The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The makings of a man
Severus woke up with a deep sense of trepidation and unfamiliarity. He hoped that Hermione's moods were more stable today, but realised that instead of waking tangled up with his witch in one way or another, he found himself teetering on the edge of the bed with her sprawled out, bed covers down to her waist. Even Leo lay at his feet, eyeing Hermione suspiciously.
He pushed himself up precariously to avoid an early meeting with the floor and looked over. Severus wasn't sure if she was cold or in discomfort as her body shuddered, but as the low autumn sun crept into the room, the answer was supplied as it glinted off the two empty vials of pain potion lying on her bedside table.
He decided that whenever Hermione woke up, he would ask what her specific symptoms were so he could brew her a more effective pain potion. Severus gently pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades and gave a wry smile. Although her whole professional world would revolve around Potions, he wanted to brew things like this for her. Somehow it felt intimate, and all he wanted to do was look after her.
After pulling the covers up over Hermione's body, Severus got up to take a shower, only for Leo to start mewling at him insistently. He stroked the white menace behind the ear, noticing how he kept looking at Hermione and said, "She's alright. We've got to get used to it, I'm afraid."
Leo's face seemed to drop which earned him a smirk from the wizard. The cat then stood up, stretched, and padded over to Hermione and sat on her hair. Severus began to feel that nine lives wouldn't be enough for the animal if he continued doing things like that.
Hermione had barely acknowledged Severus before he left for breakfast. It hadn't been because she was in a mood; it was simply because she was so tired that all she had been able to manage was a grunted 'not this morning'when he asked if she was accompanying him to the Great Hall. But twenty minutes after he'd left, Hermione was wide awake and in the shower when she suddenly had an idea.
Are you going straight to your office after breakfast? She thought to him.
Yes; why?
I'll meet you there for coffee she replied.
Instantly, Severus could tell that Hermione was up to something.
Severus was actually quite grateful that Hermione was waiting for him in his office, because it meant that he could beat a hasty retreat from the hell that he found breakfast to be that morning. He was tired and anyway, he never had been a sociable morning person. He wished he was just a teacher again, because it meant that he could slip in and out of breakfast, while only engaging in conversation on his terms. But as headmaster, he had to be sociable before even getting time to pump himself full of caffeine. When someone said something of genuine note, breakfast was acceptable, but all he could hear this morning was meaningless drivel.
The topic of conversation was the ball in two days' time. Severus was doing his best to avoid the conversation, when his attention was diverted by Harry, who had slipped into the room quietly. He watched as the younger wizard sat down and began picking at his breakfast. It looked as if he hadn't had much sleep.
Minerva noticed Severus' concerned expression and followed his gaze to Harry. She leaned towards the headmaster and whispered, "Shall I..." but Severus shook his head.
"I need to speak with him anyway," he muttered, and got up to speak to the Boy-Who-Was-Now-Not-Quite-So-Annoying.
"Mr Potter," Severus drawled in greeting as he sat down next to him. "Regarding our excursion to Spinner's End this afternoon, I will be available after three. Does this fit with your plans?"
Harry gave a wry smile. "It seems I have no plans whatsoever anymore, so whenever is good for you."
Severus looked at Harry carefully and could see that the younger wizard had been crying. "What's wrong, Harry?" he asked in a low, quiet tone.
"We seem to have something in common," Harry deadpanned.
"Oh?" Severus enquired.
"Yeah. We've both been fucked over by redheads. Ginny returned Mum's ring last night. It appears I am officially single," Harry chuckled mirthlessly as he stabbed a piece of bacon.
"Show a little respect, Harry," Severus muttered with annoyance. "My redhead is your mother. But I believe a few alcoholic beverages and a long conversation will be in order before we return tonight. Would you like me to inform Hermione of your...current situation?"
If Harry had perhaps tried to convince himself that the events of last evening were a figment of his imagination, he knew that as soon as Hermione knew, it would become real. Still looking at his plate, he sighed and nodded in resignation. "Thank you, Severus," he mumbled.
Severus chewed the inside of his cheek as he looked at Harry, considering what, if anything, to say next. He stood and asked simply. "Shall we say four o'clock?"
Harry just nodded and Severus decided now was as good a time as any to make his excuses so that he could join Hermione for coffee or whatever else it was she had planned.
Unaware of the delicacy of the conversation between Severus and Harry, the female professors were now discussing how they were wearing their hair to the ball. Severus had just reached the door when Minerva'svoice called out teasingly, "And have you decided what you will be doing with your hair on Friday, Headmaster?"
Severus paused and turning his head only, gave Minerva an unimpressed look before he threw open the door to make his escape.
"A Galleon says he's tying it back," Professor McGonagall announced as the door slammed.
Severus strode into his office to find Hermione sprawled in his chair. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her. Although she looked a little tired, he could tell she was feeling better and was surprised by how relieved he was to see her smiling as she asked him sweetly, "Coffee?"
"Well, I believe the premise for meeting me here was coffee, so yes, please," Severus smirked as he walked around his desk and politely gestured for her to get up.
He sat down, but allowed her to sprawl once again only this time on his lap.
"Feeling better?" he asked as he nuzzled her neck. He certainly was.
Hermione sighed at his ministrations. "Yes, especially now that the pain potions have kicked in; although my boobs are really sore."
Severus tried to keep a straight face. "Well if there's anything I can do to help," he offered, bringing his hand up to cup Hermione's breast only to have it batted away. "You never might help," he protested, his voice dripping seductively from his lips.
He took the fact that Hermione swallowed hard before drawing her bottom lip between her teeth as a sign to try again. This time she didn't protest. He told her to straddle him before brushing his lips against hers and slipping his hands up underneath her jumper. He teased her breasts from her bra before squeezing her hardened nipples. Obtusely the pain she felt was eased by his touch into a pleasurable ache.
Better than taking a pain potion, she thought as she desperately ran her fingers through his hair and moaned into his mouth, "Oh god, that feels good!"
"You know, seeing you draped over my chair gave me a few ideas," Severus whispered against her ear as his fingers skilfully alleviated her discomfort. He'd already asked her mentally if she wanted him to take her jumper off so he could use his mouth, but she'd simply told him later.
