Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Characters: Fenrir, Hermione, Igor, Draco, Calan, Severus
Pairings: Fenrir/Hermione; Igor/Draco; Calan/Hermione
Warnings: het, slash, spanking
Chapter 33 – The Toy Room
Yorik sat down on the couch in the living room of their quarters and pressed Hermione against his chest to calm her. “Come on, you know them. They will be all right.”
“Why do they have to fight? They will be hurt.”
“That's how they are; that's how we dominants are. Now stop worrying.”
She had been placed on their laps in turns to overwhelm her with their different scents. During her heat she was being affected by it even more, especially under emotional stress.
When she was roughly pulled from Yorik's lap twenty minutes later she was so dazed that she needed a moment to realize the scent she smelled now was the one of her alpha. “Fenrir,” she sobbed and threw her arms around his neck while he carried her down to their bedroom.
Hermione couldn’t say or ask anything because the moment she met the bed sheets, Fenrir was all over her. He quickly shredded her clothes, and the moment he had access to her breasts, he was sucking on them like a starving man. “Missed you so much,” he mumbled while his lips were still on her nipple and his hands clumsily removed her knickers by shredding them into pieces as well.
“Fenrir,” Hermione said, out of breath because she was so overwhelmed by his enthusiasm and the feeling of reuniting with him.
“Need you now,” Fenrir half spoke and half groaned, and Hermione yelled when he entered her without any more foreplay. She still wasn't used to his size without some stretching beforehand and so it hurt.
Fenrir mumbled something that sounded close to ‘sorry’, and then he leaned over her and bit her shoulder, pumping into her with no mercy. His wolf took over, and he was in bliss to be with his pup after the annoying days spent with Voldemort.
Hermione was in the foggy state she always was when she was bitten by one of her mates. The pain in her center ebbed and she started to moan. When Fenrir released the tender flesh of her shoulder, the pain came back but was overridden by the pleasure. Not only the physical pleasure but emotional pleasure from having Fenrir back as well. The poor newly turned, the fight between Fenrir and Severus; everything was forgotten.
She finally regained control of her limbs and moved her arms around Fenrir's neck. He stared at her while he took her as deeply as possible. His eyes were completely yellow and for Hermione it seemed they were flickering like flames.
It felt so good to be with him. She quickly reached her orgasm and he followed shortly after. Exhausted, he sank down on the bed beside her.
When the hazes in her mind cleared Hermione realized that it wasn't sweat she had felt on Fenrir's body during the sex, it was blood. “Fenrir,” she screamed, shocked. “You’re hurt. We need to find Miller!”
“It's nothing. Lay down again,” Fenrir grumbled and pulled her down beside him.
“No, Fenrir!” She tried to struggle out of his grip, but he just pressed her tighter against his chest. “Fenrir, you’re bleeding all over. Let me go!”
Fenrir growled, but let her go. “The wounds aren't deep, pup. We are werewolves. They will heal quickly. Stop overreacting.” He had hoped for a bit of rest but knew if he didn't distract the pup she would never stop whining.
“What are you doing?” Hermione asked, surprised when he again started to kiss her.
“Next round, pup,” Fenrir mumbled while nibbling on her shoulder. He had left a very impressive bite mark there a few minutes ago.
Hermione pushed him away. “You need help, Fenrir, and I want to talk about those people out there and Castor. How is he?”
Fenrir groaned and stood up. “We won't speak about them. What about Castor? He broke the rules, that's all there is to it.” He winced a bit when he threw a shirt over himself.
“But we don't know what he would have done. He just wanted to be close to me. I don't think he would have hurt me. I need to see him. Please let me see him, Fenrir.”
Fenrir snorted. “Let you see him? He won't be allowed near you for a very long time. Not that it would matter anyway. He won't make it.”
“What do you mean?” Hermione sat up on the bed and looked worriedly at Fenrir.
“He won't survive his next changing. He doesn't have enough time to regenerate and he knows that he has lost control. If his physical condition doesn’t kill him during the changing, his guilt will do so. Now stop asking stupid questions.”
“Let me see him. I need to tell him that I'm not mad. He needs to fight, Fenrir. He is a good warrior. You know that. Come on, you don't want him to die. Please, let me talk to him and you can let Miller check you through while we are there.” She looked pleadingly at him, but the mischievous grin that appeared on his face made her uneasy.
“Can you see this?” He grabbed for the bulk in his trousers. “I was away from you too long, and so close before the moon. Now I need release to not go crazy. You want to see him? You need to bargain with me.”
Hermione gulped. “What do you want?”
Fenrir grinned even more. “You will come with me to the toy room now and take care of this little problem. If you are good, I will let you see Castor afterward.”
The toy room was still a red flag for her. She didn't want to go there but she also couldn't let Castor die because he thought he had done something bad. “And you will let Miller check you over!”
