A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159377 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
Long-time no chat guys, thanks for being so patient with my crazy updates. I think next time I post a story I’m going to finish it so you don’t have to live in suspense. I’ve been distracted by all these story ideas so hopefully you won’t have to wait too long for something else. I’m expecting this story to be another twenty or so chapters as I think the sixth and seventh book are going to kind of smash together just for Snape and Harry’s relationship to work. Anyway thanks to my reviewers SlythindorMalfoy, Djaddict, cullengal101, Lumcer, moodysavage, Jan, Sablesilverrain, casandrahd, jules3677 and Delia Cerrano for the kind words, now on with the chapter!
Chapter Thirty
Harry stared around at the Weasley family gathered in Grimmauld Place. Each of them was lost in their thoughts not speaking and barely looking up as Sirius offered drinks and food.
Harry’s chest clenched at their subdued silence as they awaited more news of their father. Mrs Weasley was at St Mungo’s now and had assured them he was still alive but that was all she’d been able to say.
McGonagall had taken him to Dumbledore where Harry told him what he had seen. The Headmaster quickly jumped into action sending various portraits in his office off to alert the right people. He had gathered the remaining Weasley children and quickly sent them off to Sirius’ house before Umbridge could catch them.
They had all demanded answers from Harry so he had told the tale again and then the awful silence started.
Sirius didn’t seem to know what to do so he made tea no one wanted and got butterbeer no one asked for.
They sat in the kitchen in silence. Ginny was sat between Fred and George dozing off on one of their shoulders for several minutes before switching to the other one. They both leant their heads toward her letting her settle on them without a complaint and gazed at the floor boards as if it had the answers they wanted. Ron had taken to pacing in front of the fire rolling his shoulders restlessly.
Remus Lupin found them that way at five thirty in the morning and took charge.
“Your mother wouldn’t dare let you see your father with no sleep. Up to bed, all of you,” he ordered. The Weasley children all exchanged quick glances before hurrying off up the stairs.
Harry hesitated in following after them but Lupin stopped him and held out a hand indicating the seat beside him. Harry sat down and offered the man a small smile.
“Thank you,” Sirius said softly sitting down opposite them. “I’m no good with kids.”
“You’re no good with anyone really,” Lupin replied and Sirius chuckled a little with a nod of agreement. Sirius offered Lupin some tea as thanks and the man accepted gratefully. He took a sip and coughed handing it back to Sirius quickly.
“Oh that’s mine, sorry,” Sirius said quietly and stood up to make a fresh cup. Harry suspected it wasn’t just tea in that cup. Lupin seemed to suspect the same as he watched his old friend for a few moments, coughing a few more times before he turned to Harry.
“How are you?” Lupin asked and Harry shrugged.
“There’s a monster in my brain,” Harry said tiredly and Lupin offered a small smile.
“Well I know what that feels like,” he said and Harry opened his mouth to backtrack on his words but Lupin shook his head.
“It’s all right Harry. I know you don’t see me that way, I don’t see you that way. It’s our own perceptions that are troubling.”
“I’m sorry Snape put you in prison,” Harry said and Lupin shook his head.
“Snape is the victim. I have been a werewolf for over three decades. I should have known better. I should have more control at my age. I was worse than a newly transformed werewolf attacking him in human form like that. I’m lucky I wasn’t put down.” Lupin said and Harry shook his head vehemently.
“No,” Harry said sternly and Lupin smiled.
“We’re all our own worst critics,” the man said softly and Harry sighed.
“Are you okay though? Was it bad?”
“Well Azkaban certainly isn’t a spa resort but I fared much better than most, a small werewolf perk means the Dementors can’t hit us quite as hard as regular humans,” Lupin said with a pointed look over to Sirius. Sirius glanced at them and then busied himself making tea far more elaborately then required.
“Sirius,” Lupin said sternly but Sirius ignored him.
“What’s going on?” Harry asked curiously. Lupin glared at Sirius but saw the man wasn’t going to turn around so he turned back to Harry.
“What Sirius forced you to agree to this summer was ludicrous,”
“I didn’t force him,” Sirius protested finally turning to face them.
Lupin slammed his hands down on the table making Harry and Sirius both jump in fright. Harry watched as Sirius stepped back into the bench unable to tear his eyes away from the usually mild mannered werewolf.
