You Rang, M'Lord? | By : ODB Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 35345 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I own nothing but a filthy imagination. I especially do not own Harry Potter or anything connected with it. No money is made from this story. |
Chapter 3 – Breaking In
Two days later, Ginny received the summons that she’d been dreading – she was to report to Lord Selwyn’s study.
She’d known this was coming and, after her marvellous roll in the hay with Joseph, she’d been rather conflicted by it. Without question, the Monster of Blackthorn House scared her silly and the thought of taking it up her nearly made her turn and run out of the manor, never to return.
However, since she’d lost her virginity she’d started to think slightly differently about the whole thing. Joseph had been well equipped and she’d handled his throbbing member without problems. Indeed, she’d been begging him to thrust himself into her as deep and hard as he could. True, the handsome groom’s cock wasn’t in the same league as his lord and master’s, but it did make Ginny start to wonder if she might just be able to manage Selwyn’s eleven inches better than she’d initially thought.
By the time she nervously knocked on the study door, Ginny was just wanting to get the whole thing over with. Every woman in the house had been fucked by the man, including Alice who wasn’t much bigger than her. If they could do it, surely she could, too.
Taking a deep breath, Ginny pushed open the door, ready to accept her fate.
“Ah, Miss Ginny! I’m glad to see you. I did so enjoy our first meeting and have been looking forward to speaking with you again. Please, do take a seat.”
Ginny looked at the chair she’d previously occupied. No doubt Lord Selwyn would probably start gibbering on again, lamenting how he was cursed by the monster that lurked in his trousers and how his poor wife just couldn’t cope, before begging her to provide him relief. With butterflies already flittering about in her stomach, she had no desire to drag things out any further.
“Excuse me, sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but I think we both know why I’m here. Why don’t we skip the small talk and just get on with it?”
“Oh! Umm, I was thinking…”
“Would you like me to take my clothes off, sir?” Ginny interrupted.
Selwyn looked at her strangely for a moment, before a hungry expression crept onto his feature.
“Yes, Miss Ginny, I think I would.”
Ginny nodded. This was it. She’d never been a girl to put off difficult or unwelcome tasks, and now she’d willingly given up her remaining time. Understanding there was no going back, she unfastened the lacy, white piny around her waist and let it fall to the floor. Next, she reached behind her and unfastened the zip on her maid outfit. This too fell to the floor at her feet.
She now stood before her employer in her underwear. The garments were undoubtedly sexy and she would have been lying if she didn’t admit that she liked the lustful look in Selwyn’s eyes as he drank in the sight of her. Her nervousness began to subside as she increasingly felt that she was in control of the situation.
With Selwyn practically drooling at the sight of her, Ginny reached behind her and undid her bra. With a casualness she certainly didn’t feel, she tossed the garment to one side letting her breasts swing free. With her legs trembling, she gripped the waistband of her knickers and slid them down.
“Everything,” Selwyn said in a breathy voice, “tights and all. I want you naked.”
Without saying a word, Ginny pulled out the straps that secured her fishnet tights from her suspender belt, before undoing it and letting it drop. She then perched on the chair and rolled down her tights. Once removed, she stood and turned towards Selwyn so he could feast on her nakedness.
“Beautiful,” he breathed and rapidly began to remove his own clothing. Once he was also naked he hurried forward and took Ginny in his arms. Passionately, he kissed her while his hands began to caress her arse. After some time, he pulled away and gazed into her large, brown eyes. “You’re not getting away from me this time, missy. This time I’m going to have you.”
“Wouldn’t you like me to suck your cock, sir?” Ginny asked innocently.
“No, this time it’s going into your pussy, not your mouth. Get over there on the couch.”
Feeling strangely detached, Ginny walked over to the plush red sofa on the far side of the room. She’d calmly stripped for Selwyn without the slightest hesitation and now she was willingly strolling towards her fate. It was slowly dawning on her that perhaps she truly wanted this.
With her body trembling, Ginny laid down on the sofa with her legs apart. As Selwyn slowly approached her, nursing his massive cock in his hand, she slid a hand down between her legs and began to rub her clit, making sure she was good and wet for the man. Her eyes never left the huge, throbbing shaft coming ever closer.
Selwyn knelt on the sofa and positioned himself between her legs. Ginny held her breath as he angled his massive dick towards her now soaking wet entrance. He shuffled forward until she felt the bulbous head pressing against her sex.
