Emancipation | By : BadGirlgoesworse Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 14217 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Anything recognisable does not belong to me. Story is based on the books by JKR and inspired by other writers of this genre. I do not make any money with this story. |
Monday morning dawned as brightly as the days before. Harry lay quietly in his hospital bed and listened to Ron’s snores coming from the bed next to him. He had fully expected to have nightmares after watching Sirius die only two days ago. He hadn’t had any. Somehow it made him feel bad, guilty about not suffering as much as he deemed worthy of his godfather. On the other hand, he had now two nights of full, undisturbed sleep for the first time since he came out of the maze at the end of last year.
It made him feel less on edge he realised, less prone to jumping ahead, both physically and mentally, like he had been constantly this year. Secondly, it was further proof to his Occlumency actually working, even without conscious input on his side, and it astounded him to be honest. He had gone from absolutely hopeless to proficient in less than a day. It should not work like that, even he knew that, and his gut was telling him that the answers were most likely directly under his nose.
He could not help the groan escaping him as he rubbed his scar out of habit. The best place to hide something is in plain sight they say, and it was working too well in his case yet again.
Well Harry, you stupid dolt, how come it never occurred to you to just go to the bloody library and look it up!
He sighed in resignation. Research had always been Hermione’s thing. He would have never done anything beyond what he needed for his homework, and even then it was kept to a bare minimum, he always did it with Ron after all. Dumbledore knew him too well.
A look of determination entered his eyes. This needed to change, all of it! He could not afford to be sloppy, could not afford to be lazy and most certainly not predictable. These days were now gone forever leaving only a small pang of regret in the region of his heart.
Harry could hear Madam Pomfrey rummage around in a cabinet next to her office door.
Might as well get up, he reached for his glasses with a sigh. They had decided to go down to breakfast in the Great Hall today. This was going to be far from pleasant, but best to just get out of the way. There was only one week left until the holidays and he had yet to find a way to shake off Ron and corner Neville somewhere alone at the same time. Hermione was not going to leave the hospital wing until the last day, which was both good and bad.
He gathered a set of fresh clothes and his sponge bag, which looked like some strange, gutted out sea creature, from the drawer of his bedside table. He had gotten it from Luna last Christmas. Smiling fondly to himself he headed off to the showers, greeting Madam Pomfrey in passing.
When he came out the others just began to stir. It was half past eight though and breakfast long underway, even with classes out. Not wanting to go alone he sat down to wait. Half an hour later they were finally assembled and looking at each other tensely.
“I think it would be alright for you to sit with us, Luna,” Harry said to her softly. “We don’t have classes anymore.”
The others just nodded and started moving towards the exit.
The Great Hall hushed at their entrance only to start again louder. They proceeded to the Gryffindor table and settled down trying not to pay attention to the hundreds of eyes resting on them, nor listen to the not at all quiet speculations flying around.
To be honest Harry didn’t need to eavesdrop to know what they were thinking. He had read the paper yesterday, the today’s should be here any moment. He was their Hero again, their Saviour, not the attention-seeking freak to be put away in St. Mungo’s closed ward for his own good. The Prophet should not be able to do this so easily, drag his name through dirt one moment and hail him the next! As a matter of fact they had no right to, he remembered suddenly. Hermione had mentioned something about slander being illegal even in the wizarding world several times. He had not been listening, too busy ranting or wallowing in self-pity.
He chewed on his toast gloomily, watching the owls arrive with the morning post, his peers opening their issues eagerly, staring in disbelief or pointing in his direction, whispering. His patience came to an end, so he took the paper out of Ginny’s hands and read the title, ‘...the Chosen One...’ springing directly into his eyes. He pursued the article in rising anger. This rage was cold though, not showing on his face in any way.
Blessed be Occlumency!
Harry was not going to scream profanities like he would have earlier this year. No, there were other ways of showing displeasure.
Time to send signs.
It was risky he had to admit, but supposed he could pass it off as anger, grief and wish to avenge Sirius, which was actually not that farfetched.
