Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 291099 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
The lights came up after the last credits rolled. Harriet and Hermione glanced around as the other movie-goers began to get up and depart from the cinema. They both relaxed and let out little sighs of relief when nobody took a second glance at them. Despite both being as naked as the day they were born, the illusion that they were wearing clothing was still holding strong.
“So, what’d you think?” asked Sirius, smiling hopefully at them as he rose to his feet.
“Robin Hood’s accent was a bit dodgy if you ask me,” Dora snorted, standing up.
“Well, the actor who played him is American, after all,” Remus pointed out with a chuckle.
“And it wasn’t so bad,” said Sirius, “I’ve heard worse. There was that film on television when we visited James and Lily when Harriet was still an infant—the one with a witch who was a nanny—”
“Mary Poppins?” Remus suggested.
“That’s the one. There was that one bloke—the chimney sweep—”
“Oh, I know that one,” said Dora. “Never ‘ad a chance to see it myself, but Dad always said that was the worst Cockney accent ‘e’d ever ‘eard.”
“It was quite awful,” Hermione agreed, letting out a little giggle. “I saw it on the television too a few years ago. Kevin Costner’s accent wasn’t brilliant, but it was lots better than that.”
“Erm…” said Harriet, feeling a bit left out of things.
“Ah, you haven’t seen it,” said Remus perceptively. “I should be able to find a copy of Mary Poppins in a video shop, Harriet.”
“Anyway, about Robin Hood,” said Sirius, peering eagerly at Harriet.
“Oh, it was brilliant,” she said, grinning. “Loads of fun. There was just one thing which sort of made me feel a bit weird. That guy who played Sheriff of Nottingham—”
“Alan Rickman,” Sirius nodded.
“Yeah, him,” said Harriet, frowning. “There was something about him…”
“Oh!” Hermione’s eyes turned into saucers and she clapped a hand to her mouth, then dropped it. “No wonder I thought he was so creepy. I thought it was just because the Sheriff was such a horrid person, but he looked like—’
“Snape!” Harriet’s jaw dropped. “That’s it! Of course, Hermione.”
“Oh, er,” Sirius looked a bit disconcerted, “I’m sorry, maybe another film—”
“No! It really was brilliant,” said Harriet quickly. “When he got stabbed through the heart, it was great!”
Sirius couldn’t help grinning at that; Remus shook his head and smirked.
“Well, we should probably get going,” said Remus, glancing around the theatre. “It looks like nearly everyone has cleared out.”
“Right, then,” Sirius turned to walk along the narrow aisle between the seats. He looked back when he realized that Harriet and Hermione were still seated.
“We’re coming,” said Harriet, starting to get up, though somewhat hesitantly.
Sirius nodded then turned again and kept going, Dora right behind him. Harriet breathed a sigh of relief and took Hermione’s hand as she stood up too. They glanced at the theatre chairs in which they had been sitting before following the others, noting with embarrassment the puddles of their juices soaking through the fabric of the cushioned seats.
“Let’s go before anyone notices,” said Harriet quietly, her face blazing as she pulled Hermione along the aisle. Redfaced, Hermione nodded.
They left a trail of drips in their wake from the dewy nectar still trickling down their inner-thighs. It had been nearly impossible to restrain themselves from having orgasms in the darkness with all of the sounds of fighting and loud swells of music rumbling through the auditorium while the silver candlesticks jostled around in their pussies; the thrusting and twisting inside Harriet and Hermione had increased with intensity in every action-filled scene.
Fortunately, their gasps of ecstasy were lost in the walls of sound and went unnoticed by all, except for perhaps Dora, who kept smirking at them and looking slightly envious.
“Right,” Dora said, after they had all got home and were behind the closed doors of their bedroom. “You two are gonna show me that spell again—”
She dropped the silver candlestick she had nicked from downstairs on the bed, and began stripping down, tugging her t-shirt over her head.
“—I’m not letting you two ‘ave all the fun by yourselves next time,” she concluded, grinning as she yanked off her jeans and knickers.
After hurriedly shoveling the rest of his dinner down, Draco had made a beeline for the library and showed a very skeptical looking Madam Pince his pass to the restricted section. He spent the next few hours studying the complicated looking spells intensely, flourishing his wand and muttering incantations behind his curtains until long past curfew.
He glanced up in annoyance when Crabbe stuck his head through the emerald green curtain.
