Pansy's Volcano | By : Bluemidget57 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 206858 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I read a D/H story somewhere - I believe it was on - in which the students referred to McGonagall’s class as T-fig, which I think is exactly how teenagers would abbreviate such a long title. I am sorry I cannot remember what the story was called or who wrote it, but if it was you, please e mail me so I can give you credit for borrowing your abbreviation in this chapter. Everything else belongs to the usual suspects, and not moi.
Thirty One
Hermione awoke for a second time that day at about 12.30, this time as alone as she hoped to be earlier, and had found it was not the relief she had expected. Instead she worried where he was and if he was even now broadcasting to the whole of Slytherin House that he had just deflowered the Head Girl.
She brooded for a while, but the inactivity was just making her fevered imaginings even worse, so she took another shower and tried not to look the study carpet in the eye. Now that she was free of his distracting presence, she had leisure to inspect her own behaviour the night before, and although she knew she should be absolutely ashamed of her wantoness, she found she just couldn’t be.
And Draco Malfoy, the evil Slytherin git, had been beyond incredible; he had been so gentle and considerate of her inexperience, and any soreness she felt now was all of her own doing for pushing him into more adventurous and wilder passion than he had initially instigated. Oh, no doubt that he had reveled in her willingness to experiment, but now she was wondering if it might have been more sensible to wait until the third or fourth time?
She and Ron had been over for a month now, so she really had no reason for feeling guilty about what had happened. She was quite free to give herself to anyone she wished. Again. And again. And again…She couldn’t help but wonder what Draco had to gain by lavishing such attention on her for the past twelve hours, and then dumping her. He had certainly been as aroused as she; there was no way a man could hide something like that. On the contrary, he had been determined to share every single nuance of his desire with her, demanding that she look and touch when she would have wavered. Could he really be capable of turning it off just like that?
Hermione decided that she was still too limp and languid to believe he had cut her off. She had to believe that he had left without waking her because he had other requirements on his time which he couldn’t avoid. He was after all, as well as being Head Boy, also the Slytherin Quidditch Captain - an added responsibility which Hermione was very glad she didn’t have given the weight of all her other duties and studying for her NEWTs.
Once she had made excuses for his absence, she finally allowed herself to wallow in vivid memories of the night before. She sank down on the side of her bed and looked at the tumbled covers and indulged herself in a recreation of how they had gotten that way. When she closed her eyes she could see Draco’s head in between her legs as it had been earlier this morning, driving her out of her mind as he brought her to a kind of ecstasy she had never conceived of before.
She realised that she would have to get out of here or she would inevitably end up spending the rest of the day lounging around in a daydream about the Head Boy, a state of mind she had roundly criticized Lavender and Parvati for indulging in many times over the past three years. Oh, how are the mighty fallen! And over Draco Malfoy of all people! Also, her common sense prodded albeit a little late for effectiveness, it might pr0bably be prudent to be absent when he returned so as not to appear too needy or available.
After all, they may well have discovered a sudden and inexplicable sexual attraction to each other, but did they really like each other very much? Could you realistically discount six years of history because of one night of good sex (Okay, absolutely mind-blowing, earth moving sex) but still, there were standards to be maintained. She decided a strategic retreat was in order, and cast a cleansing spell over her room which left it smelling pleasantly of freesias.
Hermione dressed in a thick jumper and a long warm woolen skirt; she just felt too achy to manage jeans at the moment, and collecting up her books she fled to the Gryffindor common room. Of course, this was another decision that her Draco-befuddled brain had not thought through adequately before acting upon it.
Ginny and Harry pounced immediately, concerned that she had missed two meals, and began plying her for answers as soon as she emerged through the portrait of their founder. Hermione suddenly realised that she was absolutely ravenous. Apparently having loads of sex built up an appetite; trying desperately to contain her flush (and failing dismally), she admitted to a late night of studying and consequently oversleeping today. It was essentially the truth as long as no one asked for a subject (the male anatomy.) Harry swallowed it but Ginny gave her a calculating glance which she tried to ignore by going to the fireplace and flooing the kitchens to ask the house Elves for a snack.