“Ready?” he asked.
“Yes. Do it.”
Ginny nearly screamed as the huge cock was pushed into her. She could feel her pussy stretching to accommodate it and for a second she thought she might faint. Selwyn was considerate, though, and paused with just the head of his dick inside her. He looked at her almost quizzically, almost as if he was asking her permission to continue.
“Do it! Fuck me!” Ginny yelled defiantly.
Selwyn leaned forward and slowly slid himself deeper into her. Unable to stop herself, Ginny cried out as she took the massive member into her tight cunt. This time he didn’t pause and more of his length sank inside her.
Ginny couldn’t believe what she was experiencing. The pain had been intense when he first entered her but her body seemed to be adjusting far quicker than she expected. With her head propped up by a cushion, she could just see more and more of his length disappearing inside her and it was like nothing she’d ever experienced before.
“Oh, fucking hell!” she screamed. “Fuck me, you big-cocked bastard, fuck me!”
If Lord Selwyn took offence at being talked to in such a manner, he didn’t show it. Instead, he started to move his hips, sliding his rock-hard monster of a dick in and out of Ginny’s poor, straining pussy. He probably only had half his length in her at that point, but every thrust drove it deep inside her, making her lose her mind.
With clenched fists, she grabbed at the edge of the sofa as Selwyn began to move faster and faster. She was practically sobbing by this point, her body shaking uncontrollably as the giant cock went deeper into her body. Then, with one final thrust, Selwyn stuffed the last of his eleven inches into making her scream out loud. She could feel his balls resting against her arse.
She had done it! She had managed to take the whole of the Monster of Blackthorn House inside her! Little did she realise that her ordeal had only just begun.
A wild look appeared on Selwyn’s face and he lunged forward, forcing Ginny’s leg upward. From this position, that man had even better access to her entrance and he began to rut her like an animal, grunting as he fucked her hard and fast.
Just a few days previously she’d begged Joseph to be rougher with her, but there was no chance that she would have asked the same thing with this man. In fact, at that point she doubted she could have even formed coherent words, such was the turmoil in her mind and body. She was barely able to understand what was happening to her.
Then, without warning, she came. The orgasm arrived almost completely unexpectedly and felt like she’d been hit by a train. Her arms flailed wildly as the most intense pleasure she had ever experienced ripped through. For a second she thought she’d pissed herself such was the amount of liquid dripping from her battered cunt.
“Good God, are you alright?” she heard Selwyn ask her.
“Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” she sobbed.
“Let’s change positions,” he told her. “Here, you go on top, my girl.”
The man moved her legs and flopped down on the sofa in a sitting position, his cock standing upright like a flagpole. With an urgency that surprised her, Ginny scrambled up until she was straddling him. It was a struggle to get herself lined up with his pulsating cock, but she soon managed to position his angry, red helmet against the wet flaps of her pussy. Then, panting with need, she pushed down and took him inside her again.
“FUCK!” she screamed. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Oh, you’re so tight and wet,” Selwyn gasped, his hands greedily squeezing her tits.
Ginny’s hips began to move of their volition as she began to lower herself down, willingly impaling herself on the man’s masterpiece of a cock. She arched her body and leaned back, her hands gripping his knees as all eleven inches was thrust into her trembling body again and again. Another orgasm hit her and she could feel tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. This had to be the most incredible experience of her life.
How long they stayed like that, fucking brutally she couldn’t say. Time ceased to have all meaning to her and all she was aware of was her Lordship’s massive member deep in her pussy. Only when exhaustion began to overtake her did she slow, grinding herself down onto his shaft as her body tingled with pleasure.
“Let’s change positions again,” Selwyn announced. “Go and lean over my desk.”
Wearily, Ginny did as she was told, stumbling drunkenly over to the desk and gripping the edge with her fingers. A moment later she felt his strong hands grip her waist and his dick slide into her abused cunt. Without hesitation, he began to ferociously fuck her again.
By now, it was starting to all become too much for her. If not for her grip on the desk, she feared her legs would have given out on her. A third orgasm, slower and perhaps even more intense than the previous two surged through her, nearly making her eyeballs roll into her head. She was rapidly reaching the end of her endurance and yet, still, Lord Owen Selwyn, famous businessman and master of Blackthorn House, continued to slam his enormous cock into her. How much more could she take?