“Oi,” said Crabbe, “Goyle’s nodded off out here an’ it’s getting’ on for midnight. How much longer you gonna be?”
Draco sighed and looked back at the open page in front of him.
“I think I’ve almost got it,” he said. “These spells are bloody hard. They don’t even teach this stuff at Hogwarts—it’s really advanced. Still—it should get us past the wards and into that cage. Give me another hour. I should be alright to at least give it a go.”
“Yeah, alright then,” Crabbe sighed. “I might have a little snooze then too.”
It was nearly two o’clock before Draco felt confident enough that he could do the spells well enough to get through whatever wards Dumbledore had put on the cage—maybe—with a little bit of luck. Which was good, because he’d had a rock hard stiffy since he’d seen those Ravenclaw girls in the afternoon and it was starting to get painful.
Thinking that he wouldn’t mind having a crack at that Chang girl if he ever got the chance, Draco bundled himself up warmly and grabbed his invisibility cloak. Then shook Crabbe and Goyle awake.
“Wha’?” Goyle mumbled blearily, rubbing at his eyes.
“Come on,” hissed Draco. “I’m ready. I’ll go by myself if you two dolts don’t want to come.”
“You ain’t leavin’ us outta this,” said Crabbe as he grabbed his coat.
Under Draco’s invisibility cloak, the trio crept quietly through the stone corridors of the castle. They all jumped with fright when the hinges of the gigantic oak front door let out a loud creak. Draco looked around wildly, breathing heavily, his heart pounding against the wall of his chest. When nobody came running, he and Crabbe and Goyle let out a collective sigh of relief.
Once outside, with the door closed behind them, Draco whipped off his Invisibility Cloak and tucked it into his coat pocket. The gleeful but cold trio trudged through the powdery drifts as snowflakes swirled around them in flurries of wind. Finally, they reached the quidditch pitch without incident.
They peered through the bars of the cage eagerly at the two naked girls within, their faces pressed between each other’s thighs as the snow from the latest squall began piling up around them.
Draco began waving his wand and chanting incantations. It took several minutes as his cheeks grew colder in the biting wind . When he had finished, he grabbed the bars of the door of the cage and was shocked when it actually opened. He really hadn’t expected the spells to work for him, considering that he was only a firsty and that Dumbledore was sure to have put very powerful wards on the cage. Draco had been planning on yelling at the girls and commanding them to come to the edge of the cage so he could make them suck the three of them off through the bars and then piss down their throats, knowing that their compulsion collars would force them to obey.
The trio of young Slytherins waded through the snowdrifts as fast as they could. Draco grabbed a handful of Katie Bell’s frozen hair and yanked her head up. She squealed in pain and surprise, and she immediately began shivering violently.
“Nooo, please,” she wailed as a pile of snow fell from her bare backside which was covered in goosebumps.
Without a word in response, Draco shoved his cock in Bell’s mouth. Her lips were blue and cold, but her tongue and palate were humid and warm. He began thrusting into her throat, but he was so randy after waiting all night for this moment that he erupted after three pumps and was still squirting his semen into Bell’s stomach when he blacked out.
Lavender and Parvati kicked Malfoy off Katie, over whom he was slumped, then hauled her to her feet. Katie's shackles and chains fell away and they quickly wrapped a blanket around their blue friend who stopped shivering quite so violently.
“What? How?” she gasped, Draco’s spunk still dribbling from her lips.
“Professor McGonagall,” said Parvati and Lavender in unison, both of them grinning.
The three of them glanced at the professor, who was lifting an equally surprised Sophie to her feet, magically releasing her from her handcuffs and spreader bars and wrapping a blanket around her. Sophie spat Goyle’s sperm onto his own face while Hannah and Susan kicked him and Crabbe few times. The two loutish Slytherins were already unconscious and sprawled in the snow.
Cho Chang and Marietta took a couple of turns kicking Crabbe and Goyle while Penelope Clearwater stood nearby, smirking, and Padma shuffled through the drifts over to her sister and Lavender.
“Okay girls, that’s enough kicking,” said Professor McGonagall firmly. “They’ll be receiving punishment enough. Now, who wants to take their clothes off?”
The girls cried out, “Oh, me, me,” and, “I’ll get his trousers,” and, “I’ve got his coat.”
“Sorry we didn’t get them sooner,” Lavender said to Katie as she tugged off one of Draco’s shoes.
