The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
From a certain point of view
Hermione was exhausted and ached everywhere. Normally, if Severus kept her up all night she would be grinning from ear to ear, but not this morning. This morning she had a headache from crying for six hours, she ached from all the awkward positions she'd found herself in as she tried to comfort Severus, and from something she hadn't experienced since she tampered with her parents' memories...pure, unadulterated heartache.
Thankfully, after pouring his heart out to her, Severus had eventually fallen asleep after reluctantly agreeing to take a Sleeping Draught, but alas, sleep had not found Hermione. Lucius had rather underplayed how bad this conversation would be when he said it wouldn't be pleasant.
Hermione had listened to Severus whilst beating down her anger. She had kissed away his tears, whilst she wished someone would kiss away her own. She tried to soothe him, whilst she was thrown into turmoil. She did everything she could to let him know he was safe with her.
She knew now where all Severus' self loathing came from, even if she couldn't fathom why he blamed himself. Every time he said "it was my fault," Hermione felt herself becoming more and more angry with him. Nothing she said seemed to placate him. All she wanted to do was take away his pain. She even considered doing just that...if she could remove herself from her parents' memories, she could remove Severus' parents from his. But as tempting as that was, Hermione couldn't do that to him.
Yes, he had made some ill judged decisions, but ultimately Hermione couldn't say what she would have done if she'd had the upbringing Severus had; if she'd been put in the positions he'd been put in; if she'd been made to feel the way that he had. It certainly explained why he'd turned into an angry young man; why he'd turned on Lily when he did; why he'd become a Death Eater.
And not only was she becoming more angry with his constant questioning of his self worth, but she could feel her venom rising towards his parents, his grandmother, and Lily. His father was obviously a bastard, but his mother? What mother could allow that to happen to her son? And what grandmother, even though she was not on speaking terms with her daughter, but knowing of their whereabouts, would do nothing to intervene? Yes, Lady Eleanor had explained before about this but now that Hermione knew the truth, she wasn't sure she could contain her anger.
As for Lily... she had known that Severus needed her. She had only half-heartedly tried to stop Sirius, James, Peter, and Remus from bullying him. Lily had known about his family background and yet she did nothing. And the day she had finally decided to stand up to them; the day they finally humiliated Severus to breaking point, he had been so broken that it was no wonder he'd lashed out at her. But Lily had been aware of everything and still she turned her back on him. When Severus tried to apologise, he'd been spurned.
Hermione was convinced this was why Severus always seemed to back down from arguments with her once the heat of the debate reached a certain level. He never backed down from an argument with anyone else. He allowed his vitriol to spill over freely with others, but she was convinced that he was afraid his temper would run away with him, making him say something in the heat of the moment that she wouldn't forgive. Well, she might not if it was bad enough, but she would always allow him the opportunity to apologise. Lily hadn't afforded him that opportunity. She had just abandoned him.
All sorts of emotions were coursing through Hermione, but after a few hours, it was mainly anger. Although, her anger towards Severus was because he was so insistent that he was worthless. After telling her everything, she knew he was a far stronger person than he ever gave himself credit for. She found herself pondering whether these revelations had changed their relationship. Of course, they had but not, in the way Severus was convinced, they had.
He'd already told her on numerous occasions that she would be better off without him, but the final straw came when Severus suddenly moved away from her arms and took her hands in his. His body stiffened as he summoned his resolve. He cleared his throat and spoke calmly.
"I can't give you fully what you need, Hermione," he told her. "I keep trying, but I'm just not good enough; I'll never be good enough. Now that you know everything, I don't want your pity. I want something that I'm just not worthy of having. So, just leave; leave before I taint you. Don't worry, everyone else has left me so I'm used to it.
"I can help you gather up your belongings, or I can just stay out of your way. I'm sure the castle will arrange new rooms for you. Just please...I love you too much to condemn you to..."
That ensuing row had been the worst they'd ever had. Of course, deep down, Severus didn't want her to leave, but he had said it once too often and she had no longer been able to contain her anger. Hermione railed at him to stop saying things he knew deep down were untrue; to stop saying things that were ripping her apart. The air in the room had crackled and tasted metallic as her magical core thrummed with her increasing anger. As Severus tried to counter her with another self-deprecating remark, she felt her anger reach a peak and her resultant magical outburst threw him across the bedroom and against the wall.
Watching Severus slide unceremoniously down onto floor, Hermione had then straddled him, pummelling her fists onto his chest as she screamed at him that if the next words from his mouth related at all to him not being good enough, then she really would leave him.
It seemed that her threat did the trick. The shock of her actually admitting that she could leave him affected both of them with an intensity that neither expected. In the moments that followed they desperately clung to each other; chests constricted, tears falling harder than they had all night. They begged each other not to leave; begged each other...well, Severus mainly begged...for forgiveness.
And forgiveness was granted as they promised each other that this was the beginning of something new between them. It was time to accept the past; accept that it had shaped Severus, but that he had something now that he never had before...a love that would never fail him, and a promise that he would never face anything again alone.
Yes, their relationship had changed. Severus' admissions and confessions had led Hermione to the realisation that their relationship would now be deeper and stronger, and frankly, she would protect him until her dying breath.
Hermione lay on her side, watching Severus sleep. After the fallout of their row, Severus had gently picked Hermione up and placed her in their bed before sliding in beside her. They found a peace wrapped in each other's arms that they'd never found before, and yet both were acutely aware that they wouldn't be able to wake up and forget what had happened. Everything would be fine, eventually, but they both felt fragile. Which was why Hermione had insisted that Severus take a sleeping draught. He could survive on little sleep, but when he was mentally and emotionally drained, Hermione knew he would have an incredibly short fuse later.
She gently tucked the curtain of hair that fell over Severus' face behind his ear and pressed lingering kisses to his temple, cheek, and nose. He didn't stir once and she smiled at how peaceful he looked.
Then she slipped out of bed, grabbed her dressing gown, and hastily scribbled Severus a message before quietly leaving their chambers. She had dead people to shout at.
Hermione entered the headmaster's office, and with a flick of her wrist turned on the lights. Obsidian immediately flew down to sit on the back of Severus' chair to greet her, and she spent a few moments stroking the proud bird's feathers. She was lost in thought when she heard Professor Dumbledore's voice. "Good morning, Hermione. What brings you here at this hour?"
Hermione turned round slowly and sat down in the headmaster's chair; Obsidian stood guard. She looked up at her former headmaster and felt a sudden wave of anger sweep through her. Yes, Dumbledore was another who would feel her wrath, but for now, she had another target. Trying to keep her temper under control, she said tersely, " Good morning, Professor Dumbledore. Please, could you find Lady Eleanor for me?"
