There Be Dragons, Harry | By : Scioneeris Category: HP Canon Characters paired with Original Characters > Slash - Male/Male Views: 58487 -:- Recommendations : 9 -:- Currently Reading : 28 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. I make no money by writing this story.. |
RECAP: When Charlie takes a spell intended for Harry, it injures him and prompts Harry to invoke Theo's elemental powers by way of his Dragel password, to avenge the dragontamer. However, after invoking the password after a soulcry, Harry passes out, trying to reach Charlie, who has undergone a partial, forced Dragel transformation. Theo shows up and is very upset to see the state of things at The Burrow. He is furious with Dumbledore, Heals Shadow, Fixes the battle damage on the land, buries Rowle's burnt remains and seals his own powers by recalling them from Harry. When Charlie refuses to hand over Harry, Theo challenges him and Charlie gives a heartcry, which prompts Theo to bite him, before 'porting all three of them out to Snape's quarters at Hogwarts.
The mismatched trio arrived in the Snapes' shared quarters with Charlie and Harry in a tangle of arms and legs and Theo standing protectively over them. There didn't seem to be anyone there or anything amiss as Theo scented the air for danger and finding none, ended the transportation portal and immediately bent to take Harry from the dragon tamer's arms. He growled, meaningfully, when Charlie reluctantly clung to the armful. A moment later, he easily stood with Harry cradled in his arms.
"Stay!" He ordered, with a slight frown, when it looked as if Charlie were to get up and follow him. "This is between us, right now. I will tend to you, shortly."
Charlie slowly drew himself up and sat on the floor, waiting.
Theo carried Harry across the room and placed him on the settee closest to the fireplace. Shadow flew out from around his shoulders and immediately curled up on a cornerstone before the empty fire. Theo bit his wrist and then held Harry's mouth open for the crimson liquid to trickle inside.
Charlie perked up at once. The scent of blood was intoxicating, specifically Theo's blood, and he bit his lip hard to keep from making the sounds that were jumbling together in his throat. The new sensations and inclinations were entirely foreign to him and while he tried to fight them back, they continued to persist. He desperately wanted to speak, but it seemed as if his body would not yet comply with his wishes, no matter how desperate they might be. A soft whine left his lips, a plea almost.
Theo's eyes immediately flickered up to him. "Not now." He said, firmly. "You won't be able to handle this right now and as you've just transformed, I know you're hungry, but there are some other things I'll have to tend to first. I will take care of you when that is completed." Charlie's frown remained. Theo sighed and bopped Harry lightly on the head, when said mate had revived enough to drink on his own. "Enough, mate. You are not the least bit injured and you should not be that hungry. Besides, I haven't that much to spare seeing as I haven't exactly had the time to be eating." A whine of protest came from the waking Harry as Theo gently disengaged his wrist from the plump lips and bent to kiss the slowly forming pout. He straightened and licked the cut wrist, healing it with a murmured incantation as he rose.
A strangely light silence settled on the rooms. It seemed as if there was no one present at the moment.
Theo had moved to the fireplace and cast a spell to start the flames flickering. Shadow gave a happy chirp in appreciation. "Toppy?" He called, to the empty room. The house elf in question popped in at once. "Food for three." He said, quickly. "Three of our kind and a something for a Nytura."
Toppy gave a happy little nod and popped out, returning a scarce handful of minutes later with a large tray and several bowls of cubed fruit and strips of fresh meat. Theo nodded his thanks and took up a plate, fixing it carefully with balanced portions of each, before placing the bowl of remaining meat cubes beside Shadow on the hearth.
Picking up the prepared first plate, he carried it over to Charlie and placed it in the older boy's surprised hands. "There is a great deal to discuss," he began, in slow, measured tones. "But I cannot do all of it myself. I would ask you to trust me and simply relax and wait for now."
Relax. And wait. For now. Charlie blinked, processing that. He found himself immediately agreeing with Theo on the point that the Slytherin was trustworthy. That made perfect sense. Er. No. The redhead shook his head trying to clear it.
Slender fingers caught one ear and tugged it, lightly. "I was not asking for your opinion." Theo said, mildly. "You will have to wait."
Charlie frowned. He hadn't really been disagreeing, his head was just so jumbled that he couldn't make sense of it all. He opened his mouth to try and explain again when Theo's hands morphed to claws and scooped up a few chunks from the plate which he promptly deposited in Charlie's mouth. The redhead gave a mild squeak of surprise and chewed and swallowed. A moment later, he hesitantly opened his mouth again and was calmly handfed the fare on the plate clutched between his hands. He couldn't stop the blush that started, at the thought of being fed like a child, but there was something kinder in the gesture that spoke volumes of the Slytherin.
