Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Severus saw the door materialize as he approached, and let himself into Shiloe’s common Room. He raised an eyebrow at Black. “Where is Lucius?” He asked.
Sirius sighed, pointing toward Helga’s room. “In there. Have fun.” He said distractedly, looking over a book of popular practical jokes of the Founders’ days. He was especially intrigued with the one that made an illusion of fire appear on the victim’s trouser leg, but only the victim and the caster could see the fire. It made for great fun for any audience that happened to see the victim flailing madly about for no apparent reason.Severus entered Helga’s bedroom and saw the door to the Saferoom slightly ajar. He approached the doorway. “Lucius?”The blonde came out of the bathroom, buttoning up his shirt. “Severus, I didn’t expect you to visit so soon.” He said with a smile. “I am glad I sent an elf to the manor for different clothes. I hate you seeing me looking less than my best, after all.”Severus fought the urge to roll his eyes. Lucius was ever the flirt, but he preferred to have his conquests approach HIM.Severus was the only one that never had.Lucius had tried from fourth year aboard the Express, when he had cornered Severus and stolen a brief kiss, to tease and cajole the enigmatic potions prodigy into pursuing him. But Severus had refused to fall victim to the same game he had seen the blond aristocrat play with so many in their year, tossing them callously aside when they ceased to amuse him, and moving on to the next.His resistance paid off in their sixth year when, over the Christmas holiday, Lucius approached him and asked Severus to be in an exclusive relationship with him, until the blond had to marry Narcissa, as his father had planned.For his patience, Lucius allowed Severus to take the dominant role, something the Malfoy had allowed no one else to do before Severus, and still refused with anyone other than the Potions Master.“So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Lucius asked, sitting in one of the two chairs that sat on the opposite side of the room from the bed. The room was a strange mixture of common room, bedchamber and kitchenette, it seemed.Severus took the other chair. “I heard from Draco that you were here. And that you are an anchor to Shiloe, as well.” He finished in a low tone.Lucius smirked. “Ah, yes. I am looking forward to consummating that relationship, once we work out exactly where we stand. Shiloe are said to be remarkably accommodating in the bedroom.”“Lucius, you realize that he is the same age as your son?!” Severus snapped.Lucius frowned. “He is Shiloe, Severus.” The man stated patiently, as if speaking to a small child.Severus sneered. “What does that have to do with anything?!” The man snapped.Lucius sighed. “And here I had thought we’d found the limit of things your mother failed to explain properly to you. Honestly, the woman should have at least taught you things Purebloods would consider common knowledge. Where else did she expect you to learn these things?” Lucius shook his head with a weary smile on his face. “Severus, for creatures such as Shiloe, that need sex to thrive, there is no legal age of consent. In fact, in any legal proceedings pertaining to them, age cannot be brought up AT ALL. It is simply not practical to put restrictions on a creature that cannot help its needs, and could be created well before the Witch or Wizard has reached the legal age of consent. A Shiloe cannot choose to leave an anchor as one might leave a girlfriend one has ceased to love. They need something from each one that they cannot get from another, even if they themselves do not know what that something is.” Lucius smirked. “And I feel no shame in enjoying what fate has gifted me with. The body he shares with Mr. Potter is a fine form, indeed.”Severus chuckled. “Lucius, one can almost hear the perverse thoughts running through your mind.” He rebuked, processing the new information rapidly.Lucius met his eyes and raised a brow. “Well? What about you?” He asked.Severus shifted only subtly, but Lucius’ eyes narrowed in victory. “WHAT about me?” He asked.“Severus, you sneaky fox! And how was our boy?” Lucius asked, leaning back with a smirk.Severus flushed. “I have no idea what you mean by that.” He said.Lucius hummed in teasing disbelief. “Fine, I’ll just have to see for myself. I wonder if he’d ever wear my collar…”“He might.” Severus spoke softly, giving in to Lucius’ prodding.Lucius’ eyes darkened. “Oh?” The single word was spoken softly, knowingly, and Severus was unable to meet Lucius’ eyes as he explained.