Ron didn’t seem to be around at first glance, for which Hermione was hugely grateful; she certainly hadn’t been thinking about him when she fled to the Tower, but just looking at Ginny’s thoughtful face made her feel guilty and she could only imagine how much worse it would be to have to look Ron in the eye and remember how she had just spent the night, even though she had almost convinced herself earlier that there was no reason for guilt.
She found it incredible that it had been so easy, so desirable even, to surrender to Draco who she still wasn’t quite ready to admit she liked as a person, when any evidence of arousal on Ron, who she loved dearly, had made her feel uncomfortable and threatened.
She quickly ate the plate of food and settled herself at one of the tables using her books as a shield against prying housemates. She had learnt that most of her peers left her alone to her books, although the lower years would sometimes approach her to ask for advice or assistance. She considered it part of her Head Girl obligations to make herself available to the rest of the school, and was quite pleased that she had gained a reputation for being approachable and helpful towards the younger students. She could honestly say she didn’t think any of the previous Head students had been as readily available to consult with as she endeavored to be.
Percy certainly hadn’t been, although Ginny did admit he had conducted prefect meetings in the Head’s Common Room - something which Malfoy had drawn the line at the first day of term. Initially, Hermione had thought it typical of him to want to keep the splendid rooms all to himself, but as the weeks wore on she began to see that having Pansy Parkinson given free access to the living area was definitely something to be discouraged and she thanked Malfoy for that at least, even though she felt bound by her own sense of honour not to invite her friends to the Common Room since he didn’t overrun it with Slytherins.
Harry and Ron had only visited once in the first week of term, and had been suitably impressed with the size and luxury of the rooms, but any envy had been severely tempered by the knowledge of who occupied the matching room across the other side of the study. Hermione had therefore continued to spend most of her time in her old common room with her old friends, and she was glad that it had worked out this way, for she found she really enjoyed the contact with the younger Gryffindors, and the opportunity to smooth their daily lives somewhat.
A couple of the first years had been incredibly homesick at first, one of them a Muggle-born like herself and now she always felt a warm sense of achievement when she saw David enthusiastically engaged in some activity with a couple of his new friends, knowing that her presence had helped him to adjust.
She tried to concentrate on him now, as he sat in front of the fireplace playing Exploding Snap with AJ Rimmer, instead of thinking about Draco Malfoy and what had happened last night. As the afternoon wore on a couple of first and second year students came to ask her advice or just chat. David sat down beside her briefly after AJ had to leave and send an owl home. He told Hermione that he had been invited to AJ’s house for the first week of the Christmas holiday and was very excited to see a real wizard’s house, before he went home to Huddersfield to see his own family, and Hermione in an oddly emotional state, very nearly burst into tears thinking that she had a hand in developing his new confidence.
Harry and Ginny were playing a game of wizard chess nearby, and throughout the afternoon Ginny became increasingly perplexed by her friend’s demeanor. She was unable to pinpoint exactly what she thought was wrong, but something was definitely off with Hermione today. She began to study the older girl sideways trying to decipher what was bothering her, and as a consequence Harry was able to trounce her thoroughly with his black pieces. When Hermione looked to be on the verge of tears at something David Lister said to her, Ginny stood up forcefully casting a warning glance at her boyfriend and went over to join Hermione at her table.
‘Ron has gone out with Luna.’ She announced baldly as she sat down opposite Hermione. ‘She’s fancied him for ages, but she never thought he would notice her with you around. When she heard you’d split up she asked me if I thought she had chance with him, and I told her to go for it.’
Hermione blinked, startled at this sudden seeming attack by Ginny. She was still in an odd emotional place after her conversation with David, and fighting off insidious thoughts about Malfoy that kept trying to sneak in to her head and take over whilst she was distracted. Ginny’s sudden revisiting of the topic which was honestly furthest from her mind at the moment left her somewhat confused and foundering for an answer.
‘Um, that’s - nice for her?’ She tried cautiously, not exactly sure what Ginny wanted from her. ‘There’s a lot more to Luna than it seems at first,’ she added when Ginny seemed to expect something more.
‘I think so.’ Ginny stated, examining Hermione closely until she began to fidget in her chair. ‘Come up to my room, I want to show you what I got Harry for Christmas.’ Ginny commanded, sounding just like her mother, and Hermione had stood up before she even realised what she was doing.
