Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 291248 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
Snow Day
The flat above the fish and chip shop was unassuming—which was perfect. It was the last place any Ministry official would ever think of to look for a gathering of witches and wizards plotting to overthrow the current government in the Ministry. Not to mention that the fish and chips were quite good; Sirius ordered several heaping containers to take back to Number Twelve for the kids and cast a spell to keep them fresh and piping hot, expecting that the threesome at home would still be awake when they got back from the meeting.
Sirius was a bit surprised but pleased enough to see only Mad-Eye Moody waiting when Amelia opened the creaky door to let him and Remus into the run-down flat.
“Are we early then?” asked Sirius, glancing around the room as he hung up his soaking wet overcoat on the rickety brass coat-rack by the door.
“Just on time,” said Amelia briskly. “The others ought to be here shortly. I felt that you should be here before the rest arrive, as this is all your doing anyway. We should have enough time to discuss a few things and set the agenda.”
“Very sensible,” said Remus, smiling wryly. “You’re looking well Amelia—much better than the state Sirius found me in. Are you sure you want to come out of retirement?”
“Yes—well, retirement is overrated,” Amelia retorted. “If there is one thing I learned from my dear departed brother, it is that one need not be an official arm of the government to make a difference.”
“But it certainly helps,” snorted Alastor Moody, who looked oddly out of place seated on the tatty threadbare sofa on the other side of the living room. “Heard you were schmoozing it up with Fudge and Malfoy the other day, Sirius—never thought I’d live t’see that.”
“Good to see you again too, Mad-Eye,” said Sirius, beaming. “As cheerful as always I see. … In any case, you have no idea how hard it was to restrain myself from murdering Lucius Malfoy on the spot.”
“Oh, I think I do,” said Mad Eye, suddenly breaking into an ugly looking grin. “That sounds more like the Sirius Black I used to know. Grab an ale and fill me in before the others get here.”
A few minutes later, Sirius, Remus, Amelia, and Mad-Eye were seated around the scratched and stained coffee table taking sips from tankards of foamy ale while Sirius regaled Moody with his tale of escape and exoneration.
“…Fudge is on our side then?” said Mad Eye incredulously.
“It would seem so,” said Sirius, nodding and wiping some foam from his moustache. “He hasn’t given me any reason to doubt him—but that doesn’t mean he has to know about all this—at least not yet…”
“…And we thought it advisable to keep it that way for as long as possible,” Remus chimed in. “It’s safer for Fudge as well—he has plausible denial should Lucius Malfoy question his role in things if—when—things are likely to come to a head.”
“In the meantime, I’ll be feeling out other Wizengamot members to see how many might actually support a change in policies to return some sanity to the laws,” said Sirius. “I’ll be meeting with members of various committees later this week, so I should be able to get a good general read on the mood.”
“Hmm… Well it ain’t great from where I’m sittin’,” Moody grunted. “A load o’ folk who mighta been on the right side of things before are enjoying the way things are a bit too much after ten years of fun t’go back to the way things were—it’s not jus’ the usual suspects.”
“Unfortunately, that is all quite true,” Amelia agreed. “But don’t let Alastor’s cynicism dissuade you Sirius.”
“Realism, more like!” Mad-Eye muttered.
“When have I ever?” said Sirius to Amelia with a grin, ignoring Moody. “Okay then, just how bad is it?”
“Right then, let’s go down the list,” said Mad-Eye. “Aberforth—no good for obvious reasons—”
“Really?” said Remus. “It’s not like he and Albus ever got on at the best of times. They were always butting heads.”
“Yeah, well, sometimes blood is thicker’n’ water,” Moody growled. “Anyway, if yeh’ll let me continue…”
“Sorry!” Remus quickly took another sip of his ale.
“Right, now as I was sayin’… Sturgis Podmore—too close to Dumbledore—‘specially seen’ as Dumbledore gives ‘im a crack at some o’ the Hogwarts Receptacles. … Elphias Doge—still thinks the sun shines out o’ Dumbledore’s arse. … Mundungus Fletcher—even if he weren’t too unreliable, Dumbledore’s still got ‘im on a leash—he’s another one havin’ way too much fun with Hogwarts Receptacles from what I heard…”
“Of course he is,” Sirius muttered, his features darkening. “I should’ve figured Dung would go with his gluttony.”
Moody’s electric-blue false eye spun around grotesquely and came to rest on Sirius.
“That’s about the size of it,” said Mad-Eye gruffly. “I know he was your friend, Sirius, but he always was a reprobate.”