“He definitely displayed certain… Submissive qualities while he was with me.” He admitted.“Might I ask what, exactly, you were doing to bring them out?” Lucius asked, smothering a chuckle.Severus flushed a deep red, something most people would have had a heart attack to see.Lucius himself had only seen Severus reach that particular shade a handful of times.“He needed to rebuild his emotional shields, but was at the point of magical exhaustion. I trust you know how Shiloe recharge their energies?” Severus asked tersely.Lucius chuckled. “And of course, you were the only anchor that was learned in Occlumency. That doesn’t answer my question, Severus. What were you doing to bring out the sub in him? I don’t quite think vanilla, missionary-position, garden-variety sex would inspire that.”Severus’ flushed refused to abate. “I might have cuffed him to the bed.” He mumbled.Lucius laughed heartily. “Oh, Severus, what I would have paid to have shared your mind in that moment! I imagine you surprised YOURSELF with that action!” He wiped his eyes as his laughter subsided. “Sorry, DO go on.” He encouraged.Severus ground his teeth and huffed. “I do hate you sometimes, Lucius. I hadn’t quite expected to do that, it just… Happened. I had him in a cock ring and blindfolded, too. Merlin, he moaned so loudly.” Severus sighed and buried his face in his hands. “He said he trusted me to do ANYTHING.” He whispered. “Lucius, I don’t deserve this.” He said softly.Lucius snorted. “And you believe that I do? We may be less-than-innocent, and we may have our faults, but Shiloe still needs us. We need have no dealings with Potter until the time comes that we are faced with no other choice.” He said evenly. “Think about it, Severus.” Lucius let his voice drop, though there was no chance of being overheard. “You will be receiving regular sex, in the flavor you most prefer, with an attractive, willing young partner. You will be doing the Boy-Who-Lived a favor at the same time, by keeping his Shiloe alive and well. It is always good to have the Savior indebted to you.” Lucius pointed out.Severus shrugged. “It is difficult.” He said simply.Lucius sighed. “I suppose, for you, it would be. Purebloods are taught from a young age that a Shiloe is made of pure magic. Thus, their physical age does not apply, or even exist, really. There is always a physical representation of the Shiloe’s form, but their true essence is not subject to the rules of time and age.” He shrugged. “I do not think of him as being Mr. Potter’s age, and neither should you.”Severus shook his head. “I will need time to consider this.” He said.Lucius nodded. “Of course. How is Draco doing in class? Not falling behind at all, I trust?”Severus shook his head. “Not at all. Indeed, I believe he may ask for an Apprenticeship with me by the end of the year.” He said in mild surprise. “If he does, I will have to accept. He is capable of wonderful things with proper effort.”Lucius smiled proudly, giving nothing away. Indeed, he had seen the Potions Apprenticeship paperwork in Draco’s homework, already filled out and ready for Severus’ signature come the end of Draco’s fourth year. “Is he top of the class yet?” Lucius asked drolly, knowing the answer.Severus smirked. “Of course. Right behind-““That Granger chit.” Lucius finished with a sigh. “I am not surprised. It is irritating, though. If only he had been one year off in either direction, the Malfoy family would have retained our record of always obtaining the number one role in academics.” He lamented for the thousandth time.“He has the best competition of all past Malfoys.” Severus allowed.Lucius smiled. “I am proud of him. He does so very well.”“Any news from Narcissa?” Severus asked.Lucius smiled. “Owls have found me through the clearing in the forbidden forest connected to this room.” He remarked with amusement. “It is really very curious. But, no.” He sobered. “Total silence from her. I have no idea what, if anything, she is planning. And I still cannot return to the manor yet.”“Draco says you are now divorced?” Severus ventured.Lucius glanced at Severus coyly from beneath his lashes. “I am. Does this make you happy, Severus? And here I thought you my DEAREST friend.” He teased.Severus raised an eyebrow. “Narcissa was in my way.” He said simply.Lucius laughed softly. “You are such a jealous man.”