You Will Not Kiss Me | By : Prosperosdaughter Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Snape/Remus Views: 22878 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: JK Rowling & her associates own the Harry Potter universe and I make no money from my stories. |
Chapter 30: Departure and Impending Arrivals
Dear Padfoot,
I've received your letter. I'm so pleased you've found refuge out of harm's way. I cannot describe my happiness that you were not the traitor. Looking back on it, I don't know how I ever thought it. It went against everything I knew of you for ten years. Of course, that's tempered by the sadness that it was little Peter who sold our friends to LV. I could never have predicted it - never! But you are back, my brother, and you will always be able to count on me.
As for that night: well, you have no need to apologise to me at all, Padfoot. I shouldn't have left the castle on a full moon without my Wolfsbane Potion. I was a danger to you all. Severus had every right to be angry and restrain me, and, your mutual longstanding grudge nothwithstanding, you were considered a dangerous escapee by all. Why should anyone believe Peter lived? You should at least try to be fair, Padfoot. We all believed you were there to kill Harry, after all.
Snape, who was sitting at his desk in his drawing room, with Lupin at his shoulder, stopped reading and looked at Lupin, startled.
"Well, I'm hardly going to tell him in a letter everything that had really happened with the Mind Break. However, there is truth in what I have said there, nonetheless. I should have known better. I knew you'd be in my office shortly with the Potion but I was so stunned when I saw Peter that all good sense fled from me. And it is true I could have killed you all," Lupin stated, and there was a pink flush of shame visible from his collar. Snape squeezed Lupin's arm reassuringly.
"The Weasley boy and I were unconscious on the ground – why do you think you didn't attack us?" Snape asked.
"I'd had the Potion all week and I believe I retained just a small portion of my mind. I recall Sirius transforming to get me away from everyone and then I ran into the Forbidden Forest. I don't remember any more. As for the rest, had I not seen Peter with my own eyes on that map, but just seen Sirius, I don't think I would have been any more temperate than you were."
"I don't believe it's in your nature to be as intemperate as I, Remus, but I appreciate this loyalty very much although I'm not sure I deserve it," Snape said quietly, reading the paragraph again and imaging Black's anger when he did so, but still feeling the piercing shame of betraying Lupin's affliction to the world. Snape continued reading.
I myself will be working for Gringotts until next summer in Egypt in the curse-breaking division with Arthur and Molly's eldest son, Bill. That was the upshot of the publicity about my condition, so some good has come of it in a round about way. Gringotts have no issues with my furry problem! Who knows: perhaps there might be something permanent in the long run although I'd prefer it to be here.
You know that Gringotts have excellent security. I can't see that I'd be able to meet you in Egypt but perhaps when things have died down, we can try to meet and talk somewhere more amenable.
Of course, I forgive you. I'll say it again. Fourteen years have passed since that terrible night, Padfoot. You have really had no opportunity to heal. I hope we can find Peter soon and clear your name. You'll never really heal until we can do that.
I'll sign off now and write again when I have my new details. Take the best care of yourself that you can, Padfoot. And, for Merlin's sake, as your friend, cut your hair. It looked appalling.
Always your friend, Moony.
If it hadn't been written to Black, Snape would have been touched. Lupin was so perceptive. It had never really occurred to Snape, but it must be right that for Black, time would have stood still on that fateful Hallowe'en night: he was a 20 year old man in a 34 year old body with none of the intervening years of experience or mellowing, unlike Lupin. Possibly, not unlike yourself though, his mind whispered slyly.
He hated the idea that any spare time of Lupin's might be spent in the company of Black but he kept it to himself. He'd had many years' practice hiding his true feelings. He needed Lupin and didn't want to lose him to his own jealousy. He could dissemble and Occlude his negative feelings. He would do so.
He and Lupin had spent many hours designing and going over the logistics for the challenge in the Lake to ensure there was the right level of peril for the champions. They had taken their ideas to Dumbledore and he had his input and then went to parlay with the Mer-King to ensure all was acceptable in his kingdom.
"We should, of course, check the conditions for ourselves Severus," Lupin said, somewhat playfully, stroking his mate's back as he leant over their workings. "You harvested quite a supply of Gillyweed, didn't you?" he murmured into Snape's ear.