“True enough,” Sirius sighed. “Okay, anyone else? What about the Longbottoms—”
“That’s right… forgot you wouldn’t know.” Mad-Eye’s crusty expression fell, and for a moment Sirius saw a bottomless pit of despair in his eyes. Then the haunted look was gone, and Mad-Eye’s heavily scarred face was hard again, his permanent scowl fixed in place.
“They’d be better off dead if yeh ask me,” Moody went on. “They were both tortured until they lost their minds—they’re both in the permanent damage ward at Saint Mungo’s…”
“The Lestranges and Crouch Junior,” said Remus miserably. “They’re the ones who did it, a few weeks after Crouch Senior chucked you in Azkaban. I’m sorry Sirius—I thought you knew as well.”
“All I ever knew was that they were in Azkaban—I never knew why,” Sirius sighed dejectedly. “Now I know.”
“Anyway, movin’ on,” said Moody, “Arabella Figg—too close t’Dumbledore of course—not that she’d be able t’do a lot fer us, seein’ as she’s a squib… but still… So there’s only a few o’ the old lot who weren’t killed that I could track down and who had the right attitude. … Dedalus Diggle—he was bloody irate that Dumbledore turned the Potters’ kid into a Receptacle, and the same goes for Emmeline Vance—they’ll both be here in a bit… That’s all of the inner-circle that we can trust. I did manage to find a second-tier Order member who’ll join in—Barbara Spencer—but I haven’t had time t’look for the rest.”
“That’s it?” Sirius was crestfallen, “Just three?”
“That’s the lot…”
Amelia glowered at Moody, then set her square jaw and turned back to Sirius.
“Alastor is referring, of course, only to the official members of the Order—not the allies like myself. I have reached out to Augusta Longbottom, and she leapt at the chance to take her son and daughter-in-law’s place. … I also contacted the Weasleys—they, and their eldest—Bill—would be happy to join us. And—the best of news—they have indicated that Minerva McGonagall would likely be prepared to do everything she can at Hogwarts to assist us—”
“Brilliant!” Sirius’s eyes lit up. “That means that Flitwick’ll be with us too then—I didn’t dare hope… given the risk—they took a big enough risk as it was, helping me and Remus get away with the kids.”
“Indeed! And I was about to say that I believe we should reach out to Xenophilius Lovegood…”
“The publisher of the Quibbler?” Remus raised his eyebrows skeptically.
“Bloody waste o’ time if you ask me,” grumbled Mad-Eye.
Amelia rolled her eyes. “I admit, some of Xenophilius’s views are certainly… eccentric. But he has consistently opposed the Wizengamot and the Ministry’s policies, and the Grand Bargain, for the last decade. Not to mention that he excoriated Dumbledore for turning Harriet Potter into a Receptacle in a recent editorial—”
“Then we should reach out to him,” Sirius asserted. “That’s exactly the sort we need—people who aren’t afraid to challenge the Ministry. So—any others worth approaching?”
“Perhaps,” said Amelia, “There are a few families with children at Hogwarts who may be worth reaching out to—didn’t you say there were several girls who had been trying to help yours escape, Sirius?”
“Of course!” Sirius’s eyes widened. “I didn’t even think of that. I’ll ask Harriet and Hermione who they were. Okay—okay, now things are starting to look up.”
“And we have some new recruits of our own,” Remus added. “Sirius’s cousin Andromeda and her husband have already agreed to join us…”
“Right—that’s a good start then—good enough to be getting on with for now—so how about we think of a new name for the Order?” said Sirius, his face breaking into a grin.
Harriet, Hermione, and Dora passed on a proper dinner in favour of snacks and sweets and butterbeers served up by Kreacher while they watched TV and blasted the stereo, which, Dora assured them, was the best way for teenagers to enjoy an evening free of parents when they were out. Having raided the Dursleys’ kitchen and sat in front of their television the few times they had forgotten to lock her (when she was still him) in her cupboard-under-the-stairs while they were out for the evening, Harriet was inclined to agree.
All that remained was to plan their entertainment, and Harriet and Hermione were perfectly happy to let Dora choose what to watch.
Dora dug through the stacks of videotapes in one of the sideboards, looking for something cool that she thought Harriet might like. The animated version of Lord of the Rings caught her eye, but then she thought better of it given that Gandalf looked a bit too much like Dumbledore which might be a bit off-putting for Harriet and Hermione.
Time Bandits—but she’d rewatched that recently. Terminator—maybe! There were a couple of James Bond films in the piles, and a Pink Panther movie—possibilities. Bladerunner—too serious perhaps. Ooh… Back to the Future, that seemed like a good pick. Dora’s hand hovered over the videotape when she spotted two that she had never seen before but had been meaning to get around to eventually. She peered at Bloodsport for a moment before deciding that it might not be to Hermione’s taste, though she didn’t doubt that Harriet would enjoy it. Big Trouble in Little China looked pretty cool too. Dora dithered for a moment, but then decided to go with her initial choice.