Then, almost before she realised it, it was all over. A strangled cry of ‘on your knees’ was the only warning she got, as she was pulled down and, a second later, a thick jet of creamy spunk hit her in the face. She gasped as a second and third jet hit her, coating her face and landing in her hair. Selwyn was using both hands to furiously wank his huge shaft, sending his cum spurting off in all directions but most of it over her.
Eventually, with a gentle sob, the man emptied himself before staggering over and collapsing on the sofa. Ginny was left kneeling, her mind completely scrambled and jizz dripping down her face. In a daze, she scooped a load of it up with her fingers and watched in fascination as it slowly dribbled off her fingertips to land on her thighs.
“Dear God, girl, you nearly killed me,” Selwyn slurred after a while.
“Do you do that to all the severing girls here?” Ginny asked, her frazzled mind not quite comprehending that might be an impermanent question to her employer.
“Not all of them,” he replied with a smile. “Madam Fairfax just lays there and barely makes a sound these days. You, however, Miss Ginny, were fantastic. I can’t say how delighted I am that you chose to come and work here.”
Ginny nodded but didn’t reply. Her mind was only just starting to process what had just happened. Slowly, it dawned on her that she’d won. She’d faced the Monster of Blackthorn House and beaten it!
“I think, my dear, I’ll be asking Madam Fairfax to arrange for you to attend to me in this study every Tuesday afternoon. That’s if you have no objections, Miss Ginny?”
Still somewhat fazed, she looked at the man. His dick was by now hanging limply between his legs but it still managed to look massively impressive. It appeared she was going to have to tangle with the monster regularly. Indeed, it wasn’t a battle she was fighting, it was a campaign.
“No objections at all,” she told him with a bright smile on her face.
The next few days were comparatively peaceful, if not boring. Ginny found herself with lots of time to compose her first letter home which she found rather difficult. So much had happened to her in such a short period of time that she was worried that her words might inadvertently alert her very observant mother that unusual events had occurred. If Molly Weasley got even the slightest hint that anything disreputable was occurring within the walls of Blackthorn House, she’d probably march down here and pull Ginny out by her ear.
For a laugh, Ginny had constructed in her mind what a letter to her mother might look like if she was completely honest about what was going on –
Dear Mum and Dad
Great news! I lost my virginity! A lovely man named Joseph took me to the back of the stables and gave me a good old shag. He’s a really nice bloke and I hope to be riding his sausage again soon. My roommate is bi-sexual, too, and we’ve had some great snogs. She does keep trying to finger me in the showers, though.
Oh, you won’t believe it, but Lord Selwyn insists on fucking all his female staff on a regular basis. I’ve been marked down for Tuesday afternoons and, bearing in mind the bloke has an eleven-inch cock, you can imagine how demanding that is! That reminds me; Mum, do you have any spells for sore pussys? My cunt hole has taken a battering in the last week and no mistake!
As much as she would have enjoyed her mother’s screams being audible from Devon, Ginny decided discretion was the better part of valour. Her actual letter was rather dull, with lots of descriptions of the actual house and the odd comment that her fellow workers were ‘nice’. Hopefully, that would satisfy her parents.
She was wandering rather aimlessly around the second floor and wondering if anyone would miss her if she buggered off down the local village for a couple of hours, when Madam Fairfax ambushed her. The older woman looked at her with a grim expression on her face.
“Ah, Miss Weasley. I’ve been looking for you. Come with me to my office, please.”
Frowning, Ginny followed on behind the stern woman, pondering what had got her knickers in a twist. She unquestionably seemed to be in a bad mood. Meekly, Ginny shuffled into her office and flinched as the door was slammed shut behind her.
“Now, I’ve asked you here, Miss Weasley, because I’ve had some disturbing comments made to me,” Fairfax stated, taking a seat behind her desk. “I’ve had several complaints about the standard of your work.”
Work? What bloody work, Ginny thought. The Elves did all the work around here.
“What have I done wrong, ma’am?” Ginny demanded.
“I won’t go into specifics, but the reports I’ve had state you lack a certain discipline when conducting your duties. Bearing in mind the status of Lord Selwyn, we cannot permit such a state of affairs to exist. I’m sorry to say, Miss Weasley, that’s I’m going to have to instil some discipline into you.” With that, Fairfax produced a small whip from her desk and stood menacingly.
Ah, that’s what this is all about, Ginny thought.
“Please stand, Miss Weasley.”
