Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
I'm sorry for the late update but to be honest I thought about no longer posting. I have finished a lot more chapters and I don't have the time and I don't want to change them. I wrote them exactly like I thought it right for my story and uploaded them here because I realized other people would like to read them. Lately I get more and more negative reviews. It's okay if you want to express negative thought and you never flamed me until now but still it is encouraging me to post. I always feel like apologizing for what I wrote and that I won't change it. I enjoyed what I wrote and that's what I did it for. More and more I get the feeling people would like to change a lot of what I wrote and wish I would be changing to a path I would never go with this story. So I'm sorry for those who hope I will still change anything. This is the last time I apologize for what I wrote or what didn't write. From now on I will post as long as I have chapters back from my wonderful beta and I see that there are more people interested than disappointed of what I post.
I hope that's the best solution for you and me.
Characters: Neville, Draco, Hermione, Janto, Roland, Igor, Fenrir, Yorik...
Warnings: wall sex, public sex</i>
Chapter 30 – Starting Heat
“They are Elders, pup, and you're far away from being one of them,” Severus said, amused after reading her mind.
“Thank Merlin,” Fenrir muttered and sat down beside Hermione.
“I'll go and send for some food. I will see you later, pup. Rest and stop thinking. Things are back to normal,” Ages said and left the room.
Hermione woke to a small body snuggling closer to her. She winced and the person stilled.
“Did I hurt you?” Draco asked, worried.
“My bum is one big bruise. What did you think would happen when you rubbed yourself on it?” Hermione asked, but she wasn't angry with him. It felt so good to have Draco around. It made her feel warm and safe. As if everything would be alright now.
Hermione opened her eyes and saw that Neville was laying on her other side.
“Are you all right?” Neville asked softly.
“As right as I can be with a bum swollen to the size of a bus wheel.”
“It's not so big,” Draco said, amused, and stroked over her heated flesh.
“Ough, are you dumb,” Hermione protested and batted Draco's hands away. “That hurts.”
“It should. Running away from us! Are you stupid? What would we do without you here?” Draco asked seriously.
“I wasn't thinking straight.” Another shout of pain escaped her when she sat up.
“Yeah. Hermione Granger doing something without thinking it through. You really are a werewolf now, and an impulsive submissive to make matters worse.”
“Very funny.”
Now even Neville snickered. It was good to see Hermione back to her normal self.
“Oh, we were successful, Jeanne d'Arc,” Draco said, grinning.
“We succeeded in our plan. Neville protested vehemently against Karl and blurted in his face that he would never ever let him touch him because of his harassment lately. First he looked surprised and thought he could just convince Neville by fondling him, but Neville had pushed him away and called for his mate.”
Draco could hardly talk because his face muscles hurt from the permanent grinning. “You should have seen him. You would have been proud of him; he instinctively did the right thing. Karl got his fist domination fuck in front of almost the whole clan and the Eldest were there as well. Then he really tried have a go at me, but I thought you wouldn't have wanted me to let him have me so he could level up. I did right, didn't I?” he asked, feeling a bit insecure now.
“Of course it was right, but you shouldn't have done it just because you felt I wanted it. They really need to learn that they can't push you around like that. They always claim that we are something good and something to care about. They should earn the privilege to have intercourse with you, with us.”
“Merlin, you sound like Darius. You definitely spend too much time with him. Fuck, Hermione. It's called fucking.”
Hermione rolled her eyes, and Neville snickered. “So what happened then?”
“You could have heard a pin drop in the room when I also rejected him and told him that I don't think he deserved my body. And then the Eldest started to clap. Can you believe that? They clapped and nodded reassuringly to us. They called Karl in front of them and told him that he would not level up and should think about his behavior, but I think they talked to all the dominants, in a roundabout way. It was amazing. It was so sad that you couldn't be there.”
“Oh, yes, I would have wished to see their faces,” Hermione said dreamily, but then snapped out of it. “What happens with him now?”
“He has to stay in the basic training of the warriors, as you need to be at social level one to go on with the warrior training. The ranks are very tightly woven. You need to level up socially to be able to level up as a warrior. You made several dominants jump up into higher social ranks which made room for the lower ranks to level up as well. Therefore it is double a punishment for Karl that he can't level up as fast as his friends.”
“Whom did I enable to jump up?”
“Toric, for example. He and Darius leveled up two ranks because of you, and Darius already was high in social rank and already had veteran status in the warrior ranks. So he is one social rank lower than an alpha now.”
“This is all so complicated. Who memorizes all those ranks?”
Draco shrugged. “The Eldest. They have it all in their heads. They are incredible.”
“Only we will never rank up. We will always stay stupid little subs,” Hermione said and stood up from the bed. She winced, rubbing her bruised bum.
“I definitely didn't felt like a stupid sub this afternoon. Did you Neville?” Draco asked.
“No, it was almost as if we were in rank with the Eldest. It was really cool.” Neville smiled proudly at Hermione which warmed her heart.
“I'm glad the plan worked and you two finally realized that you have a word in all of this and that the dominants are the ones who have to bow in front of you for you to give them pleasure.” With that, Hermione went to the toilet.