“Oi—how about this then?” she asked, holding up the box. “It’s science-fictiony and it’s a bit of a laugh too.”
Hermione lifted her eyebrows skeptically. Her experience with American films had been limited largely to Disney movies, Star Wars, and a number of dramas and biopics which her parents had deemed educational (and The Omen because it had so many British actors—for which her father had received an earful from her mother after he had rented it one evening—Hermione had had nightmares for weeks after). She hadn’t had much exposure to American comedies before as her parents had seemed to think they were boorish.
“Erm…” Harriet glanced at her with a hopeful expression.
“That sounds lovely,” said Hermione quickly.
Hermione enjoyed the film much more than she thought she would, though she wasn’t entirely certain that the ending made much sense. Harriet was still chortling with laughter, but she seemed to have caught on to the logical improbabilities too.
“That was brilliant,” said Harriet, “But if Marty changed a load of stuff, then what happened to the Marty who would have lived that life up until that point? … I mean, he doesn’t remember any of that life. Shouldn’t he have sort of—erm… I dunno… merged with the Marty who grew up in the new timeline and have those memories too?”
“Well,” said Hermione, “that would make the most sense given the premise, seeing as he was slowly vanishing from the timeline until he fixed things. … Though, I think it would have made even more sense if instead of fading away, he would have simply ended up in the wrong timeline and there was another Marty who did grow up in that timeline—so there would be two of them in that timeline.”
“Oh!” said Harriet, looking thoughtful. “Yeah, I suppose that does, actually.”
“I try not to think about it too hard,” said Dora, chuckling. “Makes my head hurt.”
Then, after blasting the stereo in the parlour for about an hour (at which both Crookshanks and Hedwig had fled the room), the naked threesome continued the fun in Harriet and Hermione’s bed. For a while they diddled each other and brought each other off as they had the previous night. Giddy and giggling, flushed and sweaty from their orgasms, the three girls peered at each other for a moment.
“So, er… D’you want me to, erm… grow a penis again?” asked Dora, voicing what they all seemed to be thinking.
Hermione and Harriet shared a look, then they both nodded
“Yeah,” said Harriet, “Alright then.”
Again, they watched with fascination as a male appendage sprouted from the cleft between Dora’s thighs. And, as before, Harriet and Hermione took turns masturbating and sucking Dora’s penis.
Dora groaned with pleasure as first Harriet took a few sucks, swirling her tongue around the shaft, and then Hermione. After they had alternated a few times, Dora felt like she really ought to be reciprocating.
“Hey, you two,” she managed to gasp, “if you want—I could return the favour.”
Harriet and Hermione were both eager to oblige but were each insisting that the other should enjoy Dora’s ministrations.
“…No, you Hermione,” said Harriet while she stroked Dora’s cock. “I’m having enough fun as it is.”
“Well, okay,” Hermione finally agreed. “But if Dora can manage another go-round after this, then you should take a turn.”
“I’m sure I can manage a couple o’ times,” Dora chimed in, grinning. “Come on then.”
Hermione straddled Dora’s upper-torso, thighs to either side of her heaving breasts as she leaned over to take Dora’s member in her mouth again. Dora licked her lips as she clasped Hermione’s hips and drew her bottom closer to her face, hungrily eyeing the glistening pink petals between Hermione’s slightly parted labia. Without wasting any more time, Dora began to lavish her attention on the younger girl’s heated entrance with her tongue.
A tremor shoot through Hermione when she felt Dora’s tongue licking her vulva. She continued to alternate sucking Dora’s cock with Harriet, the rushes of pleasure growing stronger, feeling Dora’s fingers stroking her little button as Dora’s tongue delved deeper into her dripping sheath.
The waves of bliss crested, and Hermione shuddered as they swept through her; it just so happened that Dora lost herself at the same time while Hermione still had Dora’s penis in her mouth. Dora let out a moan, jets of her boiling semen squirting into Hermione’s throat.
Hermione slurped down Dora’s seed while Harriet planted little kisses all over her face. Her mouth still full of Dora’s cum, Hermione messily returned Harriet’s kiss while continuing to stroke Dora’s shaft which was twitching in her hand. Both of them giggling, Harriet and Hermione licked each other’s lips and Dora’s cock clean.