‘But -’ she began confused, for she had been right there with Ginny yesterday in Hogsmeade when she bought the scrying stone.
‘I put some decoration on it,’ Ginny cut her off. Decoration? Hermione was horribly confused. How did you decorate a stone? A magical stone - surely that would render all it’s magical properties useless? ‘Come on. Harry can you wait for us before you go to dinner?’ And she swept off, Hermione trailing behind her quite at a loss. Damn Malfoy anyway; he had quite obviously shagged her brain into mush.
Once they reached Ginny’s dormitory, she shut the door behind them and cast locking and silencing spells on it. For the first time, Hermione began to feel nervous about her friend’s behaviour. ‘What’s the matter, Gin?’ she asked.
‘I think I should be asking you that,’ Ginny replied. ‘I know there’s something up. You’re behaving very strangely and you have a weird look on your face.’ They both looked at each other in consternation and began at the same time -
‘It’s not about Ron, is it -’ then stared in amazement before breaking down into fits of giggles.
Ginny recovered first. ‘Okay, not Ron then! I was worried that you would be upset about Luna even if it was your decision to cool things down.’
‘Oh, no! I actually think Luna is exactly the kind of girl Ron needs. He would never be able to understand why I need my academics as much as I do. Luna is very smart under all that dreaminess. I think they’ll bring out the best in each other. I was afraid you were still cross with me because I hurt him.’ Hermione rushed to reassure.
Ginny sighed. ‘I won’t pretend that I wouldn’t have loved for you to be together; you would always be my first choice for Ron. But as much as I wanted that, I know you don’t feel about Ron like I do about Harry. You’d never have waited this long if you did.’
Although Ginny was really only reiterating what she had said the night after their break up, the words brought Hermione round again to the first night Draco had kissed her in the Quidditch stands, and what they had caught Harry and Ginny doing; which in turn led her back to her erotic memories of last night, and the images she had been repressing all day made another and far more successful attempt to escape into her conscious again. Her cheeks and certain other parts of her body began to tingle at her delicious thoughts.
‘Mione - Hermione!’ Ginny’s voice penetrated her lust filled thoughts and shaking her head quickly to dispel the memory induced fog which was gripping her she looked guiltily at her friend. ‘Well, at last!’ Ginny snorted. ‘Where did you go? You’ve been staring into space for a good five minutes!’
Hermione blushed violently, totally unable to control the heat in her cheeks this time. Had she really checked out so totally in her dreams about Draco that she hadn’t heard Ginny talking to her? Oh God, what had he done to her? She was turning into Lavender!! She let out a groan and looked away.
Ginny kept staring, and her eyes suddenly widened in shock. ‘Oh! My God, Hermione!’
‘What?’ Hermione asked nervously. ‘What’s the matter?’
‘Oh my God, Hermione! You got laid last night, didn’t you?’ Ginny gasped out baldly.
‘What - No! I - what?’ Hermione stammered becoming more flushed and flustered by the moment.
‘You did! I can tell,’ Ginny crowed gleefully. ‘Oh, God - it wasn’t Ron after all, was it?’ she asked worriedly clasping a hand to her heart and staring fixedly at the older girl.
‘Stop it, Ginny. Of course I haven’t slept with your brother. You said he’s with Luna now. What do you take me for?’ This was more comfortable - make the conversation about Ginny and not herself; attack being the best form of defense and all that rot.
It didn’t work. ‘So, if it wasn’t Ron, who was it?’ Ginny asked eagerly. ‘And don’t tell me no one. I can see it all over you, and besides you have a huge great hickey right there on your neck!’
‘What!’ Hermione squeaked, her hand automatically going to the spot beneath her ear which Draco had paid so much attention to last night after he realised that kissing her there made her whole body break out in goosebumps all over. She had been so sure there had been no marks in any visible places when she dressed earlier. Was there such a thing as a time-delayed hickey?
‘Hah!’ Ginny pounced smugly. ‘There’s nothing there, but you certainly thought that there could be! So tell me all about it! Who is he? Is he the reason you and Ron split up? Were you seeing him when you were with Ron?’