"Of course, my dear. Is all well? Are you alright?" Dumbledore asked, his voice full of concern.
"I'll deal with you later," Hermione snapped, trying to control her angry tears.
Dumbledore suspected he knew why Hermione was so upset, especially after Severus' revelations before the Founders on Monday . He stood and bowed to the young witch. "I will return as soon as possible."
Hermione rested her elbow on the arm of the chair and pinched the bridge of her nose. Obsidian hopped down onto the desk and looked at her curiously. It almost looked like he was arching an eyebrow at her. She gave him a watery smile. He was most definitely her partner's familiar, and she opened the top drawer of Severus' desk to retrieve an owl treat.
"There you go, Obs. I don't know if you'll see Severus today. He's..."
"Miss Granger," the voice of Armando Dippet interrupted softly. "Is all well with the headmaster?"
It was no good. Her resolve broke and tears started to flow at the former headmaster's gentle words. If he'd asked her how she was, she might have been able to keep her composure, but the fact that someone was concerned about Severus broke her.
Professor Dippet sighed as he saw Hermione desperately wiping her eyes. "There, there, my dear. All will be well. Severus is far stronger than most have ever given him credit for."
"I know that," Hermione said, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her gown. "But last night he..."
"Is everything alright, Hermione?" the silky voice of Lady Eleanor Prince interrupted her.
Hermione's tears immediately turned back to anger. "How could you?" she spat at the figure in the portrait before her.
Severus' grandmother looked at her grandson's girlfriend imperiously. "How could I what?" she asked impassively.
Hermione shook her head distractedly. Severus was so like his grandmother in many ways and Hermione could imagine...well, she didn't need to imagine...she had experienced Severus responding in such a way on numerous occasions. It would almost have been worthy of a smirk, but all Hermione could focus on was railing at Lady Eleanor.
"How could you let those things happen to him when he was growing up? How you could you just stand by and not step in?" Hermione started wiping her eyes frantically, trying to abate the tears.
"Ah. What you have to understand is..."
"Understand?" Hermione snorted. "How does a mother let her daughter and grandson suffer like that? He was four when he first saw Eileen being beaten, and I know the bastard very considerately laid off Severus until he was eight, but he still had to watch and live in fear.
"I know you said there were Squibs who looked out for him and Eileen, but tell me, what kind of guide dogs did they have?"
"Hermione!" Eleanor raged. "I would have thought my grandson's penchant for sarcasm was beneath you," she sneered.
Hermione went to protest but Eleanor held up her hand to silence her. "Now if you will allow me to explain, I would be most grateful. I believe you came here for answers, after all, and not just the opportunity to vent your spleen."
Hermione glared at Severus' grandmother for several moments, her breathing laboured as she fought the rising surge of magic within her. Eventually she inclined her head, indicating that Eleanor should continue.
"Thank you," Eleanor said tersely. "Now, allow me to make one thing clear. I love my do you, but I was only allowed back into his life after my daughter died.
"My husband and I were personae non gratae as far as our daughter was concerned. Whenever we had contact with her, all she ever told us was that she was happy and that Severus was well, but we could never verify this because we were never allowed to see him. In addition to that, Eileen petitioned Albus to prevent us from contacting Severus at school.
"Our informants, if you will, only saw Severus outside of the house..."
"Hermione," Dumbledore said, interrupting Lady Eleanor much to her annoyance. "Your sense of injustice is of course wholly justified, but you are looking at this...and I hate to say it...through the benefit of Muggle-born eyes. I was a member of staff at this school for over fifty years, and in all that time I never came across a confirmed case of domestic abuse amongst our half-blood or pureblood populace..."
"What about Harry?" Hermione growled.
Dumbledore pinched the bridge of his nose. Hermione, as always, would not be placated when she felt someone had a case to answer. "Harry's situation was completely different and you are aware of that, Miss Granger. Now answer me this: why do you think we would have difficulty obtaining evidence of physical abuse in half-blood and pureblood families?"
Hermione looked at him plaintively as the realisation hit her. "They can heal themselves and the children."
"Alas," the former headmaster said gently, "that is the case. Fortunately...or rather unfortunately, we're more successful at discovering abuses of Muggle-borns."
"You see, Hermione," Eleanor continued, "there was no way we could definitely know what was going on. Yes, we were told that both my daughter and Severus were often seen in a state of impoverishment, but Tobias had lost his job. That was common knowledge and Eileen was, after all, a Prince with a stubborn, prideful streak a mile wide..."
Hermione snorted. The stubborn streak was obviously hereditary. Eleanor smiled as she saw Hermione's reaction to this before continuing. "My daughter would never have accepted financial assistance from us."
"So we decided to reassess the situation when Severus came to Hogwarts and see if the abuse went further than just poor living conditions," Dumbledore told Hermione.
"But you could have done more. He'd suffered since he was three," Hermione said, still desperately fighting back her tears.
"I know. We hoped that once there was direct contact with Severus, we could learn more," Lady Eleanor stated simply.
Dumbledore looked at Hermione with a gentle expression. "And of course, we had a stroke of luck. Severus developed a close friendship with..."
Dumbledore nodded. "She was his confidante. We hoped Lily could provide the evidence we desperately needed, but Severus kept Lily away from his father as much as he could. She reported that Severus feared him and was very protective of his mother. But there was no physical evidence of abuse to act on."
Hermione huffed.
Lady Eleanor rolled her eyes and commented, "Eileen was incredibly skilled in healing..."
"Obviously not skilled enough when she healed her beloved husband after her son stepped in and saved her," Hermione responded laconically. "I probably wouldn't have done that good a job either, but I certainly wouldn't have disowned my son and blamed him for the death of my abusive husband when he intervened to stop him raping and beating me violently. What did she want Sev to do? Stand there and watch? Offer Tobias a cuppa and ask him to kindly desist?"
"That was unforgivable of her, I must say," Lady Eleanor muttered.
Hermione tried to blink away tears again. "And then Lily turned her back on him when his tongue acted before his brain."
"Yes, well, the least said about her, the better," Lady Eleanor sneered. "She had no substance..."
"Lily was a lovely young woman," Dumbledore interrupted.
As one, Hermione and Lady Eleanor both stated, "I beg to differ."
Dumbledore sighed as Hermione stood defiantly, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "Hermione, I know this must be difficult for you to accept because you 're so emotionally involved, but you must consider the perspectives of all the parties involved."
He noted Hermione's look of incredulity before continuing. "We did have our suspicions but no evidence. Whenever we asked Severus if everything was alright at home he always said yes."
"Well, of course he did," Hermione snorted. "Gods, I can't believe you were so bloody stupid."