He browsed through the rest of the issue leisurely. No admittance of mistakes on the editors’ part, no expression of regrets about ruining his reputation, no official public apology. He smirked uglily inside, knowing full well that everyone was watching him right now.
He returned the paper to Ginny and turned to address Luna loud enough for everyone who wished to hear.
“How much compensation can I demand for slander of this magnitude?”
The silence that followed was almost deafening. He had a really hard time to keep his face.
Luna considered it for a moment. “A big paper like this?” she answered dreamily. “Up to five thousand I suppose. They have not apologised publically.”
He nodded seriously and returned to his eggs. Fucking hell!
He needed a solicitor, he needed to talk to Neville as soon as possible, he needed to go to the library and look up Occlumency, which he supposed he could do right now. Nobody would question what he was reading in there yet.
He finished his eggs, stood up and left, the Hall exploding in whispers behind him. No one followed him, nor asked where he was heading.
Severus Snape had to admit he was greatly disturbed. Not only had the Dark Lord seemed to be actually pleased about the prospect of his removal from Hogwarts, he had instructed him to use his time and position to teach the younger generation of Slytherins to the best of his ability, give them private lessons even, if he deemed them lacking. The Dark Lord’s plans in this quarter were worrying him, but there was nothing he could do about it for now.
What Potter had pulled this morning though, had thrown him completely. Not knowing what was on the Dark Lord’s mind was one thing, not knowing what was on Potter’s was another. More so because he could not decide which was worse.
Dumbledore seemed completely unconcerned about it, as were other members of staff. ‘Poor child... with what he had to go through this year... and his godfather dying in front of him... completely understandable of course...’
No, it wasn’t understandable at all!
That something like that had even occurred to him was beyond comprehension in Severus’ view of the individual that was Harry Potter. Potter did not think, he had Granger and Weasley to do it for him! And no amount of grief could have brought this on, no matter what they were saying.
It meant of course that Potter had unexpectedly turned into a snake in the grass...
The image this saying brought on made him stop abruptly in the middle of the corridor and start laughing. Thankfully no one was there to witness, other than some portraits, which were tut-tuting at him.
This was it, he decided breathing heavily, he was losing his mind! The strain of his double agent status and all the Crucios were finally getting to him!
Get yourself together man!
He leaned against the wall for a few moments to compose himself before proceeding to his quarters. He needed a stiff drink, that’s what he needed, not a straitjacket yet. He was greatly relived not to have classes to teach right now.
This evening long after dinner Harry was sitting alone in a shadowed corner of the common room. His house-mates, now fully informed about the battles and losses he had suffered due to the accounts from Ron, Ginny and Neville, had let him be so far, only gracing him covertly with sympathetic or curious glances. His friends seemed to have decided to give him some room and time to come to terms with it as well, and it was quite alright with him to be honest. He had a lot on his mind to deal with in peace.
Just like he had imagined, the books he needed had been there in the main library all this time. They contained no actual instructions though, only general knowledge and history, but it was more than enough to answer any questions he had. First of all, Dumbledore was most truly a conniving bastard!
A true Gryffindor, my arse! It looked like Harry was not the only Slytherin, who let himself to be sorted into the house of lions.
Secondly, Snape seemed to actually have been right, ‘Clear your mind!’ had been all there was to it. He had not been teaching him though, but opening his mind for the visions instead.
On Dumbledore’s orders of course, who else’s. Ron’s accusations had been fully justified this time, although as usual directed to the wrong quarter.
The question was why? Had Dumbledore wanted to use him to gather more information or set a trap for Voldemort? Both seemed likely at this point.
Thirdly, Harry showed all signs of a natural Occlumens, or rather a natural affinity for Mind Arts in general, since there was no separation into disciplines, only different ways of using one and the same ability. Even better, it did not look like Dumbledore even suspected, and after his display this year, neither would Snape.
He could not quite believe it though, how come he just noticed? Thinking about it... he had always been able to tell when people lied to him actually. Maybe the stress of the last days had activated some instincts that had lain dormant all this time.