‘No, Ginny, stop it. There’s no one. And I was never unfaithful to your brother. How could you think I would do something like that. Please just drop it.’
‘I can’t Hermione,’ Ginny said turning serious momentarily. ‘I am happy for you. I think you deserve to have some one. I want you to find what I have with Harry. I’ve never seen you looking so - I don’t know if soft is the right word, but you were thinking about him just now when you checked out. I know you were, and you had such a happy look on your face, I don’t know - like you were finally - complete, you know. Like I feel when I think about Harry.’
Hermione looked at her friend shocked; she knew Ginny had grown up quickly for her age dragged long behind all those Weasley boys, but her open and intimate expression of how she felt about Harry made Hermione want to snort at the idea that Draco Malfoy might have felt any of that when he shagged her senseless the night before, or indeed that she could feel it herself. This was Malfoy for Merlin’s sake! And she was just in lust with him! That was all it was. ‘It’s just sex,’ she mumbled unconvincingly to herself.
‘Hermione!’ Ginny squealed. ‘Oh my Lord, you have to tell me!’ Hermione had forgotten another aspect of living with six older brothers - exceptional hearing. She groaned and dropped her head into her hands.
‘You’re not going to let go of this are you?’ she asked and Ginny shook her head. ‘Okay, but you have to promise not to breathe a word to anyone. Especially not Harry. I honestly doubt it’s going anywhere beyond last night, and I don’t want it all over the school.’
Ginny looked affronted. ‘As if I would do that, Hermione,’ she huffed coldly. ‘Perhaps you should keep it to yourself after all, if you have such a poor opinion of me!’
‘Ginny! You promise me! Stop trying to guilt me into spilling my guts!’ Hermione took out her wand and touched it to Ginny’s breast bone. ‘Now promise me, not a word!’
Startled by the seriousness of Hermione’s required wand oath, Ginny agreed clearly, ‘I promise never to speak of what Hermione Granger is about to reveal to me.’ The tip of Hermione’s wand glowed green sealing the promise and she sighed.
‘So, tell me,’ Ginny pushed excitedly, bouncing on the bed. ‘Is this why you backed off from Ron. There has to have been something going on or you had no reason..’
‘No, I swear not. But I had - looked. Okay, Gin - it was so weird. It was like all of a sudden I just saw him, you know, and it was that very same evening when Ron finally made a move on me. I was so confused - you have no idea!! Before that day I had never, ever, ever considered him in that way at all. Not once. And there I was fretting over it in the library and in comes Ron and starts kissing me, and I remembered how we’d been getting closer to this all summer and it seemed so right in comparison. I knew he certainly didn’t see me in that way either, so I thought it was just a silly hormonal thing and it would go away. Wrong time of the month - full moon, new moon, Harvest moon! I don’t know! Just an insanity never to be repeated!’
Ginny nodded, seeming to realise that if she spoke now Hermione would freeze and the story would be over; but she could tell from the other girl’s expression that it had been neither over nor temporary.
‘So, Ron and I began getting closer, but all the time I was worrying about that one slip up, and as a result I spent even more time - looking, and once or twice I even thought he might just be looking back, or else he was just wondering what was wrong with me all of a sudden, like maybe I had indigestion or something…’
She trailed off into some memory or other and Ginny prompted gently, ‘So something happened then?’
Hermione sighed, ‘Yes, after Halloween. I think I was already beginning to realise that I wasn’t being fair to Ron if I was even looking at someone else, no matter that he wasn’t looking back.’ Ginny suspected that at this point Hermione had found out he actually was looking, too. And why wouldn’t he? Her friend was smart, pretty, loyal and caring; any guy would be lucky to have her. Ginny suspected that most of the boys in Hogwarts hadn’t approached her thus far simply because of the intimidation of Harry and some impression that Ron had priority. If this boy was prepared to face up to cracking into the Golden Trio, he must at least be worthy of her consideration.