Theo had nearly emptied the plate, when Harry spoke from the other end of the room, drawing their attention as one.
"T-Theo?" Harry's voice was small and hesitant.
"Yes?" Theo moved away from Charlie and returned to the tray to fix another plate for himself and Harry.
"W-why didn't you come?" A hitch was heard, a near sniffle. "I-I wanted you there and you didn't come! I didn't know how to call you and-"
"Hush, treasure of mine." Theo was at his side in a moment, the food forgotten as he bent down to soothe ruffled feelings with a kiss of gentle dominance. "I did come. I could not come straightaway, because you did something I had warned you not to do." There was a glint in his golden eyes. "And we will speak of this later."
Harry's brow furrowed as he sorted through that and he did pout, this time. "That's not an answer." There was real hurt in his voice. "I needed you and I didn't know how to call you and you said that you'd-"
"And I was coming." Theo said, softly. "You called and I heard you. But I was speaking to Ilsa and making arrangements for now." Harry turned away from him, rebelliously. Theo pretended not to notice. "When I speak to her, since she is in Nevarah, I have to be in a state of trance. It takes time to enter and exit the trance. I ended the call the second I felt your pull. I came as quickly as I could, mate. I could have come faster, if you had not activated my element. That was an extremely dangerous thing to do and-"
"But not quick enough." Harry mumbled. "And of course it's my fault!"
"Harry." Theo sighed. "This conversation can wait." He decided, rising abruptly with intent of returning to the food platter.
Charlie gave an annoyed huff from his corner, to which Theo answered with a clicking sound and a purr.
Harry rolled over, quickly, but not quick enough. He tried to get up as he saw Theo stalking towards Charlie sitting dejectedly on the ground. A squeak of pain escaped and he writhed on the cushions, trying to process the sudden pain. Theo had said he wasn't injured so the unexpected pain was, well, unexpected. What had happened? He squirmed and winced as any movement began to cause the horrible, aching sensations.
"That is what happens when you summon powers you shouldn't." Theo scolded, mildly. "Give a minute, I'll find one of Severus' potions for it. Please remember this and be mindful of it in the future." He paused in mid-approach of Charlie and directed his steps to the Potions Master's corner cabinet bearing necessary remedies. "Charlie, how are you feeling? Any other pains? Yes or not?" He titled his head in acceptance of the answering shrug.
A moment later, he stood beside Harry again, holding a vial of pail reliever potion to the trembling pink lips. He'd made sure to add some of his blood—again—to the potion, so Harry's Dragel self would accept and process the outside help. He soothed Harry's shaking with gentle hands rubbing firmly up and down his arms and sides. Theo took a blood replenisher for himself along with a basic nutrition potion and settled on a calming draught for Charlie—bloodless, of course—and urged the redhead to keep on eating.
He helped himself to a plate and handfed a very reluctant Harry who eventually dozed off a few mouthfuls into the moment.
With that, taken care of, Theo sat back to wait, a very worried expression set on his face.
"Temptrificus Ergen! Theodore Gorgens Nott, immediate vicinity!"
A flash of blue light announced the ones that Theo had been waiting for.
Relief spilled through him like a raging waterfall. He was on his feet in seconds and starting forward towards them as two figures stepped out of the transportation circle. The tinge of blue energy crackled and fizzed out, drawing the attention of Charlie and waking the napping Harry with the sound.
Ilsa Gorgens turned out to be a very short and stocky woman, with a crop of bright brown hair, decorated with blackened tips as if it had been singed. She was significantly shorter than Theo, at least by a head and a half and there were very few airs around her, save for a powerful, nearly stifling energy as she stepped fully into the Snapes' sitting room. Her eyes were the same burning hue of gold and she wore a simple pair of form-fitting pants shorts and an open, leather-like vest, unbuttoned, with a few elastic bands drawn over the chest to hold it closed. Scaled skin could be seen from the front, but the vest hugged her sides and moved easily with her. Black and burgundy inked tattoos swirled over every inch of exposed skin, save for her face, hands and neck.
She'd 'ported in with a taller fellow accompanying her, his Dragel wings out in full sight and spread protectively behind her, even as she seemed to stay just a bit too far out of reach for him.
"Theo, darling." She hugged him hard and then stood back at arm's length and tugged him down to slap the back of his head. "That was for your very abrupt end to our conversation." Her lips were pursed. "I am glad to see you are in one piece. You worried me." She snatched him back in another bone-crushing hug. "You have not worried me since you were fifteen." Her piercing gold eyes swept rapidly around the room seeing and taking in everything present. "I take it this was your main reason?"