“You know how much you mean to him Sirius!” Lupin snapped. “You emotionally blackmailed him! Now look what you’ve done! He was so busy trying to be normal he distanced himself from Snape! The one person we know fully trained in Occlumency, which would have been vital to preventing tonight! I can smell the blood on him from here! You don’t know what you’ve put him through!”
“If I hadn’t seen Mr Weasley getting attacked-” Harry started.
“NO!” Lupin shouted cutting over him forcefully. “No! Any connection at all cannot be encouraged. It’s hurting you.”
“I didn’t want that to happen!” Sirius cried, “Of course I didn’t! There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be normal! I wanted him to have just one year without having to worry about the pressure of the whole world pressing down on him. I don’t think that’s a bad thing to want,” Sirius said glaring at Lupin who met the look levelly.
“It is when he can’t be normal. He’s not going to get the childhood that Ron Weasley got or Draco Malfoy got. It’s too late for that! You trying to change it is only making it worse! He’s not a child, he’ll never get to be and you need to accept that.”
“I don’t have to do shit Moony! I’ll treat him how I damn well please! He’s my Godson!”
“The trouble is you don’t see him like that!” Lupin yelled, “I see the way you look at him, you’re not looking at Harry you’re seeing James!”
“HOW DARE YOU!” Sirius shouted. “I know he’s Harry! Of course I do!”
“NO YOU DON’T! You want him to live the life you had with James! You probably haven’t noticed being locked away in prison but James Potter is dead! He’s dead! DEAD! He died and left his only son all alone in the world!” Lupin shouted. “You didn’t have your chance to grieve! You go and you take that chance now because until you move past this you’re not coming near him.”
“What right do you have-?”
“EVERY RIGHT!” Lupin roared standing up and slamming his hands down again on the table so hard it cracked.
Sirius was glaring; his grey eyes were as dark as a rumbling storm as he literally shook with rage.
Lupin stood up taller than Harry remembered him being. Sirius glared heatedly but lowered his gaze and shrank back as Lupin started toward him.
“OUT!” Lupin growled and Sirius bolted past them up the stairs faster than Harry could say ‘what?’
Harry turned to Lupin curiously and found the man was taking slow deep breaths to calm himself down.
“Werewolf thing?” Harry asked quietly.
“Yes,” Lupin replied and tilted his head toward Harry slowly. “Moony sees you as his cub, he has to protect you and Padfoot was interfering.”
“So you’re the alpha?” Harry asked curiously trying to remember what he could about werewolves from his third year.
“Of this little group yes, certainly not out in the wild, I’m not strong enough for that,” Lupin said then leant against the damaged table with his hip turning more toward Harry. “I don’t want to stop you from seeing Sirius, I don’t want to be the bad guy but you have to understand he’s ill. Azkaban took more than just his youth.”
“No, no I understand,” Harry said quietly and Lupin nodded.
“I didn’t want it to be like this at all. I had such a different idea of the future in my mind; I can accept that things aren’t always going to be the way we dreamed at seventeen. Sirius is just having a harder time.”
Harry offered a small smile in sympathy and Lupin sighed shaking his head.
“You should get to bed, Molly will yell at both of us if she hears I had you up till six,” he said eventually. Harry nodded and started up the stairs but Lupin stopped him.
“Harry,” he said, “Don’t ever let anyone tell you what to do, you do what you want and I’ll always be there to support you no matter how crazy everyone else says you’re being.”
Harry reached out his hand to the man and when he took it gave it a small squeeze.
“Even if it’s being with Snape?”
“Even if it’s being with Snape,” Lupin agreed.
“Well you couldn’t stop me if you tried and you know it,” Harry said cheekily and Lupin laughed.
Harry turned and headed off upstairs slipping into the room he would be sharing with Ron for the winter break. Harry wasn’t very tired though so he grabbed some fresh pyjamas and headed across the hall to the bathroom. He had been cleaned up quickly by magic when he arrived in Grimmauld Place but nothing quite felt as good as standing under warm water and scrubbing himself clean.
He re-entered his room and sat down on the bed leaping up again almost immediately as he sat on something hard. He held up the item in the darkness and shuffled over to the dim light of the bedside lamp. It was a small vial of dreamless sleep potion. Harry recognised the hand writing on the label immediately and smiled to himself. He downed the potion quickly and settled down on his bed, falling asleep so quickly he didn’t have a chance to turn off the lamp.
