Harry Potter and the Royal Veela | By : SevenSword Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 48992 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Harry shifted, snuggling further into the many pillows that adorned his bed. He could faintly make out angry mumbling from the front of the room; he reluctantly opened his eyes and sat up in bed.
Silky dark black hair fell forward cascading down his back and shoulders, he took a few strains of hair into his hand looking at it in confusion, before reality dawn on him.
"I was in a magic coma… I woke up to find out that I was a submissive veela…" Harry mumbled starring at his family charms on his wrist. "I got these… Malfoy wanted a truce and then he…" Harry trailed off his eyes wide with alarm.
He looked around the room frantically for any sign of the dominate veela, his eyes landing on the doorway; were Hermione was leaning half way out auguring with someone who Harry couldn't see.
"I told you I need to talk to him alone! Just wait out here!" Hermione hissed before slamming the door and leaning against it with a loud huff. "Bloody wants to control everything… won't listen to a word I've said-Harry!" Hermione pushed off the door when she saw Harry looking at her with suspicion from his bed.
"Who wants to control everything and won't listen?" Harry questioned, turning to look around his bed for the hair band Ginny had given him.
Hermione smiled walking over to bed. "Oh… haha… no one, I was just talking to myself. How long have you been up?" She asked sitting at the edge of the bed.
"For a few minutes, were you arguing in the door way with yourself too?" Harry replied, giving up his search and instead pull his hair over one shoulder.
Hermione's only reply was a nervous smile.
Harry sighed. "It was Malfoy wasn't it? And it wasn't just a nightmare that he staked his claim as my…" Harry had to force the last word out. "…mate."
Hermione crawled onto the bed plopping down next to her forlorn friend. "No it wasn't. And yes he did."
Harry grabbed a pillow from behind him, squeezing it to his face he scream as loud as he could. It was only when his throat was sore that he lowered the plush purple pillow. "I can accept the fact that I'm a submissive, heck I was even coming around to the whole mating with a dominate… but there is no way in the wizarding or the muggle world that I will ever be okay with Malfoy claiming me as his…"
"Mate." Hermione finished Harry sentence, not surprised when she received a glare from the fussy brunette. She decide going into this conversation that she would let Harry get everything out before she said her piece.
"How can you be so casual about this? Its Malfoy were talking about, as in; if you happened to forget, my archrival. Why does he even want to mate with me? He is suppose to hate me and vice versa?" Harry asked punching the pillow in front of him, of course he continued before Hermione even had a chance to open her mouth.
"Oh… that right he's a slimly good for nothing twit… truce my bum! I should have known it was a trick as soon as he called me Harry." Harry punched the pillow twice more before dramatically throwing it off the bed.
When Harry just sat glaring daggers at were the pillow had landed, Hermione decide it was safe to talk; although at the rate things were going she didn't know if it would be so much talking as yelling.
"Okay so he told you he wanted you to be his mate. Then you fainted, he could have easily taken advantage of you right then and there-" Hermione held her hand up when Harry turned his glare on her. "But he didn't, he came and got me… which must have been hard for him considering the madness he's been suffering through. So I don't think he was trying to pull anything when he said he wanted a truce."
When Harry stayed silent Hermione continued. "Has he told you anything about the madness?" When Harry shook his head Hermione sighed. "You're not going to like what I'm going to say, but it has to be said so don't interrupt. You're his ideal mate Harry even before he knew you were a submissive he had been so consumed with finding you this last year."
"Then we show up and drag him to you, Harry, now that he knows you're a submissive no one else will do. He won't let you mate with anyone else and he won't mate with anyone else… if that happens… if that happens Harry, Malfoy will die." Hermione noticed Harry's glare soften slightly, taking that as a good sign she continued.
"I know you two have a bad past and I admit I am not overjoyed with the idea of Malfoy being a permanent part of your life, but could you give it a chance?" When Hermione noticed the reluctance in Harry's eyes she quickly added. "At the very least until we find another solution to this…"
Harry sighed running his finger through his hair. "Fine; I'll do it but only because you asked me to it has nothing to do with Malfoy. And only until you think of a way to get me out of this."
Hermione smothered the urge to roll her eyes at the last bit of Harry's reply. 'Now the fun part of this conversation...' She thought sarcastically.
"How much do you know about a dominate's madness?" Hermione asked, glade Malfoy had cooperated with her questioning.
"If they don't mate by a certain time after the seventeenth birthday, they start going crazy then die." Harry answered; trying to remember what he had read in the book he was given.