"Why do you even try to fool me that this would be work-related, Remus?" he purred in response, very willing, remembering their time in the lake at Cadr Idris.
"It's part of the fun, Severus, and a cover story, if Minerva catches us skinny dipping!"
"Are you a wizard or not, Remus?" Snape snorted. "If you can't transfigure a waterweed into trunks, then I'm ashamed to call you wizard."
Lupin laughed and he led Snape by the hand to his own Potions cupboard.
Lupin had chosen a time when all the other teachers would be at lunch so he was sure they would not be spotted. They left their clothes under a protective charm, took the Gillyweed and dived in. No exploration this time. They dived down enough to wash the water through their gills to energise them, then Lupin and Snape kissed their breathless kiss that enervated them both so greatly, as Lupin abraded Snape's bitten chest and entered his narrow, tight sheath of muscle. They writhed and bucked in their weightless dance longer than ever they would have been able out of water, stretching and twisting together, all senses attenuated by their weightlessness and Lupin turned Snape so they could swim.
He thrust in again, holding Snape with one arm to keep him skin-close as he thrust and they swam gloriously drawing on each other's groins. No noise, other than gurgling in the water as this time, Lupin came before the Gillyweed wore off, almighty thrusts into the only place of friction in their world of weightlessness, making Snape come on Lupin's cock alone as he pushed back on to him in need. Their ardour spent, they swam unseeing and unfocused, still connected and only feeling the buzz of that ebbing connection, for those last minutes of the hour as the Gillyweed started to wear off and they made their way to the surface.
After the first five days, the staff re-convened to go through their plans formally in the Great Hall. Each and every task was talked through and the plans were scrutinised and additions and deletions made. It was a fruitful meeting. It would all still have to have the final approval of the committee at the Ministry and appropriate channels, but they were a long way down the line.
"I never understood," said Filius, "why duelling is not part of the championship. I would have thought it would have been a proper test of wizarding skill."
"Perhaps, dear Filius," Dumbledore said, "that is the point. It is a true skill for those who are accomplished and normally beyond the skill of the average teenager who seem to do nothing but grow each other's teeth and toenails and suspend each other by the ankles as a form of duelling." Snape pulled a finger at his cravat uncomfortably as the author of that particular jinx in his youth.
"Well, that's true, " Minerva commented as she passed them.
"Sometimes, you know, I miss my duelling days," Filius said, flexing his wand hand and arm as if in preparation for the parry and thrust.
"I'll spar with you," Lupin offered genially.
Snape groaned and passed his palm over his face. Surely Lupin knew.
Filius squeaked. "Remus! Why not? We have a clear hall." The staff began to murmur appreciatively. "Name your second." Filius was removing his robe and pacing out the correct length of duelling runway and Minerva Conjured a platform according to those dimensions.
"What do you say, Severus?" Lupin smiling, taking off his robe.
"You know that Filius is a champion duellist, I hope," Snape murmured.
"Of course I do. I used to take lessons from him at school. I'm no slouch, Severus. You underestimate me, I think," Lupin grinned.
"Very well, we'll see who's the slouch." He pointed to his chest and smirked. "Death Eater and double agent: no slouch either," he whispered to Lupin.
Lupin moved to him so he was nose to nose. "Werewolf: preternatural senses and speed - better than any Supersensory Charm!" He smiled again and turned to face Filius, his face falling when he saw who was Filius's second, the one who must take over the duel should the first duellist fall.
Albus Dumbledore.
"Sorry, Severus," he said meekly.
"No illegal curses and no physical contact," Minerva stated authoritatively. "Duellists: take your stances. On my count."
The men bowed low and took their stances.
On three, both fired off wordless stunning spells as their shields emanated around themselves and they started to pace each other in a circle.
Snape loved to watch duels, although it was a rare luxury. He was so used to fighting them. He still liked to see how many curses, hexes, jinxes, spells and charms he could identify from the wandwork alone, or better still from some wizards' inability to shield their thoughts from him in the heat of the fight. He couldn't pick up anything from Filius or from Lupin. That surprised him. He suspected that Filius had taught Lupin basic Occlumency when duelling. It was an absolute must to be successful.