Hermione groaned as Severus nuzzled his way down her neck. "Tell me, did it involve me wearing next to nothing and you removing said next to nothing before having your wicked way with me in said chair?" she whimpered.
"Maybe," he muttered before returning to lick the shell of her ear. "But you know you would be in the perfect position for me to kneel in front of you and...Thank you, Winky, just put the tray on my desk please." Hermione gasped at Severus' sudden reversion to his usual drawl.
"Y-yes Master," Winky stuttered as she stood before his desk and quickly slid the tray onto it. She blushed and left hurriedly, embarrassed at having caught her mistress and master canoodling in the headmaster's chair.
"We really must stop startling the house-elves," Hermione giggled as she went to move from his lap to pour the coffee, immediately missing his hands as she shuffled from his lap.
But Severus had no intention of letting her go. He pulled her back and locked his arms around her before capturing her lips hungrily. He'd missed being able to hold her this morning, even more than he could have possibly imagined and by the way he kissed her, it was as if he had been starved and was craving this intimacy.
"Yes, we really must," Severus whispered against her lips as his fingers found their way into Hermione's hair. He wanted to devour her and until he'd seen her waiting for him, he hadn't realised how much he needed this; how much he needed her. And she was back from yesterday's aberration and he revelled in the feeling of having his Hermione back in his arms.
"Sod the house-elves, have a little compassion for us portraits!" the voice of Armando Dippet's portrait called out.
Severus smiled against Hermione's lips and kissed them gently before answering. "Well, you don't have to stay and watch, do you," he stated before playfully kissing her again.
"I see you got the polite response, Armando," said the portrait of Dumbledore. "He usually just tells me to fuck off."
"Not usually, Albus, just occasionally," Severus smirked as he finally released Hermione so she could pour their coffee.
She leant up against the desk and handed Severus his cup, trying to look innocent as he took a sip. She quickly avoided eye contact as he frowned, realising that she'd cut back on his sugar again.
"You'll thank me one day," Hermione told him, but Severus was not convinced and threw her a disapproving look. But, Hermione noted with some satisfaction, he didn't try to add any more. She had charmed the sugar bowl anyway to let her know if he tried.
"What are you up to?" Severus asked Hermione as she sat on his desk, drinking her coffee, and sporting what he thought was a deliciously mischievous expression.
"Well," Hermione began, ready to reveal her real intention for having coffee with him this morning. "You know how you said finding me in that chair had given you a few ideas?"
"Yes," Severus drawled suspiciously.
"I think that chair is dangerous because when I was in the shower, I...well, I had an idea too," Hermione purred coquettishly before biting her bottom lip.
Severus' cock suddenly stirred as he looked at her. "Oh really?" he asked with impeccable control before adding teasingly, "I didn't think you would want to do that at the moment."
Hermione blushed. "No, not that...oh gods, no, not that," her voice sounding more disconcerted as the thought of what he was suggesting sank in.
"It's alright; I didn't think so," Severus chuckled reassuringly before adding cheekily, "Although you can't blame me for trying."
Unfortunately, Hermione didn't have a cushion on hand to throw at him. "You wouldn't want to, though...would you?" she asked with a tone somewhere in between disgust and incredulity. Somehow she had a feeling that he would.
Severus sighed. "Whatever I say will be what were you thinking anyway?"
Hermione looked at him inquisitively before shaking her head and continuing.
"Yes...well, as I was saying..."
Severus looked down as he felt cool air hitting his chest. His frock coat and shirt had been magically undone and Hermione smirked as a brief glance at his trousers showed that this provocative act was already having the desired effect.
She licked her lips as Severus looked back up at her slowly with narrowed eyes, his voice dropping into its rich, mellifluous, seductive tone. "You, Miss Granger, are a very naughty girl."
"Am I? I thought I was a very good girl," Hermione purred as she knelt down on the floor between his legs and began to undo the placket of his trousers.
Severus smirked as she worked to release his straining cock. "You're that as well," he growled, watching Hermione intently whilst stroking her hair.
He summoned as much composure as he could and addressed the portraits in the office. "I suggest to any of you who are still awake, now would be an apposite time to either look away or better yet, bugger off."
There was a faint rustling of ancient robes and Severus suspected that the few sleeping portraits that remained were in fact only pretending to be asleep.
Hermione now had her hand wrapped around his length, pumping him with gloriously languid strokes. Severus groaned softly, and the last thing he saw before he closed his eyes and pushed his head against the back of his chair, was Hermione licking her lips in readiness to take him into her mouth.
But the warm, wet heat he was expecting was not forthcoming and Severus cracked open an eye to see what the delay was. He was surprised to see her finishing off her coffee and was about to ask her what she thought she was doing, because as pleasurable as her current ministrations were, he did feel in a slightly exposed and vulnerable position.
Severus' concern though was short lived as she placed the cup on the floor. What happened next forced the breath from his body.
If Severus was thinking straight he should have expected what he was about to feel but quite simply he wasn't. Instead of feeling the usual inviting warmth of Hermione's mouth, the hot coffee made it feel like a furnace, and without warning she engulfed him fully. The shock of the increased heat caused him to exhale forcefully and grip the ornate arms of his chair as if his life depended on it.
As Severus relaxed and his senses came back to the extremely pleasurable feeling of Hermione's ministrations, his hand found itself once again tangled amongst her curls, encouraging her now in the steady rhythm she had established as she bobbed up and down his shaft.
Severus was utterly lost as Hermione's mouth devoured him again whilst her tongue massaged the base of his shaft. He growled at the loss of warmth as she trailed her tongue up his cock before slowly swirling her tongue around him, flicking and lapping at his swollen tip, observing his reactions carefully so she could fine tune her ministrations.
Hermione alternated between taking Severus' cock deep into her mouth and paying meticulous attention to every ridge of his length and head. His soft moans had now graduated to vocal encouragement as his breathing became more erratic. The grip he had on the fistful of Hermione's curls tightened as his blood raged through his veins, and she hummed appreciatively against the base of his cock as his other hand now raked through her hair.