“We had to wait a couple of minutes to make sure they wouldn’t notice us,” Parvati explained. “We want them to think that you escaped by yourselves after they got in the cage.”
“Here’s his wand,” said Lavender, passing it to Katie.
Professor McGonagall watched in satisfaction until the three Slytherin boys were completely naked. She removed Sophie’s and Katie’s slave collars and wrapped one around Goyle’s neck and one around Draco’s.
“Too bad I can’t put one on you,” McGonagall said to the insensible Crabbe.
Then she shooed all of the girls out of the cage and cast a few spells over the boys before exiting herself and locking the gate behind her.
“Thank you, Professor,” Sophie squeaked, crying with happiness as she threw her arms around McGonagall and tightly embraced her, her blanket falling away.
“There, there, dear,” said McGonagall, giving her a couple of pats. “Now stand back a bit, there’s a dear. I believe you have a houseguest who needs to be evicted.”
“She means that horrid snake,” said Katie, seeing Sophie’s puzzled expression.
“Oh!” Sophie’s eyes widened. “You mean he isn’t going to live inside of me forever?”
“That is precisely what I mean,” said McGonagall, trying to keep the fury out of her voice; there was no question in her mind that Draco Malfoy deserved everything that was coming to him—the worst of which would be waiting for the early hours of the morning, just a few hours hence. “Now, this may be a bit painful, Miss Roper, but bear with it as best you can and soon it will all be over.”
“Okay, I’m ready,” Sophie nodded, bracing herself.
“Very good! …” McGonagall focused her intent, pointing her wand at Sophie’s lower abdomen. “Anguis Ejecto,” she muttered.
Sophie gasped, her eyes popping; she felt the long serpent flailing violently inside her. Her abdomen bulged, every undulation and coil clearly visible through the rippling skin of her belly. All the other girls quickly looked away. Sophie’s knees buckled and she let out an anguished moan of pain. Katie grabbed Sophie and held her close to her breast.
Hot tears streamed down Sophie’s cheeks; she felt the snake’s three heads push through her cervix and into her tender passage as they had so many times, but this time they were hissing and spitting with rage, snapping at the inner walls of her vagina, their sharp fangs digging into her flesh in a vain attempt to resist the expulsion.
No matter how hard the heads clung to Sophie’s interior the magic forced them to open wide their jaws, releasing their painful grip on her passage. The heads could no longer resist the pull and slid further down Sophie’s flinching channel towards her entrance.
She groaned as her labia parted and the three heads of the serpent emerged from her vagina, the rest of its scaly, sinewy body undulating and unfurling as it slithered from her womb.
It seemed to go on and on, as two and a half feet of snake squirmed inside Sophie, slowly, reluctantly, passing through her, exiting her body an inch at a time. Katie held onto her, whispering reassuring words in her ear, telling her it would soon be over.
When Sophie felt the last few inches of its tail whipping the walls of her inner-chamber as it slipped through her cervix. She let out several moans of pain, “Nnnnhgh…gaah!” which turned into rapidly heaving sighs of relief, her breasts jiggling with every breath, “Aaaaah…ah…ah…”
It took Sophie a moment to notice the emptiness inside her throbbing, burning channel, wetness dripping from her labia. Katie kissed her cheek several times.
“It’s over, Sophie! Good girl! It’s over!”
“Not just yet,” growled Professor McGonagall, pointing her wand at the hydra trying to slither away through the snow. “Incendio!”
The three-headed serpent shrieked and burst into flame, wriggling wildly until its charred body gave one last squirm, twitched, and stilled forever.
“Now it’s over,” said McGonagall, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. “I think it’s about time I conjured some clothes for you two.”
Moments later, Katie and Sophie were bundled up against the cold, in big furry coats with hoods, and proper snow boots, thawing the ice in their veins. Sophie still hurt inside, but she knew that would fade soon enough.
“Alright then,” said McGonagall, “say your goodbyes for now. I’ll make sure that Miss Bell and Miss Roper are safely on their way—the rest of you had best be off and back to bed. Mr. Filch should still be out cold, but he won’t stay that way forever.”
“Bye Katie,” said Lavender and then Parvati, both giving their friend a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Sophie embraced Hannah and Susan, never wanting to let go.
“I’ll miss you,” she said, her tears freezing to her cheeks.
“We’ll see you again,” said Susan.
“That’s a promise,” said Hannah.
