Every heard of Sire’s rights?”
“Simple, unless it’s a rape, the infant conceived belongs to the Sire. Does Corner want her?”
Harry snorted, “No. He told her he didn’t believe it was his. I know it was.”
Draco smirked, “Simple. Tell that to Michel, that you cast the spell. Then get him to sign adoption papers allowing you to blood adopt the child. Then get her father and grandfather to sign them. They both have to approve it. I doubt they’ll want her to raise an illegitimate child and it will settle the debt that her mother wanted her marriage to settle. A life for a life. You repay your debt to me by legitimising my son.”
“I’ll understand if you don’t want to let me be the Chaser. I wouldn’t mind letting you have me though.” Harry gave Draco a once over.
Draco flushed.
Teddy reached out with chubby fists trying to open his shirt.
Draco sighed blushing, “I don’t know how much I have…Scorpius is a glutton…” shyly he let Harry’s godson feed.
Harry blinked, “You’re breastfeeding? You’re a guy…”
Draco sighed, “Muggles…they’re so clueless. Sending you to their world did you such a disservice. Yes, wizards can feed a child naturally if they birth them. I just don’t produce as much. It helps me bond to Scorpius. I spent the later part of my pregnancy hating him. I didn’t want him. My Mind Healer suggested mother put him to my chest so he could feed.”
“You have a mind healer? I didn’t think one would treat you…”
Draco scowled, “They don’t know I’m Draco Malfoy. They know a Death Eater whom I refuse to name repeatedly raped me. Kingsley found me one, when he saw I needed it. “
Teddy latched on, gumming his nipple painfully as he sucked hard.
Draco winced, “He’s worse than Scorpius…”
The door opened and a house elf entered carrying a wailing bundle. All Harry could see was tuffs of blonde hair.
“Little Master be hungry….”
Draco held out his free arm, taking care not to jostle Teddy as he held his much smaller son to his other nipple.
Harry sucked in a deep breath, “Merlin that’s hot…”
Draco blushed, “You try it sometime…it’s a bit uncomfortable…”
Harry swallowed, “I always wanted kids. I didn’t know guys could have them…”
Draco rolled his eyes, “Muggles…”
“Do you think I could?”
Draco laughed, “Nearly all bent wizards can. Some have problems with conception and need fertility potions.”
Harry grinned. “Then I expect you to knock me up on our honeymoon.”
Draco swallowed, “I can’t leave Scorpius.”
“A two day honeymoon. I’ve never left these shores before…” Harry said wistfully.
Draco sighed, “Only if I can floo to see him…”
Harry grinned, “I’ve got no problem with that.”
Draco smiled, “Then we have a deal.” He went to hold out his hand only to laugh at himself, “Hard to shake on it when you’ve got your hands full.”
The door opened again.
Andromeda entered followed by Severus Snape.
Harry blinked, “You’re alive?”
“So are you. Though some cowards thought they’d beaten you.” Severus rasped. “You might want to thank the man who saved your life.”
Harry grinned, “I guess that pays back your life debt then.”
Severus glared at him, “I didn’t save you because of that.”
Harry shook his head, “No you didn’t. You saved me because of my mother.” He frowned, “You know, she cared for you…”
“Not enough…” the man said gruffly.
Harry chuckled, “I’ve got a proposal for you.”
Severus blinked, “What would that be?”
“How would you like a Potter child to raise as your own?”
Severus glared, “You’re too old and I don’t think you need a parent.”
Harry laughed, “Not me. I’m going to be demanding Ginny’s illegitimate child in payment for both hers and their family’s life debt to me. I thought I’d foster them to you. You need an heir.”
“You can’t adopt if you’re unbonded.” Andromeda gasped.
Harry smirked at Draco, “You want to tell them or should I?”
Draco muttered something unintelligible into Scorpius’ hair.
Harry shrugged, “Draco and I have decided to sign a Three-year Bonding Contract. In exchange, it settles our life debts and I’ll blood adopt Scorpius. Scorpius will be named the Malfoy heir. Teddy is already the Black heir, since I approved Andromeda’s bonding and reinstated her to the Family along with Sirius. Which automatically made Teddy heir to the Black line as the sole male heir.”
“You don’t have to do this…” Draco said softly.
“I want to.” Harry said firmly. “It isn’t fair that the son you love so much can’t legally carry on the family name or inherit. Plus I already admitted I like you. What to I have to do to prove it? Strip, take veritaserum so you can ask me if I want you to fuck me?”
Andromeda winced.
Severus growled, “You’re uncouth just like James.”
Harry scowled, “I’m nothing like my father.”
“Actually you are.” Andromeda said softly. “Severus never knew it…but the reason she bonded to James was because she’d been raped by a Death Eater after telling You-Know-Who to leave and not let the wards hit him on the way out when he asked her to join him. She was a mess and worse after she found out she was pregnant. She wanted Severus. She begged me to find him. James came in, he’d been assigned the case and his partner was his mentor Francis. This was before he’d been assigned Sirius as a partner. The rapes are usually handled by Aurors in training. Lily screamed at him to leave but he wouldn’t. He handled her case professionally. He wooed her; he offered her his heart and his hand. He promised to blood adopt you.”
Severus glared, “Why wasn’t I told?”