Well, there was a way to test it. According to the books, a natural Legilimens was able to enter another’s mind wandlessly and wordlessly without being noticed, with the exception of another practicing Occlumens.
Harry surveyed the room deliberately in search of an unsuspecting victim, breathing in and out, emptying his mind in preparation. There, this fourth year girl kept glancing at him constantly. Harry imagined himself as smoke entering through the dark pupils of her eyes. As soon as her face turned towards him, he pushed himself forward mentally, falling right in with an almost scary easiness.
“...his friends not with him? Don’t they care that he suffers?” An image of her going over and taking him into her arms comfortingly followed, accompanied by feelings of affection.
Harry withdrew carefully looking directly into her eyes. She blushed and turned away. He was feeling quite uncomfortable himself to be honest, a bit ashamed as well about breaching the girls privacy so carelessly. Nothing for it though and it was a success, which meant he held quite a powerful tool in his hands. In his situation it would be most likely of enormous advantage.
Alright, one more time, just to make sure.
Neville was sitting not far from him and was unlikely to harbour a crush on him too, so he got ready and struck. The sensation was like running headfirst into a wall, he almost raised his hand to rub his aching forehead, which was actually not aching at all, and blinked at an equally shocked Neville.
Realising suddenly what had happened he flushed pink in embarrassment, biting his lip and running his hand trough his hair sheepishly. Neville was still staring at him though, so he tilted his head in the direction of the dormitories, got up and made his way there, as if making it an early night. He had not to wait long sitting on his bed before the door opened and Neville came in.
“Sorry, Neville, I’ve just been testing something,” he said still embarrassed when the other boy took seat on Ron’s bed right across from him.
“You do know that Legilimency is bordering on illegal, don’t you?” Neville asked him smiling slyly, something Harry had never seen him do before.
“Is it? Well, how would I, if no one ever tells me anything?” he rubbed his face in frustration. Neville was looking at him curiously.
Harry sighed, now or never. “I’ve wanted to talk to you about something, several things actually, but I need you to promise me to keep it to yourself.”
“A Wand Oath?” Neville asked seriously.
“No,” Harry laughed, “I suppose it’s not that serious, just your word.” He thought it over. “And I suppose you could tell your grandmother as well, she doesn’t seem like the gossiping sort,” he smiled.
Neville snorted at this, but nodded. “Alright.”
Harry took a deep breath and calmed himself. “I don’t know anything.”
Neville blinked at him uncomprehendingly. Harry regarded him quite earnestly though.
“I mean it, Neville, I don’t know anything. Dumbledore has kept me completely ignorant all these years and I was too naive and careless to ever notice. Well, until now,” he sighed rubbing the back of his neck tiredly. “I was raised a muggle, have never been told anything meaningful about my family, have never received those introductory pamphlets all muggleborn get...” He narrowed his eyes remembering something else suddenly. “I’ve even been excluded from those sexual education classes all muggleborn received third year.”
Neville blanched at that. “But you are still a virgin, aren’t you?” he asked apprehensively.
“Yes,” Harry answered taken aback by his reaction. Neville exhaled visibly relieved, then sat up suddenly, hit by the magnitude of what he had been told. He folded his hands in front of his mouth blinking deep in thought, realising the enormity of Dumbledore’s actions, as well as possible plans concerning his friend and fellow Head of House.
Hot anger rose in him. How dare he?! Who the bloody fuck he thinks he is?!
He looked up into those tense, but hopeful emerald eyes.
Mother of Merlin and everything divine! This boy sitting before him had NO IDEA!
“Harry,” he said aghast, “you have not the slightest concept as to what has been done to you!”
Having Harry’s full attention he continued. “I don’t even know where to start,” he was completely lost all of a sudden and looked away.
“At the beginning,” Harry sneered hatefully, startling Neville. “Dumbledore’s words,” he answered the unspoken question.
Neville nodded in understanding, at the beginning then.
“Our society can be considered quite archaic in some aspects and far more modern than even the muggle one in others. For example, we have still the system of great Houses consisting usually of several families under the same name. Those are ruled by one Head of House, who has almost complete control over all family members and their spouses,” Neville paused to make sure he had followed so far. Harry nodded for him to continue. “We do not put so much importance on gender though as muggles did or still do, the firstborn in direct line is the Heir, no matter if it’s a Lord or Lady.”