Harriet and Hermione switched places while Dora was still giddy with ecstasy. Through her haze of bliss Dora felt Harriet’s breasts and perky nipples grazing her abdomen and Harriet’s wet, warm mouth engulfing her still hard erection. Dora’s tongue darted out again and she began to feverishly lick Harriet’s pussy.
Euphoria coursed through Harriet’s veins when she felt Dora’s tongue inside her burning channel. She and Hermione busily applied themselves to Dora’s cock, taking it deeply into their throats one after the other. This time it took longer to bring Dora to completion, and Harriet had already burst once with pleasure, flooding Dora’s face with her nectar, before Dora came.
Dora gasped and moaned again as Harriet gulped down her seed.
Harriet shared her own mouthful of spunk with Hermione in another sloppy kiss and then slumped atop Dora, the three of them panting and laughing. They lay like that a while, Dora cradling and caressing Harriet’s bottom and thighs, and Hermione between her still parted legs.
Hermione was almost absentmindedly sucking Dora’s deflated penis like a child sucking a thumb while Harriet gazed into her brown eyes with her own green orbs. They could almost see what the other was thinking.
“I love you, Hermione,” Harriet whispered, “and I’m really glad we’ve got Dora too. It’s really nice—I never thought I’d actually enjoy, er… you know…”
“Sucking a penis?” said Hermione quietly, grinning as she released Dora’s flaccid member from her mouth.
“Yeah—that,” said Harriet, smiling ruefully at Hermione. She glanced at Dora’s cock with a thoughtful expression.
“I wonder…” she murmured, trailing off.
“Wonder what, Harriet?”
“…erm,” Harriet flushed, suddenly feeling embarrassed, “…er…I guess I was wondering what it would be like to, er… have sex…” she trailed off again, her face burning.
“I thought that was what we were doing,” said Hermione primly. Harriet opened her mouth to retort, but Hermione put a finger to her lips.
“I was just teasing, Harriet. I know what you mean.”
“So—what do you think then?” asked Harriet. “D’you think it would actually feel nice? It’s just—I dunno—I’m curious…but I’m scared. … I mean, it was really horrible when… at Hogwarts… when they forced us—when they hurt us—but maybe it might be nice with Dora?”
Hermione bit her lip and frowned. The truth was that she was just as curious and just as frightened too.
“Maybe,” she said slowly, “maybe it could be nice. I thought it might be nice with you, if you were a boy again—I really liked you when you were a boy, but I’m very happy that you’re a girl now—and I really love you too. But you’re right about Dora being really nice—she’s kind and she’s sweet and she’s funny. If… I suppose… if she just made it a bit smaller, and as long as she was gentle, we could try it and see.”
“Maybe next time then,” said Harriet, brushing aside a damp tawny curl which had fallen across Hermione’s rosy cheek and giving her a kiss.
Then they shared another look and giggled nervously. They fell silent again, and this time Harriet lightly sucked on Dora’s soft penis like a thumb for a bit, and Hermione stroked Dora’s inner-thighs.
“Blimey!” Dora muttered, feeling herself stiffen again in someone’s mouth ten minutes later. “You two’ll be the death of me.”
“D’you want us to stop then?” asked Harriet sincerely.
“Are you jokin’?” said Dora, a grin spreading across her face. “It’s too late to stop now…”
Before she knew it, Dora was gasping again and throwing her head back, wet strands of blue hair clinging to her face as she unleashed another torrent of semen into someone’s throat—Hermione’s perhaps—but then the other took her cock in their mouth and finished her off, sucking her dry.
Harriet and Hermione were just licking each other and Dora clean when a light tap on the door startled all three of them.
“We’re back,” Sirius’s voice called out from the other side, “I don’t know if anyone’s hungry, but we brought some fish and chips home.”
There was a brief pause, then Harriet shouted back, “Yeah—that sounds brilliant! We’re famished…”
It was late, long after the candles in that Great Hall had been snuffed out, and a few stars could be seen between the silvery lined puffy black clouds drawing across the crescent moon. The clouds grew thicker, blocking out all of the stars and the moon, threatening more rain for the morning. Though if the freezing chill in the Great Hall was any indication, the morning might bring more than icy rain.
Sophie felt really ill as she sniffled in the dark, snuggling up to Katie as closely as possible for warmth. She wished she could throw everything up—the poop that the Weasley Twins had made her eat earlier that afternoon, and all the sperm she’d had for dinner—it felt like it was all just stewing in her stomach, but the magic of the collar forced her to keep it all down.
The clock ticked on for what seemed like hours, and she whimpered, still feeling sick. Sophie felt Katie kissing the top of her head again.
“I know,” Katie murmured, “I can’t sleep either. I can’t get the taste out of my mouth, but if you think you can manage now, you can have some of my milk.”