Severus felt the familiar sensation of Hermione's slender fingers wrapped around his shaft, pumping him more vigorously, whilst her mouth greedily sucked him. He bucked his hips, pushing his cock further into her willing mouth but Hermione had to chuckle when Severus choked out weakly, "Do you want some more coffee?"
"Do you want me to have some more coffee?" she muttered against his shaft before laving from the base to the tip with a hot, flattened tongue.
"Uh-huh," was Severus' only response, but Hermione did notice the subtle flick of his wrist. Sure enough, when she went to pick up her cup off the floor, it was full again.
Taking another mouthful of the steaming hot liquid, Hermione held it in her mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it and engulfing Severus' rock hard member again. The initial gasp that this forced from his lips and the subsequent groan were, Hermione decided, some of the most perfect sounds she had ever heard. It still amazed her that this exceptionally powerful wizard was her lover. And yet, for all his power, she had him completely at her mercy and it made her writhe with her own arousal. She just wished there was something she could do to alleviate the tension that was currently building between her legs.
Severus, however, was now at the point that he didn't know where his head was. The whole school could have traipsed through his office for all he cared. All there was in this perfect moment, as Hermione sucked and laved his cock, was a building white heat that was now coursing through him. His world was melting; everything was merging as another surge of searing heat from her mouth hit him.
Severus was vaguely aware that he was thrusting more urgently into her mouth; his hands pushing her head down to meet them. He was acting purely on instinct now; all coherent thought had long since departed, and Hermione became aware that she was tapping into his magic as the building tension within him was about to reach breaking point. Suddenly, everything went white as Severus broke apart; his whole body felt like it was pulsing as his orgasm crashed over him, and he panted out her name along with a litany of profanities. It was then that with a guttural cry, he released into Hermione's welcoming mouth and he could feel her suckling him as his world came rushing back into focus.
He finally looked at Hermione as she swallowed him down and began lapping up his remaining juices. He sighed when she asked, "Have I told you how sorry I am about yesterday?"
Running his hand through his hair, Severus told her gently, "There's no need to apologise, but if you felt that you had to, a simple apology would have sufficed. But as apologies go, this one has been gratefully accepted," he chuckled breathlessly. He was still panting as he tried to regain his composure. "Anyway, where the hell did, actually, I don't want to know where you learnt to do that."
Hermione blushed profusely and shrugged sheepishly. "I...I don't know, it just came to me."
"It certainly did," he teased, still trying to regain his breath, before adding, "Oh, you meant the idea."
"Yeah, well, I was watching this film once with my parents and there was this sex scene..."
How embarrassing for you, she heard him say in her head.
Hermione smirked and continued, "Well, she put an ice cube in her mouth and I of know?"
"Well, I am aware about...I mean ice cubes are quite...entertaining...but I've never had..." Severus paused as Hermione suddenly started to squeal. He raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "What's wrong?"
"'s just...was that really the first time anyone's done that to you?" she asked excitedly.
Severus exhaled sharply and pulled her up onto his lap again. He kissed Hermione softly before responding sincerely, "That was a first."
Hermione couldn't help but grin widely as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "And there was me, thinking I couldn't surprise you."
"Oh, you surprised me," Severus teased as he nuzzled her neck, then pulling back to look at her as he felt Hermione giggling. "What are you giggling at, woman?"
"I was the first person to do that to you...I'm quite proud," Hermione enthused.
"Hermione," Severus implored, as he cupped her face and tenderly stroked her cheek with his thumb. He looked deep into her eyes and sighed. "Have you ever thought that you might not be the first, will most definitely be the last."
Hermione continued to meet his gaze as the enormity of what Severus just told her sank in. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him purposefully. "I love you," she whispered against his lips.
"The sentiment is most definitely mutual," Severus replied, slightly too guardedly for Hermione's liking. But sensing her dissatisfaction at his response, he kissed her and said in her head, I love you too, but you know the portraits have all been watching with one eye open. Everyone knows how much I love you, but those words are for your ears only. I won't say them in public until the day I marry you.
Hermione pulled back and shook her head gently as her eyes blazed into his. She returned his kiss and responded teasingly, You are such a romantic sod.
Severus just shrugged and gently eased her off his lap as he started to do up his shirt. As lovely as it was having her sitting on his lap, the paperwork wouldn't finish itself...unfortunately.
"So what does one wear when one is having lunch with Narcissa Malfoy?" Hermione asked haughtily as Severus continued to plough through the mountain of paperwork in front of him.
She had been fully prepared to go back to their rooms after enjoying coffee and Severus that morning, but he'd told her she could stay as he...well, quite simply, he wanted to spend some more time with her, and she was very good at sorting out the post when it arrived.
"I don't know," Severus replied distractedly as he furiously scratched notes all over the parchment in front of him. He then looked up and added, "I wouldn't wear your jeans."
"That's really helpful. Thank you darling," Hermione said sarcastically.
"I'm probably not the best person to ask, love," Severus said with a sigh as he continued defacing the document with his scrawl. Hermione was about to spit out a witty retort when she noticed his hand pause and she could tell he was actually thinking about it. After a moment he said, "Whatever you wear, don't try to look too pureblood. She'll think you're trying to impress her and she hates sycophants. There's one thing for sure, you might take the piss out of my limited wizarding wardrobe, but it does make life much easier."
He smirked as Hermione huffed softly, but then almost melted as she bit her bottom lip. "I like you all done up like that...I always have," she told him flirtatiously.
"And knowing how you enjoy undoing all my buttons now, I suppose they provided the backdrop to many of your late night fumblings?" he purred as he squinted at a small bit of text.
"Maybe," she replied, blushing profusely. Yes, the thought of those buttons coming undone one by one, the feel of his shirt covered chest as she pushed his frock coat from his body, and how said shirt sounded as she ripped it off him, the frantic fumbling as she undid his trousers all provided quite an exciting start to her schoolgirl fantasies about him. Now, if she'd ever seen what a nice arse he had...
But all such arousing thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind as she noticed him squinting again. She had seen him doing so a few times recently.
"Before you start nagging, I believe I may need glasses," Severus drawled upon hearing her inhale as she was about to speak.
"Well, find out soon, because it will only get worse with the amount of paperwork you have to go through. Anyway, what time are you off to Spinner's End?" Hermione asked as various owls began arriving with Severus' post.
