A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159311 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
I am still blown away by the response to this story. Thank you all so much for your lovely words, I appreciate every one of them and every one of you guys too. Here’s another chapter for you, Nina
Chapter Three
Snape saved Harry once more from meeting the floor as they stepped out of the Floo in his office.
“We should see the Headmaster,” Snape said before the green flames had even gone back to orange. Harry looked up at the man startled.
“What if he does fire you?” Harry asked quietly.
“Oh if I have to leave you’re coming with me my pretty little wife,” Snape said and held up Harry’s hand to show him the ring he was wearing on his finger.
“This means that I own you, where I go you will follow and vice versa. I’m not a horrible man I won’t force you to unless I am forced to. So it is in your best interests to tell anyone and everyone who will listen how horrible it would be if anything were to happen to me,” Snape said and Harry nodded quickly.
“Good,” Snape said and swept from the room, Harry hurrying after him. He caught up to him as they were climbing the steps from the dungeon the Entrance Hall. It was Sunday so most of the students were outside enjoying their weekend or trying to finish their homework in their common rooms. The hallways were practically deserted save for a few students hurrying this way or that which Snape took great pleasure in yelling at and docking points from.
It was all too soon in Harry’s opinion that they were walking along the third floor corridor to the gargoyle that guarded Professor Dumbledore’s office entrance.
“Cockroach Clusters!” Snape said and the gargoyle sprang to life moving aside to reveal the spiral stair case that lead to Dumbledore’s office.
Together, Snape and Harry climbed the stairs to the office door. As they climbed closer they could hear arguing and Harry looked at Snape to see what they should do. Snape just knocked on the door and waited. The voices in the office went silent.
“Enter,” Dumbledore called.
Snape pushed open the door and led Harry into the room.
There was noise, everyone began shouting all at once, asking questions or scolding him for disappearing for nearly two days.
Harry looked around the circular office ignoring everyone yelling. The portraits of former headmasters and headmistresses were all looking down on the proceedings with interest, some shouting their own opinions into the fray. Normally they were pretending to be sleeping in their frames, eavesdropping on what was going on. Harry couldn’t believe that anyone could sleep through this racket anyway.
The office was a beautiful circular room full of many books but also various silver instruments sitting on spindly legged tables smoking and puffing softly, there was the large claw footed desk Professor Dumbledore sat behind and a large bookshelf behind him filled with colourful tombs of various sizes and thickness. Dumbledore’s pet phoenix Fawkes and fled his perch by the window and was sitting up in the rafters glaring down at the people below who had ruined his peaceful slumber.
Harry glanced at everyone in the room, waiting politely for them to finish yelling at each other. Professors McGonagall, Moody, Flitwick and Sprout were there grouped together on a couch near the fire place. Karkaroff and Maxime were standing off to the side with Bagman and Crouch. In the two chairs in front of Professor Dumbledore was Cornelius Fudge Minister for Magic and a woman with curly blonde hair wearing rhinestone horn-rimmed glasses. She had a quill poised and was writing everything down with a greedy little smile.
A reporter then, probably here for the tournament, Harry thought.
It was certainly an odd bunch grouped together and Harry looked to Snape again. He honestly didn’t know what to do and was sort of hoping the man would take the lead. When Snape made it clear he was quite happy to watch everyone in the room shout themselves hoarse Harry stepped forward.
“Hello!” Harry called over everyone making them all stop their shouting.
“Harry,” it was Dumbledore that spoke quietly and calmly instantly soothing Harry’s quickly fraying nerves. “Where have you been?”
“Um...” Harry reached a hand back to Snape who reluctantly stepped forward and took hold of it. “I was... getting married,”
Complete and utter silence met that statement. Even the reporter had stopped writing. Everyone just stared.
“Married my boy? To who?” Dumbledore asked brightly
“Um... Professor Snape” Harry said glancing at Snape before looking at Dumbledore.
“As Harry’s spouse I withdraw him from the Triwizard Tournament effective immediately,” Snape said his voice flat and emotionless, bored.
“What!?” Bagman cried, “You can’t do that. He has to compete! We decided. Those are the rules,”
“You can look in the rule book Mr Bagman, a spouse has the legal right to withdraw their partner from the Tournament,” Harry said with a small smile.