Harry awoke the next morning to find Ron gone. He shuffled downstairs tiredly and found Lupin, Sirius and Snape sitting at the kitchen table. Lupin was happily stirring his tea as he flipped idly through the paper while Snape and Sirius tried to kill each other with only the power of their glares. Harry cleared his throat to announce his presence. The three men turned to stare at him and Harry was made very aware he was still in his pyjamas. He felt more like a child than ever.
“No Weasley’s?” Harry asked no one in particular.
“Molly wanted to let you rest,” Lupin said and Harry nodded in understanding. He didn’t know how he would react to seeing Mrs Weasley; he had practically tried to kill her husband.
Sirius held out a hand and Harry went over to take hold of it. Lupin gave Sirius a look over the rim of his teacup and Sirius huffed letting Harry’s hand drop.
“I can’t even comfort him?”
“So long as you know which Potter you’re comforting,” Snape remarked and Sirius glared.
“Apparently I’m not the only one with that problem,” Sirius retorted.
“Please stop!” Harry whined and the two men fell silent.
“Why is Snape here?” Harry asked taking a seat opposite Lupin. Lupin looked up from his tea and glanced at Snape who rolled his eyes at Harry’s immaturity.
“I am sitting right here Potter, if you have something to say just say it,” Snape said but Harry ignored him.
“Dumbledore would like you to continue your Occlumency,” Lupin answered Harry making the boy sigh and slump in his seat.
“I’m no good at it, can’t I just give up?” Harry asked.
“Of course next time instead of just attacking someone you can murder them,” Snape said and Harry glared at him.
“Tell me about your vision,” Snape said and Harry raised his eyebrows.
“What if I don’t want to?” Harry asked and Snape frowned. “Lupin said I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to and he’d support me,”
“Harry,” Lupin sighed as both Sirius and Snape turned heated looks to the tired man. “Not when it’s about your health and wellbeing. You need these lessons, being attached you Voldemort in such a way is killing you. You need to be able to block him out,”
“But why does it have to be with him? Can’t Dumbledore teach me?”
“Harry-” Lupin started but Harry shook his head.
“No, until you’re quite happy to let your ex-boyfriend rifle through your brain you can’t talk me into this,”
“Boyfriend?” Snape whispered dangerously and Harry raised an eyebrow in challenge. They were still married so he wasn’t ex-husband quite yet but he was certainly an ex and ‘boyfriend’ was the only word that described what they’d had.
“Harry, I know it’s difficult,” Lupin started but Harry cut across him.
“Yeah, everyone knows, everyone understands, but you don’t. You can’t, not really. I mean I barely understand and it’s my life.”
“Harry,” Sirius said leaning toward him and putting a hand on his shoulder. “If I could take this all away from you I would. I wish it was me and not you going through all of this just so I don’t have to see you suffering. I don’t think I’d handle it half as well and would probably have taken a spell to my head by now. You said to me you wouldn’t want to change your childhood because you wouldn’t be you. I hate that you grew up without your parents but I’m so, so pleased you turned out exactly like them without them there to guide you. They would be so immensely proud of what a beautiful, kind, brave young man you became despite what the world threw at you. What the world keeps throwing at you really. You handle it all so gracefully, so fearlessly I don’t know what I’d do if you started to let it beat you down. I’m broken enough for the both of us, you gotta keep it together a little while longer so I have a chance to catch up,”
“I’m just so tired Sirius,” Harry said quietly and Sirius nodded.
“I know,” he said nodding once more. “I know and you’ve done so well so far. But I’ll tell you, in a little while; very soon, you’re going to have a beautiful house, with a beautiful lawn and a beautiful wife. You’re going to have so many kids running around and some dogs there too and spend your days cooking, playing, gardening whatever. It’s going to be amazing and it will feel all that more special because you earned it. You deserve it. You worked for it. You sacrificed all you had to give and more for it and the world will respect it and reward you for it. One day. One day really, really soon.”
Harry leant against the man and wrapped an arm around his waist in a loose hug. One day soon couldn’t come soon enough.
Mr Weasley had to spend Christmas at St Mungo’s. The Weasley children were all excited to see how their father was recovering. They hadn’t been allowed to see him when their mother went because they were worried about security. Today though there were enough Order members about that they could all go.