Obsidian had immediately flown down to his perch behind Severus, watching the visiting birds carefully. Severus had noted his familiar's new behaviour ever since the incident a week ago with the cursed bird. Once he was satisfied that no one was trying to harm Severus, he flew over and perched on the back of Hermione's chair as she picked up the pile of letters. She gently stroked the top of Obsidian's head as the black owl leant into her touch.
"About four. Are you sure you don't want to come?" Severus asked, hoping she had changed her mind, and then smiling imperceptibly as he noticed Obsidian standing guard over Hermione as she read the post. "Anything interesting?"
"I can't...Narcissa and I are going robe shopping after lunch. You've got a joint letter from Madam Maxime and Highmaster Poliakov," Hermione informed him. "It looks like you're going to Beauxbatons next Thursday."
Severus looked perplexed "A joint letter?"
Hermione nodded and Severus muttered, "You're coming with me."
"I'll have to speak to Horace first and see if he's happy to cover my fourth years on Friday morning. I finish teaching before lunch on Thursday and ..."
Severus sighed deeply. "Perhaps I didn't make myself are coming with me. I will tell Horace he has to cover your..."
"Look, just because I'm your girlfriend doesn't mean I can dump everything because you say so, Severus," Hermione snapped at him.
"I'm not asking you to dump everything, I am merely...oh, forget it," he grumbled, trying to keep calm. "If you don't want to accompany me then just say so."
"Severus, of course I want to go with you," Hermione told him urgently. "I just don't want everyone to think that because I'm dating you..."
"Dating? This is dating is it? Sorry, I thought this was more than..."
"Oh shut up, Severus. You know what I mean. I apologise for using the wrong phrase," she said sardonically before adding tersely, "I just don't want the rest of the staff to think I'm getting preferential treatment because my partner happens to be the headmaster."
Severus sighed heavily and closed his eyes. "Can we start again please?" he huffed. Hermione nodded simply and looked down at the floor before looking up at him again.
"Sweetheart, I really want you to come with me to Beauxbatons next week. Do you think you could arrange it?" Severus asked her almost sweetly.
Hermione shook her head and began to laugh softly as Severus looked at her pleadingly. "I'll see what I can do," she chuckled before adding, "Oh, we should ask Hagrid if he wants to come with us. I think he and Madam Maxime are know," she said conspiratorially.
Severus just growled and carried on reading the parchment in front of him. Hermione smirked and carried on opening the post.
Hermione took a deep breath before she walked up to the elaborate entrance of The Golden Phoenix, one of the wizarding world's most exclusive restaurants. It was rumoured that one needed to book three months in advance to get a table, but Narcissa found being friends with the owner's wife often proved to be most useful.
The door opened and Hermione was immediately greeted by flashbulbs and reporters trying to get a scoop on the rich and famous...or infamous, in some cases. Severus had warned her the press might be hanging around and despite the best efforts of the maitre'd' to keep the reporters away from her, she was still faced with questions like:
"Who are you having lunch with, Hermione?"; "Can you clarify if you are seeing Lord Malfoy or Lord Black?"; "Who is taking you to the Ministry Ball?"; "Miss Granger, you were seen arguing with Ron Weasley the other day. Can you tell us what that was about?"
Hermione didn't respond to any of the questions and was grateful when none other than the Minister of Magic strode into the restaurant, and seeing Hermione's predicament, instructed his Auror escort to clear the foyer.
"Are you alright, Hermione?" Kingsley asked, putting his arm around her shoulders.
"Careful, Minister! Didn't you know that any man seen with me in public is accused of sleeping with me?" Hermione joked.
Kingsley laughed heartily. "If only I were that lucky. But who are you having lunch with?"
"Narcissa," Hermione replied distractedly as the maitre'd beckoned for her to follow him.
Kingsley looked at her curiously. "I only know of one Narcissa. Why are you having lunch with Lady Malfoy?"
Hermione smiled sweetly and said, "Because she invited me. I'll see you at the ball no doubt, Kingsley."
"Take care, Hermione," the minister told her quietly. He squeezed her shoulder lightly and stood watching as she was led away before being escorted to his own table.
"Hermione, my dear. I trust you are well. You certainly look well," Narcissa enthused as she stood to welcome Hermione to the table.
It had taken Hermione two hours to finally decide what to wear. She'd decided on a silver grey high cowl neck top, with a black silk pencil skirt which finished just below the knee and black court shoes. Over that she wore black velvet robes with embroidered collar and cuffs. Severus had popped down to see her before she left and thoroughly approved of her choice, especially when she bent over to stroke Leo. After ten minutes of snogging and Severus' hands caressing her backside, Hermione was aware that he would not be averse to seeing this outfit again.
But she felt completely underdressed compared to Narcissa, who was clad in an elegant dark blue, heavily embroidered silk suit with matching robes and boots to die for. Her hair and makeup was immaculate and compared to her, Hermione felt that despite her best efforts, she looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.
The two engaged in slightly awkward small talk for a few minutes before Narcissa spoke as they perused the menu, "And how is your...what do you call him? Is he your boyfriend, partner, lover?"
Hermione was surprised by the informality of Narcissa's question and yet Severus' warning played strong in her mind. Narcissa never asks unless she believes the answer will give her something she can use against you.
"He refers to me as his partner, and I suppose now that we're living together I should call him that, too. But in private...well, that's private," Hermione smirked.
Hermione quite enjoyed reminding Narcissa that, although she and Severus were once lovers, Hermione was much more than Narcissa ever was to him. She smiled imperceptibly before continuing. "Oh, and he's fine by the way. There's not much more to do before the start of term and now he can run the school the way he wants, I actually think, although he won't admit it, he's looking forward to Monday. And how's Pius?"
"He's...well he's just fine," Narcissa blushed. "Do you like seafood? It's quite exquisitely prepared here," she said, trying to divert the attention away from her blossoming relationship with the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. But this small exchange relaxed both of them, and for the rest of the afternoon conversation flowed freely. Still, Hermione's guard never once slipped.
"Oh, and by the way," Narcissa said cheerfully, "His lordship is paying for today and insisted you should have whatever you want. So let us take full advantage!"