“You can’t do that! It’s illegal!” Bagman said and turned to Mr Crouch. “Barty?!”
“I’ll have to have a look at your papers,” Crouch said. He didn’t sound very pleased, then again Harry had never heard him sound very anything really.
“Certainly,” Snape said and handed over the papers to the man.
Crouch frowned and ran a hand over his neatly trimmed toothbrush moustache.
“How did you get these pushed through so quickly?” Crouch asked, glaring at Snape.
“You are more than welcome to follow up with anyone you wish. I did everything legally. I even spoke to Harry’s Aunt in person to explain what exactly a Wizarding marriage was and how it differed from a Muggle one.”
“Everything seems to be in order,” Crouch said, “But I will be checking in with everyone and if I find anything... anything at all...”
“Well if that is all Harry and I do have our wedding night to enjoy,” Snape said and tugged on Harry’s hand pulling him closer.
“Ugh!” Fudge said and turned to Dumbledore, “You can’t honestly be allowing this can you Dumbledore?! The boy is fourteen!” he paused to glare at Snape before adding, “Snape is a Deatheater and now a paedophile, it’s disgusting.”
“Cornelius,” Dumbledore said, “From my viewpoint they have done nothing wrong. As a minor Harry has gone through all the correct legal stipulations to be married. Also I’ll appreciate you not to insult me by insinuating I’d hire a paedophile.”
“Albus, this matter must be investigated. It may be legal now they are married but who knows how long it has gone on before now!” Fudge said.
“Well we can do that right now, Harry and Severus I am sure will be more than happy to answer any questions you have about their relationship,” Dumbledore said and nodded to Harry and Snape.
“Of course Headmaster,” Snape said respectfully and turned to Fudge, “Ask anything you wish,”
“Very well,” Fudge said narrowing his eyes at Snape, “How long has this been going on exactly?”
“Not very long,” Snape replied smoothly. Yeah try two days, Harry thought.
“You two seem quite attached, how long have you had a physical relationship?”
“Today was our first kiss,” Snape said
“My first kiss,” Harry added with what he hoped was a happy smile. He was supposed to pretend this was a real marriage right?
“What on earth possessed you to marry a student?”
“To be honest I didn’t marry him for the thrill of marrying a student. I don’t see Harry as a student really, I see a bright, brave boy with far too big a heart willing to take a chance on his sour potions master. I’ve been alone a long time and when Harry asked me to marry him I saw no reason to refuse,”
“Harry asked you?” Fudge asked. Everyone in the room was shocked by that remark and turned to Harry.
“Why?” Fudge asked sharply and Harry shrugged.
“Why not? I mean every year I’m here I seem to nearly die so I figured if I do accidentally die well, I don’t want to die never having been married. And why I chose Severus’ specifically, well he’s the only one who never treated me like the Boy-Who-Lived. With him I know I’m just going to be Harry. Just Harry,”
McGonagall gave a choked little sniffle and Madame Maxime was dabbing her eyes.
“Like Romeo and Juliet,” she said quietly and Harry didn’t really get how but he wasn’t going to argue. If a woman thought their story was romantic enough to cry over then it was clearly true love and Fudge couldn’t argue with that.
“Satisfied now Cornelius?” Dumbledore asked
“Not entirely. There will be a full inquiry into this. Until the investigation is complete I propose that Snape is suspended without pay and barred from the grounds.”
“Well as Headmaster I have final say over any such issues. I see no reason for Severus to leave the school,”
“You see no reason a paedophile should leave the school?” Fudge asked.
“You have no proof he is a paedophile. By all means if you find some of course he’ll be dismissed and handed over to the correct authorities but until such a time he shall continue his duties here as Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House,”
The look on Fudge’s face was comparable to someone who had just swallowed a lemon. He gave a fierce glare around the room and stalked out, Crouch, Bagman and the reporter followed immediately after.
“Congratulations ‘Arry” Madame Maxime said patting Harry’s shoulder gently before leaving.
Karkaroff left without a word to anyone, sneering at Harry and Snape as he passed them. The teachers slowly trickled out after that McGonagall offering a wink as she headed past making Harry smile.