"Please don't swear, Hermione. It is most unbecoming," Lady Eleanor said dismissively.
Hermione scoffed. "Oh, pardon me for getting myself worked up over the treatment of your grandson. Perhaps if you'd shown more bloody concern for him I wouldn't have to..."
Dumbledore looked with concern between Lady Eleanor and the young witch currently berating her. He could not fault Hermione's passion for Severus, nor her fearless defence of him, but he also knew that things were never quite what they seemed.
Lady Eleanor sighed. "You're emotional, Hermione..."
"Oh, you think? Well I'm sorry but seeing the man I love reduced to inconsolable tears as he told me everything about his upbringing somehow makes me emotional."
"Miss Granger," Eleanor said calmly. "As Albus says, you must consider all the players involved. Tobias was an abusive manipulator who was out-manipulated and forced into marriage by my daughter."
"But why did she need to? The Prince's were pureblood. Why didn't you just marry her off?" Hermione asked in bemusement.
"I'd have expected a more enlightened attitude from you, Hermione," Eleanor snarked.
Hermione rolled her eyes as Eleanor answered her question. "As I've explained before, at the time my husband's brother was the heir to the family fortune. The House of Prince is an ancient family no longer concerned by political or financial machinations. But to the majority of other families, it was all they were concerned with. We were never approached for Eileen's hand because she did not carry the Prince fortune.
"But she was desperate for a child and as she got older she felt that dream slipping away. She met Tobias Snape and she saw him as the opportunity to provide her with a child. He was a drunk, had little money, had a job he despised, and suddenly he had a baby on the way. And yet, despite his many failings, he was honourable enough to stand by Eileen when she found she was with child.
"But it was no basis for a marriage...magical or Muggle. Tobias was a clever man, make no mistake. He abused my daughter in every way imaginable and I'll never understand why she allowed it. The only magic he allowed her to use was wandless healing magic and I believe, in the end, she came to resent Severus."
Dumbledore gave a watery smile as Hermione stifled a sob. "I know you're looking for one person to blame, but in truth, everyone who knew Severus failed him."
Hermione raked her fingers through her mass of hair. "I just...he didn't deserve it," she said, scrunching up her eyes, determined not to cry but failing.
Lady Eleanor looked at Hermione with soft eyes and a wry smile. "I know, Hermione, and you don't have to tell us that we should feel guilty about what happened. We already do. Now, dry your eyes, go back to Severus, and build your future."
The young witch nodded slowly, rose from Severus' chair and walked to the door. She turned and looked at the two portraits. "I still think you could have done more."
As the door closed, Albus Dumbledore turned to Lady Eleanor and observed a tear running down her cheek as she said, "My granddaughter-in-law has claws, Albus. You know she's right."
"Then Severus will be far better protected against what is to come than we could have ever hoped," Albus said as he rose and left to visit Phineas Black.
Hermione crawled back into bed, still with her robe on, trying not to wake her sleeping wizard. But as she was about to snuggle up behind him, he started to turn over to face her.
"Hi," Hermione whispered, kissing him softly on the lips as she brushed his hair out of his eyes.
Severus returned the kiss almost desperately as he cupped her cheek. "Where were you?"
"I'm sorry, love. I just had something to take care of something, but I did leave you a note," she said as she stroked his hair.
Severus draped his arm over her hip and pulled her towards him. "I woke up and I..."
"Had a little panic?" Hermione interjected.
"A panic is a little strong...I was disconcerted, shall we say," Severus said smiling bashfully before adding, "I must look a state this morning."
Hermione smirked as she pulled herself flat against his chest. "You've looked better, but you're still the sexiest person in this bed."
"Fishing for compliments, are we?" Severus teased in a croaky drawl. His voice was usually gravelly when he woke up, which Hermione always found very sexy, but this morning it was deeper than usual.
"No," Hermione stated incredulously.
"Oh. Well, in that case, I better not give you one," Severus smirked and rolled onto his back, watching her expression.
Hermione giggled as she suddenly straddled him. "That's a shame. I like it when you give me one."
"Cheeky minx," Severus growled as he undid her robe and slipped his hands underneath, pulling her down to his chest. He held her tightly against him and fought his way through her hair to her neck before whispering, "Thank you."
"What for?" Hermione replied softly.
"Listening; not judging me; loving me and making me realise I was being a dick. You're becoming so powerful, darling," Severus murmured against her ear. He found himself incredibly proud of how powerful she was now, even if his back was killing him from his impromptu meeting with the wall.
Hermione huffed. "I wish I could control it more. I'm sorry I lost it this morning. My magic has felt quite unstable since I've come on."
"Hormones, my love. That's why pregnant witches are so bloody dangerous," Severus muttered as he felt Hermione shaking with laughter.
"Oh gods, what are you going to do when I'm pregnant if I'm like this when I come on," she chuckled lightly.
Severus sighed deeply. "I may have to consider Arthur's suggestion of getting a shed, but that's a bridge I will all too gladly cross when we get to it."
Hermione pulled back slightly. "You know, when you said you didn't want to have a baby before we were that because...?"
"Partly," Severus admitted. "But mainly I just want to do everything right with you," he said as his hand found its way into her hair to pull her back down for a kiss.
"I'm glad," Hermione whispered against his mouth. "So when were you going to tell me you own Prince Industries?"
Severus froze.
"Who told you?" he asked warily.
Hermione raised an eyebrow and said, "No one. Well, Narcissa gave me a clue, but I didn't expect it to be such a big company. Although I suppose I should have guessed...Prince Industries is a bit of a giveaway. I just never put two and two together."
Severus snorted and then with a puzzled look asked, "But how did you...?"
"Find out?" Hermione interrupted. "I asked Narcissa what she knew about the business as I know Lucy's involved...although she said you were in the process of buying Lucius out..."
"Only out of the Muggle side," Severus interjected.
Hermione gave him a sardonic smirk. "Oh, only out of the Muggle side. Well that's nice," she said sarcastically. "Anyway, she said I should check our potion's invoices to see who is giving us the biggest discounts. Are you really giving us 90% discounts, Severus?"
"I am a secret philanthropist...what can I say?" Severus replied, trying to avoid looking at her.
Hermione tilted her head. "Why are you embarrassed about this?"
"I'm not embarrassed," Severus snapped.
Hermione sighed. "Well why have you avoided telling me, then?"
"Lots of reasons," he sighed. "But mainly because I wanted to surprise you at a later date. I thought if I kept fobbing you off, you would leave it alone."
Hermione snorted at his naïvety.
"Yes, I know," Severus smirked. "But it was worth a try."