With a sigh, Ginny did as she was told. Fairfax walked around the desk and behind her and, moments later, she felt herself pushed forward so she had to grab the edge of the desk with her hands. Ginny was unsurprised when she next felt her skirt being pulled up, followed by her knickers being pulled down.
Fairfax didn’t keep her waiting long and she soon felt the sharp sting of the whip against her buttocks. While the blow wasn’t hard or the whip very heavy, it was still a little painful. A second blow hit her shortly afterwards and then a third.
“My word, you really do have a beautiful little backside, don’t you, girl?” Fairfax taunted, running her hand over Ginny’s sore flesh. “Still. It looks all the better with some colour brought to your cheeks.”
Further blows followed, perhaps harder than the previous ones, although as her bum was becoming a little numb, Ginny didn’t feel them so much. Between the blows, however, Fairfax seemed to be increasingly pausing to squeeze her butt cheeks. She was a little surprised, however, when she felt two of the woman’s fingers slide into her pussy.
“Is this a special way of instilling discipline in me?” Ginny asked, looking over her shoulder. “It’s a way of putting something in me, anyway.”
“Be quiet, you impudent girl!” Fairfax snapped. “I’m going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.”
Discarding the whip, Fairfax began to pump Ginny’s pussy with her fingers. The woman’s digits delved deeper into her increasingly wet cunt, right up to the knuckles. Feeling herself becoming ever more aroused, Ginny began to moan softly.
“You like that, you little slut, don’t you? Well, let’s see how you like this!”
Using her other hand, Fairfax slid her index finger into Ginny’s arsehole. Letting out a startled yelp, she tried to squirm away but the older woman was too strong for her. Now with three fingers in two of her holes, Fairfax increased her pace, furiously violating Ginny’s most private places.
“What… what are you doing to me?” Ginny gasped, shocked by the sensation of having her back passage desecrated for the first time.
“Shut you, you whore. By the time I’m finished with you, you’ll be begging for mercy. Still, I doubt that I’m doing anything that blonde bitch Alice hasn’t already done to you. You like doing it with other women, don’t you, you fucking dyke!”
To Ginny’s horror, a second finger was squeezed into her anus, nearly making her scream. Fairfax didn’t pause, however, double penetrating her furiously until Ginny thought she might pass out.
Gradually, her stretched arse ring became used to the unusual sensation of having two fingers being rammed into it and she started to become accustomed to it. Her cunt, however, was becoming wetter and wetter as she came closer to orgasm. Fairfax knew what she was doing. Then, just as she was about to cum, the woman cruelly pulled her fingers out of both her holes and stepped back.
“I think it’s time that you recognised my position as your superior and provide me with a little respect, don’t you, Miss Weasley? Kneel down facing the desk.”
Ginny did as she was told, grateful that her bottom was spared any more abuse but apprehensive as to what was coming next. As she watched, Fairfax casually began to unfasten her skirt before tossing it to one side. Her blouse followed leaving the woman standing in her underwear.
Despite the fact that she was somewhat nervous of Madam Fairfax, Ginny had to admit the woman had an incredible body. Previously somewhat hidden by her blouse, Fairfax’s breasts were large but not grotesquely so, and threaten to spill out of her straining bra at any moment. Her stomach was flat and her legs long and well rounded. Voluptuous was probably the best way to describe her. Then, to Ginny’s surprise, Fairfax hooked her thumbs into the sides of her knickers and pushed them down, revealing a neat, well-trimmed triangle of pubic hair beneath. With one graceful hop, the Housekeeper sprang onto her desk and spread her legs wide.
“I think you know what I want you to do, Miss Ginny.”
Ginny nodded and shuffled forward. Alice had been begging for her to perform this act on her but so far Ginny had resisted. Now it appeared that her first taste of another woman would be with Fairfax. As she moved her head between the woman’s legs, she could smell her arousal. Then, when she was close enough, she closed her eyes and began to lick Fairfax’s cunt.
Her first taste of the woman’s wet folds was strangely familiar, although why that should be Ginny had no idea. As she dragged her tongue against the lips of Fairfax’s pussy, she was rewarded by a moan escaping from the older woman’s lips. Encouraged, she used her thumbs to prise open her entrance and she began to delve into the soft, pink innards with her tongue.
