The Handler and his Beautiful Blonde Dragon | By : CrushedEmerald Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 5698 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or its Characters. And I do not make any money writing this, its merely for fun. |
Previously. And that how 3 weeks later, Harry found himself packed, and leaving. He shrugged into his well-worn and slightly ripped denim jacket, stuffed his feet into scuffed dragon hide boot, and shrunk his two small suitcases, making them small enough to fit into his pockets and headed to the floo.
*Late November*
It was a Sunday, late November when Harry’s hand on the old clock at the Burrow landed on ‘Home’ for the first time in two and a half years, he really never intended on leaving it as long as he had, but time really did fly when you loved your job. That and the extensive partying and falling into a certain redhead’s bed constantly, it sure took up a lot of your time.
Flames burned green as they burst to life in the old fireplace, crackling unhappily as Harry stepped out into the quiet but welcoming living room at the Burrow. It may have appeared deserted within the house, not a noise was made as Harry looked around before walking towards the kitchen. Outside, however, was an entirely different matter.
Laughter came rushing in the slightly open kitchen door, and the exaggerated movement of his friends and family laughing and joking about was watched by keen green eye, through the window.
Everyone was there surrounding the three picnic benches now situated in the back garden, it must have been freezing out there but there were no thick coats, though most of them were partially bundled up in wintery clothing, thicker jumpers and tights with skirts and dresses, the occasional colourful scarf could be seen. The emerald eyes of the ex-seeker could see the flicker of magic here and there, a shimmer, like when you see the heat above a flame. It screamed heating charms.
No one was expecting him, so he stood and simply took it all it, admiring the heart-warming sight before him, of all his most precious people gather together. He really had missed this, being stood here now, the ex-dragon tamer wasn’t entirely sure why he had ever left.
Mr and Mrs Weasley were beaming with joy at everyone around, the typical proud parents, and now grandparents. Arthur was almost entirely grey, but that started to happen 4 years ago, for obvious reason. Molly was also going grey, there were streaks in her vibrant orange hair that seemed to shine in the winter sunshine.
Bill was there of course, the letters he received over the years always mentioned Bill and his family, it seemed sometimes that he never actually went home. He had a heavily pregnant Fleur with him, as radiant as ever and their beautiful daughter, 4 year old Victoire.
Aunt Andy was there, she had become a common sight at the Burrow, she featured in all of the photos of the family that were sent to Harry over the year. And always beside her was an ever colourful haired Teddy, Harry’s 5 years old godson. George and Angelina were there sat talking with Andy, their daughter Roxanne was stood behind her mother playing with her hair, whilst George held baby Fred in his arms for Andy to coo over. Harry had yet to see baby Fred.
As well as the older Weasleys, there was Ginny the youngest of the original Weasley children, laughing herself silly surrounded by old friends from Hogwarts, Dean, Seamus, Luna and Neville. With Percy wedged firmly between Dean and Seamus. Though he didn’t seem particularly keen on his position.
Then finally, his wonderful best friends, Ron and Hermione. And bump makes three. The perfect little family. Hermione was 6 months pregnant now, Harry received all the baby scan photos. She was glowing, absolutely beautiful, and Ron couldn’t look any prouder. He had one hand at the back of her neck playing with her curls there, whilst the other hand was rubbing her bump as she cuddled herself deeper into his side, hand clutching his woolly maroon ‘R’ jumper.
Turning away Harry unzipped his pockets and removed his tiny suitcases, setting them onto the mantel piece beside a collection of recent photos of the grandchildren, even Teddy.
Right beside the fire place was the ancient clock, one hand handed moved for hears, Harry kissed two fingers and pressed them to the glass above Fred’s still hand. Too many years. Before looking down to glare at Charlie’s one, stupid Charlie. It stated ‘Abroad’ like Harry’s once had, but not anymore. He wouldn’t be in the same place as him anymore. It was hard to admit it, but the second eldest Weasley had really hurt him, Harry had fallen too hard, he hadn’t meant to, but he was young, impressionable, and Charlie used that. He could see it now, but whilst he was there, always around the muscly redhead he couldn’t see how much he was getting under his skin, and just using him.