"So was the surprise that you own the third biggest Potions company in the wizarding world; the only one with a Muggle division?" Hermione asked.
Severus shook his head.
Hermione narrowed her eyes and looked at Severus appraisingly. "Why are you buying Lucius out?"
"He's about to get divorced. He needs all the cash he can get," Severus sighed, hoping that his answer would stop the deluge of questions before they even started. He could tell she wasn't convinced by it, but he really didn't want Hermione to know the real reason he was buying Lucius out...not yet, anyway.
Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had a headache and it was getting worse. "Look, I'm tired and I don't really want to discuss it now, but all the information you want is in my desk in the study. Go and read to your heart's content. And now, can we get some coffee?"
Hermione was slightly placated and said, "OK. Oh, I told Minerva you were feeling a bit under the weather so you'd probably work from here today."
"I cannot object to working in bed as long as you're sprawled all over me," Severus teased.
Hermione sighed. "From our rooms not our bed, you git! I'm going to the Burrow and then to Diagon Alley to see Angelina this morning to confirm everything for tomorrow afternoon. Are you sure it's still alright for everyone to get changed at the flat?"
"Yes," Severus drawled with an air of exasperation. As thoughtful as it was that Hermione insisted on triple checking he was still alright with arrangements that required him to be sociable, it was also annoying.
Hermione knew Severus was still struggling with this concept of being nice and yet he thought he was being quite successful. He couldn't deny that since the end of the war, he was grateful there were more people willing to accept and befriend him, and recently that was in no small part due to Hermione. Being nice occasionally was reaping rewards Severus could only have dreamed of six months ago.
"Now what would you like for breakfast?" Hermione asked as she gave him a light peck on the nose.
"Coffee," Severus groused teasingly.
"You can't just have coffee," Hermione huffed in a slightly nagging way as she sat up on his lap.
She looked into his eyes and saw the flash of mischievousness a little too late, before she was flipped onto her back with him hovering over her. Where her robe was now caught between them, Severus pushed it open and playfully nuzzled her as his hands skimmed over her now exposed skin. He gently teased and nibbled her bottom lip before announcing, "I'd like Hermione on toast, please...actually, scrap the toast but not the coffee."
"I'm afraid, sir, Hermione is not on the menu today. Would bacon, sausage, fried eggs, fried bread, mushrooms and tomatoes be alright instead?"
Severus huffed and rolled his eyes at her. "Well I don't think I will be frequenting this establishment again..."
"You bloody well better, Mister," Hermione grumbled as she squeezed his arse before leaning up to steal a kiss.
As the kiss broke, Severus teased haughtily, " may have just persuaded me to return," and captured her lips again before adding more seriously, "just bacon and eggs will be fine. I really couldn't stomach much else this morning."
"Actually I couldn't eat much else," Hermione admitted ruefully. "I'm still feeling a bit fragile...I can only imagine how you're feeling."
Severus gently brushed a curl from Hermione's forehead and looked deep into her eyes. He swallowed hard and smiled. "I'm feeling fragile but thanks to you, I don't feel quite as bad as I should."
"Shall we go to the pub, then?" Lucius drawled as he stepped out of the fireplace in Severus' office, closely followed by Pius Thicknesse. They looked around but the headmaster was nowhere in sight.
"He's been working from his chambers today, Lucius," the voice of Albus Dumbledore said.
"Is all well?" Lucius asked, his voice laced with concerned.
Dumbledore sighed. "Severus revealed to Hermione the more unpleasant details of his upbringing last night. It has taken its toll, so he is working from their chambers. I believe they needed the comfort of one another's company."
A sense of panic engulfed the blond wizard. "Yes, but is all well?" he repeated.
"They are tired and emotionally drained, but yes, they are well, I believe," Dumbledore confirmed. "However, I am not sure how long it will take Lady Eleanor to recover from Hermione's little chat this morning."
Lucius looked at Pius and smirked before he asked, "I take it she was every bit his protective lioness?"
"Would you have expected anything less?" Dumbledore stated before taking his leave.
Severus and Hermione were indeed in their chambers. Severus was taking the coffee break that he'd promised her earlier so they could look through cottage details, but both kept becoming distracted by an overwhelming need to hold one another whilst exploring the other's mouth with languorous strokes of their tongues.
They had finally decided on two cottages to look at, and Hermione said she would Apparate to the estate agents, when Severus went to see George to arrange viewings. It was at this point that Hermione, in her excitement, straddled Severus' lap and hugged him tight. Severus reciprocated and planted a gentle kiss just behind her ear. The soft moan that inadvertently left her lips only served to encourage Severus to nuzzle her act which he was about to regret.
Hermione's fingers slowly tangled through his hair as she slowly moved back to claim his lips again. Severus' hands moved instinctively down her body as their kisses became more heated, but he was careful not to let them wander too. He didn't want to torture himself any more than he already was. But then Hermione gently rocked her hips, grinding up against Severus' semi hard erection. He had to break the kiss and threw his head against the back of the sofa.
"Sweetheart, stop...please," he pleaded softly. "You have no idea how much I much I need to make love to you."
Severus needed the intimacy of Hermione's kisses, but as special as they were, they were no match for the intimacy and connection they both felt when they made love. All he wanted to do was crawl inside her and stay there, but knowing that she didn't want to have sex at the moment, he'd been desperately trying to control his baser instincts.
Hermione brushed his hair away from his face, smiling as she rolled her hips up against him again.
"Fuck, 'Mione," he growled in warning. "Stop teasing me. You said you didn't want to do it whilst you're...I'm trying to respect that."
But Severus wasn't the only one who needed the intimacy of making love. Hermione may not have wanted to have sex yesterday, but today, especially after the events of earlier, she needed him. She cut him off with a kiss before whispering, "I do appreciate your efforts, but that was yesterday."
Severus' hands slipped further down to the swell of her buttocks, squeezing lightly as he moved his hips up to meet hers. Their tongues caressed each other's languidly as Hermione's fingers raked through his hair before she purred, "We could do it in the shower."
Severus nuzzled her neck, playfully scraping his teeth over the sensitive flesh just behind her earlobe.
"Don't feel you have to just because I..." he muttered, but was cut off as Hermione suddenly moved back and captured his lips again in a slow sensual kiss as she began to undo the buttons of her shirt.
"I need you too," she moaned into his mouth before throwing her head back as Severus kissed over her chin, sensuously attacking her throat as his hand ghosted over her bra clad breast.
Severus groaned and whispered, "Then, you shall..." but was once again interrupted, only this time by the green glow of the fireplace as Lucius, followed by Pius, stepped out into the room and looked at the couple with feigned surprise.
"I do hope we're not interrupting anything," Lucius said, knowing full well that they had.