Great gusts of snow blew over everyone as one group of girls headed back to the castle where Professor Flitwick was still keeping watch, and Professor McGonagall led the other two girls along the snowed over pathway through the woods. The branches of the pines swayed in the wind above them, and finally, they reached the gates of the grounds where they saw two shadowy figures just beyond the wrought-iron bars.
McGonagall opened one of the gates.
“Okay, girls. Now, don’t be frightened,” she said, “This is Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. They’re very kind and not at all like their boys—who are being punished, I can assure you. They will both look after you very well.”
“Come along then, dears,” said Mrs. Weasley warmly after they had both given Professor McGonagall one last hug. “Now, this will feel a bit odd, she said to the two girls. We’re going to travel by Apparition, but it’ll be perfectly safe as long as you both hold onto us tightly. Sophie, you’re with me, Arthur will take Katie.”
Two loud cracks rang out, and then the dark, snowy woods fell silent, except for the howl of the wind through the trees.
Draco came to. He was bloody cold! He was freezing his arse off, in fact. Still feeling disoriented, it took him a moment to realise that he was completely naked and covered in snow.
“What the hell?” He scrambled to his feet in a panic, his willy dangling in the bitterly cold gusts of wind blowing snow between his thighs.
Draco heard groaning and spotted his equally nude, hairless gorilla shaped mates clambering to their feet as well. Hugging himself uselessly with his arms and his teeth chattering, he called out to them.
“Wh-what h-h-happened?” Goyle shouted back, covering his freezing dick with one hand.
“D-d-didn’t y-y-you s-s-see?” asked Draco.
“D-d-din’ see n-nuthin’…” said Crabbe, shaking his head.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Draco swore, his feet feeling like lumps of ice. “It m-m-must h-h-h-have b-been those f-f-fucking sl-sluts. Th-they m-m-must’ve kn-knocked us out and st-stolen our c-c-c-clothes, and our w-w-wands. L-let’s g-g-get out of h-h-h-here.”
The three naked Slytherin boys shuffled through the snowdrifts as fast as they could. Draco shook the gate and nearly cried.
“It-it-it’s l-l-locked,” he whimpered.
“Y’mean w-w-we’re g-g-g-gonna f-f-freeze t’death?” moaned Crabbe.
Draco suddenly noticed that Goyle was wearing one of the receptacle collars and immediately clutched at his own neck.
“D-d-dunno,” he moaned miserably. “Th-th-those c-c-c-cunts didn’t f-f-freeze to death.”
“Mebbe the c-c-collars?” said Goyle, tugging at the leather strap around his neck.
Then Draco groaned, remembering what Dumbledore had told the receptacles.
“Wh-wh-what?” said Crabbe, who was trying to rub his over-large belly.
“Th-th-there m-might b-b-be a way.”
“T-t-tell us then,” yelled Goyle. “I d-d-don’t care wh-what it is. I’ll d-d-do anything.”
Draco faltered, not wanting to say it out loud.
“O-okay,” he said finally. “W-w-we h-have to d-d-do what the r-r-receptacles were d-d-doing.”
“Wh-what’s that, th-th-then?” Crabbe bleated, violently shuddering.
“W-w-we have t-t-to l-l-lie down on t-t-t-top of each oth-th-ther and s-s-suck e-e-each other’s kn-kn-knobs a-all n-n-night, and—” Draco halted and grimaced, taking a deep breath, “a-a-and w-we have to d-d-d-drink each oth-th-ther’s p-p-pee.”
Crabbe and Goyle gaped at Draco in horror.
“F-f-fine!” Crabbe moaned. “L-l-let’s g-g-get to it, th-th-then.”
Not wanting to be crushed by Crabbe and Goyle, Draco lay on top of them, peering at the gruesome sight of their half-flaccid dangly bits staring him in the face. He heard Crabbe and Goyle arguing about who was going to take a first turn with his dick, then felt one of them taking his knob in their mouths and start sucking.
Draco shivered as he continued staring at their cocks, not sure that he could bring himself to actually follow through. A freezing blast of wind and the snow piling up on top of Draco decided him and he wrapped his lips around Goyle’s member. The relief from the icy cold was immediate, but not at all good enough to keep the chill from seeping through to his bones; he wondered if drinking Goyle’s piss would really help.
