Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Harry had decided to stop exploring after finding the tower in Helga’s room, and he sat in the sunlight to read one of the books for a while.
He pulled out “Shiloe, From Brutal beginnings” and began to read.--TOC:
I: Shiloe Origins and Heredity
II: Shiloe Overview
III: Abilities and Physical Changes
IV: Natural Enemies
V: The Social Shiloe
VI: Shiloe Bonds
VII: Anchors
VIII: Shiloe Family Composition
IX: Shiloe Mating Habits
X: Shiloe and Childbearing
Harry frowned and flipped the book closed, keeping his place with his thumb. “Kind of a small book to have all THAT in it.” He mumbled.“Shiloe are very secretive. Knowledge is power, in a way, and others having power over him—you—that they misused is what created Shiloe in the first place, was it not?” A young girl about Harry’s age with auburn ringlets sat down next to him, cross-legged and looking perfectly at ease.“Um, who are-“ The girl turned serious, dark blue eyes on him, and he smiled, relieved. “Oh. Helga.” He answered his own question. “I didn’t know you could take on solid form.”Helga smiled dreamily. “Our very souls live on in this castle. We poured out so much of ourselves into this place to make it a reality that so long as it stays in use, we can take a body at will, and appear however we wish, as well. But only within the castle, or we weaken and have to stay in our portraits for some time to regain our strength.” She finished, looking out over the grounds, sadly.“Oh. I’m sorry.” He said.“Don’t be.” Helga said wistfully, standing. “It’s our fate, and we chose it knowingly. We are all happier this way than we would be confined to frames, after all.” She held out a hand. “Come back downstairs and out of my lookout? We want to speak with you.” She said firmly, her voice taking on the tone that meant she was reconnecting with reality.“Sure.” Harry said, taking her surprisingly real and warm hand and letting her pull him to his feet and lead him down the stairs, through the corridor and through her room to the common room, where she sat him down on a couch in front of the fireplace.The other three founders all seemed to walk through their doors out of their rooms and sat on a couch not too far from his own seat, facing him.It was a bit of a shock to see them all in physical form for the first time. Rowena had a slender figure, long, black hair that was perfectly straight, tied back at the nape of her neck into a ponytail and icy blue eyes. Godric had short brown hair and eyes and a sturdy build. He looked as though he could pick up the couch with one hand and throw it all the way to the forbidden forest with little effort. Salazar had a lean yet muscular build, black hair that was longer than Harry’s but still slightly shaggy-looking, and he kept his eyes mostly glued to the book in his lap. However, the few times he DID glance up, Harry caught a peek of eyes the same Avada-green hue as his own were, and he smiled.“I’m descended from you, aren’t I?”Salazar looked up and smirked, then looked back down to his book.Harry smiled widely. The smirk had been answer enough.“Actually, Harry, you are a direct descendant of us all, to some extent.” Rowena informed him, smiling kindly. “The blood of all four of us flows in your veins, and that is why you are going to one day become Headmaster here. So long as your children remain good and kind into adulthood, the role of Hogwarts’ Headmaster will stay in your line, with us picking the next Headmaster or Headmistress as soon as we know who it should be.” She finished, and then not-so-discreetly kicked Godric in the shin just as Helga finally wandered over to the group and Salazar closed his book, setting it next to him. It disappeared as soon as it left his hand.Godric jumped, tearing his eyes from Rowena’s cleavage and clearing his throat as his face turned cherry red. “Well, Harry, I see that you’ve been playing Quidditch. What position?” Godric asked interestedly.Harry smiled. “Seeker.” He answered proudly, watching out the corner of his eye as Helga settled herself sideways across Salazar’s lap. The green-eyed man simply smiled benignly and let her stay there.Godric groaned and Rowena laughed.Salazar let out a soft snort of amusement, and Helga seemed to melt into his chest, her body relaxing completely against his. He brought his arms up to cradle her protectively.“Damn.” Godric said softly. “I played beater.” He explained. “That sod over there,” He looked pointedly at Salazar, “was always seeker. I liked it best when he was on my side. It always meant my team was going to win.”Harry looked at Salazar, and then raised an eyebrow, indicating the sleeping form of Helga Hufflepuff in his arms. “A Slytherin with a Hufflepuff? I thought the two were incompatible.” He said.Salazar smirked, tracing Helga’s lips with one fingertip. “There’s something you must understand about Hufflepuffs that makes them the perfect partner for a Slytherin, Harry: They are intensely loyal. Do you know what that means?” He asked patiently, content to watch his lover sleep as Harry pondered the answer.“Um, they won’t cheat on you?” Harry asked.“The thought won’t even enter their heads.” Salazar Slytherin confirmed. “Trust is not something Slytherins give lightly, or easily. When Helga tells me I am the one she loves and wants to spend the rest of eternity with, I know that she is not lying. Trusting her is not even something I have to think about. She’s a Hufflepuff. The trust just IS.” He finished with a shrug.Helga smiled, eyes still closed. “I love you, too.” She said softly.