Sophie thought about it for a moment, then decided she couldn’t possibly feel any worse.
“Thank you,” she said miserably, “I-I think I can manage.”
The shackled girls shifted a bit until Sophie found one of Katie’s nipples with her lips and began to suck. Katie’s warm sweet milk filled her mouth, and to Sophie’s surprise, her nausea quickly vanished. Sophie thought she had never tasted anything so heavenly, and she drank her fill at Katie’s breast.
When she was finished, Sophie kissed Katie’s boob and sighed, feeling loads better. Then she tried to reach higher with her lips and found Katie’s face, giving her cheek a kiss.
“You can have some of mine now, if you’d like,” said Sophie.
The chains and shackles jangled and clinked as the naked girls shifted again. Sophie began to feel even warmer as her milk flowed into Katie’s mouth, and her goose bumps faded. Feeling much better when Katie had finished, they quickly fell asleep.
When the noise of the throng of students entering the Great Hall for breakfast woke Sophie and Katie, it was quite apparent from the flurries of snow swirling around the Enchanted Ceiling why it had been the coldest night yet in the Great Hall.
Sophie’s abdomen rippled slightly as the serpent coiled in her womb roused and its three heads slithered through her channel towards her entrance. She grimaced as the fleshy inner-walls of her channel stretched around its scaly heads and neck, not sure that she would ever get used to a two and half foot long snake living inside her and using her vagina as a passage between its home and the outside world. It wasn’t much consolation that she might have years to try and get used to it.
Her labia parted, and her entrance widened as Hydra’s three heads emerged from her pussy. As they had every morning since Halloween, the heads began their day with sharp bites to Sophie’s pussy lips, causing her to squeal and a number of nearby students to laugh.
Stiff and sore, after peeing in their bucket, Katie and Sophie were let out of their cage to have breakfast. Sophie was grateful to be dining under the Ravenclaw table that morning—at least the Ravenclaw boys didn’t go out of their way to hurt her and squirt their sperm all over her face while she milked their penises when the Ravenclaw girls were around. She was just gulping down a mouthful of Roger Davies’ spunk, glad that breakfast was almost over when she heard Dumbledore make an announcement.
“Good morning students,” the headmaster’s mellifluous voice rang out through the Great Hall and everyone quieted. “It is that time of year again for a Hogwarts tradition of which many of you are no doubt aware—and for those of you who are in First Year, this will be an unexpected special treat. … I am speaking, of course, of the first snowfall of November—First Snow Day is declared, and classes are canceled…”
A cacophony of cheers and whoops filled the Hall and Sophie’s mouth gaped at the noise, releasing the still spurting head of Davies’ cock and several ribbons of his semen shot her squarely in the face and across the bridge of her nose. She barely got her eyelid closed in time, but gobs of cum still seeped through, stinging her eye. Swallowing the sperm in her mouth, she almost missed hearing Dumbledore’s next words, which were almost more chilling than the cold air in the Great Hall.
“And as well most of you know, First Snow Day is no mere day off from lessons, it is a day to be celebrated as the first harbinger of Winter. As such, there will be festivities and merriment, and special activities and performances…”
Sophie’s face fell, and she groaned, having a very good idea now what “performances” meant.
“…and our newest Receptacles will no doubt be delighted to be rehoused where they will be able to appreciate the beauty of this most magical of seasons—to enjoy the breathtaking vistas of Hogwarts at this time of year—a veritable Winter Wonderland—a feast for the eyes and the senses. … And lest you be concerned for their sustenance, fear not, for the Receptacles will still be granted the great honour of dining with us at mealtimes and receiving nourishment from your charitable donations of freshly produced vital essence directly from the source…”
Dumbledore paused with a twinkle in his clear blue eyes and a chorus of chuckles and laughter rose from many of the students in the hall.
“…Though, for the first week, the Receptacles shall have to make do with prepared meals while they take the time to adjust to their new accommodations. I urge any who wish to make a contribution to their nutritional needs over the next seven days to make use of the anteroom. There, you will find buckets in the private booths—please be sure to leave a generous deposit in the pails.”
And then breakfast was over. A knot forming in her stomach, Sophie’s eyes followed a number of boys to the line forming at the door of the anteroom. She was startled when Hagrid appeared beside her with a leash.
“Sorry ‘bout this,” Hagrid muttered, his bristly black beard twitching as he leaned in to attach the leash to Sophie’s collar. “Can’ do nothing ‘bout it right now—I’ll do wha’ I can fer yeh, though.”