Lupin cast Locomotor Mortis that snaked past the shield charm but which Filius deflected and sent it back with interest. Lupin responded with burning hex. Filius squeaked with appreciation and cast flame freezing charm to counter and deflected a further Stupefy that followed from Lupin. Lupin almost had to jump to avoid a further Stupefy from Filius as he sent a freezing charm and a stinging hex in quick succession. Filius deftly avoided the first but was caught on the second, and emitted a small yelp, as he sent Impendimenta in an undercutting motion that almost toppled Lupin. Snape was sure that it was only Lupin's agility that saved him from an unceremonious head over heels. He smirked.
Their wandwork was fast and far superior to that which Snape saw from most Death Eaters. Well, he expected it from Filius, but Lupin impressed him. He thought he'd like to duel him himself another time. On their own.
Lupin recovered quickly and shot Conjured ball bearings with Oppugno as Filius countered without thought with Expulso and finally with an unreadably small Petrificus Totalus, Lupin was in a full body bind and out of the bout. Snape stepped up.
"Oh, isn't it thrilling?" Snape heard Pomona squeal in excitement.
"I foresee disaster," intoned Trelawney. Snape rolled his eyes.
"Fiddlesticks!" snapped Minerva. "They're hardly novices, Sybill."
"Just because they're adults, doesn't make it any the less dangerous," Poppy seethed. "Someone will end up in the infirmary this afternoon, I'll warrant." She murmured the counter-course to the body bind to free Lupin and crossed her arms over her chest and snorted in annoyance.
Snape's style was very different to the speedy flow of Lupin's. His was staccato and deliberate. He cast Deprimo and Stupefy followed by an immediate Expelliarmus, but Filius was prepared, counter-casting against all three so they fell away and casting a stinging hex himself which Snape only just dodged as he cast the water summoning charm and sent a rolling wave towards Filius who wafted the wave away to become air, blowing harmlessly away as he cast a trip jinx countered by Snape casting Avis and sending them flying towards Filius with Oppugno, which were easily deflected by Filius who followed with Stupefy. His Stunning spell reflected on Snape's Mirror spell and Filius flew from the runway, Stunned.
Dumbledore stepped up. Snape swallowed hard and cast Expelliarmus and Stupefy with force, which were deflected without visible wand movement as Diffindo at the platform they were on, Expelliarmus and Stupefy were cast in immediate succession, toppling Snape on the broken platform, his wand flying to Dumbledore as the Stunning spell slammed Snape on his backside without ceremony, causing him to blush furiously.
"Sorry, Severus," Dumbledore smiled. "Sometimes, I don't know my own strength."
The assembled staff burst into applause. The bout was over. Both Lupin and Snape were beaten soundly by the old guard.
Breathless, Snape took Lupin's outstretched hand. "Magnificent, Severus!" Lupin said enthusiastically as he helped him up and gave him his robe.
"Hardly. Albus dumped me on my arse!" Snape mumbled crossly.
"The greatest wizard of our times dumped you on your arse, Severus. And what's your point?" Lupin smiled ravishingly at Snape, and he smiled a small smile in return.
"It hurt," he said in a small voice, feeling slightly foolish. Lupin laughed. "Some Death Eater!" he teased.
The staff disbanded in various directions chattering happily as they recounted the skills they'd just witnessed and how they really should institute proper duelling for the students.
"I suggest we detour by the fifth floor and ... ah... have a bath. Draw out any bruises ..." Lupin said, smiling still at Snape's hurt pride.
"Pine fresh," said Lupin to the statue of Boris the Bewildered and led Snape in. "I can't believe they haven't changed that password in all these years," he laughed as he undressed and found the giant bath towels, always freshly laundered for the prefects' use.
"One thing we need to do first, Severus," Lupin said, and he cast a charm on the pipes. Snape raised an eyebrow in enquiry. "You've met Myrtle, of course," Lupin smiled. "She quite fond of this bathroom. Just a little charm to distract her." Snape snorted, undressed, and watched Lupin moving around in his perfect nakedness feeling the intense heat the man generated in him accumulating fast in his groin.
Lupin began to run the water to fill the deep pool-like tub and chose lavender, fennel and hyssop essential oils being good for bruising, although Snape knew it was really only his pride that was bruised. It was idiotic to think that way: that he could ever duel Albus Dumbledore and win was just idiotic. Nevertheless, on his backside in front of Lupin! Bloody Albus, he seethed gently.