“Severus, I wish to speak to you in private. Harry I suggest you go and pack your things,”
“My things? You’re kicking me out?” Harry asked horrified.
“No, no my dear boy. You will be moving into Severus’ rooms. Hogwarts rules I’m afraid, while you are a student and married to a teacher you must live together,”
“Why?” Harry asked
“Ah well it just helps your reputation, can’t have you married to a man and then sharing a room with five others you know,” Dumbledore said with a smile and Harry couldn’t help but smile back.
“Okay,” Harry said hesitantly heading toward the door.
“Go through the door in my office to my rooms, it should grant you entrance,” Snape said and Harry nodded. He felt like his should stay, try and explain himself to Dumbledore, defend Snape but the two men were both shooing him away.
Harry sighed and headed off to Gryffindor tower. He stepped through the Portrait hole into the red and gold common room. There were a few students scattered about but there was only one that caught his eye. A blur of brown was speeding toward him.
“Harry!” Hermione shrieked and threw herself onto him in a hug. “Oh thank goodness you’re all right. Crouch was just in here, he was questioning Ron and I over where you went! He’s such an awful man. I mean I knew that when we met him at the World Cup, the way he treated his poor house elf I can’t believe people like that are actually-”
“Hermione, slow down you’re talking too fast again,” Harry said and Hermione pulled away from him with a quick breath.
“Sorry, I was just worried,” she said. “So I suppose congratulations are in order?”
“Yeah,” Harry said with a small sigh and Hermione raised her eyebrows.
“All right... what happened?” she asked Harry gently.
“Well we got married,” Harry said and Hermione nodded, “and now we have to live together, school rule” Harry said.
“You’re moving down to the dungeons?” Hermione asked and Harry nodded miserably. She patted his arm comfortingly, “Well that’ll be nice to be away from all the noise here in the common room. You’ll finally be able to get some study done.”
“Only you would be able to find a positive in all this Hermione,” Harry said fondly and she smiled.
“Do you want to help me pack? I have some things I want to ask but a little more privately.”
“What is it?” Hermione asked
“Uh...” Harry hesitated, “I... uh... want to know about sex”
Hermione blushed bright red, “Oh, well what about it?” she asked.
“All of it. What is it? How do you do it? Why do you do it? All of it.”
“Er... heterosexual sex or homosexual sex?” Hermione asked.
“Both. I mean I know the basics that I was taught in Primary School but they really didn’t go into much detail because we were so young and it’s not like they have a class here for it.”
“Well they do for the girls but not for the boys,” Hermione said
“Oh well boys need it too you know.”
“I know Harry, uh... surely this is a much better suited topic for your husband to discuss with you when you are ready to engage in intercourse,” Hermione said and Harry shook his head wildly.
“No way!” he said and Hermione sighed looking very uncomfortable.
“Well I’ve never done it I’m not exactly an expert. I’ve only read about it,” she said her cheeks turning a very interesting shade of pink.
“Please! I have no one else to ask!”
“What about... Sirius?” she whispered his name quietly and Harry stared at her.
“I can’t exactly have a heart to heart with him at the moment Hermione,”
“Oh right. Well come on then,” she sighed and they headed up the stairs to the boys dorm Harry shared with his fellow Gryffindor fourth years and Hermione quickly shut the door behind them.
“Okay so when a man and a woman love each other they can express that love physically,” Hermione started in her best no-nonsense tone.
And so followed the most awkward hour of young Harry’s life so far. Hermione talked about erections and sperm and cervixes and uteri and it was all terrible and gross and icky. Just icky.
“Why would a woman let a man do that to her? Seems like a lot of effort just for a baby, I mean isn’t it painful or something?” Harry asked. He’d finished packing about a half hour in and was now sitting on his trunk staring at Hermione who was perched on the end of Neville Longbottom’s bed.
“The first few times yes but it gets easier. It’s supposed to be extremely pleasurable if done properly of course.”
“Okay, so how do two men have sex? I mean I don’t have a... cervix or whatever”
“He’d enter through the vagina not the cervix silly, that’s higher up.”