Sophie nodded dejectedly and crawled behind Hagrid on hands and knees like an obedient puppy as he led her across the hall, collecting Katie along the way and leading them both out into the entry hall. Neither of the girls said a word as they followed Hagrid to the front doors of the castle. There really wasn’t anything to say.
The hinges creaked and one of the massive oak doors swung open letting in a blast of freezing air and a flurry of snow. Already shivering, Katie and Sophie braced themselves as Hagrid led them out into the snow which was coming down heavily. The nude girls crawled miserably behind him—their hands and knees like blocks of ice—leaving troughs through the deepening white powder in their wakes.
They were nearly frozen stiff, and their frosty hard nipples were already numb by the time they reached the steel cage in the centre of the quidditch pitch; it was much larger than the one in the Great Hall—more of a pen really.
Sophie could barely see straight, her teeth were chattering so hard, and for a moment she thought Hagrid was just going to shut them in the pen without further restraints. Her heart fell when she heard iron chains jangling.
“I know it ain’ no consolation,” Hagrid muttered while the chains, spreaders, and shackles attached themselves to Sophie and Katie’s wrists, ankles, and collars, “but yeh ain’ gonna freeze ter death, or get frostbite, or sick or anything like that—you’ll be perfec’ly safe no matter how cold it gets. That spell Dumbledore put on yeh’ll see ter that—the collars’d do that too, come t’think about it—won’ stop yeh feelin’ the cold, though.”
Hands now cuffed again behind her back, legs stretched wide by spreader bars between her ankles once more while the snow continued to pile around her, Sophie found herself almost wishing that she would be able to freeze to death. She welcomed the heat radiating from Hagrid’s body as he leaned in to check the icy steel shackles and handcuffs. Hagrid glanced around furtively and withdrew a silver device from one of his coat pockets. Out of sight of those gathering to watch, Hagrid waved the device over Sophie and she felt a little tingle of magic.
“Jus’ a ‘Trace Remover,’” he hissed under his breath which was clouding in the icy air, “Hopefully yeh won’ be out here fer too long if me an’ some o’ yer friends have anything to say ‘bout it.”
Sophie puzzled over Hagrid’s statement as he “checked” Katie’s shackles and then lumbered off through the snow to the entrance of the pen. She bit her numb pale lip at the sight of numerous students milling around on the other side of the bars; they were clearly waiting to see a “performance.” She shared a look with Katie through falling snowflakes and clouds of breath, then they both peered behind themselves to see what everyone was looking at.
They were startled to see half a dozen frozen figures looming behind them. The three carrot-nosed snowmen with coal eyes and grins appeared to be leering at them, and the ice sculptures were even more terrifying. The frosty translucent statues of the Minotaur, Dragon, and Unicorn obviously weren’t full size, but at roughly six feet tall, they were still immense, and their erect male members still enormous.
Chained as they were, Sophie and Katie were unable to offer any resistance when the snowmen and ice sculptures set upon them. Sophie shrieked as frozen claws grasped her hips and screamed when she felt the knob of the ice-dragon’s spiky frozen penis penetrating her sphincter without any fanfare. Her screams were cut off when the glacial Minotaur’s ice-cock plunged into her mouth.
Beside her, Katie’s pussy was being impaled by the long icy rod of the unicorn and one of the snowmen had what appeared to be a gigantic penis shaped out of snow buried in Katie’s throat.
Sophie had never known she could feel so cold as the hard shafts of ice drove deeply into her rear passage and throat. Her widely stretched rectum was almost too numb to feel the ridges and barbs of the ice-dragon’s penis scratching her inner-walls, but she could feel the snake coiled inside her womb squirming with displeasure.
The falling snow swirled around her as the ice sculptures fucked her relentlessly to the cheers of the bundled-up students gathered to watch. Sophie was so delirious, she wasn’t even shocked when she felt cold sticky fluid filling her bowels and squirting down her throat. Of course the sculptures and snowmen had been enchanted to produce sperm. The ice-Minotaur’s semen was so voluminous that it spurted from her nostrils, and for the final indignity he ejaculated all over Sophie’s face as he withdrew his ice-cock from her throat.
The spunk froze to her cheeks and forehead as a snowman took the Minotaur’s place. To Sophie’s horrified fascination, the glittering snow-penis waving in front of her face looked more like it was made of ice shavings than anything, and it felt like it too when the coarse surface of the lumpy frozen shaft scraped her throat. The snow-cock belonging to the snowman brutally thrusting into her from behind similarly chafed the fleshy interior of her vagina. The serpent inside her flailed even more violently and she felt its heads snapping angrily at the frosty pole pummeling its residence.