“I do not apologize for my faults.” Severus said firmly.Lucius got up and kicked his shoes off, pulling Severus to his feet. “Come, Severus. Let’s get into bed.” He said lightly.Severus flushed, though only slightly. “Lucius, we are not seventeen any longer!” He protested, being pulled to the side of the bed despite his resistance.Lucius pushed him into the bed and pulled his shoes off, tossing them across the room gleefully. “I know! But I am a free man once again, Severus, and I intend to act like it! So let’s relax and not worry about my EX-wife, for once.” He finished in a calmer tone, lying beside Severus in the bed and laying his head on the man’s chest.Severus’ hand began carding through his hair, and Lucius sighed. “I missed this.” The blond said happily, eyes closing.*****“How long have they been like that?”“I found them like this ten minutes ago.”“They look so CUTE!”“Helga, shh!”Salazar sighed. “I am disappointed in them, I must say.” He drawled. “Cuddling like this without putting up proper wards.”“Oh, like I would let them come to harm! They were perfectly safe and they knew it!” Shiloe hissed, his eyes watching the two sleeping men, curled together in the big bed fully clothed, looking very cozy.Severus was on his back, one arm wrapped snugly around Lucius’ shoulders, while the blond was laying half-atop Severus’ chest, splayed over the expanse, snoring softly.Rowena and Helga were smiling widely, and Neville was trying not to laugh too loudly. The quiet giggles were easy enough to smother.He had found them sleeping and ran out to get Shiloe’s attention before bed. He didn’t want the men to kill him, but this was something Shiloe had to see.Shiloe smiled. “Well, I think we’d best let them sleep for now. They could use it, and it’s too late for Severus to get back to sleep later.” He spelled the blankets more snugly around the still-dressed men and chuckled. “They’ll just have to wake up midway through the night in wrinkled clothes and have a dreadfully long day tomorrow.” Shiloe said in amusement, before taking Neville’s hand. “Let’s get to bed, Nev.”As they left, Lucius felt a small smile curve his lips as he wrapped both legs firmly around Severus’ thigh. One day, he and Severus would both be curled in bed with Shiloe between them, totally spent and sated.And on Shiloe’s neck, dangling from a black leather collar, would rest a tiny silver serpent with opal eyes.*****“So.” Shiloe propped himself up on one elbow, looking down at Neville’s drowsy face.“Mm?”“Draco had an interesting question for me today.”Neville nodded. “M’kay.” He closed his eyes, deciding that Shiloe just wanted to talk, and he could doze through it.Shiloe narrowed his eyes at the action, and decided to use the full shock value of the proposal. “He asked if he could have a threesome with you and me.” He stated baldly.Neville’s eyes popped open. “WHAT?!”Shiloe smirked. “You heard me. It’s fully up to you, and I told him that. I said I’d tell you what he wants, and when you’re ready, IF you ever want to, you can tell him, or you can have me do it.”Neville’s face reddened. “How… How would that even work?” He asked. “I don’t have two holes l-like a girl, and I don’t think that two… Um…”Shiloe gaped at him. “Oh, no! Not like that! Merlin, NO.” He chuckled. “There are other ways for three guys to have sex together. For an example, you still haven’t taken me. I was thinking you could do that while Draco fucked you. And forgive the term, but I think that might be all it is to him, so keep that in mind.”Neville rolled his eyes. “I’m happy with you, Shi. I don’t NEED anybody else.” He said firmly. “I’ll think about it, but it wouldn’t mean anything to me, either. You’re all I need. Let’s go to sleep now.”Shiloe curled an arm around Neville and felt his lips curl into a smile at his anchor’s words.Then, he sighed. ‘Wait until you’re sixteen.’ He thought wryly.*****Shiloe smirked, watching Neville shift uncomfortably at the Gryffindor table as he ate his fruit and cottage cheese.The teen had in a small, powder-blue buttplug, and Shiloe had instructed him to keep it in all day, removing it only when necessary and replacing it as soon as he was done.He knew it would be removed after class, and that it would be an anchor removing it, not Shiloe, but that was all he had been told.He tried to determine who it would be by which anchor seemed to focus on him most, but he caught both Draco and Cedric watching him over breakfast, several times each. By the end of breakfast, he was worried that BOTH might be involved in the process.“Uh, Sh-Harry?” He asked, on the way out of the great hall, the plug within him shifting subtly.“Yeah?” Shiloe asked, glancing out the corner of his eye at him as they walked.“How many people are going to be… There… After class?”Shiloe smirked. “Oh, only one. But he doesn’t know yet, so he can’t even give you a hint.” He chuckled darkly. “Oh, the suspense.” He drawled in sadistic glee. Neville couldn’t agree more.
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