“Ugh and you’ve got all that inside you?” Harry asked and Hermione nodded. “Ugh...”
“Right, so how do two men do it?”
“Anally,” she said simply.
“What? Oh! NO! NO! I don’t want that. It won’t fit!”
“How do you know?” she asked with raised eyebrows and Harry stood up.
“Er... from what I’ve noticed size is usually proportionate to height and have you seen how tall Snape is?” he held his hand high above his head trying to show the differences in their heights.
Hermione simply shook her head, “Harry, don’t worry, magic is a wonderful thing.”
“You do it then!” Harry said
“I’m not having sex with Professor Snape.”
“But I have to?!”
“You’ll be fine. I’m sure he’ll go slowly for you. Virgins are highly prized in the Wizarding World you’ll be pampered don’t worry.”
“Okay, all right and how do I get pregnant?”
“You can’t. Not without the Gravidam Potion.”
“What does that do?”
“It’ll create a fake uterus and womb for the baby to grow in you and magic would do the rest,”
“So I can’t get pregnant without the potion?”
“Not unless there’s something you haven’t told me,” she said and Harry smiled.
“Okay, all right. Well thanks,” Harry said awkwardly and Hermione nodded.
“Anytime Harry. It’s important for you to know these things and I’m outraged your uncle hasn’t told you already.”
“Yeah my aunt and uncle are not exactly the best people to go to for stuff like that,” Harry muttered remembering the many rules of the Dursley household especially ‘don’t ask questions’.
“Well maybe now you and Professor Snape can talk about it or if that’s too uncomfortable you should see if you can get a hold of Sirius. Boys need to learn this stuff from their dads, not their dorky best friends who stumble on the word pe-penis,”
“I appreciate it... dad,” Harry said and Hermione grinned at him and gave him a hug.
“We should probably get you down to Professor Snape. But you know you still are a part of Gryffindor and are welcome to come up here and relax whenever you want.”
Hermione was carrying Harry’s Firebolt racing broom and a few other knickknacks that just wouldn’t fit in Harry’s overstuffed trunk. Harry was carefully carrying it down the stairs as it couldn’t be wheeled down them but Hermione had cast a lightening charm on it so it wasn’t too heavy for him.
They made it to Snape’s office and headed through the passageway to Harry’s new rooms.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Albus asked. Severus stared at the man and raised his eyebrows.
“Albus, you’ve been letting the boy bend and break whatever rule he pleases and the one time I actually think he’s doing the right thing its bad,” he said and Albus sighed heavily shaking his head.
“Of course it’s bad. Were you thinking at all? What about Voldemort!? You said it yourself the Dark Mark is growing stronger. I know he has something brewing. A storm is coming and you have just stuck Harry right in the middle of it.”
“Harry has always been in the middle of it! Before he was even born. This has nothing to do with that. You are angry that I’ve messed up your sadistic chess game. By presenting the boy with someone who might actually care about his safety and wellbeing further then how he can be used for your purpose!”
“Don’t say I don’t care about him. I love him!”
“You love what he can do for you! You’re blinded by your ideas for him, by what he could be that you’re not letting him just be!” Severus snapped
“And you will?” Albus asked.
“And what will you do!? Do you really expect you can live your double life with someone as important as Harry? Do you think you can hide it? It will be in the papers tomorrow. Everyone will know. I can’t protect you outside these walls Severus!”
“I haven’t asked you to! Your priority, my priority and everyone else’s is to that boy! He comes first! I will protect him from everything like I swore to do.”
“Everything? Even yourself?” Albus asked sadly.
Severus glared and then spun on his heel stalking from the office, slamming the door behind him. Fawkes squawked indignantly at the loud noise, he was feeling very fed up with this noisy day.
Harry and Hermione had assumed they would be alone for a few short moments so Harry could get settled but that was not the case. Snape was already there while Harry had been packing and getting a quick crash course in sex education from his friend Snape had obviously had a quick discussion with Dumbledore and returned here.
Snape was sitting in a chair by the fire glaring into the flames; he looked up at the sound of the passageway door opening and looked to Harry and Hermione.
“I do not believe I said you could bring guests down here,” Snape said and Harry frowned glancing at Hermione.