Draco let his own bladder loose and felt whoever it was gulping it down, then the other jostled him and grunted, “Gimme some o’ that.” As soon as he felt the other swallowing his pee, Goyle’s urine flowed into his mouth. Draco gagged and spewed the piss all over Goyle’s thighs; the pee continued squirting from the bell-end of Goyle’s penis, splashing all over Draco’s face.
The dripping urine froze to cheeks; Draco bit the bullet and clamped his mouth around Goyle’s member again and began slurping down the revolting fluid. The effects were far superior and as the boiling urine squirted down his throat and filled his stomach, Draco felt the heat radiating from within his belly. His skin still felt rather cool, but more as if from a gentle spring breeze. Once Goyle’s bladder had completely drained, the glowing heat from within seemed to be steady.
Draco reckoned that the heat would last while his stomach was full, and that he would probably have to milk his mates more than once than once if he was to make until the morning, and then hopefully they would be rescued after breakfast. Draco began to drift off with Goyle’s cock in his mouth.
He was woken a half hour later, shocked to feel his throat tightly clinging to Goyle’s now ramrod stiff cock as it plunged in and out repeatedly. Not willing to lose the heat, Draco resigned himself to Goyle fucking his face, then felt Goyle stiffen and spunk spurting down his throat from his mate’s throbbing member. It seemed to go on forever until the semen gushed from his nostrils.
Draco was relieved to no end when Goyle’s penis deflated, and he hastily swallowed the sperm in his mouth before hurriedly switching and wrapping his lips around Crabbe’s flaccid member.
He was woken again to find his cheeks swollen with a mouthful of Crabbe’s piss and he almost gratefully began gulping it down, releasing his own bladder into what he presumed to be Crabbe’s mouth…
Sophie and Katie promptly doubled over and threw up when they arrived in what looked like a very dark muddy yard in the middle of a downpour. Mrs. Weasley sympathetically patted their backs.
“There, there dears,” she said, “It’s always the worst the first time.”
“I hope I never have to do that again,” Sophie moaned, wiping her mouth on her drenched coat.
“Me neither,” said Katie. “That was horrible. It felt like being sucked through a straw.”
Mr. Weasley chuckled. “That’s exactly how I felt the first time. Come on now, lets get you inside in the warm. You’ve been out in the elements far too long as it is, from my understanding.
A flash of lightning lit up the night sky and Sophie stared up at the oddly shaped black house silhouetted against the storm clouds while Mr. and Mrs. Weasley bustled them inside.
“Okay, let’s get you two out of those wet coats,” said Mrs. Weasley once they were in out of the rain.
Sophie and Katie looked around the kitchen, both feeling more than a bit anxious when Mrs. Weasley took off their dripping coats and hung them on a rack by the door. Mr. Weasley gave them a sympathetic look.
“That’s all that’s coming off, girls,” he said gently, “Now why don’t you both take a seat and we’ll make you some hot cocoa. Would you like that?”
Both girls nodded vigorously. Katie led Sophie by the hand and sat on a chair, then lifted the younger girl onto her lap.
Sophie quickly wrapped her arms around Katie, letting out the breath she had been holding, and relaxed. She glanced at the roaring fire in the brick hearth, feeling almost giddy as she watched the orange flames licking at the roof of the fireplace, bathing in the heat. It was the first time she had truly been warm for weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley shot a sorrowful look at each other when, out of the corners of their eyes, they saw Katie Bell clutching the smaller girl in her arms protectively with a slightly suspicious look in her eye as if the comforts of a warm kitchen might be snatched away at any moment. The littler one was absentmindedly sucking her thumb.
Mr. Weasley slipped a capful of brandy into each of the steaming mugs for the girls, then pushed his glasses back up his nose and put on his brightest smile before he turned around and carried the mugs over and set them on the table.
“Go on then, drink up. You’ll feel better.”
“Would you like some biscuits, dears,” Mrs. Weasley asked, beaming warmly. “I have some chocolate covered digestives and shortbread in the pantry.”
“Yes please,” said Katie; Sophie nodded.
As soon as Sophie picked up her mug of hot cocoa, she was startled to find that she had been sucking her thumb. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The last time she could remember sucking her thumb she had been about six.
Katie gave her a peck on the cheek then lifted her own mug and took a sip. She had several more and began feeling some heat radiating from her middle by the time Mrs. Weasley had returned from the pantry with a plate of biscuits. Katie took a bite of shortbread; the rich buttery sugary flavour—the sensation of real food in her stomach—a little surge of pleasure rushed through her veins. She took another bite.