Hermione nodded. "Yes, that's the basics of it. In Malfoy's situation he has; up until recently, been taking a suppressant potion courtesy of Professor Snape. But since he has been taking it for such an extensive period of time, the potion is having little to no effect on him."
"For the most part, he seem pretty sane to me 'Monie." Harry added uncaring before Hermione could continue.
"You didn't see him when they tried to keep him away from you in the garden." Hermione mumbled as a shudder ran through her body at the memory. She cleared her throat before she continued. "The only reason he's behaving is because of you Harry; you calm him, keep him from slipping into the madness."
When Hermione looked up to see Harry; once more starring at the pillow he had thrown, she thought her words weren't getting through to the submissive. As a few more minutes passed in silence she quickly thought of another form of attack. Only to be stop as Harry inhaled deeply then exhaled slowly.
"So all I have to do is be near him?" The submissive questioned.
"Not exactly; you see at first just being near you was enough but now that physical contact has been made… in the sitting room when he hugged you that is… it now requires more and more physical contact." Hermione finished quickly, then waited for Harry's reaction.
Just outside the room Draco stood with his ear pressed against the door; straining to hear what the two Gryffindors were discussing. The question of whether he should trust Granger in the fore front of his mind.
He growled in frustration when all that greeted his ear was low murmuring; none of which he could make out through the thick oak door. Pushing back he decided to pace to pass the time when loud banging at the front door drew his attention down the hall.
Draco looked back at Harry's door then back down the hall, debating if he should go see who it was. His curiosity quickly got the better of him, he rushed down the hall not wanting to be away from his submissive too long.
The dominate caught sight of his former house elf; Dobby, once he finally made it to the front door. The creature was starring nervously up at the blurred outline of what seemed to be a group of people on the other side. Draco stepped closer; startling Dobby who jumped back against the wall, to get a better look at the group.
He frowned when he noticed fiery red hair. "Weasleys."
"Slimy!" Hermione ducked as Harry shouted, throwing yet another pillow from his bed.
"Pompous!" Harry ripe a powder pink pillow with the image of a white cat on it; that kind of reminded Hermione of Hello Kitty. She wondered briefly; as the small white feathers that filled the once pillow floated in the air around them, why such a pillow was on Harry's bed.
"Self-severing Slytherin bastard!" Harry crawled to the foot of the bed climbing off; he balled his fists and started stomping toward the door. "I changed my mind! I'm going to kill him right now!"
Hermione sighed as she quickly crawled across the bed, as soon as her foot hit the floor she sprung toward Harry who had made it half way across the room. When she was a foot's length away; determination set in her mind, she leaped the distance catching Harry around the waist and taking him to the ground with her.
Draco narrowed his eyes at the image of multiple red heads on the other side of the door. "Leave it to Weasley to tell his whole bloody family." As this thought drifted through his mind his frown turned to a smirk Weasley's little slip up was sure to draw Harry's anger away from Draco.
The loud banging started again, pulling him from his musings. He could hear muffled shouts outside; guessing the Weasels had figured out it was him on the other side of the door.
Taking a cleansing breath; to preparing himself for the inevitable outburst that was to come once he let the group of Weasels in, he unlocked the various locks and turned the knob.
Harry hit the ground with a loud thud, all the air in his lungs forced out in one gasp as the weight of Hermione landed on top of him. He could feel the stinging from his neck down to his feet; where his body had been smacked against the ground.
Hermione slowly let go of Harry's waist; pulling up, she starred down at him, hoping she hadn't knocked the boy unconscious in her attempt to stop him. "Harry?" She questioned nervously, poking him on in his back.
Harry's first response was a groan of pain, he tried to left himself up, only to be pushed back down to the floor by a pair of hands on his shoulder blades and the weight of Hermione sitting on his lower back.
"Good you're still conscious." Hermione said as she continued to hold down the submissive, who was starting to struggle. "I'm not letting you up until you calm down, Harry."
"I'm perfectly calm. So let me up… so I can kill Malfoy!" Harry ended in a shout; having gained back the air that was so abruptly knocked out of him, he spun half way, throwing Hermione off of his back.
Not expecting to be thrown off Hermione yelped as she was tossed, when she looked up Harry was already across the room almost at the door.
Harry having looked back to smirk at his friend; and her failed attempt to deter him, didn't see the remains of one of the many pillows he had destroyed only a few minutes ago. Thus it came as a great shock to the savior of the wizarding world as he slid across the floor and into his bedroom door.