Hour after hour, the day wore on as Sophie and Katie endured their continuing defilement at the frozen hands and cocks of snowmen and ice-sculptures of all shapes and sizes. To make matters worse, while Sophie and Katie were being brutally assaulted a number of students pelted them both with snowballs, cheering and laughing every time they scored a hit.
“Hey Weasley,” Sophie heard Draco Malfoy yell at one of the twins, “Fancy a wager? Five galleons to whoever scores ten in a row first.”
“You’re on Malfoy,” one of the twins—Sophie wasn’t sure which—shouted back.
“Oi, I want in,” said Zacharias Smith loudly.
“We want in too,” chortled Seamus Finnegan, “Right, mates?”
“Yeah, of course,” said Dean.
“Erm… I think I’ll sit this out,” said Neville, “My aim’s not very good.”
“Fair enough mate.”
“I’m in too,” an older Slytherin.
“Alright, no problem, Flint,” said Malfoy.
And then the bombardment began. After an hour of being assailed by the snowy projectiles it appeared that Fred Weasley had won the first round, much to his delight and Draco Malfoy’s dismay. Draco proposed that the second round of the competition be conducted with wand propelled snowballs, to which everyone gleefully agreed.
This time the snowballs shot at Sophie and Katie like missiles, exploding painfully on impact while the snowmen and ice-sculptures raped them at both ends without pause. Marcus Flint won that round. Seamus Finnegan won the third, and it wasn’t until the fourth round that a seething Draco Malfoy won.
Dazed as she was from the relentless pounding both inside her and out, Sophie was almost surprised when it began to darken, indicating that the sun was setting. She reckoned that she shouldn’t be though. It had taken hours for all of the attackers to blast her and Katie in turns until each of the winners had landed ten snowballs in a row on them.
Icicles of cum dangled from Sophie and Katie’s noses, chins, and pussy lips by the time it all came to an end at sunset, and the interior of their orifices were somehow both frozen numb and sore at the same time. Not to mention that they were both covered in bruises where the hurtling snowballs had struck them.
Shivering violently in the rapidly darkening twilight, their teeth chattering, Sophie and Katie dejectedly eyed the silvery dog bowls on the snowdrift before them. Hagrid sighed as he tipped the tin bucket in his hands and slopped the viscous, off-white fluid which it contained into the dog bowls until they were both brimming. Sophie wrinkled her nose with revulsion at the cold, congealing sperm donations from dozens of boys.
“Go on then,” said Hagrid. “Sorry—gotta make sure yeh eat dinner while that lot’re all watchin’…” Hagrid jerked his head to indicate Dumbledore and the students who were still braving the weather to watch the Receptacles feed.
Miserably, Sophie—still on her knees in the snow—leaned over until her nose touched the surface of the semen. Her tongue darted out and she lapped up the sperm, shuddering, not from cold, but from the slimy lumps in the curdling cum slipping down her throat. As gross as sucking fresh sperm straight from the source was, this was a thousand times more revolting, and, in that moment, she would have given anything to suck a nice warm penis instead.
“Very good, very good,” said Dumbledore, clapping his hands. “Splendid! Fine performances indeed, Miss Roper and Miss Bell—I do hope you find your winter accommodations to your liking. There is nothing like the crisp fresh air of the season to invigorate the spirit. … It may be a bit brisk at times, but I always find that a nice hot drink does wonders to keep the cold at bay.
“Should you find yourselves a bit chilly, I would suggest that you keep your lips pressed to the bottle—so to speak—ready to drink from your partner’s fountain. You will find that holding it between your lips is just as warming as holding a hot mug in your hands. Try it—you will see that I am correct.”
Sophie was as confused as ever by the weird way Dumbledore and some others often spoke about what they were going to do to her and Katie. But her collar seemed to understand the headmaster’s command and jerked her neck, dragging her through the steadily growing piles of snow toward Katie and making her choke.
Katie followed Dumbledore’s order without hesitating, understanding exactly what he meant. She shuffled around as best as she could and lay on her back in the drifts of frozen white powder, wincing at the icy touch against her skin. Katie shivered as the cold penetrated her to the marrow.
Sophie finally managed to shimmy into position, gasping for air as she followed the pull of her collar. The leather strap yanked her neck sharply and she fell forward, plopping on top of Katie face-down, her frozen breasts and nipples squashing against Katie’s cold belly. Her head between Katie’s thighs, Sophie’s mouth opened of its own accord; her lips engulfed Katie’s pussy, clamping tightly to the second-year girl’s labia. Sophie felt Katie’s lips firmly taking possession of her own cunny.