“She’s just helping me carry some things,” he said quietly and Snape raised his eyebrow at Hermione.
“Miss Granger I’m sure you can find something to do that is not in here,” he said and Hermione nodded setting down the things of Harry’s she was carrying on the couch. She gave
Harry a small smile before leaving.
Harry put his trunk down next to the couch and turned around to find Snape standing right behind him.
“Unpack your things; I have cleared some space for you in the drawers.”
“Oh er... thank you,” Harry said.
“I am sure you know not to step foot into my personal lab unless I have given you permission,” Snape said and Harry nodded quickly. “Good, then there are really no other rules other then I do not want your silly friends in here, you will meet with them elsewhere and you will always be back here a half hour for curfew. You will be very miserable if I have to come and get you am I understood?”
“Yes sir,” Harry said and Snape stared at him. Harry frowned and stared back.
“What are you waiting for, a written invitation? Go and unpack.”
Harry turned and grabbed his trunk hurrying into the bedroom and over to the chest of drawers. Snape had cleared out the bottom two for him and he immediately began to fold his clothes and put them in the drawers. He hoped he wouldn’t be staying here to long, they could probably get divorced after the First Task and Harry could just put the whole thing behind him. Besides it wasn’t like everyone knew so it would be simple to pretend the whole thing never happened.
“Are you ready to face the raging public?” Snape asked two hours later. Harry had finished unpacking and was relaxing on the couch while Snape had been reading in his chair in silence until Snape broke it.
“As I’ll ever be,” Harry sighed.
He stood up and followed Snape out the door and into the dungeon corridor, “You may use the entrance to my rooms through my office though only if I am in there. All other times you will use the main entrance.”
Harry glanced back watching the stone wall slide back into place and said without really thinking, “Oh it’s like the Slytherin common room,”
“How would you know about that?” Snape asked and Harry blinked at him innocently.
“I don’t,” he said playing stupid and Snape glared at him.
“All right but you can’t get mad,” Harry said and Snape growled and Harry realised how stupid it was to tell Severus Snape not to get mad.
“Okay well when the Chamber of Secrets got opened Hermione, Ron and I thought that maybe Malfoy might be the heir of Slytherin. So Hermione brewed some Polyjuice Potion and we snuck into the common room to talk to Malfoy”
“Miss Granger brewed the Polyjuice Potion?” Snape asked sceptically and Harry nodded. “At twelve years old?”
“Yes, Ron and I changed into Crabbe and Goyle and she was supposed to be Millicent Bulstrode but got Millicent’s cats hair by mistake”
“You were in my private stores weren’t you? Not all of those ingredients are in the student cupboard!”
“Well technically it was Hermione who was in your private stores, I was causing the distraction.”
“You are a very bad influence on such a clever girl. Though for someone so clever she does show exceedingly poor judgement in the company she keeps,” Snape said and Harry scowled at him.
Snape ignored the look and turned, heading off to the Great Hall with Harry following swiftly behind.
They arrived together which Harry realised in retrospect probably hadn’t been such a good idea as it practically confirmed the rumour floating around.
Whispers broke out almost immediately across the four house tables and Harry kept his head down and stalked over to the Gryffindor table. He slid into a seat beside Hermione not really caring what Snape was doing although as the whispers seemed to die down he assumed the man was glaring everyone down.
“Is it true?” Ron Weasley asked. Harry looked at his friend; the boy was sitting opposite with his eyebrows raised waiting for an answer.
Harry hesitated; Ron had been ignoring him this past week out of some misplaced jealously. He, along with most of the school, assumed Harry had snuck his name into the Triwizard cup for more fame. Harry didn’t care about everyone else the fact that his best friend didn’t believe him had hurt more then he cared to admit.
“Is what true?” he asked coolly and Ron leant forward.
“That you married Snape,” he whispered like it was some secret. Everyone around them was slowly and carefully eating their dinner, not wanting to chew too loudly in case they missed the answer.
It was supposed to be kept quiet but naturally word had spread and now they just needed Harry to confirm or deny it.
Harry couldn’t really deny it; it would be in the paper tomorrow thanks to that reporter in the meeting today so Harry took a deep breath and nodded.