Harry walked away then, heading for the door which he managed to push open without making it creak. The moment he stepped into the garden the heating charm washed over his body, warming him up instantly.
“Room for a little one?” He joked, hands in the pockets of his ripped trousers, rocking slightly on and off the heels of his boots. Everything stopped, the chatter and buzz of multiple conversations, that Harry had walked into died instantly.
“Oh my goodness! Harry!” Hermione gasped sitting up straight, she was the first to react, as she scrambled up and off of the bench where she sat with her husband. In a blur of colour, from the clothes she had on, she flew across the small space between them, launching herself into Harry’s open, waiting arms. Despite her being 6 months pregnant she was extremely fast when she wanted to be. It was an awkward cuddle with the bump being sandwiched between them, but Harry wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Harry?” Ron called, heading their way, he was on his feet almost as soon as his wife left his side, he was awfully protective of Hermione, but when he realised it was just Harry, his absent best friend he was more than happy to follow at a more sedate pace, “I can’t believe it’s really you! Why didn’t you tell us you were coming back?”
Harry released Hermione to get a hold on Ron, who despite how tall Harry had finally grown was still taller, they both dwarfed poor Hermione who was only 5ft 6. Ron patted his back, before pulling away, to arm’s length, to get a good look at the man he hadn’t seen in two or so years, “wow! When did this happen? You’re huge!”
Harry laughed, about to answer, when chaos erupted around the garden, as everyone clambered over each other to reach Harry for a long awaited cuddle, whilst still trying to be cautious and mindful of Hermione still partially in his arms.
He was hugged, kissed, patted on the back, and told off. By Mrs Weasley, of course, who was furious that he didn’t say anything about his return, and how she may have to rustle up something else, so no one went hungry. Harry chuckled, Mrs Weasley always did too much food, mountains of all manner of delicious things, enough to feed a small army.
“Where’s Char-” Mrs Weasley began before someone interrupted her, as a small body flew through the crowd, launching into his strong arms, thank goodness for his quick reflexes.
“Uncle Harry!!!” Teddy gushed, tears shining in his currently pink eyes, he tried to hide his sniffles, burying himself in his godfathers neck, attempting to squeeze the life out of him in the process, whilst his blue hair turned black and grew messily to his shoulders. Harry was pretty sure if he could see his face that Teddy would stare back at him with emerald eyes, and that Teddy himself was probably not even award he was changing his appearance. He had better control on his abilities, but after all he was only 5.
Harry floo called his godson at least once a month for the last 4 years, originally he would talk to Aunt Andy about him, but when he started speaking around 1 and a half Andy would speak for a little bit, then she would just sit with Teddy tucked in her lap as he babbled nonsense happily to the older man. Never had Harry forgotten an occasion, whether it was birthdays and Christmases, or Easter and Halloween. Any excuse to spoil Teddy was utilised, much to Andromeda’s horror, she would grumble about ‘spoiling little boys’.
“He’s missed you” Aunt Andy called, from her picnic bench where she remained as everyone grappled for hugs, she was a tall, thin woman, and would have been easily knocked down. So Harry suspected that she would demand long smothering cuddles later, in a more private setting, she was a pureblood after all, somethings stuck.
Harry pulled Teddy back a little to look at him, his suspicions had been correct, staring back at him was a miniature version of himself, making him chuckle, “Oh Teddy Bear, you saw me in the floo only two weeks ago.”
The little boy, beamed goofily, shrugging his little shoulders, a habit that Andromeda cussed Harry about, as Teddy had definitely picked it up from his godfather.