Narcissa flashed Hermione a wicked grin. Although Lucius had been her knight in shining armour at the Ministry, she was still annoyed with him over Ginny, especially now that she and Harry had officially split up. She snapped out of her thoughts as Narcissa said, "Draco informs me you're rather partial to Champagne? Have you ever had caviar?"
"Well, I don't mind Champagne, although I wouldn't know a good one from a bad one," Hermione admitted. "Severus is determined to turn me into a wine connoisseur though. I've never had caviar. Do you like it?"
Narcissa smiled. "I adore it, my dear. I say you try some as an appetiser, and I adore the smoked duck and foie gras salad here as a starter. You will have to get used to these little luxuries should you and your partner marry," she continued as she summoned the waiter over to take their orders.
The blonde witch watched Hermione intently to gauge her reaction and was both surprised and impressed by the calmness of the response she received.
"Oh, we are getting married," Hermione stated emphatically before adding. "We've already started the declarations of engagement."
"Well, why didn't you say? I am so pleased he's respecting our traditions. I suppose they're quite alien to you," Narcissa said coolly, trying to slightly bait Hermione.
"Actually," Hermione countered, "I'm well versed in them. I learnt about them and memorised the responses in my third year...just in case."
Hermione smiled sweetly but made sure Narcissa realised that just because she was Muggle-born, didn't mean she had no interest in their world's traditions. And Hermione knew perfectly well that being a pureblood didn't mean you were always completely au fait with wizarding traditions either.
"In fact," Hermione continued, "when I was discussing the declarations with Draco the other day, I explained to him the wording of the final required declaration."
Narcissa sneered at Hermione's inference that her own son was not well versed in wizarding tradition and said, hoping to catch Hermione out for being insolent, "So you have made three declarations already then?"
"Oh, come now Narcissa," Hermione chided, "you know as well as I do that there are only three required declarations. The first has no binding agreement, the next three do, and the final one is the proposal and as far as I am aware, Severus can say whatever he long as he asks me, of course!"
Reluctantly, Narcissa had to concede that Muggle-born or not, Hermione was impressive. There was no way she would let Hermione know day she might...but not yet.
"So are you wearing any of the jewellery today?" Narcissa inquired.
Hermione chuckled lightly and held out her wrist to show the older witch her ruby bracelet. Whilst Narcissa cast an expert eye over the exquisite workmanship, noting the quality of the rubies and muttering her approval, Hermione added, "He also gave me an emerald and platinum snake necklace on Friday. It's a little freaky though."
Narcissa gasped whilst still holding Hermione's wrist and asked effusively, "Is that the infamous charmed Ouroboros necklace? The one that separates..."
"Over your heart, slithers round your neck and the tail goes through the head? Yes, that's the one," Hermione interjected equally as excitedly. "I'm wearing it on Friday."
"I cannot wait to see it. Rumour has it the tail moves when you wear it," Narcissa said, full of curiosity.
Hermione laughed lightly, with a slight blush. "Well it does but, as we discovered, it only moves when we're...shall we say...animated ourselves!"
"And after such a declaration I should imagine there was a great deal of animation," Narcissa teased, which caught Hermione slightly off guard.
"Well, you know Severus," Hermione responded.
"Yes I do," Narcissa stated her voice devoid of emotion. The cold response made Hermione's smile drop. But she decided that if Narcissa wanted to play the I know him better than you do game, she would play along and glean as much information from the older witch as she could and put her in her place at the same time. She could almost hear Severus purring in her ear How very Slytherin of you!
"But of course you do," Hermione said demurely. "What I really want to know is when the hell did the frock coat arrive? I mean, he wasn't brought up pureblood and it's such a pureblood thing," she asked the older witch.
Narcissa wiped her mouth and considered this with a smile. "The first time I saw his transformation will forever be embedded in my mind," she mused. "At school he used to dress quite Muggle...and occasionally still does."
Hermione nodded, and remembered ripping open his black shirt and jeans on Sunday as he hovered over her semi-naked form on his study floor.
Snapping out of her reverie she heard Narcissa say, "He'd just completed the first year of his apprenticeship in Italy. We didn't know he'd inherited at the time, but I always said he left a Snape and came back a Prince. The Prince family are of Italian descent...hence why the male line has typically Latin names.
"Do you know if this is a tradition Severus wishes to continue?" Narcissa pushed.
"We've only talked about having more than one baby as we both hated being an only child," Hermione informed her companion pleasantly. "But when the time comes there are quite a few Latin names that I like, so I wouldn't be averse to carrying on the tradition."
Narcissa couldn't decide if she liked this answer or not. She wanted Severus to be happy, but she had spent the last twenty-five years playing quite an influential role in his life. And then this girl...his soulmate...confidentlycame along and swept her aside. She was beginning to realise, though, this had nothing to do with Hermione being Muggle-born, but everything to do with Narcissa being forty-three and rapidly losing influence with all the men around her.
She was divorcing Lucius, Draco needed her support but not her influence, and Severus had a partner now. Fabian, her Swiss toyboy, had proved a great disappointment, so that only left...she hoped Pius wouldn't be adverse to a visit this evening so that she could show off the new lingerie she had suddenly decided to purchase. Yes, she could still influence him.
Narcissa was suddenly aware that Hermione had asked her to continue with the previous topic of conversation.
"Oh yes, where was I? Yes, he'd returned from Italy permanently and the best way to describe it was that he'd always been able to create drama through his abilities, but now everything about him was dramatic. The voice, the clothes...everything.
"And he'd gone from being this strange, gangly but powerful boy to this deeply enigmatic man and the difference was amazing. We've never discovered why there was such a drastic change, but it certainly attracted much attention."
"Was that when you asked Lucius if you know?" Hermione asked sheepishly.
Narcissa looked at her plate, which now contained a very indulgent looking lemon torte. Hermione had ordered a triple chocolate cheesecake...chocolate was still a basic requirement for Hermione's well being at the moment.
"Yes, but I'm sure you already know all the details," Narcissa blushed.
Hermione smiled. "Yes. But there's one thing he keeps avoiding. What do you know about the business?"
Narcissa tilted her head and smiled. "It's up to Severus to tell you. But you know how he often feels unworthy?"