Draco turned the knob, quickly stepping back as the door was slammed open. He watched silently as the group of four rushed in; Ron Weasley hanging between his brothers and the Weaslet trailing in behind them.
The dominate studied his rival as the group came to a stop in front of him, he noted the fresh blood smeared on the other boy's face and the dry sweat clinging to Weasley's skin.
"What the hell are you doing here Malfoy!" Draco was pulled from his observations when the injured Gryffindor snapped at him.
Draco looked bored at each of the Weasley's then back at Ron; who was pushing his brothers off of him so he could stand on his own. "I could ask you the same thing; here I was thinking that a secret was something you didn't go around telling everyone."
Ron clenched his fists, ready to use the last of his energy to attack Malfoy when Fred and George grabbed his shoulder again.
"Your one to talk Malfoy; we wouldn't have to be here..." George stepped toward the platinum blond, still keeping a hand firmly on Ron's shoulder.
"…If it wasn't for your father." Fred finished staying back to keep his younger brother at bay.
"What does my father have to do with anything?" Draco starred back at the twins in confusion.
"Don't play dumb Malfoy; why else would he come to our house to question Ron and Hermione about Harry?" Ginny who had been quiet the whole time, pushed pass her brothers and stood face to face with the dominate veela.
Draco narrowed his eyes in anger at the younger girl for accusing him of betraying Harry; not to mention the fact that this girl believed that Harry belonged to her and it was gnawing on his last nerve. "I haven't told my father anything, I've been here the whole day. If you don't believe me ask Granger, not that I need to prove myself to you!" He snapped back taking an intimidating step toward the small girl.
Ginny flinched at the dominated aggressive movements, she could almost feel the anger emitting from Malfoy. She steadied her nerves before she spoke again. "Why are you here anyway? Harry saved your life, the least you can do is drop this stupid rivalry and stay out of his!"
Draco closed his eyes as they started to cloud over, he could feel his emotions of jealousy and anger beginning to overwhelm his already weakened state of mind. His veela instincts were screaming at him to get rid of this threat to his and his mate's relationship.
George watched as the conversation between his little sister and Malfoy started to escalate. "Shit." He cursed under his breath; quickly reaching forward and grabbing Ginny shoulder pulling her back. "That's enough Ginny. Just drop it."
"What are you doing George, are you defending Malfoy!" Ron shouted managing to pull away from Fred's; who had noticed what his twin had noticed only a few moments to late, grasp.
"Listen Malfoy I don't know what the hell you're playing at but I do know that I will never let you take Harry!" Ron shouted at Malfoy; who was clenching his fists, as he pushed past George and Ginny.
Fred rushed to his twin and sister; who were standing behind Ron, just in time to see Malfoy's eyes snap open completely silver.
"Harry?" The fog of unconsciousness slowly dissipated as Harry heard someone calling him, revealing a numb pain pulsing on his forehead. For a brief second it reminded him of the past pain he would have from his scar after one of Voldermort's attacks on his mind.
The voice; Hermione's voice echoed through his mind again, beckoning him to reluctantly open his eyes. "Yeah, I hear you 'Mione." Harry answered as his vision was filled with curly brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Good." Hermione's smile turned to a smirk as she smacked Harry on the forehead then stood up. "That's what you get for tossing me like you did."
Harry slowly sat up clutching his forehead; where a headache was starting to form. "You tackled me!" He retaliated back to trying to rub the headache away.
"Well, you were being unreasonable. Honestly storming off like that, what did you except me to do?" Hermione responded leaning against the door as she starred down at Harry.
Harry rolled his eyes, giving up the argument. "Fine." The submissive cautiously got to his feet; noticing Hermione was leaning against the door he waited to see what she would say.
Hermione shook her head, turning she twisted the knob and gently opened the door. "If you hate Malfoy so much that you would doom him to death, then no one has the right to ask you to help him Harry." The brunet witch locked eyes with her friend; this was her last idea to convince Harry to give Malfoy a chance.
Hermione's words echoed in Harry mind his eyes locked with her honey ones unable to pull away. He could feel the familiar feeling of guilt sipping through his entire being, mixed with a hint of resentment toward his friend for playing on his weakness to help no matter who it was that needed it.
"'Mione I -" Harry's reply was cut short as a woman's ear piercing scream filled the silence of the manor from just down the hall. Harry looked at Hermione; surprise and panic evident in his eyes, he could tell that scream anywhere… Ginny!
So here it is another chapter to my fic, what did you think?
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