"Of course!" Theo protested, straightening warily from the reprimand, but enjoying the motherly affection just the same. "I would never 'port out on you for any other thing of importance beyond my mate…mates." He amended, with a glance at Charlie. "This is the-"
"I know. I can tell." She interrupted and then gave a snort of laughter at the affronted look on his face. "So I presume. You are precious, Theo." She drawled. "Do not ever change that." Her nose gave a slight twitch as she took a few cautionary whiffs. "Blood traitor, Theo? Really?" She said, mildly, surveying Charlie meaningfully. "I thought I trained you better than that." One hand twitched and Theo quickly stepped back.
"Harry's choice." The Slytherin said, quickly. "You would have me deny him?"
Ilsa stifled a laugh. "And that silver tongue of yours still works quickly I see." She sniffed the air a little more deeply this time, testing it. "Do forgive me if I ignore you for a while."
"I would rather you did." Theo smiled. "His transformation is partial and I do not know what triggered it," he gestured towards Charlie's claws. "His element is fire."
"As is obvious by his scales." Ilsa retorted. "I am not blind."
"I did not mean to say that you were. Er, Harry is-"
"I have no pressing urge to greet a disobedient mate." Ilsa cut off, her back deliberately to the sofa.
Charlie shifted restlessly, setting his plate aside and eyeing the newcomers wearily. He wasn't sure he followed everything that was happening or that he liked the sudden turn in conversation.
"Don't judge what you do not know." Ilsa turned to him. She sighed. "And believe me, child, there is much you do not know." She cracked her knuckles, audibly and then gave a dismissive wave of her hand to Theo. "His pride's been wounded if there's nothing physical, at least slobber on him a bit or something."
"Ilsa!" Theo's pale face took on the faintest hints of a blush.
The short woman ignored him with a toss of her head. "Shoo. Go annoy him. I have work to do."
Theo opened his mouth and shut it.
The second Dragel that had entered, flashed him a smile of comradeship.
Theo shrugged and tilted his head towards the sofa. The older man followed without complaint.
Ilsa didn't seem to notice their absence as she circled Charlie and then knelt before him, offering both of her hands and smiling, gently when he accepted them.
Charlie took it, confused, as she seemed to want him to, and waited, unsure.
"Do you know what you are, child?" Her voice was softer now, coaxing almost. "Do you understand what has happened?"
Charlie gave a slow shake of his head. She really had a knack for changing subject in the oddest of ways. He wondered what she was going to do to him. Somehow, he had a feeling it would hurt—after all, so had everything else—so far.
"You are a dragel." She said, bluntly.
He blinked. That did not hurt.
Her lips twitched, faintly, as if she would smile. "Do you know what that is?"
Her companion's name was Aracle and he was her circle's Rheyo(Alpha-assigned Beta), seeing as Ilsa held a position of Gheyo(fighter), he was inclined to travel with her to make sure that she did not stumble into any trouble. Once assured that Ilsa would be busy, he struck up a conversation with Theo and aided in healing Harry's shaking body from the aftereffects of channeling an entire clan's worth of elemental power.
"You are very lucky." Aracle scolded. He flicked Harry's forehead lightly, with his free hand. Theo held the other, using the blood from the cut to trace the complicated runed shapes for healing and life. "If Theo's power was not so great, he would not have had elemental titans to protect you and you surely would have died, Dragel or not. There are some things that simply are meant to be left alone."
Harry winced, but didn't try to answer that. There was an entirely new set of feelings and emotions coursing through him. Some that he didn't want to deal with and others that he could not avoid. He felt horribly guilty for the unexpected turn of events and the guilt multiplied when he saw the deep concern and worry etched on his dominant mate's face.
One of them that he could not avoid was the look of devotion and concern on his alpha's face as Theo continued to paint the runes on his exposed stomach and activate them systematically with a burst of magic. He was feeling better by leaps and bounds, the pain and tremors a near distant memory. Some of his confusion was the willingness of the older man, Aracle and his simple acceptance that he was Theo's mate. It didn't seem like something that could be so easily accepted and understood.
At least, not to him.
"You are thinking too hard." Aracle commented, rubbing at the furrow in Harry's brow. "Stop it." He looked to Theo. "Does he always worry so?"
"I'm going grey before my time." Theo retorted. "What do you think?"