As she continued to lick, Fairfax began to groan louder. Ginny felt the woman’s hand on the back of her head, gently encouraging her to go deeper. Remembering the wondrous treatment Joseph had bestowed upon her, Ginny began to physically fuck the woman with her tongue, pushing it in and out while occasionally pausing to suck on her clitoris. Fairfax writhed on the desk, squirming as she became wetter and wetter.
“Oh, dear God, you certainly know how to eat pussy, don’t you, you fucking slut,” Fairfax gasped.
“Beginners luck,” Ginny murmured before wrapping her mouth around Fairfax’s dripping hole again. Despite her reluctance to go too far with Alice, she had to admit she was enjoying herself. Seemingly, she enjoyed eating pussy and she vowed that her blond roommate would be reaping the benefit of that discovery soon.
Fairfax was practically sobbing now, pressing Ginny’s face into her cunt and begging her to continue. It was no surprise when, shortly after, the older woman climaxed, letting loose a shriek of ecstasy as she did.
“On your feet and take your clothes off!” Fairfax all but screamed, pulling her own bra off with commendable speed and letting her large tits swing free.
With surprising speed, Ginny sprang to her feet and began to pull her clothes off. Just looking at Fairfax’s magnificent body was filling her with lust and after eating the woman’s cunt she was starting to appreciate sex with another woman. Leaving only her stockings on, Ginny virtually leapt at Fairfax the second her knickers hit the floor.
Their lips locked together and soon their tongues were battling for supremacy. Ginny’s hands began to greedily roam over the older woman’s body, finally settling on her large, firm breasts. Pulling her head away, she bent slightly and captured Fairfax’s erect nipple on her mouth. Sucking hard, she was pleased to hear her lover moan in pleasure.
Alternating between the women’s swollen nipples, Ginny licked and sucked ravenously as Fairfax squirmed and shook. As she worked, Ginny felt a hand slip between her legs and begin to rub her clitoris. For a second, she paused to emit her own cry of pleasure. Using her right hand, she thrust several fingers into Fairfax’s pussy in revenge before dipping her head and continuing to suckle on her lover’s breast.
Shifting slightly, Fairfax also managed to penetrate her with her fingers, ramming three of them deep into Ginny’s cunt. Panting with lust, the two women furiously frigged each other off, seemingly both desperate to make the other cum first. In the end, Fairfax won but only just. They both screamed with joy as powerful orgasms ripped through their bodies. Ginny would have collapsed to the floor if the tall brunet had not grabbed her.
“Oh, no. You can’t give up yet,” Fairfax whispered in her ear. “I haven’t finished with you by a long chalk.”
“What have you got planned now?” Ginny asked plaintively. “Much more of this will kill me!”
Fairfax gently pushed her back and then walked around the other side of the desk. She opened a draw and, with a wicked smile on her lips, withdrew a very large vibrator.
“Fucking hell! Was that thing modelled on Saucy Selwyn?” Ginny demanded.
“Do not be disrespectful of Lord Selwyn,” Fairfax admonished her. “I will admit, however, that I bought this with his manhood in mind. Owen tells me that you managed to accommodate him rather well so this shouldn’t present much of a challenge to you.”
“I’m not sure about that,” she replied, eyeing the massive plastic object. “I take it I’m taking that thing up my fanny first, then?”
“Get down on the rug, there,” Fairfax ordered. “I’m going to fuck you senseless with this thing, so get ready!”
Dropping to the ground, Ginny made herself comfortable on the sheepskin rug before opening her legs wide. Fairfax dropped to her knees between them and began to gently rub her wet pussy, preparing her for what was to come.
“Yeah, put it in me,” Ginny urged.
A moment later, Ginny felt the tip of the vibrator pressing up against her pussy, then, with maddening slowness, Fairfax pushed the huge dildo into her.
“Fuck, it’s so big!” Ginny exclaimed.
“You’ve taken Lord Selwyn’s cock, so I know you can handle this,” Fairfax purred. “You want more?”
“More,” Ginny begged.
Despite the brunet’s words, the vibrator actually felt larger than the Monster of Blackthorn House. She felt it slide deeper and deeper into her, making her tremble and moan. Fairfax shifted position, laying down next to her as she began to slowly fuck her with the massive plastic cock. Then, with a flick of her thumb, the woman turned the vibrator on and Ginny lost her mind.
Fairfax grabbed her hand as Ginny began to thrash around, her body virtually out of control. Orgasm after orgasm ripped through her and she could hear herself screaming her head off. It was nearly an out of body experience as a small part of her brain seemed to separate from her consciousness in an effort to save her from complete insanity.