Lupin joined Snape who was sitting at the edge and sat next to him. Snape turned to him and caught his lips and kissed him firmly, and pushed him down onto the tiles so he could work his hands all over Lupin's body, taking Lupin by surprise, but Snape could see it was a pleasant one. He left no part of Lupin unexplored until Lupin was whimpering in need. He ached to his core to take Lupin but wanted Lupin panting for him first.
Snape slipped into the pool and pulled Lupin in after him and they continued kissing as the water lapped around them, the lavender bubbles tickling. Snape moved his hand around Lupin's backside to prepare him and Lupin turned to hold onto the side of the pool, allowing Snape's fingers to penetrate him deeply as Snape sucked and licked on Lupin's neck and kissing up to the side of his face and, on finding his mouth to kiss, he pushed into Lupin, who drew in his breath sharply and groaned as Snape thrust slowly into him his arms holding Lupin's body to him as he snaked one leg around Lupin's thigh to give him greater purchase to thrust deeper into him.
He groaned in his pleasure at the hot friction, tightening his leg hold which drew on his groin harder making him delve deeper still, hearing Lupin groan loudly. He drew his thrusts out slowly, revelling in the excruciating burning which throbbed harder and harder. He drew it out until Lupin begged him to drive him harder, and he sped up his thrust, finding Lupin's cock to grasp it hard and in time with him as Lupin braced himself more firmly. As Snape rolled into Lupin, he started to cry out Snape's name as Snape drove waves of pleasure over him, building his orgasm as strongly as he was building his own, feeling Lupin's muscles contracting around him, Lupin's knuckles white holding onto the poolside to anchor him to feel Snape as deeply as he was able as Snape now snapped into him fast and hard, his self-control unravelling.
Snape's orgasm was coming now and it was strong. Snape rasped in Lupin's ear that he loved him and he repeated it with every thrust of his orgasm, grasping hold of him so tightly he would bruise him, as Lupin came, crying out Snape's name ecstatically. They calmed eventually and on regaining their breath, floated back in the deep scented water and allowed the pool-bath to soothe them both.
The days seemed to pass with alarming rapidity and Lupin had yet to hear from Bill about the night of the 19th.
"I suppose it's early days," he pondered as he helped Snape with his lesson plans.
They only had a few days left together, but the frenetic activity of the first week had eased and they majority of time was theirs now and the filled it with as much physical affection and love-making as Snape could take. Snape surprised himself at how much that was, just as how he was surprised that he felt so very dependent on Lupin for his wellbeing, and his imminent departure distressed him more than he thought was reasonable. He supposed this was what love was. The tenuous yet fierce bond between two lives. He never thought he would have this and he didn't want to lose it.
Snape got undressed for bed while Lupin was in the bathroom. When Lupin came back, he stood at the door, looking at Snape for some time, and then came to sit on the side of the bed, with one arm over Snape's chest.
"Severus," he murmured. "I want to show you how we can still be together when I'm away. You'll need to lose some of your rather strong inhibitions though. What do you think? Can you?" His fingers were tracing around Snape's navel under the counterpane.
Lupin was right to say that Snape was inhibited. He had very rarely masturbated, having always considered that it was a weakness and, well, since being with Lupin, there was hardly any need!
He looked at Lupin questioningly. Lupin leant forward and whispered into his ear.
"Will you masturbate for me? In front of me?"
Snape thought his head would explode, he flushed so deeply. "What! Just like that?" he breathed. "No whispered sweet nothings even?"
"I'll do it with you. I want to show you something."
Snape was mortified. It was one thing to do this in the throes of passion; he didn't mind that at all, but just ... well, just to do it, just like that. He didn't think he could. He wasn't turned on at all.
"It'll be worth it. You'll be able to feel me, even though I'll be away," Lupin promised.
"How, if you're away?" Snape asked breathlessly.
Lupin picked up Snape's hand and touched his fingers lightly to the bite on his neck. Snape inhaled sharply, and so did Lupin, closing his eyes as he did so. He moved Snape's hand to one of his chest bites and circled the bite with Snape's own index finger, moaning low as he did so. Snape felt it too, and watched as Lupin's own nipples harden to that touch.