"Ah, but you alphas are meant to handle the worrying." Aracle commented, lightly. "I take it that is a lesser dominant?" He inclined his head towards Charlie's sitting, stunned figure, as he listened to Ilsa's words, falling deeper into the trance the older woman was weaving.
Theo half-shrugged. "He is dominant, but I know not exactly what." His golden eyes narrowed, calculating. "I refuse to relinquish my rank, if that is what you are inquiring."
Harry stiffened at once. "You said you wouldn't fight." He said, softly.
Theo looked down at him, his smile thin. "I said I would not fight him unless he were to make the first move."
"But he hasn't fought you or anything!" Harry said, frantically. "Has he?" He began to struggle, trying to coax his exhausted body to move.
"Hush, little one." Aracle held him down, easily, with one warm hand on the center of his chest. "Do you not trust him?"
Harry fought him anyway, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. "You promised!" He managed to say.
Theo frowned. "I did and I have not engaged him." He said, simply. "He, however, is not content with our present hierarchy."
"You don't know that!" Harry snapped.
"You were asleep. You did not see nor hear him." Theo countered.
"That doesn't mean that-!" Harry struggled again.
Aracle exchanged a worried glance with Theo and cautiously removed his placatory hand, allowing the older boy to gather Harry into his arms and hold him tight.
Harry locked his arms around that pale neck and insistently rubbed his cheek on Theo's. "M'sorry, I'm sorry." He mumbled, switching his ministrations to nuzzle Theo's neck, a low whine in his throat. "I only used it because I had to." He said, hoarsely. "I couldn't let him die! I couldn't! You didn't come fast enough and-"
"Hush, treasure of mine." Theo soothed. "If we are to fight, it will be because our instincts tell us to." He kissed away the protest on Harry's lips. "And if we fight, it will not be until he is completely healed. I would never break my promise to you nor would I ever give you up without a fight." He hesitated for a moment and then bent to press a kiss to the exposed neck.
Harry visibly relaxed into him.
Theo sighed. He hated to tear at this when everything was still so fresh and uncertain, but he had to. There wouldn't be another time that would be better, not now, given their current circumstances. "Harry, what do you really know of the Weasleys?"
Pain-filled emerald eyes shimmered up at him. There were more to those words then it seemed on the surface. "Not now, Theo." Harry begged. "Please? I don't want to do this now. I can't-"
"Shh. Then we will not." Theo murmured. He tightened his grip around Harry's thin shoulders and began to card free hand through the tangled mop of damp hair. He frowned. Harry was startlingly cold, a detail that was swiftly rushing to the forefront of his mind. "We will not." He whispered, slipping a hand down the collar of Harry's shirt and gently stroking the tattooed mark. He made sure to distract his mate with a kiss so Harry could not protest and then cast several warming charms before summoning a blanket from the guest bedroom.
A moment later, the small body in his arms went limp at the coaxed sleep and Aracle caught the summoned blanket. "Was that wise?" The Rheyo asked, watching the interaction with saddened eyes. Theo shrugged. Aracle helped him ease Harry back to the settee and wrap the sleeping figure with a blanket. "He will be furious, I expect, when he wakes."
"Perhaps." Theo shrugged. "It was necessary."
Aracle snorted. "Allow me to refuse to comment on that."
"Permission granted." Theo said, graciously.
There was another snort.
"Do you know…?" Theo ventured, after a moment.
Aracle stiffened. He sighed. "It is good you called for Ilsa." He said, at last. "But to the monster that has bound such a child…" He looked away. "I do not blame her for what she would wish to do with them. I only wish that my ranking was similar so that I might be excused whatever revenge I might enact."
"Is it too late?"
The Rheyo gave a faint shrug. "Hard to tell. He is almost too old."
"I know."
"How long?"
"A day."
"You are lucky."
"I am not. I do not think Harry will survive it if he does not."
A/N: I'm particularly fond of Theo here, right now. I think he's absolutely adorable. LOL. So, what did you think of Ilsa? She's about to start the blood purification ritual on Charlie and complete his transformation, he should have wings, but only his claws have come out.
NOTE: There are four types of 'basic' Dragels and in their true forms, the differences are obvious:
AIR Dragels: dragon-like physique, with smaller bodies and very powerful wings.
EARTH Dragels : dragon-like physique, with more muscular bodies and average to moderately sized wings.
FIRE Dragels: serpent-like physique, small armored wings and heat-resistant scales with larger claws and sometimes, a spiked tail in full form. Tend to be longer and less muscular than air or earth dragels.
WATER Dragels: merkind-physique, two additional alternate forms, no wings, finned limbs. Claws, a powerful tail and sometimes a dorsal fin.
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