Severus growled against Hermione's chest as he surreptitiously re-buttoned her shirt, which he realised was one of his. He had to think fast, because Hermione knew he was meeting George at five o'clock at the Hog's Head, but she didn't know that Lucius, Pius, Draco, Adrian, and Harry would be there also. She thought he was seeing Lucius and Pius at six o'clock for a quick drink as they often did on a Thursday.
He said to Hermione playfully, "It must be something to do with his age...coming early all the time."
Hermione knew what he meant, because Lucius had interrupted them as well on Saturday night, and she sniggered into Severus' neck as Lucius blustered at his friend's inference. She couldn't help but laugh out loud when Pius said "No it's just him; I'm older than both of you and I never have that problem."
"I'll have you know, you are the first person to complain about me coming too early, Severus Snape," Lucius said with a mock flounce as he flicked his fine blond hair over one shoulder.
Hermione was now shaking hysterically with laughter against Severus' chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, giving gave her a tight squeeze as he sniggered into her hair.
It was at this point Lucius mouthed to Severus, "Everything alright?" to which he nodded and smiled appreciatively at his friend's concern.
Pius ignored the group, consumed by the estate agent's details on the coffee table.
"So what brings you here two hours early? You know I have an engagement with George Weasley prior to our meeting at six o'clock?" Severus deadpanned.
"Oh, well, I was bored. Pius had just delivered Narcissa back from lunch, so we thought we would come and harass you, dear. And we thought we'd accompany you to the Hog's Head and sit in the corner, throwing things at you whilst you're having your meeting," Lucius smirked. "Anyway, so what if we're early? It's not as if you're busy, judging by the looks of things."
"Gods, I was just having a break," Severus scoffed.
"Is that what they call it these days?" Pius smirked.
Sensing that Severus was getting a little annoyed, and knowing that his short fuse was even shorter now he was sexually frustrated, Hermione deflected everyone's attention by asking "Does everyone want some coffee?" as she wriggled off his lap.
She had to giggle when they all absentmindedly said, "Yes, please, darling."
"Gentlemen, I trust you are all well," Severus drawled as he, Lucius, and Pius approached the table in the Hogs Head where Draco, Adrian, Harry, and George sat. Severus immediately noted that Draco and Adrian were sitting on either side of Harry. "Before we go any further, m'lord Malfoy is buying the drinks."
"Am I?" Lucius exclaimed, blinking at Severus in surprise.
Severus jerked his head towards the bar and said, "Pint of Hog's Head please, dear."
"The same," everyone apart from Pius added.
Lucius nodded and turned to Pius, who was straining to look at the bar. "I'll have a Blishen's, please. Beer goes straight to my head and I've got a date with the security teams for tomorrow night later."
"How many pints is that, then?" Lucius asked.
Severus just raised an eyebrow and drawled "Have you lost the ability to count?" Lucius gave him a stereotypical Malfoy sneer before going to the bar.
"What are you lot up to?" Aberforth asked jovially.
"Plotting to overthrow the Ministry; what does it look like?" Lucius groused sardonically.
Aberforth laughed heartily. "Oh, of course. Well, do it quietly, please," he smirked before attending to their drinks.
Severus sat down next to George and handed him a piece of parchment. "Your contract, Mr Weasley."
George smiled enthusiastically as he took the quill Severus also offered. "Thank you, Headmaster. I'm really looking forward to teaching these first years to fly. I just hope we find a new Gryffindor seeker in this intake to replace Harry."
"Actually I was going to ask about that," Harry interrupted. "Can I help coach Gryffindor, Severus?"
"Only if I can help coach Slytherin," Draco interjected.
Severus pondered this before making his pronouncement. "It would be unfair to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff so I cannot allow it..."
Both Draco and Harry were about to protest, but Severus raised his hand to silence them.
"It is advisable not to interrupt me, gentlemen," Severus stated authoritatively. "It gives me time to change my mind, but in this case, I haven't. I was about to say unless Draco, you agree to coach Hufflepuff and you, Harry, agree to coach Ravenclaw as well."
"Hufflepuff?" Draco scoffed.
"We must show less House bias these days. If I can do it, so can you," Severus said as he raised his eyebrows to suggest Draco should take note.
Lucius put the tray of drinks onto the table when Severus said, a little too cheerfully for his godson's liking, "Lucius, I have good news. Draco's just agreed to coach the Hufflepuff Quidditch team."
Everyone around the table had to agree the look on Lucius' face was priceless.
"So, Mr Potter," Severus drawled, "Would you care to enlighten us as to the details of your plan and our roles within it?"
Harry sighed. "First of all, I really wish you weren't here, Severus. Hermione will kill you...kill us...if she finds out you were involved..."
"And," Draco interjected, "after the last few days, I'd have thought you would want to avoid..."
"Are you suggesting I can't control my witch?" Severus snapped, smarting at his godson's inference.
Lucius snorted. "Of course he's not."
"I just don't want you having a row about it, that's all," Harry told him sincerely.
"At least Severus isn't exercising his rights, Mr Potter," Pius advised lazily. He then took the collective stares as a sign to carry on. "Mr Weasley could have found himself duelling. And given his opponent's formidable wand arm, I fear it would not end well for him."
"Somehow I don't think Mum could cope with burying another son at the moment," George said soberly.
Pius' eyes suddenly flashed with panic. "My dear boy, please forgive my insensitivity."
George gave him a watery smile. "No, it's fine. I guess it's at times like this I really miss Freddie. He was the brains...I was the doer. He'd be far more help here than me..."
"Nonsense," Severus interrupted. "You were a far better brewer than your brother and equally as inventive."
Severus' words rendered George speechless before he mumbled, "Thank you, Severus."
Severus just nodded curtly before announcing, "I've no intention of duelling Mr Weasley for that very reason. But having seen the bruise he bestowed upon Hermione on Monday, I cannot stay away."
"What bruise?" Draco interjected.
"Draco, calm down," Lucius drawled, as he absentmindedly twirled a finger above his glass, causing it to spin around slowly.
Severus looked perplexed. Lucius was only frivolous with his magic when he was restless. Severus made a mental note to ask him about it later, before returning to the more pressing matter.
"Is she alright?" George asked. "Honestly, I don't think I know Ron anymore. Bill's furious with him. He was supposed to go for a drink with Ron yesterday, but Fleur felt unwell so they went to see the Healer. Obviously Bill blew him out. Ron sent an owl basically accusing Fleur of deliberately driving a wedge between him and Bill."
"Are she and the baby alright?" Lucius asked suddenly. Severus was surprised to hear a hint of anxiousness in his voice.