“No more. Please, no more,” she sobbed.
Showing mercy on her, Fairfax pulled the vibrator from her dripping wet cunt and began to plaster her face with soft, breathy kisses. Her demeanour couldn’t have been more different from her dominatrix act of earlier.
“Oh, Ginny,” the woman murmured, “you looked so beautiful when you came. So, so beautiful.”
Ginny turned her head and locked her lips with the older woman. She’s thought that begin fucked by Joseph and Lord Selwyn had been incredible experiences, but what Fairfax was doing to her was almost on another level. How could sex with another woman be so wonderful? After all, she wasn’t a lesbian, was she? No, despite everything, the thought of Joseph’s naked body was still more exciting to her. Perhaps she was bi-sexual or, more likely since she’d arrived at this place she’d turned into a dirty slut who would fuck anyone.
“You want me to fuck you with that thing now, Madam Fairfax?” Ginny asked, suddenly desperate to do to this sexy woman what she’d done to her.
“Linda,” Fairfax stated. “My first name is Linda. When we’re alone I want you to call me that. Say it in public and I’ll whip your arse until you can’t sit down for a week. Do I want you to fuck me with the dildo? Oh, hell, yes! I want nothing more in the whole world.”
Ginny took the vibrator from the woman, marvelling at the weight of the bloody thing. Linda rolled onto her side and raised her right leg. While Fairfax had been gentle with her at first, Ginny sensed that was not what the more experienced woman wanted. Lining up the tip of the dildo with Linda’s pussy, she pushed nearly the whole length into her in one go.
“Oh, fucking hell!” Linda screamed. “Yes! Yes! That’s it! Fuck me, you bitch, fuck me hard!”
Using her left hand, Ginny began to thrust the gigantic vibrator in and out of Linda’s wet cunt as fast as she could. Amazingly, even this was not enough for the older woman and she slipped her right hand down between her legs and began to frantically rub her clitoris. Tears were running down Fairfax’s cheeks and she was howling like a wounded animal. Feeling that she needed something else to drive her lover over the edge, Ginny remembered that this wasn’t just a simple dildo. Her thumb found the switch on the base of the device and she flicked it on.
Linda screamed and liquid began to squirt from her pussy. Gasping with surprise, Ginny pulled the vibrator out and watched as Fairfax shot a huge jet of liquid out of her cunt. It seemed to go on forever and quite a bit of it landed on Ginny’s leg, before dripping down her calf and drenching the sheepskin rug. As she continued to frig herself stupid, Linda wailed like a stabbed pig. Then, as quickly as it started, it was over. The jet dwindled to a dribble before stopping completely. Fairfax collapsed, practically on top of Ginny, and held her tight.
It took Linda a few minutes to get herself back under control. She looked up at Ginny with her dark eyes and managed a weak smile.
“That was fucking incredible,” she slurred.
“Yeah, I never imagined doing it with another girl would be so good,” Ginny confirmed. “I still like blokes, though.”
“Actually, so do I,” Linda admitted. “Still, as I’ve got older and found that I like having sex with women more and more.”
“You do it with Lord Selwyn still, though, don’t you?”
“Oh, yes. Every Saturday afternoon he visits my quarters and we spend several hours fucking. It’s the highlight of my week, to be honest,” she confirmed. “Do you know, he once asked me to marry him? He offered to divorce Lady Selwyn and we would run off together.”
“What did you say?” Ginny asked.
“Oh, I turned him down. I couldn’t let him ruin his good name and reputation. He’d have been throwing away everything that he worked for. I can just imagine the names people would have called me, too. No, as loveless as his marriage is, Owen must remain chained to that woman… in public, anyway.”
“Do you love him?”
Linda looked surprised at the question. She frowned for a moment before a more resigned expression came onto her face.
“I suppose I do, not that it matters. I’m content with my life.”
“But… don’t you get upset that he has sex with so many other girls? Hell, he just fucked me a few days ago!”
The older woman laughed. “I think that would have been necessary even if I had married him. It isn’t just the massive size of his cock that Ida Selwyn can’t cope with, the man has an insatiable sex drive. He has to do it at least four or five times a week or he gets hopelessly frustrated. Trust me, Ginny, every woman in this house was relieved when you arrived. Satisfying Owen’s constant needs was hard on all of us. Even Mary the cook was getting fed up getting screwed by him two or three times a week.”