“Here,” she said to Sophie, handing her the rest of the shortbread, “just a couple of bites. You don’t want to be sick.”
Sophie nodded and ate the shortbread then drank a bit more cocoa. After some more sips of her own, Katie picked up a chocolate covered digestive and ate half. She smiled at Sophie and passed her the other half.
“That’s probably enough for now,” said Katie. “It’ll take a little while before our tummies get used to real food again.”
Mrs. Weasley, who had been beaming at the girls, happy to see them drinking their cocoa and eating the biscuits quickly turned away and dabbed her teary eyes before they could see her crying. Mr. Weasley embraced his wife and gave her a kiss on the cheek, a twitching muscle in his jaw the only sign of his anger.
“The sooner we put an end to this, the better,” he whispered into Molly’s ear.
“You just do whatever you have to do to help Sirius Black,” she whispered back. “He’ll need all hands on deck at the Ministry when the time comes.”
“Of course, dear.”
By the time the girls had finished drinking their cocoa they were both feeling pleasantly drowsy and letting out almost happy little sighs. Mrs. Weasley beamed at them.
“Are you two ready for bed now? Or would you like a bit more cocoa?”
“No thank you, Mrs. Weasley,” said Katie, giving her the first natural smile that she had seen so far. “Bed sounds good—right Sophie?”
Sophie nodded, absentmindedly sucking her thumb again.
Mrs. Weasley smiled at her. The girl had barely said a few words since they had met; she reckoned it might be a while before Sophie felt comfortable enough to talk properly to her or Arthur.
“Alright, come along then, dears. Just follow me up the stairs.”
Katie led Sophie by hand, glancing at the living room as they passed the entrance.
“What’s behind the curtain?” she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“Erm…” said Mr. Weasley.
“It’s best that you girls not see, for now,” said Mrs. Weasley. “You’ll get a chance in due time, if you really want to. All I can say is that two very wicked boys are getting their just deserts.
“Oh!” An odd notion struck Katie when she suddenly remembered what McGonagall had said before seeing them off. “Yes, it probably is better for now.”
“Er… right,” said Mrs. Weasley, slightly taken aback by Katie’s canny tone. “Yes—well, it’s been charmed in any case. Only Arthur or I can open the curtain.”
The wooden stairs creaked under their feet as they climbed several flights until Mrs. Weasley stopped at one of the landings.
“Right then, you have two choices—I’ve made up two beds in that room there,” she pointed, “That’s probably best for tonight at least—though it’s yours from here on out if you want it—or you two can stay in that room with Ginny if you’d like some more company…”
“Mum?” A red-haired girl who looked almost the same age as Sophie poked her head out of the second door which Mrs. Weasley had pointed at. “Is that them?”
“Yes, dear. Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How could I possibly sleep when I knew you and Dad were bringing home two girls? Can they stay with me tonight?”
“Er… well, dear, I’m not sure they’re ready for that just yet.” She gave Katie a questioning look.
Katie turned to Sophie, “What do you want to do?”
Sophie pulled closer to Katie, thumb still in her mouth.
“Please?” said Ginny. “I won’t bother you. I promise. I just… er…” she blushed, “I just wanted some company. I’m the only girl, you see? … I’ve always wished I had sisters instead of stupid brothers—”
“Ginny—” her mother said sharply.
“Well, they are stupid—and mean!” Ginny said defiantly.
“I suppose you’ve got a bit of a point about a few of them,” Mrs. Weasley sighed.
Katie was beginning to like Ginny already, but she wasn’t sure that Sophie was ready to be around anyone else just yet. To her surprise, Sophie nodded.
“You sure, sweetie?” asked Katie.
Sophie nodded again.
“I guess we’re staying with you then,” Katie said to Ginny. “I’m Katie, and this is Sophie.”
Ginny grinned at them both.
“Thank you loads! I won’t bug you—promise!”
“Alright then, I’ll leave you three too it then,” said Mrs. Weasley. “There’s the bathroom over there. You two sleep just as long as you like—okay? I expect you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in ages.”
Katie grimaced. “Yeah—you could say that,” she sighed.
Mrs. Weasley flushed, knowing that she had put her foot in it.
“Sorry, dear—”
“That’s okay,” said Katie quietly. “I know what you meant.”