Hermione nodded disconsolately. "It's something which upsets and frustrates me more than anything," she admitted quietly. "For all his outward arrogance, I wish he'd realise how special he is."
In that moment Narcissa realised how much Hermione loved Severus and knew that Hermione was to be considered an ally rather than an enemy.
"Well," Narcissa continued. "He doesn't handle success very well unless it's an academic success, and then we never hear the end of it! But you're the Potions professor now, Hermione. Go through your inventories and invoices and look for the company that offers the best discount. Then confront him with that information and he'll have no choice but to tell you everything."
Hermione smirked. She couldn't wait to investigate further, but first there was dessert to finish and robe shopping to attend to.
"Does it always rain like this here?" Harry grumbled as they Apparated a few streets away from Spinner's End. "And why couldn't we just Floo to your place?"
The rain was steady as they walked through the rows of Victorian grey brick terraced houses which looked drab and disconsolate in the wet conditions. Harry could see that many of the properties had been done up, but there was only so much that could be improved. It was nothing like the Surrey suburb he grew up in. This place looked hard and uninviting, and Harry strongly suspected, as he looked at Severus' stoic demeanour, that you could take the man out of Cokeworth, but you couldn't take Cokeworth out of the man.
"Answer one. No, but when it does rain it is fairly persistent and answer two, if you were an ex-Death Eater, spy, and now headmaster, would you leave your Floo connection open for over three months if you were away? And the last time I checked you had to be inside the property to re-open the connection," Severus snapped.
"Point taken," Harry admitted as they continued walking towards Severus' childhood home. "But honestly, this rain is so..."
"You should be grateful you didn't grow up round here when I did. At least the rain's clean now that all the factories are shut down," Severus told him as they reached the only house on the street with a For Sale sign outside it. Severus paused and kept on walking.
"Hang on, isn't this your place?" Harry called after him as he stood outside the front door.
Continuing to walk, Severus called back, "Pub first. Dutch courage is required."
Harry ran to catch up with the dark haired wizard and they walked in silence towards the Muggle pub at the end of the road. It was on a crossroads and diagonally opposite the pub was a park. Severus suddenly stopped as he reached the pub door and turned to face the park. Harry noticed him swallow hard, and Severus tilted his head slightly towards him before indicating that he should look at the park.
"That's where I met your mother," Severus stated softly.
Severus turned to enter the pub, quickly followed by Harry; both glad to be out of the rain.
"My god, Sev," the cheerful barmaid exclaimed in a soft Mancunian drawl. "Not seen you in donkey's years, duck. See your place is up for sale. Are you leaving me?"
Severus smirked. "Alas I am, Amanda. I trust you are well?"
Amanda had been in Severus' class at the Muggle primary school he attended before Hogwarts and had lived in the row of houses that backed onto the alleyway behind his house.
"Well, still waiting for the lottery numbers to come up so I can get out of this shit hole, but apart from that, cracking," she laughed. "Still teaching at that boarding school you went to? Chemistry, isn't it?"
Severus folded his arms and leant up against the bar. Harry indicated he would go and sit at a table. The pub was surprisingly quiet, he thought, for the time of day.
"Actually," Severus told Amanda, "I'm the headmaster now."
Harry could have sworn he detected a hint of pride in Severus' voice as well as a hint of his accent.
"Oh how la-di-da. And you deign to grace us with your presence, your lordship," she teased with a mock curtsey. If only she knew he was a Lord, Harry thought as he listened intently to Severus and Amanda's banter.
Suddenly Severus said, "How remiss of me. You remember Lily Evans?" he asked Amanda as she pulled a second pint of bitter from the pump.
"Well we know you do, our kid," she teased as she winked at him.
Harry nearly choked on his own saliva when he saw Severus blush slightly. "Yes, well," Severus mumbled before looking over at Harry. "This is Harry, Lily's son. He's a friend of my...girlfriend."
"First you tell me you're selling up and now you tell me you've got a woman. There is only so much rejection a girl can take, you know," Amanda giggled before turning her attention to Harry.
"My god...are we really old enough to have kids of that age, Sev?" she mused before asking, "Hang on, how old is your girlfriend?"
"Oh, she's older than me," Harry interjected. Severus looked at him with an air of relief and smirked as he went to pay for the drinks.
"Put your money away, pet," Amanda commanded.
Severus gave her a questioning look which she returned defiantly. He eventually backed down and said "You are too kind."
"So Harry, how's your mam keeping?" Amanda asked. "Not seen her round here since your grandparents passed on. Last I heard your aunt was living down south."
Severus shot Harry a concerned look and his eyes conveyed that he would answer on Harry's behalf if required. But Harry shook his head imperceptibly and smiled softly at Amanda. "Unfortunately, my parents were killed in a car crash when I was one. I lived with Aunt Petunia until I was eleven and then I went to the same school Severus did."
"Oh my poor lamb. I am so sorry. I had no idea. No wonder you look like you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders," Amanda said sympathetically.
If only she knew Harry and Severus both thought at the same time. Harry chuckled mirthlessly. "Yeah, well, that's more because my girlfriend cheated on me so I said I'd help Severus sort some stuff out to keep me busy."
"Well, she needs her head read if you ask me," Amanda stated with a friendly smile. "I don't hold with cheating. Mind you the only time I ever thought I might was when you came in here, Sev, with that friend of know, the one with the long blond hair. What was his name?"
Severus raked his hand over his face and tried not to laugh. Even Harry saw the irony of it and muttered to Severus. "Is there anyone who doesn't fancy that bastard?"
Severus tried not to choke on the beer he had to swallow quickly before accidentally spitting it everywhere.
Harry stood contemplating the house before him. It was still raining, but they'd been standing there for the last ten minutes in silence until Harry said, "Apart from Aunt Petunia, I never really knew anyone who lived here, but it feels familiar."
Severus looked fixedly at the ground. He had known everyone who'd lived in that house and apart from Petunia, in his own way, he loved them all. He remembered how Lily's mother would give him four biscuits instead of two because he needed fattening up. Whenever he went round for tea, she always made his favourites. Lily's father was also good to him. He had wanted parents like Lily's.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked as he looked up at Severus.