George nodded. "Yeah, she just felt faint but apart from being really uptight about things, both she and baby are fine."
Severus' eyes narrowed as he observed Lucius carefully. He was sure he saw a sigh of relief before his friend said, "I remember Narcissa seeing the Healer numerous times during her pregnancy for that very reason...always advisable to err on the side of caution."
"As sorry as I am that Mrs Weasley was feeling under the weather, our priority here is Hermione," Draco snapped.
Lucius glared at Draco. Again, the look was not unnoticed by Severus. He had little time to consider it further as Pius said, "I think we can safely assume that Severus will be involved somehow. My role is to make sure you've not missed anything and that I'm able to provide realistic alibis should you be missed by anyone. I can only use my position effectively if I know everything. So, what I need to know initially, Mr Potter, is how you intend to extricate Mr Weasley from the premises."
"Actually," Adrian said quietly. "I think you need to change that part."
Severus arched an inquisitive eyebrow. "And why, pray tell, is that?"
"Neville," Adrian simply stated.
Draco huffed. "Oh, I should have fucking known. Fucking Longbottom fucking everything up."
"Shut up, Draco," Adrian snapped. "You don't know what I'm going to say and if anyone's fucked up, it's me...unintentionally...but the result is the same."
"Oh, do enlighten us, darling," Draco sneered.
"I had a drink with Neville last night and we got talking about my research and I offered to show him my Aizoaceae..."
"Is that what they call it these days?" George interjected and winked at Adrian.
Adrian chuckled, "Maybe, but these are plants that resemble small stones from South Africa."
Severus suddenly interjected. "An interesting field of study. Doesn't the shape of the leaves refract light more easily to enhance photosynthesis in harsh environments? Neville informed me that he'd like to improve the efficacy of some of our rarer moonlight gathered potions ingredients, so I'm sure he'll be picking your brains."
"He did mention that, actually," Adrian said enthusiastically. "He said you've approved four new research greenhouses, which is just amazing. I'd love to see them sometime."
Severus inclined his head graciously. "I'm sure that can be arranged."
Everyone looked between Adrian and Severus with a look of bewilderment. Lucius stood by what he used to say to Severus when he was younger: You know too much!
Pius, not one to usually suppress academic discussion, reminded everyone that there was another matter of importance to be discussed.
Adrian looked bashfully at the table. "Oh yes, sorry. Well, Neville mentioned your moonlight dependent plants, and I offered to show him some data to see if anything corresponded. Anyway, in my office I've got pictures of my sister, and Neville asked who she was so I told him. I told him she's also a botanist doing a PhD and currently in Australia for three months on a research project. It was only when he asked if I was attending the Ball on Friday that I realised what I'd done. I said I'd be joining Draco later, but it dawned on me that if I'm to take that potion, he would see me as my sister before then."
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Draco exclaimed.
Adrian glared at Draco. "What?"
"Could you have been more...I thought you were committed could you be so fucking..." Draco was so angry with Adrian that he couldn't form a coherent sentence.
"Draco, shut up," Severus snapped. "Adrian didn't do this deliberately. And if you're going to have a marital, you can both fuck off."
"Apologies, Uncle," Draco muttered.
Severus looked at his godson sternly before saying, "Accepted. Now, Mr Potter, we find ourselves in need of a plan B. You do have one, don't you?"
Harry swallowed hard and looked sheepish. Severus just rolled his eyes before George interjected. "Is Luna accompanying Neville to the ball?"
"Yes, unfortunately," Draco snapped. "Why?"
Pius huffed and said to Lucius, "I thought your son was intelligent." He leant forward, looking at Draco earnestly. "I believe George is suggesting she attends with you, and perhaps then Adrian can ask Mr Longbottom if he can accompany him in her stead?"
"Oh!" Draco said, blushing slightly. He knew he was being overly reactive but he and Adrian were falling apart at the seams and although he liked Luna, she confused him. She'd slept with both of them on Saturday, and deep down that bothered him. He wondered if his father felt like that when he and his godfather had both slept with his mother.
"Would she distract Ron, though?" Harry asked pensively.
Draco nodded. "She told me on Monday she's very disappointed by him."
Harry exhaled forcefully. "Blimey, that's as good as her saying she hates him."
Severus pondered this. "Draco, go to Miss Lovegood and bring her here."
"Now?" Draco protested. Severus just glared at his godson, who immediately cowered under his gaze.
Draco nodded and without a word, walked to the door so he could go outside and Apparate to Luna's home but just before he opened it, he turned to look at Adrian and swallowed hard. His eyes were remorseful as he realised that despite all their fighting recently, this was potentially going to be the end of them. Feeling Draco's eyes on him, Adrian looked up and gave his lover a watery smile as if to give his permission to hit another nail into the coffin of their rapidly disintegrating relationship.
Draco turned and left.
"So who are you taking to the Ball now, Harry?" George asked as he took a sip of his beer.
Lucius looked urgently at Severus before asking with an air of concern, "Why are you not attending with Miss Weasley?"
"Do you care?" Harry snapped before closing his eyes and adding, "Ginny and I have split up." He looked Lucius directly in the eye and stated as an afterthought, "No one else was involved."
Lucius swallowed hard and looked at the table before saying with a more hesitant, gravelly voice than usual, "I'm sure it's just a temporary glitch."
"We'll see," Harry said quietly, looking up at Severus who just shrugged in return.
"I told you yesterday...give it time, Harry," Severus stated calmly.
George huffed. "I don't see how giving it time will help when she's going to the Ball with Blaise Zabini."
"She's what? Since when?" Harry exclaimed. He hoped that perhaps the Ball might have been a way to bring him and Ginny back to a level where they could at least start talking again. But now he could forget that idea as quickly as Ginny had obviously forgotten about him.
"Since yesterday afternoon seemingly. Mum's not happy. Well, she's devastated you two have split up so inexplicably, but for Ginny to throw herself at Zabini, as she put it, has really riled her. That said, she was impressed that Blaise had the good manners to go to the house and ask Ginny personally. Dad said Mum thinks that's purely because her new favouredson instilled impeccable manners into his Slytherins..."
Severus turned his head slowly towards to George; his eyes wide with a look somewhere between disbelief and fear.
"Oh, yes," George said teasingly. "You can do no wrong now you're seeing Hermione, sir."
"Oh gods, I'm getting a fucking jumper," Severus groaned as Lucius and Pius struggled to contain their mirth, but at least Lucius had the good sense to order Severus a fire whisky. He downed it with alacrity, much to the amusement of Harry, whose smirk was met by a growl.