“No! I'm all right. Now come!”
“No, those are my conditions. You will let Miller check you over while I talk to Castor!”
He growled dangerously and grabbed her forcefully. “If I want you to go to the toy room with me, you will, bargain or not!” His eyes were yellow again, and Hermione had to fight hard against the feeling of panic.
“NO!” She glared at him and his eyes started to flicker again.
“Pup, you...” He growled, and Hermione knew he was fighting hard against his wolf.
“I'm sorry, Fenrir. I of course will come with you if you need me but please, give me what I need as well. I need to know that you really are okay. I need to hear it from Miller.”
He closed his eyes and groaned. “All right. Now come!” Not waiting for a reaction from her, he threw her over his shoulder and carried her out of the room.
“No, Fenrir, my clothes!” Hermione screamed, shocked. She was still butt naked.
“You won't need them,” Fenrir replied while they already were stepping out of their quarters.
“Oh, no,” Hermione whimpered and hid her face in her hands. The hall was crowded and she didn't want to know who saw her like this.
She was placed on her feet when they were in the toy room, and Hermione looked around scared while Fenrir undressed. “You won't hurt me, will you?” Hermione asked, looking with fear at the wall on which the paddles and lashes hung.
Fenrir snorted. It amused him that she still thought he could do anything that was totally against her will.
Hermione couldn't interpret this snort and tried to get as much distance between herself and the instrument wall as possible, but that made her come closer to the restraint section. Oh, how much she hated this room! How could Draco like it so much?
“Stop worrying and come over here.”
Hermione gave Fenrir a frightened look. He simply smirked and pressed a button on the wall. A long, thick beam appeared from under the floor and rose to mid-height in the middle of the room. Another of Goran's inventions. The thick beam had no feet and was hovering in the air. It was long so at least three people could sit on it without space issues. It was covered with padded, brown leather. Fenrir pressed a button on the bean and shackles appeared close to one edge.
“What are you waiting for, pup?”
Hermione pulled her gaze from the beam and looked at Fenrir. Now she noticed his bruises again. “Are you sure we should do this? You look...”
“Stop it. We have a deal!”
Hermione sighed, but then another thought struck her. “What about Severus. How is he?”
“The head beta is all right, pup. The head alpha wouldn't have let me damage his beta too badly so close to the moon. So you don't have to worry.” He grinned. “Took you long enough to ask.”
Hermione blushed in shame. “That's not funny.”
“Come over, I'm sick of talking,” Fenrir said and grabbed to move her where he wanted her. Quickly he lifted her on the beam and sat down behind her.
Hermione squeaked and grabbed for the beam when it moved upwards so that only Fenrir's feet could touch the floor.
“Calm down, you can't fall off.” Fenrir sneaked an arm around her waist. “Lean over and place your hands in the cuffs.”
“Fenrir, I...”
“Do it, pup!”
Still scared, she did what he told her and the cuffs clicked closed as soon as she had placed her hands in them. She tried to look behind her when she felt Fenrir push another button on the beam and something poked her center. She squeaked again and tried to scoot forward.
“Wait!” Fenrir commanded. “Relax!”
Hermione felt his fingers at her center and she was in bliss. How was it that he could play with her and she forgot all her fear? Wetness dripped on the beam, and Fenrir kissed her shoulder. “Much better, pup.”
It was so stupid that his praise made her glow inside, but she couldn't fight it and didn't want to. Fenrir's slick fingers were wandering to her rear now. After he had stretched her enough, he lifted her a bit and something hard poked her center. Again she tried to turn but the shackles prevent it. “Fenrir?”
“Shh.” He bent the flexible dildo he had pushed into her and let her sink down onto the beam.
The dildo penetrated her not too deeply, but the pressure it added because of the bending was awkward.
“Bend your legs!”
Confused, Hermione obeyed and suddenly shackles sneaked around her ankles, effectively immobilizing her. She was scared because she felt so unbalanced and the beam was moving slightly. At least Fenrir still had a hand on her back.
Suddenly the thing in her center started to grow. When it came close to the end, Hermione tried to wriggle upwards, but the space she had to move was robbed of her by Fenrir pressing hard on her back. “It knows when to stop. It's magic, pup.”
“Oh, Merlin,” Hermione breathed when she felt the phallus hit her cervix. She was scared because if the beam would move it would be painful for her. Then she felt Fenrir position himself at her pucker and she was feeling pleasure again. The fear was gone when he was completely inside her.
When the rocking started she first was overwhelmed by fear once more, but when she realized that the phallus in her center wasn't causing pain she relaxed and let the pleasure take over. She moaned and wriggled under Fenrir and his grunts made her even hornier.
It was unusual for Fenrir but he showered her with kisses on her back and shoulder while he took her slowly and deeply.