‘After dinner one night I went outside to get some fresh air, and told Ron I would see him later. I just took a walk and he was there too, although I didn’t see him at first.’ Ginny rolled her eyes. Obviously not, for he had clearly followed her! ‘So, we spoke a bit,’ Hermione couldn’t actually confess that they had argued - that would come far too close to naming names. ‘And I said something - silly, and he - kissed me,’ she ventured a glance at Ginny who looked fascinated. ‘I was far too shocked to do anything at first, and then I just panicked and ran away -’ Ginny snorted. ‘Don’t say it, I know! Silly little Hermione, scared by a guy kissing her. I know I should have slapped him silly and told him I was taken! Well, anyway, after that I worried even more about Ron, and looked even more frequently at him, although he didn’t seem to be too bothered by it.’
‘But? I know there’s a but, I can feel it.’ Ginny prompted.
‘Aargh! Yes, he missed a class for some - commitments, and he had to get the notes from me -’ A seventh year then, Ginny surmised, probably in Ravenclaw as they were the only boys with the intelligence to take Hermione’s subjects. Tony she thought excitedly, making a move before Hermione was even free - but before her enthusiasm could bubble over, Hermione continued. ‘We were talking in the corridor outside class, and he said something about Ron, and I don’t know - I just reacted badly, guilt I suppose and I yelled at him, and he shouted back, and the next thing….’ she trailed off suddenly embarrassed.
‘More kissing?’ Ginny said knowingly. ‘Kind of mind-blowing kissing?’
‘Um,’ Hermione mumbled, red again. ‘Well, yes - nothing like it was with Ron, anyway. We almost did - it - right there up against the wall in the corridor. Then I remembered Ron, and I - ran away again!’ She groaned. ‘I told Ron we couldn’t see each other any more after that because nobody should keep leading someone on like that when they’ve just had another man’s tongue in their mouth, and don’t know if they have the willpower to say no if the occasion arises again.’ She looked about ready to burst into tears. ‘I just hope Luna is good to him, because I am ashamed of how I treated him!’
‘What about him - the other guy?’ Ginny pushed trying to distract Hermione from her pity-party. ‘Have you been seeing him since?’
‘No! I told you - we aren’t together. Last night just - happened.’
‘How does something like that just - happen?’ Ginny asked. ‘There’s got to be more to it than that. You’d better finish now you’ve started, my girl!’
Hermione looked ready to bolt, but Ginny scowled her into submission. ‘Well, it was just stupid really. He caught me in a weak moment, and was nice to me.’ Ginny frowned in confusion. ‘I was upset about something really silly over the Christmas Social,’ Hermione sighed realising that she would have to finish now that she had gotten this far. ‘And he thought I’d been worried about Vol - you know who. Okay, it was a mammoth misunderstanding, and it was so far from what was really on my mind that I just laughed at him, and I couldn’t stop. But when I did it was - strange. Like all the air had been sucked out of the room and we were just staring at each other, and…’ she trailed off unwilling to speak it in words of one syllable.
‘Let me guess,’ Ginny said. ‘More kissing, and then more than kissing.’’ Hermione nodded. ‘He was your first, wasn’t he?’ Ginny pushed, although she knew the answer anyway. She studied her friend. ‘Did he hurt you?’
Mortified now, Hermione managed to shake her head. ‘It was - no,’ she managed to stammer out. ‘I’m -er - a bit achy today though.’
Ginny narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. ‘How many times exactly did you do it?’ she asked bluntly. ‘He did make sure you came, didn’t he?’
Hermione was suddenly assaulted with images of Draco in the early hours of this morning, his face strained and sweat beading on his forehead as he struggled to hold off his own third massive orgasm until he had managed to push her over into climax number she-had-lost-count. ‘I’ll take that as a yes, then,’ Ginny said dryly when no answer was forthcoming and Hermione seemed to have drifted off into fantasy-land again.
She blushed so red that she was sure her toes were scarlet also. ‘Yes, he was - spectacularly concerned with my - pleasure,’ she managed after several attempts to control her colour. ‘And as for the other - I think I lost count at about five times, Okay?