“You’re supposed to be sleeping.” Salazar reminded her with a slight blush.“I am.” Helga replied breezily, yawning and seeming to go back to sleep.Harry smothered a chuckle with his hand, locking mirth-filled eyes onto Salazar’s own amused gaze.“Harry, you need to understand that the Wizarding World is going to need you soon. We will do all we can to prepare you, but soon you will have to face a darkness that only one of us ever faced, and it did not end well.” Rowena said, sadly, looking over at Salazar.Salazar sighed softly. “Rowena is right, Harry. When Helga was fifteen, she faced down a Dark Wizard only just weaker than Voldemort, without the benefit of her full powers. However, when she came back to us, she was nothing like she had been.”“She wasn’t always so open to the voices on the wind.” Godric said. “That’s what happens when your mind is ripped open and left to mend itself, since we did not have the benefit of mental healing potions to help heal the tear in her aura that allowed the voices through. She’s had to hear far too much for far too long.”Harry bit his lip. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared—““You’d be a fool, too.” Salazar interrupted unhelpfully.“BUT,” Harry scowled at the man, who grinned back at him. “I know it has to be done, and I’m the only one who can do it. It doesn’t leave me much of a choice, does it?”Salazar threw his head back and laughed. “You could flee, go to America. He would only reach there once you were long since dead. You are choosing to stay and sacrifice your childhood so that others may have one.” He sneered. “You really are Godric’s.”Harry flushed. “It’s not like I would have had a childhood otherwise! He took that from me when I was a baby! The Dursleys never let me be a kid! Isn’t that right, Shiloe?!”‘Right.’ Shiloe answered in boredom.“He says ‘Right.’” Harry finished sullenly.Rowena sighed. “We know, Harry. We just wanted to inform you that though your path will be a hard one to walk, we will be here waiting to help you up should you fall and light your path when you need guidance and can no longer see the road you must follow.” She told him.Harry nodded. “Okay. I think I need some time to process all that.” He said, rubbing his face. “Whose rooms are the best for thinking?” He asked.Salazar hummed. “Mine are very calming and dark. They are a good place if you mean to meditate.”“You mean brood and drink vast amounts of Absinthe.” Helga said from his lap.“Well, everyone has their methods of meditation. Mine are just… Unique.”Everyone else laughed at that and Harry got up. “Dark and calming sounds really good right now, actually.”“Alright.” Godric said. “We are going to stay in physical form for a while and chat, so don’t mind us.”“Okay.” Harry headed into Salazar Slytherin’s personal chambers.They were decorated in forest green, silver tapestries covering the walls, and the woods were all so dark they were nearly black. Harry took a seat in the forest green armchair in front of the fire and quickly lit a fire in the fireplace, knowing that he could use magic in these rooms without worry. The founders’ wards would surely keep it hidden.He got up a second later, heading over to examine yet another liquor cabinet. This one was also well-stocked, and contained a few potions and potion ingredients as well.Harry stared, open-mouthed, at the huge bottles labelled basilisk venom, basilisk scales and basilisk blood. “Wow. Those are probably worth a fortune. And that much basilisk venom could be enough to create an antidote.”He filed the information away for later and grabbed a bottle labelled as raspberry brandy. He got a glass and poured some, then went back to sit in front of the fire and took a tentative sip of the alcohol. It wasn’t bad.Harry smiled, letting the liquid soothe him as it warmed his belly.So he was going to be training with the founders themselves before he went off to face down Voldemort once and for all. That would undoubtedly help him, and it would probably be enough to tip the scales in his favour.He was almost sure Voldemort didn’t know half the things the founders must know.*****Harry looked at the half-empty bottle of brandy, and then blinked a few times, thinking. Had he really had that much? He sighed and set it back down, then headed into the bathroom to pee.Salazar’s bathroom was decorated in silvers and light greens, but Harry was too intent on emptying his bladder to appreciate the colours.He shuffled out of the bathroom, casting tempus as he headed toward the door that didn’t lead to the gardens. It was nine forty-eight PM. He had no desire to see the man’s potions ingredients growing wild. The potions lab itself, however, was an intriguing thought.He headed to the door and opened it.“Huh.” He said in bemusement.It was a training room. There were various weapons on the walls, and Harry realized that Salazar apparently wasn’t a fanatical brewer.“Okay.” Harry said, shutting the door. “Whatever. I suppose this room will be used in my ‘training.’”He yawned, and decided it was time for bed. He stripped and climbed into Salazar’s huge bed, sighing at the feel of silk sheets caressing his skin, and was almost instantly asleep.
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