Ginny was all ready to go standing eagerly by the door bouncing a little on her feet as she waited for her brothers to finish getting ready. Harry stood next to her having woken up earlier then Ron he was already prepared. Ron was hurrying up and down the stairs trying to find his left shoe.
“Harry,” Ginny said softly, aware of Mrs Black’s vile portrait just behind her.
“Is it true that you were looking through the snakes eyes when dad was attacked?” she asked. Harry stared at her quietly. She looked paler than usual in the dim lighting of the hallway, her dark freckles standing out against her cheeks. Most of them were the same shade of pale brown as her eyes. Everyone talked about Harry’s green eyes; they had been his mothers and were bright and big. Harry thought Ginny’s eyes were much nicer than his own they almost seemed to glow like dying embers in a fire. She was the only Weasley girl and the only child who had gotten her father’s eyes. Her orange hair was loose today swinging about her shoulders and a knitted beanie sat on her head to keep off the chill. She was wearing the sweater her mother had knitted and given to her for Christmas that very morning and was hugging herself loosely as she leant on the wall.
“It’s true,” Harry said honestly. Ginny sucked in a deep breath and stared at him.
“Was it him in the snake?”
“I think so, I’m not sure…”
Ginny reached out a hand toward him and Harry took hold of it, they didn’t have to stretch far in the narrow hallway.
“My second year, when the Dementors were around I – I hated it. I could feel my thoughts start to slip away and every breath felt like a shard of ice in my throat, I got so scared. I was so scared because I didn’t know when I woke up, if I’d be me anymore.”
“Sounds familiar,” Harry said and Ginny tilted her head to the side.
“I know it feels like it all the time but you’re not alone. You come and find me if you ever want to talk, okay? I know Ron and Hermione are great but sometimes they can be too busy arguing to really listen,” Ginny said with a laugh. Harry gave her hand a squeeze.
“I will,” he promised and she smiled.
“How very sweet.”
Harry sighed and turned to glare at Snape, letting Ginny’s hand drop.
“Oh please don’t stop on my account,” Snape said coolly, moving slowly toward them.
“Something you needed Professor?” Ginny asked politely.
“I’m glad one of you dreaded mob has manners, perhaps you could encourage your brothers down the same path?”
“Oh I think it’s a little late for them sir,” Ginny said with a small smile.
“Indeed,” Snape said and then turned to Harry. “Potter, you will stay behind today to resume your Occlumency lessons.”
“What?!” Harry snapped.
“Well we can’t have you biting the rest of the Weasley clan now can we? I think they’ve suffered enough,” Snape said and Ginny glared at him.
“Does it have to be today?” Harry asked
“Dumbledore feels the sooner the better,” Snape replied, “Merry Christmas.” He turned on his heel and stalked away cloak billowing behind him.
“What’s it like kissing someone so rude?” Ginny asked.
“He’s actually a great kisser,” Harry admitted and Ginny giggled,
“I’ll have to take your word for it,” she said with a small laugh.
The front door opened next to them and Harry and Ginny ducked away further into the hall squinting at the new comers. It was a few of the order members who had volunteered to escort the Weasley’s today. Harry and Ginny offered polite smiles as the group headed past. Tonks stopped to give Ginny a quick hug and winked saucily at Harry making both teens laugh.
“Bill!” Ginny cried surprised by the last person through the door. The eldest Weasley brother quickly closed the front door and held out his arms for a hug. Ginny hurried forward and leapt into his arms. Bill was tall and lanky like Ron so Ginny had to jump up to wrap her arms around his neck. He held her by the waist with her feet dangling a foot off the floor.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Ginny said slipping out of his arms and taking a step back to look up at him.
“Good to see you too Gin, you’re scaring me by how fast you’re growing up, I remember when you were born,”
“And now I wish you were gone again,” Ginny said and Bill grinned patting her shoulder.
“All right Harry?” he asked turning to pull him into a one armed hug.
“Yeah, good,” Harry said nodding.
“Where is everyone?”
“We’re going to see dad,” Ginny said
“Good, good,”
“Have you seen him?” Ginny asked quickly and Bill nodded.
“Yeah, yeah I’ve been a few times,”
“How is he? Is he all right?”
“Er…” Bill hesitated and Ginny’s face fell. Bill quickly fumbled to reassure her. “He’s fine, completely fine… he’s just not – they’re just concerned he’s not bouncing back as quick as he should’ve.”