Everyone had settled back down again, the chatter had picked up once again, but it seemed more energetic, and everyone was smiling and glancing at Harry, as if they were checking that he was definitely here, and they hadn’t imagined his home coming.
Mrs Weasley did exactly what Harry had expected her to do, fuss. She bustled off to the kitchen to get more crisps and heat up some more of the food left inside. Then she proceeded in filling Harry up a plate of everything, piling it high until Mr Weasley insisted Harry couldn’t possibly eat everything, his wife had nodded thoughtfully handing the plate over then rushing off to get him a cold butterbeer.
“Thank you Mrs Weasley,” Harry smiled warmly, “You didn’t have to, I could have just got something in a moment”
“Molly, dear.” Was all she said, not even answering the second part of what Harry had said to her.
“You’re so strong, Uncle Harry!” Teddy giggled, as his godfather juggled Teddy and Victoire on his lap whilst trying to eat, “I’m gunna be as big as you one day.” Harry laughed at the enthusiasm, he loved Teddy to pieces, and was honoured that he wanted to grow up to be like himself one day, the raven couldn’t have been prouder.
“Victoire, come, leave ‘Arry alone, ‘e iz hungry” Fleur motioned for her daughter to come back to her and her father, and being the good little girl that she was, the small blonde climbed down from his thigh and sprinted back around the table and pulled herself up onto her father lap, Bill opened his arms happily and snuggled his princess into his arms.
Suddenly mini Harry turned in the older ones lap, and whispered in his ear, Harry frowned, not responding so Teddy tried again, “Can I see the pictures? Pretty please?” he asked louder with child-like curiosity.
Harry’s chest rumbled with laughter, deep and happy, as he settled Teddy on the bench beside him and shrugged out of his denim jacket discarding it on the grass behind them and pushing his t-shirt sleeves up and over his shoulders.
“Ooh, ooh!” Teddy bounced in his seat, eyes running over the arm full of ink closest to him, the right one, the black and white tattoos. From the snowy owl on his shoulder surrounded by planets, to the stag above his on the back of his forearm and the black dog and big wolf on the inside of his arm. And a beautiful lily on the back of his hand.
Teddy tapped the wolf, it was his favourite, “This is daddy” he smiled happily, it was his favourite of his Uncle Harry’s tattoos, the big grey wolf. He wished he had met his dad, Grandma and Harry said he was the nicest man. Little fingers traced the outline of the wolf’s face, stroking his ears as if it were a real wolf.
Having had his fill of the black and white ones, Teddy insisted that Harry move, so he could see the others. The colourful side. Oranges, reds, greens, blues, and the grey-stone colour of Harry’s favourite dragon. He had the Hungarian Horntail over his right pec and shoulder, followed by a vibrant orange Chinese Fireball, blues and greens of an Short-snout and finally…
“This one’s new! Uncle Harry, you didn’t tell me you got a green one” Teddy exclaimed excitedly, his black hair flashed the same green colour of the newest tattoo briefly. The newest dragon was a Green Welsh, and it was wrapped around his wrist.
“Harry Potter! What in Merlin’s name possessed you to do that!” Mrs Weasley scolded, frowning at the array of multi-coloured tattoos before turning her attention to the black ones, eyes narrowing, until she realised what she was looking at, “Oh, Harry!” She finally said sadly, staring at the Stag, Wolf and Dog on the lower half of his arm, but she said no more.
“Mate!” Ron whistled lowly, eyes wide with interest as he too studied the tattoo from where he sat, “When’d ya get so flippin’ colourful?” He asked bemused, the redhead knew it had been a while since they saw each other but at the time his best mate only had the Hungarian Horntail and the start of the Hedwig tattoo. Now he had two full arms of them, and Ron was sure he mentioned started something on his leg. That with all the piercings too. This Harry Potter, the one sitting here with everyone now, was entirely different from the Harry they went to school with, and the Harry that left the Burrow 4 years ago. It was a little bit surreal, like he was a whole new person.