"I don't think Severus can take any credit for Mr Zabini's manners," Lucius stated, stifling a smirk. "Blaise is very much a lady's man. Narcissa used to spend hours pampering herself when he came for tea with Draco. Now she just does that when lover boy comes round," he said, jerking his head towards Pius, who was making notes on a piece of parchment.
Lucius rolled his eyes when Pius didn't rise to the bait.
"Oh, fantastic," Harry groused as he downed the rest of his pint before going to the bar to get another drink. "So not only has she left me," he said over his shoulder, "but now she's seeing an impeccably mannered Slytherin lady's man. Is it hard being celibate?"
Severus sighed as Harry sat down next to him. "Harry, if you want her back you may have to tap into your inner Slytherin. As for becoming celibate...far too easy, I'm afraid."
"I don't know why you're worried, Harry. You're a good looking guy," Adrian said as he took a sip of his pint.
"Yeah, and look at all those witches that drool over The Chosen One," George told him
"But that's the problem. I don't want all of those witches. I don't want to be Harry Potter...The Chosen One...The Boy-Who-Did-In-Voldemort," Harry sighed in exasperation.
Pius suddenly looked up and said, "But you're all those things, Mr Potter. You must learn how to separate your public and private persona. Your private persona is then owned completely by your witch and your friends. Severus is a master at that." Pius then turned to Severus and added, "I'm sure he'll show you how it's done."
Severus went to speak, but stopped himself as Draco arrived back with Luna.
"Hello," Luna said breezily. "Draco said you need my help?"
"Miss Lovegood; may I offer you a drink?" Lucius asked cordially as Draco gestured for her to take a seat between Adrian and himself.
Luna gave him a disarming smile. "Thank you, Lucius. I'll have a pint of whatever everyone else is drinking."
Lucius was a little taken aback, but nodded courteously and headed to the bar.
Severus looked at Draco and Luna suppressing a smirk. Draco was smitten; confused, but smitten. "Now Miss Lovegood," he said, "I believe you are attending the ball with Mr Longbottom?"
"Yes. Just because we're not sleeping together doesn't mean we're not still friends," Luna said matter-of-factly.
Severus arched an eyebrow at this comment and simply muttered, "Indeed."
"Draco," Lucius hissed as he sat down, elbowing his son in the ribs as he passed Luna her drink.
"Oh yes," Draco said suddenly. "Ummm, Luna, I was wondering if you perhaps wanted to go with me instead?"
Lucius rolled his eyes at Draco's clumsy proposition and shook his head at Severus, who could only smirk at Lucius' dissatisfaction.
"That makes sense," Luna chimed. "Then Adrian can go with Neville, but I'm not here just so you could ask me that, am I?"
"Indeed not," Pius stated, holding out his hand to Luna to formally introduce himself. "Before we proceed, Miss Lovegood, I must ask that we perform a wand oath. Then we can discuss the reason we requested your presence."
After the formalities had been completed, Pius began, "As you are aware, in recent weeks Ronald Weasley has..."
"Begun to turn towards the dark," Luna interrupted him airily. "He'll not listen to reason...he never has...and needs to be shocked into revealing who he is truly is. What's your plan?"
"Your perception does you credit, Miss Lovegood," Pius drawled as he looked furtively at Severus and Lucius.
"We had a plan..." Harry began cautiously.
"But Adrian managed to balls it up," Draco snorted.
"Grow up, Draco," Adrian snapped back.
"Please don't fight, you two," Luna said gently as she put a hand on both Draco and Adrian's arm. "I much prefer it when you don't fight. Just remember how nice it was on Saturday when you weren't fighting."
Luna suddenly became like a flame, as Draco and Adrian were drawn like moths towards her.
"But it was nice because of you," Adrian said, nuzzling Luna's neck as Draco put his arm around her shoulders and traced his knuckles lightly over her cheek.
"Merlin's Balls, will you three stop it," Severus snapped, but was soundly ignored.
Harry whispered to Severus. "When did Luna become like this?"
"She's just like her mother," Lucius said dreamily.
Harry couldn't help himself. "Fuck her too, did you?" he snapped, which caused a puzzled look from George.
"No actually...she wouldn't let me," Lucius drawled before looking at the scene to his left. "There is a time and a place, you three, and now is not it," he chastised.
"And considering the state of your relationship," Severus remarked as he looked between Draco and Adrian, "this is not wise."
"Uncle is right," Draco said as he separated from Luna, but was relieved when she put her hand on his knee.
Adrian looked utterly dejected as he realised he and Draco had just cracked to a point of no return. Severus recognised the look well, having spent weeks looking at it in the mirror when he and Lily had broken up.
"Mr Longbottom is up at the Castle, Adrian, if you wish me to escort you there now," Severus drawled softly.
"Thank you, Severus," Adrian acknowledged as he gave Draco and Luna a sideways glance.
Suddenly Lucius said, "Draco, step outside please."
"We'll carry on with this discussion upon your return," Pius said as the four men stood to leave.
As Severus was preparing to Apparate to Hogwarts with Adrian, they heard Lucius call after them, "One moment gentlemen."
He then turned to Draco and hissed," Haven't I taught you anything? He may be a Muggle but your behaviour has been deplorable. If you intend to end your relationship with him, tell him. He deserves that at least.
"What is the matter with you, Draco? What do you want?"
"I don't know," Draco said, trying not to cry in front of his father.
"Shall I tell you what you want?" Lucius said kindly as he put his hand on his son's shoulder. "You want stability, you want to know who you are and you want to belong.
"Well you've got your stability and your sense of belonging. You're a Professor now. And if you want to know who you are, Lord Black, I will tell you. You are Draco Lucius Malfoy and you are, for good or ill, my son. And I know I haven't told you this for a very long time, but I love you.
"Now do the decent thing and speak to him. Severus and I will wait."
Draco looked at his father for a moment in disbelief before finally saying, "Thank you...Dad," before walking towards Adrian and Severus.
"You alright?" Severus asked as he joined Lucius, leaving the two younger men to talk.
"He just called me Dad," Lucius said quietly.
Severus just smiled and squeezed his friend's shoulder. As Draco turned to walk back, Severus whispered to Lucius, "Time to deliver Adrian to Neville. Were we ever this complicated?"
"You were worse," Lucius drawled.
"So you'll give me the Portkey tomorrow, Pius?" Luna asked.
"Yes. I will make them all for you personally...who will question the Head of MLE? They'll deactivate upon your return to the Ministry and will just resemble ordinary Sickles."
"Why can't we Apparate?" George grumbled.
"Given the current threat level at the Ministry, we're erecting Anti-Apparation wards to keep away unwelcome visitors," Pius drawled distractedly as he scribbled down a note.
"Luna, can you perform a wandless body bind?" Harry asked.