Harry looked puzzled here, so he elaborated. “Lord or Lady is the official title of the Head of House, it has nothing to do with nobility, even though some fancy otherwise,” they both smirked here. “Not that there aren’t actually noble Houses. Here in Britain it’s the Blacks, the von Eschelons, the Lestranges and the Mcmillans.”
He nodded absorbing the information hungrily, having already grasped that he and Neville were both Heads of their respective House.
“If the direct line dies out the first sideline takes over. Sometimes it can be prevented through blood adoption. That means the childless Lord or Lady chooses the Heir he or she deems worthy and performs a special adoption ceremony to make them their own flesh and blood so to speak, but the heir keeps his or her own blood as well... Harry?”
Harry froze in shock remembering the incident last Christmas suddenly. Neville got up and came over putting his hand on his arm in concern.
“Does this ceremony happen to involve quite a bit of blood on both sides?” He asked hoarsely. Neville nodded getting the implications.
“My godfather,” Harry answered, “Sirius Black.”
Neville sat down next to him staring, the political consequences unfolding themselves before him.
He gulped. “You’re going to be the Head of House Potter and Black?”
“It looks like it,” Harry answered having the feeling that this was not the bomb yet.
“Does Dumbledore know?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
At that Neville chuckled and rubbed his hands gleefully.
“Oh Harry, this is absolutely great! You have no idea...”
He looked chastised though at Harry’s glare.
“Well, let me enlighten you then.”
They made themselves comfortable sitting on Harry’s bed.
“The political system in the wizarding world has both old and modern elements as well. The government is modern. The Minister of Magic is the Head and his cabinet fills the Head offices in the different departments. The Minister is elected directly by the British magical population after a campaign and chooses his own staff afterwards. The term is usually fifteen years, unless he is voted out beforehand. The controlling and legislative element is the Wizengamot. It’s mostly a remnant of the Old Days replacing what had been once the Wizard’s Council. It consists of 43 permanent seats belonging to the Heads of House and 23 elective ones, which people are voted into by the permanent members. A new law can be proposed only by a permanent member or the Minister himself, for it to go to debate it needs to be seconded by a permanent member, after the debate it is voted pro or contra by the full Wizengamot, then passes or is rejected. The Wizengamot is also the High Court of the wizarding world and presides over heavy criminal cases.”
Harry nodded his understanding.
“Now it comes,” Neville crowed gleefully. “An already existing law can only be terminated by a member of the four noble families if seconded by another permanent member, and it can only be voted back into place in changed form if it’s seconded by the same two members, unless the other three noble Heads second unitarily. Lord Lestrange is an outlaw and has lost all rights to his seat, which is going to be filled by an heir of a sideline after his death, and Lord von Eschelon is actually five or six right now. That means you, Harry, will be able to terminate every single law ever passed by the Wizengamot and second it only if it was changed to your liking! The only exception is if the entire court votes against you!”
“Fucking hell!” Harry contributed, his mind buzzing.
“Yes!” Neville agreed. “But this is only the political power you will receive as soon as you turn seventeen. Do you need a minute or should I continue?”
He took a deep breath and cleared his mind. “You can I think.”
“You have received a key to your vault after turning eleven?”
Harry nodded.
“That’s only your trust vault set up for you by your parents to cover educational expenses and pocket money and such. The rest of your assets and property is currently held in trust by Gringotts until your coming of age. You’ll have no access to it beforehand, but you can already request a folder listing the number and inventory of all your vaults as well as all businesses, investment stocks and property in your possession.”
Harry pondered it for a while. “How much do you think I have?”
Neville chuckled at that. “Well, as to gold I can only guess, three million approximately, then there is at least one manor, maybe several cottages and holiday houses. Businesses, I don’t know for sure, but the Potters definitely had several stocks. I’ve heard mentioned that your father had invested into the Bolt Company at some point, if it’s true you are having an excellent income right now, even without lifting a finger.”