She had come twice by now, but Fenrir seemed to never want to finish himself. Her head rested, exhausted on the beam when a knock made her open her eyes and stare at the door. Igor peeked in.
“Can I come in, Alpha Fenrir? I need to take care of one of the subs.”
“Sure. I hope it will be entertaining,” Fenrir answered, amused.
Igor nodded and pulled a reluctant Draco behind him.
Draco had his head lowered but quickly looked up at Hermione. They couldn't look at each other long because Igor pulled Draco over to a table opposite the beam. Hermione followed them with her eyes. “Bend over, hands in the cuffs!” Igor commanded.
Draco whimpered, and Hermione was worried for him. Fenrir was moving in her slowly and the worry didn’t have time to get overwhelming.
“Move your legs!” Igor ordered and spanked Draco's thighs. Draco whimpered again, but when he spread his legs Hermione could see his hard on. Igor went over to the instrument wall and took a wooden paddle and a whip. The last one he placed beside Draco on the table and swung the paddle in the air. “Next time you need release from tension you will come to one of us dominants and not provoke us. Is that clear, Draco?”
“Yes,” Draco whimpered.
“Brace yourself,” Igor warned shortly before the paddle cracked down on Draco's bum.
Hermione jerked, and Fenrir chuckled behind her. Draco whimpered and the cracking sounds vanished when Fenrir started to pound into her.
Hermione came a third time and finally Fenrir grunted his own release. She was totally exhausted and didn't even realize that the beam was lowered, not that it mattered to her because she still was in the restraints. The sounds around her came back, and she saw Draco whimpering and crying, but to Hermione's surprise, still hard as Igor changed his spanking instruments.
“You are forgiven, Draco,” Igor said calmly and let the whip brush over Draco's red globes and finally over his balls.
Hermione could scent Draco's relief and his pleasure when the whip moved over his balls. Hermione had to close her mind because she got horny again.
The door opened and Calan peeked in. “The Head Beta is asking for you, Alpha Fenrir.”
“I'm coming.” Fenrir replied, already dressing himself.
“Fenrir?” Hermione asked, shocked, realizing that he intended to leave her there restrained on the damn beam with the phallus still inside her and his sticky come dripping down from her pucker over her center and down onto the beam.
“Move your arse inside and take care of her, Calan,” Fenrir grunted when he headed outside.
“What? No, Fenrir, we had a deal!”
She could hear Igor chuckle, as Calan moved over to her. She glared at him and he stopped.
“Are you still mad at me because of Draco? He forgave me.”
“Set me free, Calan.”
“I can't! Alpha Fenrir said I shall take care of you.”
“And you can do so by setting me free.”
Again Igor chuckled. “There is only one way to make her shut up and it is the one way Alpha Fenrir meant by telling you to take care of her.”
Calan removed his shirt, and Hermione groaned because she couldn't stop herself from feeling aroused by seeing his well-built chest and his dragon tattoo. She knew she was radiating pheromones and giving herself away with it.
Calan sat down behind her and leaned over her back. “Let me pleasure you, pup. I'm sorry for what happened in the pool.”
“Don't remind her about it all the time and take her, Calan,” Igor instructed while he lightly petted Draco's balls with the whip.
Hermione couldn't resist looking at Draco again while Calan got in position behind her. Draco wriggled around and moaned like crazy.
“Stop squirming, Draco,” Igor said and slightly spanked Draco's balls.
Draco squeaked and then said, out of breath, “Can't! I... oh... oh...” He jerked and thick, white sperm shot out of the hard shaft that dangled between Draco's legs while Igor didn't stop petting Draco's ball with the whip. “Please, oh Merlin.” Draco squirmed while he still shot his seed. It seemed he couldn't stop as long as Igor was petting his balls.
Igor chuckled and gave the balls a last smack and placed the whip on the table. Quickly he got in position and rammed his member into the still gasping Draco.
Hermione could no longer concentrate on Draco as Calan had removed the phallus and now was pumping inside her.
“Merlin, I’ve waited so long for this,” Calan panted while he nibbled at her shoulder.
Hermione moaned. Calan was so well-built and fit perfectly inside her. She still found him very cute, so she enjoyed his ministrations a lot. He had chosen to take her pussy and she was grateful for it because she still liked it more than anal penetration. When she had come once more, Fenrir and Severus came into the toy room.
Hermione gasped, seeing Severus. He had a deep gash across his face.
“No worries, pup. He just has to wait for after the moon to heal his face with magic. He will get his lovely face back in no time,” Fenrir teased as Severus growled.
“Move off of her, Calan,” Severus commanded. When Calan went to dismount the beam, disappointed that he hadn't been able to finish, Severus barked at him again. “I said pull out, not get off the beam!”
Oh, the head beta was in a bad mood. Calan ducked his head.
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