“What’s the story with her?” Ginny asked. “I mean, she must be the worst cook I’ve ever seen. Why don’t the Elves do the cooking?”
“Ah, I take it Alice doesn’t know the full story, then? I thought not. Look, what I’m going to tell you is to remain completely secret, understand? If this gets out it could ruin the House of Selwyn.”
“Hey, I’m not going to bite the hand that feeds me,” Ginny replied. “But what could be so bad?”
“Well, some would say it’s not bad at all, but you know how these pureblood families are. Intolerant snobs, the lot of them. That’s what I like about Owen, he never acted like any of them. Anyway, this all dates back to before I came to work here. Adolphus was still head of the family and priorities were different back then. The old man was a party animal and spent most of the swinging sixties amongst the Muggles. His priorities in life were booze, loose woman, and recreational drugs. It was in that sort of environment that Owen and his brother, Milton, grew up.”
“Yes, it was hardly the best environment for young men to develop any kind of work ethic, but that’s exactly what Owen did. Milton… less so. Anyway, when they were in their late teens, the two brothers were still quite impressionable, and, being young men, they like to experiment. Milton went off in quite a strange direction, which I’m sure you’ll discover for yourself at some point. Owen dabbled in drugs, drank heavily, and was quite promiscuous. As I said, he also liked to experiment.”
“What happened?”
“Well, the only members of staff still here from that time are Mary and Mr Higman. He was just a footman back then, but a rather dashing and handsome fellow. Mary, of course, was a real sex-bomb and every man in the house wanted her. To cut a long story short; Owen, Higman, and Mary all got out of their heads one night on some powder or something and all ended up in bed together. The only thing was that Mary wasn’t as out of it as the others and also had a camera with her.”
“Yes, you can see what’s coming, can’t you? Back then, Mary wasn’t any better cook than she is now and was close to being sacked. Only those big tits and long, blond hair saved her, I suppose. Anyway, the next day she confronts a hungover Owen with a few developed photographs of him and Higman, err, ‘performing’ acts on each other. If these were made public, Owen could kiss goodbye to ever being made Head of the House.”
“So, Mary blackmailed him.”
“Yes, but she played the long game. Rather than demand a load of gold and buggering off, Mary demanded a job for life, not to mention a massive pay rise. She’s still paid nearly twice what I earn. She’s also got Owen and Higman in the palm of her hand. Being the slut that she is, she expects both men to service her whenever she’s in the mood. Truly, I don’t think Higman minds that much. They have a very strange relationship, those two. Not that will stop him shagging every female in the house when he gets a chance. He’ll have you at some point, I’m sure. He likes surprising girls in some deserted part of the house, bending them over a suitable piece of furniture, fucking six bells out of them, and then calmly walking off. He’s done it to me a few times, I can tell you.”
“You? But you’re Head Housekeeper.”
“He still technically outranks me,” Linda sniffed. “Besides, I consider it a professional courtesy to let him do me occasionally.”
“Bloody hell, this place is mad,” Ginny moaned.
“It’s also the best job you’ll ever have,” Fairfax pointed out. “We’re well paid by normal standards and, with the Elves doing most of the work, we’ve got it cushy. The staff here get to spend most of their time drinking, playing games, and fucking each other. Oh, yes. I hear that Joseph the stableman has already had you. When the other male staff starts sniffing around you, and they will, I strongly advise you to accommodate them. If you fuck one of them but not the other, it can lead to all sorts of problems and arguments and this place runs too smoothly for that to happen on my watch. Besides, they’re a good-looking group of boys and all quite talented, as I’m sure Alice will confirm. Indulge yourself, Ginny, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself greatly.”
“Jeez, is there anyone in this place that I haven’t got to fuck?” she moaned.
“Well, Mary’s not interested in other women and Bertha’s barely here most of the time. Other than that, you’re fair game.”
“Great. What about you, then? If I’m subjected to many more sessions like we’ve just had then I’ll be ready for the old folk’s home before I’m twenty!”
“Oh, I haven’t finished with you yet,” Fairfax said with a smile. She rose and walked behind her desk once again, before pulling what Ginny at first assumed was a long, plastic snake. Only when she looked again did she realise that the object was a double-ended dildo. Linda grinned evilly at her.
“Blimey,” Ginny groaned. “This place is going to be the death of me!”
Fairfax just grinned.
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