“Yeah it’s true,” he said and a large amount of whispering broke out at that. It quickly spread across to the other tables and there were people standing up to look at him while they spoke. The whisper grew to excited chatter as everyone shared this piece of gossip quickly around the Great Hall.
Harry ignored them all and kept his eyes on Ron who looked so surprised his eyebrows were in danger of disappearing into his flaming red hair.
“Why?” he asked
“To get out of the tournament,” Harry replied honestly.
“Get out of it?” Ron asked, “Why would you do that?”
“Because I don’t want to compete and it was either marry Snape or chop off my arm.”
“I would have chopped off my arm,” Ron said, “I can’t believe you’d get married”
Harry was about ready to snap and Hermione seemed to sense it and quickly jumped in.
“The only way to override the Tournament rules was to have Harry’s spouse forbid him from entering,” Hermione said, “Because he’s a boy and quite a powerful wizard there were only a few people Harry could marry so he wouldn’t be the dominant partner.”
“No not that part. How could you not want to compete Harry? Think about the money! The eternal glory! Especially after all the effort you put into getting your name in! Why wouldn’t you compete?” Ron asked.
“I didn’t put my name in!” Harry said hotly. “This was the only way I could drop out and prove I didn’t want to compete. You said it yourself why would I go to the effort to get my name in and then drop out? I didn’t do it! It wouldn’t make any sense.”
“It doesn’t make sense.... because you didn’t put your name in...” Ron said and then frowned. “You really didn’t?”
“No I didn’t! I expect that reaction from them,” here Harry swept his arm around to encompass the halls occupants, “but not from you. You’re supposed to be my best friend and you turn on my as quick they did. You know how much I hate all this Boy-Who-Lived stuff why would I want to add to it?”
“I know... I’m sorry. I wasn’t really thinking. I was just... jealous I suppose,” Ron said awkwardly. “Forgive me?”
“I guess... but you do it again and I swear I’ll hex you” Harry said. Ron stood up and leant over the table to slap Harry on the shoulder in a show of manly affection. Ron was in the awkward stage of growing, he seemed to shoot up several inches each year and it was taking a while for the rest of him to catch up so he was rather gangly. Even with his height though leaning over the table meant he got food all over his uniform.
“Nice one,” Harry smirked and Ron scooped some mash potatoes from his shirt and threw it at Harry’s face.
This started a mini food fight that had people around them hurrying away while Hermione just rolled her eyes muttering under her breath something that sounded like, “Boys!”
Once dinner was over Harry separated from his fellow Gryffindors and made his way down to the dungeons to his new rooms.
Snape was still at dinner so Harry took advantage of his time alone to grab a quick shower putting his messy uniform into the hamper for the House Elves to wash later. Sharing a dorm with four other boys had meant Harry was quick with his shower, he was used to people banging on the door for him to hurry up or if he forgot to lock the door just waltzing right in to use the loo.
He was in and out in less than five minutes and was pulling his pyjamas out of the chest of drawers when Snape returned.
“Potter?” he called
“Just getting changed,” Harry replied.
He finished changing into his over sized sleep pants and baggy t-shirt and headed into the living room where Snape was waiting. The man was sitting in his seat and looked at Harry as he approached.
“Minerva gave me this for you. She said it was just a small wedding present,” Snape said and held out a small book which Harry took carefully, Everything You Could Possibly Want to Know About Sex and Some Things You Didn’t.
“Oh... uh... I got Hermione to tell me all about it earlier today actually.”
“Really?” Snape asked looking amused, “What did Professor Granger teach you then?”
“The mechanics of it I suppose,” Harry said blushing furiously.
“Well shall we test out those mechanics?” Snape asked and Harry stared at him wide eyed before shaking his head wildly.
“All right, but the marriage is not legally binding until it is consummated,” Snape said and Harry nodded.
“I know, I know... soon. I just... it’s been a long day,” Harry muttered.
“To bed I think,” Snape said and Harry froze, eyes going wide.
“Not for that,” Snape said seeing the panic on Harry’s face.
“No! I... could we do something... I just... so I can get used to it... prepare myself for when we...”