Severus sighed deeply and bit his bottom lip. "Are you ready to go?"
Harry took one last at the house and nodded. They walked through the back alleyways to Severus' house...shortcuts which were well known to the young Severus and Lily as they visited each other's houses.
When they reached the back fence of Severus' house, he told Harry about when he and Lily would run out of the back door whenever his father came home unexpectedly, jump over the fence and run to either Lily's house or the park. This made Harry laugh. Despite everything, Severus and his mother had been normal kids.
Then a sudden wave of sadness hit him as he thought of how they had been torn apart. He couldn't condone Severus for what he called his mother, but for the first time, Harry appreciated how bad things must have been for Severus to lash out like he did.
The two wizards stood at the front door as Severus dismantled the wards of the property whilst looking for his keys. Harry found Severus using something as mundane as keys strange until Severus' elderly neighbour came out of her front door right next to where they stood.
She had obviously known Severus all his life, Harry realised, and he was surprised by how gentle the usually dour wizard was with her. She told him how well he looked, and when she asked him why he was finally selling, the resultant hug when he told her it was because he was buying a house with his girlfriend, was returned affectionately. He even promised to come back to say goodbye properly when the house was sold and bring Hermione with him.
Harry shook his head. He suddenly appreciated how the lives his masters had forced him to live had affected Severus, and he began to understand why his best friend would want to spend the rest of her life with the man.
Harry had been in some foreboding places in his life, but there was something terribly wrong about Severus' childhood home. Severus admitted that apart from basic repairs, he'd done nothing to the house since his mother died, but it wasn't just that the house needed a lick of paint. They place felt cold and harsh and completely devoid of love.
Severus had summoned the post which lay on the doormat into his hand and walked through the hall to the kitchen before throwing the pile of letters down onto the table. He indicated to Harry to sit and called Missy to bring them tea as he'd forgotten to buy milk.
As Severus opened the post, Harry noticed that some of it was estate agents details. "So you and Hermione are buying a place then?" Harry asked pensively.
Severus chuckled light-heartedly. "Yes. We've decided we want to get a small bolt-hole away from everything. Of course, the day after we discussed it, Miss Organised contacted numerous estate agents and had them send the details here."
"That sounds spookily like Hermione," Harry laughed as Severus handed him a mug of tea. "No cake?" Harry asked cheekily.
"Potter, my mood is about to deteriorate rapidly as it is...don't push it," Severus snapped lightly.
Harry chuckled nervously before asking, "I'm curious, how did this whole cake making competition between two senior Death Eaters happen?"
Severus smirked. "I suppose Lucius and I are quite competitive," he said, taking a sip of tea.
"Just after Narcissa discovered she was pregnant, Voldemort's paranoia became evident as the disappearance of Regulus Black had shaken the Inner Circle. We know now that Voldemort hadn't killed him directly, but at the time we didn't, and he played on our fears to let us know the penalty for defection. Killing Muggles and Muggle-borns was one thing; killing a pureblood from the Noble House of Black was another.
"Sensing the disquiet and to show his goodwill, he decided to hold a celebration for his birthday. Abraxas Malfoy offered Malfoy Manor for the event and Voldemort ordered Narcissa to make him a birthday cake."
Severus noticed the look of incredulity of Harry's face. "That was pretty much my reaction! But although a laughable request, especially as Reg was Narcissa's cousin, refusal meant Lucius was to be tortured.
"Narcissa refused, and Lucius and I got drunk and had a how hard can it be? moment. Baking is no different to potion making; my reputation was therefore at stake and we found ourselves more than adequate. Obtusely, it was also quite relaxing," Severus admitted reluctantly.
"So baking was to you what knitting was to Dumbledore?" Harry ventured.
Severus laughed heartily. "Oh gods, he couldn't knit. He just liked knitting patterns. Don't ask me why. What went on in that head of his was beyond me."
"So how are we getting all these books back to Hogwarts?" Harry asked as he stood in the middle of Severus' living room.
Severus handed him four small bags. "You may be aware of a witch called Hermione do you think we're getting them back?"
Harry laughed. "Ah, the infamous extension charms. What did we do before them? She's going to have a field day with all these new books to play with."
"Indeed," Severus groused as he cleared one book case with a flick of his wand into the small bag.
Harry did the same and within five minutes the bookshelves were clear. All that was left were the cupboards at the bottom of shelves and a number of chests dotted around the room.
Harry opened one of the cupboards and found a number of old wizarding and Muggle photographs of a tall, stern looking woman with long black hair and piercing eyes. She wasn't conventionally beautiful but was certainly striking. He also noticed all the pictures had been cut in half. There were photographs of a baby and toddler with jet black hair. If this was Severus, Harry mused, he was quite a cute baby.
There were also photographs of Draco as a baby and toddler. There was one of Severus holding a newborn Draco whilst talking with Lucius, and various pictures of a toddler Draco jumping all over Severus. Harry would have said Severus looked happy apart from something slightly distant in his eyes.
"Ummm Severus, what are you doing with the photographs?" Harry asked. There was no answer. He twisted round to see Severus sitting on the floor by an open chest with a small box in one hand and the other pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked urgently.
"Do I look...?" Severus began to snap but managed to rein himself in. "I..." he paused before continuing. "This," he said holding up the small box, "is my mother's engagement ring.
"After mother died I cleared out my parents' room and threw everything of that bastard's out. In reality, there was hardly anything of mother's left worth keeping either. So apart from those photographs and a few items back at Hogwarts, this is all I really have of hers. I don't know why I didn't take this back with me. Well, I do. This was the only thing he ever gave my mother and that tainted it," he said gently, rolling the ring between his thumb and forefinger.
"I suppose in an ideal world I would give this to Hermione," Severus mused. "As it is, I'm still giving her an heirloom, but I couldn't give her this because everything he touched was tainted. I probably shouldn't even give her myself..."
Severus' voice trailed off and he stood up, shrunk the chest, threw it in a bag and stormed off upstairs. He called down to Harry and told him to put the photographs in one of the chests and shrink them.