When she came back in the room, Amaris was there and the boys were gone. “I sent them off to get ready for supper. Are you feeling well enough to come to?”
Hermione blushed, thinking about the embarrassment of facing the clan after her punishment.
“Pup, the punishment was all they needed to make them certain you learned from your mistakes. They will be happy to see you up and around. Come on, make Fenrir proud and come with me.” Amaris smiled reassuringly to her and held her hand out.
“I need to change. I will not go outside in my nighty.”
Amaris chuckled. “I will wait upstairs but remember the punishments, pup. No underwear and always an escort as soon as you leave the quarters.”
Hermione nodded, ashamed. She wanted to be good for her mates, and she would obey the rules even though she hated them. Going without her knickers made her feel so naked and insecure. Her feet looked ridiculous with the thick bandages but at least they were only hurting slightly.
She would avoid wearing the skirts as long as possible, even though she could bet Fenrir would force her to wear them from time to time. At least she had some longer ones by now and not only the mini from her first days here. She had gotten clothes from several dominants with whom she had had sex. Maybe this was some kind of codex here. Have sex with a pup and then give her clothes. Draco and Neville also had gotten a lot of clothes, and Hermione had laughed hard about some of the things they got. Neville, for example, had been given a black net shirt from Igor and a pair of tight short pants from Roland. Draco also had a tight but long black pair of leather pants he had gotten from Igor, but he hardly wore it because it was just too warm in the house and he hadn't one moment of rest because all of the dominants were all over him. Hermione could understand them enjoying the view when Draco wore them.
When Draco found out about her liking the pants, he wore them more often to seduce her, but only when he knew Hermione would come in Severus' quarters and he hadn't the need to wear it for long.
Hermione didn't dare look up when she limped into the dining room with Amaris. The chatter became softer but thankfully didn't die down completely. The moment Hermione sat down two hands were in the back of her shorts to check if she wore any underwear. The wincing she displayed brought all eyes on her, and her mates withdrew their hands from her bum. After a while Hermione dared to look up and let her eyes wander over the room. It seemed things really were back to normal. Nobody looked angry at her and many even smiled in her direction or winked at her. Even the normally, so-serious Igor smirked at her. Slowly Hermione relaxed. Yes, it was good to be here. These people were her family. She couldn't remember why she had wanted to run away at all.
Severus had made clear that Hermione wasn't allowed to hold Roland's reaction of attacking Severus after Ages’ domination fuck against him. He had explained that he hadn't expected anything different from Roland and that it was all right. The two men behaved normally, and so it seemed to be true. As so often remained the case, Hermione couldn't understand the way the dominants were thinking.
Severus’ instructions made her endure Alpha Roland’s attentions when he advanced on her in the hall. “Hmm, I like your new dressing style,” he whispered in her ear after he had pushed her against the wall. His fingers were sneaking into one leg of her shorts and fondling her lips teasingly. He moaned after sniffing her neck. “And you are so close to your heat as well. You make me all crazy.”
Hermione felt Janto’s eyes, her guard at the moment, as he leaned against the wall a bit away from her. Her body was reacting to Roland's ministrations and she couldn't suppress a moan.
“Hmmm, so receptive today, pup. So right here, or somewhere else?” He squeezed her nipple and pressed one finger deep into her sex to make her crazy with lust. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he would try his best to get it.
Hermione moaned and tried to not be overwhelmed by her lust which was hard because first of all, Roland was a master with his hands, and secondly because she already felt her heat. She could hardly go a few meters before she felt attracted to a dominant and obviously was sending pheromones out, so the dominants advanced on her immediately. That was the reason why Hermione needed at least thrice as much time to go from one place to another today and there were still three more days until the full moon. If Tara was right, she would have this problem even four days after the full moon as well. At least she had some peace after sex. It seemed she wasn't sending out so many pheromones then and the smell of another dominant on her shooed the others away for some time.
That was the reason why Hermione finally gave in, or at least that was the excuse she used for herself to let Roland have her right here in the hall.
By now all the kids must have left the hall and were alerted not to come here again for a time. Roland sniffed to sense the surroundings to be sure, and then he started to whisper more seductive words into Hermione's ear while he pushed her shorts aside and entered her slowly.
She whimpered with discomfort for having been taken so often today and because of his size, but when he stilled within her, she produced more lube and this time even the painkilling and healing lube. Sometimes being a sub really had its benefits.
Roland moaned deeply because he knew how much it turned her on. It was a known fact under the dominants that you could make her legs weak from doing so. The tactic worked again, and Roland had to steady her because she almost sank down against the wall. “Merlin, please, Rol... alpha Roland.”
“Much better, pup. Much better,” Roland said and bit her earlobe playfully while he took her with slow, agonizingly slow thrusts. “Tell me what you want, pup.”
Hermione groaned. She hated this, and Roland loved it so much to dominate her like this. “Please.”
“Please what?”
“Faster,” Hermione said defeated, but moaned happily when he obeyed.