Suddenly Draco went as stiff as a board and Luna gave Harry a bashful smile.
"Luna, release me, please?" Draco huffed.
"Don't you like being tied up?" Luna asked coquettishly as she removed the spell. The blush on Draco's face indicated that he was very much his father's son.
"Excellent," Harry exclaimed. "Now, Luna will stun him before she leaves, and we will release him from the body bind when he wakes up."
"I believe keeping him bound will be conducive to my little discussion with him." Severus drawled.
"And we'll need him really drunk before we do this," Harry stated.
"That won't be hard," George snorted. "Bill said he's drinking really heavily and people will be throwing more down his throat anyway just because of who he is."
Harry considered this with concern for his...was Ron still his friend? "Well I got couple of bottles of Old Ogden's today so that when we send him back, if he starts spouting off, no one will believe him if he's completely shit-faced." Harry stated.
"Mind you if he's really drunk we'll definitely need Voldemort's chief mind fucker on board because I'm not skilled enough to deal with that," Draco admitted.
"I was Dumbledore's chief mind fucker as well," Severus snarked.
"And of course if he creates a scene," Pius said distractedly as he crossed off a couple of items on his piece of parchment, "Shacklebolt will ask me to investigate and I'll call on Severus as the only Ministry appointed Legilimens available to look into Mr Weasley's mind. If we need to administer Veritarserum to check that Severus is telling the truth, I will administer it. Needless to say, it won't be the investigation strength Veritarserum that Severus brews for us. You are still immune to lesser strengths, aren't you?"
Severus nodded.
"The question is," Lucius added, "Do we need to use the robes or not? I have enough sets at the Manor if we still need them."
Luna looked at Lucius appraisingly. "You mean Death Eater robes? That will scare him," she said, smiling. "I know you are changing his memories so he only remembers the conversation, but the robes will protect you. The masks distort your voice, don't they?"
Severus looked at Luna and shook his head in disbelief. Hermione had been right when he'd accused Luna of not being all there; Luna was frighteningly all there.
George shook his head and snorted, "Bloody hell, Luna, I didn't think you could be so vindictive."
Luna just smiled sweetly. "I'm sorry, George, but Ron isn't himself. He needs help to reveal his true self. And he's upset Hermione and he will pay for that."
Luna's words seemed to send a chill down everyone's spine. Clearly, this was not a witch to mess with.
Severus returned to Hogwarts, determined to get an early night following the turmoil of the previous one. He walked into the living room to find Hermione lying in front of the fire, flicking through the interior design books Narcissa had owled to her earlier that day. He looked down at the page she was currently studying, and grimaced as he observed the truly awful colour scheme.
"Remember I live there as well you, know," he snarked before walking towards the bedroom. He stopped at the door and announced, "I'm going to bed. Why don't you join me and bring your reading material with you?"
Hermione smirked and closed the book, leaving it on the coffee table before joining him a few minutes later. She realised that Severus must have been tired as he was already in bed.
He watched Hermione get undressed and smiled as she finally crawled up onto the bed, trapping him under the bed covers as she straddled his legs.
"Are you not subjecting me to the latest in overpriced decorative foulness?" Severus asked as he wriggled down the bed slightly before putting one hand behind his head. Hermione shook her head as she traced her finger down the centre of his bare chest before holding his spare hand.
"Did you upset Pomona today? I heard her telling Minerva something about not expecting you to condone such behaviour in her greenhouses."
Severus smirked. "Oh! I took Adrian to see Neville and saw Pomona just as I was leaving, so I called after her and told her not to enter Greenhouse number two. My warning obviously went unheeded, and I suspect she found them in flagrante delicto."
Hermione gasped before eyeing Severus suspiciously. "How come you saw Adrian?"
"Lucius told Draco he was meeting me for a drink and they decided to join us. Basically they argued over Adrian having a drink with Neville, and Draco's companion for tomorrow evening is stuck abroad, so he announced that he would ask Luna to the Ball. They were doomed from that moment as Luna was attending with Neville..."
"Adrian's going with Neville now?" Hermione asked.
Severus nodded, hoping Hermione would accept this version of events.
"Oh that's sad. I liked those two together," Hermione muttered, looking perplexed before adding, "Well I can't think about that now. Fancy a shower?" she purred seductively.
Severus narrowed his eyes. "Just a shower?"
Hermione shook her head, biting her bottom lip.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
Hermione nodded as she began to move off the bed and throw back the duvet. "Impatient witch," Severus muttered before he grabbed Hermione's wrist and pulled her into him as he sat on the edge of the bed. He captured her lips tentatively, nibbling her bottom lip gently. "Are you really sure?" he asked again.
Hermione ran her fingers through Severus' hair and nodded again before backing away from him, asking him to give her a moment before she walked into the bathroom.
Severus looked at the floor and was aware of his cock twitching expectantly as he heard the shower running. As he reached the bathroom door, he leant up against the doorframe as he watched Hermione standing under the falling stream of water, waiting for him.
Suddenly Hermione gasped as she found herself lifted and pushed against the cold tiles. Severus' hands supported her rounded backside as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He attacked her mouth with his; his erection already fit for action. One last time, he asked if she really wanted him inside her, and she moaned her affirmation against his neck.
Wasting no time he pulled her up higher to allow the tip of his cock to rest against her entrance. Their lips met again; tongues battling against each other. Hermione's fingers grabbed a handful of Severus' now wet hair as she wriggled down his shaft slowly. Severus' initial thrusts were slow and cautious, not wishing to cause her any discomfort, but her unmistakable moans of pleasure overwhelmed him, causing him to roll his hips to lengthen his strokes.
After their initial desperation, their kisses deepened further and became more sensuous as they drifted into a steady, gentle rhythm.
"Fuck, I've missed you.," Severus groaned into her mouth.
"It's only been...two...days..." Hermione stuttered out as she felt her core tightening towards her climax.
"Too fucking long," he gasped as her walls began constricting around him, and he felt his balls tightening, ready to release when she did.
"I can't wait to see your hair in the morning," Severus chuckled into Hermione's damp curls as he cuddled up behind her in bed as they luxuriated in their post coital glow.
"Yeah, it will be a disaster. Mind you, yours won't be much better," she giggled. "When did it get so long?"
Severus huffed. "Don't you start. Lucius made a similar comment this evening. Now go to sleep."
Hermione turned over to face him and ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed his nose. "You know I love you..." she said liltingly, her eyes playfully exploring his face.
"Alright; I'll get it cut tomorrow," Severus groused and pretended to go to sleep.
Author's Note: The title of the chapter comes from Obi-Wan Kenobi in Return of the Jedi "So what I told you was true...from a certain point of view"
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