“Slowly and painfully,” Harry shuddered as he remembered some of the more painful places and areas he has his art work. He quickly laughed it off, and flexed his muscles making the dragons jump and move as if alive, as requested but his godson.
Suddenly cool hands wrapped around his bicep, Seamus had moved from where he was to right beside Harry, eyes full of lust and a small amount of drool glistening in the corner of his mouth, “Well hello there, big boy!”
Harry blinked, taken back, he had no idea Seamus swung that way, but to be honest, Seam Finnigan probably swung whatever way he found a hot somebody with a pulse. He had never been picky in school. But he was certainly easier on the eyes as he appeared to grow up even more in the last four years.
“Hi Seamus,” Harry purred, wrapping an arm around his trim waist and pulling the Irishman down onto the bench beside him, that Teddy had just vacated in favour of looking at the wolf some more.
“Harry! Seamus! Behave!” Hermione scolded, frowning at her best friend’s behaviour, and at him in general really. Harry had changed a lot. Muscles, tattoos (Which Teddy was still babbling about, to anyone who would listen, currently Victoire, who had come to have a closer look) scruffy stubble, shaggy hair, less kept more rough and ready but it wasn’t just his appearance it was his attitude towards things and people had gotten less emotional, less real. Like he was afraid to show the real him. He was being fake. Something had happened to Harry, her wonderful, kind, loving best friend, in the last four years, he wasn’t the same open, honest person. He seemed to hide himself away. Hermione was determined to find out what had happened, and to help get him back onto the right track. To help him.
“Maybe later, Shay” Harrg rumbled out the side of his mouth, hand slipping low to grope his arse, squeezing briefly, before moving away. “Mate!” Ron laughed uproariously, patting his shoulders, “Too much time with those rogues you called colleagues, I swear, they’ve corrupted you”
Sunday lunch went brilliantly, as if Harry had never left. It was all fun and games, and smiles and laughter, despite the cold chill of November settling around them as the afternoon went on.
Teddy had attached himself to his godfather one side and talked his ear off constantly, barely stopping for oxygen and begrudgingly pausing his monologue, on his grandmothers say so, to eat some more food. And on his other side was Seamus, practically sat in his lap, which surprised everyone, especially Harry, to no end. He fluttered his eyelashes, with a cheeky smile, and laughed too hard.
Dean, Ron and Neville found it all utterly hilarious, killing themselves laughing when Seamus tried to gain Harry’s attention when his godson stole it once more. Seamus was a shameless flirt, it was so obvious, but the raven seemed oblivious as he constantly turned away from the Irishman in favour of the 5 year old.
His ex-roommates even had a bet going, for who would come off worse, Harry wasn’t too impressed, it predicted either he or Seamus would use and hurt the other man. Shay seemed to think that he was in control of the situation, but it was obvious who really was,
Harry caught up with Mr and Mrs Weasley mostly about their grandchildren and how Harry really needed to settle down with a nice young man, and to give Molly more grandchildren, Harry laughed awkwardly and Arthur rubbed his neck very embarrassed before stirring his wife away as Andromeda approached them. He chatted happily with his godsons grandmother, she was a lovely woman though a little strict, and she forced a promise out of him, to visit more often.
Next it was Bill and Fleur, George and Angelina and their kids for a quick chat before they left around five to get the kids washed and in bed. Followed shortly after by Aunt Andy and Teddy Bear, who was in absolute tears at the idea of his godfather not coming home with him.
Soon the older Weasley, Percy and the girls left for the warmth of the living room and kitchen indoors.
Which left Dean, Ron, Neville, Seamus and of course Harry outside, enjoying a butterbeer and a laugh together like old times, in their room within Gryffindor tower. The first three boys were talking about life and what was going on within their lives currently, Ron’s happiness over soon becoming a father, Neville about getting closer to Luna and Dean about his new job, all he while Seamus was pretending to listen but in fact was concentrating on Harry out the corner of his eye, shuffling ever so slightly closer to him by pretending to get comfortable on the hard ground.