Andromeda sighed, “I tried to find you. Lily wanted her best friend. She loved you but James was there when she needed someone desperately. She felt so guilty for a long time about not waiting for you. Then when she finally was ready, they consummated the Bonding. She got pregnant immediately. She begged James to let you be the child’s godparent. James would grant her anything. He had his son, an heir and the woman he worshipped. I think he only gave in because he wanted to rub it in your face. He stole the woman you loved and she had two children. It was to be a girl. She was going to name it Roslyn Serenity, she still loved you Severus. She would always love you…she wanted you to be happy. She cried a lot, knowing that agreeing to Bond to James, your rival would anger you. She lamented the loss of your friendship…she would have married you if you’d showed up but she didn’t know if you’d still want her.”
Severus nearly fell but a house elf appeared with a chair that he collapsed into, “Still want her? I would have gladly married her. Who did it?”
Andromeda sighed, “Rodolphus on Bella’s orders most likely.”
“I was the Lestrange heir?”
Andromeda snorted. “Heir? You would have had to be adopted by Bella for that. I wouldn’t wish her as a mother on anyone. James loved you, and from the moment he blood adopted you, you were his. His parents died before he graduated so he didn’t have to get it approved by anyone but himself. He was so happy to have a son and the woman he adored. Lily owed him so much. Lily died loving you both, I know that but she would have wanted you to be happy. She wanted you to fall in love and have a child.”
Harry stared as Severus started to shake with silent sobs, he’d always seen Snape as hard, unyielding and cold, but he seemed like his heart was breaking. “Lily…I’m sorry…I should have been there…”
Harry swallowed, “So you might have been my dad then?”
Severus stared at him.
“Do you want the child?”
“I’d have to be Bonded.”
Andromeda snorted, “Lucius is dead. The announcement came this morning. Narcissa is almost glowing. She never wanted Lucius anymore than I did. She wanted you.”
Severus blinked, “What?”
Draco echoed him. “What? Mother loved Uncle Sev?”
“Why do you think he was always around? She introduced him to Lucius. She made him notice him. She convinced Lucius to be his patron. It was her idea for him to be your godfather. It was the closest she could come to being you being his child.”
Harry grinned, “Go for it. Besides, bonding to a pureblood would reclaim the honour your family lost. I’ll gladly give my consent. Not that she needs it. It’s up to Draco.”
“I want mother to be happy….” The stunned single father said looking down at the babies in his arms.
“That settles it. What is the usual mourning period for a criminal spouse?”
“Six months…” Andromeda said looking suspiciously at him.
“Does Draco going into mourning impede us?”
“Not if you are already Bonded. If you claim Scorpius is yours and you file with Gringotts you can back date it. I’m sure Kingsley would assist you.”
Harry smirked, “Then we’ll do that. I’ll arrange for the paper work. We’ll have a public Ceremony later after the period of mourning is over. We’ll observe social niceties. I don’t have an owl and I’m not keen on getting one.”
“You can use Iris.” Draco said quietly.
“I’ll need to firecall Bill and Owl Kingsley. Can I get up yet?”
“You’ve barely woken up after your attack. They almost killed you if Severus didn’t know countercurses for all those spells you were hit with you’d be dead.”
“He’s brilliant. What do you expect? Now can I get up?”
Andromeda sighed casting diagnostic spells, shaking her head in amazement, “You seem perfectly alright. If I didn’t treat you myself I wouldn’t know…”
Harry shrugged, “I’ve always been a fast healer.”
“You can get up.”
Harry climbed out of bed grinning, “Great. You better go propose to Narcissa. Neville should be here soon. He’s to be my bodyguard.” He frowned, “I hope he’s alright. Ron’s stirring up trouble, he accused Neville of being my lover.”
Draco glared at him.
Harry held up his hands, “He’s just a friend. Besides, he was seeing Luna last I heard but Kingsley said they broke up.”
“Guess I have to finally declare the Bonding of Xenos Malfoy and Demeter Lovegood Sanctified. I’ll have to repair the family tree.” Draco sighed.
Harry blinked, “Luna’s half Malfoy?”
Draco laughed, “You didn’t think it was coincidental that we resembled each other do you? Her father was Father’s younger brother by a year. He broke tradition and was sorted into Ravenclaw. He was befriended by Demeter who was Sorted right before him. Her cousins on her mother’s side are Daphne and Astoria. Aurora Greengrass was Demeter’s twin sister.”
Harry was surprised, “I never saw them together…”
“Because Uncle Xenos broke with the family after the death of his wife. She died when Luna was nine and well, the cousins weren’t exactly close. Aurora didn’t approve of my Uncle, she thought he was highly unstable and has mentioned a few times that he might have been responsible. The only witness was Luna…”
“Sirius wasn’t kidding when he said you were all related…” Harry said shaking his head.
“My grandmother on my father’s side was a Pucey, so was Astoria and Daphne’s father. That was why father refused a Bonding contract between Daphne and myself. The blood was too close.” Draco shrugged gently and then his nose twitched, “They’re both dirty.”
Harry held out his arms, “Show me to his rooms so I can change him.”
Draco shifted slightly, so Teddy was more supported before letting Harry take him.
Andromeda turned on her heel and left.
Severus watched them for a few heartbeats before leaving himself, leaning heavily on his cane as he limped away.
Draco led Harry to Teddy’s room in the nursery wing where the baby could be changed.
Harry reached out, pulling the blonde to him and kissed him, “Thank you.”
Draco stood there stunned when Harry turned to enter Teddy’s room. He reached with his free hand to touch his lips. They burned…
Perhaps, this bonding would be what they both needed…
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