Obviously this was not what Ginny had expected to hear despite her probing, and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. ‘Wow, Hermione! I mean - gosh, even Harry and I only managed it twice the first time!’ She whistled in admiration, until a thought occurred to her. ‘Where on earth were you that you could spend all night shagging him? You didn’t take him to your room, did you?’ Hermione’s flustered shuffling gave her away. ‘Oh my God, Hermione! Tell me you didn’t!’ Ginny gasped, ‘Mione, what if Malfoy had caught you? You were so lucky. Can you imagine what a field day he’d have had with that? He’d have gotten you expelled for sure if he caught you!’
Hermione was totally unable to control her expression at the mention of Draco’s name. Her heart began racing and little beads of sweat broke out on her neck and forehead. She had to get Ginny off that topic before she gave herself away completely.
Too late.
Ginny was staring at her in a fascinated horror. ‘Oh Merlin, Hermione, he did - didn’t he? He knows you had someone in your room! Oh, this is terrible. What are you going to do? Is he blackmailing you? What does he expect you to do -?’
‘No, Ginny,’ Hermione rushed to reassure her, grateful that Ginny was too deeply Gryffindor to recognise the truth upon which she had so nearly stumbled. ‘I swear to you he didn’t catch me,’ and she sounded so sincere that Ginny couldn’t help but believe her.
For just a moment, that is, until they both realised simultaneously that Hermione’s embarrassment and vehemence could only imply one other thing. Ginny goggled at her friend whilst Hermione clapped both hands over her mouth her eyes going wide with shock. When Ginny spoke her words were barely a whisper as she gave voice to the terrible truth that was suspended there between them like the sword of Damocles.
‘Oh, Merlin, Hermione - if he didn’t - and you - Oh my God, Hermione, it was Malfoy wasn’t it? It was Malfoy!’ Her voice was rising steadily taking on a high pitched tone of hysteria, sounding more and more like Molly. ‘Oh, Morgana, Merlin and all the Saints. You fucked Malfoy! I think I’m having a heart attack!’ She grasped the end of her bed and Hermione gazed in misery at her friend, waiting for the condemnation and criticism she knew was next, but when Ginny finally rediscovered her voice - and it took a considerable while - the words which escaped her lips stunned Hermione into silence. ‘Is he as good as they say he is?’
Hermione wailed and cast herself down face first on Ginny’s bed, her response muffled and incomprehensible through the quilts. Ginny bounced over and shook her friend. ‘You can not leave it there!’ She hissed. ‘You absolutely can’t! I need details! Tell me all about it - how did it happen? You and Malfoy! I can’t believe it!’
Hermione raised a flushed and embarrassed face from the pillow. ‘There is nothing to tell!’ She wailed. ‘Because it didn’t happen. Nothing happened!’
‘Do you want me to go and ask Malfoy?’ Ginny pushed. ‘Because I will - you know I will. I wonder what he’d have to say if I asked him - would you like to know what he thinks after I talk to him?’
Hermione sprang up from the bed. ‘Ginny Weasley, don’t you dare go near him with these insane accusations. Merlin knows what he’ll think if he finds out - oh, Shit!’
‘Hermione, just tell me. I promise I’m not going to condemn you, but I have to know what happened. I can’t believe it! You and Malfoy! How could anyone have ever seen that one coming?’
‘It happened just like I told you,’ Hermione mumbled miserably. ‘Just add the names.’
‘Really?’ Ginny’s fascination was bordering on the macabre, and Hermione wasn’t sure if the churning in her stomach was fear, shame or if she was just going to throw up. ‘Hermione is he any good?’
Hermione finally regained control of her churning internal organs and calmed herself sufficiently to look at her companion. ‘Ginny, why are you so interested. You’ve got a boyfriend, someone who I might add, you’ve been pursuing for five whole years! I don’t ask you about Harry’s bedroom skills!’ No, I just watch you doing it from the Quidditch stands!
Ginny screwed her face up in an expression of distaste. ‘Ew, Hermione,’ she said. ‘That would be like me asking you if Ron was any good. Harry’s like your brother - ’ Please don’t ever let her find out I saw them at it! ‘Draco Malfoy, however - there’s not a girl in this school who hasn’t wondered, you know. Even me. So let me live vicariously through you, please, Mione.’
‘I can’t, Gin. I can’t even think about it, let alone talk about it.’ Hermione whimpered burying her face in her hands. ‘Why do you think I’m hiding up here. I don’t know how to face him!’