"It can't be," Snape croaked.
"Part of me runs through your veins from my Claim. I can influence your dreams and we can feel each other through my Claiming bites. It's how I would know if you were unfaithful, but also part of what I can use to keep you faithful to me - so I can keep you satisfied and you don't miss me too much. Do you see? Touch yourself and see for yourself," Lupin rasped, releasing Snape's hand and lay flat next to Snape on the bed with his arms flung above his head and his eyes closed.
Snape circled the other chest bite, feeling far greater pleasure from it than if the bite had not been there, and his eyes widened to see Lupin's back arch and his cock begin to grow, as well as his own. Feeling acutely embarrassed, but too inquisitive and aroused, he stroked both chest bites, emitting a moan himself as Lupin did the same, both their cocks now fully hard, Lupin's visibly twitching. Still circling one chest bite, his right hand moved to the bite below his stomach and as he stroked he could swear his prostate was being stroked and it made him yelp in surprise and pleasure as Lupin groaned loudly, sat up and stared lustfully at Snape and his hands. Snape stroked at it more forcefully, feeling those strokes more forcefully inside himself, making both him and Lupin cry out.
Lupin leant over and took Snape's hand and placed it around his own cock, kissed Snape's lips and smiled and then lay back, gripping his own cock firmly and started to stroke, small moans forming deep in his throat.
Snape watched him briefly then started to stroke himself as his other hand lightly stroked his lowest bite and his hips bucked with the shock of it and a groan tore from this throat. It didn't feel like his hand; it felt like Lupin's! His eyes snapped to Lupin whose eyes had become clouded with lust. Snape started stroking again and couldn't help himself groaning at the feelings inside himself and around his cock that he could see were mirrored in Lupin who was moaning softly and constantly, matching his pace to Snape's own until they were both stroking hard and fast, their hips snapping into their own hands.
Then, Lupin could bear no more, and he pulled himself up over Snape, grabbed his hands to pull them away and Snape opened his legs wide to take him in. Lupin drove home straightaway, both of them already at tipping point and they bucked against each other, the bites having excited both to the very extreme already and they came hard and loudly together without further ceremony.
Lupin held himself over Snape on one elbow, still breathing hard. "I'm sorry," he said hoarsely. "I got carried away. I watched you touch yourself like that, on my bites – it was too much for me. I wanted to show you how we could be together," he smiled at Snape sheepishly at his lack of self control but then saw Snape's very satisfied smile.
"I think the demonstration was ample," Snape purred.
The day before Lupin's departure, they hardly left their bed at all. Snape had ordered some cold food and drinks in the morning so they could stay together in bed, loving each other strenuously as soon as they recovered from each coupling, knowing it would be some time before they touched each other again. Neither did they go to breakfast on the of Lupin's departure. They only finally left off their love-making to shower and make Lupin's pre-arranged farewell lunch.
Lunch in the staff room in which all the teachers had gathered to wish Lupin well was an amiable affair. Lupin was sorry to have missed Moody and left a letter for him with Dumbledore covering the students' curriculm until the end of the last academic year. When lunch was finished, from outside the grounds of Hogwarts, Snape and Lupin Apparated to Diagon Alley. Lupin would be taking an international Portkey from Gringotts itself.
"I will write when I settle in with all the details, Severus," Lupin said, gently. Snape could see that he wanted to take Snape's hand and kiss him goodbye but Snape felt too emotional so Snape restrained himself and stood stiff and formal in front of him. Lupin smiled his understanding, and brushed his hand lightly in a gesture that would be missed by anyone not looking for it and made his way to the reception desk.
Snape watched by the main door as Lupin was led to the staff entrance where he saw Bill Weasley greet him with a hearty handshake and lead him through the door with his hand companionably on Lupin's back.
Snape's whole being burned.
It was 1st September.
Snape awoke feeling brittle following a night of little sleep in a bed too big without Lupin, and what little he had managed was mired in jealous dreams and overwrought imaginings of his own. It had only been one night and look at him! And by this evening, the children would arrive – oh, and Alastor Moody. Oh joy.
I will endeavour to put the rest of the story so far up tomorrow.
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