Before long the flirty Irishman was sat on Harry, actually in his lap, who wrapped his tattooed muscles around his back, pulling him closer, grasping his chin and pulling their lips together for a crushing kiss. Seamus wiggled and settler fully, straddling Harry’s hips, hands running through thick black curls. Harry was quite sure what quite possessed him to kiss his ex-roommate, or how he felt about it either, Seamus was a good kisser but he still wasn’t sure.
“Whoaa!!” Ron gasped, “Hey! Hey stop it! Har, Shay! Enough”
Eventually Harry pulled away, standing up and depositing Seamus to his feet, lips still pressed firmly together. The Irishman’s hands began to travel, lifting Harry’s top and running over abs and moaning at the feel of tight muscles.
“Guys!” Dean yelled, “Seriously, stop! Get a room” burying his face into his hands, whilst Neville averted his eyes and Ron went bright red clashing horribly with his ginger hair as he gaped like a fish.
Thankfully the very embarrassed men were saved by the back door opening and Hermione appearing with Molly close behind her.
“Oh dear me!” Molly gasped, disappearing back the way she had come.
“Harry James Potter!” Hermione chided, hands perching on her hips, she looked like she was about to reprimand a child, she was going to be a great mum that was for sure but at the same time Harry felt about 11 years old all over again, as he pulled away from his companion.
“Yes ‘Mione?” He asked, turned on and angry that he was so close to going home with Seamus, enjoying a hot roll in the sheets.
Then he jolted back in realisation, he looked down at Seamus, still in his arms, he dropped his embrace stepping back horrified. Merlin, he was just as bad as Charlie, taking home the first guy he laid his eyes on.
He’d come home to get away from that, away from Charlie and casual, meaningless sex. But mostly away from the part of himself that had become totally fine with being used like that, he wouldn’t do it to his friend either, he didn’t want to be like that, like Charlie.
“Sorry.” He whispered before turning his attention back to his best friend, taking a deep breath, moving closer and asking again, “Yes, ‘Mione, what’s up?”
She seemed to have reeled her shock and reprimand back in and now had her hands cradling her bump just looking on, waiting, “You have a floo call Harry” she said before turning and heading back inside into the warm.
Harrys stomach dropped, his heart speeding up. There weren’t many people who would floo him, and most of them were here or had been, they could just walk up to him. The raven had a horrible feeling he knew who was calling him. He hated how much of a reaction the other man got from him.
Harry turned back to his friends, and to Seamus, who seemed to have recovered very quickly from essentially getting brushed aside whilst the other three were getting to their feet. So Harry headed back up the garden towards the back door and house. Approaching a probably volatile, embarrassing and public conversation.
He walked through the toasty warm house and into the living room, it was rather packed in there. He discarded his jacket on the back of one of the mismatched chairs. The living room and kitchen area was full of all his remaining friends and family. All within hearing distance of the fireplace, oh no, this wasn’t going to be good. Especially as half the people present were related to Charlie, if assumptions were right and it was him, they didn’t need to know his sex life, or Harrys for that matter.
Molly could be seen through the arch to the kitchen by the kettle with Fleur, Bill and Hermione. Percy and George were sat on the sofa talking, Angelina having took the kids home and let George come back for a little bit, they were both talking to their father who was sat in a high backed chair near them. Luna and Ginny were sat on the stairs giggling and gossiping, but they were still close and could see and hear everything. And his four ex-dorm mates were coming through the door into the house now as well.
Taking another deep breath. The raven decided he might as well get on with it, as he crouched down and settled himself on the plush and very Gryffindor rug in front of the floo.
“Hello?” He said tentatively as he looked into the green flames, that were making up the second eldest Weasleys face.
And that was all it took for the fireworks to start.
Sorry its taken so long, enjoy...
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