‘What?’ Ginny was suddenly all defensive Weasley. ‘Did he force you? If he did, we’ll have him up to Dumbledore’s office and he’ll be expelled before you can say bouncing ferret!’
‘No!’ Hermione was horrified that Ginny could have developed such an idea, and the vehemence with which she leapt to Draco’s defense initially made Ginny shrink backwards onto the bed, but was soon replaced by a smug smirk.
‘Really? No?’ She asked, grinning at Hermione who suddenly realised she had been well and truly caught by her devious companion. She moaned and burrowed back into Ginny’s pillow.
‘You are a very sneaky witch, Ginny Weasley,’ she mumbled through a mouthful of bedding. ‘No specifics, okay?’
‘Okay, but give me something here, because I still can’t get my head around how you and Draco Malfoy can have ended up in bed together after everything that has passed between you over the past six years.’
‘Me either,’ Hermione admitted miserably. ‘But it went just as I told you, except last night. I had this dream - nightmare - about Lavender and Parvati cutting my hair off for the Christmas Social thing. I mean, Gin, they scalped me! I was bald! I promise you will do my hair on the day. I would never trust them after that! I just woke up screaming at the sight of myself in the mirror, and he - Draco must have heard me - he came charging into my room with his wand drawn ready to defend me. He thought I’d had a nightmare about Voldemort, and it was so far from the truth that I couldn’t help laughing. I mean, me - who has never paid any attention to her appearance. It just struck me as funny. But then all of a sudden it was like we both realised we were almost undressed. I think he’d just got out of the shower -’
‘I bet he’s just delicious naked,’ Ginny butted in mischievously and Hermione flushed up again.
‘Yes, well,’ she mumbled. ‘I plead the 5th -’ Ginny gave her a confused look and she waved her hand in the air. ‘Muggle reference. Don’t worry about it. Anyway -’
‘Just tell me -’ Ginny wailed. ‘Give me a scale. 1 to 10.’
‘Well, being as I have no basis for comparison -’ Hermione finally admitted, ‘On a simple sliding scale, I think I’d have to give him at least 150.’ Ginny choked and her face finally became as red as her hair. Hermione smirked, an evil smirk worthy of Malfoy himself. ‘I think you could probably say he’s as good as his press would have you believe.’
Ginny finally stopped choking on whatever proton she had inhaled and gasped at her friend. ‘Hermione Granger, I am surprised at you! I didn’t think you had it in you!’’
‘Well, I didn’t. Not until last night, anyway,’ Hermione confirmed slyly, rather enjoying her opportunity to be the racy one. ‘Actually I didn’t think anyone could do that to me until the first time he kissed me!’
‘The earth moved?’ Ginny asked.
‘I would think it’s safe to say that’s the understatement of the century,’ Hermione replied dryly. ‘I think the Heavens realigned themselves in the sky.’
All of a sudden her embarrassment seemed to have fled and she had a sudden sense of freedom in sharing this with Ginny. The other witch was bound by a wand oath; maybe she could make better sense of the confusion Hermione felt about the Slytherin Head Boy than she was managing on her own.
‘You do know it generally improves after the first time, don’t you Mione?’ Ginny asked teasingly.
‘I don’t know if I could cope with that,’ Hermione sighed ruefully. ‘It might just finish me off! And that’s all supposing there’s going to be a next time. I’m still not sure if he just wanted to get it out of his system. You know, it could be all over Slytherin by now that Malfoy got into the Head Girl’s knickers.
He’d been seeing an older witch in Hogsmeade, you know, but she got transferred up to Diagon Alley. What would he really want with an inexperienced Gryffindor virgin when he’s used to sophisticated witches in their twenties?’ Hermione paused to take a breath and watched for Ginny’s reaction out of the corner of her eye, looking for any sign of condemnation, but Ginny was wondering how on earth Hermione knew all this about Malfoy’s personal life - unless of course he had told her himself. And why would any boy tell a girl that a previous girlfriend was hundreds of miles away unless he wanted to reassure her that there was no competition from that quarter. Hmm….very interesting.