“Very well what would you like to do?”
“Um... what can we do?”
“Okay, well... I liked kissing. Could we maybe do that again?” Harry asked quietly feeling far too embarrassed to make eye contact.
Snape held out his hand toward Harry who took a hold of it still not looking up. Snape led him into the bedroom and gave him a nudge toward the bathroom.
“Brush your teeth” Snape said softly. Harry had already changed into his pyjamas so he went through the rest of his before bed ritual and then slipped back into the bedroom to find Snape already in bed reading a book.
Harry hoisted himself up into the high bed and slipped under the covers before looking over at Snape. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. Snape wasn’t wearing a shirt. Harry couldn’t see any lower thanks to the covers but he hoped the man was wearing pants. He was pale all over from what Harry could see and surprisingly muscled. Not overly so but if you grabbed his arm you’d be feeling muscle and quite a bit of it unlike Harry where it took a little searching for his muscles. He had them of course working all summer in the yard helped and then gruelling Quidditch matches kept him toned.
Snape finished his page before placing a ribbon in it to mark it and turning to Harry sharply. Harry blushed and lowered his eyes which meant he was staring at Snapes chest which wasn’t helping much at all. He simply closed them instead because that was easier.
Snape smirked and slid a little closer to Harry reaching out to grab the young man and pull him flush against himself delighting in Harry’s gasp of surprise. He leant down and captured those lush pink lips in a soft kiss. A few moments of carefully coaxing Harry’s mouth open to his probing tongue Snapes hand began to gently guide Harry so he was lying down with Snape on top of him. Snape was so big Harry thought as he felt their legs entwine. Harry ran his foot up and down Snape’s leg trying to subtly measure it against his own. Snapes arm wound around his thin waist and they were flipping over so Snape’s hands could be free to explore Harry as opposed to holding him up so he wouldn’t squash the poor boy. Those large powerful hands slid down Harry’s back to cup his arse causing Harry to moan softly into the kiss. He could feel his cock hardening and tried to subtly shift his pelvis away from Snape but the man squeezed his arse and pulled him down to thrust against him. Harry could feel... Snape... his... whoa...
Harry’s assumption about tall people and their proportions was apparently true... very true.
Snape pulled his lips away from Harry’s and began to kiss along Harry’s jaw and up to his ear nibbling on it gently causing Harry’s hips to thrust against him faster. Harry was gasping in his ear as he licked and kissed down from the young man’s ear to bite and suck at his neck. He used his grip on Harry’s arse to slide him up a little further so he could bite at the collar bone and a very delicious high pitched mewl spilled from Harry’s kiss swollen lips. Harry was thrusting against him faster and faster, gasping whining and moaning softly trying to keep himself quiet. Snape wasn’t having that and bit at Harry’s neck making Harry cry out. There was something tightening inside Harry, making him move harder and faster against Snape below him. It coiled tighter and tighter and then burst so suddenly Harry couldn’t stop the whine that escaped as he came. Snape helped him ride it out and then rolled them over leaning above him while he caught his breath.
“Oh... oh... oh... wow,” Harry gasped. Snape smirked and brushed Harry’s sweaty fringe off his face.
“That wasn’t your first orgasm was it?” Snape asked curiously. Harry blushed and looked away refusing to answer, he’d had wet dreams and had explored a little but nothing had ever felt as good as that. Snape seemed to guess correctly from Harry’s facial expression the answer to his question and smirked.
“Um... did you... I was I...? Um...”
“It was fine and no I didn’t. It takes a little more than a quick roll in the sheets to make me come these days. Such is the wonder of old age” Snape grabbed his wand and cleaned the sticky residue of Harry’s first orgasm from him. He then got up and headed in the bathroom, Harry assumed to take care of his... problem. Harry was immensely grateful Snape hadn’t asked for any help with that. He honestly wouldn’t know what to do and had no desire to be anymore embarrassed today.
Snape slid back into the bed and pulled Harry back against him giving him a quick minty kiss and extinguished the lights.
“Oh and Potter?”
“Detention for sneaking into my private stores.”
Remember to follow my Twitter if you want to be up to date with my updates. Thanks for reading, Nina
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