“I’ll… I’ll tell mum you’re here,” Ginny said quietly and quickly hurried off down the stairs to the kitchen.
“Well I’m in trouble now,” Bill sighed and Harry offered a sympathetic smile.
Mrs Weasley came stomping up the stairs a moment later with Ginny behind her. The look Mrs Weasley gave her oldest child was one that promised pain later and Bill sighed again hanging his head.
The rest of the Weasley family joined them a few moments later and Ron offered Harry a sympathetic look as he was lead out of the house by his mother. The door shut behind the Weasley’s and Harry turned and headed down stairs toward the kitchen. Snape was drinking tea glaring at Sirius over the rim of his cup. Lupin was quietly reading the paper ignoring the hostile looks shot over his head.
Harry cleared his throat and Snape looked up at him sharply. He stood, stole the newspaper from Lupin and swept out of the room expecting Harry to follow. Lupin sighed and rolled his eyes as Sirius glared after him. Harry gave them both a smile to show he was okay and turned to follow Snape up the stairs.
Snape led him to the sitting room and then sat down on the couch while Harry closed the door and leant against it.
“I thought you were waiting for me to make a choice before resuming these lessons,” Harry said. “I still don’t think I can kill him.”
“Perhaps your mother will jump in front of you and take the curse and it’ll rebound and kill him for you, oh wait,” Snape said opening up the paper he’d swiped from Lupin and beginning to read.
“Dead mum jokes, so witty,” Harry said
“Shall I call you little orphan Harry?” Snape muttered not looking up from the paper.
“Can you take this seriously?”
“You won’t, why should I?”
“I am taking this seriously! I attacked Malfoy and nearly bit Mr Weasley in half; if I don’t work out how to do this I could kill somebody,”
“Potter if you don’t learn how to properly Occlude your mind there are no ‘could have’s it is all absolute certainties. You will kill someone. Already the Dark Lord drives himself to near madness over the connection you share, if he ever discovered just how deep that connection ran he would enjoy nothing more than forcing you to kill your friends.”
Harry looked down at the worn carpet and nudged at a scorch mark that ran parallel to his right foot.
“How can anyone be expected to properly handle this?”
“No one can, it’s why you can get away with breaking so many rules and having no consequences,” Snape said and flipped a page in his paper.
“I don’t want that,” Harry said folding his arms over his chest and frowning at the floor.
“Fine, detention with me first Friday back at school,” Snape said lazily and Harry rolled his eyes.
“That’s not what I meant,”
“I’m not taking it back,” Snape said and Harry sighed.
“I don’t want to be special; I don’t want to be the Boy-Who-Lived.”
“You know what will work, complaining about it,” Snape said sarcastically and Harry stepped toward him.
“Are you going to teach me anything or just be really unhelpful and sarcastic?”
“My personality is naturally geared toward the latter,”
“Fantastic, I’m glad I’m missing apologising to Mr Weasley for this,” Harry said.
“Tell me about your vision,”
“Are you going to look up from the paper?”
“I can multi-task,” Snape said as he turned another page. Harry gave an over exaggerated sigh so the man couldn’t possibly mistake his annoyance for anything else. He once again told the tale of the night Mr Weasley was attacked.
“Where were you?” Snape interrupted his gaze snapping up from the paper. Harry paused in his story and frowned.
“Where were you? Standing next to Arthur? Leaning against a wall? Looking down from the ceiling?”
“Er… I was on the ground – I mean – I was… I was the snake,”
“You were the snake,” Snape repeated finally lowering the newspaper. His face was blank and Harry hated that he couldn’t tell what the man was thinking.
“Yes,” Harry said when Snape didn’t say anything else. “I slid along the floor and I could taste him on the air.”
Snape stared at him with that dark penetrating gaze and offered nothing. Harry looked down and continued.
“He was falling asleep, I could tell because his blood wasn’t pumping very fast, I was going to sneak past him, I wanted to get – somewhere – past him – it was important. I must have woken him up when I went to slide past. He pointed his wand in my face and I struck him, I bit him, I can still taste his blood in my mouth…” he trailed off, his arm unconsciously rubbing the spot Mr Weasley had been bitten.
“When you have these visions where are you usually standing?” Snape asked.