When Ginny’s face didn’t reflect anything other than mild encouragement, Hermione rushed on, the words falling over themselves now to escape. ‘I mean, he has been really different this year, you know. Actually talking to me, and kind of flirty. And well, even last year he had laid off with the Mudblood comments and he hasn’t tried to hex Harry and Ron anywhere near as much as he used to - especially since Harry was the one who got his Dad put away. I mean, the man might be a foul disgusting Death eater, but it’s still his Father. He has to go to Azkaban and visit him there, did you know that? It must be awful to see someone you love in a place like that!
Hermione was simply rambling now, and Ginny let her continue, knowing she was totally unaware of how much she was revealing about the state of her emotions in the words she chose, and how she enthusiastically chattered on about Malfoy.
‘He’s really clever you know. I have to work with him in Potions and T-fig this year, did I tell you that before? He’s got an excellent grasp on all the concepts; he picks things up ever so quickly - it’s not like working with Neville, bless him! I don’t know how we could have thought his father bought all his advancements for him! And he’s really pulled his weight this year with the Head Boy’s duties, although it must be hard with him being the Slytherin Quidditch captain too. He has so many other things he has to do. Did you know he’s been tutoring Crabbe and Goyle since the third year? I actually talked to them last week in the library with that other Slytherin boy in our year - Zabini. They asked me about their study topic for the Christmas Social. That would never have happened if Draco hadn’t changed first. You know what I think? I think they really like him and respect him, even if they aren’t the brightest bulbs on the tree. And I don’t think he keeps them around for muscle. I think he’s kind of fond of the pair of them. And I’m sure they don’t like Pansy,’ she added darkly.
Ginny quirked an eyebrow. Draco now, was it? She stared at Hermione, laying back on the bed with her hands behind her head, gazing dreamily off into space as she continued to extol the virtues of the formerly vile and evil Prince of Slytherin. And love makes fools of us all, she thought cynically.
‘He has this really quirky sense of humour. He can be quite dry and sarcastic, but he’s surprised me several times since we started working together this year by how accurately he reads the rest of us. He keeps records of who gets detention with Professor Snape! How weird is that? But oddly, it came in quite useful when we were doing a seating plan for this Social night.’
It suddenly seemed to Ginny that this catalogue of Draco Malfoy’s newly discovered virtues was set to go on all night. She had never in her wildest imaginings thought she would see Hermione Granger laying on her bed mooning over a boy like Lavender or Parvati, and even if the remote possibility might have occurred in some distant far off alternate universe, she would still never have picked Draco Malfoy to be the boy in question. The heart wants what the heart wants… and why am I suddenly talking in clichés?
‘Hermione, enough,’ she said bracingly. ‘I am utterly convinced. Malfoy has changed. He has repented of his evil ways and become a paragon of virtue. Do you want me to give you both my blessing?’
Hermione sprang up abruptly from her reclining position, suddenly becoming aware of just how much she had revealed of her previously unadmitted (even to herself) feelings for the blond Slytherin. She gulped and stared at her hands which were now nervously wringing together. ‘He hasn’t though,’ she mumbled miserably. ‘There’s no repenting, and he’s certainly still a snarky, mean ferret. But there is also more to him than I had ever thought before.’
Ginny reached over and stilled her twisting hands. ‘Just promise me one thing, Mione. Try not to get too hurt; and I know that’s almost impossible to avoid, but if this carries on - and it looks like it possibly might, try and guard your heart…’
‘What? Don’t be silly, Gin,’ Hermione said bracingly, pulling her hands away from the younger girl. ‘I don’t think this is a situation where we need to be talking about hearts. Next thing you’ll be saying other words, which would be even sillier than thinking that hearts might be getting hurt, and stuff. I -’
‘Okay, but I’ll be keeping my eye on him, anyway.’ Ginny added.
‘Well, there’s probably going to be nothing to see. Even if it were to happen again, it’s not exactly something we can mention in public, what with Ron and Harry, and all those Slytherins….I’m sure it works out best that it was just a momentary insanity on both our parts.’
‘Momentary insanity, that sounds about right,’ Ginny agreed helpfully, wishing she could believe it - wishing that she didn’t know that Hermione wanted it to be anything but.
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