“Er… Right! ‘Night then—and Ginny, you might as well sleep in too, if you’d like. You lot can all have breakfast whenever you feel like it—or lunch.”
Mrs. Weasley gave them all one last smile, and the stairs creaked again, step by step, as she went back downstairs.
Katie led Sophie by the hand into Ginny’s room, peering at all the posters of the Holyhead Harpies, and the storybooks on her shelf—some of which she actually recognized. Ginny’s bed was also piled high with stuffed animals of all kinds. Ginny gasped when she noticed her newspapers on the floor by her nightstand and hastily kicked them under the bed.
“Er… sorry,” she said, blushing. “It’s just…erm…”
“Harriet Potter maybe?” said Katie, raising her eyebrows.
Ginny nodded, her cheeks aflame now.
“It’s okay,” said Katie. “She’s very nice. I expect she’d like to meet you someday.”
Ginny smiled. “Those are your beds. And there are some clean nighties for you—you can change in the bathroom if you like. Or I can go and wait if you’d like to change in here.”
“It’s okay,” said Katie. “We’re used to it.”
“Oh,” Ginny’s features suddenly fell, and she looked a bit teary, “right!”
Nonetheless, Ginny looked away while Katie and Sophie changed into the nighties. Katie clambered into the bed by the window and Sophie looked at the empty bed, frowning, thumb in her mouth.
“Come on sweetie,” Katie patted her bed, “You don’t have to sleep alone, remember? You and me—forever.”
Sophie’s face lit up and she crawled onto the bed and snuggled close as Katie wrapped an arm around her. Katie glanced at Ginny, who was pulling up her covers and beaming at both of them.
Katie knew what Sophie really wanted—she had made it plain whether she knew it or not—but Katie wasn’t sure if it would bother Ginny. Then Katie reckoned it didn’t matter; there was always the other room if it didn’t work out.
Katie smiled back at Ginny, then she tugged up the side of her nightie, exposing the breast closest to Sophie’s face, her pink nipple already stiff and swollen.
Ginny gaped for a moment, looking surprised and—was that flicker of interest? Then Ginny blushed and quickly turned her face away toward the wall on the other side of her bed.
“Sorry! I said I wouldn’t bother you—go ahead—”
“It’s okay!” said Katie kindly. “We don’t mind—like I said—we’re used to it now. If you want a good look, go right ahead.”
Ginny slowly turned her head and watched as Sophie took her thumb out of her mouth and put Katie’s nipple in it and sucked that instead. A blissful expression crossed Sophie’s features as she slurped and swallowed.
Ginny’s jaw dropped even further, and her eyes turned into saucers, and before she could stop herself, she blurted out, “You really have milk?”
Katie couldn’t help grinning.
“I’ve got plenty—I’ve got two boobs—see?” She lifted the other side of her nightie. “Want some?”
“Wait! What?”
“I’ve got plenty of milk, if you want some too.”
“Are you serious?”
Ginny glanced at Sophie again, and was almost hypnotized by the ecstatic look on the other girl’s face. Before she even knew what she was doing, Ginny was already out of her bed and halfway across the room—then she halted.
“Come on,” Katie patted the bed, then gave her free breast a couple of squeezes; a thin stream of milk jetted from tip of hard pink nipple, “don’t be shy.”
Ginny didn’t need any more enticing. She clambered into Katie’s bed and snuggled under the older girl’s other arm, then she tentatively reached up and squeezed Katie’s firm yet soft breast—it felt really nice in her hand—and wrapped her lips around Katie’s nipple and began to suck.
Katie’s milk flowed into Ginny’s mouth, sweet and pure—she gulped it down—and with it a rush of euphoria flowed through her veins.
With two feeding at her breasts, Katie’s lips gaped slightly—little gasps escaping—eyelids closed—lashes fluttering—tingles and wetness between her thighs, calling out for attention.
Sophie’s hand slid down the smooth satiny skin of Katie’s abdomen in response to the call, reaching between her thighs. Her fingers found the heated center of Katie’s slit, slipping between the humid petals, stroking the pink pearl at the apex of Katie’s crescent.
Katie was transported—a cresting rhapsodic wave sweeping through her from head to toes—she shuddered—ragged heaving breaths—and the electrical charge carried the other two into the abyss with her. The three girls passed into oblivion, two pairs of lips still encircling pink peaks atop a pair of soft globes, and a hand still between Katie’s thighs.
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