Harry decided to give Severus a few minutes before following him upstairs. He wasn't sure what to expect when he entered Severus' childhood bedroom, but he found the headmaster sat on the edge of the bed, with his head in his hands. The room itself was a typical teenager's room with posters and photographs...mainly of Severus and Lily...on the wall. Although not many teenage bedroom walls could boast blast marks and what looked like bits of cauldron embedded into it.
"If you want any of the pictures of your mother, take them," Harry heard Severus mumble as he saw the younger wizard looking at them.
"Why did your mother marry your father if he was such a monster?" Harry asked quietly as he looked at the photographs of Lily and Severus fooling around. They were all taken at Hogwarts. Seeing a Gryffindor and Slytherin uniform so close together was still a rare sight as was seeing Severus smile. At least Hermione made him smile now.
Severus raked his fingers through his hair. "They started dating towards the end of 1958, according to my grandmother. My grandparents disapproved..."
"Because he was a Muggle?" Harry interrupted.
"Gods no," Severus protested. "My grandparents weren't like that. Most of their staff...most of my staff are Squibs and Muggles. No. They didn't approve because he was an arsehole. They were married in a registry office on June 30th 1959 with two witnesses they dragged off the street. I'm three weeks older than your mother. You do the maths."
"You were on the way?"
"Just when you deserve some House points, Professor, I am unable to give them," Severus smirked before continuing.
"I started to sleep in the spare room after my mother died because I couldn't sleep in here anymore. This room was my sanctuary from the rows, but in truth it offered little protection from him.
"He was a drunk and resented my mother's magic. He blamed her for getting pregnant; he frequently saw to it that mother and I knew that he hated us.
"He broke my mother's spirit; he abused her verbally, mentally, physically and...I wasn't immune to the same treatment although he never succeeded in..." Severus had to stop. Harry sat on the bed next to him. He merely looked at the floor but his presence seemed to bring a sense of calm to Severus.
"I hated him because he made me dread going back to Hogwarts. I felt more at home there than anywhere else, but I feared for my mother. Lily made it bearable but my fear was manipulated by Avery and Mulciber. I hated my Muggle father; what better reason for a poor, half-blood to become a Death Eater?
"Sometimes I think I'm as bad as my father...actually no, I'm worse. I..."
"Severus," Harry interjected, "if we'd had this conversation six months ago I'd have agreed with you, but would you beat or mentally abuse Hermione? You've done things you're not proud have I. Yes, you're a cruel bastard sometimes, but you had your reasons. Does Hermione know any of this?"
"I don't want to lose her," Severus muttered to the floor.
Harry huffed. "Why would you lose her?" he challenged.
"He died as a result of me," Severus whispered as he closed his eyes.
"You need to be saying this to Hermione," Harry told him urgently.
Severus shook his head. "I'd arrived back for the summer holidays at the end of my fourth year. My home comings were always fractious, but I could sense before I even reached the front door that there was something really wrong this time.
"My parents were in their bedroom and she was screaming at him; begging him to stop." Severus paused and took a deep breath. "There was blood on the wall at the top of the stairs and she was...there was so much blood...and he was..."
"I don't need to know," Harry said uncomfortably as Severus' voice cracked.
Severus tried to calm down before he continued. "I pulled him off her and just laid into him. It was time he got a taste of his own medicine. I couldn't stop...every time I heard something crack I felt vindicated. Mother had to stop me otherwise I'd have killed him..." Severus' voice trailed off as he wrung his hands together.
"I healed my mother and then for some fucking reason she healed him as best she could. She told me to get out and calm down round at your mum's. But Lily knew I was too far gone to calm down so she owled Narcissa, who came with Lucius to take me to Malfoy Manor."
"Did Mum get on with Narcissa then?" Harry asked with an air or surprise.
"Sort of. Lucius treated me like his younger brother by that point, and Narcissa had always been quite protective of me so she took it upon herself to get to know Lily. Your mum wanted to come with us, but Narcissa told her Abraxas would have a fit if she did. She wasn't happy, but she said she'd check on things at home for me and send me an owl to let me know when I could come home.
"I got an owl the next day. My mother found him at the bottom of the stairs. Unsurprisingly, he'd been drinking, but what killed him were severe internal injuries that were not all consistent with his fall. Mother just told the authorities he was always getting into fights. It was true, so it was left at that."
Harry considered this. "He did rather have it coming to him. You don't know how many times he fell prior to falling down the stairs that day. You can't say he died because of what you did and honestly, it served him right, if you ask me."
"Anyone would think you were a Slytherin," Severus said almost affectionately.
Harry gave Severus a wry smile. "You know, I think I may have reacted as you did. But what happened to your mother?"
"She died six months later. She'd been ill for years seemingly, but didn't say anything to anyone. She never spoke to me again after my father died. She blamed me for taking her husband away...can you believe it? He beat her and raped her and I stopped it and she blamed me for taking him away from her," Severus choked as he fought back his tears.
Harry put his arm around his former dreaded Potions Professor and spoke gently. "Go home and tell Hermione what you've told me, but tell her everything. Don't hold back. And I can assure you she will still be there in the morning."
Severus just hoped he was right.
Hermione didn't hear Severus come back into their rooms. She had gone to bed early with a book, and had just put it down, turned off the lights and began to snuggle into her pillow when the bedroom door opened. Severus, holding onto the handle and door frame asked quietly, "Are you awake?"
The usual silkiness of his voice was replaced by something raw and it caused her to push herself up to look at him, therefore negating the need to answer. Leaving the bedroom door open so that the only light came from the living room, he walked over to the bed and Hermione moved over slightly so he could sit on the edge beside her. She could sense something was wrong as Severus gently took her hand and placed her fingers against his lips. She felt him screw up his eyes as he attempted to stem the tears that were threatening to fall. He failed and she felt a tear roll down the back of her hand.
She quickly knelt up and wrapped her arms around him, cradling his head against her shoulder. In return he clung to her desperately. After holding him for several minutes...his grip on her being constantly adjusted so that he could hold her as close as possible...she pulled back to look at him. As Hermione brushed Severus' hair behind his ear, she asked him what was wrong. He swallowed hard and whispered "I know it's probably not the best time, but can we talk about...?"
She knew exactly what was coming and her simple, reassuring response, before she pressed her lips to his forehead in an emotion filled kiss was, "Of course it is."
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