“I’m Voldemort,” Harry said and Snape raised his eyebrows. “I’ve tortured Crouch Jr., Karkaroff and I murdered a Muggle caretaker somewhere. Well he has but it felt like it was me, I mean it wasn’t my hands they were his hands but-”
“Potter!” Snape held up a hand and Harry fell silent. “The Dark Lord does know powerful magic to possess certain creatures. No doubt Arthur was bitten by that monstrosity the maniac calls a pet.”
“Well we certainly don’t want that so teach me,”
“You’ll take my lessons seriously this time?” Snape asked challengingly.
“You won’t whine or complain,”
“Er… my personality is naturally geared toward that,” Harry said with a small grin and Snape frowned.
“Potter,” he said sternly.
“I promise,” Harry said sincerely, “I don’t ever want to experience anything like that ever again.”
“Good. Sit,” he ordered pointing to a dusty armchair. Harry immediately sat without complaint.
“Occlumens comes from the Latin word ‘occulto’, which means to conceal or cover and ‘mens’ Latin for mind,” Snape said and Harry frowned.
The man went to continue on but Harry raised his hand.
“Should I take notes sir? Is there going to be a test?” Harry asked and Snape glared at him.
“You said you’d take this seriously.”
“I am! I don’t care where the hell it comes from I just want to know it!” Harry snapped.
“Magic is a very emotional entity, it comes from within you. You cannot hope to harness powerful and complicated magics if you do not understand them or respect them.”
“I don’t respect you and I understand you,” Harry pointed out.
“Potter,” Snape warned and Harry sighed but fell silent.
“Legilimens is comprised of the Latin words, ‘legens’, meaning reader, and again ‘mens’ meaning mind.”
“So it is like mind reading? You said before it wasn’t,”
“Potter, if you interrupt again I’m going to sew your mouth shut,” Snape snapped and Harry pursed his lips but once more fell silent.
“You have no respect for me or this craft. This isn’t magic you can learn in a classroom by picking up a book. Both branches of this specific type of magic require complete and utter discipline, not just physically but mentally. A skilled Occlumens can turn off emotional responses both their physical response to a situation or word and the mental response.”
“Is that why you’ve got such a good poker face?” Harry asked before he could stop himself. Snape didn’t mind the interruption as Harry wasn’t actually being snarky now but taking a genuine interest by trying to understand.
“Yes, my mind is a carefully organised maze. Yours is in complete shambles with tumbleweeds blowing through it.”
“Wait, you’ve been in my head,” Harry said
“Potter we’ve had several sessions, please don’t tell me you can’t remember them,” Snape said frowning at him.
“No, I meant you’ve been in my head,” Harry said standing up and heading across the room to side beside the man. “When you look in my head – is it – is there just me in there? Is there something else there – something that shouldn’t be?” Harry asked quietly.
Snape turned to him and slid closer so their legs were touching. He took Harry’s face in his hands and stared into his eyes. Harry stared back. He didn’t notice Snape’s presence in his mind. He just stared into those black eyes. Snape’s lashes were thin like his hair but there were a lot of them. With the dim winter light streaming through the window and the flickering candlelight Harry noticed that Snape’s black eyes had small flecks of brown in them. It was quite a startling effect making them seem to shimmer. Harry tilted his head slightly and the brown disappeared.
Snape took a deep breath and pulled back slightly having found whatever it was he was looking for.
“There’s only Harry in there,” Snape said softly. Harry let out a small choke gasp of relief, he hadn’t realised he’d been holding his breath.
“Just Harry?”
“Just Harry,” Snape confirmed.
Harry leant forward, quickly closing the space between them, and kissed Snape firmly on the lips.
“What happened to taking time apart?” Snape asked almost mockingly and Harry shrugged.
“Well, I’m a rule breaker,” Harry replied and Snape smirked pulling him onto his lap. Harry went happily and leant in once more for another kiss which Snape quickly took control of. Harry melted against the man, enjoying the return of something familiar and consistent in his ever changing world.
Last update for the year so a quick Merry Christmas for those who celebrated and happy holidays to everyone else! No matter what you did I hope you enjoyed the time spent with family, friends or that you got to do something you love.
Also my very best wishes for the New Year! Tell me what your plans are for New Year’s Eve. I’m keeping it quiet because I’m flying out to New Zealand the next day, yay!
See you guys next year, Nina
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