He was met with shocked silence.
“What? You are the last of Potters, don’t forget that. It means every single coin that the family has ever made through the centuries is now yours, plus it has been lying there untouched for the last fifteen years, getting only fatter through the stocks.”
“Fucking hell!”
“Yes,” Neville agreed again. “But that’s not all.”
“Not all?” Harry asked stupidly.
“Nope,” Neville assured him with an amused glint in his eye. “Have you forgotten the adoption? You are the future Head of House Black now as well.”
“Oh let me guess, while the Potters can be considered wealthy, the Blacks are rich as shit?”
“Yes and no,” Neville laughed. “The Blacks have been rich as shit, it’s true, but it was rumoured that they have contributed greatly to the war effort on Voldemort’s side. I’ve no idea as to how greatly, if you get my meaning, but you may have a couple of millions left, plus the ancestral home and the family jewellery, those cannot be sold being bound to blood.”
“Peanuts then,” Harry concluded sarcastically.
“Yes, it is, believe me,” Neville said quite seriously. “The Blacks were considered one of the richest families in whole Europe, not just Britain.”
Neville could not help double over laughing. Harry smiled at him.
“Yes, I need to broaden my vocabulary, I know,” he sighed heavily. Neville sobered seeing his face.
“See, it’s exactly what I mean! Everyone knows it, only I don’t! I don’t even know my parents’ professions!”
“Your father had not been working, as far as I know, your mother though had been an Unspeakable, and your godfather an Auror. Have you never asked Ron about it?”
“No, to be honest, I’ve never even thought there was anything of importance to know, and Ron had never mentioned it either. I suppose he assumed I knew already or just didn’t want to talk about it, because of his you know...” he gestured “...issues.”
Neville nodded in understanding. “There is something else you absolutely need to know, Harry. Sexuality in the wizarding world is a bit different than in the muggle one. It’s more powerful and binding and has therefore more meaning, especially the loss of virginity. It doesn’t mean that we have no sex at all before marriage of course, rather on the contrary, it concerns only penetration.” He looked just as uncomfortable as Harry here. “For example, virginity cannot be taken by force, it needs to be given freely. A virgin therefore can never be raped or even molested as a matter of fact.”
Harry nodded for him to continue. This was indeed news to him.
“Furthermore we look upon it far less restricted than muggles ever have. We have no venereal diseases and there’s no risk of pregnancy before marriage, because we do everything but penetration, so there’s nothing to fear, you see...” They both blushed ferociously at this point. “Well,” Neville cleared his throat, “so, we just do it. It’s looked upon as completely normal to have sex with your girlfriend or boyfriend, and it feels good, so why not...” He rubbed his burning face. “Merlin, I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with you!”
They both burst out laughing and rolled around on the bed for a while. After calming down they just lay side by side, staring up at the canopy.
“By the way, we don’t make such a distinction between homosexuality and heterosexuality either.” He thought about it for a moment. “I guess it’s because, unlike in the muggle world, homosexual pairs can bear children as well.”
“Well, not the natural way obviously,” he elaborated, “but there are spells and potions, which can create male or female genitals temporarily.”
Like transsexuality, Harry considered, only biologically as well. “I’m definitely going to borrow Hermione’s pamphlets.”
“Do,” Neville chuckled, “and you should talk to Madam Pomfrey as well. I can’t imagine she would deny you such basic, but important information.”
Harry nodded to the canopy.
“And I’m going to send you some books over the summer if you don’t mind. There’s more to the responsibility of a Head of House than sitting on your bum all day, feeling important.”
“Thanks,” he laughed, “I’d appreciate that. And can you ask your grandmother to recommend a good solicitor as well? I want to proceed against the Prophet.”
The door opened this moment and Ron came in stopping abruptly and staring at them.
“Am I interrupting something?”
“No,” Neville said getting up and moving over to his own bed. “We are done snogging already.”
“Shut up, you!” Harry threw his pillow after him laughing.
Ron continued to stand and stare at them dumbfounded.
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