“Next time just don't make it sound like a command, pup, or I will go slower.”
“Sorry.” The funny thing was that she really felt sorry because she knew that he wanted her very submissive and she wanted to please him.
Soon Roland lost his interest in playing around and let himself be overwhelmed by the scent of the pup. She was like a drug when she was in heat and his beta could just stand so relaxed beside her because he already had her twice today. Roland could smell that. He was pounding into Hermione with hard stabs of his cock now, and she was very vocal in her pleasure. The likelihood that down in the warrior wing some cocks were pulled out and wanked was high by her volume. When Hermione came she lost control of her muscles completely, and Roland had to hold her while he pumped his seed into her.
Roland growled when he was finished, and Hermione slowly got control of her limbs again. “I wish I could take you on the full moon, pup. I think I will have to beat up my beta within the next couple of days to get my anger out from him being able to just stand there while I’m unable to control myself.”
With that he sucked one last time at Hermione's junction between shoulder and neck and then shoved her into Janto's arms. “I will beat that grin off your face when your guard shift with her is over, beta.” Growling, Roland walked away and left a worried Hermione and an even more grinning Janto behind.
“You don't have to worry, pup,” Janto promised her.
“But he said he will beat you up.”
“And? What are you talking about? How can that not worry you?”
“It's normal. That's how it is to be a beta.” Janto decided he needed another tactic to distract her. “Nevertheless, I'm quite touched that you are so worried about me, pup,” he said while he pressed her against the wall.
“Janto,” she protested.
“What?” he asked innocently.
“I'll soon be sore, and from what I have heard about my next full moon, I should try to not be sore during it.”
Janto chuckled. “Spoilsport, but yes, you are right. Next full moon will be very challenging for you and so very pleasurable for me.”
To be honest, Hermione was very worried about the next full moon. They had explained to Hermione that she would be able to communicate with the others but that she needed to be careful because her pheromones would make it hard for the werewolves to control themselves around her. Not even her mates could promise her they wouldn’t try to get in another round of sex like the last full moon. At least Miller assured her that this time she would have no problem staying wet.
Severus had improved the potion they had used last time, and all her mates and some others wanted to try it out this time. Ages had given his okay because this time the potion was well developed, and Severus was certain about it. Hermione had a vague feeling that the reason for some of the other wolves taking the mind control potion had something to do with her as well. At least Roland didn't seem to be one of them as he was so sure he wouldn't get a go at Hermione.
Hermione hardly could walk straight and she wasn't even in her heat yet. At least the dominants stated it like that when they ravished her and she had checked if she was getting the efflux for the tenth time now. At least in the toilet cabin, she was allowed to be alone. Outside she could hear her current guard, Igor, talking with some other dominants while they were all obviously relieving themselves, if Hermione interpreted the noises correctly.
When Hermione checked herself this time she looked shocked at her hands because they were covered with brownish red fluid. She didn't know why this shocked her so much but it did. She had forgotten to ask Tara what she was doing about the efflux so as not to soil her clothes and now she was stuck in the cabin without any help. She rubbed herself almost raw in an attempt to get the efflux off her center.
“What's going on, pup?” Igor asked, obviously alarmed by her smell of fear, or maybe she was already smelling like pain because she had rubbed too hard to get the thick efflux off of her. Hermione could hear the other dominants coming over to her cabin as well and she hadn't been allowed to lock it. Before she could reach over to do it now, Igor pulled the door open and grabbed her outstretched hand. “What are you doing? What's wrong?”
Hermione's face started to turn red. “I need to talk to Tara,” she said miserably.
Something in Igor's eyes changed. They seem to flicker from his normal green color to yellow in high frequency. His nostrils flared, and he groaned. The dominants behind him reacted the same, and when they stepped closer to her she became scared.
Igor flashed around and snarled loudly at the dominants, and they stepped away from him. All except one. Castor, a low level, didn't budge and growled back. “It's her decision.”
“She has not mated with you once, and she is scared. You should smell that,” Igor said angrily and still held Hermione's wrist tightly which made her sit on the toilet very uncomfortably, her upper body stretched forward. This was scary.
“I can make her lose her fear,” Castor said.
Hermione screamed when Igor suddenly howled in some crazy way she hadn't heard before. It was close to the howl the guards had used when she was outside in the forest. Igor turned to her, shoved her backwards and commanded, “Stay inside here until I get you out.”
Castor jumped him from behind and sank his teeth into Igor's shoulder. Hermione screamed in fear, but Igor grabbed Castor by his hair and pulled him off his shoulder, a good piece of his shoulder with him. Hermione looked in horror at the scene in front of her until the door of the cabin was pushed close by Igor after he had sent Castor flying against the wall of mirrors opposite them.
Hermione couldn't remember when she had been so scared before. She hugged her legs to her body, her efflux long forgotten. Outside her cabin a mirror was crashing and she heard more people come in the room. She wanted to grab for the lock to make her safe, but she didn't dare. What would it do? They were so powerful that they could smash the wooden walls easily with their bare hands.
When the cabin door was opened, she held her breath.
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