To both girls’ surprise, they felt a warm glow spreading out from their cores and rushing through their veins. Their skin still felt like ice, but the inner warmth was a welcome relief from the piercing shards of winter.
“There you go—much better now, is it not?” said Dumbledore cheerfully. “Now, if you would offer up your hot winter beverages to one another other, you shall find even greater comfort.”
At the headmaster’s command, Sophie’s bladder released, and Katie’s nearly boiling pee filled her mouth. The heat inside her expanded almost immediately and she felt it radiating from her skin. Drinking urine was as horrid as ever, but Sophie had never been so happy to drink it and she thirstily gulped down Katie’s pee.
“Splendid,” said Dumbledore, beaming broadly, “Hagrid will be sure to bring your meals for the next week while you settle in, and I am certain that students brave enough to weather the elements will keep you company after classes…”
Darkness fell completely after Dumbledore and the dwindling crowd of students departed. The biting wind picked up, howling as the flurries of snow turned into a blizzard. Evening became night and Sophie shivered again as her skin grew colder several hours after she had drunk Katie’s pee, thankful that at least her inner core was warm.
“Are you alright, Sophie,” Katie called out from underneath her as the drift climbed higher, half covering one side of the two naked girls.
“I-I-I’m okay,” Sophie replied, her teeth chattering, and her voice muffled because she was too frightened to release Katie’s pussy lips from her mouth.
“I… I think I can manage to pee again, if you’d like,” said Katie.
Sophie didn’t hesitate. “A-alright th-th-then. Y-yes p-p-please.”
Katie’s hot urine flowed, and Sophie gratefully drank every last drop once more, her skin heating up again. In return, Sophie peed into Katie’s mouth and heard her voraciously slurping it down…
Appalled at the turn of events, earlier that afternoon, Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott had trudged through the snow to the woods where they met up with Lavender and Parvati, and Padma and Penelope Clearwater.
“…I’m so sorry,” Penelope moaned. “I forgot about First Snow Day—it doesn’t usually snow properly like this until a bit later in November.”
“We have to do something, now,” said Susan shrilly, tears freezing on her cheeks.
“If it’s any consolation, the enchantments on the cage are the same as the ones on the cage in the Great Hall,” said Penelope, “We’ve worked out most of them and there’s just one left I need…”
There was a rustling of leaves and cracking of branches and the girls all started.
“Sorry,” Hagrid mumbled miserably as he emerged from the trees and bushes with someone all too familiar, “Professor McGonagall rumbled you lot—already knew what you were up to, ‘parently.”
Susan gulped, her eyes wide, wondering how much trouble they were in. Parvati and Lavender and the others looked a bit less anxious, but not by much.
“Relax,” said Professor McGonagall curtly. “Obviously I’m not turning you in to Professor Dumbledore! … And I’m not here to stop you, either—I’m here to help you…”
There were gasps all the way around, but McGonagall kept going as if she hadn’t heard.
“…Professor Flitwick shall be aiding us as well. I am afraid that Miss Roper and Miss Bell will have to endure the elements for a few days while Professor Flitwick and I plan things out properly to direct suspicions away from you and ourselves—”
“How about getting Draco Malfoy, or the Weasley Twins?” said Susan eagerly.
“Well now, preparations are already being made for the Weasley Twins—they are slated to face justice in a few days,” said McGonagall, a thin smile creeping to her lips. “But Draco Malfoy… now there’s an idea. Though, it will have to look like an accident on his part, as nobody would believe that he would intentionally try to help Miss Roper and Miss Bell escape…”
“We should make it a horrible ‘accident’!” said Susan, scowling.
Everyone giggled, and there were a few “hear, hears” as well.
“We’ll see,” said McGonagall, smirking.
@ ClaireR89: Sorry for the wait. Gotta take a break sometimes. Anyway, here's the next installment and I'm working on the next chapter, so hopefully the wait for that one won't be as long. :-)
@ LadyEdgecombe: Well, that sort of cunning is more of a Slytherin trait... ;-) ...But yes, that would have been a wonderful idea if the girls had been willing to risk being violated by the Forest Trolls too. Anyway, Draco will be getting another comeuppance very soon.
@ Ponypride86: Thank you so much for your kind words. :-)
Yes, this is certainly a walk on the Dark side for me. Having been a victim of (non-sexual) child-abuse, and at one time been very close with a rape victim, it's not something I'm really comfortable writing about (despite working on my own issues through BDSM type fantasies and getting a kick out of some of the darker Hentai), and I certainly don't want to put a positive spin on it as too many fics are wont to do.
By the way, I did check out the artists you mentioned. Some very entertaining BDSM pics indeed. ;-)
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